947 resultados para Attis (God)
Artykuł koncentruje się na etycznym aspekcie „Familiaris Consortio”, zakładając równocześnie bogatą problematykę pastoralną. Pytanie etyczne, które pojawiało się wraz z ukazaniem się tego dokumentu wiązało się z nastrojami wahania i oczekiwania w wyniku ujawnienia się silnej opozycji wobec nauki zawartej w encyklice „Humanae Vitae” Pawła VI. Adhortacja nie podejmuje bezpośredniej polemiki z przeciwnikami nauki Kościoła, lecz przedstawia pozytywny wykład całościowej nauki na temat powołania małżeństwa i rodziny. Powołanie stanowi w tym dokumencie podstawową kategorię teologiczno-moralną, wyjaśniającą i uzasadniającą istotne wymogi moralne małżeństwa i rodziny i przenoszącą życie ludzkie na poziom świętości. Powołanie ma swe źródło w Boskim planie zbawienia i objawia się wraz z dokonaniem dzieła zbawienia w Jezusie Chrystusie. Tajemnica powołania uobecnia się w dziejach ludzkości jako ukryta a zarazem objawiona w misterium Chrystusa i Kościoła. Powołanie rzuca istotne światło na stworzenie mężczyzny i kobiety czyli stworzenie rodziny opartej na fundamencie małżeństwa. Odtąd prawda antropologiczna posiada wymiar sakramentalny. Powołanie przenikając wewnętrznie rzeczywistość stworzoną, umieszcza w samej głębi bytu „nie dające się stłumić wezwanie: rodzino, stań się tym, czym jesteś” (FC 17). Bóg Stwórca i Odkupiciel powierzył człowiekowi – mężczyźnie i kobiecie- zadanie budowania rodziny mocą tej samej Miłości, przez którą istnieje świat i człowiek, oraz tej samej Miłości, którą Objawił Syn Boży na Krzyżu, ustanawiając nowy porządek stworzenia. Odtąd prawda życia ludzkiego i prawda miłości musi być odczytywana wyłącznie w świetle tajemnicy Paschalnej. To wezwanie płynące z głębi sakramentu odzywa się mocą łaski w sercu małżeństwa, w sercu męża i żony, którzy są wezwani do miłowania się tą samą Miłością, która płynie z Misterium Krzyża. Ta koncepcja powołania, wypływająca z sakramentalnego charakteru chrześcijańskiego istnienia stanowi klucz do rozstrzygania szczegółowych pytań mogących się pojawić w kontekście życia małżeńskiego. Wizja przedstawiona przez „Familiaris Consortio” jest jednorodna i charyzmatyczna, jest teologiczna i antropologiczna zarazem, dotyczy bowiem człowieka jako człowieka, a nie tylko „pewnych jednostek” ludzkich uwikłanych w sidła małżeńskie. W „Familiaris Consortio” jest jedna norma małżeńska i jedna norma rodzicielska: to jest zawsze ta sama Miłość, która z Serca Boga poprzez sakrament przenika do serca małżonków. Dlatego miłość małżeńska jest miłością rodzicielską, czyli odpowiedzialną za świętość tajemnicy zrodzenia, to jest równocześnie za świętość Boga – Stwórcy i za godność człowieka powoływanego na świat. Zarówno miłość małżeńska jak miłość rodzicielska, nie mogą istnieć bez czystości małżeńskiej. Tu leży prawdopodobnie główna przyczyna powodująca opór wobec nauki „Humanae Vitae”. „Familiaris Consortio” odrzuca wszelką manipulację antykoncepcyjna, podkreślając sprzeczność postawy antykoncepcyjnej nie tylko z prawem Bożym, ale i z istotą człowieczeństwa. Zawiera się to w twierdzeniu, które głosi, że pomiędzy prawidłowym życiem małżeńskim a antykoncepcją zachodzi nie tylko różnica moralna, lecz także antropologiczna (FC 32). Jest to surowy osąd tej praktyki, ale prawdziwy: ci, którzy stosują antykoncepcję, staczają się na poziom poniżej-ludzki.
