868 resultados para sport in socialist societies


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The study of the size and composition of the rural household in tradicional societies in transition to modern ones is very useful as a tool in order to understand forms and organizations of the domestic groups and their possibilities of survival, social mobility e developing strategies of material accumulation. The aim of this article is to compare the size and composition of the rural households in the frontier regions of the Americas: the northwest and southwest of U.S.A with the southwest of São Paulo province in Brazil. The findings are surprising in comparative perspective, as the mean size of the American households were very high in relation to the brazilian ones. The sources used in this research are the manuscript census of the U.S.A and Brazil.


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This article reflects upon the possible connections between the processes of economic globalization, changes in the labour market and the new forms of poverty. The debate is framed by two different economic contexts: Portugal (characterized by slow and insufficient growth rates, a serious social crisis, and difficulties in asserting itself economically and politically in the European and world contexts) and Brazil (a dynamic emerging economy, with high growth rates and receding poverty levels). This allows us to assess some of the economic and social impacts arising from the global pressure to be economically competitive, which have led to new forms of poverty, social precariousness and job insecurity in both societies.


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This article aims at developing the so-called ontopolitics as G. Deleuze s innovative contribution to contemporary political philosophy. This objective will lead us to inspect the concept of power that Deleuze borrowed from Foucault and extended in order to assign to it an ontological adequacy. The concept of power opens access to another important element of the Deleuzean political philosophy, that is, the study of the historical diagrams of the power in the so-called discipline and control societies. With the combined dynamical diagram of both, we become aware of the portrait Deleuze draws for the democracy in contemporary societies. Digging into the Deleuzean ontopolitics, we will devote ourselves to the concepts of majority, minority and minor-becoming. It is in this point that the meeting between Deleuze s ontoplitics and Ch. Sanders Peirce s mathematical ontology becomes sound. It happens that Deleuze s ontopolitical concepts, besides their bond to an ontology of the power, receive also a mathematical treatment related to certain arithmetical (denumerable and nondenumerable) and geometrical notions (lines). The majorities and minorities are denumerable sets which are crossed by nondenumerable becomings. This step done, we will reach the stand point of the present paper, where we carry out initial approach with regard to an image for the concepts of majority and minority on the basis of Peirce s theory of collections and multitudes, mostly envisaging the mathematical ontology included in it. Accordingly, the main operation to be accomplished is that the Deleuzean distinction between the denumerable majorities/minorities and the nondenumerable mino-becoming may be mapped out in terms of discrete collections called enumerable, denumerable and abnumerable or postnumerable, in compliance with Peirce s terminology.


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Soccer is the most popular sport in Brazil and one of the most popular in the world. Within this context, the practice of university soccer has increased the number of practitioners. A methodology widely used in the training of high performance teams are games reduced field ( JCR). The objective of this study was to evaluate the intensity of physical effort of football players during a small side game, 4x4, check the correlation between [La], HR PSE and the players and the floater influence on the intensity of the small side game. We analyzed eight players of UNESP in Bauru mean age 21.2+1.5 years, weight 75.8+11.6 kg, height 1.77±8cm, body fat percentage 12.3+5.5%, VO2max 37.1 ml/kg/min. The training was performed in 4 x 6 min with an interval of between one minute for recovery. The [La] and PSE were collected between the second and third time and after the end of training, the HR was measured every five seconds throughout the training through the RS400 heart rate monitor. A training session player floater participation (4x4+1) and the other not (4x4). The results presented showed no correlation with the HR [La] and PSE. HR significantly different, being 157+10 in the game 4x4+1 and 146+13 in the game 4x4. The percentage of HRmax in the game with floater was 81.3% and 75.7% in the game without. The players were most of the time in a higher intensity in the JCR with a floater, 37.8% of playing time over 85% HRmax, and 22.5% of playing time over 85% of HRmax in the JCR without floater, demonstrating that the use of a floater player made the game more intense and efficient to increase the intensity of the game


