722 resultados para partnership practice, intellectual disability, palliative care,questionnaires, interview
OBJETIVO: Caracterizar os artigos científicos relacionados ao uso de antibióticos por via subcutânea em pacientes com difícil acesso venoso em cuidados paliativos quanto à tolerância local e eficácia terapêutica. MÉTODOS: Revisão integrativa da literatura realizada nas bases de dados LILACS, CINAHL, PUBMED, EMBASE e Biblioteca Cochrane, utilizando-se como referencial teórico a Prática Baseada em Evidências. RESULTADOS: 17 artigos foram selecionados com dez antibióticos diferentes, sendo o Ceftriaxona, o antibiótico mais estudado. Constatou-se a eficácia terapêutica com base nos parâmetros farmacocinéticos e clínicos. A tolerância local esteve associada à maior diluição dos antibióticos. Com administração de aminoglicosídeos, observaram-se lesões graves e necrose tecidual. A baixa tolerância reforça a restrição de uso apenas para essa classe de antibióticos. CONCLUSÃO: As previsões de eficácia terapêutica e a boa tolerância sugerem uma possibilidade a ser considerada quando se deseja uma via de administração parenteral alternativa, porém recomenda-se cautela, visto que nenhum dos estudos avaliou pacientes em cuidados paliativos.
O estudo objetivou investigar o conhecimento e a utilização de estratégias de comunicação no cuidado da dimensão emocional do paciente sob cuidados paliativos. Com abordagem quantitativa, foi realizado entre agosto/2008 e julho/2009, junto a 303 profissionais de saúde que trabalhavam ou tinham contato frequente com estes pacientes, por meio da aplicação de questionário. Os dados sofreram tratamento estatístico descritivo e analítico. Os profissionais denotaram desconhecimento de estratégias de comunicação, evidenciando-se diferença significativa (p-valor 0,0011) na comparação entre sujeitos com e sem formação prévia em cuidados paliativos, denotando que quem possui capacitação paliativista conhece/utiliza mais estratégias comunicacionais na atenção à dimensão emocional de seus pacientes. As estratégias mais citadas pelos sujeitos foram: escuta ativa, reafirmações verbais de solicitude, uso de perguntas abertas e toque afetivo. Conclui-se que há pouco conhecimento e utilização insatisfatória de estratégias de comunicação, pelos profissionais de saúde no cuidado à dimensão emocional de pacientes sob cuidados paliativos.
I disturbi dello spettro autistico (DSA) ed il ritardo mentale (RM) sono caratterizzati da un’eziologia genetica complessa ed eterogenea. Grazie ai recenti sviluppi nella ricerca genomica, è stato possibile dimostrare il ruolo di numerose copy number variants (CNVs) nella patogenesi di questi disturbi, anche se nella maggior parte dei casi l’eziologia rimane ancora sconosciuta. Questo lavoro riguarda l’identificazione e la caratterizzazione dei CNVs in famiglie con DSA e RM. E’ stata studiata una microdelezione in 7q31 che coinvolge i geni IMMP2L e DOCK4, trasmessa dalla madre con dislessia a due figli con autismo ed una figlia con dislessia. Nella stessa famiglia segrega una seconda microdelezione in 2q14 che inattiva il gene CNTNAP5 ed è trasmessa dal padre (con tratti autistici) ai due figli con autismo. Abbiamo quindi ipotizzato che i geni DOCK4 e CNTNAP5 potessero essere implicati, rispettivamente, nella suscettibilità a dislessia e DSA. Lo screening di numerosi individui affetti ha supportato la nostra ipotesi, con l’identificazione di una nuova microdelezione di DOCK4 che segrega con la dislessia, e 3 nuove varianti missenso in CNTNAP5 in individui con autismo. Dall’analisi genomica comparativa su array (aCGH) di individui con RM, è stata identificata una delezione nella regione 7q31.32, che coinvolge il gene CADPS2, in due fratelli con RM e tratti autistici, probabilmente ereditata dalla madre. Lo screening di mutazione di questo gene in individui con autismo o RM, ha portato all’identificazione di 3 varianti non sinonime, assenti nei controlli, ed ereditate per via materna. Poiché CADPS2 risiede in una regione genomica che contiene loci soggetti ad imprinting, abbiamo ipotizzato che il gene CADPS2 possa essere anch’esso caratterizzato da imprinting, con espressione monoallelica materna. Lo studio di espressione di CADPS2 in cellule del sangue ha avvalorato questa ipotesi, implicando perciò CADPS2 come un nuovo gene di suscettibilità per il RM e DSA.
