991 resultados para 7140-232


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Catch rates from fishery-independent surveys often are assumed to vary in proportion to the actual abundance of a population, but this approach assumes that the catchability coefficient (q) is constant. When fish accumulate in a gear, the rate at which the gear catches fish can decline, and, as a result, catch asymptotes and q declines with longer fishing times. We used data from long-term trap surveys (1990–2011) in the southeastern U.S. Atlantic to determine whether traps saturated for 8 reef fish species because of the amount of time traps soaked or the level of fish accumulation (the total number of individuals of all fish species caught in a trap). We used a delta-generalized-additive model to relate the catch of each species to a variety of predictor variables to determine how catch was influenced by soak time and fish accumulation after accounting for variability in catch due to the other predictor variables in the model. We found evidence of trap saturation for all 8 reef fish species examined. Traps became saturated for most species across the range of soak times examined, but trap saturation occurred for 3 fish species because of fish accumulation levels in the trap. Our results indicate that, to infer relative abundance levels from catch data, future studies should standardize catch or catch rates with nonlinear regression models that incorporate soak time, fish accumulation, and any other predictor variable that may ultimately influence catch. Determination of the exact mechanisms that cause trap saturation is a critical need for accurate stock assessment, and our results indicate that these mechanisms may vary considerably among species.


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Spatial pattern metrics have routinely been applied to characterize and quantify structural features of terrestrial landscapes and have demonstrated great utility in landscape ecology and conservation planning. The important role of spatial structure in ecology and management is now commonly recognized, and recent advances in marine remote sensing technology have facilitated the application of spatial pattern metrics to the marine environment. However, it is not yet clear whether concepts, metrics, and statistical techniques developed for terrestrial ecosystems are relevant for marine species and seascapes. To address this gap in our knowledge, we reviewed, synthesized, and evaluated the utility and application of spatial pattern metrics in the marine science literature over the past 30 yr (1980 to 2010). In total, 23 studies characterized seascape structure, of which 17 quantified spatial patterns using a 2-dimensional patch-mosaic model and 5 used a continuously varying 3-dimensional surface model. Most seascape studies followed terrestrial-based studies in their search for ecological patterns and applied or modified existing metrics. Only 1 truly unique metric was found (hydrodynamic aperture applied to Pacific atolls). While there are still relatively few studies using spatial pattern metrics in the marine environment, they have suffered from similar misuse as reported for terrestrial studies, such as the lack of a priori considerations or the problem of collinearity between metrics. Spatial pattern metrics offer great potential for ecological research and environmental management in marine systems, and future studies should focus on (1) the dynamic boundary between the land and sea; (2) quantifying 3-dimensional spatial patterns; and (3) assessing and monitoring seascape change.


