857 resultados para oxygen-deficit
In industrial processes using aqueous solutions, corrosion of metal surfaces may occur at various locations. Much of the damage to steam generators and boilers is caused by corrosion. Dissolved oxygen in water is one of the most potent corrosion-causing factors, and therefore oxygen should be eliminated from steam-generating systems' feedwater. Chemical reduction, by reagents such as hydrazine or organic compounds, generally is used for the deoxygenation of water. This article reviews the major oxygen scavengers currently available.
The integration of outcrop and subsurface information, including micropaleontological data, facies and sequence stratigraphic studies, and oxygen isotope analysis, allow us to present a new stratigraphic model for the Cretaceous continental deposits of the Bauru Group, Brazil. Thirty-eight fossil taxa were recovered from these deposits, including 29 species of ostracodes and 9 species of charophytes. Seven of these ostracode species and three subspecies are new and formally described here. The associations of Chara barbosai - Ilyocypris cf. riograndensis, found in the Adamantina Formation, and Amblyochara sp. - Neuquenocypris minor mineira nov. subsp., found in the Marília Formation. Ponte Alta Member, represent two distinct groups that are respectively Turonian-Santonian and Maastrichtian (probably Late Maastrichtian) in age. Therefore, a hiatus, encompassing more than 11 Ma, separates those two formations. From bottom to top, four depositional cycles were recognized in the Bauru Group in western São Paulo: cycles 1 and 2 belong to Caiuá Formation (fluvio-lacustrine and lacustrine deposits in the Presidente Prudente region), cycle 3 to the Santo Anastácio and lower Adamantina Formation (respectively fluvial and lacustrine deposits), and cycle 4 to the upper Adamantina Formation (fluvio-lacustrine facies). An erosional unconformity separates the Caiuá and Santo Anastácio Formations (between cycles 2 and 3). The Marília Formation is a distinct unit from the underlying succession; it does not occur in western São Paulo, but is found in restricted areas of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul and Goiás States. During the deposition of the Bauru Group (Aptian? to Maastrichtian) the climate was hot and arid-semiarid. Shallow lakes underwent fluctuations in expansion (wet phases) and contraction (dry phases), as well as variations in salinity. During the deposition of the Adamantina Formation (Turonian-Santonian) there were long, dry periods that caused segmentation of large lakes (due to topographic irregularities in the basaltic substrate) and sometimes exposures of the lake floors; when flooded these lake floors were colonized by extensive meadows of single species of charophytes. Small ephemeral ponds, that were hydrochemically unstable and colonized by multiple species of charophytes, were the depositional sites for the marls and mudstones of Ponte Alta Member (Maastrichtian, Late Maastrichtian?). Our micropaleontological age control, combined with the Late Cretaceous ages of volcanic ashes found in the southeastern Brazil coastal basins, and the stratigraphic position of analcimites from the Jaboticabal-SP region, suggest a Late Coniacian-Santonian age for important magmatic events occurred in the interior of Brazil (north-central São Paulo State, Triângulo Mineiro, and southwestern Goiás State).
Polymeric precursor solution (Pechini method) was used to deposit LiNbO 3 thin films by spin-coating on (100) silicon substrates. X-ray diffraction data of thin films showed that the increase of oxygen flow promotes a preferred orientation of (001) LiNbO 3 planes parallel to the substrate surface. Surface roughness and grain size, observed by atomic force microscopy, change also with oxygen flow. © 2002 Taylor & Francis.
Coffea canephora plants (clone INCAPER-99) were submitted to low N (LN) or high N (HN) applications and two watering regimes (daily irrigation and irrigation every 5 days for a month). Although water potential was not altered significantly by N, HN plants showed higher relative water content than did LN plants under water deficit. Only HN plants exhibited some ability for osmotic adjustment. Plants from both N treatments increased their cell wall rigidity under drought, with a more pronounced augmentation in HN plants. In well-watered plants, carbon assimilation rate increased with increasing N while stomatal conductance did not respond to N supply. Under drought conditions, carbon assimilation decreased by 68-80% compared to well-watered plants, whereas stomatal conductance and transpiration rate declined by 35% irrespective of the N applications. Stable carbon isotope analysis, combined with leaf gas exchange measurements, indicated that regardless of the watering treatments, N increased the long-term water use efficiency through changes in carbon assimilation with little or no effect on stomatal behaviour.
