739 resultados para Brook trout


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Veterinary medicines (VMs) from agricultural industry can enter the environment in a number of ways. This includes direct exposure through aquaculture, accidental spillage and disposal, and indirect entry by leaching from manure or runoff after treatment. Many compounds used in animal treatments have ecotoxic properties that may have chronic or sometimes lethal effects when they come into contact with non-target organisms. VMs enter the environment in mixtures, potentially having additive effects. Traditional ecotoxicology tests are used to determine the lethal and sometimes reproductive effects on freshwater and terrestrial organisms. However, organisms used in ecotoxicology tests can be unrepresentative of the populations that are likely to be exposed to the compound in the environment. Most often the tests are on single compound toxicity but mixture effects may be significant and should be included in ecotoxicology testing. This work investigates the use, measured environmental concentrations (MECs) and potential impact of sea lice treatments on salmon farms in Scotland. Alternative methods for ecotoxicology testing including mixture toxicity, and the use of in silico techniques to predict the chronic impact of VMs on different species of aquatic organisms were also investigated. The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) provided information on the use of five sea lice treatments from 2008-2011 on Scottish salmon farms. This information was combined with the recently available data on sediment MECs for the years 2009-2012 provided by SEPA using ArcGIS 10.1. In depth analysis of this data showed that from a total of 55 sites, 30 sites had a MEC higher than the maximum allowable concentration (MAC) as set out by SEPA for emamectin benzoate and 7 sites had a higher MEC than MAC for teflubenzuron. A number of sites that were up to 16 km away from the nearest salmon farm reported as using either emamectin benzoate or teflubenzuron measured positive for the two treatments. There was no relationship between current direction and the distribution of the sea lice treatments, nor was there any evidence for alternative sources of the compounds e.g. land treatments. The sites that had MECs higher than the MAC could pose a risk to non-target organisms and disrupt the species dynamics of the area. There was evidence that some marine protected sites might be at risk of exposure to these compounds. To complement this work, effects on acute mixture toxicity of the 5 sea lice treatments, plus one major metabolite 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3PBA), were measured using an assay using the bioluminescent bacteria Aliivibrio fischeri. When exposed to the 5 sea lice treatments and 3PBA A. fischeri showed a response to 3PBA, emamectin benzoate and azamethiphos as well as combinations of the three. In order to establish any additive effect of the sea lice treatments, the efficacy of two mixture prediction equations, concentration addition (CA) and independent action ii(IA) were tested using the results from single compound dose response curves. In this instance IA was the more effective prediction method with a linear regression confidence interval of 82.6% compared with 22.6% of CA. In silico molecular docking was carried out to predict the chronic effects of 15 VMs (including the five used as sea lice control). Molecular docking has been proposed as an alternative screening method for the chronic effects of large animal treatments on non-target organisms. Oestrogen receptor alpha (ERα) of 7 non-target bony fish and the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis were modelled using SwissModel. These models were then ‘docked’ to oestradiol, the synthetic oestrogen ethinylestradiol, two known xenoestrogens dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and bisphenol A (BPA), the antioestrogen breast cancer treatment tamoxifen and 15 VMs using Auto Dock 4. Based on the results of this work, four VMs were identified as being possible xenoestrogens or anti-oestrogens; these were cypermethrin, deltamethrin, fenbendazole and teflubenzuron. Further investigation, using in vitro assays, into these four VMs has been suggested as future work. A modified recombinant yeast oestrogen screen (YES) was attempted using the cDNA of the ERα of the zebrafish Danio rerio and the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Due to time and difficulties in cloning protocols this work was unable to be completed. Use of such in vitro assays would allow for further investigation of the highlighted VMs into their oestrogenic potential. In conclusion, VMs used as sea lice treatments, such as teflubenzuron and emamectin benzoate may be more persistent and have a wider range in the environment than previously thought. Mixtures of sea lice treatments have been found to persist together in the environment, and effects of these mixtures on the bacteria A. fischeri can be predicted using the IA equation. Finally, molecular docking may be a suitable tool to predict chronic endocrine disrupting effects and identify varying degrees of impact on the ERα of nine species of aquatic organisms.


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The neoliberal period was accompanied by a momentous transformation within the US health care system.  As the result of a number of political and historical dynamics, the healthcare law signed by President Barack Obama in 2010 ‑the Affordable Care Act (ACA)‑ drew less on universal models from abroad than it did on earlier conservative healthcare reform proposals. This was in part the result of the influence of powerful corporate healthcare interests. While the ACA expands healthcare coverage, it does so incompletely and unevenly, with persistent uninsurance and disparities in access based on insurance status. Additionally, the law accommodates an overall shift towards a consumerist model of care characterized by high cost sharing at time of use. Finally, the law encourages the further consolidation of the healthcare sector, for instance into units named “Accountable Care Organizations” that closely resemble the health maintenance organizations favored by managed care advocates. The overall effect has been to maintain a fragmented system that is neither equitable nor efficient. A single payer universal system would, in contrast, help transform healthcare into a social right.


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Los indicadores de sostenibilidad climática constituyen herramientas fundamentales para complementar las políticas de ordenamiento del territorio urbano y pueden beneficiar la calidad de vida sus habitantes. En el presente trabajo se diseñó un indicador climático urbano para la ciudad de Bahía Blanca considerando variables meteorológicas y análisis de la percepción social. El mismo permitió delimitar la ciudad en cuatro regiones bien diferenciadas entre sí. A partir de entonces, se realizó una propuesta sostenible para mitigar los efectos adversos del clima a partir de la aplicación del método DPSIR. Las mismas estuvieron destinadas a mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población. Los resultados permitieron considerar que una pronta implementación de la misma junto con una activa participación de los actores sociales y los tomadores de decisiones es necesaria para mejorar las condiciones actuales en la que se encuentra la ciudad. Con las medidas propuestas, la población local sabrá cómo actuar ante la ocurrencia de distintos eventos extremos, eventos de desconfort climático, etc. Al ser un método sencillo, la metodología aplicada en este estudio puede replicarse en otras ciudades del mundo con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida de los habitantes.


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Статията се занимава със славянския превод на няколко топоса, свързани с разбирането на женските роли, в Първа и Втора книга Царства. За целите на сравнението основният ръкопис (Архивският хро- нограф) е съпоставен с още седем славянски ръкописа, извлечението от Книги Царства в Славянската версия на Хрониката на Георги Синкел, Острожката библия, както и с текста на Септуагинта и Вулгата. Въз основа на събрания богат речников и изворов материал, статията анализира и търси при- чината за необичайните преводачески решения на старобългарския книжовник.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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At a global scale, aquatic ecosystems are being altered by human activities at a greater rate than at any other time in history. In recent years, grassroots efforts have generated interest in the restoration of degraded or destroyed aquatic habitats, especially small wetlands and streams where such projects are feasible with local resources. We present ecological management lessons learned from 17 years of monitoring the fish community response to the channel relocation and reach-level restoration of Juday Creek, a 3rd-order tributary of the St. Joseph River in Indiana, USA. The project was designed to increase habitat complexity, reverse the effects of accumulated fine sediment (< 2 mm diameter), and mitigate for the impacts of a new golf course development. The 1997 restoration consisted of new channel construction within two reaches of a 1.2-km section of Juday Creek that also contained two control reaches. A primary social goal of the golf course development and stream restoration was to avoid harm to the non-native brown trout fishery, as symbolic of community concerns for the watershed. Our long-term monitoring effort revealed that, although fine sediment increased over time in the restored reaches, habitat conditions have promoted the resurgence of native fish species. Since restoration, the fish assemblage has shifted from non-native Salmonidae (brown trout, rainbow trout) to native Centrarchidae (rock bass, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass). In addition, native, nongame species have remained stable or have increased in population abundance (e.g., Johnny darter, mottled sculpin). The results of this study demonstrate the value of learning from a restoration project to adjust management decisions that enhance environmental quality.


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L’apparition et le maintien d’écotypes adaptés à différentes niches écologiques, en situation de sympatrie, est régit par une multitude de facteurs. Ceux-ci sont essentiels pour la compréhension des processus évolutifs impliqués mais aussi pour la gestion et la conservation des populations en question. Le touladi (Salvelinus namaycush) est un salmonidé reconnu pour la présence d’écotypes liée à l’utilisation des ressources et de l’habitat à travers l’Amérique du Nord. Un total de quatre écotypes a été décrit vivant dans le lac Supérieur, se différenciant par l’habitat utilisé, l’alimentation, la morphologie ainsi que l’ostéologie. L’objectif principal de la présente étude était de quantifier l’étendue de la différentiation génétique entre les différents sites d’échantillonnage ainsi qu’entre les différents écotypes. Un second objectif était d’identifier des marqueurs potentiellement sous sélection entre les différents écotypes reflétant de possibles adaptations locales. Pour ce faire, un total de 486 individus, représentant les quatre écotypes pour chacun des quatre sites d’échantillonnages, a été génotypé à 6822 SNPs (polymorphisme de nucléotide simple). De plus, des analyses morphométriques ont été effectuées afin de caractériser l’ampleur de la divergence morphologique entre les écotypes à chacun des sites. Les résultats ont montré une différentiation génétique, bien que faible, plus prononcée entre les sites d’échantillonnage qu’entre les écotypes à chacun de ces sites. Des indices indiquant la présence de sélection divergente ont aussi été décelés entre les écotypes ou en association avec des variations morphologiques, dont certains marqueurs représentant des traits importants dans la divergence des différents écotypes. Les résultats de cette étude permettront une meilleure gestion et conservation des populations de touladi du lac Supérieur en plus d’éclairer le choix possible de populations sources pour l’ensemencement des autres Grands Lacs.


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Over recent decades recreational fisheries have grown substantially throughout the world. Despite this increase, catches from recreational fisheries have often been ignored in fisheries management, although this is now being remedied. Monitoring recreational fisheries can be expensive, and the primary means used for monitoring is angler (creel) surveys, typically funded from sales of fishing licences. The studies presented in this thesis examine different approaches to monitoring recreational trolling fisheries’ catch and effort, where fishing licenses are not required and there are no reporting requirements. I present results from a complemented roving/mail-in survey undertaken during 2013-2014 to estimate recreational effort and catch of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (S. trutta) in the largest lake in the European Union, Lake Vänern, Sweden. I also evaluate different angler catch reporting methods (mail-in, tournament reports and face-to-face interviews) and compare catch rates within and among spring and fall fishing periods. In addition, mail-in survey data are examined for recall bias.   I estimate that 28.7 tonnes of salmon and trout combined were harvested by the recreational trolling fishery in 2014, more than the commercial and subsistence fisheries combined. Seasonal differences in both recreational effort and catch were observed. Effort, in boat hours, was significantly higher in spring than in fall. Catch rates of trout were higher in fall than in spring, but there were no seasonal differences in catches of salmon. Harvest per boat day did not differ significantly among catch reporting methods, indicating that all three methods could be useful for managers interested in harvest rates. In contrast, total and released catch per boat day differed among reporting methods, with tournament anglers catching more fish in total. Finally, there was little evidence for recall bias in mail-in surveys, indicating that mail-in surveys are useful for collecting unbiased catch data. My study is the most comprehensive angler survey to date for Lake Vänern, and my results should be of immediate use to local fisheries managers and should also be of interest to researchers and managers interested in estimating catch and effort for fisheries at large spatial scales.


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Ofrecer un valor superior es cada vez más difícil. Los adelantos tecnológicos y la lucha por la lealtad de los consumidores han creado productos que pueden satisfacer casi cualquier necesidad. Agregar servicios a los productos puede ser la nueva clave de las empresas exitosas. Una empresa debe competir más con categorías que con marcas. De hecho, puede ser más fácil inventar una nueva categoría y ser el primero en llegar a la mente del consumidor que convencerlo de que una nueva marca es mejor que la líder (Ries y Trout, 1992). Este principio, denominado "Ley de la categoría", está asociado a la siguiente "Ley del liderazgo": en la mente del consumidor sólo hay espacio para los dos primeros lugares en el mercado; el resto está fuera de la pelea.


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En marketing, tout commence avec le consommateur... Comme le mentionnent Lies A & Trout J. (1987), "vous goûtez ce que vous comptez goûter, vous retenez ce que vous désirez retenir..."(p. 30) En fait, à travers l'ensemble des stimuli auxquels il est soumis, le consommateur se crée une perception de la réalité. Cette perception correspond à sa propre réalité. Les perceptions des consommateurs sont fondées sur une grande quantité d'informations et cette affirmation ouvre la porte à un champ de recherche très vaste. Il est aisé de concevoir qu'il est non seulement fondamental de se questionner sur les raisons de l'évolution des perceptions dans l'esprit du consommateur (en vue de connaître leurs causes et leurs origines), mais il est également important de s'interroger sur ce qu'elles sont, tout simplement. Car, rappelons-le, ce sont sur elles que repose la réalité du consommateur. Ainsi la réalité évolue. Nos aïeux n'auraient pu imaginer que l'homme irait un jour sur la lune et que l'automobile existerait... Ce qui était vrai il y a cent ans ne l'est plus forcément aujourd'hui. Le monde a changé, le contexte est différent, bref, l'homme dit moderne ne pourrait concevoir retourner au mode de vie d'antan, avec toutes ses sources d'inconfort...


