975 resultados para masked priming


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PURPOSE: To investigate the possible effect of aspherical or yellow tinted intraocular lens (IOL) on contrast sensitivity and blue-on-yellow perimetry. METHODS: This prospective randomized bilateral double-masked clinical study included 52 patients with visually significant bilateral cataracts divided in two groups; 25 patients (50 eyes) received aspherical intraocular lens in one eye and spherical intraocular lens in the fellow eye; and 27 patients (54 eyes) received ultraviolet and blue light filter (yellow tinted) IOL implantation in one eye and acrylic ultraviolet filter IOL in the fellow eye. The primary outcome measures were contrast sensitivity and blue-on-yellow perimetry values (mean deviation [MD] and pattern standard deviation [PSD]) investigated two years after surgery. The results were compared intra-individually. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant between-group (aspherical and spherical intraocular lens) difference in contrast sensitivity under photopic conditions at 12 cycles per degree and under mesopic conditions at all spatial frequencies. There were no between-group significant differences (yellow tinted and clear intraocular lens) under photopic or mesopic conditions. There was no statistically significant difference between all intraocular lens in MD or PSD. CONCLUSION: Contrast sensitivity was better under mesopic conditions with aspherical intraocular lens. Blue-on-yellow perimetry did not appear to be affected by aspherical or yellow tinted intraocular lens. Further studies with a larger sample should be carried out to confirm or not that hypotheses.


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The occurrence of a weak auditory warning stimulus increases the speed of the response to a subsequent visual target stimulus that must be identified. This facilitatory effect has been attributed to the temporal expectancy automatically induced by the warning stimulus. It has not been determined whether this results from a modulation of the stimulus identification process, the response selection process or both. The present study examined these possibilities. A group of 12 young adults performed a reaction time location identification task and another group of 12 young adults performed a reaction time shape identification task. A visual target stimulus was presented 1850 to 2350 ms plus a fixed interval (50, 100, 200, 400, 800, or 1600 ms, depending on the block) after the appearance of a fixation point, on its left or right side, above or below a virtual horizontal line passing through it. In half of the trials, a weak auditory warning stimulus (S1) appeared 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, or 1600 ms (according to the block) before the target stimulus (S2). Twelve trials were run for each condition. The S1 produced a facilitatory effect for the 200, 400, 800, and 1600 ms stimulus onset asynchronies (SOA) in the case of the side stimulus-response (S-R) corresponding condition, and for the 100 and 400 ms SOA in the case of the side S-R non-corresponding condition. Since these two conditions differ mainly by their response selection requirements, it is reasonable to conclude that automatic temporal expectancy influences the response selection process.


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Eggplant seeds germination can be slow and uneven, justifying the use of pre-germinative treatments to improve the performance of seed lots. One option of treatment is the controlled hydration of seeds by priming. In this way, this study aimed to evaluate the performance of eggplant seeds cv. Embu submitted to different methodologies of priming. The seeds used in the experiment were stored in cold chamber (15º C and 55% RH) in paper bags. The research was carried out at Central Laboratory of Seeds/UFLA. The seeds were submitted to the priming in aerated solutions varying the following factors: temperature (15º C and 25º C), time (24, 48 and 72 hours) and solution (water, PEG, KNO3 and PEG+KNO3). Seeds were washed in running water and dried at 30º C, until the return to the initial moisture content, around 10%. The variables analyzed were percentage of germination, percentage of emergence, speed index of emergence and electrical conductivity. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design, according to a factorial arrangement 2x3x4+1 (control - seeds without priming). The results showed that priming improves the vigour of eggplant seeds with no effect on viability; the priming in water or KNO3 is efficient to improve the seed vigour and priming in water or KNO3 may use temperature of 15º C or 25º C for 24, 48 or 72 hours.


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Maternal aggression is under the control of a wide variety of factors that prime the females for aggression or trigger the aggressive event. Maternal attacks are triggered by the perception of sensory cues from the intruder, and here we have identified a site in the hypothalamus of lactating rats that is highly responsive to the male intruder—the ventral premammillary nucleus (PMv). The PMv is heavily targeted by the medial amygdalar nucleus, and we used lesion and immediate-early gene studies to test our working hypothesis that the PMv signals the presence of a male intruder and transfers this information to the network organizing maternal aggression. PMv-lesioned dams exhibit significantly reduced maternal aggression, without affecting maternal care. The Fos analysis revealed that PMv influences the activation of hypothalamic and septal sites shown to be mobilized during maternal aggression, including the medial preoptic nucleus (likely to represent an important locus to integrate priming stimuli critical for maternal aggression), the caudal two-thirds of the hypothalamic attack area (comprising the ventrolateral part of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus and the adjacent tuberal region of the lateral hypothalamic area, critical for the expression of maternal aggression), and the ventral part of the anterior bed nuclei of the stria terminalis (presently discussed as being involved in controlling neuroendocrine and autonomic responses accompanying maternal aggression). These findings reveal an important role for the PMv in detecting the male intruder and how this nucleus modulates the network controlling maternal aggression.


