956 resultados para unilateral nephrectomy


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A infecção dos felinos pelo Vírus da Imunodeficiência Felina (FIV) resulta no desenvolvimento da síndrome de imunodeficiência dos felinos. Gengivite, perda de peso, linfadenomegalia generalizada, anemia, insuficiência renal crônica, complicações neurológicas, diarréia crônica e infecções bacterianas são encontradas frequentemente. A fase aguda da infecção pode ser assintomática, retardando o estabelecimento do diagnóstico e a implantação de medidas profiláticas para restringir o contágio e a transmissão do agente aos felinos suscetíveis. Com a finalidade de estudar as características clínicas da fase aguda da infecção, dez felinos jovens, sem definição racial, com oito meses de idade foram inoculados por via endovenosa com 1mL de sangue venoso de um gato portador do FIV subtipo B. A confirmação da infecção foi obtida através de teste sorológico em quatro e oito semanas pós-inoculação (p.i.) e por nested-PCR. Foram realizados hemogramas semanais, exame ultrassonográfico do abdômen quinzenais e exame oftalmológico mensal, durante doze semanas p.i. Discreta tendência a linfopenia na segunda semana p.i. e a neutropenia entre a quinta e sétima semana p.i., febre intermitente em alguns gatos, linfadenomegalia e hepato-esplenomegalia entre a quarta e a 12ª semana p.i. foram as alterações clínicas observadas. Apenas um gato apresentou uveíte unilateral direita. A fase aguda da infecção transcorreu com alterações clínicas inespecíficas. A linfadenomegalia e a hepato-esplenomegalia observadas no decorrer da infecção, refletindo hiperplasia linfóide, sugerem a necessidade de se realizar o teste sorológico para o FIV, em todos os gatos que se apresentarem com essas alterações, o que permitirá o diagnóstico precoce da infecção e a adoção de medidas profiláticas no sentido de minimizar a propagação da infecção.


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O vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV) é responsável por diferentes síndromes que afetam bovinos em todo o mundo, causando grandes perdas econômicas. O presente trabalho analisou as características clínicas, patológicas e imuno-histoquímicas e virais de cinco bovinos persistentemente infectados pelo BVDV de uma mesma propriedade, localizada no Município de Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul. Dentre os sinais clínicos verificados destacaram-se subdesenvolvimento, secreções nasais e oculares, além de catarata congênita unilateral em dois bovinos. As principais lesões observadas durante a necropsia consistiram de aumento dos linfonodos mesentéricos, evidenciação das placas de Peyer e pododermatite e lesões crostosas no plano nasal e na região periocular em um animal. Os achados microscópicos caracterizavam-se, principalmente, por infiltrado mononuclear na lâmina do intestino delgado e rarefação linfoide com infiltrado histiocitário nos centrofoliculares de linfonodos e nas placas de Peyer. Antígenos virais foram detectados por imuno-histoquímica principalmente em queratinócitos da epiderme, no epitélio de folículos pilosos e células mononucleares da derme de orelhas e pele; histiócitos e em linfócitos dos linfonodos; células foliculares da tireoide; no citoplasma de neurônios e, em menor escala, em células da micróglia no córtex cerebral e no hipocampo. O isolamento viral de amostras de sangue e órgãos dos animais confirmou a presença de BVDV não citopático. Também foi possível detectar a presença do genoma viral por RT-PCR no soro dos animais. A análise filogenética do fragmento parcial da região 5' não traduzida do genoma viral permitiu a classificação da amostra viral como BVDV tipo 2b. O presente estudo reforça a necessidade de investigar e caracterizar surtos de BVD e descrever suas diferentes for-mas de apresentação.


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A acupuntura, é uma terapia que cada vez mais adquire uma credibilidade no mundo ocidental, a sua indicação pode ser para pacientes anêmicos e imunossuprimidos, e outras afecções. O experimento foi realizado com oito cães adultos, sendo 4 fêmeas e 4 machos. O estudo consistiu em análise das concentrações das células vermelhas e brancas avaliado em 4 tratamentos: controle (T0), acupuntura (T1), eletroacupuntura unilateral (T2) e eletroacupuntura bilateral (T3). Os acupontos utilizados foram intestino grosso 4, intestino grosso 11 e estômago 36. Todos os animais passaram por todos os tratamentos com um intervalo de 7 dias para cada tratamento. Os hemogramas séricos foram verificados 20 minutos antes do início do tratamento (M0), logo após o tratamento (M1), e 60 minutos (M2) e 120 minutos (M3) após o tratamento. O resultado da série vermelha não foi significativo, mas notou-se somente uma diminuição significativa da concentração média corpuscular (CHCM) (p<0,05) no tratamento T1 no M1 em comparação aos outros tratamentos; notou-se também uma redução significativa (p<0,05) na concentração plaquetária de T1, T2 e T3 em comparação ao grupo controle. A eletroacupuntura pode levar a uma trombocitopenia, quando estimulado estes pontos, provavelmente por um estímulo parassimpaticomimético.


