850 resultados para hypoxia, performance, training, repeated sprint training in hypoxia, RSH
Stern JE, Sonner PM, Son SJ, Silva FC, Jackson K, Michelini LC. Exercise training normalizes an increased neuronal excitability of NTS-projecting neurons of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus in hypertensive rats. J Neurophysiol 107: 2912-2921, 2012. First published February 22, 2012; doi:10.1152/jn.00884.2011.-Elevated sympathetic outflow and altered autonomic reflexes, including impaired baroreflex function, are common findings observed in hypertensive disorders. Although a growing body of evidence supports a contribution of preautonomic neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) to altered autonomic control during hypertension, the precise underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Here, we aimed to determine whether the intrinsic excitability and repetitive firing properties of preautonomic PVN neurons that innervate the nucleus tractus solitarii (PVN-NTS neurons) were altered in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Moreover, given that exercise training is known to improve and/or correct autonomic deficits in hypertensive conditions, we evaluated whether exercise is an efficient behavioral approach to correct altered neuronal excitability in hypertensive rats. Patch-clamp recordings were obtained from retrogradely labeled PVN-NTS neurons in hypothalamic slices obtained from sedentary (S) and trained (T) Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and SHR rats. Our results indicate an increased excitability of PVN-NTS neurons in SHR-S rats, reflected by an enhanced input-output function in response to depolarizing stimuli, a hyperpolarizing shift in Na+ spike threshold, and smaller hyperpolarizing afterpotentials. Importantly, we found exercise training in SHR rats to restore all these parameters back to those levels observed in WKY-S rats. In several cases, exercise evoked opposing effects in WKY-S rats compared with SHR-S rats, suggesting that exercise effects on PVN-NTS neurons are state dependent. Taken together, our results suggest that elevated preautonomic PVN-NTS neuronal excitability may contribute to altered autonomic control in SHR rats and that exercise training efficiently corrects these abnormalities.
Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species regulate a wide array of signaling pathways that governs cardiovascular physiology. However, oxidant stress resulting from disrupted redox signaling has an adverse impact on the pathogenesis and progression of cardiovascular diseases. In this review, we address how redox signaling and oxidant stress affect the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases such as ischemia-reperfusion injury, hypertension and heart failure. We also summarize the benefits of exercise training in tackling the hyperactivation of cellular oxidases and mitochondrial dysfunction seen in cardiovascular diseases
I neuroni in alcune regioni del nostro cervello mostrano una risposta a stimoli multisensoriali (ad es. audio-visivi) temporalmente e spazialmente coincidenti maggiore della risposta agli stessi stimoli presi singolarmente (integrazione multisensoriale). Questa abilità può essere sfruttata per compensare deficit unisensoriali, attraverso training multisensoriali che promuovano il rafforzamento sinaptico all’interno di circuiti comprendenti le regioni multisensoriali stimolate. Obiettivo della presente tesi è stato quello di studiare quali strutture e circuiti possono essere stimolate e rinforzate da un training multisensoriale audio-visivo. A tale scopo, sono stati analizzati segnali elettroencefalografici (EEG) registrati durante due diversi task di discriminazione visiva (discriminazione della direzione di movimento e discriminazione di orientazione di una griglia) eseguiti prima e dopo un training audio-visivo con stimoli temporalmente e spazialmente coincidenti, per i soggetti sperimentali, o spazialmente disparati, per i soggetti di controllo. Dai segnali EEG di ogni soggetto è stato ricavato il potenziale evento correlato (ERP) sullo scalpo, di cui si è analizzata la componente N100 (picco in 140÷180 ms post stimolo) verificandone variazioni pre/post training mediante test statistici. Inoltre, è stata ricostruita l’attivazione delle sorgenti corticali in 6239 voxel (suddivisi tra le 84 ROI coincidenti con le Aree di Brodmann) con l’ausilio del software sLORETA. Differenti attivazioni delle ROI pre/post training in 140÷180 ms sono state evidenziate mediante test statistici. I risultati suggeriscono che il training multisensoriale abbia rinforzato i collegamenti sinaptici tra il Collicolo Superiore e il Lobulo Parietale Inferiore (nell’area Area di Brodmann 7), una regione con funzioni visuo-motorie e di attenzione spaziale.
