993 resultados para germination uniformity


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Tämän työn päätavoitteena on kehittää suorituskyvyn tunnuslukujärjestelmä projektiliiketoimintaa harjoittavalle yritykselle. Muita tavoitteita ovat kehittämisprosessin, mittaristoijen ja mittareiden käytön kartoitus sekä kohdeyrityksen suorituskyvyn nykytilanteen selvitys kerättävän esimerkki-aineiston perusteella. Yrityksen informaatiotarpeiden perusteella mittausjärjestelmän tavoitteeksi asetettiin johdon päätöksenteon tukeminen. Mittariston perusosa-alueet valittiin kirjallisuuteen ja nykyisen mittauksen puutteisiin perustuen. Alueet olivat toimittajat, henkilöstö, toiminta ja asiakkaat. Tunnusluvut valittiin yhdessä käyttäjien kanssa valmiista esimerkeistä ja yrityksessä kehitetyistä uusista ja olemassa olevista mittareista. Yrityksen suorituskyvyn nykytilaa analysoitiin valituilla tunnusluvuilla. Toimintatapojen yhtenäisyys on kehityskohde, jolla mittarien arvoista saadaan nykyistä vertailukelpoisempia ja luotettavampia. Tulevaisuudessa luotua tunnuslukujärjestelmää on kehitettävä toiminnan muutosten mukana. Toimintolaskennan käyttöönotto on eräs mahdollisuus toiminnan ja mittariston jatkokehittämiseen sekä kustannustietojen ja hinnoittelun tarkkuuden parantamiseen.


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During October 23rd and 24th and November 2012 we collected a sample of drosophilids at Font Groga (Barcelona). This site is located on the foothills of the Tibidabo mountain, which is located on the northwest edge of Barcelona and at approximately 400m above sea level. The vegetation is typical for the area, and it is mainly composed of a sparse pine forest (Pinus pinea) with some oaks (Quercus ilex) and Mediterranean brushwood. Flies were netted over 12 baits containing fermenting bananas. A large proportion of D. simulans males was found. The invasive species D. suzukii (Calabria et al. 2010; Cini et al. 2012) was detected in a non-negligible quantity. Taking into account the number of males and females, the estimated Ne for D. suzukii in the Font Groga sample was 33.70. A similar value was obtained for D. subobscura (34.97). Finally, in the study of species diversity the values obtained for H" (Shannon diversity index) and J (Shannon uniformity index) were 0.678 and 0.421, respectively. These estimates are very similar to those obtained in September 2009 in Montpellier by Calabria (2012), who reported H" = 0.679 and J = 0.422, but differ from those reported by the same author in a Font Groga sample of October 2007 (H" = 0.904 and J = 0.505).


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Annonaceae seeds are known by presenting dormancy mechanisms, whose reports ranging from coating impermeable to the physiological dormancy. By this way, the present study aimed to evaluate water uptake in Annona diversifolia Saff and Annona purpurea Moc & Sessé ex Dunal seeds. For this study, seeds were placed under immersion in distilled water, and used four replicates of 25 seeds of each species, which were weighed during the 480 hours that were immersed. To determine the place of purchase of water, Annona diversifolia seeds were sealed with paraffin at different locations. Based on the results, seeds from both species reached the phases I and II of water uptake, which indicates they are not hard; however, germination (Phase III) was not reached. Annona diversifolia seeds completed Phase I with, 50h and Annona purpurea with 70h from imbibitions begin, which shows that even slowly, water is acquire.