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A tromboflebite jugular ocorre frequentemente em equinos, decorrendo geralmente de processos mórbidos associados à iatrogenia, podendo levar a perda de função, edema cefálico, diminuição do desempenho atlético e ainda causar o óbito. Esta enfermidade nos equinos apesar de frequente é pouco conhecida quanto à sua evolução e tratamentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a evolução da tromboflebite jugular experimental em equinos, quanto às alterações clínicas e estruturais envolvidas na enfermidade, observando-se os aspectos clínicos, ultra-sonográficos e venográficos no contexto do trombo e do vaso, quanto à possibilidade de recanalização do trombo produzido e da vascularização compensatória. A tromboflebite da veia jugular foi induzida, unilateralmente, em 05 equinos nos quais previamente à indução da tromboflebite e diariamente após foram observadas manifestações clínicas e realizados exames ultra-sonográficos. Venografias foram feitas nos momentos pré-indução, na indução e a cada seis dias após a indução da tromboflebite, verificando-se a recanalização do trombo oclusivo e a presença de vasos na drenagem sanguínea compensatória. Observou-se a ocorrência de edema moderado das regiões parotídea, massetérica e supra-orbitária e discreto edema submandibular que reduziram até o 6º dia, permanecendo apenas discreto aumento parotídeo. O ingurgitamento da jugular cranial a região da indução permaneceu durante todo o período de avaliação. A porção caudal à tromboflebite mostrou ingurgitamento frente ao garrote na entrada do tórax desde o primeiro dia após a indução. Os exames ultra-sonográficos mostraram formação de trombo oclusivo total durante todo o período de observação em 3 animais e o restabelecimento parcial do fluxo na jugular em 2 animais e a presença de vasos colaterais conduzindo o sangue da porção cranial para a porção caudal à obstrução. As venografias revelaram fluxo sanguíneo "linear" normal no momento pré-operatório, constatando nos momentos pós-operatórios a presença oclusiva do trombo, com o contraste preenchendo os vasos tributários compensatórios direcionados à porção caudal à oclusão da veia ou ainda estagnado cranialmente ao trombo. Conclui-se que a trombose oclusiva na tromboflebite jugular experimental e unilateral sofre recanalização e compensação vascular por vasos tributários de drenagem, com redução gradativa dos sinais decorrentes da estase sanguínea de retorno, especificamente as regiões cefálicas com edema. Estudos envolvendo a tromboflebite jugular nos equinos devem evoluir nos aspectos experimental e clínico.


