This document is a review of the content of the A-level Chemistry specifications from the main UK exam boards (Scottish highers not included - sorry!). These A-level specifications commenced teaching in September 2008. Students entering university in 2010 will have studied the new A-levels, and this document is intended to help academics to identify what students will have covered. The document also contains a summary of discussions which took place between teachers and academics at our annual Post-16 teachers' day in June 2010 regarding the nature of the 2010 intake and their capabilities in chemistry. Please inform us of any errors or typos that you spot and we'll update the document. LAST UPDATE at 13:15 on Aug 27th 2010.
This presentation has been modified by a B.Sc final year project student to promote chemistry as a degree and a career option for youngsters. The original presentation was produced by the Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Sector or the Royal Society of Chemistry. The project student has polished the slides to make them more appealing to today's A-level students. She has also evaluated the impact of her work. A summary of her report will be added in due course.
These images have been created for use in Physical Chemistry slides to overcome copyright issues when recording lectures. They are free to use without restrictions, although we do not accept responsibility for any errors in the images. Please let us know if you spot any errors, though! Please view the catalogue document for a description of the images. We intend to add to this collection on an ongoing basis. Check back for updates. Current content - 43 images. Last update: August 31st 2011
These lectures are designed to show new students different lecturing styles they will encounter at Southampton University. This lecture is in the style of 'Chalk and Talk'. The lectures also teach students some of the fundamental parts of physics which are relevant to the Physical Chemistry course. This will be particularly useful for students who have forgotten their GCSE physics! To view the videos, download the zip file and 'extract' the contents by right clicking on the folder. Then double click on the file 'Play video.html'. Note that the video has been compressed heavily so it can be downloaded, which means there is a slight loss in quality. If you have a problem with this, please e-mail David Read (d.read@soton.ac.uk). NOTE: YOU MUST EXTRACT THE ZIP FOLDER BEFORE CLICKING ON 'Play video.html' OTHERWISE IT WON'T WORK.
These lectures are designed to show new students different lecturing styles they will encounter at Southampton University. This lecture is delivered using a Tablet PC. These lectures also teach students some of the fundamental parts of physics which are relevant to the Physical Chemistry course. This will be particularly useful for students who have forgotten their GCSE physics! To view the videos, download the zip file and 'extract' the contents by right clicking on the folder. Then double click on the file 'Play video.html'. Note that the video has been compressed heavily so it can be downloaded, which means there is a slight loss in quality. If you have a problem with this, please e-mail David Read (d.read@soton.ac.uk). NOTE: YOU MUST DOWNLOAD AND EXTRACT THE ZIP FOLDER BEFORE CLICKING ON 'Play video.html' OTHERWISE IT WON'T WORK.
These lectures are designed to show new students different lecturing styles they will encounter at Southampton University. This lecture is delivered using PowerPoint. These lectures also teach students some of the fundamental parts of physics which are relevant to the Physical Chemistry course. This will be particularly useful for students who have forgotten their GCSE physics! To view the videos, download the zip file and 'extract' the contents by right clicking on the folder. Then double click on the file 'Play video.html'. Note that the video has been compressed heavily so it can be downloaded, which means there is a slight loss in quality. If you have a problem with this, please e-mail David Read (d.read@soton.ac.uk). NOTE: YOU MUST DOWNLOAD AND EXTRACT THE ZIP FOLDER BEFORE CLICKING ON 'Play video.html' OTHERWISE IT WON'T WORK.
A video markscheme was created using a combination of Camtasia screen capture (on a Tablet PC) and 'live action' video taken with a camcorder. The resulting video supported students in the self-assessment of an organic chemistry exercise which had been set over the Easter vacation break. Feedback was collected from the students after the exercise and was overwhelmingly positive. The video won the 2010 award for 'Most Effective Use of Video in an Educational Context' from the Assocation for Learning Technology. DOWNLOAD THE ZIP FOLDER AND EXTRACT THE FILES TO ACCESS THEM.
The full script and worksheet for the 6th form outreach event where the practical extraction of trimyristin is undertaken.The PDF also contains a detailed NMR spectrum
The script used in the 2015 January Twilight sessions for chemistry.
ITEM DESCRIPTION After producing reviews of A-level Chemistry content in 2007 and 2010, we have updated the document to reflect the changes which have been introduced for first teaching in September 2015. We will be working with our network of teachers locally to monitor the impacts of the changes on teaching and the student experience with a view to releasing an updated version in the summer of 2017. This will aim to provide insights for university staff regarding the experiences of incoming students who will have been in the first cohort to have studied the new specifications. We are grateful to the Royal Society of Chemistry for support for the final stages of compiling this report. If you spot any errors or omissions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Abstract submission form. More information available on conference website.
Introducción. Los pintores de vehículos automotores están expuestos a solventes puros o mezclas de estos, los cuales se han asociado con efectos neurológicos y mutacarcinogénicos. Materiales y Métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal para caracterizar las condiciones de salud y trabajo de individuos expuestos a solventes orgánicos en talleres de lámina y pintura en Bogotá. Se comparó un grupo de expuestos a solventes orgánicos con un grupo no expuestos. Se determinaron concentraciones de benceno, tolueno y xileno (BTX) en aire, se aplicó una encuesta individual y se midieron en orina, los ácidos fenil mercaptúrico, hipúrico, orto-para metilhipúrico como metabolitos de benceno, tolueno y xileno. Los resultados de las mediciones y de la encuesta se correlacionaron para establecer el panorama de exposición. Resultados: hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la población expuesta y la población no expuesta a solventes (p = 0,00) para los tres metabolitos de BTX. Se encontraron correlaciones positivas entre el tolueno en aire y ácido hipúrico en orina de los expuestos, (Spearman de 0,82) y entre el xileno en aire y el ácido o-metilhipúrico (Spearman de 0,76). Se encontraron valores de ácido hipúrico por encima de los límites permisibles en 11 2 trabajadores y de ácido p-metilhipúrico en 8 de ellos. No hubo valores para ácido fenilmercapturico fuera de límite. Discusión: los pintores de carros se encuentran expuestos a niveles altos de solventes orgánicos en sus sitios de trabajo y no cuentan con condiciones adecuadas de higiene y seguridad industrial para realizar sus labores.
The present paper aimed to investigate how adolescents with pregnancy experience evaluate received support from their families in comparison with an adolescent group without pregnancy experience. 452 low income adolescents, both sex, aged 14 to 19 years old answered to a questionnaire. The results revealed that more girls (64.2 %) than boys (35.8 %) declared pregnancy experience, ?2 (2, n = 2617) = 48.32, p < .001. Moreover, it was observed that the group with pregnancy experience, in comparison with other group, revealed more perception on the family relationships safety, t (408) = -3.0, p < .01; mutual respect among family members in their homes, t (392) = -2.3, p < .05; and received stronger general support from their family, t (397) = -1,3, p < .05. These results are discussed.
Contiene todo lo básico para los estudiantes que han terminado el General Certificate of Secundary Education (GCSE). El texto está organizado en tres parte:en la primera se estudia la estructura atómica; átomos, moléculas y estequiometría; enlace químico y su estructura; Sistema Periódico; elementos del grupo II y sus compuestos; el grupo VII y sus compuestos. La segunda parte introduce el tema de la química orgánica y la tercera parte la entalpía. Las preguntas de auto-evaluación al final de cada capítulo ofrecen oportunidades para el estudio independiente. Tiene un glosario de palabras clave, apéndice con la tabla del sistema Periódico, respuestas a la auto-evaluación e índice.