978 resultados para Buck-boost


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"Se tornar viral" é visto pelos comerciantes como o novo Graal para alcançar grandes comunidades online. Neste contexto viral, vídeos têm um papel especial dada a forte capacidade deles de se espalhar exponencialmente pela internet através do compartilhamento social. Cada ano se vê a quebra de novos recordes através deste tipo de viralidade. Em março de 2012, o vídeo "Kony 2012" envolvendo a ação unida contra o líder de milícia Africano epônimo, atingiu mais de 34 milhões de visualizações em seu primeiro dia de lançamento. Em dezembro de 2012, o vídeo-clipe da música "Gangnam Style" tornou-se o primeiro vídeo do YouTube a alcançar mais de um bilhão de visualizações, totalizando mais de 1,4 bilhões de visualizações em março de 2013. Tais ilustrações mostram claramente a nova escala que a internet deu ao fenômeno do boca-a-boca. Os comerciantes entenderam o potencial fantástico dos vídeos virais e tentaram aproveitar o fenômeno de modo a reproduzi-lo para fins comerciais. Esta pesquisa oferece para os acadêmicos e os profissionais de marketing uma análise dos determinantes do compartilhamento de vídeos comerciais online. Mais especificamente, o foco da dissertação foi definido sobre o papel das emoções no compartilhamento, para identificar quais delas levam e como levam à partilha de vídeos comerciais online. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir de dois métodos científicos: uma pesquisa e uma análise de texto sobre a atribuição de emoções para comentários dos vídeos mais compartilhados do YouTube. A pesquisa confirma, com novos métodos, hipóteses previamente testadas e validadas por acadêmicos. Ela mostra que a positividade e a força das emoções são determinantes de compartilhamento maiores do que a negatividade e a fraqueza (Lindgreen and Vanhamme, 2005; Dobele et al., 2007). A dissertação também argumenta que o conteúdo do vídeo, bem como o contexto são determinantes significativos de compartilhamento de vídeo (Laskey et al., 1989; Taylor, 1999). Além de validar teorias existentes, a pesquisa trouxe novos conceitos para a discussão, especialmente o papel da dimensão força / fraqueza de emoções para analisar o fenômeno viral, e a importância de uma clara "chamada à ação" incluída no vídeo para aumentar a sua partilha. Estes novos conceitos enriquecem a literatura do tema – que evolui muito rapidamente – e preparam o caminho para futuras pesquisas.


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In the first essay, "Determinants of Credit Expansion in Brazil", analyzes the determinants of credit using an extensive bank level panel dataset. Brazilian economy has experienced a major boost in leverage in the first decade of 2000 as a result of a set factors ranging from macroeconomic stability to the abundant liquidity in international financial markets before 2008 and a set of deliberate decisions taken by President Lula's to expand credit, boost consumption and gain political support from the lower social strata. As relevant conclusions to our investigation we verify that: credit expansion relied on the reduction of the monetary policy rate, international financial markets are an important source of funds, payroll-guaranteed credit and investment grade status affected positively credit supply. We were not able to confirm the importance of financial inclusion efforts. The importance of financial sector sanity indicators of credit conditions cannot be underestimated. These results raise questions over the sustainability of this expansion process and financial stability in the future. The second essay, “Public Credit, Monetary Policy and Financial Stability”, discusses the role of public credit. The supply of public credit in Brazil has successfully served to relaunch the economy after the Lehman-Brothers demise. It was later transformed into a driver for economic growth as well as a regulation device to force private banks to reduce interest rates. We argue that the use of public funds to finance economic growth has three important drawbacks: it generates inflation, induces higher loan rates and may induce financial instability. An additional effect is the prevention of market credit solutions. This study contributes to the understanding of the costs and benefits of credit as a fiscal policy tool. The third essay, “Bayesian Forecasting of Interest Rates: Do Priors Matter?”, discusses the choice of priors when forecasting short-term interest rates. Central Banks that commit to an Inflation Target monetary regime are bound to respond to inflation expectation spikes and product hiatus widening in a clear and transparent way by abiding to a Taylor rule. There are various reports of central banks being more responsive to inflationary than to deflationary shocks rendering the monetary policy response to be indeed non-linear. Besides that there is no guarantee that coefficients remain stable during time. Central Banks may switch to a dual target regime to consider deviations from inflation and the output gap. The estimation of a Taylor rule may therefore have to consider a non-linear model with time varying parameters. This paper uses Bayesian forecasting methods to predict short-term interest rates. We take two different approaches: from a theoretic perspective we focus on an augmented version of the Taylor rule and include the Real Exchange Rate, the Credit-to-GDP and the Net Public Debt-to-GDP ratios. We also take an ”atheoretic” approach based on the Expectations Theory of the Term Structure to model short-term interest. The selection of priors is particularly relevant for predictive accuracy yet, ideally, forecasting models should require as little a priori expert insight as possible. We present recent developments in prior selection, in particular we propose the use of hierarchical hyper-g priors for better forecasting in a framework that can be easily extended to other key macroeconomic indicators.


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Durante as últimas três décadas, a globalização tem empurrado empresas em direção a internacionalização, e consequentemente essas mesmas corporações tem se tornada instituições independentes parecidas com estados. Estes “estados independentes” precisam de estratégias internacionais coerentes e relações diplomáticas com funcionários da administração pública a fim de acompanhar as demandas desses mercados, criar estratégias para minimizar riscos, e ganhar legitimidade. O objetivo desta dissertação foi explorer a complexa relação entre o Grupo Maersk e o governo brasileiro e outros atores involvidos no Mercado de olio e gas controllado pelo estado. Afim de compreender o processo de diplomacia corporativa da empresa ,entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram realizadas com os indivíduos presentes na cadeia da diplomacia corporativa da empresa . A descoberta revelou a importância de diplomacia corporativa para a Maersk. Relações diplomáticas pessoais forjadas com entidades representativas e brasileiras são a chave para a Maersk impulsionar seus objetivos. Também mostra a importância das missão diplomáticas dinamarquesa ajudando a empresa a ter acesso a autoridades governamentais.


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Praticas na midia social se refere a vista ou a percepcao de uma marca nao so com base em suas ofertas e servicos, mas tambem sobre seus valores e cultura como percebido principalmente pelos consumidores. As organizacoes podem utilizer a imagem que é interessante e aceitavel para os clients. Nos ultimos anos, uma das formas que as organizacoes de forma consistente comercializar ou publicitar a sua marca envolve midias sociais. O ojetivo deste estudo é explorer quais sao as praticas de midia social no negocio de educacao de viagens. Para obter os dados, a pesquisadora entrevistou pessoas de seis empresas de educacao de viagens e cotejadas informacoes sobre o tema a partir de fonts primarias e secundarias existentes. O pesquisador conduziu a pesquisa para determiner praticas de marketing de midia social em que se aplicam nos sectores do turismo e educacao. Com base nos dados obtidos pelo pesquisador, as praticas de marketing de midia social incluem a utilizacao de plataformas de midia social com um alcance internacional generalizada tipo Facebook, Twitter, Instagram e YouTube. Outra estratégia é para postar constantemente as atualizações que não são apenas interessante, mas também informativo sobre os produtos e serviços oferecidos por uma marca ou organização. As empresas ou organizações devem também interagir com os clientes ou clientes on-line, a fim de manter os interesses deste último em ofertas e serviços da ex. O envolvimento do cliente é uma das razões por que os clientes optam por seguir as empresas on-line através da mídia social. A pesquisa também revela outras vantagens e benefícios da mídia social que constituem as melhores práticas, tais como a conversão de não-clientes para os clientes, o aumento da presença da mídia para aumentar a popularidade, a comunicação eficaz das metas e objetivos organizacionais, bem como a formação de um bom relacionamento com os clientes. As organizações também podem usar turístico criado conteúdo (TCC) e outros tipos de conteúdo para orientar a tomada de decisão no desenvolvimento do produto gerado pelo usuário.