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Venäläiset ovat eurooppalainen sivistyskansa, joka on vaikuttanut merkittävällä tavalla maailman kohtaloihin. Kommunismin kukistuttua ja Neuvostoliiton hajottua venäläiset joutuivat hämmennyksen tilaan. Kansakunnan uusi nousu alkoi maantieteellisestä, sivistykselliseltä ja historialliselta pohjalta. Länsimaille oli yllätys, ettei Venäjä seurannut läntisiä demokraattisia esikuvia, vaan lähti luomaan uutta yhteiskuntaa omaa tietään kulkien. Valtion johtoon astuivat turvallisuusmiehet, jotka määrittelivät Venäjän kehitysstrategiat ja poliittiset tavoitteet. Heidän mukaansa Venäjän federaatio on imperiumi, eikä se alistu muiden johdettavaksi. Venäjä ei hyväksy Yhdysvaltojen johtamaa yksinapaista maailmaa. Venäjän pyrkimyksenä on kohota yhdeksi tärkeäksi maailmanpolitiikan keskukseksi ja haastaa muiden vaikuttajien kuten EU:n, Kiinan, Japanin ja Intian kanssa Yhdysvaltojen johtoasema. Tavoitteeseen pääseminen edellyttää yhteiskunnan voimavarojen keskittämistä. Vuodesta 1996 lähtien poliittinen valta on keskitetty tiukasti presidentille ja hänen johtamalleen hallintokoneistolle. Vladimir Putinin johdolla yhteiskunta vakautettiin autoritaariseen tyyliin. Vuosina 2008–2012 muodollisena, joskin vaaleilla valittuna, presidenttinä oli Putinin luottomies Dmitri Medvedev. Tuolloin todellisena Venäjän johtajana toimi pääministeri Putin. Medvedevin nelivuotiskauden päätyttyä Putin jatkaa valtion johdossa presidenttinä. Taloudelliset edellytykset harjoitetulle politiikalle ovat Venäjällä itsellään. Maa on maailman ainoa suurvalta, joka on riippumaton ulkomaisista energia- ja raaka-ainelähteistä, ja vuodesta 2002 vuoden 2008 lopulle jatkunut energian ja raaka-aineiden hintojen nousu on tukenut Venäjän talouskehitystä. Lisääntyneillä tuloilla on voitu monipuolisesti kehittää yhteiskuntaa, ja väestön enemmistö on tyytyväinen harjoitettuun politiikkaan. Venäjä selvisi nopeasti vuonna 2009 maailmaa kuristaneesta taloudellisesta kriisistä ja pääsi jälleen kasvu-uralla. Suurena ongelmana on vientiteollisuuden yksipuolinen painottuminen energia- ja raaka-ainesektoreille, jolloin talous on hyvin riippuvainen maailmantalouden kehityksestä. Suurten valtion omistamien yhtiöiden hallitsema elinkeinoelämä ei myöskään ole omiaan edistämään yrittäjyyttä, joka on kaiken innovatiivisuuden perusedellytys. Valtiojohtoinen autoritaarisuus ei ole tyydyttänyt kaikkia, mutta vanhaan venäläiseen tyyliin protestit on tukahdutettu, ja ulkomaisille arvostelijoille venäläiset ovat kertoneet kehittävänsä venäläistä, ”ohjattua” demokratiaa. Imperiumille erittäin tärkeän instrumentin muodostavat vahvat asevoimat, ja valtiojohtoinen autoritaarinen talouselämä antaa mahdollisuudet niiden kehittämiselle. Asevoimien kehityksen esteenä ei ole niinkään talous, vaan teknologinen ja innovatiivinen jälkeenjääneisyys. Vuonna 2003 käynnistetty asevoimien reformi on lähtenyt liikkeelle ja sen tuloksia oli havaittavissa elokuussa 2008 käydyssä Venäjän ja Georgian välisessä sodassa, joka päättyi Venäjän aseille voitokkaasti. Tuolloin kuitenkin todettiin asevoimien tekninen ja taktinen jälkeenjääneisyys, mikä johti asevoimien ja niitä tukevan teollisuuden uudistamiseen tähtäävien uudelleenjärjestelyiden kiirehtimiseen ja kehittämiseen.


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Brainstem auditory-evoked potential (BAEP) has been widely used for different purposes in veterinary practice and is commonly used to identify inherited deafness and presbycusis. In this study, 43 Boxer dogs were evaluated using the BAEP. Deafness was diagnosed in 3 dogs (2 bilateral and 1 unilateral) allowing the remaining 40 Boxers to be included for normative data analysis including an evaluation on the influence of age on the BAEP. The animals were divided into 2 groups of 20 Boxers each based on age. The mean age was 4.54 years (range, 1-8) in group I, and 9.83 years (range, 8.5-12) in group II. The mean latency for I, III, and V waves were 1.14 (±0.07), 2.64 (±0.11), and 3.48 (±0.10) ms in group I, and 1.20 (±0.12), 2.73 (±0.15), and 3.58 (±0.22) ms in group II, respectively. The mean inter-peak latencies for the I-III, III-V and I-V intervals were 1.50 (±0.15), 0.84 (±0.15), and 2.34 (±0.11) ms in group I, and 1.53 (±0.16), 0.85 (±0.15), and 2.38 (±0.19) ms in group II, respectively. Latencies of waves I and III were significant different between group I and II. For the I-III, III-V and I-V intervals, no significant differences were observed between the 2 groups. As far as we know, this is the first normative study of BAEP obtained from Boxer dogs.


