992 resultados para COMA VEGETATIVO


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Condições de estresse hídrico e salino durante a fase de germinação afetam a emergência das plântulas no campo e, consequentemente, o estande das plantas e o desenvolvimento vegetativo das culturas. Através de dois experimentos objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos dos estresses hídrico e salino, na germinação e vigor de sementes de dois genótipos de sorgo forrageiro [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. A semeadura foi realizada no interior de caixas "Gerbox", sobre duas folhas de papel "germitest" umedecidas com água destilada (controle) ou com soluções de polietileno glicol 6000, de modo a fornecer os potenciais hídricos de -0,2, -0,4 e -0,8 MPa, ou com NaCl a 75, 150 e 300 mM, respectivamente. A germinação e o vigor das sementes foram avaliados através da primeira contagem (PCG), teste padrão (TG), índice de velocidade (IVG) e tempo médio de germinação (TMG). Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial (2x4), totalizando oito tratamentos, com quatro repetições de 50 sementes cada, em ambos os ensaios. O genótipo CSF 18 teve a germinação afetada somente no maior nível de salinidade (300 mM), observando-se aumento no TMG e redução nas variáveis PCG, IVG e TG. O genótipo CSF 20 apresentou comportamento semelhante, exceto para as variáveis IVG e TMG, as quais foram afetadas pelo NaCl a partir da concentração de 150 mM. Os genótipos mostram respostas diferenciadas quanto às condições de déficit hídrico e salinidade, sendo que as sementes de sorgo do genótipo CSF 18 apresentam germinação e vigor superiores em relação às do genótipo CSF 20.


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A quantidade e a época de aplicação de nitrogênio em cobertura podem favorecer a qualidade fisiológica das sementes, com o aumento do teor de proteína, que são importantes no desenvolvimento do embrião. Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de milho doce provenientes de plantas cultivadas sob diferentes doses e épocas de aplicação de nitrogênio em cobertura. Foram utilizadas sementes da variedade BR 400, provenientes de plantas submetidas às doses de 0, 40, 80, e 120 kg ha-1 de N aplicadas nos estádios vegetativo e reprodutivo. Foram determinadas a massa de 100 sementes, germinação, primeira contagem de germinação, a massa seca e o crescimento de plântulas, o vigor, pelos testes de frio, envelhecimento acelerado, emergência de plântulas no campo, tetrazólio, condutividade elétrica e índice de velocidade de emergência. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo teste F a 5% e a estudo de regressão até 2° grau. As doses e épocas de aplicação de nitrogênio em cobertura não afetaram a massa de sementes e a germinação das sementes de milho doce. O aumento da dose de N em cobertura, com aplicação no estádio vegetativo, reduziu o comprimento da parte aérea, de raiz e total das plântulas.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Botánica) UANL


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L’encéphalopathie hépatique (EH) se développe chez les patients atteints d’une maladie du foie et se caractérise par de nombreuses anomalies neuropsychiatriques. L’insuffisance hépatique aiguë (IHA) se caractérise par une perte progressive de l’état de conscience, par une augmentation rapide de l’œdème cérébral et une augmentation de la pression intracrânienne entraînant une herniation cérébrale et la mort. Plusieurs facteurs sont responsables du développement de l’EH mais depuis une centaine d’années, l’hyperammonémie qui peut atteindre des concentrations de l’ordre de plusieurs millimolaires chez les patients atteints d’IHA aux stades de coma est considérée comme un facteur crucial dans la pathogenèse de l’EH. La présente thèse comprend 4 articles suggérant l’implication de nouveaux mécanismes pathogéniques dans le développement de l’EH et de l’œdème cérébral associés à l’IHA et tente d’expliquer l’effet thérapeutique de l’hypothermie et de la minocycline dans la prévention de l’EH et de l’œdème cérébral: 1. L’IHA induite par dévascularisation hépatique chez le rat se caractérise par une augmentation de la production de cytokines pro-inflammatoires cérébrales (IL-6, IL-1, TNF-). Cette observation constitue la première évidence directe que des mécanismes neuro-inflammatoires jouent une rôle dans la pathogenèse de l’EH et de l’œdème cérébral associés à l’IHA (Chapitre 2.1, articles 1 et 2). 2. L’activation de la microglie telle que mesurée par l’expression de marqueurs spécifiques (OX42, OX-6) coïncide avec le développement de l’encéphalopathie (stade coma) et de l’œdème cérébral et s’accompagne d’une production accrue de cytokines pro-inflammatoires cérébrales (Chapitre 2.1, article 1 et 2). 3. Un stress oxydatif/nitrosatif causé par une augmentation de l’expression de l’oxyde nitrique synthétase et une augmentation de la synthèse d’oxyde nitrique cérébral participe à la pathogénèse des complications neurologiques de l’IHA (Chapitre 2.3, articles 3 et 4). 4. Des traitements anti-inflammatoires tels que l’hypothermie et la minocycline peuvent constituer de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques chez les patients atteints d’IHA (Chapitre 2.1, article 1; Chapitre 2.2, article 2). 5. Les effets bénéfiques de l’hypothermie et de la minocycline sur les complications neurologiques de l’IHA expérimentale s’expliquent, en partie, par une diminution du stress oxydatif/nitrosatif (Chapitre 2.3, article 3; Chapitre 2.4, article 4).


