919 resultados para lower exercise capacity


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The field of research of this dissertation concerns the bioengineering of exercise, in particular the relationship between biomechanical and metabolic knowledge. This relationship can allow to evaluate exercise in many different circumstances: optimizing athlete performance, understanding and helping compensation in prosthetic patients and prescribing exercise with high caloric consumption and minimal joint loading to obese subjects. Furthermore, it can have technical application in fitness and rehabilitation machine design, predicting energy consumption and joint loads for the subjects who will use the machine. The aim of this dissertation was to further understand how mechanical work and metabolic energy cost are related during movement using interpretative models. Musculoskeletal models, when including muscle energy expenditure description, can be useful to address this issue, allowing to evaluate human movement in terms of both mechanical and metabolic energy expenditure. A whole body muscle-skeletal model that could describe both biomechanical and metabolic aspects during movement was identified in literature and then was applied and validated using an EMG-driven approach. The advantage of using EMG driven approach was to avoid the use of arbitrary defined optimization functions to solve the indeterminate problem of muscle activations. A sensitivity analysis was conducted in order to know how much changes in model parameters could affect model outputs: the results showed that changing parameters in between physiological ranges did not influence model outputs largely. In order to evaluate its predicting capacity, the musculoskeletal model was applied to experimental data: first the model was applied in a simple exercise (unilateral leg press exercise) and then in a more complete exercise (elliptical exercise). In these studies, energy consumption predicted by the model resulted to be close to energy consumption estimated by indirect calorimetry for different intensity levels at low frequencies of movement. The use of muscle skeletal models for predicting energy consumption resulted to be promising and the use of EMG driven approach permitted to avoid the introduction of optimization functions. Even though many aspects of this approach have still to be investigated and these results are preliminary, the conclusions of this dissertation suggest that musculoskeletal modelling can be a useful tool for addressing issues about efficiency of movement in healthy and pathologic subjects.


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Für das Vermögen der Atmosphäre sich selbst zu reinigen spielen Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) und Stickstoffdioxid (NO2) eine bedeutende Rolle. Diese Spurengase bestimmen die photochemische Produktion von Ozon (O3) und beeinflussen das Vorkommen von Hydroxyl- (OH) und Nitrat-Radikalen (NO3). Wenn tagsüber ausreichend Solarstrahlung und Ozon vorherrschen, stehen NO und NO2 in einem schnellen photochemischen Gleichgewicht, dem „Photostationären Gleichgewichtszustand“ (engl.: photostationary state). Die Summe von NO und NO2 wird deshalb als NOx zusammengefasst. Vorhergehende Studien zum photostationären Gleichgewichtszustand von NOx umfassen Messungen an unterschiedlichsten Orten, angefangen bei Städten (geprägt von starken Luftverschmutzungen), bis hin zu abgeschiedenen Regionen (geprägt von geringeren Luftverschmutzungen). Während der photochemische Kreislauf von NO und NO2 unter Bedingungen erhöhter NOx-Konzentrationen grundlegend verstanden ist, gibt es in ländlicheren und entlegenen Regionen, welche geprägt sind von niedrigeren NOx-Konzetrationen, signifikante Lücken im Verständnis der zugrundeliegenden Zyklierungsprozesse. Diese Lücken könnten durch messtechnische NO2-Interferenzen bedingt sein - insbesondere bei indirekten Nachweismethoden, welche von Artefakten beeinflusst sein können. Bei sehr niedrigen NOx-Konzentrationen und wenn messtechnische NO2-Interferenzen ausgeschlossen werden können, wird häufig geschlussfolgert, dass diese Verständnislücken mit der Existenz eines „unbekannten Oxidationsmittels“ (engl.: unknown oxidant) verknüpft ist. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird der photostationäre Gleichgewichtszustand von NOx analysiert, mit dem Ziel die potenzielle Existenz bislang unbekannter Prozesse zu untersuchen. Ein Gasanalysator für die direkte Messung von atmosphärischem NO¬2 mittels laserinduzierter Fluoreszenzmesstechnik (engl. LIF – laser induced fluorescence), GANDALF, wurde neu entwickelt und während der Messkampagne PARADE 2011 erstmals für Feldmessungen eingesetzt. Die Messungen im Rahmen von PARADE wurden im Sommer 2011 in einem ländlich geprägten Gebiet in Deutschland durchgeführt. Umfangreiche NO2-Messungen unter Verwendung unterschiedlicher Messtechniken (DOAS, CLD und CRD) ermöglichten einen ausführlichen und erfolgreichen Vergleich von GANDALF mit den übrigen NO2-Messtechniken. Weitere relevante Spurengase und meteorologische Parameter wurden gemessen, um den photostationären Zustand von NOx, basierend auf den NO2-Messungen mit GANDALF in dieser Umgebung zu untersuchen. Während PARADE wurden moderate NOx Mischungsverhältnisse an der Messstelle beobachtet (10^2 - 10^4 pptv). Mischungsverhältnisse biogener flüchtige Kohlenwasserstoffverbindungen (BVOC, engl.: biogenic volatile organic compounds) aus dem umgebenden Wald (hauptsächlich Nadelwald) lagen in der Größenordnung 10^2 pptv vor. Die Charakteristiken des photostationären Gleichgewichtszustandes von NOx bei niedrigen NOx-Mischungsverhältnissen (10 - 10^3 pptv) wurde für eine weitere Messstelle in einem borealen Waldgebiet während der Messkampagne HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 untersucht. HUMPPA–COPEC–2010 wurde im Sommer 2010 in der SMEARII-Station in Hyytiälä, Süd-Finnland, durchgeführt. Die charakteristischen Eigenschaften des photostationären Gleichgewichtszustandes von NOx in den beiden Waldgebieten werden in dieser Arbeit verglichen. Des Weiteren ermöglicht der umfangreiche Datensatz - dieser beinhaltet Messungen von relevanten Spurengasen für die Radikalchemie (OH, HO2), sowie der totalen OH-Reaktivität – das aktuelle Verständnis bezüglich der NOx-Photochemie unter Verwendung von einem Boxmodell, in welches die gemessenen Daten als Randbedingungen eingehen, zu überprüfen und zu verbessern. Während NOx-Konzentrationen in HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 niedriger sind, im Vergleich zu PARADE 2011 und BVOC-Konzentrationen höher, sind die Zyklierungsprozesse von NO und NO2 in beiden Fällen grundlegend verstanden. Die Analyse des photostationären Gleichgewichtszustandes von NOx für die beiden stark unterschiedlichen Messstandorte zeigt auf, dass potenziell unbekannte Prozesse in keinem der beiden Fälle vorhanden sind. Die aktuelle Darstellung der NOx-Chemie wurde für HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 unter Verwendung des chemischen Mechanismus MIM3* simuliert. Die Ergebnisse der Simulation sind konsistent mit den Berechnungen basierend auf dem photostationären Gleichgewichtszustand von NOx.


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Altitude training has become very popular among athletes as a means to further increase exercise performance at sea level or to acclimatize to competition at altitude. Several approaches have evolved during the last few decades, with "live high-train low" and "live low-train high" being the most popular. This review focuses on functional, muscular, and practical aspects derived from extensive research on the "live low-train high" approach. According to this, subjects train in hypoxia but remain under normoxia for the rest of the time. It has been reasoned that exercising in hypoxia could increase the training stimulus. Hypoxia training studies published in the past have varied considerably in altitude (2300-5700 m) and training duration (10 days to 8 weeks) and the fitness of the subjects. The evidence from muscle structural, biochemical, and molecular findings point to a specific role of hypoxia in endurance training. However, based on the available performance capacity data such as maximal oxygen uptake (Vo(2)max) and (maximal) power output, hypoxia as a supplement to training is not consistently found to be advantageous for performance at sea level. Stronger evidence exists for benefits of hypoxic training on performance at altitude. "Live low-train high" may thus be considered when altitude acclimatization is not an option. In addition, the complex pattern of gene expression adaptations induced by supplemental training in hypoxia, but not normoxia, suggest that muscle tissue specifically responds to hypoxia. Whether and to what degree these gene expression changes translate into significant changes in protein concentrations that are ultimately responsible for observable structural or functional phenotypes remains open. It is conceivable that the global functional markers such as Vo(2)max and (maximal) power output are too coarse to detect more subtle changes that might still be functionally relevant, at least to high-level athletes.