Interculturalità, radici storiche e modelli di cura nelle istituzioni degli hospice: un percorso interdisciplinare in prospettiva comparata” è uno studio di conoscenza e punto di partenza per la formazione delle equipe mediche che curano i malati terminali di culture diverse. Attraverso il confronto delle varie realtà Hospice della Regione Emilia Romagna e con il metodo del questionario semistrutturato si è fatta una fotografia dell' esperienza assistenziale in cure palliative. Si mette in luce l'esiguità della popolazione straniera negli Hospice dell'Emilia Romagna in linea con il trend dei ricoveri oncologici ospedalieri. Tuttavia è possibile pensare a una crescita importante dei pazienti di culture diverse nei prossimi decenni e alla necessità di una adeguata preparazione dei team di cura
Although practice guidelines recommend outpatient care for selected, haemodynamically stable patients with pulmonary embolism, most treatment is presently inpatient based. We aimed to assess non-inferiority of outpatient care compared with inpatient care.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in industrialised countries. Most patients with prostate cancer, however, will not die of it. As a result, many of them will experience symptomatic metastasis during the course of the disease. Prostate cancer has a high propensity to metastasize to bone. Unlike many other cancers prostate cancer cells induce a rather osteosclerotic than osteolytic reaction in the bone marrow by interfering with physiological bone remodelling. A proper understanding of the mechanisms of tumour cell-induced bone alterations and exaggerated bone deposition in prostate cancer may open new and urgently needed therapeutic approaches in the field of palliative care for affected patients. In this review we focus on the central role of two major regulators of bone mass, the wingless type integration site family members (WNTs) and the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), in the development of osteosclerotic bone metastases.
BACKGROUND: Studies of treatment with octreotide of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) gave conflicting results. We analyzed retrospectively the survival of our patients treated with octreotide monotherapy and compared it to stage-matched patients who received either TACE, multimodal therapy or palliative care. METHODS: 95 patients seen at the department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medical University of Vienna with HCC in BCLC stage A or B, who received either TACE, multimodal therapy, long-acting octreotide or palliative care were reviewed for this retrospective study. RESULTS: Survival rates of patients with BCLC stage B and any "active" treatment (long-acting octreotide, TACE or multimodal therapy) were significantly higher (22.4, 22.0, 35.5 months) compared to patients who received palliative care only (2.9 months). Survival rates of patients with BCLC stage A and "active" treatment (31.4, 37.3, 40.2 months) compared to patients who received only palliative care (15.1 months) did not show statistically significant differences. Octreotide monotherapy showed a similar outcome compared to patients who received TACE or multimodal therapy. CONCLUSION: Survival under octreotide treatment was not different compared to TACE or multimodal therapy and might be a therapeutic option for patients with HCC.
Background: Dyspnea is a common and distressing symptom among patients with advanced cancer. The role of bilevel positive airway pressure (BIPAP) and Vapotherm in the relief of dyspnea have not been well defined. We aimed to determine and to compare the efficacy of BIPAP and VapoTherm for cancer related dyspnea. Methods: In this randomized, open-label, crossover study, we randomly assigned advanced cancer patients with persistent dyspnea >=3/10 to either Vapotherm for 2 hours followed by BiPAP for 2 hours, or BiPAP followed by Vaptherm. A variable washout period was instituted between interventions. The primary end point was change in numeric rating scale before and after each intervention. We planned to enroll 50 patients in total. Results: Among the 803 patients screened over the last 8 months, 62 (26%) were eligible, and 16 (2%) were enrolled so far. Five patients completed the entire study successfully, 4 discontinued the study prematurely due to prolonged relief of dyspnea, and 7 dropped out for various reasons, including inability to tolerate BiPAP (N=3), anxiety (N=2), fatigue (N=1) and pain requiring opioids (N=1). The median baseline numeric rating score for dyspnea was 7/10 (interquartile range (IQR) 5-8), and the median baseline Borg score was 4/10 (3-7). Interim analysis revealed that BiPAP was associated with a median change in numeric rating score of -3 (N=10, IQR -6.3 to -1, p=0.007) and modified Borg score of -1 (N=10, IQR -3 to 0.3, p=0.058), while Vapotherm was associated with a median change in numeric rating score of -2 (N=9, IQR -3 to -1, p=0.011) and modified Borg score of -2.5 (N=8, IQR -5.5 to -0.1, p=0.051). Among the 5 individuals who completed the entire study, 2 preferred Vapotherm, 2 favored BiPAP, and 1 liked both. The respiratory rate decreased and the oxygen saturation improved with both interventions. No significant toxicities were observed. Conclusions: We were successfully able to enroll patients onto this clinic trial. Our preliminary results suggest that BiPAP and Vapotherm are highly efficacious in providing relief for patients with persistent refractory dyspnea. A direct comparison of the two interventions will be done upon study completion. Further research is necessary to confirm our findings.
