965 resultados para oxynitrided beta zeolite
OBJETIVO: Detectar a expressão imunoistoquímica do p16 e do PDGFR-beta no adenocarcinoma gástrico. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 36 pacientes submetidos a cirurgia para adenocarcinoma gástrico entre 1998 e 2002 no Hospital da Santa Casa de Porto Alegre. As variáveis investigadas foram: idade, sexo, tamanho e localização do tumor, número de linfonodos dissecados, número de linfonodos metastáticos, tipo histológico, extensão da ressecção cirúrgica e estadiamento patológico. RESULTADOS: Não foi detectada expressão do PDGFR-beta nas peças cirúrgicas. Em relação ao p16, detectou-se perda de expressão menor que 10% e menor que 1% respectivamente em 89% e 79% das peças estudadas. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve correlação entre a perda de p16 e as variáveis estudadas.
Relatamos um caso de triploidia fetal não-molar detectada na 20ª semana gestacional por cordocentese realizada em razão de estudo ultra-sonográfico que revelou retardo do crescimento intra-uterino e grave oligoidrâmnio. Na 19ª semana foram verificados acentuada diminuição da subunidade beta livre da gonadotrofina coriônica humana e do estriol não-conjugado e níveis de alfa-fetoproteína normais, apontando para um risco aumentado de síndrome de Edwards. Houve morte fetal um dia após a cordocentese e a resolução do caso foi por parto vaginal induzido com misoprostol e ocitocina, sob analgesia peridural. Estudo cromossômico das células sangüíneas fetais revelou o cariótipo 69,XXX. O grave retardo do crescimento intra-uterino, a macrocefalia, constatada no estudo anatomopatológico do feto, e os níveis muito baixos de hCG e de estriol não-conjugado sugerem um caso de triploidia por diginia, fertilização de um óvulo diplóide por um espermatozóide haplóide.
Suomessa sähkönjakelu on säännelty monopoli. Energiamarkkinavirasto tuottaa ohjeistuksen sekä mallin yritysten ansaintamahdollisuuksille. Karkeasti sanottuna tulomalli on sijoitetun pääoman ja pääoman painotetun kustannuksen tulo. Pääoman painotettu kustannus koostuu useista parametreista kuten beta ja vieraan pääoman riskipreemio. Näiden parametrien taso ja määrittämisajankohta perustuvat subjektiivisiin näkemyksiin, kun objektiivista parametrien määrittämismenetelmää tulisi käyttää. Nykyiset beta ja vieraan pääoman riskipreemio perustuvat energiamarkkinaviraston ja asiantuntijoiden lausuntoihin. Aihealuetta on tutkittu erittäin vähän, mikä johtunee pääasiassa siitä, ettei ole olemassa listautuneita puhtaita jakeluverkkoyhtiöitä. Betan nykytaso on 0.529 ja vieraan pääoman riskipreemio on 1.0 %. Tässä pro gradu –työssä määritetään markkinaperusteisesti betan ja vieraan pääoman riskipreemion nykytaso. Tässä työssä esiteltävä määrittämismalli perustuu puhtaasti markkinadataan eikä sen soveltamisessa käytetä subjektiivisia mielipiteitä. Markkinaehtoisia tietoja käyttäen betan pitäisi olla tasolla 0.525 ja vieraan pääoman riskipreemion tasolla 1.34 %. Nämä luvut, mikäli ne otettaisiin käyttöön, vaikuttaisivat suoraan ja positiivisesti jakeluverkkoyhtiöiden sallittuun tuottoon Suomessa.
