863 resultados para Avaliação e Controle de Qualidade de Alimentos


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The hardness has an important role in quality control, in research studies and metallurgical and mechanical specification, selection and comparison of various materials. This property is of extreme importance in the oil industry because it is a determining factor to ascertain the safety of the material used in pressure vessels and pipelines. Due to the inability to stop the equipment while checking the hardness, the hardness testers are widely used portable method UCI, its great advantage is the fact that an essay fast, simple realization and not be considered a non-destructive testing with a good relationship money. The objective is to determine if there is significant difference in hardness measurements between 80 and 1200 sandpaper using a portable hardness tester UCI method, the material applied in gas storage spheres composition ASTM 516 Gr 70. After determining the number of homogeneity, we performed the hardness profile to isolate the major factors influencing the hardness part: cold rolling and segregation of impurities. Factors Cooling and sanding were analyzed using the method of design of experiments (DOE), in which it was demonstrated that neither variables nor their interactions, has significant influence on the hardness measurements by portable MIC 10. This fact will lead to reduction in time and cost for surface preparation


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No Brasil, 190.000 pacientes HIV+ utilizam a terapia antirretroviral. Embora a distribuição da medicação seja gratuita, o problema enfrentado é a não adesão do paciente à terapia, que deve ser igual ou superior a 95%. A não adesão causa o aumento da carga viral, queda dos linfócitos CD4+ e resistência viral à medicação. A complexidade da farmacoterapia, as reações adversas à medicação e a falta de conhecimento sobre HIV e os hábitos necessários para cumprir a terapia comprometem a adesão. Embora o acompanhamento farmacêutico seja eficaz na promoção do cumprimento da terapia, faltam estudos que avaliem esta influência na adesão a TARV. Propor um plano de Intervenções Farmacêuticas e Educativas para promover o cumprimento da TARV. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, qualitativo e semi-experimental, realizado com pacientes não cumpridores da terapia segundo o autorrelato. Foram realizados seis encontros, sendo o primeiro para anamnese, aplicação de questionários de avaliação da adesão e qualidade de vida e consulta a exames clínicos; os quatro seguintes para intervenções farmacêuticas e educativas, e o sexto para a avaliação dos mesmos critérios do primeiro encontro, e da satisfação quanto à intervenção. Os encontros contemplaram: intervenções educativas sobre a síndrome, a terapia e mudanças no estilo de vida, proposta de um instrumento para auxiliar na tomada da medicação e recomendação ao médico sobre a necessidade da avaliação laboratorial. Apenas dois pacientes participaram de todos os encontros. Estes pacientes apresentavam carga viral indetectável e contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ desejável, relataram não utilizar estratégias para lembrar-se de tomar a medicação e possuiam pouco conhecimento sobre a doença e a terapia. Durante os encontros, estabeleceram-se plano de metas individuais... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Atualmente, atender as necessidades dos consumidores é uma das metas mais importantes, os consumidores estão em busca de produtos com qualidade e preços mais acessíveis, para isso, é indispensável que as empresas se atualizem para melhorar seus produtos e serviços. Com este cenário, as superligas estão cada vez mais ganhando mercado, pois possuem ótimas propriedades, principalmente em relação a operar em temperaturas elevadas, podendo proporcionar maior eficiência para motores que necessitam trabalhar em altas temperaturas. Em contra partida a essa vantagem, as superligas possuem uma baixa usinabilidade, sendo importante a análise do processo de usinagem para se tornarem mais aplicáveis. Este trabalho visa à otimização do processo de torneamento cilíndrico da superliga Nimonic 80A, com o intuito de melhorar a qualidade do produto, utilizando o Método de Taguchi, com o arranjo ortogonal L16, sendo o comprimento de corte definido como variável resposta e analisados seis fatores que poderiam influenciar na sua variação, tais fatores são: velocidade de corte, avanço, profundidade de corte, tipo de pastilha, lubrificação e dureza do material. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os fatores avanço, tipo de pastilha e lubrificação são significativos e exercem influencia no processo, sendo que o avanço deve ser ajustado no nível de 0,12 mm/rev, a pastilha a ser utilizada deve ser CP250 e a lubrificação deve ser feita de maneira abundante, para a otimização do processo. Com a análise dos resultados, também podemos observar a eficiência e confiabilidade do método utilizado, mostrando resultados coerentes


