921 resultados para natural health products
Human trafficking is a complex and multifaceted problem that takes the form of economic, physical and sexual exploitation of people, both adults and children, who are reduced to simple products for commerce. Human trafficking in the United States also has both a domestic and an international aspect. Health care providers are in a unique position to screen for victims of trafficking and may provide important medical and psychological care for victims while in captivity and thereafter. Trafficked persons are likely to suffer a wide spectrum of health risks that reflect the unique circumstances and experiences in a trafficked victim’s life. Although trafficked victims typically have experienced inadequate medical care, once contact is made by the victim with the health care professionals, the opportunity then exists to identify, treat, and assist such victims. The range of services and supports required to appropriately respond to human trafficking victims once identified is broad and typically goes beyond just what is immediately provided by the health care professional and includes safe housing, legal advice, income support, and, for international victims, immigration status related issues. An informed and responsive community is necessary to serve both the international and domestic victims of human trafficking, and needs assessments demonstrated a number of barriers that hindered the delivery of effective services to human trafficking victims. One of the consistent needs identified to combat these barriers was enhanced training among all professionals who might come in contact with human trafficking victims. We highlight the efforts of the Houston Rescue and Restore Coalition (HRRC), a local grassroots non-profit organization whose mission focuses on raising awareness of human trafficking in the Greater Houston Metropolitan area. HRRC responded to the consistent recommendation from various community needs assessments for additional training of front line professionals who would have the opportunity to identify human trafficking victims and supported the design and pilot testing of a health professions training program around human trafficking. Dissemination of this type of training along with careful evaluation and continued refinement will be one way for health care professionals to engage in a positive manner with human trafficking victims.
Enterococcus faecium has recently emerged as an important cause of nosocomial infections. We previously identified 15 predicted surface proteins with characteristics of MSCRAMMs and/or pili and demonstrated that their genes were frequently present in 30 clinical E. faecium isolates studied; one of these, acm, has been studied in further detail. To determine the prevalence of the other 14 genes among various E. faecium populations, we have now assessed 433 E. faecium isolates, including 264 isolates from human clinical infections, 69 isolates from stools of hospitalized patients, 70 isolates from stools of community volunteers, and 30 isolates from animal-related sources. A variable distribution of the 14 genes was detected, with their presence ranging from 51% to 98% of isolates. While 81% of clinical isolates carried 13 or 14 of the 14 genes tested, none of the community group isolates and only 13% of animal isolates carried 13 or 14 genes. The presence of these genes was most frequent in endocarditis isolates, with 11 genes present in all isolates, followed by isolates from other clinical sources. The number of genes significantly associated with clinical versus fecal or animal origin (P = 0.04 to <0.0001) varied from 10 to 13, depending on whether comparisons were made against individual clinical subgroups (endocarditis, blood, and other clinical isolates) or against all clinical isolates combined as one group. The strong association of these genes with clinical isolates raises the possibility that their preservation/acquisition has favored the adaptation of E. faecium to nosocomial environments and/or patients.
Linezolid, which targets the ribosome, is a new synthetic antibiotic that is used for treatment of infections caused by Gram-positive pathogens. Clinical resistance to linezolid, so far, has been developing only slowly and has involved exclusively target site mutations. We have discovered that linezolid resistance in a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus hospital strain from Colombia is determined by the presence of the cfr gene whose product, Cfr methyltransferase, modifies adenosine at position 2503 in 23S rRNA in the large ribosomal subunit. The molecular model of the linezolid-ribosome complex reveals localization of A2503 within the drug binding site. The natural function of cfr likely involves protection against natural antibiotics whose site of action overlaps that of linezolid. In the chromosome of the clinical strain, cfr is linked to ermB, a gene responsible for dimethylation of A2058 in 23S rRNA. Coexpression of these two genes confers resistance to all the clinically relevant antibiotics that target the large ribosomal subunit. The association of the ermB/cfr operon with transposon and plasmid genetic elements indicates its possible mobile nature. This is the first example of clinical resistance to the synthetic drug linezolid which involves a natural resistance gene with the capability of disseminating among Gram-positive pathogenic strains.
In several species, a family of nuclear receptors, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) composed of three isotypes, is expressed in somatic cells and germ cells of the ovary as well as the testis. Invalidation of these receptors in mice or stimulation of these receptors in vivo or in vitro showed that each receptor has physiological roles in the gamete maturation or the embryo development. In addition, synthetic PPAR gamma ligands are recently used to induce ovulation in women with polycystic ovary disease. These results reveal the positive actions of PPAR in reproduction. On the other hand, xenobiotics molecules (in herbicides, plasticizers, or components of personal care products), capable of activating PPAR, may disrupt normal PPAR functions in the ovary or the testis and have consequences on the quality of the gametes and the embryos. Despite the recent data obtained on the biological actions of PPARs in reproduction, relatively little is known about PPARs in gametes and embryos. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the expression and the function of PPARs as well as their partners, retinoid X receptors (RXRs), in germ cells and preimplantation embryos. The effects of natural and synthetic PPAR ligands will also be discussed from the perspectives of reproductive toxicology and assisted reproductive technology.
Nucleotides, such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), are released by cellular injury, bind to purinergic receptors expressed on hepatic parenchymal and nonparenchymal cells, and modulate cellular crosstalk. Liver resection and resulting cellular stress initiate such purinergic signaling responses between hepatocytes and innate immune cells, which regulate and ultimately drive liver regeneration. We studied a murine model of partial hepatectomy using immunodeficient mice to determine the effects of natural killer (NK) cell-mediated purinergic signaling on liver regeneration. We noted first that liver NK cells undergo phenotypic changes post-partial hepatectomy (PH) in vivo, including increased cytotoxicity and more immature phenotype manifested by alterations in the expression of CD107a, CD27, CD11b, and CD16. Hepatocellular proliferation is significantly decreased in Rag2/common gamma-null mice (lacking T, B, and NK cells) when compared to wildtype and Rag1-null mice (lacking T and B cells but retaining NK cells). Extracellular ATP levels are elevated post-PH and NK cell cytotoxicity is substantively increased in vivo in response to hydrolysis of extracellular ATP levels by apyrase (soluble NTPDase). Moreover, liver regeneration is significantly increased by the scavenging of extracellular ATP in wildtype mice and in Rag2/common gamma-null mice after adoptive transfer of NK cells. Blockade of NKG2D-dependent interactions significantly decreased hepatocellular proliferation. In vitro, NK cell cytotoxicity is inhibited by extracellular ATP in a manner dependent on P2Y1, P2Y2, and P2X3 receptor activation. Conclusion: We propose that hepatic NK cells are activated and cytotoxic post-PH and support hepatocellular proliferation. NK cell cytotoxicity is, however, attenuated by hepatic release of extracellular ATP by way of the activation of specific P2 receptors. Clearance of extracellular ATP elevates NK cell cytotoxicity and boosts liver regeneration.
Natural killer cells may provide an important first line of defense against metastatic implantation of solid tumors. This antitumor function occurs during the intravascular and visceral lodgment phase of cancer dissemination, as demonstrated in small animal metastasis models. The role of the NK cell in controlling human tumor dissemination is more difficult to confirm, at least partially because of ethical restraints on experimental design. Nonetheless, a large number of solid tumor patient studies have demonstrated NK cell cytolysis of both autologous and allogeneic tumors.^ Of the major cancer therapeutic modalities, successful surgery in conjunction with other treatments offers the best possibility of cure. However, small animal experiments have demonstrated that surgical stress can lead to increased rates of primary tumor take, and increased incidence, size, and rapidity of metastasis development. Because the physiologic impact of surgical stress can also markedly impair perioperative antitumor immune function in humans, we examined the effect of surgical stress on perioperative NK cell cytolytic function in a murine preclinical model. Our studies demonstrated that hindlimb amputation led to a marked impairment of postoperative NK cell cytotoxicity. The mechanism underlying this process is complex and involves the postsurgical generation of splenic erythroblasts that successfully compete with NK cells for tumor target binding sites; NK cell-directed suppressor cell populations; and a direct impairment of NK cell recycling capacity. The observed postoperative NK cell suppression could be prevented by in vivo administration of pyrimidinone biologic response modifiers or by short term in vitro exposure of effector cells to recombinant Interleukin-2. It is hoped that insights gained from this research may help in the future development of NK cell specific perioperative immunotherapy relevant to the solid tumor patients undergoing cancer resection. ^
The BCR gene is involved in the pathogenesis of Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph$\sp1$) leukemias. Typically, the 5$\sp\prime$ portion of BCR on chromosome 22 becomes fused to a 5$\sp\prime$ truncated ABL gene from chromosome 9 resulting in a chimeric BCR-ABL gene. To investigate the role of the BCR gene product, a number of BCR peptide sequences were used to generate anti-BCR antibodies for detection of BCR and BCR-ABL proteins. Since both BCR and ABL proteins have kinase activity, the anti-BCR antibodies were tested for their ability to immunoprecipitate BCR and BCR-ABL proteins from cellular lysates by use of an immunokinase assay. Antisera directed towards the C-terminal portions of P160 BCR, sequences not present in BCR-ABL proteins, were capable of co-immunoprecipitating P210 BCR-ABL from the Ph$\sp1$- positive cell line K562. Re-immunoprecipitation studies following complete denaturation showed that C-terminal BCR antisera specifically recognized P160 BCR but not P210 BCR-ABL. These and other results indicated the presence of a P160 BCR/P210 BCR-ABL protein complex in K562 cells. Experiments performed with Ph$\sp1$-positive ALL cells and uncultured Ph$\sp1$-positive patient white blood cells established the general presence of BCR/BCR-ABL protein complexes in BCR-ABL expressing cells. However, two cell lines derived from Ph$\sp1$-positive patients lacked P160 BCR/P210 BCR-ABL complexes. Lysates from one of these cell lines mixed with lysates from a cell line that expresses only P160 BCR failed to generate BCR/BCR-ABL protein complexes in vitro indicating that P160 BCR and P210 BCR-ABL do not simply oligomerize.^ Two-dimensional tryptic maps were performed on both BCR and BCR-ABL proteins labeled in vitro with $\sp{32}$P. These maps indicate that the autophosphorylation sites in BCR-ABL proteins are primarily located within BCR exon 1 sequences in both P210 and P185 BCR-ABL, and that P160 BCR is phosphorylated in trans in similar sites by the activated ABL kinase of both BCR-ABL proteins. These results provide strong evidence that P160 BCR serves as a target for the BCR-ABL oncoprotein.^ K562 cells, induced to terminally differentiate with the tumor promoter TPA, show a loss of P210 BCR-ABL kinase activity 12-18 hours after addition of TPA. This loss coincides with the loss of activity in P160 BCR/P210 BCR-ABL complexes but not with the loss of the P210 BCR-ABL, suggesting the existence of an inactive form of P210 BCR-ABL. However, a degraded BCR-ABL protein served as the kinase active form preferentially sequestered within the remaining BCR/BCR-ABL protein complex.^ The results described in this thesis form the basis for a model for BCR-ABL induced leukemias which is presented and discussed. ^
Treatment of mice with the immunomodulating agent, Corynebacterium parvum (C. parvum), was shown to result in a severe and long-lasting depression of splenic natural killer (NK) cell-mediated cytotoxicity 5-21 days post-inoculation. Because NK cells have been implicated in immunosurveillance against malignancy (due to their spontaneous occurrence and rapid reactivity to a variety of histological types of tumors), as well as in resistance to established tumors, this decreased activity was of particular concern, since this effect is contrary to that which would be considered therapeutically desirable in cancer treatment (i.e. a potentiation of antitumor effector functions, including NK cell activity, would be expected to lead to a more effective destruction of malignant cells). Therefore, an analysis of the mechanism of this decline of splenic NK cell activity in C.parvum treated mice was undertaken.^ From in vitro co-culturing experiments, it was found that low NK-responsive C. parvum splenocytes were capable of reducing the normally high-reactivity of cells from untreated syngeneic mice to YAC-1 lymphoma, suggesting the presence of NK-directed suppressor cells in C. parvum treated animals. This was further supported by the demonstration of normal levels of cytotoxicity in C. parvum splenocyte preparations following Ficoll-Hypaque separation, which coincided with removal of the NK-suppressive capabilities of these cells. The T cell nature of these regulatory cells was indicated by (1) the failure of C. parvum to cause a reduction of NK cell activity, or the generation of NK-directed suppressor cells in T cell-deficient athymic mice, (2) the removal of C. parvum-induced suppression by T cell-depleting fractionation procedures or treatments, and (3) demonstration of suppression of NK cell activity by T cell-enriched C. parvum splenocytes. These studies suggest, therefore, that the eventual reduction of suppression by T cell elimination and/or inhibition, may result in a promotion of the antitumor effectiveness of C. parvum due to the contribution of "freed" NK effector cell activity.^ However, the temporary suppression of NK cell activity induced by C. parvum (reactivity of treated mice returns to normal levels within 28 days after C. parvum injection), may in fact be favorable in some situations, e.g. in bone marrow transplantation cases, since NK cells have been suggested to play a role also in the process of bone marrow graft rejection.^ Therefore, the discriminate use of agents such as C. parvum may allow for the controlled regulation of NK cell activity suggested to be necessary for the optimalization of therapeutic regimens. ^
One alternative approach for the treatment of lung cancer might be the activation of the immune system using vaccination strategies. However, most of clinical vaccination trials for lung cancer did not reach their primary end points, suggesting that lung cancer is of low immunogenicity. To provide additional experimental information about this important issue, we investigated which type of immune cells contributes to the protection from lung cancer development. Therefore, A/J mice induced for lung adenomas/adenocarcinomas by the tobacco-specific nitrosamine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) were depleted of CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cells, CD11b(+) macrophages, Gr-1(+) neutrophils and asialo GM1(+) natural killer (NK) cells. Subsequent analysis of tumour growth showed an increase in tumour number only in mice depleted of NK cells. Further asking by which mechanism NK cells suppressed tumour development, we neutralized several death ligands of the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) family known to be involved in NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. However, neither depletion of TNF-α, TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand, TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis or FasL alone nor in combination induced an augmentation of tumour burden. To show whether an alternative cell death pathway is involved, we next generated A/J mice deficient for perforin. After challenging with NNK, mice deficient for perforin showed an increase in tumour number and volume compared to wild-type A/J mice. In summary, our data suggest that NK cells and perforin-mediated cytolysis are critically involved in the protection from lung cancer giving promise for further immunotherapeutic strategies for this disease.