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Le coma, l’état végétatif et l’état de conscience minimale sont classés comme « troubles de la conscience ». La caractéristique commune à ces diagnostics est un état de conscience altéré. La technologie permet désormais de maintenir en vie les individus affligés de ces diagnostics. La nature même de leur condition et les soins disponibles pour ces patients conduisent à des dilemmes médicaux et éthiques importants. Ce mémoire propose une brève introduction des troubles de la conscience suivie d’une recension des écrits sur les enjeux éthiques et sociaux en lien avec ces diagnostics. Force est de constater que certains enjeux perdurent depuis des années comme le retrait de traitement. D’autres sont apparus plus récemment, comme l’enjeu lié à l’usage de la neuroimagerie. Un deuxième volet présente les résultats d’une étude qualitative examinant les perspectives et l’expérience des professionnels de la santé face aux enjeux éthiques lors de la prise en charge des patients atteints de troubles de la conscience. Cette étude a été réalisée par le biais d’un court questionnaire et d’entrevues semi-dirigées qui furent enregistrées puis analysées à l’aide du logiciel Nvivo. Les résultats démontrent entre autres que les répondants éprouvent un niveau de certitude élevé face au diagnostic bien qu’il soit souvent signalé comme un défi important dans la littérature. Le pronostic représente un enjeu crucial, y compris sa divulgation aux proches. Enfin, la relation avec la famille est un élément clé dans la prise en charge des patients et celle-ci est teintée par de multiples facteurs.


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L’insuffisance hépatique aiguë (IHA) se caractérise par la perte soudaine de la fonction hépatique résultant de la nécrose massive des hépatocytes en l’absence de pathologie hépatique préexistante. L’IHA s’accompagne de perturbations métaboliques et immunologiques qui peuvent entraîner l’apparition de complications périphériques et cérébrales telles qu’un syndrome de réponse inflammatoire systémique (SIRS), une encéphalopathie hépatique (EH), un œdème cérébral, une augmentation de la pression intracrânienne, et la mort par herniation du tronc cérébral. Les infections sont une complication fréquente de l’IHA et elles sont associées à un risque accru de développer un SIRS et une aggravation subséquente de l’EH avec un taux de mortalité augmenté. L’ammoniaque joue un rôle majeur dans les mécanismes physiopathologiques qui mènent au développement de l’EH et de l’œdème cérébral, et des études récentes suggèrent que les cytokines pro-inflammatoires sont également impliquées. Le but de cette thèse est d’étudier le rôle des cytokines pro-inflammatoires circulantes et cérébrales dans le développement de l’EH et de l’œdème cérébral lors d’IHA. Dans l’article 1, nous démontrons que l’inhibition périphérique du facteur de nécrose tumorale-α (TNF-α) par l’etanercept retarde la progression de l’EH en diminuant le dommage hépatocellulaire, réduisant l’inflammation périphérique et centrale ainsi que le stress oxydatif/nitrosatif hépatique et cérébral associé chez la souris avec une IHA induite par l’azoxyméthane (AOM). Ces résultats démontrent un rôle important du TNF-α dans la physiopathologie de l’EH lors d’IHA d’origine toxique et suggèrent que l’etanercept pourrait constituer une approche thérapeutique dans la prise en charge des patients en attente de transplantation hépatique. Dans l’article 2, nous simulons la présence d’une infection chez la souris avec une IHA induite par l’AOM pour mettre en évidence une éventuelle augmentation de la réponse inflammatoire. Nous démontrons que l’endotoxémie induite par le lipopolysaccharide (LPS) précipite la survenue du coma et aggrave la pathologie hépatique. Les cytokines pro-inflammatoires systémiques et cérébrales sont augmentées de façon synergique par le LPS lors d’IHA et résultent en une activation accrue de la métalloprotéinase matricielle-9 cérébrale qui s’accompagne d’une extravasation d’immunoglobulines G (IgG) dans le parenchyme cérébral. Ces résultats démontrent une augmentation majeure de la perméabilité de la barrière hémato-encéphalique (BHE) qui contribue à la pathogenèse de l’EH lors d’IHA en condition infectieuse. Les résultats de l’article 3 démontrent que l’augmentation de la perméabilité de la BHE lors d’IHA induite par l’AOM en condition non infectieuse ne résulte pas de l’altération de l’expression des protéines constitutives de la BHE. Dans l’article 4, nous démontrons que l’exposition d’astrocytes en culture à des concentrations physiopathologiques d’ammoniaque ou d’interleukine-1β résulte en l’altération de gènes astrocytaires impliqués dans la régulation du volume cellulaire et dans le stress oxydatif/nitrosatif. Un effet additif est observé dans le cas d’un traitement combiné au niveau des gènes astrocytaires impliqués dans le stress oxydatif/nitrosatif. L’ensemble des résultats de cette thèse démontre un rôle important de l’inflammation périphérique et cérébrale dans la survenue des complications neurologiques lors d’IHA et une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes physiopathologiques impliqués pourrait contribuer à la mise en place de stratégies thérapeutiques chez les patients atteints d’IHA en attente de transplantation.