Tolkien’s oeuvre and its problematic relationships with classical tradition serve in my paper as an illustration of the diverse approaches, methods, and styles of lecture concerning the nature of literary allusivity. As a point of departure in the paper has been taken the reflection on the common phrase about “antiquity in something” deployed broadly in the reception studies. T he questions raised here are as follows: what does precisely “in” mean in that metaphor? O r, to put it in more general terms, when an allusion to another text can be treated as an inherent part of interpretation? Answer to these questions was possible due to U mberto E co’s statements in the well-known dispute relating to the interpretation and overinterpretation; in conclusion I was trying to show that his criterion of textual economy in interpretation justifies somehow (as I believe) the new look on the essential T olkien’s symbol, i.e. the ring of power, as a symbol of the R oman imperial rule. This means (in the context of the translatio imperii and cultural change from pagan to Christian empire) that The Lord of the Rings can be seen in a way as a novelistic version of Augustine’s The City of God.
Rodzina to wspólnota osób i instytucja społeczna. Jej podstawą jest związek małżeński mężczyzny i kobiety oparty na ich wzajemnej miłości i wolnym wyborze. To instytucja prawa naturalnego, którego twórcą jest sam Bóg. Małżeństwo i rodzina to głęboka wspólnota życia i miłości oraz komunia osób. Ta specyficzna wspólnota odpowiada wzajemnie za siebie, rodzi i wychowuje następne pokolenie, humanizując społeczeństwo. Rodzina jest dobrem społecznym, którego potrzebuje społeczeństwo.
Estetyka w archeologii. Antropomorfizacje w pradziejach i starożytności, eds. E. Bugaj, A. P. Kowalski, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie.
Inspiracją dla autora artykułu stały się zebrane w Liście do moich kapłanów refleksje Prymasa Wyszyńskiego na temat tożsamości i misji prezbitera. Zawierają one wiele wątków, które niewątpliwie łączy przenikająca całe dzieło troska o jedność kapłanów w służbie eklezjalnej komunii. Dla Prymasa Tysiąclecia społeczna natura człowieka była czytelnym potwierdzeniem prawdy o jego powołaniu do życia we wspólnocie, nie tylko tej doczesnej, ale i tej nadprzyrodzonej. Należało tę naturalną zdolność do wchodzenia w relacje z innymi właściwie odczytać w świetle Bożego Objawienia. Bogate życie wewnętrzne pozwala kontemplować tajemnicę Trójcy Świętej i dostrzegać w Niej źródło eklezjalnej i międzyludzkiej komunii. Obdarowanie nadprzyrodzoną mocą wspólnoty z Bogiem w Kościele, uzdalnia wierzących w Chrystusa do nowych braterskich relacji, czyniąc z nich prawdziwą Bożą rodzinę. Proces ten dokonuje się dzięki pośrednictwu posługi kapłańskiej, dlatego też prezbiterzy są szczególnie wezwani, aby w ich wzajemnych relacjach jaśniał ten nowy, wspólnotowy styl życia. Osobista więź z Bogiem, relacja z ordynariuszem, pomiędzy prezbiterami, czy też z wiernymi świeckimi to podstawowe wymiary, w których kapłani mają jawić się jako świadkowie i słudzy komunii.
Wydział Nauk Społecznych
The plurality of models of ultimate reality is a central problem for religious philosophy. This essay sketches what is involved in mounting comparative inquiries across the plurality of models. In order to illustrate what advance would look like in such a comparative inquiry, an argument is presented to show that highly anthropomorphic models of ultimate reality are inferior to a number of competitors. This paper was delivered as a keynote address during the APA Pacific 2007 Mini-Conference on Models of God.
The necessity we face for the future of Methodism is the re-invention of traditions. To re-invent traditions is to re-visit the past with all of its richness; to discern what in our tradition is most central to Christian faith; to analyze those parts of our past that continue to give life; to discern and build upon what is of value in the newly emerging tradition; and to reflect on those aspects of the neglected and rejected past that challenge our present perspectives and practices. To re-invent traditions is to develop new perspectives and practices from the building blocks of the past and from the fresh movements of the Spirit in the present. To do so is to recognize that Christianity in general, and Methodism in particular, is marked by traditions that have continually been passed on, critiqued, eliminated, created, and re-invented for the sake of a living Christian witness. What we can hope for is that God is there in the future already, pulling us toward God’s own New Creation.