The two modes most widely used in Western music today convey opposite moods—a distinction that nonmusicians and even young children are able to make. However, the current studies provide evidence that, despite a strong link between mode and affect, mode perception is problematic. Nonmusicians found mode discrimination to be harder than discrimination of other melodic features, and they were not able to accurately classify major and minor melodies with these labels. Although nonmusicians were able to classify major and minor melodies using affective labels, they performed at chance in mode discrimination. Training, in the form of short lessons given to nonmusicians and the natural musical experience of musicians, improved performance, but not to ceiling levels. Tunes with high note density were classified as major, and tunes with low note density as minor, even though these features were actually unrelated in the experimental material. Although these findings provide support for the importance of mode in the perception of emotion, they clearly indicate that these mode perceptions are inaccurate, even in trained individuals, without the assistance of affective labeling.
Efficacy of communication skills training courses in oncology: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Objective: Group training in communication skills [communication skills training (CST)] has become partly mandatory for oncology staff. However, so far, a comprehensive meta-analysis on the efficacy is lacking. Design: Included studies either compare the efficacy of a specific training with a control group or look at the additional effect of booster sessions on communication behaviour, attitudes or patient outcomes. Methods: Four electronic databases were searched up to July 2008 without language restriction, and reference lists of earlier reviews were screened. Effect sizes (ESs) were extracted and pooled in random effects meta-analyses. Results: We included 13 trials (three non-randomised), 10 with no specific intervention in the control group. Meta-analysis showed a moderate effect of CST on communication behaviour ES = 0.54. Three trials compared basic training courses with more extensive training courses and showed a small additional effect on communication skills ES = 0.37. Trials investigating participants' attitudes ES = 0.35 and patient outcomes ES = 0.13 (trend) confirmed this effect. Conclusions: Training health professionals by CST is a promising approach to change communication behaviour and attitudes. Patients might also benefit from specifically trained health professionals but strong studies are lacking. However, feasibility and economic aspects have to be kept in mind when considering providing a training of optimal length.
Body composition changes with increasing age in men, in that lean body mass decreases whereas fat mass increases. Whether this altered body composition is related to decreasing physical activity or to the known age-associated decrease in growth hormone secretion is uncertain. To address this question, three groups of healthy men (n = 14 in each group), matched for weight, height and body mass index, were investigated using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, indirect calorimetry and estimate of daily growth hormone secretion [i.e. plasma insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I-) levels]. Group 1 comprised young untrained subjects aged 31.0 +/- 2.1 years (mean +/- SEM) taking no regular physical exercise; group 2 consisted of old untrained men aged 68.6 +/- 1.2 years; and group 3 consisted of healthy old men aged 67.4 +/- 1.2 years undergoing regular physical training for more than 10 years with a training distance of at least 30 km per week. Subjects in group 3 had for the past three years taken part in the 'Grand Prix of Berne', a 16.5-km race run at a speed of 4.7 +/- 0.6 min km-1 (most recent race). Fat mass was more than 4 kg higher in old untrained men (P < 0.01, ANOVA) than in the other groups (young untrained men, 12.0 +/- 0.9 kg; old untrained men, 16.1 +/- 1.0 kg; old trained men, 11.0 +/- 0.8 kg), whereas body fat distribution (i.e. the ratio of upper to lower body fat mass) was similar between the three groups. The lean mass of old untrained men was more than 3.5 kg lower (P < 0.02, ANOVA) than in the other two groups (young untrained men, 56.4 +/- 1.0 kg; old untrained men, 52.4 +/- 1.0 kg; old trained men, 56.0 +/- 1.0 kg), mostly because of a loss of skeletal muscle mass in the arms and legs (young untrained men, 24.0 +/- 0.5 kg; old untrained men 20.8 +/- 0.5 kg; old trained men, 23.6 +/- 0.7 kg; P < 0.01, ANOVA). Resting metabolic rate per kilogram lean mass decreased with increasing age independently of physical activity (r = -0.42, P < 0.005). Fuel metabolism was determined by indirect calorimetry at rest. Protein oxidation was similar in the three groups. Old untrained men had higher (P < 0.001) carbohydrate oxidation (young untrained men, 13.2 +/- 1.0 kcal kg-1 lean mass; old untrained men, 15.2 +/- 1.3 kcal Kg-1; old trained men, 7.8 +/- 0.8 kcal kg-1), but lower (P < 0.05, ANOVA) fat oxidation (young untrained men, 10.1 +/- 1.2 kcal kg-1 lean mass; old untrained men, 6.5 +/- 1.0 kcal kg-1; old trained men, 13.7 +/- 1.0 kcal kg-1) than the other two groups. Mean plasma IGF-I level in old trained men was higher than in old untrained men (P < 0.05), but was still lower than that observed in young untrained men (P < 0.005) (young untrained men, 236 +/- 24 ng mL-1; old untrained men, 119 +/- 13 ng mL-1; old trained men, 166 +/- 14 ng mL-1). In summary, regular physical training in older men seems to prevent the changes in body composition and fuel metabolism normally associated with ageing. Whether regular physical training in formerly untrained old subjects would result in similar changes awaits further study.