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The principal cause of mortality in patients with acute liver failure (ALF) is brain herniation resulting from intracranial hypertension caused by a progressive increase of brain water. In the present study, ex vivo high-resolution 1H-NMR spectroscopy was used to investigate the effects of ALF, with or without superimposed hypothermia, on brain organic osmolyte concentrations in relation to the severity of encephalopathy and brain edema in rats with ALF due to hepatic devascularization. In normothermic ALF rats, glutamine concentrations in frontal cortex increased more than fourfold at precoma stages, i.e. prior to the onset of severe encephalopathy, but showed no further increase at coma stages. In parallel with glutamine accumulation, the brain organic osmolytes myo-inositol and taurine were significantly decreased in frontal cortex to 63\% and 67\% of control values, respectively, at precoma stages (p<0.01), and to 58\% and 67\%, respectively, at coma stages of encephalopathy (p<0.01). Hypothermia, which prevented brain edema and encephalopathy in ALF rats, significantly attenuated the depletion of myo-inositol and taurine. Brain glutamine concentrations, on the other hand, did not respond to hypothermia. These findings demonstrate that experimental ALF results in selective changes in brain organic osmolytes as a function of the degree of encephalopathy which are associated with brain edema, and provides a further rationale for the continued use of hypothermia in the management of this condition.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Manganese (Mn) deposition could be responsible for the T(1)-weighted magnetic resonance signal hyperintensities observed in cirrhotic patients. These experiments were designed to assess the regional specificity of the Mn increases as well as their relationship to portal-systemic shunting or hepatobiliary dysfunction. METHODS: Mn concentrations were measured in (1) brain samples from basal ganglia structures (pallidum, putamen, caudate nucleus) and cerebral cortical structures (frontal, occipital cortex) obtained at autopsy from 12 cirrhotic patients who died in hepatic coma and from 12 matched controls; and from (2) brain samples (caudate/putamen, globus pallidus, frontal cortex) from groups (n = 8) of rats either with end-to-side portacaval anastomosis, with biliary cirrhosis, or with fulminant hepatic failure as well as from sham-operated and normal rats. RESULTS: Mn content was significantly increased in frontal cortex (by 38\%), occipital cortex (by 55\%), pallidum (by 186\%), putamen (by 66\%), and caudate (by 54\%) of cirrhotic patients compared with controls. Brain Mn content did not correlate with patient age, etiology of cirrhosis, or history of chronic hepatic encephalopathy. In cirrhotic and portacaval-shunted rats, Mn content was increased in pallidum (by 27\% and 57\%, respectively) and in caudate/putamen (by 57\% and 67\%, respectively) compared with control groups. Mn concentration in pallidum was significantly higher in portacaval-shunted rats than in cirrhotic rats. No significant changes in brain Mn concentrations were observed in rats with acute liver failure. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that brain Mn deposition results both from portal-systemic shunting and from liver dysfunction.