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A displasia renal resulta de um distúrbio na nefrogênese, com diferenciação anormal dos rins, podendo ser unilateral ou bilateral, e causa insuficiência renal em cães jovens. Qualquer agente agressor, incluindo vírus, pode causar a lesão até três meses após o nascimento, quando encerra o desenvolvimento embrionário do néfron. Foram diagnosticados 11 casos de displasia renal dentre 186 casos de cães com insuficiência renal de um total de 5.846 cães submetidos à necropsia no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul no período 2002-2013. Amostras teciduais coletadas na necropsia foram fixadas em 10% de formol e coradas com hematoxilina e eosina (HE) e tricrômico de Masson. Na necropsia, os rins estavam pálidos, diminuídos de tamanho, irregulares e firmes, com diâmetro da cortical diminuído. Alguns ainda eram císticos e apresentavam estriações brancacentas paralelas dispostas radialmente na medular. Ao exame histológico os rins exibiam lesões primárias e secundárias. As lesões primárias identificadas foram glomérulos e túbulos fetais, diminuição quantitativa de glomérulos, túbulos adenomatosos e persistência de ductos metanéfricos. Dentre as lesões secundárias, a coloração de tricrômico de Masson evidenciou intensa fibrose intersticial em todos os casos. Além disso, foram observadas dilatação de túbulos e da cápsula de Bowman, atrofia glomerular e glomeruloesclerose. Ainda que a maioria dos casos tenha sido relacionada com linhagens raciais, esse trabalho demonstra uma alta frequência de diagnóstico de displasia renal em cães sem raça definida, possivelmente devido ao fato de que estes representam a maioria dos cães encaminhados ao laboratório. Apesar das lesões primárias serem facilmente identificadas pela coloração de hematoxilina eosina, a coloração de tricrômico de Masson auxilia na identificação da extensão da fibrose.


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Hyphema (hemorrhage within the anterior chamber of the eye) can be caused by several mechanisms and can easily be detected in routine ophthalmic or necroscopic examination as discolored red eye(s). The purpose of this study is to report the cause of hyphema diagnosed as a postmortem finding in dogs and cats. Twenty cases, 14 dogs and six cats of several ages and breeds and of both sexes were included in the study. Hyphema presented as a unilateral (14 cases out of 20) or bilateral (6/20) disorder in dogs and cats and extension of hemorrhage varied from minimal to diffuse. Hyphema was secondary to systemic disease (15/20) or occurred as a primary ocular lesion (5/20) in four dogs and one cat. Primary hyphema was always unilateral. In four of these cases, the cause of hyphema was trauma and remaining case was caused by phacoclastic uveitis in a dog with bilateral hypermature cataract. Various causes of bleeding disorders were found related to secondary hyphema: in decreasing order of frequency, they included vasculitis (8/15), systemic hypertension (5/15), and acquired coagulopathies (2/15). Vasculitis due to feline infectious peritonitis accounted for half of the cases (n=3) of systemic hyphema in cats. The various pathological aspects and pathogenesis of hyphema in dogs and cats are described and discussed.


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This work presents a formulation of the contact with friction between elastic bodies. This is a non linear problem due to unilateral constraints (inter-penetration of bodies) and friction. The solution of this problem can be found using optimization concepts, modelling the problem as a constrained minimization problem. The Finite Element Method is used to construct approximation spaces. The minimization problem has the total potential energy of the elastic bodies as the objective function, the non-inter-penetration conditions are represented by inequality constraints, and equality constraints are used to deal with the friction. Due to the presence of two friction conditions (stick and slip), specific equality constraints are present or not according to the current condition. Since the Coulomb friction condition depends on the normal and tangential contact stresses related to the constraints of the problem, it is devised a conditional dependent constrained minimization problem. An Augmented Lagrangian Method for constrained minimization is employed to solve this problem. This method, when applied to a contact problem, presents Lagrange Multipliers which have the physical meaning of contact forces. This fact allows to check the friction condition at each iteration. These concepts make possible to devise a computational scheme which lead to good numerical results.