BACKGROUND: Follow-up of abnormal outpatient laboratory test results is a major patient safety concern. Electronic medical records can potentially address this concern through automated notification. We examined whether automated notifications of abnormal laboratory results (alerts) in an integrated electronic medical record resulted in timely follow-up actions. METHODS: We studied 4 alerts: hemoglobin A1c > or =15%, positive hepatitis C antibody, prostate-specific antigen > or =15 ng/mL, and thyroid-stimulating hormone > or =15 mIU/L. An alert tracking system determined whether the alert was acknowledged (ie, provider clicked on and opened the message) within 2 weeks of transmission; acknowledged alerts were considered read. Within 30 days of result transmission, record review and provider contact determined follow-up actions (eg, patient contact, treatment). Multivariable logistic regression models analyzed predictors for lack of timely follow-up. RESULTS: Between May and December 2008, 78,158 tests (hemoglobin A1c, hepatitis C antibody, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and prostate-specific antigen) were performed, of which 1163 (1.48%) were transmitted as alerts; 10.2% of these (119/1163) were unacknowledged. Timely follow-up was lacking in 79 (6.8%), and was statistically not different for acknowledged and unacknowledged alerts (6.4% vs 10.1%; P =.13). Of 1163 alerts, 202 (17.4%) arose from unnecessarily ordered (redundant) tests. Alerts for a new versus known diagnosis were more likely to lack timely follow-up (odds ratio 7.35; 95% confidence interval, 4.16-12.97), whereas alerts related to redundant tests were less likely to lack timely follow-up (odds ratio 0.24; 95% confidence interval, 0.07-0.84). CONCLUSIONS: Safety concerns related to timely patient follow-up remain despite automated notification of non-life-threatening abnormal laboratory results in the outpatient setting.
Hintergrund: Wegen sich verändernder Strukturen im Spitalbereich sowie im Bereich der Hausarztabdeckung als auch infolge zunehmenden Drucks auf das Gesundheitssystem kommen mehr Patienten auf die Notfallstationen, die aufgrund ihrer Grunderkrankung und des fortgeschrittenen Krankheitsstadiums von einem palliativen Behandlungskonzept profitieren. Eine wesentliche Herausforderung ist hierbei bereits die Definition von «Palliative Care» (PC), sowie die Klärung, was genau die palliative Versorgung beinhaltet. Häufig vermischt wird der Terminus «Palliative Care» mit «End of life care». Die vorliegende Studie ist eine Standortbestimmung im Universitären Notfallzentrum des Inselspitals Bern (UNZ), das jährlich rund 32 400 Patienten versorgt. Ziel ist es, mehr über den Wissensstand und die persönliche Einstellung der Mitarbeiter zu palliativen Fragestellungen und speziell zum Begriff «Palliative Care» zu erhalten. Methodik: Die Mitarbeiter des Universitären Notfallzentrums des Inselspitals Bern (UNZ) wurden mittels einer Online-Umfrage durch eine spitalexterne Fachinstitution interviewt. Diese Befragung basiert auf einem Instrument [1], das in einer vergleichbaren Studie auf einer Notfallstation in den USA entwickelt und validiert wurde. Resultate: Von 154 Mitarbeitenden (Pflege und Ärzte) füllten 60 Mitarbeitende die Befragung vollständig aus, entsprechend einer Antwortrate von 39%. Die Definition von Palliative Care (von n=60) war sehr heterogen und konnte in sechs Themenbereiche eingeteilt werden. Bei den Fragen nach spezifischen Leistungsangeboten äusserten die Mitarbeitenden den Wunsch nach einem erleichterten Zugang zu bestehenden Patientendaten, nach einem 24-Stunden-Palliative-Care-Konsiliardienst und nach mehr Besprechungszeit für Fragestellungen der PC im klinischen Alltag. Schlussfolgerungen: Die heterogene Begriffsdefinition von «Palliative Care» bestätigt sich. Es besteht kein klares Vorgehen, und zudem lässt sich ein Zeitmangel für ausführliche Patientengespräche in palliativen Situationen im UNZ feststellen. Der Patientenwunsch oder Patientenverfügungen mit DNR/DNI-Prozedere stehen nicht im Widerspruch zu den persönlichen Wertvorstellungen der meisten Mitarbeitenden. Die 24-Stunden-Verfügbarkeit eines spezialisierten PC-Teams, das Erarbeiten von Guidelines und vermehrtes Training für PC würde von den UNZ-Mitarbeitenden begrüsst.