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There is increasing evidence that central noradrenaline (NA) transport mechanisms are implicated in the central nervous system complications of acute liver failure. In order to assess this possibility, binding sites for the high affinity NA transporter ligand [3H]-nisoxetine were measured by quantitative receptor autoradiography in the brains of rats with acute liver failure resulting from hepatic devascularization and in appropriate controls. In vivo microdialysis was used to measure extracellular brain concentrations of NA. Severe encephalopathy resulted in a significant loss of [3H]-nisoxetine sites in frontal cortex and a concomitant increase in extracellular brain concentrations of NA in rats with acute liver failure. A loss of transporter sites was also observed in thalamus of rats with acute liver failure. This loss of NA transporter sites could result from depletion of central NA stores due to a reserpine-like effect of ammonia which is known to accumulate to millimolar concentrations in brain in ischemic liver failure. Impaired NA transport and the consequent increase in synaptic concentrations and increased stimulation of neuronal and astrocytic noradrenergic receptors could be implicated in the pathogenesis of the encephalopathy and brain edema characteristic of acute liver failure.


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Strategies aimed at the lowering of blood ammonia remain the treatment of choice in portal-systemic encephalopathy (PSE). L-ornithine-L-aspartate (OA) has recently been shown to be effective in the prevention of ammonia-precipitated coma in humans with PSE. These findings prompted the study of mechanisms of the protective effect of OA in portacaval-shunted rats in which reversible coma was precipitated by ammonium acetate administration (3.85 mmol/kg i.p.). OA infusions (300 mg/kg/h, i.v) offered complete protection in 12/12 animals compared to 0/12 saline-infused controls. This protective effect was accompanied by significant reductions of blood ammonia, concomitant increases of urea production and significant increases in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) glutamate and glutamine. Increased CSF concentrations of leucine and alanine also accompanied the protective effect of OA. These findings demonstrate the therapeutic efficacy of OA in the prevention of ammonia-precipitated coma in portacaval-shunted rats and suggest that this protective effect is both peripherally-mediated (increased urea and glutamine synthesis) and centrally-mediated (increased glutamine synthesis).


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Amongst the potential neurotoxins implicated in the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy, manganese emerges as a new candidate. In patients with chronic liver diseases, manganese accumulates in blood and brain leading to pallidal signal hyperintensity on T1-weighted Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging. Direct measurements in globus pallidus obtained at autopsy from cirrhotic patients who died in hepatic coma reveal 2 to 7-fold increases of manganese concentration. The intensity of pallidal MR images correlates with blood manganese and with the presence of extrapyramidal symptoms occurring in a majority of cirrhotic patients. Liver transplantation results in normalization of pallidal MR signals and disappearance of extrapyramidal symptoms whereas transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunting induces an increase in pallidal hyperintensity with a concomitant deterioration of neurological dysfunction. These findings suggest that the toxic effects of manganese contribute to extrapyramidal symptoms in patients with chronic liver disease. The mechanisms of manganese neurotoxicity are still speculative, but there is evidence to suggest that manganese deposition in the pallidum may lead to dopaminergic dysfunction. Future studies should be aimed at evaluating the effects of manganese chelation and/or of treatment of the dopaminergic deficit on neurological symptomatology in these patients.


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It has been suggested that reduced astrocytic uptake of neuronally released glutamate contributes to the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy in acute liver failure. In order to further address this issue, the recently cloned and sequenced astrocytic glutamate transporter GLT-1 was studied in brain preparations from rats with ischemic liver failure induced by portacaval anastomosis followed 24 h later by hepatic artery ligation and from appropriate sham-operated controls. GLT-1 expression was studied using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Expression of GLT-1 transcript was significantly decreased in frontal cortex at coma stages of acute liver failure. Western blotting using a polyclonal antibody to GLT-1 revealed a concomitant decrease in expression of transporter protein in the brains of rats with acute liver failure. Reduced capacity of astrocytes to reuptake neuronally released glutamate, resulting from a GLT-1 transporter deficit and the consequently compromised neuron-astrocytic trafficking of glutamate could contribute to the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy and brain edema, two major complications of acute liver failure.