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Day surgery has gained a large popularity during the last decades. In Finland, 57% of the elective procedures, and 50% at Turku University Hospital, were already conducted on day basis during 2012. The steady growth of day surgery is mostly due to an increased safety in perioperative care and cost-effectiveness. The development of surgical techniques and anaesthetic methods has advanced the modern day surgery and extended the repertory of the procedures for use in day surgery operations. Day surgery also offers certain benefits like reduced risk for hospital-related infections, stress and confusion. Patient satisfaction, regarding several issues, is high. Most concerns and complaints are related to postoperative pain, nausea and vomiting pain and nausea. Pain can hamper recovery and pain management is a crucial factor for hospital discharge. Appropriate pain treatment is effective, safe, easy and economical. A procedure-specific approach and an individually planned, multimodal analgesia should be the basis of modern pain management. The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of anaesthetic technique and methods in pain treatment of orthopaedic day case surgery, and following conclusions were made. Unilateral spinal block was achieved using hyperbaric bupivacaine with a small dose of clonidine but clonidine prolonged the block. Continuous subacromial bupivacaine was found to be safe but conferring only moderate efficacy in pain care after shoulder arthroscopy. Transdermal fentanyl, 12 g/h, as part of multimodal analgesia, offered a safe and easy option to pain management in this patient group. However, after forefoot surgery, it did not reduce pain any further. In general, pain scores in all patient groups were low and the need for rescue opioid moderate.


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We present the results obtained with a ureterovesical implant after ipsilateral ureteral obstruction in the rat, suitable for the study of renal function after deobstruction in these animals. Thirty-seven male Wistar rats weighing 260 to 300 g were submitted to distal right ureteral ligation and divided into 3 groups, A (N = 13, 1 week of obstruction), B (N = 14, 2 weeks of obstruction) and C (N = 10, 3 weeks of obstruction). The animals were then submitted to ureterovesical implantation on the right side and nephrectomy on the left side. During the 4-week follow-up period serum levels of urea and creatinine were measured on the 2nd, 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day and compared with preoperative levels. The ureterovesical implantation included a psoas hitch procedure and the ureter was pulled into the bladder using a transvesical suture. During the first week of the postoperative period 8 animals died, 4/13 in group A (1 week of obstruction) and 4/14 in group B (2 weeks of obstruction). When compared to preoperative serum levels, urea and creatinine showed a significant increase (P<0.05) on the 2nd postoperative day in groups A and B, with a gradual return to lower levels. However, the values in group B animals were higher than those in group A at the end of the follow-up. In group C, 2/10 animals (after 3 weeks of obstruction) were sacrificed at the time of ureterovesical implantation due to infection of the obstructed kidneys. The remaining animals in this group were operated upon but all of them died during the first week of follow-up due to renal failure. This technique of ureterovesical implantation in the rat provides effective drainage of the upper urinary tract, permitting the development of an experimental model for the study of long-term renal function after a period of ureteral obstruction


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The pathogenesis of fibrosis and the functional features of pressure overload myocardial hypertrophy are still controversial. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the function and morphology of the hypertrophied myocardium in renovascular hypertensive (RHT) rats. Male Wistar rats were sacrificed at week 4 (RHT4) and 8 (RHT8) after unilateral renal ischemia (Goldblatt II hypertension model). Normotensive rats were used as controls. Myocardial function was analyzed in isolated papillary muscle preparations, morphological features were defined by light microscopy, and myocardial hydroxyproline concentration (HOP) was determined by spectrophotometry. Renal artery clipping resulted in elevated systolic arterial pressure (RHT4: 178 ± 19 mmHg and RHT8: 194 ± 24 mmHg, P<0.05 vs control: 123 ± 7 mmHg). Myocardial hypertrophy was observed in both renovascular hypertensive groups. The myocardial HOP concentration was increased in the RHT8 group (control: 2.93 ± 0.38 µg/mg; RHT4: 3.02 ± 0.40 µg/mg; RHT8: 3.44 ± 0.45 µg/mg of dry tissue, P<0.05 vs control and RHT4 groups). The morphological study demonstrated myocyte necrosis, vascular damage and cellular inflammatory response throughout the experimental period. The increased cellularity was more intense in the adventitia of the arterioles. As a consequence of myocyte necrosis, there was an early, local, conjunctive stroma collapse with disarray and thickening of the argyrophilic interstitial fibers, followed by scarring. The functional data showed an increased passive myocardial stiffness in the RHT4 group. We conclude that renovascular hypertension induces myocyte and arteriole necrosis. Reparative fibrosis occurred as a consequence of the inflammatory response to necrosis. The mechanical behavior of the isolated papillary muscle was normal, except for an early increased myocardial passive stiffness