Einleitung Ein Klartraum ist definiert als ein Traum, in dem der Träumende weiß, dass er träumt. In der Fachliteratur finden sich verschiedene Induktionstechniken, um die Klartraum-häufigkeit zu steigern (z.B. Stumbrys, Erlacher, Schädlich & Schredl, 2012). Zudem wurde in einer Pilotstudie gezeigt, dass ein Training im Klartraum zu Verbesserungen in einer Zielwurfaufgabe am nächsten Morgen führt (Erlacher & Schredl, 2010). Um ein regelmäßiges Training im Traum zu ermöglichen, besteht für die Sportpraxis das Problem, Klarträume gezielt zu induzieren. In dieser Studie wurde im Schlaflabor die so genannte Memnotische Induktion von luziden Träumen (MILT) – eine Autosugges-tionstechnik in der die Intention, einen Klartraum zu erleben, an Traumhinweise ge-koppelt wird – im Morgenschlaf überprüft. Methoden Insgesamt wurden 52 Versuchsteilnehmer (32 männlich und 20 weiblich) im Alter von 24 Jahren (± 2.2) im Schlaflabor untersucht. Die Personen waren in 4 Gruppen aufge-teilt. Alle Personen schliefen zunächst für ca. 6 Stunden, wurden dann aus einer REM-Phase geweckt und sollten einen Traum berichten. Im Anschluss blieben die Teilnehmer 30 bzw. 60 Minuten wach und praktizierten entweder MILT oder beschäf-tigten sich mit einer kognitiven oder motorischen Kontrollaufgabe. Im Anschluss durf-ten alle Teilnehmer für max. 4 weitere Stunden schlafen. Das Auftreten eines Klartraums in der morgendlichen Schlafphase diente als abhängige Variable. Ergebnisse und Diskussion Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass MILT zu einer gesteigerten Klartraumhäufigkeit (33-70%) im Vergleich zur Kontrollbedingung (9-14%) führt. Ein Unterschied zwischen 30 Minuten (50%) zu 60 Minuten MILT (70%) ist marginal. Das Auftreten von Klarträumen kann durch MILT im Morgenschlaf signifikant gestei-gert werden. Die Erfolgsquote schwankt jedoch mit Blick auf die genaue Definition ei-nes Klartraums. Es konnten bei nicht klartraumerfahrenen Versuchsteilnehmerinnen mehr Klarträume induziert werden. Für die Sportpraxis könnten solche Induktions-techniken dem Sportler ermöglichen, im Traum zu trainieren. In weiteren Studien wäre zu untersuchen, ob Athleten ebenfalls Klarträume induziert werden können. Ebenso sollte die Auswirkung eines regelmäßigen Klartraumtrainings in der Sportpraxis wei-ter untersucht werden. Literatur Stumbrys, T., Erlacher, D., Schädlich, M. & Schredl, M. (2012). Induction of lucid dreams: a systematic review of evidence. Consciousness and Cognition, 21(3), 1456-1475. Erlacher, D. & Schredl, M. (2010). Practicing a motor task in a lucid dream enhances subsequent performance: A pilot study. The Sport Psychologist, 24(2), 157-167.
Individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) often struggle with learning how to read. Reading difficulties seem to be the most common secondary condition of ID. Only one in five children with mild or moderate ID achieves even minimal literacy skills. However, literacy education for children and adolescents with ID has been largely overlooked by researchers and educators. While there is little research on reading of children with ID, many training studies have been conducted with other populations with reading difficulties. The most common approach of acquiring literacy skills consists of sophisticated programs that train phonological skills and auditory perception. Only few studies investigated the influence of implicit learning on literacy skills. Implicit learning processes seem to be largely independent of age and IQ. Children are sensitive to the statistics of their learning environment. By frequent word reading they acquire implicit knowledge about the frequency of single letters and letter patterns in written words. Additionally, semantic connections not only improve the word understanding, but also facilitate storage of words in memory. Advances in communication technology have introduced new possibilities for remediating literacy skills. Computers can provide training material in attractive ways, for example through animations and immediate feedback .These opportunities can scaffold and support attention processes central to learning. Thus, the aim of this intervention study was to develop and implement a computer based word-picture training, which is based on statistical and semantic learning, and to examine the training effects on reading, spelling and attention in children and adolescents (9-16 years) diagnosed with mental retardation (general IQ 74). Fifty children participated in four to five weekly training sessions of 15-20 minutes over 4 weeks, and completed assessments of attention, reading, spelling, short-term memory and fluid intelligence before and after training. After a first assessment (T1), the entire sample was divided in a training group (group A) and a waiting control group (group B). After 4 weeks of training with group A, a second assessment (T2) was administered with both training groups. Afterwards, group B was trained for 4 weeks, before a last assessment (T3) was carried out in both groups. Overall, the results showed that the word-picture training led to substantial gains on word decoding and attention for both training groups. These effects were preserved six weeks later (group A). There was also a clear tendency of improvement in spelling after training for both groups, although the effect did not reach significance. These findings highlight the fact that an implicit statistical learning training in a playful way by motivating computer programs can not only promote reading development, but also attention in children with intellectual disabilities.
