953 resultados para Aggregate equilibrium
Studies of molecular structures at or near their equilibrium configurations have long provided information on their geometry in terms of bond distances and angles. Far-from-equilibrium structures are relatively unknown—especially for complex systems—and generally, neither their dynamics nor their average geometries can be extrapolated from equilibrium values. For such nonequilibrium structures, vibrational amplitudes and bond distances play a central role in phenomena such as energy redistribution and chemical reactivity. Ultrafast electron diffraction, which was developed to study transient molecular structures, provides a direct method for probing the nature of complex molecules far from equilibrium. Here we present our ultrafast electron diffraction observations of transient structures for two cyclic hydrocarbons. At high internal energies of ≈4 eV, these molecules display markedly different behavior. For 1,3,5-cycloheptatriene, excitation results in the formation of hot ground-state structures with bond distances similar to those of the initial structure, but with nearly three times the average vibrational amplitude. Energy is redistributed within 5 ps, but with a negative temperature characterizing the nonequilibrium population. In contrast, the ring-opening reaction of 1,3-cyclohexadiene is shown to result in hot structures with a C—C bond distance of over 1.7 Å, which is 0.2 Å away from any expected equilibrium value. Even up to 400 ps, energy remains trapped in large-amplitude motions comprised of torsion and asymmetric stretching. These studies promise a new direction for studying structural dynamics in nonequilibrium complex systems.
The equilibrium dissociation of recombinant human IFN-γ was monitored as a function of pressure and sucrose concentration. The partial molar volume change for dissociation was −209 ± 13 ml/mol of dimer. The specific molar surface area change for dissociation was 12.7 ± 1.6 nm2/molecule of dimer. The first-order aggregation rate of recombinant human IFN-γ in 0.45 M guanidine hydrochloride was studied as a function of sucrose concentration and pressure. Aggregation proceeded through a transition-state species, N*. Sucrose reduced aggregation rate by shifting the equilibrium between native state (N) and N* toward the more compact N. Pressure increased aggregation rate through increased solvation of the protein, which exposes more surface area, thus shifting the equilibrium away from N toward N*. The changes in partial molar volume and specific molar surface area between the N* and N were −41 ± 9 ml/mol of dimer and 3.5 ± 0.2 nm2/molecule, respectively. Thus, the structural change required for the formation of the transition state for aggregation is small relative to the difference between N and the dissociated state. Changes in waters of hydration were estimated from both specific molar surface area and partial molar volume data. From partial molar volume data, estimates were 25 and 128 mol H2O/mol dimer for formation of the aggregation transition state and for dissociation, respectively. From surface area data, estimates were 27 and 98 mol H2O/mol dimer. Osmotic stress theory yielded values ≈4-fold larger for both transitions.
Phosphorylation of the alpha-1 subunit of rat Na+,K(+)-ATPase by protein kinase C has been shown previously to decrease the activity of the enzyme in vitro. We have now undertaken an investigation of the mechanism by which this inhibition occurs. Analysis of the phosphorylation of recombinant glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins containing putative cytoplasmic domains of the protein, site-directed mutagenesis, and two-dimensional peptide mapping indicated that protein kinase C phosphorylated the alpha-1 subunit of the rat Na+,K(+)-ATPase within the extreme NH2-terminal domain, on serine-23. The phosphorylation of this residue resulted in a shift in the equilibrium toward the E1 form, as measured by eosin fluorescence studies, and this was associated with a decrease in the apparent K+ affinity of the enzyme, as measured by ATPase activity assays. The rate of transition from E2 to E1 was apparently unaffected by phosphorylation by protein kinase C. These results, together with previous studies that examined the effects of tryptic digestion of Na+,K(+)-ATPase, suggest that the NH2-terminal domain of the alpha-1 subunit, including serine-23, is involved in regulating the activity of the enzyme.