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本工作用BT基因、PinⅡ基因和bar基因对青饲玉米、谷子进行了基因转化的研究,并且对转基因的受体、转基因的方法、转化后的筛选、检测及植株再生等问题进行了探讨。 玉米胚性细胞系,包括胚性愈伤组织和胚性细胞悬浮系,可作为基因转化的受体,它亦是原生质体培养的关键。玉米的基因型对胚性细胞系的获得有很大的影响。在相同的培养条件下,九个青饲玉米品系都得到了I型愈伤组织,但仅有两个品系(232和235)得到了胚性细胞系(L32和L35)。幼胚的长度及年龄也是影响诱导形成胚性愈伤组织的一个重要因素,最佳胚长是1-1.5mm,最佳胚龄是授粉后10-12天的幼胚。另外,适当提高蔗糖浓度对胚性细胞悬浮系的建立及保持均有好处。 从玉米原生质体培养获得了再生植株.在此基础上用电激法和PEG法将BT基因导入玉米原生体,发现在原生质体培养过程中,同对照相比,第一次细胞分裂及形成愈伤组织的时间往后推移. 诱导玉米I型愈伤组织没有基因型的限制,可以从大多数玉米品系中得到。并且玉米I型愈伤组织具有极强的分化能力.我们将玉米I型愈伤组织作为基因枪法转化的受体,获得了转基因工程植株。目前,尚未见这方面的报道. 基因枪法转化玉米胚性细胞系,得到抗性愈伤组织的效率约为1/40。用直径约3mm的玉米I型愈伤组织块作基因枪法转化受体,转化后经筛选平均每块可得到1-4个抗性愈伤组织系。用PEG和电激法转化玉米原生质体,转化后原生质体再生愈伤组织中,抗性愈伤组织的得率为9.3%和8.9%, 基因枪法适应完整的细胞和组织的转化,可较快得到抗性植株,在玉米基因转化研究中, 为了较快地得到转化植株,用基因枪法较电激法和PEG法更好,在玉米三种基因转化的受体中(原生质体、胚性细胞系和I型愈伤组织),以I型愈伤组织作受体最好,用它作受体可以避免原生质体培养的困难,克服获得胚性细胞系的基因型的限制。 胚性细胞系对抗菌素的耐受性随继代时间增长而增加.I型愈伤组织对抗菌素的耐受性 同愈伤组织块的大小呈正相关。 由于玉米愈伤组织对卡那霉素的本底抗性较高,所以需要用高浓度(800mg/L)的卡那霉 素进行筛选,过高的选择压力对芽的分化有抑制作用.用电激和PEG处理后的原生质体再生的愈伤组织,经卡那霉素筛选出的抗性愈伤组织未能得到再生植株。而对照则得到了再生植株。用PPT和Hyg筛选出的抗性愈伤组织得到了再生植株. 用PCR和Southern杂交对抗性愈伤组织和再生植株进行检测,证明外源基因已整合到 玉米基因组中。得到了携有BT基因、bar基因或PinⅡ基因的愈伤组织或工程植株。 用豫谷一号的幼穗诱导获得了胚性愈伤组织,基因枪转化后,经PPT筛选得到抗性愈伤组织。每个5cm的培养皿内装有谷子胚性愈伤组织约0.5g,经筛选后可得到5-10块抗性愈伤组织,此PPT抗性的愈伤组织用PCR和Southern杂交检测,证明bar基因已整合到了谷子的基因组中。从转化愈伤组织中已分化出了再生植株。


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Age and growth of sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) in waters off eastern Taiwan were examined from counts of growth rings on cross sections of the fourth spine of the first dorsal fin. Length and weight data and the dorsal fin spines were collected monthly at the fishing port of Shinkang (southeast of Taiwan) from July 1998 to August 1999. In total, 1166 dorsal fins were collected, of which 1135 (97%) (699 males and 436 females) were aged successfully. Trends in the monthly mean marginal increment ratio indicated that growth rings are formed once a year. Two methods were used to back-calculate the length of presumed ages, and growth was described by using the standard von Bertalanffy growth function and the Richards function. The most reasonable and conservative description of growth assumes that length-at-age follows the Richards function and that the relationship between spine radius and lower jaw fork length (LJFL) follows a power function. Growth differed significantly between the sexes; females grew faster and reached larger sizes than did males. The maximum sizes in our sample were 232 cm LJFL for female and 221 cm LJFL for male.


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We examined the summer distribution of marine mammals off the northern Washington coast based on six ship transect surveys conducted between 1995 and 2002, primarily from the NOAA ship McArthur. Additionally, small boat surveys were conducted in the same region between 1989 and 2002 to gather photographic identification data on humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and killer whales (Orcinus orca) to examine movements and population structure. In the six years of ship survey effort, 706 sightings of 15 marine mammal species were made. Humpback whales were the most common large cetacean species and were seen every year and a total of 232 sightings of 402 animals were recorded during ship surveys. Highest numbers were observed in 2002, when there were 79 sightings of 139 whales. Line-transect estimates for humpback whales indicated that about 100 humpback whales inhabited these waters each year between 1995 and 2000; in 2002, however, the estimate was 562 (CV= 0.21) whales. A total of 191 unique individuals were identified photographically and mark recapture estimates also indicated that the number of animals increased from under 100 to over 200 from 1995 to 2002. There was only limited interchange of humpback whales between this area and feeding areas off Oregon and California. Killer whales were also seen on every ship survey and represented all known ecotypes of the Pacific Northwest, including southern and northern residents, transients, and offshore-type killer whales. Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) were the most frequently sighted small cetacean; abundance was estimated at 181−291 individuals, except for 2002 when we observed dramatically higher numbers (876, CV= 0.30). Northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) and elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) were the most common pinnipeds observed. There were clear habitat differences related to distance offshore and water depth for different species.