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The annual report presents information on the following under fisheries section Breaches of Game Laws (Fish Sections) Development and Control of the Lake Victoria Fishing Industry. Collection of Statistics Statistical Tables.- (A) Number of half-yearly licences issued (B) Quantities and value of nets imported (C) Dried fish handled by Railways and Steamers (D) Smoked and salted fish exported to the Belgian Congo Mpondwe Customs Post Lake Bunyonyi Lake Mugisha (or Kaiyumbu) Lake Chahafi Lake Mulehe Lake Mutanda Lake Saka Lake Nabugabo Lake Kachira and Lake Kijanebalola Lake Kyoga Commercial Development:- Lake Edward and associated fisheries Uganda Fisheries Limited Nsonzi Fishery, Kigezi Experimental Nets in Lake Victoria Legislation (B) angling a) Trout (b) Nile pereh or mpufa


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Common terns currently are listed as endangered or threatened in many states, including Illinois, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, and New York, and a species of special concern by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS, 2002). The sole remaining nesting colony in Illinois is located at the Naval Station Great Lakes (NSGL) in Lake County where intensive management by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources has reduced nest predation and increased the number of eggs that hatch. However, the overall reproductive success (the number of young successfully reaching independence) has not improved. Observations of gross deformities in hatchlings (i.e. compromised feather development and cross-bill), lethargic behavior of young birds, and lesions, suggested the influence of environmental contaminants (Jablonski et al., 2005). I investigated if there were significant levels of environmental contaminants in eggs and nestlings of common terns. While there were minimal concentration of selenium, mercury, lead, and cadmium, there were large concentration of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in both the eggs and nestlings. The greater amounts of PCBs in older chicks than younger chicks suggest local contamination. In order to potentially manage the factors responsible for exposing the terns to PCBs I investigated the pathway by which PCBs were exposed to terns. The two most likely biological pathways as determined by research on Great Lake fishes were investigated. The first pathway is through atmospheric deposition of PCBs and resuspension of PCB-ladel sediment which are subsequently acquired by filter-feeding fish (e.g. alewives, Alosa pseudoharengus) and then pelagic fish (e.g. lake trout, Salvelinus namaychus) or in this case terns. The second pathway explored was via the biodeposits of zebra mussels which are consumed by round gobies (Neogobius melanostromus) and ultimately littoral fish (e.g. small-mouthed bass, Micropterus dolomieui) or terns. Because common terns breed in near-shore sites where concentrations of zebra mussels are found, as well as forage in more pelagic environments it is possible that either or both pathways may be contributing to their PCB exposure. Field experiments and stable isotope analyses demonstrated that the most likely pathway by which terns are exposed to PCBs is via alewives, similar to how apex predators such as lake trout acquire PCBs. Biodeposits from zebra mussels do not appear to be a significant factor in PCB accumulation in terns. The impact of PCB exposure on birds can vary widely, however in this situation we choise to investigate one specific behavior often affected by PCB exposure, parental attentiveness. PCBs are known to cause endocrine disruption which ultimately results in reduced brooding of young and incubation of eggs. I used temperature sensors to quantify nest temperatures and parental attentiveness during incubation. High concentrations of PCBs in our study population appear to be leading to poor parental attentiveness, and extended periods of absence during incubation and brooding, ultimately leading to poor reproductive success. Common terns are perilously close to being extirpated in Illinois and management of PCB exposure will be difficult. I propose that additional testing should be conducted to locate a site with less PCB contamination and then to move the tern colony to this location, possibly using social cues as has been done with other tern species in Illinois. PCBs are having a profound impact on common tern populations in Illinois and without moving the colony it is likely that the population will continue to decline.


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Carp (Cyprinus Carpio L.) were first recommend for Uganda in 1941 by Dr. Hornell who was Oolonial Fisheries Adviser at that time. He stated that they would be suitable for Lake Bunyoni (6,474 ft.) in Kigezi District where the cold made conditions marginal for Tilapia and yet where the water was too warm for trout. Later, in 1947, when fish farming was proposed for Uganda, an expert from Israel whose visit was arranged by Dr. Hickling, the then current Colonial Fisheries Adviser, recommended that carp should be used as the stock fish in the ponds rather than Tilapia which Dr. Hickling himself had suggested.


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) General (2) Legislation (3) Nets (4) Imports and Exports of Dried Fish (B) Economic:- (I) Lake Victoria (2) Lake Albert (including the Albert Nile (3) Lake Edward and Associated Fisheries (4) Lake Kyoga (5) Minor Lakes, Dams and the Victoria Nile (6) Introductions (7) Fish Transfers (8) Crocodiles:- (C) Angling Trout Nile Perch Barbel Tilapia Variabilis


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Fisheries section of the annual report covers the following A. ADMINISTRATION (1) General, (2) Legislation, (3) Nets (4) Imports and Exports of Dried Fish, (B) ECONOMIC :( 1) Lake Victoria, (2) Lake Albert (including the Albert Nile), (3) Lake Edward and Associated Fisheries, (4) Report by Fish Culturist, (5) Lake Kyoga, (6) Minor Lakes and the Victoria Nile, (7) Dams,(8) Introductions,(9) Fish Transfers (10) Crocodiles:(i) Control,(ii) Industry, (iii) General (ll) General Notes, (C) ANGLING:Trout, Nile Perch Barbei, Tilapia variabilis.