Negli ultimi anni i modelli VAR sono diventati il principale strumento econometrico per verificare se può esistere una relazione tra le variabili e per valutare gli effetti delle politiche economiche. Questa tesi studia tre diversi approcci di identificazione a partire dai modelli VAR in forma ridotta (tra cui periodo di campionamento, set di variabili endogene, termini deterministici). Usiamo nel caso di modelli VAR il test di Causalità di Granger per verificare la capacità di una variabile di prevedere un altra, nel caso di cointegrazione usiamo modelli VECM per stimare congiuntamente i coefficienti di lungo periodo ed i coefficienti di breve periodo e nel caso di piccoli set di dati e problemi di overfitting usiamo modelli VAR bayesiani con funzioni di risposta di impulso e decomposizione della varianza, per analizzare l'effetto degli shock sulle variabili macroeconomiche. A tale scopo, gli studi empirici sono effettuati utilizzando serie storiche di dati specifici e formulando diverse ipotesi. Sono stati utilizzati tre modelli VAR: in primis per studiare le decisioni di politica monetaria e discriminare tra le varie teorie post-keynesiane sulla politica monetaria ed in particolare sulla cosiddetta "regola di solvibilità" (Brancaccio e Fontana 2013, 2015) e regola del GDP nominale in Area Euro (paper 1); secondo per estendere l'evidenza dell'ipotesi di endogeneità della moneta valutando gli effetti della cartolarizzazione delle banche sul meccanismo di trasmissione della politica monetaria negli Stati Uniti (paper 2); terzo per valutare gli effetti dell'invecchiamento sulla spesa sanitaria in Italia in termini di implicazioni di politiche economiche (paper 3). La tesi è introdotta dal capitolo 1 in cui si delinea il contesto, la motivazione e lo scopo di questa ricerca, mentre la struttura e la sintesi, così come i principali risultati, sono descritti nei rimanenti capitoli. Nel capitolo 2 sono esaminati, utilizzando un modello VAR in differenze prime con dati trimestrali della zona Euro, se le decisioni in materia di politica monetaria possono essere interpretate in termini di una "regola di politica monetaria", con specifico riferimento alla cosiddetta "nominal GDP targeting rule" (McCallum 1988 Hall e Mankiw 1994; Woodford 2012). I risultati evidenziano una relazione causale che va dallo scostamento tra i tassi di crescita del PIL nominale e PIL obiettivo alle variazioni dei tassi di interesse di mercato a tre mesi. La stessa analisi non sembra confermare l'esistenza di una relazione causale significativa inversa dalla variazione del tasso di interesse di mercato allo scostamento tra i tassi di crescita del PIL nominale e PIL obiettivo. Risultati simili sono stati ottenuti sostituendo il tasso di interesse di mercato con il tasso di interesse di rifinanziamento della BCE. Questa conferma di una sola delle due direzioni di causalità non supporta un'interpretazione della politica monetaria basata sulla nominal GDP targeting rule e dà adito a dubbi in termini più generali per l'applicabilità della regola di Taylor e tutte le regole convenzionali della politica monetaria per il caso in questione. I risultati appaiono invece essere più in linea con altri approcci possibili, come quelli basati su alcune analisi post-keynesiane e marxiste della teoria monetaria e più in particolare la cosiddetta "regola di solvibilità" (Brancaccio e Fontana 2013, 2015). Queste linee di ricerca contestano la tesi semplicistica che l'ambito della politica monetaria consiste nella stabilizzazione dell'inflazione, del PIL reale o del reddito nominale intorno ad un livello "naturale equilibrio". Piuttosto, essi suggeriscono che le banche centrali in realtà seguono uno scopo più complesso, che è il regolamento del sistema finanziario, con particolare riferimento ai rapporti tra creditori e debitori e la relativa solvibilità delle unità economiche. Il capitolo 3 analizza l’offerta di prestiti considerando l’endogeneità della moneta derivante dall'attività di cartolarizzazione delle banche nel corso del periodo 1999-2012. Anche se gran parte della letteratura indaga sulla endogenità dell'offerta di moneta, questo approccio è stato adottato raramente per indagare la endogeneità della moneta nel breve e lungo termine con uno studio degli Stati Uniti durante le due crisi principali: scoppio della bolla dot-com (1998-1999) e la crisi dei mutui sub-prime (2008-2009). In particolare, si considerano gli effetti dell'innovazione finanziaria sul canale dei prestiti utilizzando la serie dei prestiti aggiustata per la cartolarizzazione al fine di verificare se il sistema bancario americano è stimolato a ricercare fonti più economiche di finanziamento come la cartolarizzazione, in caso di politica monetaria restrittiva (Altunbas et al., 2009). L'analisi si basa sull'aggregato monetario M1 ed M2. Utilizzando modelli VECM, esaminiamo una relazione di lungo periodo tra le variabili in livello e valutiamo gli effetti dell’offerta di moneta analizzando quanto la politica monetaria influisce sulle deviazioni di breve periodo dalla relazione di lungo periodo. I risultati