968 resultados para Benzodiazepine usage in Ireland
Bivalvia represents an ancient taxon including around 25,000 living species that have adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions, and show a great diversity in body size, shell shapes, and anatomic structure. Bivalves are characterized by highly variable genome sizes and extremely high levels of heterozygosity, which obstacle complete and accurate genome assemblies and hinder further genomic studies. Moreover, some bivalve species presented a stable evolutionary exception to the strictly maternal inheritance of mitochondria, namely doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI), making these species a precious model to study mitochondrial biology. During my PhD, I focused on a DUI species, the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum, and my work was two-folded. First, taking advantage of a newly assembled draft genome and a large RNA-seq dataset from different tissues of both sexes, I investigated 1) the role of gene expression and alternative splicing in tissue differentiation; 2) the relationship across tissue specificity, regulatory network connectivity, and sequence evolution; 3) sexual contrasting genetic markers potentially associated with sexual differentiation. The detailed information for this part is in Chapter 2. Second, using the same RNA-seq data, I investigated how nuclear oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) genes coordinate with two divergent mitochondrial genomes in DUI species (mito-nuclear coordination and coevolution). To address this question, I compared transcription, polymorphism, and synonymous codon usage in the mitochondrial and nuclear OXPHOS genes of R. philippinarum in Chapter 3. To my knowledge, this thesis represents the first study exploring the role of alternative splicing in tissue differentiation, and the first study analyzing both transcriptional regulation and sequence evolution to investigate the coordination of OXPHOS genes in bivalves.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Video adaptation is an extensively explored content providing technique aimed at appropriately suiting several usage scenarios featured by different network requirements and constraints, user`s terminal and preferences. However, its usage in high-demand video distribution systems, such as CNDs, has been badly approached, ignoring several aspects of optimization of network use. To address such deficiencies, this paper presents an approach for implementing the adaptation service by exploring the concept of overlay services networks. As a result of demonstrate the benefits of this proposal, it is made a comparison of this proposed adaptation service with other strategies of video adaptation.
Novas ferramentas de Tecnologias Assistivas (TAs) têm aparecido ultimamente. Um exemplo são os Ambientes Virtuais (AVs), os quais são importantes para o desenvolvimento de novas TAs, que podem ser direcionadas para promoverem uma melhor qualidade de vida de pessoas com mobilidade reduzida permanente ou promover a reabilitação de pessoas com deficiência motora temporária. Outras ferramentas, que surgiram há algumas décadas com o desenvolvimento dos computadores, também ajudam no tratamento de pessoas com deficiência motora, que são as Interfaces Humano-Máquina (IHM). Utilizando em conjunto com equipamentos que capturam sinais biológicos, como equipamentos de Eletromiografia (EMG) e Eletroencefalografia (EEG), essas ferramentas se configuram como canais de comunicações entre o ser humano e os computadores, diferentemente das comumente utilizadas. Isso abre uma gama de possibilidades para sua utilização no tratamento e na assistência de pessoas com deficiência motora, onde sinais EMG podem ser utilizados para controlar próteses robóticas; e sinais EEG, quando capturados da região do córtex motor, podem ser utilizados em neuroreabilitação. Por outro lado, quando capturados na região occipital, os sinais de EEG podem ser utilizados para gerar comandos e outras finalidades. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas para auxiliar em pesquisas de TAs envolvendo sinais biológicos. Três diferentes AVs foram desenvolvidos para auxiliar nesse tipo de pesquisa. Além deles, um equipamento EEG comercial foi adaptado para ser utilizado com uma IHM, o qual utiliza dois desses três AVs desenvolvidos. Como resultados, temos a utilização bem sucedida do equipamento EEG obtido com sua utilização com SSVEP e Imaginação motora, além da implementação com sucesso dos três AVs desenvolvidos, que estão disponíveis para download gratuito, e que podem ser utilizados em demais pesquisas envolvendo TAs.
This paper presents an integrated system for vehicle classification. This system aims to classify vehicles using different approaches: 1) based on the height of the first axle and_the number of axles; 2) based on volumetric measurements and; 3) based on features extracted from the captured image of the vehicle. The system uses a laser sensor for measurements and a set of image analysis algorithms to compute some visual features. By combining different classification methods, it is shown that the system improves its accuracy and robustness, enabling its usage in more difficult environments satisfying the proposed requirements established by the Portuguese motorway contractor BRISA.