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The British sports suffered an unprecedented crisis in the early 80s instabilities political, economic crisis and lack of planning put the English sport in a very critical situation. However, a number of sports public policies were proposed from the 80's, effectively, completely changed the situation of English sport, which has prompted the development of this research. Thus, the present study, qualitative, aims to analyze the organization and evolution of the sport in the UK, based on the British government projects of the last 30 years included in the Sport Development database. Therefore, the study was developed by the union of bibliographic research, exploratory and documentary. First, after literature, documents were selected, using the academic database Sport Development, in the library of policy documents, separate area of the database containing only the English sport policy documents. For delimitation of the study were analyzed documents from 1980 to 2013, of which eight were selected on which to base discussions in this study. The documents were analyzed using thematic content analysis technique, based on two thematic axes: Axis 1 - funding and Axis 2 - priority groups. The results indicate that the analyzed initiatives show a process of evolution and maturation of public policies of Sport England, both on the issue of financing, such as with regard to priority groups, which have changed and adjustments over the years. It was also noted that much can be learned from these initiatives, even in helping to solve problems of the Brazilian reality. Suggest new studies involving sports management from different countries, in order to leverage other perspectives to support the development of public policies for sport and recreation in the country, seeking successful examples


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This paper analyzes the communication strategy of the Brazilian Rugby Confederation in the promotion of sport in the country, with three television campaigns developed since 2010 together with manufacturer Topper. One of the goals of the organization is to make the sport better known among the Brazilian public, with a view to inclusion of rugby in the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. Very popular in countries colonized by Britain, the sport still has little visibility in the national sports scene, something to be transformed in organizational communication and advertising.


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The mass media have a decisive function in formation of opinion and conduct of population. Among those, the television is a vehicle with great power of spread of information. The objective this study is to analyze the influence of media on occurrences regarding the aggressiveness some participants involved in event soccer, while spectators. The subject's attitude is determined by predominant factors, among them the influences of social and cultural way in that lives, as well as, of the education and sporting influences that it affects. The problem of violence in the sport, in the case of soccer, it cannot be addressed for total responsibility of media. However, collaboration is indispensable, for aspect positive and/or negative, depending on the interest in subject. The models of behavior in television could influence the spectator's behavior for a learning process, for example, the use of the language. Therefore, it is indispensable to rethink the roads of television, their ethical conducts and to discuss the philosophical sense of the crisis. Because, to reject the mass media is to deny the reality and social transformations. The extent of the Physical education, above all in the school, is a fundamental space for the teacher to intermediate the meaning of the sport, in this case, the soccer-spectacle, in social context and their relationships with the media, enlarging the process civilization, so much inside as out of field.


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Football is a sporting phenomenon that unites the collective to individual, because besides the needs of teamwork, it requires several physical individual abilities. The unpredictability of each match turns it into a fascinating and unique sport. Indeed, this is the most popular and admired sport in all over the world, covering a huge amount of fans and practitioners. Curriculum documents are a new and unprecedented fact in history of Physical Education, so it sought as study object investigate and analyze is being treated in many curriculums proposes of seven Brazilian States (Goiás, Maranhão, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Sergipe e São Paulo) and the Distrito Federal. This study has a qualitative character, using documentary research, because it consists by analyze of curriculum documents. As results, stands out the difference between guiding principles in curriculums. However, all of them are based in a new perspective of Physical Education. With regard to the objectives, was evidenced a consensus among the documents examined, which target as Physical Education objective the formation of critical and autonomous individual, besides your insertion in body culture movements, body culture or movement culture. The results showed that all documents, except of Distrito Federal, mention football as content, only Pernambuco, Sergipe and São Paulo showed a further deepening in the theme. Thus, it is believed that it is essential for a better unfolding of football in Physical Education classes a understanding by the students about this sport, not just as a mere act of running after a ball, but as a social phenomenon broad and contextualized


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Em diversos países, a estrutura organizacional voltada ao desenvolvimento das modalidades esportivas é definida por programas de esporte desenvolvidos nacionalmente. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar a organização, as estruturas e as políticas para o esporte de rendimento no Brasil. Foram analisadas as ações de órgãos governamentais e/ou entidades nacionais do esporte de alto nível. Foram analisados os 14 Fatores Críticos para o Sucesso (FCS) referentes aos quatro indicadores que compõem o Pilar 2 do modelo SPLISS (Sports Policies Leading to Sport Sucess) (De Bosscher et al., 2009). Verificou- se que: o país possui ações isoladas oriundas do COB e do Ministério do Esporte; não existe priorização na aplicação dos recursos financeiros nas modalidades com chances reais de medalhas; existem ações do COB em relação à formação de gestores e técnicos, e a participação da representação de atletas nas entidades nacionais de esporte ainda é bastante restrita e recente.