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Työssä verrattiin perälaatikoilla 1 ja 2 valmistettujen papereiden rakenteellisia ominaisuuksia. Paperin rakenteessa formaatio oli tärkein ominaisuus ja sen jälkeen kuituorientaatio. Näytteiden valintaperusteena pidettiin sitä, että vertailtavilla näytteillä formaatio (pohja) oli paras kyseisellä perälaatikolla ja vetolujuussuhteet olivat samoja. Toinen valintatapa oli verrata samoissa virtausolosuhteissa valmistettuja papereita keskenään. Näytteiden formaatio mitattiin betaradiografialla. Fosforikuvalevystä skannattu kuva analysoitiin kuva-analyysillä. Mittauksen etuna oli suuri erottelukyky, joka mahdollisti monipuolisen tunnuslukujen laskennan. Näistä esimerkkeinä olivat keskihajonta, vinous ja huipukkuus. Lisäksi määritettiin flokkikokojakaumat sekä kone- että poikkisuuntaan. Kuituorientaation määrityksessä paperinäyte revittiin kerroksiin, kerrokset skannattiin ja kuvat analysoitiin kuvankäsittelyohjelmilla. Juova- ja kuituorientaatioanalyysissä määritettiin orientaatiokulma, max/min-arvo ja anisotropia. Virtaviiva-analyysin tunnusluku oli pyörrekoko. Käytettäessä tunnuslukuna variaatiokerrointa formaatio oli parempi perälaatikolla 1 ali- ja yliperällä. Tasaperän läheisyydessä formaatio oli huonompi. Keskihajonta oli pienempi perälaatikolla 1, mutta erot perälaatikoiden välillä tasaantuivat lähellä tasaperää. Flokkikoko oli koko s/v-alueella hieman suurempi perälaatikolla 1. Virtaviiva-analyysin avulla saatiin selville, että perälaatikolla 1 valmistettujen papereiden paikallinen orientaatiovaihtelu ja pintojen toispuoleisuus oli lievempää kuin perälaatikolla 2.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on kuvata ja analysoida valmisteilla olevan pankkien vakavaraisuuskehikon uudistuksen eri osa-alueita erityisesti markkinakurin edellytysten parantamisen kannalta keskittyen julkistamisvaatimuksiin. Lisäksi tutkielmassa arvioidaan koko uudistuksen pankille ja sen eri intressiryhmille aiheuttamia seurauksia, uudistuksen hyviä ja huonoja puolia sekä mahdollisia ongelmakohtia. Tutkielma perustuu Baselin pankkivalvontakomitean ja Euroopan komission toisiin ehdotuksiin vakavaraisuuskehikon uudistamiseksi. Lisää perspektiiviä antavat aiheesta kirjoitetut artikkelit ja julkaisut sekä haastattelut. Pankkien vakavaraisuuskehikon uudistus muodostuu kolmesta toisiaan täydentävästä niin kutsutusta pilarista, jotka ovat 1) vähimmäisvakavaraisuuden laskentatapa, 2) valvontaprosessin vahvistaminen ja 3) markkinakurin edellytysten parantaminen. Uudistus on vielä kesken ja sen sisältö muuttuu jatkuvasti eri tahojen kantojen kirkastuessa. Varsinaisten johtopäätösten teko on siis vielä liian aikaista, mutta jo nyt on selvää, että kyseessä on laaja ja merkittävä uudistus. Se muun muassa mahdollistaa sisäisten riskiluokitusten käytön ja kannustaa pankkeja tehokkaampaan riskien hallintaan sekä moninkertaistaa julkistettavan tiedon määrän nykyiseen säännöstöön verrattuna. Uudistuksen suuntalinjoista vallitsee kansainvälinen yhteisymmärrys, mutta monia ongelmia on vielä ratkaistava. Sen vuoksi laatijatahot ovat päättäneet antaa vielä kolmannen ehdotuksen ennen lopullista päätöstä. Suurimpia huolenaiheita ovat tällä hetkellä yhdenmukainen kansainvälinen täytäntöönpano ja säännösten tasapuolinen noudattaminen. Myös kehikon yksityiskohtaisuus arveluttaa monia.