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The humoral immune response is dependent on the formation of antibodies. Antibodies are produced by terminally differentiated B cells, plasma cells. Plasma cells are generated either directly from antigen challenged B cells, memory cells or from cells that have undergone the germinal center (GC) reaction. The GC is the main site for class switch, somatic hypermutation and generation of memory cells. Different factors, both internal and external, shape the outcome of the immune response. In this thesis, we have studied a few factors that influence the maturation of the humoral response. We have studied how age affects the response, and we show that responses against thymus dependent antigens (TD) are more affected than responses to thymus independent (TI) antigens, in concordance with the view that the T cell compartment is more affected by age than the B cell compartment. Furthermore, we demonstrate that priming early in life have a big influence on the immune response in the aged individual. Priming with a TI form of the carbohydrate dextran B512 (Dx) induces a reduction of IgG levels in later TD responses against Dx. We have evaluated possible mechanisms for this reduction. The reduction does not seem to be caused by clonal exhaustion or antibody mediated mechanisms. We also showed that the reduced TD response after TI priming can be induced against another molecule than Dx. With the hypothesis that TI antigens induce a plasma cell biased maturation of the responding B cells, we examined the presence of Blimp-1, a master regulator of plasma cell differentiation, in GCs induced by TD and TI antigen. Blimp-1 was found earlier in GCs induced by TI antigen and the staining intensity in these GCs was stronger than in TD antigen induced GCs, indicating that plasma cells might be continuously recruited from these GCs. B cells undergoing the GC reaction are thought to be under a strict selection pressure that removes cells with low affinity for the antigen and also cells that have acquired self-reactivity. We investigated the effect of apoptotic deficiencies on the accumulation of somatic mutations in GC B cells. In mice lacking the death receptor Fas, lpr mice, the frequency of mutations was increased but the pattern of the mutations did not differ from wild type mice. In contrast, mice over-expressing the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, had a lowered frequency of mutations and the mutations introduced had other characteristics.


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The thesis analyses relationships between ecological and social systems in the context of coastal ecosystems. It examines human impacts from resource extraction and addresses management and governance behind resource exploitation. The main premises are that a lack of ecological knowledge leads to poor ecosystem management and that the dichotomy between social and natural systems is an artificial one. The thesis illustrates the importance of basing resource management on the ecological conditions of the resource and its ecosystem. It also demonstrates the necessity of accounting for the human dimension in ecosystem management and the challenges of organising human actions for sustainable use of ecosystem services in the face of economic incentives that push users towards short-term extraction. Many Caribbean coral reefs have undergone a shift from coral to macroalgal domination. An experiment on Glovers Reef Atoll in Belize manually cleared patch reefs in a no-take zone and a fished zone (Papers I and II). The study hypothesised that overfishing has reduced herbivorous fish populations that control macroalgae growth. Overall, management had no significant effect on fish abundance and the impacts of the algal reduction were short-lived. This illustrated that the benefits of setting aside marine reserves in impacted environments should not be taken for granted. Papers III and IV studied the development of the lobster and conch fisheries in Belize, and the shrimp farming industry in Thailand respectively. These studies found that environmental feedback can be masked to give the impression of resource abundance through sequential exploitation. In both cases inadequate property rights contributed to this unsustainable resource use. The final paper (V) compared the responses to changes in the resource by the lobster fisheries in Belize and Maine in terms of institutions, organisations and their role in management. In contrast to Maine’s, the Belize system seems to lack social mechanisms for responding effectively to environmental feedback. The results illustrate the importance of organisational and institutional diversity that incorporate ecological knowledge, respond to ecosystem feedback and provide a social context for learning from and adapting to change.


