967 resultados para Burial grounds


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Hydroclimatic conditions in the Gulf of Guinea between Senegal and Nigeria are briefly described emphasizing the seasonal variations of transparency. Analysis of the Abidjan based shrimp fleet allowed to the description of the seasonal variations of activity rhythms for Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, and Nigeria. These rhythms are different between seasons, between fishing grounds, and sometimes even between depths on a given ground. These variations follow the turbidity ones. Diurnal activity is observed in very turbid waters, nocturnal and transition activity in clearer ones. The authors assume that the basic behaviour is a nocturnal one, but that the shrimp-trawlers catches reflect some apparently different ones resulting from diel variations in the stock availability. To explain the apparently diurnal behaviour observed most of the year over the whole Gulf of Guinea it is suggested that these generally benthic shrimps become nectonic at night when turbidity is very high. The results obtained in Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria are compared to those from Senegal where hydroclimatic conditions are different. The similarities are emphasized. The differences in observed behaviour are supposedly caused by the cold season water temps which are sufficiently low to disturb the nor mal activity rhythm.


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[ES] El artículo trata el tema de las estructuras tumulares, su variabilidad formal y funcional (funeraria, lugar de habitación, etc.), así como su distinta cronología. Se describe los casos concretos de Txoritegi (Zerain —Gipuzkoa—) y Galardi (Txoritegi —Gipuzkoa—), unas estructuras tumulares tipo mota utilizadas, posiblemente, a modo de atalaya de vigía en el contexto del período de conflictividad bajomedieval. Es un elemento novedoso en el territorio para cuya interpretación se ha efectuado un análisis de las cuencas visuales mediante SIG.


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Two types of fishermen have been identified along the lake shore: contract fishermen and independent fishermen. Independent fishermen move from their fishing grounds to other grounds in search for more fish and also to communal lands for farming during the rains. The fish from Kariba are marketed to a large part of the country creating a very large market potential. Profits accruing to the fishermen are not very attractive and could be the reason for the migratory behaviour of the fishermen. The fishermen population is rural with a characteristic expansive pyramid.


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O presente trabalho discute as perspectivas para a formação de professores presentes nos blogs de educadores, que buscam e transmitem conhecimentos, em uma rede colaborativa que desponta como uma nova modalidade de formação continuada. Optou-se pela abordagem metodológica qualitativa, dada as características do objeto de estudo e pela possibilidade de ampliação do diálogo entre a teorização e os dados coletados. Procedeu-se uma discursão a partir do discurso dos professores blogueiros entrevistados e da observação de seus blogs. Os 31 blogs que se teve acesso foram classificados segundo suas características preponderantes. Responderam o questionário proposto 27 blogueiros. Pode-se afirmar que os blogs dados seus aspectos de ferramentas de interação, de fácil acesso e uso e de aglutinação de pessoas em razão de interesses comuns, têm efeitos sobre a prática docente. Embora se tenha identificado nos blogs a prevalência de uma concepção compensatória, eles se mostram como ações de autogerenciamento por parte dos docentes, que não mais se isolam com suas dúvidas, incertezas e insegurança, mas, valendo-se da democratização da informática, lançam-se na internet para socializar saberes, partilhar práticas em uma rede de colaboração mútua.


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O trabalho reflete acerca dos critérios referentes à avaliação psiquiátrica nas internações e tratamento involuntários. A restrição da liberdade é infração aos direitos do homem e, se ela é justificada em nome da patologia mental, qualificá-la é um imperativo legal e ético. Historicamente, a internação crônica em hospitais psiquiátricos levou à exclusão social e rompimento dos laços significativos da vida pessoal. Nos serviços de emergência ela é muitas vezes determinada em nome de um risco. Assim, é proposta uma análise crítica (à semelhança da desconstrução de Derrida e da genealogia de Foucault) do saber médico-psiquiátrico, que é ferramenta essencial do trabalho clínico. Um panorama dos arranjos dos dispositivos públicos de regulação das internações psiquiátricas involuntárias no ocidente mostra a inter-relação de um modelo médico com um modelo legalista (focado nos direitos dos pacientes), cada qual com seus ganhos e dificuldades. A medicalização da vida humana é um fenômeno do mundo moderno, e é vista como um processo dinâmico, onde a apropriação das categorias médicas por parte dos usuários e familiares também gera empoderamento e mudanças. Vemos como, historicamente, o viés moral da práxis realizada no hospital psiquiátrico é indissociável da construção do saber, e a psicopatologia oficial é de uma nosologia descritiva; mas o trabalho clínico permite outras psicopatologias, mais participativas, centradas na relação do sujeito com o mundo, que possam servir a ele como instrumentos de compreensão e ajuda na experiência vivida. Assim, a categoria da vontade em psicopatologia clássica adota a perspectiva aristotélica de uma deliberação racional, mas a leitura filosófica de Arendt destaca a centralidade da liberdade e da espontaneidade inerentes ao conceito. Esta dicotomia entre vontade livre e determinação traz repercussões para a clínica e para a justiça, como nos casos da avaliação da responsabilidade dos pacientes sobre seus atos. Neste campo, assim como na avaliação do juízo crítico, a ciência não garante a objetividade totalizante, deixando sempre a decisão sobre a internação psiquiátrica involuntária na dependência do político, da moral e da ética que constituem a clínica.


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Durante a temporada de nidação, fêmeas de tartarugas marinhas costumam reduzir ou cessar por completo a ingestão de alimentos. Este fato sugere que o armazenamento de energia e nutrientes para a reprodução ocorra durante o período que antecede a migração para os sítios reprodutivos, enquanto estes animais ainda se encontram nas áreas de alimentação. Do ponto de vista fisiológico, tartarugas em atividade reprodutiva são capazes de permanecer longos períodos em jejum. Fatores neuroendócrinos vêm sendo recentemente apontados como os mais relevantes para a manutenção da homeostase energética de todos os vertebrados; entre eles, a leptina (hormônio anorexígeno) e a grelina (peptídeo orexígeno). Com o objetivo de compreender o mecanismo de fome e saciedade nas tartarugas marinhas, investigamos os níveis séricos destes hormônios e de outros indicadores nutricionais em fêmeas de Eretmochelys imbricata desovando no litoral do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 41 tartarugas durante as temporadas reprodutivas de 2010/2011 e 2011/2012. Os níveis séricos de leptina diminuíram significativamente ao longo do período de nidação, de modo a explicar a busca por alimentos ao término da temporada. Ao mesmo tempo, registramos uma tendência crescente nos níveis séricos de grelina, fator este que também justifica a remigração para as áreas de alimentação no fim do período. Não foram observadas tendências lineares para alguns dos parâmetros avaliados, entre eles: hematócrito, alanina aminotransferase (ALT), aspartato aminotransferase (AST), fosfatase alcalina (FA), gama glutamil transferase (GGT), lipoproteínas de baixa densidade (LDL) e lipoproteínas de alta densidade (HDL). É possível que a maior parte dos indicadores nutricionais tenha apresentado redução gradativa devido ao estresse fisiológico decorrente da vitelogênese e de repetidas oviposições. No entanto, é valido ressaltar que o quadro de restrição calórica por tempo prolongado é o principal responsável pelas alterações em índice de massa corpórea e padrões bioquímicos nestes animais.


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Settled juvenile blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) were collected from two kelp beds approximately 335 km apart off Mendocino in northern California and Monterey in central California. A total of 112 rockfish were collected from both sites over 5 years (1993, 1994, 2001, 2002, and 2003). Total age, settlement date, age at settlement, and birth date were determined from otolith microstructure. Fish off Mendocino settled mostly in June and fish off Monterey settled mostly in May (average difference in settlement=23 days). Although the difference in the timing of settlement followed this same pattern for both areas over the five years, settlement occurred later in 2002 and 2003 than in the prior years of sampling. The difference in the timing of settlement was due primarily to differences in birth dates for the two areas. The time of settlement was positively related to upwelling and negatively related to sea level anomaly for most of the months before settlement. Knowledge of the timing of settlement has implications for design and placement of marine protected areas because protection of nursery grounds is frequently a major objective of these protected areas. The timing of settlement is also an important consideration in the planning of surveys of early recruits because mistimed surveys (caused by latitudinal differences in the timing of settlement) could produce biased estimates.


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[ES] En el «Ión» Platón funda la hermenéutica occidental, no la práctica de la exégesis. Para ello debe rechazar el liderazgo de la poesía. Y en un triple frente. Como saber, la poesía no distingue entre significante y significado, y considera la interpretación como un mero descifrado, no como un análisis de la verdad y falsedad del significado. Como discurso legitimador, es una liturgia, no una funcionalización técnica, además de que oculta el conflicto en que toda sociedad consiste. Como competencia interactiva, el poeta no es autónomo, sino alienado, y pone en juego la emotividad, no la racionalidad. Desde este breve diálogo, la filosofía y la literatura se han disociado dramáticamente en la cultura occidental.


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The elemental composition of otoliths may provide valuable information for establishing connectivity between fish nursery grounds and adult fish populations. Concentrations of Rb, Mg, Ca, Mn, Sr, Na, K, Sr, Pb, and Ba were determined by using solution-based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in otoliths of young-of-the year tautog (Tautoga onitis) captured in nursery areas along the Rhode Island coast during two consecutive years. Stable oxygen (δ18O) and carbon (δ13C) isotopic ratios in young-of-the year otoliths were also analyzed with isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Chemical signatures differed significantly among the distinct nurseries within Narragansett Bay and the coastal ponds across years. Significant differences were also observed within nurseries from year to year. Classification accuracy to each of the five tautog nursery areas ranged from 85% to 92% across years. Because accurate classification of juvenile tautog nursery sites was achieved, otolith chemistry can potentially be used as a natural habitat tag.


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Measurements of 18O/16O and 13C/12C ratios in the carbonate of juvenile gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) sagittal otoliths collected during 2001–2005 from different southern Florida regions indicated significant variations in the ratios between Florida Bay and surrounding areas. Annual differences in isotopic composition were also observed. Classification accuracy of individual otoliths to a region averaged 80% (63% to 96%), thereby enabling the probability of assigning an unknown individual to the appropriate juvenile nursery habitat. Identification of isotopic signatures in the otoliths of gray snapper from Florida Bay and adjacent ecosystems may be important for distinguishing specific portions of the bay that are crucial nursery grounds for juveniles. Separation of gray snapper between geographic regions and nursery sites is possible and has the potential to establish a link between adult gray snapper present on offshore reefs and larvae and juveniles at nursery habitats in Florida Bay or adjacent areas.


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We used 25 years of conventional tagging data (n= 6173 recoveries) and 3 years of ultrasonic telemetry data (n=105 transmitters deployed) to examine movement rates and directional preferences of four age classes of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) in estuarine and coastal waters of North Carolina. Movement rates of conventionally tagged red drum were dependent on the age, region, and season of tagging. Age-1 and age-2 red drum tagged along the coast generally moved along the coast, whereas fish tagged in oligohaline waters far from the coast were primarily recovered in coastal regions in fall months. Adult (age-4+) red drum moved from overwintering grounds on the continental shelf through inlets into Pamlico Sound in spring and summer months and departed in fall. Few tagged red drum were recovered in adjacent states (0.6% of all recoveries); however, some adult red drum migrated seasonally from overwintering grounds in coastal North Carolina northward to Virginia in spring, returning in fall. Age-2 transmitter-tracked red drum displayed seasonal emigration from a small tributary, but upstream and downstream movements within the tributary were correlated with fluctuating salinity regimes and not season. Large-scale conventional tagging and ultrasonic telemetry programs can provide valuable insights into the complex movement patterns of estuarine fish.


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Skates (family Rajidae) are oviparous and lay tough, thick-walled eggs. At least some skate species lay their eggs in spatially restricted nursery grounds where embryos develop and hatch (Hitz, 1964; Hoff, 2007). After hatching, neonates may quickly leave the nursery grounds (Hoff, 2007). Egg densities in these small areas may be quite high. As an example, in the eastern Bering Sea, a site <2 km2 harbored eggs of Alaska skate (Bathyraja parmifera) exceeding 500,000/km2. All skate nursery grounds have been identified over soft sea floors (Lucifora and García, 2004; Hoff, 2007).


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The northern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is a highly mobile apex predator in the Gulf of Maine. Despite current stock assessments that indicate historically high abundance of its main prey, Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), commercial fishermen have observed declines in the somatic condition of northern bluefin tuna during the last decade. We examined this claim by reviewing detailed logbooks of northern bluefin tuna condition from a local fishermen’s cooperative and applying multinomial regression, a robust tool for exploring how a categorical variable may be related to other variables of interest. The data set contained >3082 observations of condition (fat and oil content and fish shape) from fish landed between 1991 and 2004. Energy from stored lipids is used for migration and reproduction; therefore a reduction in energy acquisition on bluefin tuna feeding grounds could diminish allocations to growth and gamete production and have detrimental consequences for rebuilding the western Atlantic population. A decline in northern bluefin tuna somatic condition could indicate substantial changes in the bottom-up transfer of energy in the Gulf of Maine, shifts in their reproductive or migratory patterns, impacts of fishing pressure, or synergistic effects from multiple causes.


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The contribution of the no-take marine reserve at Apo Island, Philippines, to local fishery yield through “spillover” (net export of adult fish) was estimated. Spatial patterns of fishing effort, yield, and catch rates around Apo Island were documented daily in 2003−2004. Catch rates were higher near the reserve (by a factor of 1.1 to 2.0), but fishing effort was often lowest there. Higher catch rates near the reserve were more likely due to spillover than to low fishing intensity. Lower fishing effort near the reserve may have been due to 1) weather patterns, 2) traditional importance of other fishing grounds, 3) high variability in catch rates, 4) lower market value of target species, and 5) social pressures. The yield taken near the reserve was only 10% of the total yield, but the actual spillover contribution was probably much less than this. This study is one of the few to estimate the spillover contribution to overall yield and to document the responses of fishermen to spil


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Although bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) was an economically important rockfish species along the west coast of North America, overfishing has reduced the stock to about 7.4% of its former unfished population. In 2003, using a manned research submersible, we conducted fish surveys around eight oil and gas platforms off southern California as part of an assessment of the potential value of these structures as fish habitat. From these surveys, we estimated that there was a minimum of 430,000 juvenile bocaccio at these eight structures. We determined this number to be about 20% of the average number of juvenile bocaccio that survive annually for the geographic range of the species. When these juveniles become adults, they will contribute about one percent (0.8%) of the additional amount of fish needed to rebuild the Pacific Coast population. By comparison, juvenile bocaccio recruitment to nearshore natural nursery grounds, as determined through regional scuba surveys, was low in the same year. This research demonstrates that a relatively small amount of artificial nursery habitat may be quite valuable in rebuilding an overfished species.