SnO2 deposited by sol-gel is a polycrystalline film with small grain size. Oxygen present at a less grain boundary traps electrons and then the depletion layer around the potential barrier of the grain boundary becomes wider, comparable to the grain size. We have modeled the conductivity taking into account the trapped charge at the depletion layer of the grain boundary and other scattering mechanisms such as ionized impurity and polar optical. Experimental data of photoconductivity of SnO2 sol-gel films are simulated considering the dominant scattering at grain boundary and crystallite bulk. The fraction of trapped charge at the grain boundary depends on temperature and wavelength of irradiating light, being as high as 50% for illumination in the range 500-600 nm for SnO2-2%Nb as grown sample annealed in air to 550°C. This fraction can be quite reduced depending on exposure to light and annealing under different oxygen partial pressure conditions.
The objective of the present study was to compare pulmonary gas exchange kinetics (VO 2 kinetics) and time to exhaustion (Tlim) between trained and untrained individuals during severe exercise performed on a cycle ergometer and treadmill. Eleven untrained males in running (UR) and cycling (UC), nine endurance cyclists (EC), and seven endurance runners (ER) were submitted to the following tests on separate days: (i) incremental test for determination of maximal oxygen uptake (VO 2max) and the intensity associated with the achievement of VO 2max (IVO 2max) on a mechanical braked cycle ergometer (EC and UC) and on a treadmill (ER and UR); (ii) all-out exercise bout performed at IVO 2max to determine the time to exhaustion at IVO 2max (Tlim) and the time constant of oxygen uptake kinetics (τ). The τ was significantly faster in trained group, both in cycling (EC = 28.2 ± 4.7 s; UC = 63.8 ± 25.0 s) and in running (ER = 28.5 ± 8.5 s; UR = 59.3 ± 12.0 s). Tlim of untrained was significantly lower in cycling (EC = 384.4 ± 66.6 s vs. UC; 311.1 ± 105.7 s) and higher in running (ER = 309.2 ± 176.6 s vs. UR = 439.8 ± 104.2 s). We conclude that the VO 2 kinetic response at the onset of severe exercise, carried out at the same relative intensity is sensitive to endurance training, irrespective of the exercise type. The endurance training seems to differently influence Tlim during exercise at IVO 2max in running and cycling. © 2003 Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Thin films of lithium niobate were deposited on the Pt/Ti/SiO2 (111) substrates by the polymeric precursor method (Pechini process). Annealing in static air and oxygen atmosphere was performed at 500°C for 3 hours. The films obtained were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The dielectric constant, dissipation factor and resistance were measured in frequency region from 10 Hz to 10 MHz. Electrical characterizations of the films pointed to ferroelectricity via hysteresis loop. The influence of oxygen atmosphere on crystallization and properties of LiNbO3 thin films is discussed.
In mature and young leaves of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Catissol-01) plants grown in the greenhouse, photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate declined during water stress independently of leaf age and recovered after 24-h rehydration. The intercellular CO 2 concentration, chlorophyll (Chl) content, and photochemical activity were not affected by water stress. However, non-photochemical quenching increased in mature stressed leaves. Rehydration recovered the levels of non-photochemical quenching and increased the F v/F m in young leaves. Drought did not alter the total Chl content. However, the accumulation of proline under drought was dependent on leaf age: higher content of proline was found in young leaves. After 24 h of rehydration the content of proline returned to the same contents as in control plants.
The discovery of the spatial uniform coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in rutheno-cuprates, RuSr2GdCu2O8 (Ru-1212), has spurred an extraordinary development in the study of the competition between magnetism and superconductivity. However, several points of their preparation process and characterization that determine their superconductive behavior are still obscure. The improvement of sample preparation conditions involves some thermal treatments in inert atmosphere. The first treatment results in the immediate formation of Sr2GdRuO 6. Using the CuO composition as a precursor, we produced Ru-1212. To turn it metallic and superconductor, besides the previous treatment, a final sinterization is carried out in oxygen flow for several days. Three Ru-1212 samples were produced by varying the last sinterization time (two, four, and six days under oxygen flow). Through measurements of x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, differential thermal analysis, magnetic susceptibility and mechanical spectroscopy, it was studied the influence of the treatments under oxygen atmosphere on the structural and superconducting properties of the material.