OBJETIVO: avaliar a relação entre os níveis séricos do hormônio gonadotrópico coriônico (beta-hCG) e a medida da espessura endometrial, em pacientes submetidas ao tratamento de gravidez ectópica com metotrexate. MÉTODOS: estudo clínico prospectivo, no qual foram avaliados os títulos do beta-hCG e a maior medida da espessura endometrial no eixo longitudinal uterino por meio da ultra-sonografia transvaginal, em 38 pacientes com gravidez ectópica íntegra, com diâmetro < 3,5 cm, com estabilidade hemodinâmica e aumento dos níveis do beta-hCG num intervalo de 24-48 horas. Todas receberam terapia com dose única de metotrexate (50 mg/m² intra muscular). Foram comparadas as médias dos valores do beta-hCG e da espessura endometrial, das mulheres que evoluíram com sucesso do tratamento e com aquelas que apresentaram insucesso terapêutico. Posteriormente, foi avaliada a diferença entre as médias dos valores séricos do beta-hCG segundo a espessura endometrial (<10,0 mm e >10,0 mm), independente da resposta terapêutica. Para análise estatística foi utilizado o teste t de Student. RESULTADOS: as médias dos valores iniciais do beta-hCG das 28 mulheres que apresentaram resposta terapêutica medicamentosa foi de 1936,2 mUI/ml, significativamente menor do que a média das 10 mulheres sem resposta, 6831,3 mUI/ml (<0,04). Da mesma forma a média da espessura do endométrio foi significativamente menor nas mulheres com resposta d que naquelas sem resposta, 6,4 mm e 11,7mm respectivamente (p<0,01). A média dos valores do beta-hCG das mulheres com espessura endometrial <10,0 mm foi 2008,7 mUI/ml, significativamente menor que daquelas com endométrio >10,0 mm, cuja média foi de 6925,9 mUI/ml. CONCLUSÕES: a medida da espessura endometrial avaliada pela ultra-sonografia sofre influência dos níveis séricos do beta-hCG, se mostrando valiosa como fator orientador adicional na indicação do tratamento medicamentoso com metotrexate na gravidez ectópica íntegra.
OBJETIVO: avaliar o efeito da obesidade sobre a função das célulasbeta pancreáticas de pacientes portadoras de síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP). MÉTODOS: estudo transversal no qual foram avaliadas 82 pacientes portadoras de SOP, selecionadas de forma consecutiva, no momento do diagnóstico de SOP. Pacientes com índice de massa corporal (IMC) maior ou igual a 30 kg/m² foram consideradas SOP obesas (n=31). Valores de índice de massa corporal menores que este limite foram consideradas SOP não-obesas, o que correspondeu a 51 mulheres. Foram utilizadas a glicemia e a insulina de jejum para cálculo da função das células beta pancreáticas (HOMA-%beta-Cell) e da resistência à insulina (HOMA-IR e QUICKI) entre os grupos. Analisaram-se, também, variáveis secundárias como idade, idade da menarca, níveis séricos hormonais (testosterona, prolactina, LH e FSH) e de colesterol total, triglicerídeos, HDL colesterol e LDL-colesterol. RESULTADOS: a idade da menarca das pacientes obesas com SOP (11,7±1,8 anos) foi menor que as não-obesas (12,7±1,9) (p<0,05). As SOP obesas tiveram LH inferior (7,9±5,0 mUI/mL) ao valor encontrado nas não-obesas (10,6±6,0 mUI/mL) (p<0,05). Ambos os grupos apresentaram a média de HDL colesterol inferior a 50 mg/dL. As pacientes obesas apresentaram insulina basal (32,5±25,2 mUI/mL) e glicemia de jejum (115,9±40,7 mg/dL) mais elevadas que as não-obesas (8,8±6,6 mUI/mL e 90,2±8,9 mg/dL, respectivamente) (p<0,01). No grupo SOP obesas, a freqüência de resistência à insulina foi de 93 versus 25% no grupo SOP não-obesas (p<0,01). Foi verificada hiperfunção das células beta do pâncreas em 86% das obesas com SOP contra 41% das não-obesas portadoras de SOP (p<0,0001). CONCLUSÕES: as pacientes com SOP obesas apresentaram freqüência mais alta de resistência à insulina e hiperfunção de células beta do pâncreas quando comparadas com pacientes SOP não-obesas.
A talassemia beta maior é uma doença hematológica hereditária rara em que deficiência na síntese de cadeias globínicas beta causa anemia grave. O tratamento consiste de transfusão sanguínea e quelação de ferro. Descrevemos dois casos de adolescentes com talassemia beta maior, com gestação não planejada e início tardio de pré-natal. Uma delas apresentou piora da anemia, necessidade transfusional aumentada, restrição de crescimento fetal e senescência placentária. A outra apresentava também hipotireoidismo e baixo peso materno, e foi internada por duas ocasiões durante a gestação, por choque hemorrágico do dengue e por infecção respiratória associada a vírus influenza H1N1. Uma delas apresentou restrição de crescimento fetal e teve parto vaginal no termo complicado com hipotonia uterina. Ambas necessitaram de transfusão sanguínea no pós-parto e optaram por medroxiprogesterona como método contraceptivo subsequentemente. Esse relato ressalta a importância de orientação contraceptiva para essas mulheres e o papel do cuidado pré-natal especializado em conjunto com hematologista.
The objectives of the study were to evaluate the presence/production of beta-lactamases by both phenotypic and genotypic methods, verify whether results are dependent of bacteria type (Staphylococcus aureus versus coagulase-negative Staphylococcus - CNS) and verify the agreement between tests. A total of 200 bacteria samples from 21 different herds were enrolled, being 100 CNS and 100 S. aureus. Beta-lactamase presence/detection was performed by different tests (PCR, clover leaf test - CLT, Nitrocefin disk, and in vitro resistance to penicillin). Results of all tests were not dependent of bacteria type (CNS or S. aureus). Several S. aureus beta-lactamase producing isolates were from the same herd. Phenotypic tests excluding in vitro resistance to penicillin showed a strong association measured by the kappa coefficient for both bacteria species. Nitrocefin and CLT are more reliable tests for detecting beta-lactamase production in staphylococci.
Várias espécies de hortaliças são de muita importância para a alimentação humana e tornam-se alvos da deriva de herbicidas, pois comumente são cultivadas nas proximidades de culturas como arroz, soja e milho, pulverizadas com esses produtos. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se verificar possíveis efeitos de doses reduzidas dos herbicidas glyphosate e clomazone sobre plantas de beterraba (Beta vulgaris) e de cenoura (Daucus carota), em diferentes fases de desenvolvimento. As doses avaliadas dos herbicidas foram de 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20% da dose recomendada, equivalentes a 0, 63, 126, 189 e 252 g ha-1 de glyphosate e 0, 14,4, 28,8, 43,2 e 57,6 g ha-1 de clomazone, respectivamente, aplicadas aos 20, 30 e 40 dias após a emergência das culturas. Observou-se aumento no percentual de fitotoxicidade do glyphosate com o incremento na dose do herbicida, e a maior suscetibilidade ocorreu com a deriva nos estádios mais precoces, em ambas as espécies. As doses de clomazone não causaram qualquer sintoma detectável visualmente para as plantas de beterraba e de cenoura. Os resultados sugerem que o herbicida glyphosate causa injúrias às plantas de beterraba e cenoura, independentemente do estádio em que ocorre a interceptação do produto. No entanto, o herbicida clomazone não interfere no desenvolvimento inicial de plantas de beterraba e cenoura.
Bio-ethanol has been used as a fuel additive in modern society aimed at reducing CO2-emissions and dependence on oil. However, ethanol is unsuitable as fuel supplement in higher proportions due to its physico-chemical properties. One option to counteract the negative effects is to upgrade ethanol in a continuous fixed bed reactor to more valuable C4 products such as 1-butanol providing chemical similarity with traditional gasoline components. Bio-ethanol based valorization products also have other end-uses than just fuel additives. E.g. 1-butanol and ethyl acetate are well characterised industrial solvents and platform chemicals providing greener alternatives. The modern approach is to apply heterogeneous catalysts in the investigated reactions. The research was concentrated on aluminium oxide (Al2O3) and zeolites that were used as catalysts and catalyst supports. The metals supported (Cu, Ni, Co) gave very different product profiles and, thus, a profound view of different catalyst preparation methods and characterisation techniques was necessary. Additionally, acidity and basicity of the catalyst surface have an important role in determining the product profile. It was observed that ordinary determination of acid strength was not enough to explain all the phenomena e.g. the reaction mechanism. One of the main findings of the thesis is based on the catalytically active site which originates from crystallite structure. As a consequence, the overall evaluation of different by-products and intermediates was carried out by combining the information. Further kinetic analysis was carried out on metal (Cu, Ni, Co) supported self-prepared alumina catalysts. The thesis gives information for further catalyst developments aimed to scale-up towards industrially feasible operations.
Methyl chloride is an important chemical intermediate with a variety of applications. It is produced today in large units and shipped to the endusers. Most of the derived products are harmless, as silicones, butyl rubber and methyl cellulose. However, methyl chloride is highly toxic and flammable. On-site production in the required quantities is desirable to reduce the risks involved in transportation and storage. Ethyl chloride is a smaller-scale chemical intermediate that is mainly used in the production of cellulose derivatives. Thus, the combination of onsite production of methyl and ethyl chloride is attractive for the cellulose processing industry, e.g. current and future biorefineries. Both alkyl chlorides can be produced by hydrochlorination of the corresponding alcohol, ethanol or methanol. Microreactors are attractive for the on-site production as the reactions are very fast and involve toxic chemicals. In microreactors, the diffusion limitations can be suppressed and the process safety can be improved. The modular setup of microreactors is flexible to adjust the production capacity as needed. Although methyl and ethyl chloride are important chemical intermediates, the literature available on potential catalysts and reaction kinetics is limited. Thus the thesis includes an extensive catalyst screening and characterization, along with kinetic studies and engineering the hydrochlorination process in microreactors. A range of zeolite and alumina based catalysts, neat and impregnated with ZnCl2, were screened for the methanol hydrochlorination. The influence of zinc loading, support, zinc precursor and pH was investigated. The catalysts were characterized with FTIR, TEM, XPS, nitrogen physisorption, XRD and EDX to identify the relationship between the catalyst characteristics and the activity and selectivity in the methyl chloride synthesis. The acidic properties of the catalyst were strongly influenced upon the ZnCl2 modification. In both cases, alumina and zeolite supports, zinc reacted to a certain amount with specific surface sites, which resulted in a decrease of strong and medium Brønsted and Lewis acid sites and the formation of zinc-based weak Lewis acid sites. The latter are highly active and selective in methanol hydrochlorination. Along with the molecular zinc sites, bulk zinc species are present on the support material. Zinc modified zeolite catalysts exhibited the highest activity also at low temperatures (ca 200 °C), however, showing deactivation with time-onstream. Zn/H-ZSM-5 zeolite catalysts had a higher stability than ZnCl2 modified H-Beta and they could be regenerated by burning the coke in air at 400 °C. Neat alumina and zinc modified alumina catalysts were active and selective at 300 °C and higher temperatures. However, zeolite catalysts can be suitable for methyl chloride synthesis at lower temperatures, i.e. 200 °C. Neat γ-alumina was found to be the most stable catalyst when coated in a microreactor channel and it was thus used as the catalyst for systematic kinetic studies in the microreactor. A binder-free and reproducible catalyst coating technique was developed. The uniformity, thickness and stability of the coatings were extensively characterized by SEM, confocal microscopy and EDX analysis. A stable coating could be obtained by thermally pretreating the microreactor platelets and ball milling the alumina to obtain a small particle size. Slurry aging and slow drying improved the coating uniformity. Methyl chloride synthesis from methanol and hydrochloric acid was performed in an alumina-coated microreactor. Conversions from 4% to 83% were achieved in the investigated temperature range of 280-340 °C. This demonstrated that the reaction is fast enough to be successfully performed in a microreactor system. The performance of the microreactor was compared with a tubular fixed bed reactor. The results obtained with both reactors were comparable, but the microreactor allows a rapid catalytic screening with low consumption of chemicals. As a complete conversion of methanol could not be reached in a single microreactor, a second microreactor was coupled in series. A maximum conversion of 97.6 % and a selectivity of 98.8 % were reached at 340°C, which is close to the calculated values at a thermodynamic equilibrium. A kinetic model based on kinetic experiments and thermodynamic calculations was developed. The model was based on a Langmuir Hinshelwood-type mechanism and a plug flow model for the microreactor. The influence of the reactant adsorption on the catalyst surface was investigated by performing transient experiments and comparing different kinetic models. The obtained activation energy for methyl chloride was ca. two fold higher than the previously published, indicating diffusion limitations in the previous studies. A detailed modeling of the diffusion in the porous catalyst layer revealed that severe diffusion limitations occur starting from catalyst coating thicknesses of 50 μm. At a catalyst coating thickness of ca 15 μm as in the microreactor, the conditions of intrinsic kinetics prevail. Ethanol hydrochlorination was performed successfully in the microreactor system. The reaction temperature was 240-340°C. An almost complete conversion of ethanol was achieved at 340°C. The product distribution was broader than for methanol hydrochlorination. Ethylene, diethyl ether and acetaldehyde were detected as by-products, ethylene being the most dominant by-product. A kinetic model including a thorough thermodynamic analysis was developed and the influence of adsorbed HCl on the reaction rate of ethanol dehydration reactions was demonstrated. The separation of methyl chloride using condensers was investigated. The proposed microreactor-condenser concept enables the production of methyl chloride with a high purity of 99%.
We have previously demonstrated that acute third ventricle injections of both Pb2+ and Cd2+ impair the dipsogenic response elicited by three different situations: dehydration and central cholinergic or angiotensinergic stimulation. ß-Adrenergic activation is part of the multifactorial integrated systems operating in drinking behavior control in the central nervous system. In the present study acute third ventricle injections of Pb2+ (3, 30 and 300 pmol/rat) or Cd2+ (0.3, 3 and 30 pmol/rat) blocked the dipsogenic response induced by third ventricle injections of isoproterenol (ISO; 160 nmol/rat) in a dose-dependent manner. Normohydrated animals receiving ISO + NaAc (sodium acetate) or saline (controls) displayed a high water intake after 120 min (ISO + saline = 5.78 ± 0.54 ml/100 g; ISO + NaAc = 6.00 ± 0.6 ml/100 g). After the same period, animals receiving ISO but pretreated with PbAc at the highest dose employed (300 pmol/rat) drank 0.78 ± 0.23 ml/100 g while those receiving ISO and pretreated with the highest dose of CdCl2 (30 pmol/rat) presented a water intake of 0.7 ± 0.30 ml/100 g. Third ventricle injections of CdCl2 (3 nmol/rat) or PbAc (3 nmol/rat) did not modify food intake in rats deprived of food for 24 h. Thus, general central nervous system depression explaining the antidipsogenic action of the metals can be safely excluded. It is concluded that both Pb2+ and Cd2+ inhibit water intake induced by central ß-adrenergic stimulation
Cholesterol (Chol) is an important lipid in cellular membranes functioning both as a membrane fluidity regulator, permeability regulator and co-factor for some membrane proteins, e.g. G-protein coupled receptors. It also participates in the formation of signaling platforms and gives the membrane more mechanical strenght to prevent osmotic lysis of the cell. The sterol structure is very conserved and already minor structural modifications can completely abolish its membrane functions. The right interaction with adjacent lipids and the preference of certain lipid structures over others are also key factors in determining the membrane properties of cholesterol. Because of the many important properties of cholesterol it is of value to understand the forces and structural properties that govern the membrane behavior of this sterol. In this thesis we have used established fluorescence spectroscopy methods to study the membrane behavior of both cholesterol and some of its 3β-modified analogs. Using several fluorescent probes we have established how the acyl chain order of the two main lipid species, sphingomyelin (SM) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) affect sterol partitioning as well as characterized the membrane properties of 3β-aminocholesterol and cholesteryl phosphocholine. We concluded that cholesterol prefers SM over PC at equal acyl chain order, indicating that other structural properties besides the acyl chain order are important for sphingomyelin-sterol interactions. A positive charge at the 3β position only caused minor changes in the sterol membrane behavior compared to cholesterol. A large phosphocholine head group caused a disruption in membrane packing together with other membrane lipids with large head groups, but was also able to form stable fluid bilayers together with ceramide and cholesterol. The Ability of the large head group sterol to form bilayers together with ceramide was further explored in the last paper where cholesteryl phosphocholine/ceramide (Chol-PC/Cer) complexes were successfully used to transfer ceramide into cultured cells.