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This thesis consists of four articles and an introductory section. The main research questions in all the articles are about proportionality and party success in Europe, at European, national or district levels. Proportionality in this thesis denotes the proximity of seat shares parties receive compared to their respective vote shares, after the electoral system’s allocation process. This proportionality can be measured through numerous indices that illustrate either the overall proportionality of an electoral system or a particular election. The correspondence of a single party’s seat shares to its vote shares can also be measured. The overall proportionality is essential in three of the articles (1, 2 and 4), where the system’s performance is studied by means of plots. In article 3, minority party success is measured by advantage-ratios that reveal single party’s winnings or losses in the votes to seat allocation process. The first article asks how proportional are the European parliamentary (EP) electoral systems, how do they compare with results gained from earlier studies and how do the EP electoral systems treat different sized parties. The reasons for different outcomes are looked for in explanations given by traditional electoral studies i.e. electoral system variables. The countries studied (EU15) apply electoral systems that vary in many important aspects, even though a certain amount of uniformity has been aspired to for decades. Since the electoral systems of the EP elections closely resemble the national elections, the same kinds of profiles emerge as in the national elections. The electoral systems indeed treat the parties differentially and six different profile types can be found. The counting method seems to somewhat determine the profile group, but the strongest variables determining the shape of a countries’ profile appears to be the average district magnitude and number of seats allocated to each country. The second article also focuses on overall proportionality performance of an electoral system, but here the focus is on the impact of electoral system changes. I have developed a new method of visualizing some previously used indices and some new indices for this purpose. The aim is to draw a comparable picture of these electoral systems’ changes and their effects. The cases, which illustrate this method, are four elections systems, where a change has occurred in one of the system variables, while the rest remained unchanged. The studied cases include the French, Greek and British European parliamentary systems and the Swedish national parliamentary system. The changed variables are electoral type (plurality changed to PR in the UK), magnitude (France splitting the nationwide district into eight smaller districts), legal threshold (Greece introducing a three percent threshold) and counting method (d’Hondt was changed to modified Sainte-Laguë in Sweden). The radar plots from elections after and before the changes are drawn for all country cases. When quantifying the change, the change in the plots area that is created has also been calculated. Using these radar plots we can observe that the change in electoral system type, magnitude, and also to some extent legal threshold had an effect on overall proportionality and accessibility for small parties, while the change between the two highest averages counting method had none. The third article studies the success minority parties have had in nine electoral systems in European heterogeneous countries. This article aims to add more motivation as to why we should care how different sized parties are treated by the electoral systems. Since many of the parties that aspire to represent minorities in European countries are small, the possibilities for small parties are highlighted. The theory of consociational (or power-sharing) democracy suggests that, in heterogeneous societies, a proportional electoral system will provide the fairest treatment of minority parties. The OSCE Lund Recommendations propose a number of electoral system features, which would improve minority representation. In this article some party variables, namely the unity of the minority parties and the geographical concentration of the minorities were included among possible explanations. The conclusions are that the central points affecting minority success were indeed these non-electoral system variables rather than the electoral system itself. Moreover, the size of the party was a major factor governing success in all the systems investigated; large parties benefited in all the studied electoral systems. In the fourth article the proportionality profiles are again applied, but this time to district level results in Finnish parliamentary elections. The level of proportionality distortion is also studied by way of indices. The average magnitudes during the studied periodrange from 7.5 to 26.2 in the Finnish electoral districts and this opens up unequal opportunities for parties in different districts and affects the shape of the profiles. The intra-country case allows the focus to be placed on the effect of district magnitude, since all other electoral systems are kept constant in an intra-country study. The time span in the study is from 1962 to 2007, i.e. the time that the districts have largely been the same geographically. The plots and indices tell the same story, district magnitude and electoral alliances matter. The district magnitude is connected to the overall proportionality of the electoral districts according to both indices, and the profiles are, as expected, also closer to perfect proportionality in large districts. Alliances have helped some small parties to gain a much higher seat share than their respective vote share and these successes affect some of the profiles. The profiles also show a consistent pattern of benefits for the small parties who ally with the larger parties.


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Abstract Personalized medicine is a challenging research area in paediatric treatments. Elaborating new paediatric formulations when no commercial forms are available is a common practice in pharmacy laboratories; among these, oral liquid formulations are the most common. But due to the lack of specialized equipment, frequently studies to assure the efficiency and safety of the final medicine cannot be carried out. Thus the purpose of this work was the development, characterization and stability evaluation of two oral formulations of sildenafil for the treatment of neonatal persistent pulmonary hypertension. After the establishment of a standard operating procedure (SOP) and elaboration, the physicochemical stability parameters appearance, pH, particle size, rheological behaviour and drug content of formulations were evaluated at three different temperatures for 90 days. Equally, prediction of long term stability, as well as, microbiological stability was performed. Formulations resulted in a suspension and a solution slightly coloured exhibiting fruity odour. Formulation I (suspension) exhibited the best physicochemical properties including Newtonian behaviour and uniformity of API content above 90% to assure an exact dosification process.


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An increased understanding of intraspecific seed packaging (i.e. seed size/number strategy) variation across different environments may improve current knowledge of the ecological forces that drive seed evolution in plants. In particular, pre-dispersal seed predation may influence seed packaging strategies, triggering a reduction of the resources allocated to undamaged seeds within the preyed fruits. Assessing plant reactions to pre-dispersal seed predation is crucial to a better understanding of predation effects, but the response of plants to arthropod attacks remains unexplored. We have assessed the effect of cone predation on the size and viability of undamaged seeds in populations of Juniperus thurifera with contrasting seed packaging strategies, namely, North African populations with single-large-seeded cones and South European populations with multi-small-seeded cones. Our results show that the incidence of predation was lower on the single-large-seeded African cones than on the multi-small-seeded European ones. Seeds from non-preyed cones were also larger and had a higher germination success than uneaten seeds from preyed cones, but only in populations with multi-seeded cones and in cones attacked by Trisetacus sp., suggesting a differential plastic response to predation. It is possible that pre-dispersal seed predation has been a strong selective pressure in European populations with high cone predation rates, being a process which maintains multi-small-seeded cones and empty seeds as a strategy to save some seeds from predation. Conversely, pre-dispersal predation might not have a strong effect in the African populations with single-large-seeded cones characterized by seed germination and filling rates higher than those in the European populations. Our results indicate that differences in pre-dispersal seed predators and predation levels may affect both selection on and intraspecific variation in seed packaging.


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There is increasing evidence regarding the role of chromosomal inversions in relevant biological processes such as local adaptation and speciation. A classic example of the adaptive role of chromosomal polymorphisms is given by the clines of inversion frequencies in Drosophila subobscura, repeatable across continents. Nevertheless, not much is known about the molecular variation associated with these polymorphisms. We characterized the genetic content of ca. 600 individuals from nine European populations following a latitudinal gradient by analysing 19 microsatellite loci from two autosomes (J and U) and the sex chromosome (A), taking into account their chromosomal inversions. Our results clearly demonstrate the molecular genetic uniformity within a given chromosomal inversion across a large latitudinal gradient, particularly from Groningen (Netherlands) in the north to Málaga (Spain) in the south, experiencing highly diverse environmental conditions. This low genetic differentiation within the same gene arrangement across the nine European populations is consistent with the local adaptation hypothesis for th evolutionof chromosomal polymorphisms. We also show the effective role of chromosomal inversions in maintaining different genetic pools within these inverted genomic regions even in the presence of high gene flow. Inversions represent thus an important barrier to gene flux and can help maintain specific allelic combinations with positive effects on fitness. Consistent patterns of microsatellite allele-inversion linkage disequilibrium particularly in loci within inversions were also observed. Finally, we identified areas within inversions presenting clinal variation that might be under selection.


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Plants use light as their main source of energy and to gather information about their surroundings. The light environment is monitored through an extensive set of photoreceptors and largely dictates plant development through induction of processes such as germination and flowering, entrainment of the circadian clock and photomorphogenic responses. Plants display remarkable phenotypic plasticity upon perception of changes in the light, ranging from seedling de-etiolation to shade avoidance and phototropic responses in competition for light. Here, we describe photomorphogenic responses and their underlying mechanisms such as they occur in a leaf canopy. This shade avoidance review will largely focus on the model plant species Arabidopsis thaliana as the underlying mechanisms controlling shade avoidance are particularly well elucidated in this species.