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After the discovery of ionizing radiation, its applications in various fields of science began to take significant proportions. In the case of medicine, there are the application areas in radiotherapy, diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine. It was then necessary to create the field of radiological protection to establish the conditions necessary for the safe use of such ionizing radiation. Apply knowledge obtained during the graduation stage and in the practice of radiological protection in the areas of nuclear medicine and diagnostic radiology. In the area of nuclear medicine, tests were made in the Geiger-Muller counters (GM) and the dose calibrator (curiometer), the monitoring tests of radiation, waste management, clean of the Therapeutic room and testing the quality control of gamma-chambers. In the area of radiology, were performed tests of quality control equipment for conventional X-ray equipment and x-ray fluoroscopy, all following the rules of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), and reporting of tests. The routine developed in the fields of nuclear medicine in hospitals has proved very useful, since the quality control of GM counters contribute to the values of possible contamination are more reliable. The control of dose calibrator enables the patient not to receive different doses of the recommended amounts, which prevents the repetition of tests and unnecessary exposure to radiation. The management of waste following the rules and laws established and required for its management. Tests for quality control of gamma chambers help to evaluate its medical performance through image. In part of diagnostic radiology, tests for quality control are performed in order to verify that the equipment is acceptable for usage or if repairs are needed. The knowledge acquired at the internship consolidated the learning of graduation course


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The civil construction is an industrial sector of great economic importance and that it comes exponentially growing in the country. However, this activity is deficient in its management processes, and in this context that the management of construction as a way of organizing and controlling all the technical and construction of an enterprise. The literature shows that the manager has a key role throughout the process of planning, execution and analysis of the results of the work being of prime importance that all steps have its due attention in order to avoid any technical problems or lack information. The management’s main objective is the transparency of technical and financial information to investors and their assessments of physical and financial performances of the work intervened positively in quality, deadlines and costs. In this sense, this paper aims to present consideration about the proper management of a residential development in vertical construction


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Currently the quality of a final product is as important as the price they pay for it, to the satisfaction of having something durable and exercising its function as well as has been informed. This work aims to define the stages of the process of implementing a new project in a production line in order to ensure product quality and process, defining each step with those responsible for each area of the factory, implementing new tools and methods, improving process with lessons learned from previous projects, gathering information on the production line to analyze the need for rigorous controls to prevent errors. With the definition of schedule after studies of the plant where the new project was implemented, establish the goals of each phase to ensure the quality of process and product


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Nuclear medicine is a medical specialty related to imagery that deals with imaging techniques, diagnosis and therapy, allowing observing the physiological state of tissues noninvasively by marking the molecules participating of these physiological processes with radioactive isotopes, thus creating the called radionuclides. The image of a radionuclide is one of the most important applications of radioactivity in nuclear medicine. The equipment’s of nuclear medicine imaging use the principle of radiation detection, turning it into an electrical signal which, through specific algorithms, allows forming tomographic images that provide information about the functional status of organs. New detection systems have been developed for tomographic acquisitions using solid state detectors. These devices use crystals of cadmium zinc telluride (CdZnTe). Some of the advantages of this detector are a significant improvement of signal to noise ratio, the increased spectral and spatial resolution, which in sum, result in greater clarity of the images obtained, opening new perspectives for imaging protocols previously unattainable. In contrast, all other gamma-cameras equipped with vacuum tubes have remained relatively unchanged for nearly fifty years. In these gamma-cameras, the images are obtained using two steps significantly less efficient: the gamma rays are converted to light through a first device, and then the light is converted into an electrical signal through a second device. One of functions the Medical Physicist is related to the quality control of equipment. This control ensures that the information and images provided are true and thus credible to be used in medical reports. To perform this type of analysis the physicist must understand the performance characteristics and operation of all equipment of the department concerned; besides, in the absence of specific legislation, proposing...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In modern days is not practicable to link productivity and profitability without discuss the manufactured products quality. It is of great importance, mainly if the company is looking for a Global Class title, both the product and the process in what it is been fabricated, to attend all the high level quality requirements. This work aims to define the necessary steps for implementing a new project, including the initial viability studies, and then the staff approval, passing through the development of tools and documents necessary to its fabrication, purchasing goods and services to build the installation, and the final stage of implementation, focused on the manufacturing process quality. It will be highlighted a quality tool that helps do decrease the process risks and thereafter increase its reliability after the implementation