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[EN] As a consequence to hypobaric hypoxic exposure skeletal muscle atrophy is often reported. The underlying mechanism has been suggested to involve a decrease in protein synthesis in order to conserve O(2). With the aim to challenge this hypothesis, we applied a primed, constant infusion of 1-(13)C-leucine in nine healthy male subjects at sea level and subsequently at high-altitude (4559 m) after 7-9 days of acclimatization. Physical activity levels and food and energy intake were controlled prior to the two experimental conditions with the aim to standardize these confounding factors. Blood samples and expired breath samples were collected hourly during the 4 hour trial and vastus lateralis muscle biopsies obtained at 1 and 4 hours after tracer priming in the overnight fasted state. Myofibrillar protein synthesis rate was doubled; 0.041+/-0.018 at sea-level to 0.080+/-0.018%hr(-1) (p<0.05) when acclimatized to high altitude. The sarcoplasmic protein synthesis rate was in contrast unaffected by altitude exposure; 0.052+/-0.019 at sea-level to 0.059+/-0.010%hr(-1) (p>0.05). Trends to increments in whole body protein kinetics were seen: Degradation rate elevated from 2.51+/-0.21 at sea level to 2.73+/-0.13 micromolkg(-1)min(-1) (p = 0.05) at high altitude and synthesis rate similar; 2.24+/-0.20 at sea level and 2.43+/-0.13 micromolkg(-1)min(-1) (p>0.05) at altitude. We conclude that whole body amino acid flux is increased due to an elevated protein turnover rate. Resting skeletal muscle myocontractile protein synthesis rate was concomitantly elevated by high-altitude induced hypoxia, whereas the sarcoplasmic protein synthesis rate was unaffected by hypoxia. These changed responses may lead to divergent adaptation over the course of prolonged exposure.


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Rationale: Coralligenous habitat is considered the second most important subtidal “hot spot” of species diversity in the Mediterranean Sea after the Posidonia oceanica meadows. It can be defined as a typical Mediterranean biogenic hard bottom, mainly produced by the accumulation of calcareous encrusting algae that, together with other builder organisms, form a multidimensional framework with a high micro-spatial variability. The development of this habitat depends on physical factors (i.e. light, hydrodynamism, nutrients, etc.), but also biologic interactions can play a relevant role in structuring the benthic assemblages. This great environmental heterogeneity allows several different assemblages to coexist in a reduced space. One of the most beautiful is that characterised by the Mediterranean gorgonian Paramuricea clavata (Risso, 1826) that can contribute to above 40% of total biomass of the community and brings significant structural complexity into the coralligenous habitat. In sites moderately exposed to waves and currents, P. clavata can form high-density populations (up to 60 colonies m-2) between 20 – 70 m in depth. Being a suspension feeder, where it forms dense populations, P. clavata plays a significant role in transferring energy from planktonic to benthic system. The effects of the branched colonies of P. clavata could be comparable to those of the forests on land. They can affect the micro scale hydrodynamism and light, promoting or inhibiting the growth of other species. Unfortunately, gorgonians are threatened by several anthropogenic disturbance factors (i.e. fishing, pollution, tourism) and by climatic anomalies, linked to the global changes, that are responsible of thermal stress, development of mucilage and enhanced pathogens activity, leading to mass mortality events in last decades. Till now, the possible effects of gorgonian forest loss are largely unknown. Our goal was to analyse the ecological role of these sea fan forests on the coralligenous benthic assemblages. Experimental setup and main results: The influence of P. clavata in the settlement and recruitment of epibenthic organisms was analysed by a field experiment carried out in two randomly selected places: Tavolara island and Portofino promontory. The experiment consisted in recreate the presence and absence of the gorgonian forest on recruitment panels, arranged in four plots per type (forested and non-forested), interspersed each other, and deployed at the same depth. On every forested panel 3 gorgonian colonies about 20 cm height were grafted with the use of Eppendorf tubes and epoxy resin bicomponent simulating a density of 190 sea fans per m-2. This density corresponds to a mean biomass of 825 g DW m-2,3 which is of the same order of magnitude of the natural high-density populations. After about 4 months, the panels were collected and analysed in laboratory in order to estimate the percent cover of all the species that have colonized the substrata. The gorgonian forest effects were tested by multivariate and univariate permutational analyses of the variance (PERMANOVA). Recruited assemblages largely differed between the two study sites, probably due to different environmental conditions including water quality and turbidity. On overall, the presence of P. clavata reduced the settlement and recruitment of several algae: the shadow caused by the gorgonian might reduce light availability and therefore their growth. This effect might be greater in places where the waters are on average more clear, since at Portofino it is less visible and could be masked by the high turbidity of the water. The same pattern was registered for forams, more abundant outside gorgonian forest, probably linked with algal distribution, shadowing effect or alimentary competition. The last one hypothesis could be valid also for serpulids polychaetes that growth mainly on non-forested panels. An opposite trend, was showed by a species of bryozoan and by an hydroid that is facilitated by the presence of P. clavata, probably because it attenuates irradiance level and hydrodynamism. Species diversity was significantly reduced by the presence of P. clavata forests at both sites. This seems in contrast with what we expected, but the result may be influenced by the large algal component on non-forested panels. The analysis confirmed the presence of differences in the species diversity among plots and between sites respectively due to natural high variability of the coralligenous system and to different local environment conditions. The reduction of species diversity due to the presence of gorgonians appeared related to a worst evenness rather than to less species richness. With our experiment it is demonstrated that the presence of P. clavata forests can significantly alter local coralligenous assemblages patterns, promoting or inhibiting the recruitment of some species, modifying trophic relationships and adding heterogeneity and complexity to the habitat. Moreover, P. clavata could have a stabilising effect on the coralligenous assemblages.