mostrano che la cartolarizzazione influenza l'impatto dei prestiti su M1 ed M2. Ciò implica che l'offerta di moneta è endogena confermando l'approccio strutturalista ed evidenziando che gli agenti economici sono motivati ad aumentare la cartolarizzazione per una preventiva copertura contro shock di politica monetaria. Il capitolo 4 indaga il rapporto tra spesa pro capite sanitaria, PIL pro capite, indice di vecchiaia ed aspettativa di vita in Italia nel periodo 1990-2013, utilizzando i modelli VAR bayesiani e dati annuali estratti dalla banca dati OCSE ed Eurostat. Le funzioni di risposta d'impulso e la scomposizione della varianza evidenziano una relazione positiva: dal PIL pro capite alla spesa pro capite sanitaria, dalla speranza di vita alla spesa sanitaria, e dall'indice di invecchiamento alla spesa pro capite sanitaria. L'impatto dell'invecchiamento sulla spesa sanitaria è più significativo rispetto alle altre variabili. Nel complesso, i nostri risultati suggeriscono che le disabilità strettamente connesse all'invecchiamento possono essere il driver principale della spesa sanitaria nel breve-medio periodo. Una buona gestione della sanità contribuisce a migliorare il benessere del paziente, senza aumentare la spesa sanitaria totale. Tuttavia, le politiche che migliorano lo stato di salute delle persone anziane potrebbe essere necessarie per una più bassa domanda pro capite dei servizi sanitari e sociali.
We present a tethered Monte Carlo simulation of the crystallization of hard spheres. Our method boosts the traditional umbrella sampling to the point of making practical the study of constrained Gibbs’ free energies depending on several crystalline order parameters. We obtain high-accuracy estimates of the fluid-crystal coexistence pressure for up to 2916 particles (enough to accommodate fluid-solid interfaces). We are able to extrapolate to infinite volume the coexistence pressure [p_(co) = 11.5727(10)k_(B)T/σ^(3)] and the interfacial free energy [γ_({100}) = 0.636(11)k_(B)T/σ^(2)].
Phase equilibrium data regression is an unavoidable task necessary to obtain the appropriate values for any model to be used in separation equipment design for chemical process simulation and optimization. The accuracy of this process depends on different factors such as the experimental data quality, the selected model and the calculation algorithm. The present paper summarizes the results and conclusions achieved in our research on the capabilities and limitations of the existing GE models and about strategies that can be included in the correlation algorithms to improve the convergence and avoid inconsistencies. The NRTL model has been selected as a representative local composition model. New capabilities of this model, but also several relevant limitations, have been identified and some examples of the application of a modified NRTL equation have been discussed. Furthermore, a regression algorithm has been developed that allows for the advisable simultaneous regression of all the condensed phase equilibrium regions that are present in ternary systems at constant T and P. It includes specific strategies designed to avoid some of the pitfalls frequently found in commercial regression tools for phase equilibrium calculations. Most of the proposed strategies are based on the geometrical interpretation of the lowest common tangent plane equilibrium criterion, which allows an unambiguous comprehension of the behavior of the mixtures. The paper aims to show all the work as a whole in order to reveal the necessary efforts that must be devoted to overcome the difficulties that still exist in the phase equilibrium data regression problem.
This paper presents the results of a liquid–liquid equilibrium data correlation for 11 ternary systems which have not been previously fitted using the NRTL model or, when they have, the results presented in the literature are inconsistent with the experimental behavior of the system. These ternary systems include mixtures with one or two partially miscible pairs. During the correlation process, new restrictions were imposed on the values for the NRTL binary parameters to ensure correct prediction of the total or partial miscibility for the binary pairs involved. In addition, topological concepts related to the Gibbs stability test have been applied in order to validate the results in the whole range of compositions.
Presentation submitted to PSE Seminar, Chemical Engineering Department, Center for Advanced Process Design-making (CAPD), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh (USA), October 2012.
In this work the usefulness of qualitatively studying and drawing three-dimensional temperature–composition diagrams for ternary systems is pointed out to understand and interpret the particular behavior of the liquid–vapour equilibrium of non-ideal ternary systems. Several examples have been used in order to highlight the interest and the possibilities of this tool, which should be an interesting support not only for lecturers, but also for researchers interested in experimental equilibrium data determination.