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To the companies maintain competitive in the market, they need continuous improvement in quality and productivity. This continuous improvement can be achieved through lean manufacturing tools. The idea of lean manufacturing is to map the flow to identify the processes that don’t add value in the final product, according the customer specification, in others words is eliminate or reduce the waste on the production flow. However the implementation of lean manufacturing is not so simple and involves the resistance of the employees, lack of training and the lack of knowledge to make the implementation. The objective of this study is determinate the good practices and difficulties found by a multinational company in the field of healthy that aims implementing the Lean Manufaturing through an internal certification. The methodology used to approach the problem is a case of study that analyzes the information introduced through discussion made by a semi structured interview. The case study describes the steps to get the certification, involving the concepts of 5S, balancing, standardization and routine management. The literature and the study case showed that the good practices, such as productivity increases, safety level increases and the machine stability were accomplished, but the majority difficulties was found in cultural factors and planning. Some recommendations were proposed to the others companies, such as the elaboration of a qualification matrix and the review of the activities chronogram during the implementation. The way that the company found to implement Lean Manufacturing concepts was a creative method to show to everybody the objective and the target to be accomplished and is one way to recognize the effort through the certification


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The Laboratory of Investigation on Paternity - FCFAr-UNESP performs an outreach university activity according to 53, UNESP Resolution article 3 , published on November 3, 2004. This article is classified in Human Rights area involving community services, training highly qualified human resources and scientific development. This kind of service is performed with advanced technological resources and quality control similar to the international standard. in human identification by DNA research results are available . The laboratory offers a highly qualified service at a fair price, allowing the low-income population access to such tests.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The albendazole and mebendazole drugs are benzimidazole derivatives and belong to the anthelmintic class. These drugs are particularly recommended for the treatment against worms present in the gastrointestinal tract of animals and humans, by acting directly on the worm metabolism. The need for thermally study drugs is related to all the parameters that these analyzes include: presence or absence of polymorphs, possible changes in the crystallinity of the drugs, as well as the quality control during the manufacturing process thereof. In this study the thermal behavior of anthelmintic albendazole and commercial mebendazole and its recrystallisation in organic solvents, such as acetic acid and formic acid in dimethylformamide to mebendazole, and albendazole were studied using TG-DSC techniques, TG-FTIR, FTIR and XRD. TG-DSC techniques were used so it could collect information about the thermal stability of the compounds steps for thermal decomposition process and also prove its melting temperature. For recrystallization of drugs in organic solvents, the TG-DSC curves were analyzed to compare and determine that the occurrence of polymorphs. The coupled TG-FTIR technique allowed the analysis of volatile products which were released during the thermal decomposition of the commercial mebendazole. The absorption spectroscopy in the infrared region was performed to mebendazole, and albendazole in order to show the difference in functional groups of both, comparing the spectra with commercial drugs and see if there was recrystallized changes in the absorption band where the drug was recrystallized or when heated. The diffraction technique by powder X-ray method was used for comparison of the crystal structures of commercial drugs and recrystallization in organic solvents to identify changes in crystallinity both, which might suggest the formation of polymorphs


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In this era of globalization, with fierce competition in the labor market, using the reduction cost strategy and resources optimization, has become a competitive advantage. In this graduation study, it will be exposed in form of case study the DMAIC project (Define Measure Analyze Improve Control) execution, using of Six Sigma's tools, statistical and quality knowledge, with intent of analyze, improve and control the processes of a selected problem, always demonstrating good practice of methodologies. In an auto parts multinational branch, It was identified a high scrap rate in one of his production lines. This work will study this problem to improve their processes and ensure that these improvements are perpetual. As a result, reached the stipulated goals, increasing Corporation's Intellectual, thereby providing a competitive advantage