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Survival during the early life stages of marine species, including nearshore temperate reef fishes, is typically very low, and small changes in mortality rates, due to physiological and environmental conditions, can have marked effects on survival of a cohort and, on a larger scale, on the success of a recruitment season. Moreover, trade offs between larval growth and accumulation of energetic resources prior to settlement are likely to influence growth and survival until this critical period and afterwards. Rockfish recruitment rates are notoriously variable between years and across geographic locations. Monitoring of rates of onshore delivery of pelagic juveniles (defined here as settlement) of two species of nearshore rockfishes, Sebastes caurinus and Sebastes carnatus, was done between 2003-2009 years using artificial collectors placed at San Miguel and Santa Cruz Island, off Southern California coast. I investigated spatiotemporal variation in settlement rate, lipid content, pelagic larval duration and larval growth of the newly settled fishes; I assessed relationships between birth date, larval growth, early life-history characteristics and lipid content at settlement, considering also interspecific differences; finally, I attempt to relate interannual patterns of settlement and of early life history traits to easily accessible, local and regional indices of ocean conditions including in situ ocean temperature and regional upwelling, sea surface temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration. Spatial variations appeared to be of low relevance, while significant interannual differences were detected in settlement rate, pelagic larval duration and larval growth. The amount of lipid content of the newly settled fishes was highly variable in space and time, but did not differ between the two species and did not show any relationships with early life history traits, indicating that no trade off involved these physiological processes or they were masked by high individual variability in different periods of larval life. Significant interspecific differences were found in the timing of parturition and settlement and in larval growth rates, with S. carnatus growing faster and breeding and settling later than S. caurinus. The two species exhibited also different patterns of correlations between larval growth rates and larval duration. S. carnatus larval duration was longer when the growth in the first two weeks post-hatch was faster, while S. caurinus had a shorter larval duration when grew fast in the middle and in the end of larval life, suggesting different larval strategies. Fishes with longer larval durations were longer in size at settlement and exhibited longer planktonic phase in periods of favourable environmental conditions. Ocean conditions had a low explanatory power for interannual variation in early life history traits, but a very high explanatory power for settlement fluctuations, with regional upwelling strength being the principal indicator. Nonetheless, interannual variability in larval duration and growth were related to great phenological changes in upwelling happened during the period of this study and that caused negative consequences at all trophic levels along the California coast. Despite the low explanatory power of the environmental variables used in this study on the variation of larval biological traits, environmental processes were differently related with early life history characteristics analyzed to species, indicating possible species-specific susceptibility to ocean conditions and local environmental adaptation, which should be further investigated. These results have implications for understanding the processes influencing larval and juvenile survival, and consequently recruitment variability, which may be dependent on biological characteristics and environmental conditions.