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水母雪莲(Saussurea medusa Maxim)为名贵珍稀中药材,其主要药用成分为类黄酮,尤其是3-脱氧类黄酮。目前关于雪莲的研究主要集中在采用细胞培养生产类黄酮等方面,但对于雪莲类黄酮生物合成的分子机制了解甚少,极大限制了这一珍贵资源的利用。本研究采用水母雪莲红色系愈伤组织及悬浮细胞为材料,构建cDNA文库,从中克隆水母雪莲类黄酮次生代谢中的相关基因并对这些基因进行了深入的生物信息学分析、转基因研究初步确定其功能,以期了解雪莲类黄酮次生代谢的分子机制,为提高类黄酮的合成奠定基础。主要结果如下: 1. 成功地构建了水母雪莲红色系愈伤组织与悬浮细胞cDNA文库,原始文库滴度达到4×106pfu/ml,扩增文库滴度接近1011 pfu/ml,重组率达98%。PCR检测插入片段,均在0.5kb到3kb之间,1kb以上占62%。从文库中检测到了chs、dfr及Myb转录因子SmP,文库覆盖度达到要求且为PCR筛选文库提供了可能。 2. 采用部分简并引物,通过RT-PCR克隆了水母雪莲查尔酮异构酶基因Smchi特异探针,并根据这一探针序列设计特异引物,采用TD-PCR法筛选cDNA文库,获得Smchi cDNA序列,全长831bp,编码一个232氨基酸残基的蛋白。根据cDNA序列克隆了Smchi DNA序列,结果表明Smchi基因无内含子。Smchi cDNA序列与翠菊chi基因高度同源,ORF区域同源性高达84%,但推测氨基酸序列则只有79.3%。Smchi mRNA具有复杂的二级结构。SmCHI具有典型的Chalcone结构域,其二级结构与苜蓿CHI蛋白十分相似,7个α-螺旋与8个延伸链由随机结构联系起来。但其活性中心的第三个关键氨基酸残基N115为M115所取代,这一取代可能导致该蛋白无生物活性,也可能使它具有一般CHI不同的功能。构建Smchi正义、反义真核表达载体,通过农杆菌介导导入烟草,获得转正义、反义Smchi基因的烟草。转基因烟草花色未改变,但叶片总黄酮发生了显著的变化,50%转正义基因烟草总黄酮含量显著提高,最高比对照提高6倍,70%转反义基因烟草总黄酮含量显著下降,最多达85.1%,初步证明Smchi具有功能,并能有效调控烟草类黄酮次生代谢。因此,SmCHI可能是不同于已知CHI的一类新的CHI蛋白,它催化的反应可能与花色素合成无关,其反应机制也可能有所不同。 3. 伴随Smchi的克隆获得了一个黄烷酮3-羟化酶类似基因Smf3h的cDNA,全长1334bp,编码一个343aa的蛋白。根据这一cDNA序列克隆了Smf3h DNA序列,全长1630bp,结果表明该基因由4个外显子和3个内含子组成。Smf3h mRNA具有十分复杂的二级结构。 推测蛋白氨基酸同源性分析表明,SmF3H属于2OG-FeII_Oxy家族,与同一家族的的颠茄H6H的同源性为45%,与拟南芥F3H的同源性为40%,但对SmF3H、典型F3H及典型H6H推测蛋白二级结构、活性中心关键氨基酸残基的位置与相对距离、软件进行功能预测分析,发现SmF3H与F3H更相似。构建Smf3h的正义与反义真核表达载体,通过农杆菌介导导入烟草,但只获得一批转正义基因的烟草,反义基因导致烟草不能再生而未获得转反义基因烟草。转基因烟草花色未改变,叶片总黄酮也与对照相似,初步确认Smf3h与烟草类黄酮生物合成无关,而是一个既不属于f3h也不属于h6h的功能未确定的新基因。 4. 采用与克隆Smchi基因相似的方法,从cDNA文库中克隆了SmP基因cDNA,全长969bp,编码一个256 aa的蛋白质。根据cDNA序列克隆了SmP基因的DNA序列,结果表明,SmP基因无内含子。SmP基因cDNA 一级结构及mRNA二级结构预测分析表明,该基因A+T含量很高(63%),所形成二级结构以A-T配对为主,其稳定性可能较差。SmP推测蛋白序列具有R2R3-Myb转录因子的典型特征,在N-端具有两个Myb DNA-binding Domain,其二级结构与鸡Myb转录因子1A5J十分相似,与其他基因如水稻OsMYB、番茄ThMYB的同源区域主要集中在这一结构域,分别为71.3%和70.8%;C-端富含丝氨酸,与烟草NtMYB、葡萄VlMYB等类黄酮调控因子相似,都呈寡聚体分布,并具有相同的保守磷酸化位点S170与S206。构建SmP基因真核表达载体,通过农杆菌介导导入烟草,获得大量转基因烟草。转基因烟草花色未发生改变,但51%的转基因烟草叶片总黄酮含量都显著提高(0.5-6倍),表明SmP具有促进烟草类黄酮生物合成的功能,但所调控的支路与花色素合成无关。初步试验结果表明,转SmP基因烟草对蚜虫具有很高的抗性,可有效地抑制蚜虫在烟草上的生长,抑制率最高可达92%-100%。这一抗性与烟草中类黄酮的积累可能具有直接的联系,但还需要进一步的试验证明。 5. 与美国俄亥俄州立大学Erich Grotewold 博士实验室合作,完成了微型EST库50个克隆的测序并进行了分析,从中获得了水母雪莲花色素合酶基因SmANS及醛脱氢酶基因SmALDH的特异探针。根据SmANS特异探针设计引物,采用PCR从这50个克隆中筛选获得了SmANS的cDNA序列,全长1229bp,编码一个356aa的蛋白质。SmANS在cDNA水平上与同属的翠菊ANS基因高度同源,但同源区域集中在ORF区域,达到80%,mRNA 预测二级结构十分复杂;推测氨基酸序列与翠菊ANS同源性达到82.9%。SmANS属于2OG-FeII_Oxy家族,在2OG-FeII_Oxy结构域高度保守,与翠菊、甜橙ANS保守结构域同源性达到94%。