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O setor automotivo é bastante representativo na economia nacional, o que motivou a realização deste estudo sobre a demanda por veículos novos no Brasil. No presente trabalho, é abordado um modelo econométrico que permite calcular as elasticidades do preço, da renda e do crédito em relação à demanda por veículos, sob a luz da teoria da cointegração. Analisando-se o período de junho de 2000 a janeiro de 2014, verifica-se a ocorrência de três quebras estruturais. Estas quebras dividem o intervalo de tempo analisado em quatro subperíodos, cada um com uma dinâmica própria. A constatação deste fato, muitas vezes negligenciado na literatura científica prévia, é um dos principais resultados deste trabalho: afinal, conclusões bastante distintas seriam obtidas ao se considerar o período todo sem quebras. Vale também destacar que o crédito se mostrou relevante para a demanda em todos os subperíodos: acredita-se, portanto, ser efetiva a implementação de uma política de estímulo ao setor, por meio do incentivo ao crédito. Por último, comenta-se que, no passado recente, a cada 1% de redução no preço do automóvel, a demanda aumentou numa proporção 30% maior. Este resultado corrobora com a percepção de que a redução de impostos pode alavancar a venda de veículos.


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A economia compartilhada teve origem na década de 1990 nos Estados Unidos impulsionada pelos avanços tecnológicos que propiciaram a redução dos custos das transações on-line peer-to-peer (SHIRKY, 2008), viabilizando a criação de novos modelos de negócio baseados na troca e no compartilhamento de bens e serviços entre pessoas desconhecidas (SCHOR, 2015). A economia compartilhada é constituída por práticas comerciais que possibilitam o acesso a bens e serviços, sem que haja, necessariamente, a aquisição de um produto ou troca monetária (BOTSMAN; ROGERS, 2011). Atualmente, a economia compartilhada está tomando forma no Brasil, por meio da expansão de modelos de negócio que visam ao compartilhamento, à troca e à revenda de produtos e serviços. Assim, objetivando expandir o conhecimento sobre este fenômeno econômico, realizou-se um estudo de caso múltiplo em quatro empresas representantes dessa economia, com o objetivo de conhecer os seus modelos de negócio, enfatizando uma abordagem holística para compreender como essas organizações realizam seus negócios (ZOTT; AMIT; MASSA, 2011). Como resultado deste estudo, constata-se que a economia compartilhada abrange uma extensa gama de modelos de negócio (SCHOR, 2014), dentre os quatro casos estudados foram observados três modelos de negócio distintos. Ademais, por meio dos casos estudados, evidencia-se que as empresas da economia compartilhada tendem a desenvolver sinergias com empresas da economia tradicional para garantir sua sustentabilidade, visto que, das quatro empresas estudadas, três já estão desenvolvendo transações business-to-business com parceiros da economia tradicional, constatando-se assim o surgimento de uma economia híbrida constituída pelo mercado capitalista e pelas iniciativas de compartilhamento (RIFKIN, 2014). Todavia, verifica-se que a aproximação com empresas tradicionais não significa o abandono da essência de compartilhamento e sustentabilidade socioambiental, inerentes às propostas de valor das atividades da economia compartilhada.


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As globalization increases integration, a new playing field is emerging which is driving the need for operational efficiencies and alignment of complementary capabilities among countries to build sustainable models and integrated offerings. As demands increase, companies are turning to effective project management as means to control operations and countries are increasing the amount of mega projects to boost their competitiveness and global footprint. Given the scale, complexity, political nature, multicultural makeup, and high level of visibility; mega projects rely on successful stakeholder management to effectively manage its operational, tactical, and strategic levels to execute their mission. This paper examines the success drivers of mega projects and presents an in depth stakeholder assessment of the Panama Canal Expansion mega project to identify the perceived value to its stakeholder community. The stakeholder categories include: the Panama Canal Authority, subcontractors executing the expansion project, customers of the canal in Panama and U.S., as well as the communities surrounding the Panama Canal and ports in the U.S. East Coast. The conclusion of this paper captures the relationship between the effective stakeholder engagement from the Panama Canal Authority, the perceived value of the Panamanian stakeholders, and compares it to U.S. based mega projects being executed simultaneously to allow the U.S. East Coast ports to accommodate increased cargo volumes.


