718 resultados para Ahola, Kirsi
As condições inadequadas vivenciadas nas organizações afligem não só os trabalhadores da iniciativa privada, pois são igualmente encontradas no segmento estatal, contrariando a expectativa de que o aparato governamental eliminaria as condições insalubres e criaria outras melhores nas quais prevalecesse à promoção de saúde. Diante desse panorama questionou-se porque, uma vez que, pelo menos do ponto de vista da sociedade leiga, esses servidores estão submetidos a condições privilegiadas de trabalho. O presente estudo objetivou identificar e descrever possíveis relações entre o clima organizacional e o burnout em servidores públicos de uma instituição federal de ensino. Objetivou-se ainda descrever o clima organizacional predominante. A pesquisa realizada teve cunho quantitativo, tipo estudo de caso e exploratória. A coleta de dados deu-se por meio das escalas ECO (escala de clima organizacional), ECB (escala de caracterização do burnout) e um questionário sociodemográfico, todos os instrumentos autoaplicáveis eletronicamente disponíveis à instituição. Participaram do estudo 201 servidores públicos federais, com idade média de 37 anos, majoritariamente de nível superior e casados. Os resultados revelaram que cerca de um quarto dos participantes raramente experimentaram burnout, no entanto outra quarta parte deles frequentemente experimentaram altos níveis de burnout, resultado bastante expressivo. Os servidores perceberam clima organizacional mediano, destacando-se a boa coesão entre os colegas de trabalho e a percepção de baixa recompensa. Merece destaque a grande dispersão entre as percepções de clima, o que permite inferir haver subclimas não identificados nesta investigação, possivelmente ocasionados por uma força de clima fraca e pela participação dos servidores de unidades de ensino geograficamente distintas, geridas por gestores locais com relativa autonomia. Os resultados dos cálculos de correlação revelaram que, quanto menos os participantes percebem apoio da chefia e da organização, coesão entre colegas, e mais controle/pressão, mais exaustos se sentem, mais desumanizam as pessoas com quem tratam e mais se decepcionam no trabalho e vice-versa. Conforto físico menor está associado a maior desumanização e a mais decepção no trabalho e vice-versa; e que controle/pressão, relaciona-se positiva e fracamente com desumanização e vice-versa. Desta forma, a hipótese de que existe associação entre burnout e clima organizacional foi confirmada. Os resultados também revelaram que os servidores com burnout, perceberam pior clima organizacional que os seus pares sem burnout, confirmando a segunda hipótese. Esses servidores também se mostraram neutros quanto à percepção de apoio da chefia e conforto físico; não percebem controle pressão, nem recompensa; todavia percebem coesão entre os colegas. Esses resultados sugerem que os participantes têm se apoiado nessas relações para suportar a indiferença e ausência de estímulos experimentados no trabalho. Os resultados obtidos nesse estudo permitiram concluir que o clima organizacional é fraco, provavelmente influenciado por uma cultura organizacional fraca, explicando a heterogeneidade da percepção do clima organizacional pelos servidores. Além disso, embora haja burnout entre poucos participantes, há que se atentar que cerca de um quarto deles, encontra-se acometido desta síndrome e isto poderá contagiar os demais.
Background - The onset of bipolar disorder is influenced by the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. We previously found that a large increase in sunlight in springtime was associated with a lower age of onset. This study extends this analysis with more collection sites at diverse locations, and includes family history and polarity of first episode. Methods - Data from 4037 patients with bipolar I disorder were collected at 36 collection sites in 23 countries at latitudes spanning 3.2 north (N) to 63.4 N and 38.2 south (S) of the equator. The age of onset of the first episode, onset location, family history of mood disorders, and polarity of first episode were obtained retrospectively, from patient records and/or direct interview. Solar insolation data were obtained for the onset locations. Results - There was a large, significant inverse relationship between maximum monthly increase in solar insolation and age of onset, controlling for the country median age and the birth cohort. The effect was reduced by half if there was no family history. The maximum monthly increase in solar insolation occurred in springtime. The effect was one-third smaller for initial episodes of mania than depression. The largest maximum monthly increase in solar insolation occurred in northern latitudes such as Oslo, Norway, and warm and dry areas such as Los Angeles, California. Limitations - Recall bias for onset and family history data. Conclusions - A large springtime increase in sunlight may have an important influence on the onset of bipolar disorder, especially in those with a family history of mood disorders.