Peace in the ancient world has been studied primarily from the perspective of pacifism and questions related to war and peace. This study employs a socio-historical method to determine how peace was understood in itself, not just with respect to war. It demonstrates that the Greco-Roman world viewed peace as brief periods of tranquility in an existence where conflict was the norm, while Paul regarded peace as the norm and conflict as an intrusive aberration. Through a historical and literary survey of Greco-Roman thought and culture, this study shows that myth, legend, religion, education, philosophy, and science created and perpetuated the idea that conflict was necessary for existence. Wars were fought to attain peace, which meant periods of calm, quiet, and security with respect to the gods, one's inner self, nature, others who are insiders, and others who are outsiders. Despite the desirability of peace, genuine peace was seldom experienced, and even then, only briefly, as underlying enmity persisted without resolution. While Paul supports the prevailing conception of peace as tranquility and felicity in relation to God, self, nature, and others, he differs as to the origin, attainment, and maintenance of peace. In Paul, peace originates in God and is graciously given to those who are justified and reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. God removes the enmity caused by sin and provides the indwelling Spirit to empower believers to think and behave in ways that promote and maintain peace. This study also examines how three social dynamics (honor-shame, patron-client, friendship-enmity) affect Paul's approach to conflict resolution with Philemon and Onesimus, Euodia and Syntyche, believers who are prosecuting one another in civil courts, and Peter. Rather than giving specific procedures for resolving conflict, Paul reinforces the believer's new identity in Christ and the implications of God's grace, love, and peace upon their thoughts, words, and behavior toward one another. Paul uses these three social dynamics to encourage believers in the right direction, but their ultimate accountability is to God. The study concludes with four strategic principles for educating the church and developing an atmosphere and attitude within the church for peacemaking.
This study investigates the meanings and significance of the seventh-day Sabbath for worship in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In recent years, both the day and concept of Sabbath have attracted ecumenical attention, but the focus of scholarship has been placed on Sunday as the Lord's Day or Sabbath with little consideration given to the seventh-day Sabbath. In contrast, this project examines the seventh-day Sabbath and worship on that day from theological, liturgical, biblical and historical perspectives. Although not intended as an apology for Seventh-day Adventist practices, the work does strive to promote a critical and creative conversation with other theological and liturgical traditions in order to promote mutual, ecumenical understanding. Historical research into the origins and nature of the principal day for weekly Christian worship provides a starting point for discussion on Sabbath. Reconsideration of the relationship between Judaism and early Christianity in recent studies suggests that the influence of Judaism lasted longer than previously supposed, thereby prolonging the developmental process of Sabbath (seventh day) to Sunday. A possible coexistence of Sabbath and Sunday in early Christianity offers an alternative to perspectives that dichotomize Sabbath and Sunday from Christian antiquity onward, and thus for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, suggests biblical and historical validity for their Sabbath worship practice. Recent theological perspectives on Sabbath and Sunday are examined, particularly those of Karl Barth, Jürgen Moltmann and Pope John Paul II. While all three of these theologians stress the continuity of Sabbath and Sunday and speak mainly to a theology of Sunday, they do highlight the significance of Sabbath—which is relevant to an interpretation of seventh-day Sabbath worship. The study concludes that the seventh-day Sabbath is significant for worship in the Seventh-day Adventist Church because it symbolizes the relationship between God and human beings, reminds humanity of the creating and redeeming God who acts in history, and invites persons to rest and fellowship with God on a day sanctified by God.
This dissertation, an exercise in practical theology, consists of a critical conversation between the evangelistic practice of Campus Crusade for Christ in two American university contexts, Bryan Stone's ecclesiologically grounded theology of evangelism, and William Abraham's eschatologically grounded theology of evangelism. It seeks to provide these evangelizing communities several strategic proposals for a more ecclesiologically and eschatologically grounded practice of evangelism within a university context. The current literature on evangelism is long on evangelistic strategy and activity, but short on theological analysis and reflection. This study focuses on concrete practices, but is grounded in a thick description of two particular contexts (derived from qualitative research methods) and a theological analysis of the ecclesiological and eschatological beliefs embedded within their evangelistic activities. The dissertation provides an historical overview of important figures, ideas, and events that helped mold the practice of evangelism inherited by the two ministries of this study, beginning with the famous Haystack Revival on Williams College in 1806. Both ministries, Campus Crusade for Christ at Bowling Green State University (Ohio) and at Washington State University, inherited an evangelistic practice sorely infected with many of the classic distortions that both Abraham and Stone attempt to correct. Qualitative research methods detail the direction that Campus Crusade for Christ at Bowling Green State University (Ohio) and Washington State University have taken the practice of evangelism they inherited. Applying the analytical categories that emerge from a detailed summary of Stone and Abraham to qualitative data of these two ministries reveals several ways evangelism has morphed in a manner sympathetic to Stone's insistence that the central logic of evangelism is the embodied witness of the church. The results of this analysis reveal the subversive and pervasive influence of modernity on these evangelizing communities—an influence that warrants several corrective strategic proposals including: 1) re-situating evangelism within a reading of the biblical narrative that emphasizes the present, social, public, and realized nature of the gospel of the kingdom of God rather than simply its future, personal, private, and unrealized dimensions; 2) clarifying the nature of the evangelizing communities and their relationship to the church; and 3) emphasizing the virtues that characterize a new evangelistic exemplar who is incarnational, intentional, humble, and courageous.