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Bacterial capsular polysaccharides (PS) which naturally contain zwitterionic charge motifs (ZPS) possess specific immunostimulatory activity, leading to direct activation of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) through Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and of T cells in co-culture systems. When administered intraperitoneally, ZPS and bacteria expressing them are involved in the induction or regulation of T-cell dependent inflammatory processes such as intra-abdominal abscess formation. Moreover it has been published that ZPSs are processed to low molecular weight carbohydrates and presented to T cells through a pathway similar to that used for protein antigens. These findings were in contrast with the paradigm according to which polysaccharides are T-independent antigens unable to be presented in association with MHC class II molecules and unable to induce a protective immune response. For this reason in glycoconjugate vaccines polysaccharides often need to be conjugated to a carrier protein to induce protection. The aim of our work was to generate vaccine candidates with antigen and adjuvant properties in one molecule by the chemical introduction of a positive charge into naturally anionic PS from group B streptococcus (GBS). The resulting zwitterionic PS (ZPS) has the ability to activate human and mouse APCs, and in mixed co-cultures of monocytes and T cells, ZPS induce MHC II-dependent T-cell proliferation and up-regulation of activation markers. TLR2 transfectants show reporter gene transcription upon incubation with ZPS and these stimulatory qualities can be blocked by anti-TLR2 mAbs or by the destruction of the zwitterionic motif. However, in vivo, ZPS used alone as vaccine antigen failed to induce protection against GBS challenge, a result which does not confirm the above mentioned postulate that ZPS are T-cell dependent Ags by virtue of their charge motif. Thus to make ZPS visible to the immune system we have conjugated ZPS with a carrier protein. ZPS-glycoconjugates induce higher T cell and Ab responses to carrier and PS, respectively, compared to control PS-glycoconjugates made with the native polysaccharide form. Moreover, protection of mothers or neonate offspring from lethal GBS challenge is better when mothers are immunized with ZPS-conjugates compared to immunization with PS-conjugates. In TLR2 knockout mice, ZPS-conjugates lose both their increased immunogenicity and protective effect after vaccination. When ZPS are co-administered as adjuvants with unconjugated tetanus toxoid (TT), they have the ability to increase the TT-specific antibody titer. In conclusion, glycoconjugates containing ZPS are potent vaccines. They target Ag to TLR2-expressing APCs and activate these APCs, leading to better T cell priming and ultimately to higher protective Ab titers. Thus, rational chemical design can generate potent novel PS-adjuvants with wide application, including glycoconjugates and co-administration with unrelated protein Ags.


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Die Kontrolle der produktiven Cytomegalovirus- (CMV) Infektion ist von der effizienten Rekonstitution antiviraler CD8 T-Zellen abhängig. Dies führt jedoch nicht zur vollständigen Eliminierung des viralen Genoms aus den Zielorganen, sondern das Virus verbleibt in einem nicht-replikativen Zustand: der Latenz. Es ist bekannt, dass während der Latenz nur ein geringer Anteil latenter mCMV-Genome in der Lunge die Major Immediate Early (MIE) Gene ie1 und ie2 exprimiert, die Latenz aber dennoch bestehen bleibt, weil das differentielle Splicing des primären IE1/3-Transkripts zum Transaktivator-Transkript IE3 nicht erfolgt. Damit war neben der Initiation der IE-Genexpression am MIE-Promotor-Enhancer das IE1/3-Splicing als zweiter molekularer Latenz-Kontrollpunkt identifiziert. Parallel zur Latenz-assoziierten IE1-Genexpression sind in der Lunge aktivierte CD62L-low CD8 T-Zellen mit Spezifität für das immundominante IE1-Peptid 168-YPHFMPTNL-176 angereichert. Dies legte die Hypothese nahe, dass neben der molekularen Kontrolle der Latenz auch eine immunologische Kontrolle, beispielsweise durch IE1-Epitop-spezifische CD8 T-Zellen besteht. Zur Evaluierung dieser Hypothese wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit mittels BAC-Mutagenese erstmals ein rekombinantes mCMV generiert, in dem das IE1-Peptid durch Punktmutation der C-terminalen MHC-Ankeraminosäure L176A zerstört ist. Dazu musste zunächst die Technik der BAC-Mutagenese herpesviraler Genome (in Anlehnung an die publizierten Arbeiten von Messerle et al., 1997; Borst et al., 1999, 2004; Wagner et al., 1999) in der Arbeitsgruppe etabliert werden. Neben der Funktionsverlust-Mutante (mCMV-IE1-L176A) wurden zur Kontrolle zwei Revertanten (mCMV-IE1-A176L und mCMV-IE1-A176L*) generiert. In letzterer, als Wobble-Revertante bezeichnet, wird wieder die authentische MHC-Ankeraminosäure L eingesetzt, es verbleibt aber ein singulärer Nukleotidaustausch A->T in der Wobble-Position des Codons als Marker zur Unterscheidung zum WT-mCMV zurück. Der immunologische Phänotyp der Funktionsverlust-Mutante, also die funktionelle Auslöschung des antigenen IE1-Peptids im Priming einer CD8 T-Zell-Antwort, entsprach der Erwartung. Entsprechend konnte nach Infektion mit der Funktionsverlust-Mutante keine Reaktivität gegen das IE1-Peptid nachgewiesen werden. In den Revertanten hingegen war die Erkennung des IE1-Peptids wieder hergestellt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen weiter, dass die Funktionsverlust-Mutante sowie die Revertanten ohne signifikante Beeinflussung in vitro in permissiven Fibroblasten und in vivo in verschiedenen Geweben replizieren. Wie aktuelle Daten nach Knochenmarktransplantation und Infektion mit der Funktionsverlust-Mutante im Vergleich zu den Revertanten zeigen, ist die Frequenz Latenz-assoziierter IE1-Transkriptionsereignisse bei der Funktionsverlust-Mutante signifikant erhöht. Damit konnte erstmalig der Beweis für eine Kontrolle der Latenz-assoziierten IE1-Genexpression durch IE1-Epitop-spezifische CD8 T-Zellen und damit für eine Präsentation des IE1-Peptids während der Latenz erbracht werden.