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the response of rats suffering from moderate renal insufficiency to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS, or endotoxin). The study involved 48 eight-week-old male SPF Wistar rats (175-220 g) divided into two groups of 24 animals each. One group underwent 5/6 nephrectomy while the other was sham-operated. Two weeks after surgery, the animals were further divided into two subgroups of 12 animals each and were fasted for 20 h but with access to water ad libitum. One nephrectomized and one sham-treated subgroup received E. coli LPS (25 µg/kg, iv) while the other received a sterile, pyrogen-free saline solution. Gastric retention (GR) was determined 10 min after the orogastric infusion of a standard saline test meal labeled with phenol red (6 mg/dl). The gastric emptying of the saline test meal was studied after 2 h. Renal function was evaluated by measuring the plasma levels of urea and creatinine. The levels of urea and creatinine in 5/6 nephrectomized animals were two-fold higher than those observed in the sham-operated rats. Although renal insufficiency did not change gastric emptying (median %GR = 26.6 for the nephrectomized subgroup and 29.3 for the sham subgroup), LPS significantly retarded the gastric emptying of the sham and nephretomized groups (median %GR = 42.0 and 61.0, respectively), and was significantly greater (P<0.01) in the nephrectomized rats. We conclude that gastric emptying in animals suffering from moderate renal insufficiency is more sensitive to the action of LPS than in sham animals


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Several studies demonstrate that, within the ventral medullary surface (VMS), excitatory amino acids are necessary components of the neural circuits involved in the tonic and reflex control of respiration and circulation. In the present study we investigated the cardiorespiratory effects of unilateral microinjections of the broad spectrum glutamate antagonist kynurenic acid (2 nmol/200 nl) along the VMS of urethane-anesthetized rats. Within the VMS only one region was responsive to this drug. This area includes most of the intermediate respiratory area, partially overlapping the rostral ventrolateral medulla (IA/RVL). When microinjected into the IA/RVL, kynurenic acid produced a respiratory depression, without changes in mean arterial pressure or heart rate. The respiratory depression observed was characterized by a decrease in ventilation, tidal volume and mean inspiratory flow and an increase in respiratory frequency. Therefore, the observed respiratory depression was entirely due to a reduction in the inspiratory drive. Microinjections of vehicle (200 nl of saline) into this area produced no significant changes in breathing pattern, blood pressure or heart rate. Respiratory depression in response to the blockade of glutamatergic receptors inside the rostral VMS suggests that neurons at this site have an endogenous glutamatergic input controlling the respiratory cycle duration and the inspiratory drive transmission.


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Policosanol is a mixture of higher aliphatic primary alcohols isolated from sugar cane wax, whose main component is octacosanol. An inhibitory effect of policosanol on platelet aggregation and cerebral ischemia in animal models has been reported. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of policosanol on cerebral ischemia induced by unilateral carotid ligation and bilateral clamping and recirculation in Mongolian gerbils. Policosanol (200 mg/kg) administered immediately after unilateral carotid ligation and at 12- or 24-h intervals for 48 h significantly inhibited mortality and clinical symptoms when compared with controls, whereas lower doses (100 mg/kg) were not effective. Control animals showed swelling (tissue vacuolization) and necrosis of neurons in all areas of the brain studied (frontal cortex, hippocampus, striatum and olfactory tubercle), showing a similar injury profile. In the group treated with 200 mg/kg policosanol swelling and necrosis were significantly reduced when compared with the control group. In another experimental model, comparison between groups showed that the brain water content of control gerbils (N = 15) was significantly higher after 15 min of clamping and 4 h of recirculation than in sham-operated animals (N = 13), whereas policosanol (200 mg/kg) (N = 19) significantly reduced the edema compared with the control group, with a cerebral water content identical to that of the sham-operated animals. cAMP levels in the brain of control-ligated Mongolian gerbils (N = 8) were significantly lower than those of sham-operated animals (N = 10). The policosanol-treated group (N = 10) showed significantly higher cAMP levels (2.68 pmol/g of tissue) than the positive control (1.91 pmol/g of tissue) and similar to those of non-ligated gerbils (2.97 pmol/g of tissue). In conclusion, our results show an anti-ischemic effect of policosanol administered after induction of cerebral ischemia, in two different experimental models in Mongolian gerbils, suggesting a possible therapeutic effect in cerebral vascular disorders.