963 resultados para Applicant criterion


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Partial-thickness tears of the supraspinatus tendon frequently occur at its insertion on the greater tubercule of the humerus, causing pain and reduced strength and range of motion. The goal of this work was to quantify the loss of loading capacity due to tendon tears at the insertion area. A finite element model of the supraspinatus tendon was developed using in vivo magnetic resonance images data. The tendon was represented by an anisotropic hyperelastic constitutive law identified with experimental measurements. A failure criterion was proposed and calibrated with experimental data. A partial-thickness tear was gradually increased, starting from the deep articular-sided fibres. For different values of tendon tear thickness, the tendon was mechanically loaded up to failure. The numerical model predicted a loss in loading capacity of the tendon as the tear thickness progressed. Tendon failure was more likely when the tendon tear exceeded 20%. The predictions of the model were consistent with experimental studies. Partial-thickness tears below 40% tear are sufficiently stable to persist physiotherapeutic exercises. Above 60% tear surgery should be considered to restore shoulder strength.


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Les persones estem en constant desenvolupament i socialització, i cada context en el qual ens veiem involucrats té sobre nosaltres el poder de modificar les nostres conductes. El criteri de partida és que el context esportiu també exerceix aquest domini sobre els individus que hi participen, motiu pel qual en aquest treball es pretén estudiar la influència de certs factors en el desenvolupament de la pràctica esportiva. De manera més detallada, l’objectiu que es busca és estudiar la influència conductual de l’entrenador en el procés d’aprenentatge de l’esportista. A partir d’aquest estudi s’obtindrà un perfil de com ha de ser un bon entrenador i les condicions que s’han de donar en l’esportista perquè els aprenentatges esdevinguin significatius, la qual cosa portarà a la funcionalitat i la millora del rendiment esportiu.


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La recuperación de un desastre requiere la coordinación e interacción oportuna de todos los servicios de emergencias para poder hacer una valoración conjunta de los datos obtenidos y elaborar una respuesta rápida y efectiva. En el presente trabajo se propone un sistema que permite el acceso, manipulación y transferencia de información sensible y urgente entre el personal de los organismos implicados. Los privilegios sobre los recursos están regulados mediante políticas de seguridad que permiten definir el comportamiento del servicio en función de la sesión o contexto temporal del solicitante. La arquitectura propuesta está basada en tecnología de redes ad hoc para el campo de operaciones, y una plataforma orientadaa servicios en las sedes corporativas.


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The purpose of this study is the adaptation and validation of the"Survey Work-Home Interaction NijmeGen" (SWING) developed by Geurts and colleagues to Spanish speaking countries (SWING-SSC). In order to analyze the questionnaire"s psychometric properties, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was carried out with a sample of 203 employees from various Spanish-speaking countries. Criterion related validity was tested by examining correlations between the SWING-SSC, and the theoretically relevant variables: health, role conflict, role clarity and supervisor support. Finally, reliability was tested analyzing the internal consistency of the scales. The analyses carried out indicate that SWING-SSC has good psychometric properties. In addition, the present results support the relation of the construct with health, role conflict, role clarity, and supervisor support. This study offers evidence for a sound work-life balance measure that contributes to the encouragement adequate conditions in the workplace, to reduce the conflict between the two spheres of professional and personal life, and to enhance positive relationships.


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Les romans grecs et les Métamorphoses d'Apulée - même si les modalités sont différentes pour ce dernier - sont des fictions en prose qui fonctionnent autour de topoi auxquels la figure de l'Autre n'échappe pas. Bien que le monde grec soit alors radicalement différent de ce qu'il était au Ve siècle avant J.-C, période à laquelle l'identité grecque est construite par opposition à la figure du barbare, les romanciers qui prennent la plume à partir du 1er siècle avant notre ère utilisent un certain nombre de stéréotypes hérités de l'époque classique, alors mise à l'honneur par le mouvement de la Seconde Sophistique. Il s'agit d'étudier dans le détail certains éléments de la représentation de l'Autre pour déterminer qui il est, comment il se comporte, ce qui le constitue en Autre. Puis, à partir de cette esquisse, nécessairement incomplète, d'évaluer ce que cette représentation peut induire sur l'image de l'identité grecque à l'époque impériale, par le jeu de miroir que F. Hartog a décelé dans l'oeuvre d'Hérodote. Une première partie est consacrée aux rapports entre l'homme et l'animal ainsi qu'à l'image de la sauvagerie, ce qui permet d'explorer les bornes romanesques de l'humanité. La seconde partie s'attache à des éléments que l'époque classique a plus particulièrement mis en avant pour distinguer les Grecs des non-Grecs : le critère de la langue, l'art de faire la guerre et le discours politique qui est tenu sur les institutions barbares. La troisième partie étudie la place des dieux et des pratiques religieuses dans la définition de l'Autre. J'espère ainsi contribuer à la compréhension du genre romanesque et des représentations culturelles de l'empire « gréco-romain ». -- The Greek novels and The Metamorphoses of Apuleius, even if it is in different terms for the last, are prose fictions which are based on topoi, and the figure of the Other is one of them. Although the Greek world was radically different of what it was in the fifth century BC, time during which Greek identity is contructed as opposed to the figure of the barbaros, the authors of novels, who wrote from the first century BC onward, used some stereotypes inherited from classical period, which was celebrated by the Second Sophistic movement. The aim of this thesis is to study in detail some elements of the representation of the Other to determine who it is, how he behaves, what makes him other. Then, from this sketch, necessarily incomplete, to evaluate what this representation says about the image of Greek identity in the imperial age, according to the play of the mirror detected by F. Hartog in the text of Herodotus. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the relationship between man and animal and to the image of savagery, in order to explore the novelistic limits of humanity. The second part concentrates on elements that classical period had particularly insisted on to promote the distinction between Greeks and non-Greeks : the linguistic criterion, the way to make war, and the politic discourse on the barbaric institutions. The third part study the place of the gods and of religious practices in the definition of the Other. I hope to contribute to the understanding of novel genre and of cultural representations of the « greco- roman- empire ».