Background: Environmental conditions early in life may imprint the circadian system and influence response to environmental signals later in life. We previously determined that a large springtime increase in solar insolation at the onset location was associated with a younger age of onset of bipolar disorder, especially with a family history of mood disorders. This study investigated whether the hours of daylight at the birth location affected this association. Methods: Data collected previously at 36 collection sites from 23 countries were available for 3896 patients with bipolar I disorder, born between latitudes of 1.4N and 70.7N, and 1.2S and 41.3S. Hours of daylight variables for the birth location were added to a base model to assess the relation between the age of onset and solar insolation. Results: More hours of daylight at the birth location during early life was associated with an older age of onset, suggesting reduced vulnerability to the future circadian challenge of the springtime increase in solar insolation at the onset location. Addition of the minimum of the average monthly hours of daylight during the first 3 months of life improved the base model, with a significant positive relationship to age of onset. Coefficients for all other variables remained stable, significant and consistent with the base model. Conclusions: Light exposure during early life may have important consequences for those who are susceptible to bipolar disorder, especially at latitudes with little natural light in winter. This study indirectly supports the concept that early life exposure to light may affect the long term adaptability to respond to a circadian challenge later in life.
There is considerable international interest in online education of patients with bipolar disorder, yet little understanding of how patients use the Internet and other sources to seek information. 1171 patients with bipolar disorder diagnosis in 17 countries completed a paper-based, anonymous survey. 81% of the patients used the Internet, a percentage similar to the general public. Older age, less education, and challenges in country telecommunications infrastructure and demographics decreased the odds of using the Internet. About 78% of the Internet users looked online for information on bipolar disorder or 63% of the total sample. More years of education in relation to the country mean, and feeling very confident about managing life decreased the odds of seeking information on bipolar disorder online, while having attended support groups increased the odds. Patients who looked online for information on bipolar disorder consulted medical professionals plus a mean of 2.3 other information sources such as books, physician handouts, and others with bipolar disorder. Patients not using the Internet consulted medical professionals plus a mean of 1.6 other information sources. The percentage of patients with bipolar disorder who use the Internet is about the same as the general public. Other information sources remain important.
Background: Information seeking is an important coping mechanism for dealing with chronic illness. Despite a growing number of mental health websites, there is little understanding of how patients with bipolar disorder use the Internet to seek information. Methods: A 39 question, paper-based, anonymous survey, translated into 12 languages, was completed by 1222 patients in 17 countries as a convenience sample between March 2014 and January 2016. All patients had a diagnosis of bipolar disorder from a psychiatrist. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and generalized estimating equations to account for correlated data. Results: 976 (81 % of 1212 valid responses) of the patients used the Internet, and of these 750 (77 %) looked for information on bipolar disorder. When looking online for information, 89 % used a computer rather than a smartphone, and 79 % started with a general search engine. The primary reasons for searching were drug side effects (51 %), to learn anonymously (43 %), and for help coping (39 %). About 1/3 rated their search skills as expert, and 2/3 as basic or intermediate. 59 % preferred a website on mental illness and 33 % preferred Wikipedia. Only 20 % read or participated in online support groups. Most patients (62 %) searched a couple times a year. Online information seeking helped about 2/3 to cope (41 % of the entire sample). About 2/3 did not discuss Internet findings with their doctor. Conclusion: Online information seeking helps many patients to cope although alternative information sources remain important. Most patients do not discuss Internet findings with their doctor, and concern remains about the quality of online information especially related to prescription drugs. Patients may not rate search skills accurately, and may not understand limitations of online privacy. More patient education about online information searching is needed and physicians should recommend a few high quality websites.
