945 resultados para Advantages and disadvantages
O uso dos magnetos em prótese parcial removível é uma alternativa viável para eliminar a estrutura metálica que pode interferir na estética sem perder retenção e estabilidade. Os magnetos podem ser recomendados para pacientes com perda de tecido periodontal, desde que eles diminuam a transmissão de forças ao dente remanescente. O objetivo deste relato de caso clínico foi apresentar uma alternativa de tratamento protético para dentes pilares comprometidos periodontalmente e descrever as vantagens e desvantagens do uso dos magnetos em prótese parcial removível sobre os pontos de vista funcionais, biológicos e estéticos.
Due to properties such as excellent biocompatibility, high resistance to corrosion and low specific weight, titanium has been considered a material of great interest for Dentistry. It has been widely used in implants and orthognathic surgeries. Recently, titanium has been seen as a feasible alternative for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, either in pure titanium (99.75%) or in titanium alloy forms (Ti-6Al-4V; Ti-6A1-7Nb). Based on a review of the literature, this work studied the use of titanium for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, focusing on its advantages and disadvantages as well as its characteristics. It was concluded that the use of titanium is a convenient option for partially edentulous arches rehabilitation with quite satisfactory and promising clinical results. However, the need for highly-equipped laboratories increases the cost, preventing its large scale use.
Due to properties such as excellent biocompatibility, high resistance to corrosion and low specific weight, titanium has been considered a material of great interest for Dentistry. It has been widely used in implants and orthognathic surgeries. Recently, titanium has been seen as a feasible alternative for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, either in pure titanium (99.75%) or in titanium alloy forms (Ti-6Al-4V; Ti-6A1-7Nb). Based on a review of the literature, this work studied the use of titanium for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, focusing on its advantages and disadvantages as well as its characteristics. It was concluded that the use of titanium is a convenient option for partially edentulous arches rehabilitation with quite satisfactory and promising clinical results. However, the need for highly-equipped laboratories increases the cost, preventing its large scale use.
The content-based image retrieval is important for various purposes like disease diagnoses from computerized tomography, for example. The relevance, social and economic of image retrieval systems has created the necessity of its improvement. Within this context, the content-based image retrieval systems are composed of two stages, the feature extraction and similarity measurement. The stage of similarity is still a challenge due to the wide variety of similarity measurement functions, which can be combined with the different techniques present in the recovery process and return results that aren’t always the most satisfactory. The most common functions used to measure the similarity are the Euclidean and Cosine, but some researchers have noted some limitations in these functions conventional proximity, in the step of search by similarity. For that reason, the Bregman divergences (Kullback Leibler and I-Generalized) have attracted the attention of researchers, due to its flexibility in the similarity analysis. Thus, the aim of this research was to conduct a comparative study over the use of Bregman divergences in relation the Euclidean and Cosine functions, in the step similarity of content-based image retrieval, checking the advantages and disadvantages of each function. For this, it was created a content-based image retrieval system in two stages: offline and online, using approaches BSM, FISM, BoVW and BoVW-SPM. With this system was created three groups of experiments using databases: Caltech101, Oxford and UK-bench. The performance of content-based image retrieval system using the different functions of similarity was tested through of evaluation measures: Mean Average Precision, normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain, precision at k, precision x recall. Finally, this study shows that the use of Bregman divergences (Kullback Leibler and Generalized) obtains better results than the Euclidean and Cosine measures with significant gains for content-based image retrieval.
Relatório de estágio para obtenção do grau de mestre na área de Educação e Comunicação Multimédia
The first crystal structures of recombinant mammalian membrane proteins were solved in 2005 using protein that had been produced in yeast cells. One of these, the rabbit Ca2+-ATPase SERCA1a, was synthesized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. All host systems have their specific advantages and disadvantages, but yeast has remained a consistently popular choice in the eukaryotic membrane protein field because it is quick, easy and cheap to culture, whilst being able to post-translationally process eukaryotic membrane proteins. Very recent structures of recombinant membrane proteins produced in S. cerevisiae include those of the Arabidopsis thaliana NRT1.1 nitrate transporter and the fungal plant pathogen lipid scramblase, TMEM16. This chapter provides an overview of the methodological approaches underpinning these successes.
Over 2000 years ago the Greek physician Hippocrates wrote, “sailing on the sea proves that motion disorders the body.” Indeed, the word “nausea” derives from the Greek root word naus, hence “nautical,” meaning a ship. The primary signs and symptoms of motion sickness are nausea and vomiting. Motion sickness can be provoked by a wide variety of transport environments, including land, sea, air, and space. The recent introduction of new visual technologies may expose more of the population to visually induced motion sickness. This chapter describes the signs and symptoms of motion sickness and different types of provocative stimuli. The “how” of motion sickness (i.e., the mechanism) is generally accepted to involve sensory conflict, for which the evidence is reviewed. New observations concern the identification of putative “sensory conflict” neurons and the underlying brain mechanisms. But what reason or purpose does motion sickness serve, if any? This is the “why” of motion sickness, which is analyzed from both evolutionary and nonfunctional maladaptive theoretic perspectives. Individual differences in susceptibility are great in the normal population and predictors are reviewed. Motion sickness susceptibility also varies dramatically between special groups of patients, including those with different types of vestibular disease and in migraineurs. Finally, the efficacy and relative advantages and disadvantages of various behavioral and pharmacologic countermeasures are evaluated.