BACKGROUND Proper diagnosis of skin diseases relies on dermatopathology, the most important diagnostic technique in dermatology. Unfortunately, there are few dermatopathology institutions in sub-Saharan Africa, where little is known about the spectrum of histopathological features observed. OBJECTIVES To investigate the spectrum of dermatopathological diagnoses made in a sub-Saharan African reference centre of a large, mainly rural area. PATIENTS/METHODS To retrospectively evaluate all dermatopathological diagnoses made over a period of 5 years at the Regional Dermatology Training Centre (RDTC) in Moshi, Tanzania. RESULTS There were a total of 1554 skin biopsy specimens. In 45% of cases, there were inflammatory diseases, most frequently lichenoid conditions. Cutaneous neoplasms represented 30.4% of all diagnoses, with Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) and, less frequently, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) being the two most common neoplastic conditions. The latter also reflected the intensive management of persons with albinism in the RDTC. The distribution of histological diagnoses seemed to correlate with the overall clinical spectrum of cutaneous diseases managed in the RDTC. CONCLUSIONS In this African study inflammatory conditions are the main burden of skin diseases leading to a diagnostic biopsy. Our findings provide further evidence that KS, primarily related to the high prevalence of HIV infection is an epidemiological problem. Both SCC and basal cell carcinoma represent another relatively common malignant cutaneous neoplasms, reflecting the presence of specific populations at risk. The challenging spectrum of histological diagnoses observed in this specific African setting with basic working conditions shows that development of laboratory services of good standards and specific training in dermatopathology are urgently needed.
Introduction: Video‐Supported Learning is particularly effective when it comes to skills and behaviors. Video registration of patient‐physician interviews, class room instruction or practical skills allow it to learners themselves, their peers, and their tutors to assess the quality of the learner's performance, to give specific feedback, and to make suggestions for improvement. Methods: In Switzerland, four pedagogical universities and two medical faculties joined to initiate the development of a national infrastructure for Video Supported Learning. The goal was to have a system that is simple to use, has most steps automated, provides the videos over the Internet, and has a sophisticated access control. Together with SWITCH, the national IT‐Support‐Organisation for Swiss Universities, the program iVT (Individual Video Training) was developed by integrating two preexisting technologies. The first technology is SWITCHcast, a podcast system. With SWITCHcast, videos are automatically uploaded to a server as soon as the registration is over. There the videos are processed and converted to different formats. The second technology is the national Single Logon System AAI (Authentification and Authorization Infrastructure) that enables iVT to link each video with the corresponding learner. The learner starts the registration with his Single Logon. Thus, the video can unambiguously be assigned. Via his institution's Learning Management System (LMS), the learner can access his video and give access to his video to peers and tutors. Results: iVT is now used at all involved institutions. The system works flawlessly. In Bern, we use iVT for the communications skills training in the forth and sixth year. Since students meet with patient actors alone, iVT is also used to certify attendance. Students are encouraged to watch the videos of the interview and the feedback of the patient actor. The offer to discuss a video with a tutor was not used by the students. Discussion: We plan to expand the use of iVT by making peer assessment compulsory. To support this, annotation capabilities are currently added to iVT. We also want to use iVT in training of practical skills, again for self as well as for peer assessment. At present, we use iVT for quality control of patient actor's performance.
We tested the assumption that ego depletion would affect the sprint start in a sample of N = 38 athletes without track and field experience in an experiment by applying a mixed between- (depletion vs. non-depletion) within- (T1: before manipulation of ego depletion vs. T2: after manipulation of ego depletion) subjects design. We assumed that ego depletion would increase the possibility for a false start, as regulating the impulse to initiate the sprinting movement too soon before the starting signal requires self-control. In line with our assumption, we found a significant interaction as there was only a significant increase in the number of false starts from T1 to T2 for the depletion group while this was not the case for the non-depletion group. We conclude that ego depletion has a detrimental influence on the sprint start in athletes without track and field experience.
Rapidly growing technical developments and working time constraints call for changes in trainee formation. In reality, trainees spend fewer hours in the hospital and face more difficulties in acquiring the required qualifications in order to work independently as a specialist. Simulation-based training is a potential solution. It offers the possibility to learn basic technical skills, repeatedly perform key steps in procedures and simulate challenging scenarios in team training. Patients are not at risk and learning curves can be shortened. Advanced learners are able to train rare complications. Senior faculty member's presence is key to assess and debrief effective simulation training. In the field of vascular access surgery, simulation models are available for open as well as endovascular procedures. In this narrative review, we describe the theory of simulation, present simulation models in vascular (access) surgery, discuss the possible benefits for patient safety and the difficulties of implementing simulation in training.
AIM Virtual patients (VPs) are a one-of-a-kind e-learning resource, fostering clinical reasoning skills through clinical case examples. The combination with face-to-face teaching is important for their successful integration, which is referred to as "blended learning". So far little is known about the use of VPs in the field of continuing medical education and residency training. The pilot study presented here inquired the application of VPs in the framework of a pediatric residency revision course. METHODS Around 200 participants of a pediatric nephology lecture ('nephrotic and nephritic syndrome in children') were offered two VPs as a wrap-up session at the revision course of the German Society for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ) 2009 in Heidelberg, Germany. Using a web-based survey form, different aspects were evaluated concerning the learning experiences with VPs, the combination with the lecture, and the use of VPs for residency training in general. RESULTS N=40 evaluable survey forms were returned (approximately 21%). The return rate was impaired by a technical problem with the local Wi-Fi firewall. The participants perceived the work-up of the VPs as a worthwhile learning experience, with proper preparation for diagnosing and treating real patients with similar complaints. Case presentations, interactivity, and locally and timely independent repetitive practices were, in particular, pointed out. On being asked about the use of VPs in general for residency training, there was a distinct demand for more such offers. CONCLUSION VPs may reasonably complement existing learning activities in residency training.
Nowadays, computer simulators are becoming basic tools for education and training in many engineering fields. In the nuclear industry, the role of simulation for training of operators of nuclear power plants is also recognized of the utmost relevance. As an example, the International Atomic Energy Agency sponsors the development of nuclear reactor simulators for education, and arranges the supply of such simulation programs. Aware of this, in 2008 Gas Natural Fenosa, a Spanish gas and electric utility that owns and operate nuclear power plants and promotes university education in the nuclear technology field, provided the Department of Nuclear Engineering of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid with the Interactive Graphic Simulator (IGS) of “José Cabrera” (Zorita) nuclear power plant, an industrial facility whose commercial operation ceased definitively in April 2006. It is a state-of-the-art full-scope real-time simulator that was used for training and qualification of the operators of the plant control room, as well as to understand and analyses the plant dynamics, and to develop, qualify and validate its emergency operating procedures.
The present work is aimed at discussing several issues related to the teamwork generic competence, motivational profiles and academic performance. In particular, we study the improvement of teamwork attitude, the predominant types of motivation in different contexts and some correlations among these three components of the learning process. The above-mentioned aspects are of great importance. Currently, the professional profile of engineers has a strong teamwork component and the motivational profile of students determines both their tendencies when they come to work as part of a team, as well as their performance at work. Taking these issues into consideration, we suggest four hypotheses: (H1) students improve their teamwork capacity through specific training and carrying out of a set of activities integrated into an active learning process; (H2) students with higher mastery motivation have a better attitude towards teamwork; (H3) students with different types of motivations reach different levels of academic performance; and (H4) students show different motivation profiles in different circumstances: type of courses, teaching methodologies, different times of the learning process. This study was carried out with Computer Science Engineering students from two Spanish universities. The first results point to an improvement in teamwork competence of students if they have previously received specific training in facets of that competence. Other results indicate that there is a correlation between the motivational profiles of students and their perception of teamwork competence. Finally, results point to a clear relationship between some kind of motivation and academic performance. In particular, four kinds of motivation are analyzed and students are classified into two groups according to them. After analyzing several marks obtained in compulsory courses, we perceive that those students that show higher motivation for avoiding failure obtain, in general, worse academic performance.