THE COSTS OF RAISING EQUITY RATIO FOR BANKS Evidence from publicly listed banks operating in Finland
The solvency rate of banks differs from the other corporations. The equity rate of a bank is lower than it is in corporations of other field of business. However, functional banking industry has huge impact on the whole society. The equity rate of a bank needs to be higher because that makes the banking industry more stable as the probability of the banks going under will decrease. If a bank goes belly up, the government will be compensating the deposits since it has granted the bank’s depositors a deposit insurance. This means that the payment comes from the tax payers in the last resort. Economic conversation has long concentrated on the costs of raising equity ratio. It has been a common belief that raising equity ratio also increases the banks’ funding costs in the same phase and these costs will be redistributed to the banks customers as higher service charges. Regardless of the common belief, the actual reaction of the funding costs to the higher equity ratio has been studied only a little in Europe and no study has been constructed in Finland. Before it can be calculated whether the higher stability of the banking industry that is caused by the raise in equity levels compensates the extra costs in funding costs, it must be calculated how much the actual increase in the funding costs is. Currently the banking industry is controlled by complex and heavy regulation. To maintain such a complex system inflicts major costs in itself. This research leans on the Modigliani and Miller theory, which shows that the finance structure of a firm is irrelevant to their funding costs. In addition, this research follows the calculations of Miller, Yang ja Marcheggianon (2012) and Vale (2011) where they calculate the funding costs after the doubling of specific banks’ equity ratios. The Finnish banks studied in this research are Nordea and Danske Bank because they are the two largest banks operating in Finland and they both also have the right company form to able the calculations. To calculate the costs of halving their leverages this study used the Capital Asset Pricing Model. The halving of the leverage of Danske Bank raised its funding costs for 16—257 basis points depending on the method of assessment. For Nordea the increase in funding costs was 11—186 basis points when its leverage was halved. On the behalf of the results found in this study it can be said that the doubling of an equity ratio does not increase the funding costs of a bank one by one. Actually the increase is quite modest. More solvent banks would increase the stability of the banking industry enormously while the increase in funding costs is low. If the costs of bank regulation exceeds the increase in funding costs after the higher equity ratio, it can be thought that this is the better way of stabilizing the banking industry rather than heavy regulation.
Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin minkälaista tietoa haastattelu ja sadutus antavat lasten kokemuksesta lastenkirjallisuudesta ja miten nämä tiedonhankintatavat näyttäytyvät suhteessa lapsen osallisuuteen. Kielellisten taitojen perusteella tutkimuskohteeksi valittiin esikouluikäiset lapset. Tutkimuksen otos oli yhden kokopäiväryhmän esikoululaiset, joista neljä viidestä halusi olla mukana tutkimuksessa. Lapsille luettiin pienryhmässä kirja Pikkuveli ja Katto-Kassinen. Tämän jälkeen heidät haastateltiin ja sadutettiin. Aineisto järjestettiin sisällönanalysointimenetelmin. Haastattelu toi näkyväksi lapsen muistia ja ymmärrystä kirjan henkilöistä ja tapahtumista. Sadutuksessa näkyi enemmänkin lapsen intuitio kirjasta ja sen päähenkilön hahmosta. Sadutuksen kautta lapset ilmaisivat positiivisia mielikuviaan kirjasta, kun taas haastattelu toi esiin laajemman skaalan kirjan sisäisistä skeemoista. Sadutus menetelmänä on osallistavampi kuin haastattelu, mutta molemmissa menetelmissä osallisuuden aste riippuu lapsen tietoisuudesta taustalla vaikuttavasta ajatusmaailmasta. Miksi tätä tehdään ja kuka on päättänyt minun osallistumisestani toimintaan? Tutkimusta tehdessä selkeni myös, että molemmat tavat voivat olla monella eri osallisuuden tasolla, riippuen juuri vastauksista aiempiin kysymyksiin. Myös lapsen ollessa tilanteessa toimijana, voi osallisuuden taso muuttua riippuen lapsen tai tilanteen kehittymisestä.
Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan johdon harkinnanvaraisuutta tuloksenjärjestelyn mahdollistajana IFRS-kontekstissa tilintarkastajan näkökulmasta. Tuloksenjärjestely ilmenee silloin, kun johto käyttää harkinnanvaraisuutta taloudellisessa raportoinnissa ja muuttaa raportointia sellaiseksi, joka ei vastaa yrityksen sen hetkistä taloudellista suoriutumista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on saada selville, miten harkinnanvaraisuuden oikeellisuudesta voidaan varmentua IFRS-raportointia noudattavissa, suomalaisissa yhtiöissä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarjota uutta tietoa IFRS:n sisältämästä harkinnanvaraisuudesta nojautumalla tilintarkastajan näkökulmaan. Tämän tavoitteena on lisätä informaatiota puutteellisesta näkökulmasta, millä avataan myös aikaisempien tutkimustuloksien ristiriitaa liittyen tuloksenjärjestelyn harjoittamisen mahdollisuuksiin IFRS-kontekstissa. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on saada selville, miten johdon harkinnanvaran asianmukaisuutta voidaan kyseenalaistaa. Tuloksenjärjestelyä käsittävä tutkimus on lähes poikkeuksetta kvantitatiivista keskittyen tilinpäätöksistä johdettuihin, yleistettäviin tilastollisiin analyyseihin. Tuloksenjärjestelyn on kuitenkin todettu olevan aiempaa tiedettyä monimuotoisempi ilmiö, joka edellyttää kvantitatiivisten menetelmien sijaan kvalitatiivista lähestymistapaa. Tämä tutkielma keskittyykin tutkimaan tuloksenjärjestelyä laadullisin menetelmin käyttämällä toiminta-analyyttista tutkimusotetta. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto muodostuu puolestaan neljästä puolistrukturoidusta yksilöhaastattelusta. Kaikki haastateltavat työskentelevät KHT-tilintarkastajina yhdessä Suomen suurimmassa tilintarkastusorganisaatiossa. Tämä tutkimus vahvistaa aikaisempia tutkimustuloksia, joiden mukaan IFRS-standardit edellyttävät runsaasti johdon harkintaa. Lisäksi tässä tutkielmassa todetaan, että arvionvaraisten erien tarkastamiseen on useita eri tapoja. Mikään näistä ei kuitenkaan tarjoa tilintarkastajille absoluuttista vastausta siitä, onko harkintaa käytetty asianmukaisella tavalla. Tämän vuoksi tilintarkastajat joutuvatkin usein tasapainottelemaan johdon harkinnanvaran asianmukaisuuden suhteen. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa havaitaan, että tilintarkastajien kynnys lähteä kyseenalaistamaan johdon harkinnanvaran asianmukaisuutta on korkea. Ensimmäiseksi tämä tutkimus lisää ymmärrystä tilintarkastajien merkityksestä harkinnanvaraisten erien tarkastamisessa. Tutkielman mukaan harkinnanvaraiset erät eivät nimittäin ole aiemman tietämyksen tapaan pelkästään alttiita johdon subjektiivisille näkemyksille, vaan niiden tarkastaminen edellyttää myös tilintarkastajilta subjektiivista tulkintaa. Toiseksi tämä tutkimus tuo uutuusarvoa aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin nostamalla esiin tilintarkastajien kokeman riskin asiakasmenetyksistä osana harkinnanvaraisten erien tarkastamista ja kyseenalaistamista.