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Antigen-kodierende RNA wird als eine sichere und effiziente Alternative zu traditionellen Impfstoff-Formulierungen, wie Peptid-, Protein-, rekombinanten viralen oder DNA basierten Impfstoffen betrachtet. Der endgültige klinische Nutzen RNA-basierter Impfstoffe wird von der Optimierung verschiedener Parameter abhängig sein, die zur Induktion und effizienten Expansion der humoralen und zellvermittelten Immunantwort beitragen. Vor diesem Hintergrund war die Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit, die Etablierung pharmakologischer und immunologischer Parameter für die Generierung effektiver Immunantworten durch RNA-Impfstoffe sowie deren Wirksamkeit in vitro und im Mausmodell unter Nutzung von Modellantigenen zu testen. Zur Untersuchung und Optimierung der RNA-Pharmakokinetik, als einem Schlüsselaspekt der klinischen Medikamentenentwicklung, wurde der Einfluss von strukturellen Modifikationen auf die Transkriptstabilität und Translationseffizienz von Reporter-Proteinen in einer zeitabhängigen Kinetik evaluiert. Es wurde gezeigt, dass ein poly(A) Schwanz von 120 Adenosinen, verglichen mit einem kürzeren, ein freies 3´ poly(A) Ende, verglichen mit einem verdeckten und eine doppelte β-globin 3´ UTR, unabhängig voneinander zu einer Erhöhung der IVT-RNA Stabilität und zu einer Verbesserung der Translationseffizienz beitrugen und dadurch insgesamt zu einer erhöhten Proteinexpression führten. Antigen-kodierende IVT-RNA mit diesen molekularen Merkmalen in Kombination führte, im Vergleich zur Standard IVT-RNA, zu einer erhöhten Dichte und Stabilität von Peptid/MHC-Komplexen auf der Zelloberfläche transfizierter DCs und dadurch zu einer verbesserten Stimulation von CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen im murinen und humanen System. Mit dem Ziel, die RNA kodierte Antigenform für die Induktion einer verstärkten Antikörperantwort zu modifizieren, wurde im zweiten Teil der Arbeit ein Antigen-IgM Fusionskonstrukt hergestellt und hinsichtlich seiner Eignung als neues Impfstoff-Format untersucht. Die Ausgangshypothese, dass die RNA kodierten Antigen-IgM Fusionsproteine polymerisieren, von transfizierten Zellen sezerniert werden und aufgrund der repetitiven Antigenstruktur im Vergleich mit dem monomeren Antigen zu einer Verstärkung der Antikörperantwort führen, wurde in vitro und in vivo im Mausmodell bestätigt. Die Entwicklung und Evaluierung von Zytokinfusionsproteinen zur selektiven Verstärkung der antigenspezifischen Immunantworten bildeten den dritten Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit. Zur weiteren Verstärkung der Antikörperantwort wurde basierend auf den Resultaten aus dem zweiten Teil ein IL2-IgM Fusionskonstrukt hergestellt. Die Ko-Transfektion von Antigen-IgM und IL2-IgM kodierender IVT-RNA führte zu einer signifikant stärkeren Antikörperantwort als die Ko-Transfektion von Antigen-IgM und IL2. Für die Initiierung einer erfolgreichen anti-Tumor-Immunantwort ist das Priming antigenspezifischer T-Zellen essentiell. Um die Effizienz dieses Prozesses zu steigern, wurde ein bifunktionelles IL2-mCD40L Fusionskonstrukt hergestellt und sein Einfluss auf die Effektorfunktion von DCs in vitro und in vivo untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass ein RNA kodiertes IL2-mCD40L Fusionsprotein als genetisches Adjuvanz zu einer Effizienzsteigerung des Priming zytotoxischer T-Zellen führt. Somit wurden in dieser Arbeit durch die Optimierung der Pharmakokinetik, die Modifikation der Antigenform und die Herstellung und Evaluierung von Zytokinfusionskonstrukten als genetische Adjuvantien, RNA-basierte Impfstoffe für eine optimierte Induktion von antigenspezifischen Immunantworten weiter verbessert.