In a multicenter, randomized, controlled, open-label, parallel- group trial hyaluronic acid vaginal gel (Hyalofemme) was compared to estriol vaginal cream (Ovestin) in women with vaginal dryness due to various causes. A total of 144 supposedly postmenopausal women below age 70 years were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to either receive hyaluronic acid vaginal gel (5 g per application) or estriol vaginal cream (0.5 g cream per application = 0.5 mg estriol) every 3 days for a total of ten applications, respectively. Exclusion criteria included vaginal infections, conventional contraindications to estrogens, use of vaginal products other than the investigational compounds, being unmarried, pregnant, or breastfeeding. The aim of the study was to test for non-inferiority of hyaluronic acid vaginal gel compared to estriol vaginal cream. The primary efficacy end point was the percentage (%) improvement in vaginal dryness, with the secondary end points being the percentage (%) improvements in vaginal itching, burning, and dyspareunia. Efficacy was assessed by using a visual analog scale (VAS) (0-10; 0 = absent, 10 = intolerable) at baseline (V0), during telephone contact after the third administration (V1), and at the final visit after the tenth administration (V2). Safety parameters included vaginal pH, endometrial thickness, and a vaginal smear for vaginal microecosystem assessment. Adverse events were recorded according to international guidelines. 133 women completed the study. At baseline, participants' characteristics did not differ significantly. Mean age was 54 years, time since menopause was 5 years on average, and cause of menopause was mostly natural. However, mean menstrual cycle days were also reported, although according to inclusion criteria only postmenopausal women were eligible for the study. At V1, an improvement in vaginal dryness was reported by about 49 % of women using hyaluronic acid vaginal gel, and by 53 % of women using estriol vaginal cream (p = 0.31). At V2, the percentage improvement rates were 84 and 89 % (p = 0.13), respectively. Improvement rates for vaginal itching, burning, and dyspareunia at V2 were about 86, 85, and 57 % for hyaluronic acid vaginal gel, and 82, 87, and 62 % for estriol vaginal cream (p[0.05), respectively. After treatment, vaginal pH was significantly lower in estriol-treated women compared to those having received hyaluronic acid. Endometrial thickness did not differ between groups. In the majority of women, the vaginal microenvironment remained unaffected by treatment. However, the proportion of women whose abnormal vaginal microecological results became normal was higher in women using estriol vaginal cream. Adverse events (suspected to be) related to the investigational compounds were minor and included vaginal infection and genital itching. The authors concluded that hyaluronic acid vaginal gel was not inferior to estriol vaginal cream in women presenting with vaginal dryness. They suggest using hyaluronic acid vaginal gel not only as an alternative treatment to vaginal estrogens, but also to consider its general use in women presenting with vaginal dryness of any cause.
BACKGROUND The function of naturally existing internal mammary (IMA)-to-coronary artery bypasses and their quantitative effect on myocardial ischemia are unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS The primary end point of this study was collateral flow index (CFI) obtained during two 1-minute coronary artery balloon occlusions, the first with and the second without simultaneous distal IMA occlusion. The secondary study end point was the quantitatively determined intracoronary ECG ST-segment elevation. CFI is the ratio of simultaneously recorded mean coronary occlusive pressure divided by mean aortic pressure both subtracted by mean central venous pressure. A total of 180 pairs of CFI measurements were performed among 120 patients. With and without IMA occlusion, CFI was 0.110±0.074 and 0.096±0.072, respectively (P<0.0001). The difference of CFI obtained in the presence minus CFI obtained in the absence of IMA occlusion was highest and most consistently positive during left IMA with left anterior descending artery occlusion and during right IMA with right coronary artery occlusion (ipsilateral occlusions): 0.033±0.044 and 0.025±0.027, respectively. This CFI difference was absent during right IMA with left anterior descending artery occlusion and during left IMA with right coronary artery occlusion (contralateral occlusions): -0.007±0.034 and 0.001±0.023, respectively (P=0.0002 versus ipsilateral occlusions). The respective CFI differences during either IMA with left circumflex artery occlusion were inconsistently positive. Intracoronary ECG ST-segment elevations were significantly reduced during ipsilateral IMA occlusions but not during contralateral or left circumflex artery occlusions. CONCLUSION There is a functional, ischemia-reducing extracardiac coronary artery supply via ipsilateral but not via contralateral natural IMA bypasses. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCTO1676207.