In support of the achievement goal theory (AGT), empirical research has demonstrated psychosocial benefits of the mastery-oriented learning climate. In this study, we examined the effects of perceived coaching behaviors on various indicators of psychosocial well-being (competitive anxiety, self-esteem, perceived competence, enjoyment, and future intentions for participation), as mediated by perceptions of the coach-initiated motivational climate, achievement goal orientations and perceptions of sport-specific skills efficacy. Using a pre-post test design, 1,464 boys, ages 10-15 (M = 12.84 years, SD = 1.44), who participated in a series of 12 football skills clinics were surveyed from various locations across the United States. Using structural equation modeling (SEM) path analysis and hierarchical regression analysis, the cumulative direct and indirect effects of the perceived coaching behaviors on the psychosocial variables at post-test were parsed out to determine what types of coaching behaviors are more conducive to the positive psychosocial development of youth athletes. The study demonstrated that how coaching behaviors are perceived impacts the athletes’ perceptions of the motivational climate and achievement goal orientations, as well as self-efficacy beliefs. These effects in turn affect the athletes’ self-esteem, general competence, sport-specific competence, competitive anxiety, enjoyment, and intentions to remain involved in the sport. The findings also clarify how young boys internalize and interpret coaches’ messages through modification of achievement goal orientations and sport-specific efficacy beliefs.
THE COSTS OF RAISING EQUITY RATIO FOR BANKS Evidence from publicly listed banks operating in Finland
The solvency rate of banks differs from the other corporations. The equity rate of a bank is lower than it is in corporations of other field of business. However, functional banking industry has huge impact on the whole society. The equity rate of a bank needs to be higher because that makes the banking industry more stable as the probability of the banks going under will decrease. If a bank goes belly up, the government will be compensating the deposits since it has granted the bank’s depositors a deposit insurance. This means that the payment comes from the tax payers in the last resort. Economic conversation has long concentrated on the costs of raising equity ratio. It has been a common belief that raising equity ratio also increases the banks’ funding costs in the same phase and these costs will be redistributed to the banks customers as higher service charges. Regardless of the common belief, the actual reaction of the funding costs to the higher equity ratio has been studied only a little in Europe and no study has been constructed in Finland. Before it can be calculated whether the higher stability of the banking industry that is caused by the raise in equity levels compensates the extra costs in funding costs, it must be calculated how much the actual increase in the funding costs is. Currently the banking industry is controlled by complex and heavy regulation. To maintain such a complex system inflicts major costs in itself. This research leans on the Modigliani and Miller theory, which shows that the finance structure of a firm is irrelevant to their funding costs. In addition, this research follows the calculations of Miller, Yang ja Marcheggianon (2012) and Vale (2011) where they calculate the funding costs after the doubling of specific banks’ equity ratios. The Finnish banks studied in this research are Nordea and Danske Bank because they are the two largest banks operating in Finland and they both also have the right company form to able the calculations. To calculate the costs of halving their leverages this study used the Capital Asset Pricing Model. The halving of the leverage of Danske Bank raised its funding costs for 16—257 basis points depending on the method of assessment. For Nordea the increase in funding costs was 11—186 basis points when its leverage was halved. On the behalf of the results found in this study it can be said that the doubling of an equity ratio does not increase the funding costs of a bank one by one. Actually the increase is quite modest. More solvent banks would increase the stability of the banking industry enormously while the increase in funding costs is low. If the costs of bank regulation exceeds the increase in funding costs after the higher equity ratio, it can be thought that this is the better way of stabilizing the banking industry rather than heavy regulation.