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Die Wirksamkeit einer Vakzine ist von vielen Parametern abhängig. Dazu gehören unter anderen: das ausgewählte Antigen, die Formulation in der das Antigen benutzt wird sowie die Applikationsroute. Antigen-kodierende Ribonukleinsäuren (RNA) gilt heutzutage als eine sichere und effiziente Alternative zu traditionellen Impfstoff-Formulierungen, wie Peptiden, rekombinanten Proteinen, viralen Systemen oder DNA basierten Impfstoffen. Bezüglich des Applikationsortes repräsentiert der Lymphknoten ein optimales Milieu für die Interaktion zwischen antigenpräsentierenden Zellen und T-Zellen. Vor diesem Hintergrund war die Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit, ein auf direktem in vivo Transfer von Antigen-kodierender in vitro transkribierter RNA (IVT-RNA) basierendes Impfverfahren zu entwickeln, zu charakterisieren und auf seine anti-tumorale Wirksamkeit zu testen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass dendritische Zellen (DCs) in vitro hocheffizient mit IVT-RNA transfiziert werden können und eine hohe stimulatorische Kapazität besitzen. Durch Sequenzmodifikation der IVT-RNA konnten wir die Transkriptstabilität und Translationseffizienz erhöhen was zu einer Steigerung der stimulatorischen Kapazität in vivo führte. Darüber hinaus untersuchten wir die Auswirkung der Insertion eines Signalpeptides 5’ sowie einer C-terminalen transmembran- und zytosolischen-Domäne eines MHC-Klasse-I-Moleküls am 3’ der Antigen-kodierenden Sequenz auf die Effizienz der MHC-Klasse-I und -II Präsentation. Wir konnten in vitro und in vivo nachweisen, dass diese Modifikation zu einer gesteigerten, simultanen Stimulation von antigenspezifischen CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen führt. Auf der Basis der optimierten Vektorkassetten etablierten wir die intranodale (i.n.) Transfektion von antigenpräsentierenden Zellen in der Maus. Dazu nutzten wir verschiedene Reportersysteme (eGFP-RNA, fluoreszensmarkierte RNA) und konnten zeigen, dass die intranodale Applikation von IVT-RNA zu selektiven Transfektion und Maturation lymphknotenresidenter DCs führt. Zur Untersuchung der immunologischen Effekte wurden in erster Linie auf Influenza-Hemagglutinin-A und Ovalbumin basierende Modellantigensysteme verwendet. Beide Antigene wurden als Antigen-MHC-Fusionskonstrukte genutzt. Als Responderzellen wurden TCR-transgene Lymphozyten verwendet, die MHC-Klasse-I oder -Klasse-II restringierte Epitope des Influenza-Hemagglutinin-A bzw. des Ovalbumin-Proteins erkennen. Wir konnten in vivo zeigen, dass die intranodale Immunisierung mit IVT-RNA zu einer effizienten Stimulation und Expansion von antigenspezifischen CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen in einer dosisabhängigen Weise führt. Funktionell konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese T-Zellen Zytokine sezernieren und zur Zytolyse befähigt sind. Wir waren in der Lage durch repetitive i.n. RNA Immunisierung ein ‚Priming’ CD8+ T-Zellen in naiven Mäusen sowohl gegen virale als auch gegen Tumor assoziierte Antigene zu erreichen. Die geprimten T-Zellen waren befähigt eine zytolytische Aktivität gegen mit spezifischem Peptid beladene Targetzellen zu generieren. Darüber hinaus waren wir in der Lage Gedächtnisszellen expandieren zu können. Abschließend konnten wir in Tumormodellen sowohl in prophylaktischen als auch in therapeutischen Experimenten zeigen dass die i.n. RNA Vakzination die Potenz zur Induktion einer anti-tumoralen Immunität besitzt.


