931 resultados para scalp hair
É apresentado um método para a estimativa do balanço térmico por radiação em vacas da raça Holandesa expostas ao sol e sob a sombra em uma pastagem, com o objetivo de estabelecer um padrão morfológico mais adequado para esses animais em região tropical. O método envolve a determinação das características do pelame (área de superfície de malhas negras, espessura da capa, comprimento e diâmetro dos pêlos, número de pêlos por unidade de área), temperatura da superfície da capa e da epiderme e variáveis ambientais (irradiância solar, temperatura do ar e de globo, vento). Foi determinada a quantidade de radiação de ondas curtas efetivamente transmitida através do pelame e que atinge as camadas profundas da epiderme. Demonstrou-se, por intermédio de um exemplo prático, que as áreas de pelame negro apresentaram balanço radiante mais elevado que as áreas brancas, mas estas últimas possuiam maior transmissividade para a radiação de ondas curtas. Animais predominantemente negros foram melhor protegidos contra a radiação de ondas curtas que os predominantemente brancos, especialmente quando a capa de pelame é pouco espessa (até 4 a 7 mm), mais adequada para ambientes tropicais.
A perda de calor por evaporação cutânea e as características morfológicas do pelame (espessura da capa, comprimento médio dos pêlos, número de pêlos por unidade de área e diâmetro médio dos pêlos) foram avaliadas em 254 cabras das raças Saanen, Alpina e mestiças ½ Boer ½ Saanen. Utilizou-se uma cápsula ventilada para medir a evaporação cutânea, determinada em três regiões do corpo (próximo ao pescoço, meio do flanco e quarto traseiro), enquanto as características morfológicas do pelame foram avaliadas a partir de amostras de pêlos, tomadas 18 cm abaixo da coluna vertebral, exceto a espessura da capa, que foi medida in situ. Os resultados indicaram que os animais apresentam pelame pouco denso, formado por pêlos finos e compridos. Animais mestiços (½ Bôer ½ Saanen) apresentaram taxas de evaporação cutânea mais elevadas que os puros das raças Saanen e Alpina.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objetivou-se investigar os efeitos das características do pelame sobre a idade ao primeiro parto (IPP) e o intervalo de partos (IEP) de vacas holandesas manejadas em sistema de estabulação livre com ventiladores e aspersores e estimar os parâmetros genéticos destas características. Os dados foram analisados pelo método dos quadrados mínimos, considerando os efeitos: ano; estação; número de inseminações; origem do pai; pai dentro da origem; idade (somente para IEP); porcentagem de malhas negras; espessura do pelame; comprimento dos pêlos; número de pêlos por unidade de área da epiderme; diâmetro dos pêlos; transmitância e refletância efetiva do pelame. O método da Máxima Verossimilhança Restrita foi utilizado para estimar os componentes de (co)variância sob um modelo animal. Os resultados incluíram as estimativas de herdabilidade para IPP (0,23±0,08), IEP (0,19±0,10), malhas negras (0,75±0,08), número (0,05±0,04), espessura (0,04±0,05), comprimento (0,36±0,09) e diâmetro (0,63±0,08) de pêlos. As estimativas de correlação genética entre IPP (-0,37±0,17), IEP (0,49±0,27) e diâmetro apresentaram valores significativos e favoráveis. Entretanto, as correlações genéticas entre espessura (-0,56±0,46), número (-0,66±0,43), porcentagem de malhas negras (0,04±0,16) e IPP foram desfavoráveis para seleção conjunta para melhor adaptação e precocidade sexual. O alto valor estimado para herdabilidade e as correlações genéticas favoráveis entre diâmetro e IPP e IEP indicaram ser possível selecionar para melhorar conjuntamente a adaptação e o desempenho reprodutivo.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Morphological structures of the head of 1st and 5th instar nymphs of Triatoma circummaculata and Triatoma rubrovaria were revealed by analysis using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Differences between Ist and 5th instar nymphs of these two species were observed in the postocular callosity, the number of ommatidia and tapered hair, the small segment between antennal segments, the rostrum third segment and slit lines. These slit lines were different only in the 5th instar. Similarities observed were the presence of tapered hairs in the joints, and the type of sensilla in the antennal segments. Only the Ist instar shows anteclypeus and gena sensilla. The antennal segments comprise the following types of sensilla: basiconica, bristles type I, bristles type II, bristles type III, campaniformia, coeloconica, chemosensilla, placodea, trichobothria and trichoidea. We describe here for the first time six (3+3) sensilla basiconica on the dorsal portion of the first segment of the rostrum. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Trichophyton rubrum is a dermatophyte, which can cause infections in human skin, hair and nail. Pothomorphe umbellata (L.) Miq. (Piperaceae) is a native Brazilian plant, in which phytochemical studies have demonstrated the presence of steroids, 4-nerolidylcatechol, sesquiterpenes and essential oils. The objective of this study was to analyze the in vitro activity of extracts and fractions of P. umbellata on resistant strains of T. rubrum. The microdilution plate method was utilized to test Tr1, H6 and Delta TruMDR2 strains of T rubrum; Delta TruMDR2 strain was obtained from H6 by TruMDR2 gene rupture, which is involved in multiple drugs resistance. The highest antifungal activity to all strains was observed for dichloromethane and hexane fractions of the 70% ethanolic extract which showed minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal fungicide concentration (MFC) of 78.13 mu g/mL. This antifungal activity was also obtained by 70% ethanolic extract, which presented MIC and MFC of 78.13 mu g/mL to Delta TruMDR2, whereas the MIC values for Tr1 and H6 were 78.13 and 156.25 mu g/mL, respectively. Our results suggest the potential for future development of new antifungal drugs from P umbellata, especially to strains presenting multiple resistance. (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Goat breeding in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil has promising economic possibilities, with the proper handling of the natural resources. The introduction of specialized animals has been one of the ways used to improve herd genetics and increase productivity. However, climate has been one of the regional factors that most interferes with the adaptation of the new genetic prevalence resulting from the introduction of exotic breeds, because in their country of origin, the air temperature during most of the year is lower than the animals body temperature. With this in mind, the aim of this study was to characterize behavioral, physiological and morphological profiles and milk production of female Saanen goats belonging to different genetic groups raised in the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte in Northeast Brazil. The study was conducted in the city of Lages (5° 42 00 S and 36° 14 41 W). We used 25 lactating female Saanen goats, distributed into 3 genetic groups: 5 purebred animals, 11 three-quarter bred and 9 half-bred. Behavioral observations were made over three consecutive days in the months of August and September, between 09:00 and 11:30h, when the animals were grazing. Physiological and meteorological data were recorded in the last three days of June, July, August and September at 05:00h and at 16:00h. In the semi-intensive breeding system, the animals from different genetic groups were similar in both field behavior and physiological response patterns. Although the purebred goats had longer hair, they did not show symptoms of thermal discomfort. Their white hair helped to reflect the short wavelength rays and thus eliminate those at the longer wave lengths. We concluded that the animals raised in the semi-intensive milk production system in this study seem to have adapted to the climatic conditions of the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
During the motor rehabilitation of patients with neurological pathologies, there are many factors that have an influence on the therapeutical process. It is possible that the demonstration using videotapes or photographs of movements that will be learned can assist the codification, classification and reorganization of the elements of the task in familiar diagrams and thus facilitate the process of motor rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to analyze the performance in the test of recognition of sequences of functional activities such as water drinking and hair combing presented partially (by photos) and completely (by video) to the patients with encephalic vascular accident . The sample was generated from 12 patients (62 ± 8 years) and 10 healthy subjects (53 ± 5 years), of both sex, divided in two groups for which 5 functional activities were presented partially and completely, in 4 sequences that varied between reached and not reached objectives and correct and incorrect movements, during 24 trials. The test t'Student was applied to verify differences in the recognition time between the groups, and to compare the performance between the tests carried through at 9:00 am and retests at 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. To compare the frequency between the types of reply, the test Qui-square was used. It was verified that the patients presented a greater recognition time and a lower number of correct answers than the healthy subjects, and had better performances in the recognition of the complete sequence than the partial one. Bigger frequency was observed in the reply that the objective and the movement were being presented correctly, however the healthy subjects had soon indicated the correct reply in the first trials. An improvement tendency was observed in the performance, when the stages of tests and retests had been carried through in the same schedule. According to the results, it is suggested that the patients with stroke can better recognize the correct movements of a functional activity when it is presented completely in video form, what can influence the choice of the therapeutical strategy during the process of motor rehabilitation