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AbstractObjective:The present study was aimed at retrospectively reviewing high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) findings in patients with pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis in order to evaluate the frequency of tomographic findings and their distribution in the lung parenchyma.Materials and Methods:Thirteen patients (9 females and 4 males; age, 9 to 59 years; mean age, 34.5 years) were included in the present study. The HRCT images were independently evaluated by two observers whose decisions were made by consensus. The inclusion criterion was the presence of abnormalities typical of pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis at HRCT, which precludes lung biopsy. However, in 6 cases lung biopsy was performed.Results:Ground-glass opacities and small parenchymal nodules were the predominant tomographic findings, present in 100% of cases, followed by small subpleural nodules (92.3%), subpleural cysts (84.6%), subpleural linear calcifications (69.2%), crazy-paving pattern (69.2%), fissure nodularity (53.8%), calcification along interlobular septa (46.2%) and dense consolidation (46.2%).Conclusion:As regards distribution of the lesions, there was preferential involvement of the lower third of the lungs. No predominance of distribution in axial and anteroposterior directions was observed.


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In this paper, we propose a new supervised linearfeature extraction technique for multiclass classification problemsthat is specially suited to the nearest neighbor classifier (NN).The problem of finding the optimal linear projection matrix isdefined as a classification problem and the Adaboost algorithmis used to compute it in an iterative way. This strategy allowsthe introduction of a multitask learning (MTL) criterion in themethod and results in a solution that makes no assumptions aboutthe data distribution and that is specially appropriated to solvethe small sample size problem. The performance of the methodis illustrated by an application to the face recognition problem.The experiments show that the representation obtained followingthe multitask approach improves the classic feature extractionalgorithms when using the NN classifier, especially when we havea few examples from each class


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Correct species identification is a crucial issue in systematics with key implications for prioritising conservation effort. However, it can be particularly challenging in recently diverged species due to their strong similarity and relatedness. In such cases, species identification requires multiple and integrative approaches. In this study we used multiple criteria, namely plumage colouration, biometric measurements, geometric morphometrics, stable isotopes analysis (SIA) and genetics (mtDNA), to identify the species of 107 bycatch birds from two closely related seabird species, the Balearic (Puffinus mauretanicus) and Yelkouan (P. yelkouan) shearwaters. Biometric measurements, stable isotopes and genetic data produced two stable clusters of bycatch birds matching the two study species, as indicated by reference birds of known origin. Geometric morphometrics was excluded as a species identification criterion since the two clusters were not stable. The combination of plumage colouration, linear biometrics, stable isotope and genetic criteria was crucial to infer the species of 103 of the bycatch specimens. In the present study, particularly SIA emerged as a powerful criterion for species identification, but temporal stability of the isotopic values is critical for this purpose. Indeed, we found some variability in stable isotope values over the years within each species, but species differences explained most of the variance in the isotopic data. Yet this result pinpoints the importance of examining sources of variability in the isotopic data in a case-by-case basis prior to the cross-application of the SIA approach to other species. Our findings illustrate how the integration of several methodological approaches can help to correctly identify individuals from recently diverged species, as each criterion measures different biological phenomena and species divergence is not expressed simultaneously in all biological traits.


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One of the major problems in machine vision is the segmentation of images of natural scenes. This paper presents a new proposal for the image segmentation problem which has been based on the integration of edge and region information. The main contours of the scene are detected and used to guide the posterior region growing process. The algorithm places a number of seeds at both sides of a contour allowing stating a set of concurrent growing processes. A previous analysis of the seeds permits to adjust the homogeneity criterion to the regions's characteristics. A new homogeneity criterion based on clustering analysis and convex hull construction is proposed


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An unsupervised approach to image segmentation which fuses region and boundary information is presented. The proposed approach takes advantage of the combined use of 3 different strategies: the guidance of seed placement, the control of decision criterion, and the boundary refinement. The new algorithm uses the boundary information to initialize a set of active regions which compete for the pixels in order to segment the whole image. The method is implemented on a multiresolution representation which ensures noise robustness as well as computation efficiency. The accuracy of the segmentation results has been proven through an objective comparative evaluation of the method