Kliininen lääketutkimus on ihmiseen kohdistuva interventiotutkimus, jonka tavoitteena on selvittää lääkeaineiden farmakodynaamisia sekä farmakokineettisiä ominaisuuksia ihmiselimistössä. Tutkittavien rekrytointi kliinisiin lääketutkimuksiin voi olla haastavaa ja hidasta, mikä vaikeuttaa tutkimuksen suorittamista. Biopankki on yksikkö, johon on säilöttynä ihmisperäisiä näytteitä ja niihin liitettyjä terveystietoja, joita voidaan käyttää biopankkitutkimusten tekemiseen. Vuonna 2013 astui voimaan Biopankkilaki (688/2012), jonka myötä Suomeen on perustettu yhdeksän biopankkia. Tämän projektin tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten Auria Biopankin näyte- ja tietorekisteriä voitaisiin hyödyntää tutkittavien rekrytoimiseksi kliinisiin lääketutkimuksiin. Projekti on toteutettu yhteistyössä Auria Biopankin kanssa. Projektia varten valittiin kuusi lääkekehityksen kannalta mielenkiintoista ja ajankohtaista sairautta, jotka ovat: Alzheimerin tauti, idiopaattinen keuhkofibroosi (IPF), multippeliskleroosi eli MS-tauti, eturauhassyöpä, ei-pienisoluinen keuhkosyöpä sekä monisysteemiatrofia (MSA). Jokaiselle sairaudelle suoritettiin näyte- ja tietorekisterihaku Auria Biopankin rekisteristä. Hakua varten luotiin sairauskohtaiset tutkittavien mukaanotto- ja poissulkukriteerit, suoritettujen todellisten kliinisten lääketutkimusten kriteereitä apuna käyttäen. Näyte- ja tietorekisterihaun tarkoituksena oli selvittää, kuinka monta kriteereitä vastaavaa henkilöä biopankin rekisterissä on, ja voidaanko heiltä biopankin välityksellä tiedustella halukkuutta ottaa osaa kliiniseen lääketutkimukseen. Projektin toisena osana luotiin toimintamalleja sekä mallikirjeitä biopankin välityksellä tapahtuvaa yhteydenottoa varten. Varsinaista yhteydenottoa sopiviin henkilöihin ei tämän projektin yhteydessä suoritettu. Suurinosa Auria Biopankin näytteistä on kerätty sairaalahoidon yhteydessä, joten oletettavasti erikoissairaanhoidossa hoidettavat sairaudet ovat kattavammin edustettuina biopankin rekisterissä. Tietorekisterihaun tuloksista tämä ei kuitenkaan ole suoraan havaittavissa. Valituista sairauksista eturauhassyöpää sairastavia kriteerit täyttäviä potilaita löytyi hieman alle 130, kun Alzheimerin taudin, IPF:n, ja MSA:n kohdalla luku jäi alle kymmeneen. MS-tautia sairastavia henkilöitä löytyi alle 20 ja ei-pienisoluista keuhkosyöpää sairastavia noin 10. Biopankkilain mukainen biopankkitoiminta on Suomessa vielä uutta. Aktiivisten biopankkisuostumusten määrä tulee todennäköisesti kasvamaan voimakkaasti seuraavien vuosien aikana, mikä mahdollistaa biopankkien näyte- ja tietorekisterien kasvun ja tiedon nykyistä paremman hyödyntämisen. Mitä enemmän on biopankkisuostumuksen antaneita henkilöitä, sitä enemmän on henkilöitä tavoitettavissa biopankin välityksellä myös kliinisiin lääketutkimuksiin liittyen.
Coarsening is a ubiquitous phenomenon [1-3] that underpins countless processes in nature, including epitaxial growth [1,3,4], the phase separation of alloys, polymers and binary fluids [2], the growth of bubbles in foams5, and pattern formation in biomembranes6. Here we show, in the first real-time experimental study of the evolution of an adsorbed colloidal nanoparticle array, that tapping-mode atomic force microscopy (TM-AFM) can drive the coarsening of Au nanoparticle assemblies on silicon surfaces. Although the growth exponent has a strong dependence on the initial sample morphology, our observations are largely consistent with modified Ostwald ripening processes [7-9]. To date, ripening processes have been exclusively considered to be thermally activated, but we show that nanoparticle assemblies can be mechanically coerced towards equilibrium, representing a new approach to directed coarsening. This strategy enables precise control over the evolution of micro- and nanostructures.
El Síndrome de Burnout, es una condición cuya detección ha venido en aumento en las últimas décadas. Sin embargo, son pocos los estudios realizados en docentes universitarios en Colombia. El objetivo del presente estudio es estimar la prevalencia y los factores asociados, en población administrativa y docente de una universidad privada.