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The acquisition of oligosaccharides from chitosan has been the subject of several studies in the pharmaceutical, biochemical, food and medical due to functional properties of these compounds. This study aimed to boost its production of chitooligosaccharides (COS) through the optimization of production and characterization of chitosanolytic enzymes secreted by microorganisms Paenibacillus chitinolyticus and Paenibacillus ehimensis, and evaluating the antioxidant potential of the products obtained. In the process of optimizing the production of chitosanase were employed strategies Fractional Factorial Experimental Design and Central Composite Rotatable Design. The results identified the chitosan, peptone and yeast extract as the components that influenced the production of chitosanase by these microorganisms. With the optimization of the culture media was possible to obtain an increase of approximately 8.1 times (from 0.043 to 0.35 U.mL U.mL-1) and 7.6 times (from 0.08 U.mL-1 to 0.61 U.mL-1) in the enzymatic activity of chitosanase produced by P. chitinolyticus and P. ehimensis respectively. Enzyme complexes showed high stability in temperature ranges between 30º and 55º C and pH between 5.0 and 9.0. Has seen the share of organic solvents, divalent ions and other chemical agents on the activity of these enzymes, demonstrating high stability of these crude complexes and dependence of Mn2+. The COS generated showed the ability of DPPH radical scavenging activity, reaching a maximum rate of scavenging of 61% and 39% when they were produced with enzymes of P. ehimensis and P. chitinolyticus respectively. The use of these enzymes in raw form might facilitate its use for industrial applications


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In a country of continental dimensions as Brazil, one of the top challenges to its economic growth is the logistic related to energetical demand supply. We live now in the era of environmental protection and, in this new context of priorizations, it passes trough the search for alternative energies for the energetic matrix, due the petroleum elevated costs in the global market (and its finitude), but also due its pollution over the environment. This attempt of substitution needs solutions related to the national reality, into a national long term developing plan and based at a juridical-economic analysis of its realization. This study will look for, also based in an economical analysis, the juridical legitimity of choosing natural gas as the new protagonist of national economic growth (as a substitute of petroleum) and the necessary boost that must be done by law, based on an economic policy focused strictly for that fact, as a modifying agent of this reality. This study, therefore, will always be turned to a constitutional aspect, respecting the principles of economic order and the goal of reducing regional inequalities, which must influence the making off of a developing plan. At the end, it will try to demonstrate the juridical viability of such undertaking, tuned in jus-economical criteria. Another goal is related to the analysis of the natural gas industry, due the regulation of its transport has a major importance for national energetic integration, not only because this activity be characterized as a net industry, still under control of a natural monopoly, but also because the competitive or cooperative profile that should be priorized at the beginning of the economic planning for this activity (such as investment policies and its own rules that will submit private agents)


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The Nossa Senhora da Conceição Seminary, installed in 1894, by Dom Adauto Aurélio de Miranda Henriques, first Paraíba Bishop, and the Episcopal Seminary of the Sagrado Coração de Jesus, implanted in 1913, by Dom José Thomas Gomes da Silva, first Aracaju s Bishop diocese, were created as a result of lack of an official religious process proposed by the Brazilian Republic Proclamation, in 1889. With the appoint to enlarge the number of priests and change the image of the priest married and unrolled who used to identify the Catholic Church in the colonial and imperial Brazil. Such bishops developed into intellectuals in the government, dioceses and formation priest houses. I take as a study object, for this doctorate paper, the academic formation and priesthood developed in theses seminaries, from 1894 to 1933, once 1894 the year of João Pessoa Creation Seminar that was implied the Minor Course (preparation) and the Major one (built by Philosophy and God related studies) and the research limit year of 1933, is concerned about the Major Sergipe Seminary ending, which was created and has worked offering the Minor and Major courses, from 1913 to 1933. Showing the teaching models that guided and leaded the priest formation, referred as Seminaries, and the application result is the objective of this investigation. To comprehend the teaching models seminaries studied, my research line is the Catholic Church theme and priest formation in Brazil. In front of the object and the objective desired, I chose the historical comparative method and the scholars modals notions of Araujo de Barros (2004) and the Sirinelli intellectuals (1996). Such references allowed me to analyze the formation given in the seminary and seminarian participation and actions, included the sequence after the scholars formation. The thesis defended is that the teaching model developed in the Brazilian Seminaries, created after a non official religious process in the Brazilian government, deal with a model of one unique center (Seminary formation and aim pre arranged by Santa Sé), although adapted, presuming the local reality and formation structure (privileged not only spiritual and moral speaking, but intellectual also), was it responsible for intellectuals generations (teachers priests, educationalist priest, journalists priests and so on) that boost the education in Brazil. During the Republic first three decades, when, in thesis, the Government was becoming free religion, i.e., the government did not subsidize the Church anymore, and the Government, among others aspects, did not received any Church care to help the public teaching in the country. The investigation reveled accede, by bishops and their followers, such as by the Concílio de Trento pre concept, or by the others ideas, leading by the priests formation in Seminaries. By creating and stalling diocese Seminary, Bishop Dom Adauto and Dom José went further their functions, by the time they built inside themselves a teaching model thought from the main pedagogic logic, based on several religious exercises, moral and ethic, considered by themselves several knowledge connected to humanity, philosophy and God related studies). Following clearly rationalism principle (the way of teaching, which each subject has its own teacher and this class get together students with the same knowledge, regardless of age) and efficiency (trying to teach the whole content in each class), the Seminaries researched developed a whole education, allowed the structure of a spiritual education, moral and intellectual, for a quality developed by priests, including different levels that they used to performance. Their bottom line, actions and priest matter achievement allowed their broad fulfillment, in the way that priests matter were associated with cultural, educational, welfare assistance, at last, intellectuals