This article presents a methodological proposition to map the diversity of the audiovisual industry in the digital scenario by portraying the most important interactions between those who create, produce, distribute and disseminate audiovisual productions on line, paying special attention to powerful intermediaries and to small and medium independent agents. Taking as a point of departure a flexible understanding of social network analysis, the aim is to understand the structure of the audiovisual industry on the internet so that, taking into consideration a given sector, agents, their relations and the networks they give place to – as well as the structural conditions under which they operate – are studied. The aim is to answer questions such as: what is mapping, what is of interesting to map, how can it be done and what advantages and disadvantages the results will present.
An assessment of the sustainability of the Irish economy has been carried out using three methodologies, enabling comparison and evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of each, and potential synergies among them. The three measures chosen were economy-wide Material Flow Analysis (MFA), environmentally extended input-output (EE-IO) analysis and the Ecological Footprint (EF). The research aims to assess the sustainability of the Irish economy using these methods and to draw conclusions on their effectiveness in policy making both individually and in combination. A theoretical description discusses the methods and their respective advantages and disadvantages and sets out a rationale for their combined application. The application of the methods in combination has provided insights into measuring the sustainability of a national economy and generated new knowledge on the collective application of these methods. The limitations of the research are acknowledged and opportunities to address these and build on and extend the research are identified. Building on previous research, it is concluded that a complete picture of sustainability cannot be provided by a single method and/or indicator.
Ranking variables according to their relevance to predict an outcome is an important task in biomedicine. For instance, such ranking can be used for selecting a smaller number of genes to then apply other sophisticated experiments only on genes identified as important. A nonparametric method called Quor is designed to provide a confidence value for the order of arbitrary quantiles of different populations using independent samples. This confidence may provide insights about possible differences among groups and yields a ranking of importance for the variables. Computations are efficient and use exact distributions with no need for asymptotic considerations. Experiments with simulated data and with multiple real -omics data sets are performed and they show advantages and disadvantages of the method. Quor has no assumptions but independence of samples, thus it might be a better option when assumptions of other methods cannot be asserted. The software is publicly available on CRAN.
CUNHA, Jacqueline; GALINDO, Marcos. Preservação digital: o estado da arte. In:ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE PESQUISA EM CIÊNCIA DA INFORMAÇÃO, 8., Savador, 2007. Anais... Salvador: ANCIB, 2007. Disponível em:
Film som didaktisk resurs i religionsämnet : - Religionskunskapslärares syn på film i undervisningen
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how some Swedish teachers use film and movies as a resource when they teach religious studies in upper secondary school. Three questions were created to define the main focus of the thesis namely how the teachers perceived how they used film, how they justified there use and which advantages and disadvantages they see with using film in their teaching. To be able to answer them correctly the empirical data was collected by two methods; a survey and three interviews. The empirical data was then related to previous research in the same field. The thesis concludes that the teachers use film in the classroom in many ways, including as a way to present facts about religions to the students and as a way to make it easier to understand difficult parts of the subject. They also use film as way to make the students better at understanding and discussing different perspectives of religion and ethics. The main disadvantages film has is that it take a lot of time to show a film and use it in a meaningful way. The teachers also sometimes finds it hard to find a film that suits the purpose of showing it.
Student response systems (SRS) are hand-held devices or mobile phone polling systems which collate real-time, individual responses to on-screen questions. Previous research examining their role in higher education has highlighted both advantages and disadvantages of their use. This paper explores how different SRS influence the learning experience of psychology students across different levels of their programme. Across two studies, first year students’ experience of using Turningpoint clickers and second year students’ experience of using Poll Everywhere was investigated. Evaluations of both studies revealed that SRS has a number of positive impacts on learning, including enhanced engagement, active learning, peer interaction, and formative feedback. Technical and practical issues emerged as consistent barriers to the use of SRS. Discussion of these findings and the authors’ collective experiences of these technologies are used to provide insight into the way in which SRS can be effectively integrated within undergraduate psychology programmes.
This paper describes the environment issues which are caused by fossil fuel utilization, and the available of biomass resources and relevant applications in China and relevant policy for supporting biomass resources development. In addition the sustainable technology for energy and fuels generation in China and the advantages and disadvantages of technologies are presented as well. This paper aims to find out how the policy can promotes the biomass resource development and from environment aspect to see why the biomass resources should replace fossil fuels in the future. In this paper the life cycle assessment of straw biomass resource will be as an example to present the same amount of energy produced by straw and coal, the different amount of emission will be emitted.
This report presents alternatives to the Maintenance Division's current field organizational structure. The report also discusses the likely advantages and disadvantages of each alternative.