Epileptic encephalopathies are a phenotypically and genetically heterogeneous group of severe epilepsies accompanied by intellectual disability and other neurodevelopmental features. Using next-generation sequencing, we identified four different de novo mutations in KCNA2, encoding the potassium channel KV1.2, in six isolated patients with epileptic encephalopathy (one mutation recurred three times independently). Four individuals presented with febrile and multiple afebrile, often focal seizure types, multifocal epileptiform discharges strongly activated by sleep, mild to moderate intellectual disability, delayed speech development and sometimes ataxia. Functional studies of the two mutations associated with this phenotype showed almost complete loss of function with a dominant-negative effect. Two further individuals presented with a different and more severe epileptic encephalopathy phenotype. They carried mutations inducing a drastic gain-of-function effect leading to permanently open channels. These results establish KCNA2 as a new gene involved in human neurodevelopmental disorders through two different mechanisms, predicting either hyperexcitability or electrical silencing of KV1.2-expressing neurons.
OBJECTIVE The number of suicides assisted by right-to-die associations has increased in recent years in Switzerland. The aim of our study was to compare time trends in rates of assisted and unassisted suicide from 1991-2008. METHODS The Swiss National Cohort is a longitudinal study of mortality in the Swiss population; based on linkage of census data with mortality records up to 2008. The Federal Statistical Office coded suspected assisted suicides from 1998 onwards; and from 2003 onwards right-to-die associations reported the suicides they assisted. We used Poisson regression to analyse trends in rates of suicide per 100'000 person-years, by gender and age groups (15-34, 35-64, 65-94 years). RESULTS A total of 7'940'297 individuals and 24'842 suicides were included. In women, rates changed little in the younger age groups but increased in 65-94-year-olds, due to an increase in suicide by poisoning (from 5.1 to 17.2 per 100'000; p <0.001). An increase in suicides by poisoning was also observed in older men (from 8.6 to 18.2; p<0.001). Most suicides by poisoning were assisted. In men, suicide rates declined in all age groups, driven by declines in suicide with firearms. CONCLUSIONS Research is needed to gain a better understanding of the reasons for the tripling of assisted suicide rates in older women, and the doubling of rates in older men, of attitudes and vulnerabilities of those choosing assisted suicide, and of access to palliative care. Rates of assisted suicide should be monitored; including data on patient characteristics and underlying comorbidities.
BACKGROUND There are no specific Swiss home parenteral nutrition (HPN) data showing patient characteristics, quality of life (QoL) and complications. The goal of this study was to collect representative nationwide data on current adult HPN patients in Switzerland for international comparability and benchmarking. METHODS This was a multicenter, nationwide, observational study. We conducted interviews for demographics, PN characteristics, QoL and complications. The data were assessed at baseline and after a follow-up of 3 months using a questionnaire. RESULTS Thirty-three adult patients were included. The most common underlying diseases were cancer, radiation enteritis and state after bariatric surgery, and the most prevalent indication was short bowel syndrome. During the 3-month observation period, significant increase or stabilization of body weight occurred in the patients, physical activity scores improved from 34.0 to 39.4 and mental scores improved from 41.9 to 46.4. HPN dependency and traveling restrictions were of the greatest concern. Diarrhea, xerostomia and/or thirst were frequent complaints. CONCLUSION Anthropometric parameters and QoL improved during the observational period in this HPN cohort. These Swiss HPN data are prerequisite for evaluation and comparison of HPN recommendations and best clinical practice, status of professional care instructions related to HPN effectiveness, quality of treatment and patient safety.
OBJECTIVE To give a comprehensive overview of the phenotypic and genetic spectrum of STXBP1 encephalopathy (STXBP1-E) by systematically reviewing newly diagnosed and previously reported patients. METHODS We recruited newly diagnosed patients with STXBP1 mutations through an international network of clinicians and geneticists. Furthermore, we performed a systematic literature search to review the phenotypes of all previously reported patients. RESULTS We describe the phenotypic features of 147 patients with STXBP1-E including 45 previously unreported patients with 33 novel STXBP1 mutations. All patients have intellectual disability (ID), which is mostly severe to profound (88%). Ninety-five percent of patients have epilepsy. While one-third of patients presented with Ohtahara syndrome (21%) or West syndrome (9.5%), the majority has a nonsyndromic early-onset epilepsy and encephalopathy (53%) with epileptic spasms or tonic seizures as main seizure type. We found no correlation between severity of seizures and severity of ID or between mutation type and seizure characteristics or cognitive outcome. Neurologic comorbidities including autistic features and movement disorders are frequent. We also report 2 previously unreported adult patients with prominent extrapyramidal features. CONCLUSION De novo STXBP1 mutations are among the most frequent causes of epilepsy and encephalopathy. Most patients have severe to profound ID with little correlation among seizure onset, seizure severity, and the degree of ID. Accordingly, we hypothesize that seizure severity and ID present 2 independent dimensions of the STXBP1-E phenotype. STXBP1-E may be conceptualized as a complex neurodevelopmental disorder rather than a primary epileptic encephalopathy.