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Image segmentation of natural scenes constitutes a major problem in machine vision. This paper presents a new proposal for the image segmentation problem which has been based on the integration of edge and region information. This approach begins by detecting the main contours of the scene which are later used to guide a concurrent set of growing processes. A previous analysis of the seed pixels permits adjustment of the homogeneity criterion to the region's characteristics during the growing process. Since the high variability of regions representing outdoor scenes makes the classical homogeneity criteria useless, a new homogeneity criterion based on clustering analysis and convex hull construction is proposed. Experimental results have proven the reliability of the proposed approach


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Laser scanning is becoming an increasingly popular method for measuring 3D objects in industrial design. Laser scanners produce a cloud of 3D points. For CAD software to be able to use such data, however, this point cloud needs to be turned into a vector format. A popular way to do this is to triangulate the assumed surface of the point cloud using alpha shapes. Alpha shapes start from the convex hull of the point cloud and gradually refine it towards the true surface of the object. Often it is nontrivial to decide when to stop this refinement. One criterion for this is to do so when the homology of the object stops changing. This is known as the persistent homology of the object. The goal of this thesis is to develop a way to compute the homology of a given point cloud when processed with alpha shapes, and to infer from it when the persistent homology has been achieved. Practically, the computation of such a characteristic of the target might be applied to power line tower span analysis.


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The objective of this study was to examine how the customers of Larox Flowsys value environmental issues and how environmental issues affect their purchasing behaviour. A comparison between Larox peristaltic pumps and competing pump brands and types was also made in order to find out whether LPP pumps possess some more environmentally beneficial features that other pumps do not have. Finally, if the answers to the first two research questions show that a need for a new marketing message does exist, then the final stage is to select the most appropriate environmental arguments for Larox Flowsys. The empirical data in the study was collected from several different sources, but the main sources were the customer interviews and the outsourced market research. The data was analysed mainly by using content analysis, but theme formation and quantification were also utilized. The results showed that the customers do not consider environmental issues as a main purchasing criterion, but they may well be the criterion that differentiates the product from competing ones. The comparison proved that LPP pumps do possess some significant environmental benefits over competing pumps and therefore, the prerequisite for the use of environmental arguments exists. The final stage in the study was to select the proper environmental arguments for Larox Flowsys.


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The impact factor of scientific journals has been used to evaluate them, as well as the quality of scientific research. This parameter was recently used by CAPES as an important criterion for the evaluation of Brazilian postgraduate courses. The main objective of this paper is to show how impact factor is calculated and to discuss its importance and limitations, with special emphasis on chemistry journals.


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Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin nanosuodatuskalvojen puhdistusta ja kestävyyttä alkalipesuissa. Työn kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään kalvojen likaantumista ja eri puhdistusmenetelmiä, sekä vertaillaan kolmen nanosuodatuskalvon erotusominaisuuksia. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin emäksisten pesukemikaalien vaikutusta kirjallisuusosassa esitettyihin kalvoihin. Käytetyt suodatuskalvot olivat Dow FilmTecTM NF-270, GE Osmonics Desal-5 DL ja Trisep XN45. Kalvojen puhdistukseen käytettiin Ecolabin P3-ultasil 110 ja 112 alkalipesukemikaaleja. Suodatuskokeet tehtiin laboratoriomittakaavan tasokalvojen suodatinlaitteistolla. Alkalikäsittelyitä tehtiin sekä liottamalla kalvoja säilytysastiassa että altistamalla näitä virtauksen ja paineen alaisuudessa. Vaihdettuja muuttujia oliat: pesuainekonsentraatio, lämpötila ja vaikutusaika. Kalvoissa tapahtuneita muutoksia arvioitiin mittaamalla permeabiliteettia sekä magnesiumsulfaatti- ja glukoosiretentioita. Suodatuslämpötilan nostaminen kasvatti lineaarisesti permeabiliteettia ja vastaavasti laski lineaarisesti retentiota. Kalvojen välillä ei ollut eroja permeabiliteettien lämpötilariippuvuuksissa. DL:n retentio laski vähiten lämpötilaa nostettaessa. Liotuskokeiden perusteella kestävät DL- ja NF-270-kalvot noin 1 % P3-ultrasil 110 liuoksia, sekä XN-kalvo 1,2–1,5 %:sia liuoksia, kun lämpötilana on 44 ºC ja vaikutusaikana 50 vrk. Käytettyjen pesukemikaalien välillä ei havaittu eroja. Pienen paineen ja virtauksen alla suoritetuissa käsittelyissä havaittiin alkalihajoamisen noudattavan likimain ensimmäisen kertaluvun reaktiokinetiikkaa ja käyttäytyvän likimain Arrheniuksen yhtälön ennustamalla tavalla. Myös näissä kokeissa XN45 osoittautui kestävimmäksi. Retentioiden heikkenemistä ei pystytty luotettavasti ennustamaan permeabiliteetin perusteella. Työssä osoitettiin että kalvojen muutoksia alkalipesuissa ajan funktiona voidaan ennustaa ja näin teollisuudessa voidaan ennakoida kalvojen vaihtotarvetta.