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Metabolic stress is believed to constitute an important signal for training-induced adjustments of gene expression and oxidative capacity in skeletal muscle. We hypothesized that the effects of endurance training on expression of muscle-relevant transcripts and ultrastructure would be specifically modified by a hypoxia complement during exercise due to enhanced glycolytic strain. Endurance training of untrained male subjects in conditions of hypoxia increased subsarcolemmal mitochondrial density in the recruited vastus lateralis muscle and power output in hypoxia more than training in normoxia, i.e. 169 versus 91% and 10 versus 6%, respectively, and tended to differentially elevate sarcoplasmic volume density (42 versus 20%, P = 0.07). The hypoxia-specific ultrastructural adjustments with training corresponded to differential regulation of the muscle transcriptome by single and repeated exercise between both oxygenation conditions. Fine-tuning by exercise in hypoxia comprised gene ontologies connected to energy provision by glycolysis and fat metabolism in mitochondria, remodelling of capillaries and the extracellular matrix, and cell cycle regulation, but not fibre structure. In the untrained state, the transcriptome response during the first 24 h of recovery from a single exercise bout correlated positively with changes in arterial oxygen saturation during exercise and negatively with blood lactate. This correspondence was inverted in the trained state. The observations highlight that the expression response of myocellular energy pathways to endurance work is graded with regard to metabolic stress and the training state. The exposed mechanistic relationship implies that the altitude specificity of improvements in aerobic performance with a 'living low-training high' regime has a myocellular basis.


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Cardiac patients after an acute event and/or with chronic heart disease deserve special attention to restore their quality of life and to maintain or improve functional capacity. They require counselling to avoid recurrence through a combination of adherence to a medication plan and adoption of a healthy lifestyle. These secondary prevention targets are included in the overall goal of cardiac rehabilitation (CR). Cardiac rehabilitation can be viewed as the clinical application of preventive care by means of a professional multi-disciplinary integrated approach for comprehensive risk reduction and global long-term care of cardiac patients. The CR approach is delivered in tandem with a flexible follow-up strategy and easy access to a specialized team. To promote implementation of cardiac prevention and rehabilitation, the CR Section of the EACPR (European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation) has recently completed a Position Paper, entitled 'Secondary prevention through cardiac rehabilitation: A condition-oriented approach'. Components of multidisciplinary CR for seven clinical presentations have been addressed. Components include patient assessment, physical activity counselling, exercise training, diet/nutritional counselling, weight control management, lipid management, blood pressure monitoring, smoking cessation, and psychosocial management. Cardiac rehabilitation services are by definition multi-factorial and comprehensive, with physical activity counselling and exercise training as central components in all rehabilitation and preventive interventions. Many of the risk factor improvements occurring in CR can be mediated through exercise training programmes. This call-for-action paper presents the key components of a CR programme: physical activity counselling and exercise training. It summarizes current evidence-based best practice for the wide range of patient presentations of interest to the general cardiology community.


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We tested whether the better subjective exercise tolerance perceived by mountaineers after altitude acclimatization relates to enhanced exercise economy. Thirty-two mountaineers performed progressive bicycle exercise to exhaustion at 490 m and twice at 5533 m (days 6–7 and day 11), respectively, during an expedition to Mt. Muztagh Ata. Maximal work rate (Wmax) decreased from mean ± SD 356 ± 73 watts at 490 m to 191 ± 49 watts and 193 ± 45 watts at 5533 m, days 6–7 and day 11, respectively; corresponding maximal oxygen uptakes (VO2max) were 50.7 ± 9.5, 26.3 ± 5.6, 24.7 ± 7.0 mL/min/kg (P = 0.0001 5533 m vs 490 m). On days 6–7 (5533 m), VO2 at 75% Wmax (152 ± 37 watts) was 1.75 ± 0.45 L/min, oxygen saturation 68 ± 8%. On day 11 (5533 m), at the same submaximal work rate, VO2 was lower (1.61 ± 0.47 L/min, P < 0.027) indicating improved net efficiency; oxygen saturation was higher (74 ± 7%, P < 0.0004) but ratios of VO2 to work rate increments remained unchanged. On day 11, mountaineers climbed faster from 4497 m to 5533 m than on days 5–6 but perceived less effort (visual analog scale 50 ± 15 vs 57 ± 20, P = 0.006) and reduced symptoms of acute mountain sickness. We conclude that the better performance and subjective exercise tolerance after acclimatization were related to regression of acute mountain sickness and improved submaximal exercise economy because of lower metabolic demands for non-external work-performing functions.


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Aim of the study was to determine distribution and depletion patterns of intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) in leg muscles before and after two types of standardized endurance exercise. ¹H-magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging was performed (1) in the thigh of eight-trained cyclists after exercising on an ergometer for 3 h at 52 ± 8% of maximal speed and (2) in the lower leg of eight-trained runners after exercising on a treadmill for 3 h at 49 ± 3% of maximal workload. Pre-exercise IMCL contents were reduced postexercise in 11 out of 13 investigated upper and lower leg muscles (P < 0.015 for all). A strong linear correlation with a slope of ∼0.5 between pre-exercise IMCL content and IMCL depletion was found. IMCL depletion differed strongly between muscles. Absolute and also relative IMCL reduction was significantly higher in muscles with predominantly slow fibers compared to those with fast fibers. Creatine levels and fiber orientation were stable and unchanged after exercise, while trimethyl-ammonium groups increased. This is presented in the accompanying paper. In conclusion, a systematic comparison of metabolic changes in cross sections of the upper and lower leg was performed. The results imply that pre-exercise IMCL levels determine the degree of IMCL depletion after exercise.


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Carnitine (Car) buffers excess acetyl-CoA through the formation of acetylCar (AcCar). AcCar's acetyl group (AG-AcCar) gives rise to a peak at 2.13 ppm in ¹H MR spectra of skeletal muscle, whereas the trimethylammonium (TMA) groups of both, AcCar and Car, are thought to contribute to the TMA peak at 3.23 ppm. Surprisingly, in previous studies both resonances, AG-AcCar and TMA, increased after exercise. The aim of this study was to assess if the exercise-related TMA increase correlated with AcCar production. Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (pulse repetition time/echo time = 1200/35 ms) was performed before and after prolonged exercise in the lower leg and thigh of eight runners and eight cyclists, respectively. TMA and AG-AcCar increased after exercise (P < 0.001). TMA's increase correlated with the AG-AcCar increase (R² = 0.73, P < 0.001, lower leg; R² = 0.28, P < 0.001, thigh). The correlation of ΔTMA with ΔAG-AcCar suggests that the TMA increase is due to AcCar formation. As total Car (Car + AcCar) remains unchanged with exercise, these findings suggest that the contribution of free Car to the TMA peak is limited and, therefore, is partly invisible in muscle ¹H MR spectra. This indicates that the biochemically relevant cytosolic content of free Car is considerably lower than the overall concentration determined by radioisotopic assays, a potentially important result with respect to regulation of substrate oxidation.


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Self-control is a prerequisite for complex cognitive processes such as cooperation and planning. As such, comparative studies of self-control may help elucidate the evolutionary origin of these capacities. A variety of methods have been developed to test for self-control in non-human primates that include some variation of foregoing an immediate reward in order to gain a more favorable reward. We used a token exchange paradigm to test for self-control in capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). Animals were trained that particular tokens could be exchanged for food items worth different values. To test for self-control, a monkey was provided with a token that was associated with a lower-value food. When the monkey exchanged the token, the experimenter provided the monkey with a choice between the lower-value food item associated with the token or another token that was associated with a higher-value food. If the monkey chose the token, they could then exchange it for the higher-value food. Of seven monkeys trained to exchange tokens, five demonstrated that they attributed value to the tokens by differentially selecting tokens for higher-value foods over tokens for lower-value foods. When provided with a choice between a food item or a token for a higher-value food, two monkeys selected the token significantly more than expected by chance. The ability of capuchin monkeys to forego an immediate food reward and select a token that could then be traded for a more preferred food demonstrated some degree of self-control. Thus, results suggest a token exchange paradigm could be a successful technique for assessing self-control in this New World species.


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The European Society of Cardiology heart failure guidelines firmly recommend regular physical activity and structured exercise training (ET), but this recommendation is still poorly implemented in daily clinical practice outside specialized centres and in the real world of heart failure clinics. In reality, exercise intolerance can be successfully tackled by applying ET. We need to encourage the mindset that breathlessness may be evidence of signalling between the periphery and central haemodynamic performance and regular physical activity may ultimately bring about favourable changes in myocardial function, symptoms, functional capacity, and increased hospitalization-free life span and probably survival. In this position paper, we provide practical advice for the application of exercise in heart failure and how to overcome traditional barriers, based on the current scientific and clinical knowledge supporting the beneficial effect of this intervention.


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BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) is a common diagnosis in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected patients on antiretroviral treatment (ART). OBJECTIVE: To describe TB-related practices in ART programmes in lower-income countries and identify risk factors for TB in the first year of ART. METHODS: Programme characteristics were assessed using standardised electronic questionnaire. Patient data from 2003 to 2008 were analysed and incidence rate ratios (IRRs) calculated using Poisson regression models. RESULTS: Fifteen ART programmes in 12 countries in Africa, South America and Asia were included. Chest X-ray, sputum microscopy and culture were available free of charge in respectively 13 (86.7%), 14 (93.3%) and eight (53.3%) programmes. Eight sites (53.3%) used directly observed treatment and five (33.3%) routinely administered isoniazid preventive treatment (IPT). A total of 19 413 patients aged ≥16 years contributed 13 227 person-years of follow-up; 1081 new TB events were diagnosed. Risk factors included CD4 cell count (>350 cells/μl vs. <25 cells/μl, adjusted IRR 0.46, 95%CI 0.33–0.64, P < 0.0001), sex (women vs. men, adjusted IRR 0.77, 95%CI 0.68–0.88, P = 0.0001) and use of IPT (IRR 0.24, 95%CI 0.19–0.31, P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Diagnostic capacity and practices vary widely across ART programmes. IPT prevented TB, but was used in few programmes. More efforts are needed to reduce the burden of TB in HIV co-infected patients in lower income countries.


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We examined the effect of normobaric hypoxia (3200 m) on maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and maximal power output (Pmax) during leg and upper-body exercise to identify functional and structural correlates of the variability in the decrement of VO2max (DeltaVO2max) and of maximal power output (DeltaPmax). Seven well trained male Nordic combined skiers performed incremental exercise tests to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer (leg exercise) and on a custom built doublepoling ergometer for cross-country skiing (upper-body exercise). Tests were carried out in normoxia (560 m) and normobaric hypoxia (3200 m); biopsies were taken from m. deltoideus. DeltaVO2max was not significantly different between leg (-9.1+/-4.9%) and upper-body exercise (-7.9+/-5.8%). By contrast, Pmax was significantly more reduced during leg exercise (-17.3+/-3.3%) than during upper-body exercise (-9.6+/-6.4%, p<0.05). Correlation analysis did not reveal any significant relationship between leg and upper-body exercise neither for DeltaVO2max nor for DeltaPmax. Furthermore, no relationship was observed between individual DeltaVO2max and DeltaPmax. Analysis of structural data of m. deltoideus revealed a significant correlation between capillary density and DeltaPmax (R=-0.80, p=0.03), as well as between volume density of mitochondria and DeltaPmax (R=-0.75, p=0.05). In conclusion, it seems that VO2max and Pmax are differently affected by hypoxia. The ability to tolerate hypoxia is a characteristic of the individual depending in part on the exercise mode. We present evidence that athletes with a high capillarity and a high muscular oxidative capacity are more sensitive to hypoxia.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess the safety and cardiopulmonary adaptation to high altitude exposure among patients with coronary artery disease. METHODS: 22 patients (20 men and 2 women), mean age 57 (SD 7) years, underwent a maximal, symptom limited exercise stress test in Bern, Switzerland (540 m) and after a rapid ascent to the Jungfraujoch (3454 m). The study population comprised 15 patients after ST elevation myocardial infarction and 7 after a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction 12 (SD 4) months after the acute event. All patients were revascularised either by percutaneous coronary angioplasty (n = 15) or by coronary artery bypass surgery (n = 7). Ejection fraction was 60 (SD 8)%. beta blocking agents were withheld for five days before exercise testing. RESULTS: At 3454 m, peak oxygen uptake decreased by 19% (p < 0.001), maximum work capacity by 15% (p < 0.001) and exercise time by 16% (p < 0.001); heart rate, ventilation and lactate were significantly higher at every level of exercise, except at maximum exertion. No ECG signs of myocardial ischaemia or significant arrhythmias were noted. CONCLUSIONS: Although oxygen demand and lactate concentrations are higher during exercise at high altitude, a rapid ascent and submaximal exercise can be considered safe at an altitude of 3454 m for low risk patients six months after revascularisation for an acute coronary event and a normal exercise stress test at low altitude.