Com a evolução da Internet houve uma consequente transformação da forma como os resultados são apresentados e das técnicas de visualização e apresentação de conteúdos. A presente dissertação é sobre visualização com nuvens de tags e foi a conjugação de diversos factores que originou a investigação sobre este tema. Uma nuvem de tags (em inglês: tag clouds) é uma concepção visual de um conjunto de tags isoladas com uma representação ilustrativa da sua importância, ou seja visualmente hierarquizadas e em que cada tag se hiperliga a um ou mais sítios Web ou documentos. São extremamente úteis para a navegação ou para a descoberta de informação genérica, podendo requerer menor carga cognitiva do utilizador durante consultas e pesquisas se alguns aspectos forem considerados na sua construção. Nesta dissertação discutem-se alguns dos factores visuais que podem contribuir para que as nuvens de tags sejam ferramentas efectivas e intuitivas para os utilizadores. O conceito de folksonomia está relacionado com nuvens de tags, permitindo categorizar as definições atribuídas a conteúdos recorrendo a palavras-chave (tags). Neste documento são ainda exploradas as suas vantagens e desvantagens. Discutem-se ainda alguns modos de visualização e apresentação de nuvens de tags, desde o tipo de ordenação ao algoritmo de geração da nuvem de tags. Aborda-se ainda o impacto do tipo de fonte e a utilização de cores monocromáticas ou coloridas que estas possam ter na visualização da nuvem. A própria tag também é categorizada e explorada ao nível do seu posicionamento na nuvem e a percepção que causa no utilizador. Sobre a visualização de nuvens de tags, refere-se ainda que as conclusões obtidas foram utilizadas num repositório de objectos educativos.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica na Especialidade de Manutenção e Produção
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Doctoral Thesis in Information Systems and Technologies Area of Engineering and Manag ement Information Systems
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
It is unquestionable that an effective decision concerning the usage of a certain environmental clean-up technology should be conveniently supported. Significant amount of scientific work focussing on the reduction of nitrate concentration in drinking water by both metallic iron and nanomaterials and their usage in permeable reactive barriers has been worldwide published over the last two decades. This work aims to present in a systematic review of the most relevant research done on the removal of nitrate from groundwater using nanosized iron based permeable reactive barriers. The research was based on scientific papers published between 2004 and June 2014. It was performed using 16 combinations of keywords in 34 databases, according to PRISMA statement guidelines. Independent reviewers validated the selection criteria. From the 4161 records filtered, 45 met the selection criteria and were selected to be included in this review. This study's outcomes show that the permeable reactive barriers are, indeed, a suitable technology for denitrification and with good performance record but the long-term impact of the use of nanosized zero valent iron in this remediation process, in both on the environment and on the human health, is far to be conveniently known. As a consequence, further work is required on this matter, so that nanosized iron based permeable reactive barriers for the removal of nitrate from drinking water can be genuinely considered an eco-efficient technology.
Do information flows matter for remittance behavior? We design and implement a randomized control trial to quantitatively assess the role of communication between migrants and their contacts abroad on the extent and value of remittance flows. In the experiment, a random sample of 1,500 migrants residing in Ireland was offered the possibility of contacting their networks outside the host country for free over a varying number of months. We find a sizable, positive impact of our intervention on the value of migrant remittances sent. Our results exclude that the remittance effect we identify is a simple substitution effect. Instead, our analysis points to this effect being a likely result of improved information via factors such as better migrant control over remittance use, enhanced trust in remittance channels due to experience sharing, or increased remittance recipients’ social pressure on migrants.
What role do social networks play in determining migrant labor market outcomes? We examine this question using data from a random sample of 1500 immigrants living in Ireland. We propose a theoretical model formally predicting that immigrants with more contacts have additional access to job offers, and are therefore better able to become employed and choose higher paid jobs. Our empirical analysis confirms these findings, while focusing more generally on the relationship between migrants’ social networks and a variety of labor market outcomes (namely wages, employment, occupational choice and job security), contrary to the literature. We find evidence that having one more contact in the network is associated with an increase of 11pp in the probability of being employed and with an increase of about 100 euros in the average salary. However, our data is not suggestive of a network size effect on occupational choice and job security. Our findings are robust to sample selection and other endogeneity concerns.
What role do social networks play in determining migrant labor market outcomes? We examine this question using data from a random sample of 1500 immigrants living in Ireland. We propose a theoretical model formally predicting that immigrants with more contacts have additional access to job offers, and are therefore better able to become employed and choose higher paid jobs. Our empirical analysis confirms these findings, while focusing more generally on the relationship between migrants’ social networks and a variety of labor market outcomes (namely wages, employment, occupational choice and job security), contrary to the literature. We find evidence that having one more contact in the network is associated with an increase of 11pp in the probability of being employed and with an increase of about 100 euros in the average salary. However, our data is not suggestive of a network size effect on occupational choice and job security. Our findings are robust to sample selection and other endogeneity concerns.
There have been ethnoveterinary reports from around the world investigating plant usage in therapeutic protocols; however, there is no information regarding the ethnoveterinary practices in Brazilian Amazonia. The objective of this work was to register and document the ethnoveterinary knowledge of the inhabitants of the Island of Marajó, eastern Amazonia, Brazil. In the study, interviews were conducted with 50 individuals, with the application of semi-structured questionnaires that were quantitatively analyzed using descriptive statistic methods of frequency distribution. Use-value was calculated to determine the most important species. Samples of plants that were reported to have medicinal value were collected and identified by botanical classification. Fifty plants, distributed among 48 genera and 34 families, were indicated for 21 different medicinal uses. The family Asteraceae had the largest number of reported species; Carapa guianensis Aubl., Copaifera martii Hayne, Crescentia cujete L., Caesalpinia ferrea Mart., Chenopodium ambrosioides L., Jatropha curcas L. and Momordica charantia L. were species with highest use- value. The plant parts that were more commonly utilized for the preparation of ethnoveterinary medicines were the leaves (56%), bark (18%), roots (14%), seeds (14%) and fruit (8%). With regard to usage, tea was reported as a usage method by 56% of the informants; most preparations (90.9%) utilized only a single plant. In addition to medicinal plants, informants reported using products of animal and mineral origin. The present study contributed to the construction of an inventory of Marajó Island's ethnoveterinary plants, which might be the basis for future scientific validation studies.