During the motor rehabilitation of patients with neurological pathologies, there are many factors that have an influence on the therapeutical process. It is possible that the demonstration using videotapes or photographs of movements that will be learned can assist the codification, classification and reorganization of the elements of the task in familiar diagrams and thus facilitate the process of motor rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to analyze the performance in the test of recognition of sequences of functional activities such as water drinking and hair combing presented partially (by photos) and completely (by video) to the patients with encephalic vascular accident . The sample was generated from 12 patients (62 ± 8 years) and 10 healthy subjects (53 ± 5 years), of both sex, divided in two groups for which 5 functional activities were presented partially and completely, in 4 sequences that varied between reached and not reached objectives and correct and incorrect movements, during 24 trials. The test t'Student was applied to verify differences in the recognition time between the groups, and to compare the performance between the tests carried through at 9:00 am and retests at 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. To compare the frequency between the types of reply, the test Qui-square was used. It was verified that the patients presented a greater recognition time and a lower number of correct answers than the healthy subjects, and had better performances in the recognition of the complete sequence than the partial one. Bigger frequency was observed in the reply that the objective and the movement were being presented correctly, however the healthy subjects had soon indicated the correct reply in the first trials. An improvement tendency was observed in the performance, when the stages of tests and retests had been carried through in the same schedule. According to the results, it is suggested that the patients with stroke can better recognize the correct movements of a functional activity when it is presented completely in video form, what can influence the choice of the therapeutical strategy during the process of motor rehabilitation
This paper investigates the potential of near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) for forensic analysis of human hair samples in order to differentiate smokers from nonsmokers, using chemometric modeling as an analytical tool. We obtained a total of 19 hair samples, 9 smokers and 10 nonsmokers varying gender, hair color, age and duration of smoking, all collected directly from the head of the same great Natal-RN. From the NIR spectra obtained without any pretreatment of the samples was performed an exploratory multivariate chemical data by applying spectral pretreatments followed by principal component analysis (PCA). After chemometric modeling of the data was achieved without any experimental data beyond the NIR spectra, differentiate smokers from nonsmokers, by demonstrating the significant influence of tabacco on the chemical composition of hair as well as the potential of the methodology in forensic identification
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de lesões cutâneas actínicas em portadores de carcinoma basocelular do segmento cefálico. MÉTODOS: Foi conduzido estudo tipo caso-controle. Os casos, constituídos por pacientes com carcinoma basocelular sólido, primário, menor que dois centímetros, no segmento cefálico; e controles, por pacientes com outras dermatoses. Foram analisadas variáveis constitucionais, comportamentais e lesões actínicas. RESULTADOS: Avaliaram-se 120 casos e 360 controles. Mílio facial (OR = 2,3), leucodermia puntacta de membros superiores (OR = 2,9) e cutis romboidalis nuchae (OR = 1,8) associaram-se à neoplasia independentemente das demais variáveis, sugerindo um fenótipo de risco. Houve ainda associação com fenótipos claros, genética familiar e exposição solar cumulativa. Queimadura solar, tabagismo e alcoolismo não foram identificados como fatores de risco. O uso de fotoprotetores não evidenciou proteção; porém, o grupo controle era composto por pacientes dermatológicos, aos quais são indicados fotoprotetores regularmente. CONCLUSÃO: Lesões actínicas foram mais prevalentes em portadores de carcinoma basocelular sólido do segmento cefálico que em controles, especialmente mílio, cutis romboidalis nuchae e leucodermia puntacta, independentemente dos demais fatores de risco conhecidos.
O carcinoma basocelular é a neoplasia maligna mais comum em humanos e sua incidência vem aumentando nas últimas décadas. Sua grande frequência gera significativo ônus ao sistema de saúde, configurando problema de saúde pública. Apesar das baixas taxas de mortalidade e de rara ocorrência de metástases, o tumor pode apresentar comportamento invasivo local e recidivas após o tratamento, provocando importante morbidade. Exposição à radiação ultravioleta representa o principal fator de risco ambiental associado a sua gênese. Entretanto, descrevem-se outros elementos de risco: fotótipos claros, idade avançada, história familiar de carcinomas de pele, olhos e cabelos claros, sardas na infância e imunossupressão, além de aspectos comportamentais, como exercício profissional exposto ao sol, atividade rural e queimaduras solares na juventude. Entre 30% e 75% dos casos esporádicos estão associados à mutação do gene patched hedgehog, mas outras alterações genéticas são ainda descritas. A neoplasia é comumente encontrada concomitantemente com lesões cutâneas relacionadas à exposição solar crônica, tais como: queratoses actínicas, lentigos solares e telangiectasias faciais. A prevenção do carcinoma basocelular se baseia no conhecimento de fatores de risco, no diagnóstico e tratamento precoces e na adoção de medidas específicas, principalmente, nas populações susceptíveis. Os autores apresentam uma revisão da epidemiologia do carcinoma basocelular.