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In dieser Arbeit wurde die Rolle des Epstein-Barr Virus induzierten Gens 3 in einem Mausmodel des durch B16-F10 Zellen hervorgerufenen metastasierenden Melanoms untersucht. Das von aktivierten antigenpräsentierenden Zellen exprimierte EBI-3 gehört zur Familie der löslichen Typ 1 Zytokinrezeptoren, weist eine hohe Homologie zur p40 Untereinheit des IL-12 auf und bildet zusammen mit p28 das IL-27. Die intravenöse Injektion der B16-F10 Zelllinie führte zu einer signifikanten Erniedrigung der Tumormetastasen in den EBI-3 defizienten Lungen sowie zu einer höheren Lebenserwartung dieser Mäuse im Vergleich zu den B6 Wildtypen. Darüber hinaus habe ich in den EBI-3 defizienten Mäusen eine verminderte VCAM-1 Expression auf den Endothelzellen der Lunge gefunden während Änderungen in der VEGF Expression nicht detektiert wurden. Der immunologische Hintergrund, der diesen therapeutischen Effekt hervorrief, konnte durch die T-Zellaktivierung durch die kürzlich neu beschriebene DC Population, welche Interferon-produzierende Killer Dendritische Zellen genannt werden (IK-DC), die zusätzlich von aktivierten und maturierten klassischen DCs unterstützt wurden, erklärt werden. IK-DCs von EBI-3 defizienten Mäusen produzierten höhere Mengen an IFN-g während die klassischen DCs MHC und co-stimulatorische Moleküle exprimierten, welche die Sekretion von IL-12 initiierten. Das Zusammenspiel der genannten Faktoren induzierte eine verstärkte CD4 und CD8 T-Zellantwort in den Lungen dieser Mäuse. Dies wiederum resultierte im TNF- und TRAIL abhängigen programmierten Zelltod der B16-F10 Melanomzellen in den Lungen der EBI-3 defizienten Mäuse, wohingegen sowohl weitere anti-apoptotische Mechanismen als auch T regulatorische Zellen keinen Einfluss auf die in den EBI-3 defizienten Mäusen beobachtete Tumorabwehr zu spielen scheint. Schlussendlich konnten EBI-3 defiziente CD8+ T-Zellen, welche zuvor mit Tumorantigen geprimed wurden, adoptiv in B6 Wildtypmäuse transferiert werden, was zeigte, dass diese Zellen in der Lage sind, die Tumormasse in den Empfängermäusen signifikant zu verringern. Zusammengefasst, demonstrieren diese Daten, dass das Blockieren von EBI-3 im metastasierenden Melanom ein vielversprechender Angriffspunkt in der Tumortherapie darstellt.


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Il vigore è un aspetto rilevante della qualità delle sementi, strettamente connesso al loro status fisiologico, al genotipo e alle condizioni di stoccaggio. Stress ossidativi e danni alle macromolecole sono alla base del deterioramento del seme, che è equipaggiato con sistemi protettivi e di riparazione. Uno di questi coinvolge l’L-isoaspartil metiltransferasi (PIMT) che ripara i misfolding proteici catalizzando la riconversione in aspartato dell’isoaspartile anomalo accumulato. Scopo di questo studio era valutare il possibile ruolo del meccanismo di riparazione di PIMT nel vigore del seme in girasole. Per questo il relativo gene è stato isolato e caratterizzato, la variabilità allelica determinata su un campione di linee inbred e l’espressione genica misurata in risposta all’invecchiamento accelerato (aging) e al priming. La sequenza codificante ottenuta è costituita da 4 esoni e contiene i 5 domini caratteristici delle metiltransferasi. Il gene mostra elevata similarità con gli ortologhi vegetali e scarsa diversità nucleotidica nei genotipi coltivati rappresentativi della variabilità della specie. Nella sequenza aminoacidica, comunque, sono state rinvenute tre sostituzioni che potrebbero influenzare la funzionalità enzimatica. Dal punto di vista fisiologico i genotipi considerati hanno esibito notevole variabilità di risposte ai trattamenti, sia in termini di vigore che di espressione genica. Aging e priming hanno prodotto generalmente gli effetti attesi, rispettivamente negativi e positivi, sulla germinabilità e sulla sua velocità. In generale l’espressione di PIMT è risultata massima nel seme secco, come riportato altrove, e ridotta dall’aging. Anche il priming ha diminuito l’espressione rispetto al seme quiescente, mentre il suo effetto dopo l’aging è risultato genotipo-dipendente. Tuttavia, nelle condizioni descritte, non si sono evidenziate correlazioni significative tra vigore ed espressione di PIMT, tali da suggerire un chiaro ruolo di questo meccanismo nella qualità fisiologica del seme.