While the safety and availability of medicinal products for the majority of adult patients has steadily improved in recent decades, for children and people suffering from rare diseases (orphan diseases) there is a lack of approved medicinal products for these patient populations. Since the research and development of medicinal products is associated with high costs, the costs for paediatric medicinal products and medicines for rare diseases (orphan drugs) may barely be covered under normal market conditions due to the small patient populations. In order to prevent the continued exclusion of children and persons suffering from rare diseases from medical progress and to eliminate the deficits in the research and development of medicinal products for these patient groups, the European Union created, along the lines of the U.S. model, a system of incentives and constraints. Since 2000, under Regulation (EC) No. 141/2000 (Orphan Drug Regulation) there has been an incentive system to encourage the research and development of orphan drugs. With the goal of improving the health of children in Europe, Regulation (EC) No. 1901/2006 (Paediatric Regulation) combines economic incentives with the requirement to conduct paediatric studies. This article explains and comments on the specific regulatory framework for orphan drugs and paediatric medicinal products in the European Union.
AIMS The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of a paste-like bone substitute material with easy handling properties and improved mechanical stability on periodontal regeneration of intrabony defects in dogs. MATERIALS AND METHODS Mandibular and maxillary first and third premolars were extracted, and three-wall intrabony defects were created on second and fourth premolars. After a healing period of 3 months, acute type defects were filled with a paste-like formulation of deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) (particle size, 0.125-0.25 mm) in a collagenous carrier matrix (T1), pulverized DBBM (particle size, 0.125-0.25 mm) without the carrier (T2), or Bio-Oss® granules (particle size, 0.25-1.00 mm) as control (C). All defects were covered with a Bio-Gide® membrane. The dogs were sacrificed after 12 weeks, and the specimens were analyzed histologically and histometrically. RESULTS Postoperative healing of all defects was uneventful, and no histological signs of inflammation were observed in the augmented and gingival regions. New cementum, new periodontal ligament, and new bone were observed in all three groups. The mean vertical bone gain was 3.26 mm (T1), 3.60 mm (T2), and 3.81 mm (C). That of new cementum was 2.25 mm (T1), 3.88 mm (T2), and 3.53 mm (C). The differences did not reach statistical significance. The DBBM particles were both incorporated in new bone and embedded in immature bone marrow. CONCLUSIONS The results of this preclinical study showed that the 0.125-0.25-mm DBBM particles in a powder or paste formulation resulted in periodontal regeneration comparable to the commercially available DBBM. Osteoconductivity, in particular, was not affected by DBBM size or paste formulation. CLINICAL RELEVANCE The improved handling properties of the paste-like bone substitute consisting of small DBBM particles embedded in a collagen-based carrier hold promise for clinical applications.
OBJECTIVES Previously, the use of enamel matrix derivative (EMD) in combination with a natural bone mineral (NBM) was able to stimulate periodontal ligament cell and osteoblast proliferation and differentiation. Despite widespread use of EMD for periodontal applications, the effects of EMD on bone regeneration are not well understood. The aim of the present study was to test the ability of EMD on bone regeneration in a rat femur defect model in combination with NBM. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twenty-seven rats were treated with either NBM or NBM + EMD and assigned to histological analysis at 2, 4, and 8 weeks. Defect morphology and mineralized bone were assessed by μCT. For descriptive histology, hematoxylin and eosin staining and Safranin O staining were performed. RESULTS Significantly more newly formed trabecular bone was observed at 4 weeks around the NBM particles precoated with EMD when compared with NBM particles alone. The drilled control group, in contrast, achieved minimal bone regeneration at all three time points (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS The present results may suggest that EMD has the ability to enhance the speed of new bone formation when combined with NBM particles in rat osseous defects. CLINICAL RELEVANCE These findings may provide additional clinical support for the combination of EMD with bone graft for the repair of osseous and periodontal intrabony defects.