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Background: Gynaecomastia in male goats is characterized by abnormal development of the mammary gland. Enlarged udder may be observed cranially to the scrotum, which can occasionally reach the size of the testicles. The udder may carry functional glands and impair the animal's reproductive performance and welfare. The case of a successful surgical treatment of gynaecomastia in a high reproductive performance Saanen buck-goat is reported in the present study.Material, Methods & Results: The animal was admitted presenting significant augmentation of the mammary glands, which was clinically diagnosed as gynaecomastia. The male goat owned optimal phenotypic characteristics for the Saanen breed, which had been producing high performance descendents. The mammary glands had been impairing the goat's locomotion and sexual performance. Manual milking resulted in great amount of milk secretion. The animal presented anorexia and impaired sexual performance. After clinical and laboratorial evaluation, the animal was submitted to radical mastectomy. An elliptic skin incision was performed around each mammary gland. Subcuticular blunt dissection was accomplished to isolate the mammarian tissue from the abdominal muscular layer and the spermatic chord. The excised mass was sampled for histological assessment. Subcuticular layer and skin closure was carried in a routine fashion. Hygienization of the surgical wound was performed with 2,5% PVP-I solution for ten days. Additionally, an association of penicillin G benzathine and streptomycin, and fluxinin meglumine were also given. The surgical procedure was successfully accomplished without any peroperative complication. The excised mass was sampled for anatomic/histological assessment. Macroscopically, the left mammary gland presented 22 cm in length, 12 cm wide and 26 cm in diameter. The right gland presented 16 cm in length, 7 cm wide and 13,5 cm in diameter. The microscopic assessment revealed hyperplasia of the glandular ducts. No abnormalities resembling malignant mammary neoplasms or degeneration were observed. At the end of the treatment, the animal was completely recovered. The animal convalesced satisfactorily and surgical wound healed completely within the first 10 days post-op. The goat was not culled and returned to normal reproductive activity. Within 12 months of follow-up, the animal was able to produce high milk yield performance progenies.Discussion: This case report presented relevant aspects of the surgical management of gynaecomastia, especially to veterinary practitioners dealing with milk goats. Gynaecomastia is not as common as other reproductive disorders in domestic animals. In opposition to the findings of the present study, other trials revealed that gynaecomastia usually does not affect fertility, libido, ejaculate parameters and sexual performance of goats. However, it is important to consider that neoplasic disorders such as mammary adenocarcinoma may be present, even though these are rare complications. Last but not least, the decision making on mastectomy in the present study was crucial in order to reestablish the animal's welfare and its functionality in the farms reproduction program.


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This paper presents a reconstruction of the historical trajectory of the Escola Industrial de Natal (Industrial School of Natal), in the period 1942 to 1968, based on the analysis of its cultural, social and pedagogical characteristics in a process in which its educational practices and the individuals who constructed them were getting involved in their actions. In this sense, the concepts of memory and school culture occupied a central place to understand the elements that characterized its administrative and pedagogical organization such as, for example, its curriculum, aims, disciplinary rules, clientele, teachers, leaders and the configuration of the institutional power. Designed to meet the demands of an industrial process that has strengthened in the country, throughout its history, the Escola Industrial de Natal was becoming a space predominantly occupied by individuals, from economically disadvantaged social groups in society, in search of a professional training that would guarantee them the exercise of a profession. The time frame from 1942 to 1968 allowed us to verify the changes caused by the Organic Law of Industrial Education of 1942, and the Law number 3.552, from 1959, in the organizational structure of this school. In this context, a characteristic that was evident was the purpose of making it flow between the students the love for the country, the respect for civic values and the belief that industrial education would be able to boost the country's development, an aspect that reached a bigger dimension from the 1950 s. Marked the disciplinary character of this institution the control over the actions of individuals, developed through its multiple educational practices in specific areas and in the predetermined time, under the constant gaze of those who participated, in some from, in driving this process. On the other hand, the vocational and human training, provided to students, allowed new opportunities for social integration, not only in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, but also in other regions of Brazil. Conversely, during his career, the Escola Industrial de Natal has remained being seen as an organized institution, with good teachers, but intended for the children of others


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This work has its genesis in the life of a teacher. It contemplates the report of a great story that expresses the political will of anonymous people who sought/seek to overcome challenges and prejudices, a joint effort to make real the right to literacy. The reported story was developed in the Pedagogic Clinic Teacher Heitor Carrilho, Natal-RN which, concerned about the sentence of 'unable to learn the written language' attributed to children and young public school students, decided to invest in overcoming prejudices and fight against school failure of these underprivileged. The problem that motivated the study was thus set up: What particularities characterize a pedagogical practice which aims to teach literacy to children and youth from public schools, considered not capable of learning the written language? What theoretical and methodological procedures are shown as a boost to literacy in the development of a pedagogical practice systematically targeted to reflect the perspective of educating those students in public schools? Aiming to answer these questions, we conducted a qualitative research having as methodology, Life Stories and Research/Formation. For the construction of the data, it was decided to use the participative observation, semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Guided by the principles of content analysis the data analysis was built, from which emerged two categories: theoretical and methodological procedures aligned to the major axes of literacy and Procedures of the specific theoretical and methodological fundamentals of literacy. As subsets of the transverse procedures others were seized: didactic-pedagogic procedures; social affective procedures. Regarding these ones, the research shows the importance of the teacher to build a relationship of listening to the students and their families in order to organize the pedagogical work, looking at multiple dimensions of the subject: the intellect, the creative, the affective, moral, noting that between the methodology and didactics or as part of it, the links built represent great opportunities to promote literacy. Regarding the specific procedures, others were built: procedures that emphasize oral communication, procedures that favor writing and procedures that privilege reading. Under these procedures, the results of research show that you can only promote literacy if the teacher provides the students effective conditions of understanding the principles of alphabetical notation from the use of various kinds of texts, leading them to comprehend and use them in different contexts. Therefore, instructors must meet the learners' prior knowledge, their language, and the learning real needs that will bring new challenges consistent with their possibilities. The research confirms the importance of the Educational Support extra school. However, it is essential to emphasize that it is a function of the school to promote literacy for all students in the early years of schooling. It is recorded, however, that for the implementation of this desire, we must break the school model characterized by a rigid tradition, in which there is only room for those who learn the content taught in a minimum time. Unfortunately, despite the discourse of inclusion and ensuring the right to education, the school remains exclusive and selective separating the school learning of interpersonal relations and social integration and performance. On the one hand, research showed the difficulties of conducting studies and/or strategies that address the particularities of children and young people believed not capable of learning. On the other hand, the political commitment and motivation have increased the perception that it is possible to mitigate the existing deficits in the educational context, beginning with the everyday teaching practice, in which new knowledge can be learned, methodologies can be improved and, despite everything, the educational success can be built


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Nursing as a profession goes in search on quality of their care through new frameworks, trying to break postures of the health care system so fragmented in the care. To change professional practices, it is necessary to build their own knowledge grounded on Nursing Care System. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of nurses' knowledge on care systematization in nursing in the University Hospital Natal-RN. It is an analytical descriptive study carried out at the Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL), Natal-RN, 2010, the sample was composed of 40 active nurses working in hospitalization units of the hospital, the inclusion criteria were being in the monthly scale sector and agree to participate in the study. The non-participant observation and another interview were used for collecting data, statistical analysis was descriptive and inferential with reliability test, Pearson test, chi-square and Fischer, the variables that correlated were analyzed in a model Multiple logistic , calculating odds ratio. The results were: predominance of female professionals (90%), predominantly in the age range 39-46 years (37.5%), nurses who have the undergraduate degree at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (80%), and who have expertise training as a minimal degree (62.5%). Among the surveyed, the knowledge showed significance with the graduation time (p = 0.018) and time working in HUOL (p = 0.036). The majority of the professionals surveyed do not know which organ is responsible for the SAE legislation (52.5%), aware of the steps needed to build the nursing diagnosis (92.5%), understand the characteristics of nursing planning (90% ). However the same professionals do not perform physical examination in patients (50.0%) did not classify the clinical findings (68.4%), and identify the problems encountered as a classification (13.2%). The planning of nursing care is carried out by verbal order of nurses (82.5%), 41% of the professionals assess only the intervention stage, in other words, the actions taken. Regarding the practical application of nursing records 53% of nurses do not realize records, 30.8% is incomplete, the other held notes (p = 0.003). The nurses know the nursing process (90% of appropriate responses), despite the actions defined by the theory are not applied in practice. Investigators believe the condition of the hospital teacher (22.5%) could positively affect the implementation of the SAE associated with the interest of professionals (20%). Of the respondents, 17.5% accept as truth the lack of facilities to assist the SAE implementation in the hospital. It was concluded that nurses know the theory that underlies the SAE and the nursing process, but do not develop the service know as well, there is need for action to boost the SAE implementation as practice of nurses in the hospital investigated


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This research had as its guiding question: what theoretical and structural milestone of graduation nursing curriculum of public universities in the State of Rio Grande do Norte? The objectives of this study were: Analyze theoretical and structural milestones of graduation nursing curriculum of public universities in the State of Rio Grande do Norte; Identify the theoretical milestone and training models that guide the structural milestones of nursing curriculum courses of public universities studied; Analyze the training concepts of curriculums from the voices of the coordinators of the courses. This is a qualitative study, analytical, with discussions of the documentary and empirical research. Ten teachers participated who act as coordinators of the graduation courses in nursing or academic advisors, in UFRNCentral Campus in Natal and Health Sciences College (Facisa), in Santa Cruz-and on UERN -Campus Caicó, Mossoró and Pau dos Ferros. The information collected by interview was analyzed by sociology or symbolic cartography of Boaventura de Sousa Santos. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the UERN by the CAAE: 03610912.7.0000.5294. All the participants signed the Free Consent and clarified Term The results and discussion were presented in four scientific articles. The first article, titled the Pedagogical projects in nursing analysis in the light of the symbolic cartography, features the use of cartographic method in the researches and in the study of nursing curriculums. In the article The Analysis of theoretical-philosophical, structural and referential milestones in nursing curriculums, these milestones are renowned in curriculums of UERN and UFRN. The main challenges faced in the implementation of supervised internship in nursing provide a reflection on the difficulties that the internship supervisors present, especially with the relationship between education/service and the articulation theory/practice. In the last article are discussed the changes in nursing training from the former student profile, who won a boost from the curricular changes proposed by the national curriculum guidelines. The study concluded, by the analysis of theoretical and structural milestones of nursing curriculum courses of public universities of Rio Grande do Norte, that there is an explicit intention to train nurses for the health system and a search on innovative teaching projects in accordance with the national curriculum guidelines for the area of nursing. The thesis defended in this investigation was that the curriculum of public institutions of higher education in nursing in the State of Rio Grande do Norte advanced from a training focusing on biologicist model, flexneriana guidelines, for teaching able to articulate the health with the social, political and cultural issues