预测蛋白二级结构以α-螺旋-β-折叠为主,由7个主螺旋和11个主β-折叠及随机结构连接而成,并具有2OG-FeII_Oxy家族活性中心的三个保守的组氨酸残基(His84、His235、His291)和一个天冬氨酸残基(Asp237)。 6. 根据微型EST库中获得的SmALDH特异探针设计引物,采用PCR从这50个克隆中筛选获得了SmALDH基因cDNA 序列,全长1664bp,编码一个491aa的蛋白质。SmALDH基因cDNA具有独特的碱基组成,3/-UTR富含A+T,占该区域碱基总量的80%,5/-UTR的A+T和G+C各占50%,比ORF区域(52%)还低,因此其mRNA二级结构中5/-UTR可以单独形成自身二级结构并且十分稳定,这可能影响基因的表达。这一现象在水稻、玉米等植物中也存在。SmALDH在cDNA水平上在ORF区域与拟南芥、藏红花、水稻等具有较高同源性,分别为64.03%、63.89%、63.72%,但在推测蛋白氨基酸序列水平上同源性反而较低,分别为54.9%、54.3%、54.0%。SmALDH缺少线粒体定位信号,为胞质醛脱氢酶,具有一个Aldedh 保守结构域,还具有与1OF7-H相似的以α-螺旋-β-折叠为主的二级结构,由10个主螺旋和15个主β-折叠及随机结构连接而成。由于ALDH在植物细胞乙醇发酵中具有解除醛类物质毒害的功能,因此SmALDH基因的克隆为改造细胞自身以适应发酵培养条件,解决水母雪莲细胞大规模培养中需氧问题提供了可能。


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Several approaches to designing schedule H-infinity control systems are compared. These include a controller switching approach and also parameter scheduling of an observer representation of the controller. They are illustrated by application to a Generic VSTOI. Aircraft Model (GVAM) supplied by The Royal Aerospace Establishment (RAE) at Bedford. The switched design has been tested on the simulator at RAE Bedford. The linear H-infinity designs make use of a loop-shaping followed by robust stabilisation to additive perturbations of a normalised coprime factorisation of the shaped plans. The different scheduling approaches are compared with respect to achieved robust stability levels. performance and complexity of implementation.


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The conceptual design phase of any project is, by its very nature, a vibrant, creative and dynamic period. It can also be disorganized with much backtracking accompanying the exchange of information between design team members. The transfer of information, ideas and opinion is critical to the development of concepts and as such, rather than being recognized as merely a component of conceptual design activity, it needs to be understood and, ultimately, managed. This paper describes an experimental workshop involving fifteen design professionals in which conceptual design activity was tracked, and subsequently mapped, in order to test and validate a tentative design framework (phase and activity model). The nature of the design progression of the various teams is captured and analyzed, allowing a number of conclusions to be drawn regarding both the iterative nature of this phase of design and how teams of professionals actually design together.