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Mild hypothermia has a protective effect on brain edema and encephalopathy in both experimental and human acute liver failure. The goals of the present study were to examine the effects of mild hypothermia (35°C) on brain metabolic pathways using combined 1H and 13C-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, a technique which allows the study not only of metabolite concentrations but also their de novo synthesis via cell-specific pathways in the brain. :1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy using [1-13C] glucose was performed on extracts of frontal cortex obtained from groups of rats with acute liver failure induced by hepatic devascularization whose body temperature was maintained either at 37°C (normothermic) or 35°C (hypothermic), and appropriate sham-operated controls. At coma stages of encephalopathy in the normothermic acute liver failure animals, glutamine concentrations in frontal cortex increased 3.5-fold compared to sham-operated controls (P < 0.001). Comparable increases of brain glutamine were observed in hypothermic animals despite the absence of severe encephalopathy (coma). Brain glutamate and aspartate concentrations were respectively decreased to 60.9% ± 7.7% and 42.2% ± 5.9% (P < 0.01) in normothermic animals with acute liver failure compared to control and were restored to normal values by mild hypothermia. Concentrations of lactate and alanine in frontal cortex were increased to 169.2% ± 15.6% and 267.3% ± 34.0% (P < 0.01) respectively in normothermic rats compared to controls. Furthermore, de novo synthesis of lactate and alanine increased to 446.5% ± 48.7% and 707.9% ± 65.7% (P < 0.001), of control respectively, resulting in increased fractional 13C-enrichments in these cytosolic metabolites. Again, these changes of lactate and alanine concentrations were prevented by mild hypothermia. Mild hypothermia (35°C) prevents the encephalopathy and brain edema resulting from hepatic devascularization, selectively normalizes lactate and alanine synthesis from glucose, and prevents the impairment of oxidative metabolism associated with this model of ALF, but has no significant effect on brain glutamine. These findings suggest that a deficit in brain glucose metabolism rather than glutamine accumulation is the major cause of the cerebral complications of acute liver failure.


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Elevated concentrations of ammonia in the brain as a result of hyperammonemia leads to cerebral dysfunction involving a spectrum of neuropsychiatric and neurological symptoms (impaired memory, shortened attention span, sleep-wake inversions, brain edema, intracranial hypertension, seizures, ataxia and coma). Many studies have demonstrated ammonia as a major player involved in the neuropathophysiology associated with liver failure and inherited urea cycle enzyme disorders. Ammonia in solution is composed of a gas (NH(3)) and an ionic (NH(4) (+)) component which are both capable of crossing plasma membranes through diffusion, channels and transport mechanisms and as a result have a direct effect on pH. Furthermore, NH(4) (+) has similar properties as K(+) and, therefore, competes with K(+) on K(+) transporters and channels resulting in a direct effect on membrane potential. Ammonia is also a product as well as a substrate for many different biochemical reactions and consequently, an increase in brain ammonia accompanies disturbances in cerebral metabolism. These direct effects of elevated ammonia concentrations on the brain will lead to a cascade of secondary effects and encephalopathy.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Mild hypothermia has proven useful in the clinical management of patients with acute liver failure. Acute liver failure in experimental animals results in alterations in the expression of genes coding for astrocytic proteins including the "peripheral-type" (astrocytic) benzodiazepine receptor (PTBR), a mitochondrial complex associated with neurosteroid synthesis. To gain further insight into the mechanisms whereby hypothermia attenuates the neurological complications of acute liver failure, we investigated PTBR expression in the brains of hepatic devascularized rats under normothermic (37 degrees C) and hypothermic (35 degrees C) conditions. METHODS: PTBR mRNA was measured using semi-quantitative RT-PCR in cerebral cortical extracts and densities of PTBR sites were measured by quantitative receptor autoradiagraphy. Brain pregnenolone content was measured by radioimmunoassay. RESULTS: At coma stages of encephalopathy, animals with acute liver failure manifested a significant increase of PTBR mRNA levels. Brain pregnenolone content and [(3)H]PK 11195 binding site densities were concomitantly increased. Mild hypothermia prevented brain edema and significantly attenuated the increased receptor expression and pregnenolone content. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that an attenuation of PTBR up-regulation resulting in the prevention of increased brain neurosteroid content represents one of the mechanisms by which mild hypothermia exerts its protective effects in ALF.