The temperature and the composition of the vapor–liquid–liquid equilibrium (VLLE) and the vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE) of a ternary mixture of water–n-butanol–cyclohexane were measured at atmospheric pressure (101.32 kPa) in a modified dynamic recirculating still. As found in the literature, the experimental data obtained reveal a ternary azeotrope at 341.86 K with a mole fraction composition of 0.281, 0.034, and 0.685 water, n-butanol, and cyclohexane, respectively. The liquid–liquid equilibrium (LLE) compositions were measured at a constant temperature of 313.15 K and compared with data in the literature collected at other temperatures. Thermodynamic consistency of all the experimental data was demonstrated. The universal quasichemical (UNIQUAC) and the nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL) thermodynamic models were used to correlate the VLE and LLE data, while the original universal functional (UNIFAC) model was used to compare the predicted data.
The (vapor + liquid), (liquid + liquid) and (vapor + liquid + liquid) equilibria of the ternary system (water + 1-butanol + p-xylene) have been determined. (Water + 1-butanol + p-xylene) is a type 2 heterogeneous ternary system with partially miscible (water + 1-butanol) and (water + p-xylene) pairs. By contrast, (1-butanol + p-xylene) is totally miscible under atmospheric conditions. This paper examines the (vapor + liquid) equilibrium in both heterogeneous and homogeneous regions at 101.3 kPa of pressure. (Liquid + liquid) equilibrium data at T = 313.15 K have also been determined, and for comparison, the obtained experimental data have been calculated by means of several thermodynamic models: UNIQUAC, UNIFAC and NRTL. Some discrepancies were found between the (vapor + liquid + liquid) correlations; however, the models reproduced the (liquid + liquid) equilibrium data well. The obtained data reveal a ternary heterogeneous azeotrope with mole fraction composition: 0.686 water, 0.146 1-butanol and 0.168 p-xylene.
Mathematical models used for the understanding of coastal seabed morphology play a key role in beach nourishment projects. These projects have become the fundamental strategy for coastal maintenance during the last few years. Accordingly, the accuracy of these models is vital to optimize the costs of coastal regeneration projects. Planning of such interventions requires methodologies that do not generate uncertainties in their interpretation. A study and comparison of mathematical simulation models of the coastline is carried out in this paper, as well as elements that are part of the model that are a source of uncertainty. The equilibrium profile (EP) and the offshore limit corresponding to the depth of closure (DoC) have been analyzed taking into account different timescale ranges. The results have thus been compared using data sets from three different periods which are identified as present, past and future. Accuracy in data collection for the beach profiles and the definition of the median grain size calculation using collected samples are the two main factors that have been taken into account in this paper. These data can generate high uncertainties and can produce a lack of accuracy in nourishment projects. Together they can generate excessive costs due to possible excess or shortage of sand used for the nourishment. The main goal of this paper is the development of a new methodology to increase the accuracy of the existing equilibrium beach profile models, providing an improvement to the inputs used in such models and in the fitting of the formulae used to obtain seabed shape. This new methodology has been applied and tested on Valencia's beaches.
A mixture of water + NaCl + 1-butanol at 101.3 kPa is studied in order to determine the influence of salt on its experimental vapor–liquid–liquid–solid equilibrium. A detailed analysis of the evolution with temperature of the different equilibrium regions is carried out. The study is conducted at a constant pressure of 101.3 kPa in a recirculating still that has been modified by our research group. The changes in the 1-butanol/water composition ratio in the vapor phase that are provoked by the salt are studied as a function of equilibrium region. In addition, the mutual solubility of 1-butanol and water is assessed in the liquid–liquid and solid–liquid regions.
Recent research works have concluded that corn cob may have interesting material properties, in particular, lightness, and thermal and sound insulation abilities. In this research work, corn cob is proposed as an alternative sustainable aggregate for lightweight concrete masonry unit (CMU) manufacturing. The corn cob requires to be granulated previously in order to obtain adequate particle size grade. Subsequently, the particles are wrapped in a cement paste with the purpose of reducing their water abortion and adherent capacities. CMU are current applied in the building of partition walls. The main goal of this research work consists on studying the fire behaviour of partition walls built with CMU of processed corn cob granulate (CMU-PCC).