Nicotine, an oxidizing agent, is certainly one of the most widely used alkaloids in the world. It is, together with its main metabolite, cotinine, responsible for tobacco-dependence. The use of tobacco is closely associated with lung disease, morphological leukocyte modification and generation of oxidant species. The aim of this study was to look for a possible relationship between cotinine, oxidant species generation and oxidative processes. After studying the action of cotinine in some chemical oxidation models and on the enzymatic kinetics of peroxidases (myeloperoxidase and horseradish peroxidase), we concluded that cotinine does not act directly upon H 2O 2, HOCl, taurine chloramines, horseradish peroxidase or myeloperoxidase.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radical species have been implicated in initiating, accompanying or causing many diseases in living organisms; there is thus, a continual need for antioxidants molecules to inactivate ROS/free radicals. Many studies of plants crude extracts have demonstrated free-radical scavenging and antioxidant action. Maytenus species have long been used, in several countries, as traditional medicines against gastric ulcers, dyspepsia and others gastric problems and for their anti-inflammatory properties. In this study, Maytenus aquifolium (Celastraceae) root bark ethanol extract was assessed for its ability to scavenge free radicals and reactive oxygen species. The results were expressed as percentage inhibition of the active species. The extract was efficient against studied reactive species: DPPH radical (obtained inhibition = 35.5 ± 1.3 %), ABTS.+ (IC50 = 0.0036 ± 0.0003 mg/mL), HOCl (IC50 = 0.002 ± 0.0001 mg/mL), O2 .- (obtained inhibition = 36.0 ± 2.1 %), and NO. (obtained inhibition = 18.3 ± 0.4 %). Uniterms Oxidant species Free radicals Maytenus aquifolium Oxidative damage.
Interstitial solutes in body-centered cubic metals, such as oxygen in tantalum, produce ideally Snoek effects when they are in solutions enough diluted. However, for higher concentration of these solutes, more complex relaxation process can occur, as interaction between interstitial solutes and dislocations. Anelastic relaxation measurements were carried out in polycrystalline tantalum samples, using torsion pendulum inverted, operating between 300 K and 680 K and oscillation frequencies in the hertz bandwidth, for three different experimental sample conditions: as received sample, annealed and annealed followed by a treatment in an oxygen atmosphere. These measurements have revealed the following behavior: the intensity of the internal friction peak associated to matrix-interstitial interaction Ta-O decreased between the first run and the next runs, and this phenomenon did not occur for the others conditions. The variation of relaxation strength of Ta-O peak, with number of runs is due to a decrease of an amount of oxygen in solid solution, which can be associated with the precipitation of new phases in Ta sample and with the trapping of oxygen atoms by dislocations.
PtFe/C nanocatalysts of different compositions and nearly constant particle size were prepared by a microemulsion method. Crystallite sizes and degree of alloying were determined by X-ray diffraction. Particle size and distribution were characterized by transmission electron microscopy and average composition was determined by energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Measurements of electrocatalytic activity for oxygen reduction were done using the rotating disk electrode technique in O2 saturated 0.5 mol L-1 sulfuric acid solutions, at room temperature. For all catalysts oxygen reduction begins at ̃ 0.90V. Tafel plots show slopes of c.a. 60 and 120 mV dec in the regions of low and high overpotentials, respectively. The best results for the ORR were obtained for the PtFe/C catalyst of composition Pt:Fe 70:30. This catalyst was also found to exhibit the largest methanol tolerance. © The Electrochemical Society.
The short-range diffusion phenomenon (Snoek Effect) was investigated by mechanical spectroscopy measurements between 300 K and 650 K, in a polycrystalline niobium sample, containing oxygen and nitrogen, using a torsion pendulum. Experimental spectra of anelastic relaxation were obtained under three conditions: as-received sample; annealed sample and subsequently annealed in an oxygen atmosphere for three hours at 1170 K in partial pressure of 5°10 -5mbar. The experimental spectra obtained were decomposed in elementary Debye peaks and the anelastic relaxation processes were identified. With anelastic relaxation parameters and the lattice parameters, the interstitial diffusion coefficients of the oxygen and nitrogen in niobium were calculated for each kind of preferential occupation (octahedral and tetrahedral). The results were compared with the literature data, and confirmed that the best adjustment is for the preferential occupation octahedral model for low concentrations of interstitial solutes, but at higher concentration of oxygen were observed deviations of experimental data for the interstitial diffusion coefficients of oxygen in niobium when compared with the literature data, this could be related to the possible occurrence of a double occupation of interstitial sites in the niobium lattice by oxygen interstitials. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications.