883 resultados para intent
Apesar de sua complementariedade, as práticas de planejamento estratégico e de busca pela qualidade do serviço e da gestão pública tem recebido ênfase alternada ao longo da história política brasileira, acompanhando percepções acerca do papel do Estado. Na administração municipal adquirem especial relevância e complexidade dado histórico de expansão urbana pouco planejada, grande concentração populacional nessas áreas e necessidade de integração de uma série de instrumentos e diretrizes propostos pela Constituição de 1988 e pelo Estatuto da Cidade. O presente trabalho visa sistematizar o histórico desses debates no Brasil, sem pretensão de aprofundamento, e apresentar breves contribuições sobre a situação atual do planejamento e gestão nos municípios.
O tema saúde é o centro do debate nacional e internacional acerca da necessidade de evolução das políticas públicas a serem adotadas pelos órgãos públicos. Portanto, o Estado tem obrigação de executar programas que forneçam, a todos, ações concretas voltadas ao resguardo do direito à saúde. Nessa perspectiva, o objetivo da pesquisa é avaliar as implicações dos restos a pagar na gestão da saúde pública de Mato Grosso, nos anos de 2008 a 2014. Nesse intento, a partir de pesquisa documental, bibliográfica e de campo, observou-se que o Estado está inserido em um ciclo vicioso de inscrição de restos a pagar. As despesas represadas no período mantiveram uma dinâmica de evolução, prejudicando a execução financeira dos programas prioritários da saúde mato-grossense. Segundo os dados, a realização financeira programática deixou de ser considerada ótima em 2008, com 92% de realização, para caracterizar-se como regular em 2014, com 66% de execução. Por meio do estudo de caso, identificou-se que não há como Mato Grosso obter resultados excelentes na implementação dos interesses de sua sociedade se o Estado encontra-se com a credibilidade abalada em relação aos credores, por postergar seus compromissos financeiros, sem respeitar, ou ter a capacidade de executar o orçamento aprovado, adquirindo bens e contratando serviços lançando mão de mecanismos emergenciais que elevam o custo da compra pública e potencializam o poder das empresas na execução do orçamento. Além de deteriorar a programação orçamentária e financeira, criando verdadeiros orçamentos paralelos, conclui-se que o excesso de despesas repassadas do exercício em que deveriam ocorrer para os subsequentes, prejudicou a qualidade dos serviços públicos executados na saúde do Estado, dificultando a realização deste direito fundamental, imprescindível à vida.
Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) acquired an important role in the development process of the global economy. FDI inward stock was equivalent to an average of 32% of GDP for OECD countries in 2013. However, FDI affects a country’s Balance of Payments (BoP) in two ways: FDI flows are recorded in the BoP financial account while returns on FDI affect the BoP current account. Therefore, part of the positive contribution of inward FDI to a country on its financial account could be potentially offset by a negative contribution of FDI returns on the current account. The intent of this work is to complement the research on FDI determinants by introducing FDI returns as a variable in a gravity model where bilateral FDI outflows are the dependent variable. Moreover, using outward FDI flows as the dependent variable, the work allows looking at the behavior of Multinational Corporations (MNC) investing abroad. The results show that MNCs repatriate returns generating from the investments they make abroad. This is particularly true when high-income countries are involved: MNCs from high-income countries repatriate returns to their home countries from FDI made anywhere, while MNCs from middle-income countries repatriate returns from FDI in high-income countries. Repatriated returns are a relevant variable determining the value of FDI that a country makes in another country. The information on FDI returns is starting to become available to the public. This allows MNCs to sharpen their investment location decision models and national IPAs to better assess the two-fold BoP effects of promoting FDI.
Nessa tese, é buscado um maior entendimento sobre a importância das funções operacionais nas startups francesas. Uma grande flexibilidade das tarefas a ser coberta e uma gestão horizontal caracterizam as startups. Desse jeito, não é muito comum para as empresas recentemente criadas como as startups ter uma politica clara de recursos humanos. Na verdade, cada participante na start-up pode ser levado a pensar de forma diferente em termos de vendas desenvolvimento de negócios, comercialização, marketing, tecnologia ou desenvolvimento de produto. Essa tese não vai explorar cada uma dessas tarefas. Mas vai procurar para identifcar a percepção sobre a alocação ótima de recursos para cada função chave da nova empresa. Qualquer seja o setor de mercado em consideração ou o estágio de amadurecimento da startup, funções chaves que são percebidas como sendo a base para start-ups bem sucedidas são pesquisa & desenvolvimento e comercialização. Funções de liderança não são tão importantes. Somente a startup focada na tecnologia tem uma "função de chefe executivo" com maior importância do que as startups médias. Além disso, empreendedores em série, bem sucedidos ou não, focam predominantemente aspectos relacionados ao marketing e à captação de recursos em detrimento de aspectos ligados à gestão do negócio. No final, os empresários, muitas vezes tem um preconceito ao respeito da sua formação acadêmica porque ele sobrestimam funções que eles pensam poder fazer em comparação das funções que eles são capazes de fazer. Nessa tese, intent-se demonstrar a relação entre as funções ocupadas por um sócio e as ações que ele possui na startup. Essa relação depende do número de sócios (conhecido como acionistas), o tipo de sócios (acionistas principais ou acionistas segundarias) e o impacto na administração corporativa a respeito da distribuição do capital próprio.
A Lei nº 11.343 de 23 de agosto de 2006 (Lei de Drogas) instituiu o Sistema Nacional de Políticas Públicas sobre Drogas e criou as diretrizes para a política de drogas brasileira. Dentre o conjunto de medidas trazidas pela lei em seu dispositivo criminal está a criação de um tipo penal específico de cultivo de plantas para produção de drogas para consumo pessoal (art. 28, §1º). O plantio para consumo recebe o mesmo tratamento jurídico-penal que o porte para consumo (art. 28), sendo previstas sanções alternativas à privação de liberdade. O §2º do art. 28 da Lei de Drogas estabelece os critérios que as autoridades competentes do sistema de justiça criminal deverão considerar na tipificação penal das situações de cultivo. Este trabalho se debruça sobre a tipificação penal de situações de cultivo de canábis em acórdãos do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo. A problemática de pesquisa aqui desenvolvida discute especificamente quais são os argumentos e como eles são apresentados nas decisões para justificar a determinação de que uma situação de cultivo é para fins de tráfico ou de consumo pessoal. O trabalho busca identificar como os critérios do §2º do art. 28 da Lei de Drogas são apresentados na fundamentação de decisões judiciais em que se discute na esfera criminal se uma situação de cultivo é para “consumo pessoal” ou “destinada a terceiros”. Uma pergunta central norteia a pesquisa realizada: quais os elementos e de que forma eles são utilizados nas decisões analisadas para tipificação do plantio para consumo pessoal (art. 28, §1º, da Lei de Drogas) e do plantio destinado a fornecer drogas a terceiros (art. 33, §1º, II)? Para enfrentar a problemática de pesquisa utilizamos a ferramenta de busca de acórdãos disponibilizada no sítio eletrônico do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo. Foram analisados 135 acórdãos do TJSP que enfrentam diretamente a controvérsia relativa à tipificação penal de situações de cultivo de canábis. Os acórdãos foram proferidos entre os anos de 1998 e 2014 e foram selecionados segundo os critérios especificados no capítulo metodológico da dissertação. Os resultados quantitativos da pesquisa dizem respeito às informações gerais dos processos, elementos de prova mencionados nos acórdãos, características das situações de cultivo e fundamentação da tipificação penal. A discussão qualitativa sobre os resultados da pesquisa é promovida em quatro frentes: (i) interpretação e valoração da quantidade de drogas; (ii) antecedentes criminais, circunstâncias da prisão e do agente; (iii) materiais de venda e outros elementos relevantes na tipificação penal; e (iv) características do conjunto probatório. As questões discutidas nestas frentes circunscrevem o problema de pesquisa e é a partir delas que é feita a análise apresentada neste trabalho. Esperamos conseguir contribuir para melhor compreensão (i) da determinação da finalidade do cultivo e (ii) das implicações jurídicas que decorrem da opção legislativa pela não utilização de critérios quantitativos na definição dos crimes de tráfico de drogas e plantio para consumo.
Sharing sensor data between multiple devices and users can be^challenging for naive users, and requires knowledge of programming and use of different communication channels and/or development tools, leading to non uniform solutions. This thesis proposes a system that allows users to access sensors, share sensor data and manage sensors. With this system we intent to manage devices, share sensor data, compare sensor data, and set policies to act based on rules. This thesis presents the design and implementation of the system, as well as three case studies of its use.
This study approaches bureaucratic organizational structures with the aim to understand the adherence procedure to virtual technologies in the stricto sensu educational administrative process. Thus, the author navigates through the formation of these organizations in Brazil with the intent to demonstrate the bureaucratic organizational culture and the consequent form of domination of those who detain power. In this epistemological construction, the author explores the culture s bureaucratic environment and the organizational power. In the analyses, it was observed the technological phenomenon in the ODL s administrative environment, which can explain the adherence procedure to structures and technological instruments for stricto sensu courses that, hypothetically, dilutes the traditional inherited organizational axiom. Therefore, it was utilized as object of study the Professional Master s degree in National Scale Public Administration PROFIAP, hence analyzing the documental content and the legislation related to institutionalization as well as the positioning of professors/coordinators and of the director of CAPES/MEC. Considering this axioms, it was concluded that the bureaucratic structures can admit ODL in the stricto sensu s environment. However, this can only be done as long as the adherence does not imply in a dilution of the traditional forms of power and institutional bureaucratic inherited dominance, as well as the alleged hegemony of the governmental structure in the educational administration adopted in person by the stricto sensu courses in Brazil
Over the last decades, the digital inclusion public policies have significantly invested in the purchase of hardwares and softwares in order to offer technology to the Brazilian public teaching institutions, specifically computers and broadband Internet. However, the teachers education to handle these artefacts is put away, even though there is some demand from the information society. With that, this dissertation chooses as an object of study the digital literacy practices performed by 38 (thirty-eight) teachers in initial and continuous education by means of the extension course Literacies and technologies: portuguese language teaching and cyberculture demands. In this direction, we aim at investigating the digital literacy practices of developing teachers in three specific moments: before, while and after this extension action with the intent to (i) delineate the digital literacy practices performed by the collaborators before the formative action; (ii) to narrate the literacy events made possible by the extension course; (iii) to investigate the contributions of the education course to the collaborators teaching practice. We sought theoretical contributions in the literacy studies (BAYNHAM, 1995; KLEIMAN, 1995; HAMILTON; BARTON; IVANIC, 2000), specifically when it comes to digital literacy (COPE, KALANTZIS, 2000; BUZATO, 2001, 2007, 2009; SNYDER, 2002, 2008; LANKSHEAR & KNOBEL, 2002, 2008) and teacher education (PERRENOUD, 2000; SILVA, 2001). Methodologically, this virtual ethnography study (KOZINETS, 1997; HINE, 2000) is inserted into the field of Applied Linguistics and adopts a quali-quantitative research approach (NUNAN, 1992; DÖRNYEI, 2006). The data analysis permitted to evidentiate that (i) before the course, the digital literacy practices focused on the personal and academic dimensions of their realities at the expense of the professional dimension; (ii) during the extension action, the teachers collaboratively took part in the hybrid study sessions, which had a pedagogical focus on the use of ICTs, accomplishing the use of digital literacy practices - unknown before that; (iii) after the course, the attitude of the collaborator teachers concerning the use of ICTs on their regular professional basis had changed, once those teachers started to effectively make use of them, promoting social visibility to what was produced in the school. We also observed that teachers in initial education acted as more experienced peers in collaborative learning process, offering support scaffolding (VYGOTSKY, 1978; BRUNER, 1985) to teachers in continuous education. This occurred because of the undergraduates actualize digital literacy practices were more sophisticated, besides the fact being integrate generation Y (PRENSKY, 2001)
In the present study we elaborated algorithms by using concepts from percolation theory which analyze the connectivity conditions in geological models of petroleum reservoirs. From the petrophysical parameters such as permeability, porosity, transmittivity and others, which may be generated by any statistical process, it is possible to determine the portion of the model with more connected cells, what the interconnected wells are, and the critical path between injector and source wells. This allows to classify the reservoir according to the modeled petrophysical parameters. This also make it possible to determine the percentage of the reservoir to which each well is connected. Generally, the connected regions and the respective minima and/or maxima in the occurrence of the petrophysical parameters studied constitute a good manner to characterize a reservoir volumetrically. Therefore, the algorithms allow to optimize the positioning of wells, offering a preview of the general conditions of the given model s connectivity. The intent is not to evaluate geological models, but to show how to interpret the deposits, how their petrophysical characteristics are spatially distributed, and how the connections between the several parts of the system are resolved, showing their critical paths and backbones. The execution of these algorithms allows us to know the properties of the model s connectivity before the work on reservoir flux simulation is started
O artigo analisa as atuais políticas culturais e analisa empiricamente as ações da unidade paulistana do Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB). O objetivo é interpretar como esta instituição opera o fomento à cultura no contexto da normatização cultural no Brasil. A articulação institucional entre Banco do Brasil e seu Centro Cultural enseja algumas particularidades no campo da difusão cultural, pois o status institucional do CCBB condiciona de maneira decisiva as formas como transcorrem as relações com produtores culturais, público consumidor e com seu respectivo mantenedor. Trata-se de estudo baseado em pesquisa bibliográfica, levantamento de campo e na abordagem dialética de análise. Conclui-se que, ao consentir um laissez-faire cultural, o Estado admite que o mercado imponha sua lógica à cultura, de modo que o objeto empírico pode ser caracterizado como um exemplo dessa dinâmica.
Shows up the memory of the elderly, as a consistent experience in the in the construction of the social memory of Janduís, Rio Grande do Norte, where the research takes place. Through an autobiographic narrative, in a qualitative approaching, the intent is to stand up aspects about the individual history and collective memories, starting in a simple question: what did they remember? A question that turns into many others, as how the remember and under which circumstances. So, the lived and remembered moments are the subject of this paper, as these testimonials shows and reveals the citizens typical aspects, intending to telling (again) the city s history by the memories of this people. By oral statements and the analysis that followed, subjective aspects that made a social memory, highlight in violent episodes, that, now remembered, occurred in the historical sediment, which connects several social times, establishing a narrative standard. In Janduís, this standard is about the memory that sticks out their individual ways, and the collective life, in the past, standing out the fair and the events that occurred on it, as the most remembered place, where the memories go stronger. When they narrate are incorporated others facts, the story is reinvented, connecting the past to the future. The paper also revels builders subjects aspects of a social memory, as historical sediment that joins the social times. At the present moment, the fair, to them, is a place that doesn t exist anymore; for the city, is a place of enlargement of women s presence at the trending spaces, which means a place of social transformation. That being said, the fair, in both times, present and past, turns into a analysis object, with important elements to reference narrative s time and place. And how the narrative update the past recorded in the old citizen s memory. What was intended to do was articulate the memory and the history form temporal and special etching that define the place and the narrative context: the lived and the remembered at the group s day by day. In that way, were identify the collective memory s common elements, enunciating the memory and the narratives that update that history, influencing and being influenced, forming in memories in a collective phenomenon fueling the local imaginary
This document approaches the formal and material limits of the constitucionalidade control for the Supreme Federal Court, iniating with the study of the Constitution, detaching its evolution, nature and meanings, passing for its historical evolution, offering still a unconstitutionality concept. Is work the principles as material Constitution, making the distinction entere principles and rules, detaching the characteristics of the principles constitutional, and the basic principle of the Constituition. It analyzes metodologics the historical parameters and of the brazilian system of constitutionality control and detaches the paper of the Supreme Federal Court as positive legislator. It observes the beddings of the constitutionality control and the legitimacy of the Supreme Federal Court. Is examines the performance of the Supreme Federal Court in face of the principle of the legal security. Is offers a vision on the experience of the control of constitutionality in other constries. It still approaches the control of constitutionality in Brazil, detaching the critical points of its formal and material limits. Is verifies the application of the principles constitutional for the Supreme Federal Court in the diffuse control and the intent control of constitutionality, as well as the performance of the Supreme Federal Court ahead of the unconstitutional omissions. It brings to the debate the new perspectives how much to the formal and material limits of the control of constitutionality for the Supreme Federal Court. Objective to elaborate considerations concerning the limits of the constitutional jurisdiction from the model of Constituition, the character politican of the difficulties with respect to the definition of its formal and material limits from the performance of the Supreme Federal Court
If, on one hand, only with the 1988 Federal Constitution the right to health began to receive the treatment of authentic fundamental social right; on the other, it is certain since then, the level of concretization reached as to such right depicts a mismatch between the constitutional will and the will of the rulers. That is because, despite the inherent gradualness of the process of concretization of the fundamental social rights, the Brazilian reality, marked by a picture of true chaos on public health routinely reported on the evening news, denatures the priority status constitutionally drew for the right to health, demonstrating, thus, that there is a clear deficit in this process, which must be corrected. This concern regarding the problem of the concretization of the social rights, in turn, is underlined when one speaks of the right to health, since such right, due to its intimate connection with the right to life and human dignity, ends up assuming a position of primacy among the social rights, presenting itself as an imperative right, since its perfect fruition becomes an essential condition for the potential enjoyment of the remaining social rights. From such premises, this paper aims to provide a proposal for the correction of this problem based upon the defense of an active role of the Judiciary in the concretization of the right to health as long as grounded to objective and solid parameters that come to correct, with legal certainty, the named deficit and to avoid the side effects and distortions that are currently beheld when the Judiciary intends to intervene in the matter. For that effect, emerges as flagship of this measure a proposition of an existential minimum specific to the right to health that, taking into account both the constitutionally priority points relating to this relevant right, as well as the very logic of the structuring of the Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS inserted within the core of the public health policies developed in the country, comes to contribute to a judicialization of the subject more in alignment with the ideals outlined in the 1988 Constitution. Furthermore, in the same intent to seek a concretization of the right to health in harmony with the constitutional priority inherent to this material right, the research alerts to the need to undertake a restructuring in the form of organization of the Boards of Health in order to enforce the constitutional guideline of SUS community participation, as well as the importance of establishing a new culture budget in the country, with the Constitution as a compass, pass accurately portray a special prioritization directed constitutional social rights, especially the right to health