Throughout the history of the Church, the Epistle to the Hebrews has been one of the most puzzling letters in the Canon, particularly regarding the implications of understanding the person of Jesus Christ. John Chrysostom, an important patristic writer, is acknowledged to have made significant contributions to the exegesis of this letter. Chrysostom's thought became the norm for traditional thinking and interpretation of this letter in the Middle Ages. Martin Luther's reception of Chrysostom's Homilies on Hebrews presents a unique interpretation that some scholars may describe as the "Reformation Discovery" on Hebrews. In tracing Luther's reception and appropriation of Chrysostom's exegesis of the letter to the Hebrews, there is a noticeable and significant shift in Christological interpretation. Whether or not these modifications were necessary is a matter of debate; however, they do reflect Luther's contextual and existential questions regarding faith, Christ and knowledge of God, which is evident in his Lectures on Hebrews.
This dissertation analyzes the theological and ethical convictions that led the people of the Plateau Vivarais-Lignon to shelter thousands of refugees between 1939 and 1945. It does so by examining the themes of narrative identity, hospitality, character formation, nonviolence, and the contextual witness of church tradition. Though a number of studies have been published about the rescue activity in this region of France during World War II, none have thoroughly analyzed the theological nature of this activity. Using the Plateau Vivarais-Lignon as a case study in theological ethics, the dissertation draws on historical sources as well as the work of contemporary theologians and ethicists to understand, interpret, and analyze the witness of this community. After situating its rescue and resistance work within the Huguenot narrative of persecution and exile, I examine the theological convictions of the Reformed pastor of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, André Trocmé, who played a key role in making the Plateau a place of refuge during the Holocaust. The study highlights the importance of narrative in the actions of this community and discusses the relationship between narrative, character, and ethics. It then examines the nonviolent commitments of key leaders of the rescue effort, using this analysis as a springboard to engage in broader theological reflection about the ethics of nonviolence. After examining the radical hospitality practiced on the Plateau in light of biblical narratives and Reformed history, I investigate the counter-cultural nature of Christian hospitality. The study concludes by analyzing the nature and witness of the church in light of the legacy of the Plateau Vivarais-Lignon. The dissertation suggests that increased academic and ecclesial attention be given to the relationship between narrative and character, the counter-cultural shape of Christian hospitality, and the active nature of nonviolence. It presents an in-depth analysis of the theological and ethical convictions of the people of the Plateau Vivarais-Lignon, arguing that their witness has ongoing significance for communities of faith as they grapple with how to form disciples, relate to the wider society, welcome strangers, and communicate God's shalom in a world of violence.
The artistic play of light seen on a pyramid in some Mayan ruins located in Cancun, Mexico provided the inspiration for Vision of Equinox. On both the spring and autumn equinox days, the sunlight projected on the pyramid forms a shape which looks like a serpent moving on the stairway of the pyramid. Vision of Equinox was composed with an image of light as the model for the artistic transfiguration of sound. The light image of sound changes its shape in each stage of the piece, using the orchestra in different ways - sometimes like a chamber ensemble, sometimes like one big instrument. The image of light casting on a pyramid is expressed by descending melodic lines that can be heard several times in the piece. At the final climax of the work, a complete and embodied artistic figure is formed and stated, expressing the appearance of the Mayan god Quetzalcoatl, the serpent, in my own imagination. The light and shadow which comprise this pyramid art are treated as two contrasting elements in my composition and become the two main motives in this piece. To express these two contrasting elements, I picked the numbers "5" and "2," and used them as "key numbers" in this piece. As a result, the intervals of a fifth and a second (sometimes inverted as a seventh) are the two main intervals used in the structure. The interval of a fifth was taken into account for the construction of the pyramid, which has five points of contact. The interval of a second was selected as a contrasting sonority to the fifth. Further, the numbers "5" and "2" are used as the number of notes which form the main motives in this piece; quintuplets are used throughout this piece, and the short motive made by two sixteenth notes is used as one of the main motives in this piece. Moreover, the shape of the pyramid provided a concept of symmetry, which is expressed by the setting of a central point of the music (pitch center) as well as the use of retrograde and inversion in this piece.