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[EN] Background: Body image disturbance is an increasing problem in Western societies and is associated with a number of mental health outcomes including anorexia, bulimia, body dysmorphia, and depression. The aim of this study was to assess the association between body image disturbance and the incidence of depression. Methods: This study included 10,286 participants from a dynamic prospective cohort of Spanish university graduates, who were followed-up for a median period of 4.2 years (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra – the SUN study). The key characteristic of the study is the permanently open recruitment that started in 1999. The baseline questionnaire included information about body mass index (BMI) and the nine figure schemes that were used to assess body size perception. These variables were grouped according to recommended classifications and the difference between BMI and body size perception was considered as a proxy of body image disturbance. A subject was classified as an incident case of depression if he/she was initially free of depression and reported a physician-made diagnosis of depression and/or the use of antidepressant medication in at least one of the follow-up questionnaires. The association between body image disturbance and the incidence of depression was estimated by calculating the multivariable adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) and its 95% Confidence Interval (95% CI), using logistic regression models. Results: The cumulative incidence of depression during follow-up in the cohort was 4.8%. Men who underestimated their body size had a high percentage of overweight and obesity (50.1% and 12.6%, respectively), whereas women who overestimated their body size had a high percentage of underweight (87.6%). The underestimation exhibited a negative association with the incidence of depression among women (OR: 0.72, 95% CI: 0.54 – 0.95), but this effect disappeared after adjusting for possible confounding variables. The proportion of participants who correctly perceived their body size was high (53.3%) and gross misperception was seldom found, with most cases selecting only one silhouette below (42.7%) or above (2.6%) their actual BMI. Conclusion: We found no association between body image disturbance and subsequent depression in a cohort of university graduates in Spain.


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[ES] Este artículo presenta una investigación que pretende contribuir a mejorar los procesos de aprendizaje deportivo en el ámbito escolar. Nuestro trabajo estudia estrategias para prevenir y corregir uno de los principales problemas del aprendizaje común a todos los deportes: la manifestación disruptiva.


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[ES]Este artículo aborda la noción de frontera en las sociedades marítimas de la Baja Andalucía y Canarias en el tránsito del siglo XV al XVI, caracterizándola a partir de tres grandes líneas de relación. La primera gira en torno a su conformación espacial; la segunda en las relaciones económicas que se desarrollan en su seno; la tercera en la configuración de las sociedades que habitaron esos espacios, prestando a su vez atención a las culturas transfronterizas conformadas en esas sociedades. Todo ello con el objetivo de definir semejanzas y diferencias entre ambos contextos, y entre la frontera marítima y la terrestre. [EN] This article deals with the notion of boundary in maritime societies along Atlantic Andalusia and the Canary Islands at the turn of the 16th century, which is defined by three main axes of relationship. The first one focuses on its spatial distribution; the second one, the economic relations developed within it; and the third one, in the shaping of their societies, taking into account cross-border cultures shaped within them. All of this aimed at defining similarities and differences between both contexts, and also between sea and land borders.


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[ES]El presente artículo ahonda en el análisis de la realidad acerca de los costes de reponer y utilizar superficies deportivas de césped artificial, centrando sus indagaciones en el caso del fútbol, deporte mayoritario en cuanto a participación en España. La metodología empleada en el análisis se basa en un estudio de casos, buscando esclarecer principalmente, el coste de un único uso por jugador y por equipo en un campo de fútbol de césped artificial. En el estudio que nos ocupa, hemos basado la investigación en dos espacios deportivos completamente opuestos en cuanto a su ocupación, al objeto de conocer el importe económico a satisfacer por cada usuario o equipo. El estudio posee unos objetivos muy concretos que se centran en procesar el análisis y conseguir datos reveladores de la realidad de las superficies sintéticas de fútbol, así como determinar y validar unos indicadores que son la base del estudio.