998 resultados para 1794-1858
El presente artículo analiza la deducción fichteana de la categorías en el Fundamento de toda la doctrina de la ciencia de 1794/95 a la luz de la comprensión que tiene Fichte, durante los años de la génesis y publicación de esta obra, acerca de su relación con la filosofía kantiana con respecto a la cuestión de las categorías. Se argumenta que la deducción fichteana de las categorías en esta obra de 1794/95 transforma la tabla kantiana de las categorías en una tríada de tríadas (nueve categorías reunidas en los grupos de relación, cantidad, cualidad) en la que la determinación recíproca es la categoría fundamental, el grupo de la modalidad queda excluido y la distinción entre categorías matemáticas y dinámicas desaparece. El análisis de la deducción fichteana es seguido de una revisión crítica de las interpretaciones habituales sobre este tema.
Vorbesitzer: Freiherrlich Carl von Rothschild'sche Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main; alte Signatur: Hs. in Quart 115
Vorbesitzer: Freiherrlich Carl von Rothschild'sche Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main; alte Signatur: Hs. in Quart 114
Prepared March 1, 2001 by Sherburne F. Cook, Jr. The official Court Proceedings of the second and third sentencing are recorded in the official Court Ledger for the 2nd Judicial District; Olympia, Thurston County, W.T., from which the following transcription has been taken. The Ledger picks up the Trial action on March 18, 1857.
Depuis un certain nombre d'années, l'histoire régionale et l'histoire locale ont connu un essor considérable. La région des Cantons de l'Est et la ville de Sherbrooke, plus spécifiquement, n'échappent pas à cette orientation historiographique. Plusieurs thèses, mémoires ou études sont venus compléter notre connaissance de la réalité historique de Sherbrooke et de la région. Tous les aspects de l'histoire y trouvent leur compte, comme dans l'histoire nationale. Les historiens sortent de l'ombre les personnages et les événements qui ont marqué la vie politique, économique, religieuse, sociale et culturelle de la communauté qu'ils étudient. Ils ont ainsi raison du temps qui travaille contre la mémoire, collective comme individuelle. L'étude que je présente aujourd'hui s'inscrit dans la vague qui a poussé les historiens à éclairer le milieu où ils vivent et à concourir ainsi, de plus ou moins loin, à l'évaluation de l'histoire nationale déjà reçue. Môn mémoire consiste à présenter et à interpréter l'histoire de la Société St-Jean-Baptiste de Sherbrooke, une Société qui s'est très tôt inscrite dans le développement de la ville de Sherbrooke, puis du diocèse. On pourrait penser qu'il appartient à l'histoire sociale et culturelle uniquement. Mais l'orientation que la SSJB de Sherbrooke a prise au cours du 20e siècle et le climat politique dans lequel elle évolue depuis une vingtaine d'années, notamment, font que mon mémoire déborde largement l'aspect socio-culturel de l'histoire de Sherbrooke et du diocèse Saint-Michel. Il a donc une extension que je n'avais pas prévue au moment du choix de mon sujet.
Relatório original, datado de 31 de Janeiro de 1859, do espólio do "Arquivo Histórico do LNEG"
Tese de Doutoramento, Educação (Sociologia da Educação), 11 de Julho 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
Sturgeons are important because of producing the expensive caviar. With regard to decreasing of natural stocks of these fishes, cultured sturgeons farms are expanding, so infectious or non-infectious agents can cause problems in this industry. One of the most important infectious diseases, are parasitic diseases, like gill parasites. In this study from March 2007 to June 2008, gills of 122 sturgeons of south west of Caspian Sea, 44 samples of juveniles from freshwater farms and 25 samples of cultured fishes in freshwater were collected and examined. Parasites were separated and determination of species and prevalence of them were done. Nitzschia sturionis and Diclybothrium armatum (monogenea) with general prevalence 8.7% in Acipenser persicus and 25.6% in Acipenser stellatus from sea sturgeons and Trichodina (sp.1, sp.2) and Ichthyophthirius multifiliis from freshwater sturgeons, were separated. Statistical analysis was done according to species, sex, length and weight of fishes. Pathology, morphometric and morphological characters of Nitzschia sturionis were also studied. At the end, we have suggested ways for health management of farms for prevention of parasites entry.
Rezension von: Frank-Michael Kuhlemann: Modernisierung und Disziplinierung. Sozialgeschichte des preußischen Volksschulwesens 1794-1872. (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft. Bd. 96.) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1992. 468 S.
This chapter explores the relationship between environmental conflicts and technical progress, trying to understand, in the case of large mines of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, in Alentejo, how emerging environmental problems conditioned the performance or led to the search for alternative technical solutions, taking as chronological limit for this observation the beginning of World War II. In the absence of the archives of the companies, the research was based on existing administrative documents in the state archives (mining engineers reports, the licensing of mining activities), on reports and documents published in specialized mining press, in particular, the Bulletin of the Ministry of Public Works, Trade and Industry, the Journal of Public Works, Trade and Industry (both in Portuguese), and finally in the local press. Despite that limitation, the information available shows that in global competition markets, the success of the British enterprise in Santo Domingo had the active search for new technical solutions for the creation and adaptation of existing knowledge to local problems in order to maximize the mineral resources available. The early development of the hydrometallurgical processes for the treatment of poor ores, named ‘natural cementation’, can be explained as the way these companies tried to solve problems of competitiveness, boosting economies of scale. Thus, they transferred the environmental costs previously limited to agriculture to more fragile social groups, the poor fishermen of Guadiana River and of Vila Real de Santo António. Therefore, the hydrometallurgy of pyrites was developed locally, pioneered in Santo Domingo that allowed the survival and expansion of the British company from the late 1870s, that is, at a time when most small mines shut since they were not able to compete globally. Through different consented and regulated processes (judicial), through conflict or parliamentary mediation, the State imposed exceptionally additional costs to companies, either for compensation, the imposing the application of remediation measures to reduce the environmental damage in some cases, thus contributing to derail some projects. These cases suggest that the interaction between local conflicts, corporate behavior and technological progress proves to be complex. This article aims to contribute to the debate on economic and social history between the environment and technological progress, arguing that the fixed costs and economic imponderable social risks were factors that encouraged the companies to search for new solutions and to introduce innovations since that would allow the expansion of their activity. In this process the companies sometimes faced environmental dilemmas and unforeseen costs with consequences on the economy of firms. The nature of the knowledge needed to address the environmental problems they created, however, is of a very different nature from that knowledge needed to face the environmental burdens that were inherent to the development of its activity.