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In this study, we investigated if monolayer expansion of adult human articular chondrocytes (AHAC) on specific substrates regulates cell phenotype and post-expansion multilineage differentiation ability. AHAC isolated from cartilage biopsies of five donors were expanded on plastic dishes (PL), on dishes coated with collagen type II (COL), or on slides coated with a ceramic material (Osteologic, OS). The phenotype of expanded chondrocytes was assessed by flow cytometry and real-time RT-PCR. Cells were then cultured in previously established conditions promoting differentiation toward the chondrogenic or osteogenic lineage. AHAC differentiation was assessed histologically, biochemically, and by real-time RT-PCR. As compared to PL-expanded AHAC, those expanded on COL did not exhibit major phenotypic changes, whereas OS-expanded cells expressed (i) higher bone sialoprotein (BSP) (22.6-fold) and lower collagen type II (9.3-fold) mRNA levels, and (ii) lower CD26, CD90 and CD140 surface protein levels (1.4-11.1-fold). Following chondrogenic differentiation, COL-expanded AHAC expressed higher mRNA levels of collagen type II (2.3-fold) and formed tissues with higher glycosaminoglycan (GAG) contents (1.7-fold), whereas OS-expanded cells expressed 16.5-fold lower collagen type II and generated pellets with 2.0-fold lower GAG contents. Following osteogenic differentiation, OS-expanded cells expressed higher levels of BSP (3.9-fold) and collagen type I (2.8-fold) mRNA. In summary, AHAC expansion on COL or OS modulated the de-differentiated cell phenotype and improved the cell differentiation capacity respectively toward the chondrogenic or osteogenic lineage. Phenotypic changes induced by AHAC expansion on specific substrates may mimic pathophysiological events occurring at different stages of osteoarthritis and may be relevant for the engineering of osteochondral tissues.


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This study investigates whether adaptations of mitochondrial function accompany the improvement of endurance performance capacity observed in well-trained athletes after an intermittent hypoxic training program. Fifteen endurance-trained athletes performed two weekly training sessions on treadmill at the velocity associated with the second ventilatory threshold (VT2) with inspired O2 fraction = 14.5% [hypoxic group (Hyp), n = 8] or with inspired O2 fraction = 21% [normoxic group (Nor), n = 7], integrated into their usual training, for 6 wk. Before and after training, oxygen uptake (VO2) and speed at VT2, maximal VO2 (VO2 max), and time to exhaustion at velocity of VO2 max (minimal speed associated with VO2 max) were measured, and muscle biopsies of vastus lateralis were harvested. Muscle oxidative capacities and sensitivity of mitochondrial respiration to ADP (Km) were evaluated on permeabilized muscle fibers. Time to exhaustion, VO2 at VT2, and VO2 max were significantly improved in Hyp (+42, +8, and +5%, respectively) but not in Nor. No increase in muscle oxidative capacity was obtained with either training protocol. However, mitochondrial regulation shifted to a more oxidative profile in Hyp only as shown by the increased Km for ADP (Nor: before 476 +/- 63, after 524 +/- 62 microM, not significant; Hyp: before 441 +/- 59, after 694 +/- 51 microM, P < 0.05). Thus including hypoxia sessions into the usual training of athletes qualitatively ameliorates mitochondrial function by increasing the respiratory control by creatine, providing a tighter integration between ATP demand and supply.