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Most aerial parts of the plants are covered by a hydrophobic coating called cuticle. The cuticle is formed of cutin, a complex mixture of esterified fatty acids that are embedded and associated with waxes. The cuticle often appears as a superposition of layers of different composition: The cuticle proper formed of cutin and a mixture of waxes and underneath, the cuticle layer containing cutin, intracuticular waxes and polysaccharides of the cell wall. In addition to its involvement in plant development by preventing organ fusions, the cuticle acts as a barrier to prevent water loss and protect plants against environmental aggressions such as excessive radiation or pathogens attacks. PEC1/AtABCG32 is an ABC transporter from the PDR family involved in cutin biosynthesis. Characterization of the peci mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana showed that PEC1 plays a significant role in the diffusion barrier formation in leaves and petals. The cuticles of leaves and flowers of peci are permeable and the cuticular layer rather than the cuticular proper was altered in the petals, underlining the importance of this particular layer in the maintenance of the diffusion barrier. Chemical analysis on the flower cutin monomer composition of ped mutant revealed a decrease in hydroxylated cutin monomers, suggesting a function of PEC1 in the incorporation of these monomers in the polymer cutin. However, the exact nature of the substrates of PEC1 remained elusive. PEC1 homologues in barley and rice, respectively HvABCG31/EIBI1 and OsABCG31, are also implicated in cuticle biosynthesis. Interestingly, the rice mutant displays more severe phenotypes such as dwarfism and spreading necrosis conducting to the seedling death. In this work, we further characterized osabcg31 mutant and hairpin-RNAi downregulated OsABCG31 plant lines showing reduced growth and cuticle permeability. Our analysis showed a decrease in hydroxylated cutin monomers and severe disruptions in the cuticle, which explain the permeability. Further insights into the function of the cuticle in rice resistance/susceptibility to Pathogens were obtained after inoculation with Magnaporthe oryzae, the fungus responsible for the rice blast disease. Osabcg31 as well as the transgenic lines downregulating OsABCG31 showed increased resistance to the fungus. However, only later steps of infection are reduced . and no impact is obseived on the germination or penetration stages, suggesting that the cuticle disruption per se is not responsible for the resistance. We further investigated the cause of the resistance by analyzing the expression of defense related gene in osabcg31 prior to infection. We found that osabcg31 constitutively express defense related genes, which may explain the resistance, the dwarfism and the cell death. osabcg31 is thus a tool to study the connection between cuticle, plant development and defense signaling networks in rice. The transport function of PEC1 family members is still unknown. In order to link cutin biosynthesis and transport activity, we combined ped mutation with mutations in cutin synthesis related genes. Here, we show that PEC1 acts independently from GPAT4 and GPAT8 pathway and partially overlaps with GPAT6 biosynthesis pathway that leads to the production of hydroxylated C16 cutin precursor 2-Mono(10,16-dihydroxyhexadecanoylJglycerol (2-MHG). In addition, we noticed that despite a comparable cutin monomer composition, ped mutant leaves cuticle are permeable while that of gpat6 mutant are not. This finding raises the possibility of PEC1 being required for the incorporation of C16 hydroxylated monomers and their structural arrangement rather than their direct transport towards the cuticle. A careful investigation of the cuticle permeability, cutin composition and ultrastructure during leave development in Wt plants and ped mutants revealed a possible different regulation of several pathways of cutin biosynthesis and showed the importance of PEC1 function early during leave cuticle maturation. In order to elucidate the transport activity of PEC1, we successfully expressed PEC1 in Nicotiana benthamiana plant system for direct transport experiments. This system will be used to test the PEC 1-dependent transport of potential substrates such as sn-2-monoacylglycerol loaded with a hydroxylated C16 fatty acid. -- Toutes les parties aériennes des plantes sont recouvertes d'une couche hydrophobe appelée «cuticule». Cette cuticule est composée de cutine, un polymère d'acides gras estérifiés, et de cires. La cuticule apparaît souvent sous forme de couches superposées: une première couche extérieure appelée «cuticle proper» formée de cutine et d'un mélange de cires, et une deuxième couche, la «cuticle layer», formée de cutine associée à des cires intracuticulaires et des polysaccharides pariétaux. La cuticule joue le rôle de barrière prévenant contre la perte d'eau et les agressions environnementales. AtABCG32/PEC1 est un transporteur ABC de la famille des PDR impliqué dans la synthèse de la cutine. L'étude du mutant peci d'Arabidopsis thaliana a révélé une fonction de PEC1 dans la formation de la barrière de diffusion. La cuticule des feuilles et fleurs de peci est perméable. Des altérations de la «cuticle layer» ont été démontrées, soulignant son importance dans le maintien de la barrière. L'analyse de la composition de la cutine de peci a montré une réduction spécifique en monomères hydroxylés, suggérant un rôle de PEC1 dans leur incorporation dans la cuticule. Cependant, la nature exacte des substrats de PEC1 n'a pas été identifiée. PEC1 possède deux homologues chez l'orge et le riz, respectivement HvABCG31 et OsABCG31, et qui sont impliqués dans la biosynthèse de la cuticule. Chez le riz, des phénotypes plus sévères ont été observés tels que nanisme et nécroses conduisant à la mort des jeunes plants. Dans cette étude, nous avons continué la caractérisation de osabcg31 ainsi que des lignées de riz sous exprimant le gène OsABCG31 et présentant une cuticule perméable tout en ayant une meilleure croissance. Notre étude a démontré une réduction des monomères hydroxylés de cutine et une désorganisation de la structure de la cuticule, aggravée dans le mutant osabcg31. Ce résultat explique la perméabilité observée. Des mformations P|us approfondies sur l'implication de la cuticule dans la résistance aux pathogènes ont été obtenues après inoculation du mutant osabcg31 et les lignées sous- exprimant OsABCG31 avec une souche virulente de Magnaporthe Oryzae, le champignon responsable de la pyriculariose du riz. Les différentes lignées testées ont démontré une résistance au pathogène. Cependant, seules les étapes tardives de l'infection sont réduites et aucun impact n'est observé sur la germination des spores ou la pénétration du champignon, suggérant que les modifications de la cuticule ne sont pas directement à l'origine de la résistance. L'analyse de l'expression de gènes impliqués dans la résistance à Magnaporthe.oryzae a mis en évidence l'expression constitutive de ces gènes en l'absence de tout contact avec le pathogène. Ceci explique la résistance, le nanisme et la mort cellulaire observés. Ainsi, osabcg31 représente un outil efficace pour l'étude intégrée des systèmes de régulation de la défense, de développement des plantes et la cuticule. La nature des substrats transportés par PEC1/AtABCG32 reste inconnue. Dans le but d'établir une liaison entre biosynthèse de cutine et transport des précurseurs par PEC1, la mutation peci a été combinée avec des mutants impliqués dans différentes voies de biosynthèse. Cette étude a démontré une fonction indépendante de PEC1 de la voie de biosynthèse impliquant les enzymes GPAT4 et GPAT8, et une fonction partiellement indépendante de la voie impliquant GPAT6 qui mène à la production de précurseurs sn-2- monoacylglycerol chargés en acides gras en C16 (2-MHG). De plus, malgré un profil similaire en monomères de cutine, gpat6 conserve une cuticule imperméable alors que celle de PEC1 est perméable. Ceci suggère que PEC1 est nécessaire à l'incorporation des monomères en C16 et leur arrangement structurel plutôt que simplement à leur transport direct. L'étude approfondie de la perméabilité cuticulaire, de la structure ainsi que de la composition en cutine pendant le développement des feuilles de peci et la plante sauvage a révélé l'existence de différentes régulations des voies de biosynthèses des monomères et a démontré l'importance de PEC1 dans les premières étapes de la mise en place de la cuticule. Pour identifier les substrats transportés, l'expression de PEC1 chez le système hétérologue Nicotiana benthamiana a été conduite avec succès. Ce système sera utilisé pour tester le transport de substrats potentiels tels que le sn-2-monoacylglycerol chargé en acide gras en C16.


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A new sample of drosophilids was obtained from Font Groga (Barcelona) on 9th October 2013. Flies were netted over 12 baits containing fermenting bananas placed along a trail from 4 to 7 pm. The number of flies classified according to species and sex is presented in Table 1. The most abundant species is D. subobscura (62.60%). This is expected because the sample was obtained during its autumn peak of expansion. Also interesting is to find again D. suzukii, and in a percentage similar (9.20%) to that obtained in 2012 sample. This species invaded recently many European regions and seems it is well established. We have finally estimated the species diversity using H" (Shannon diversity index) and J (Shannon uniformity index). The values obtained were 0.990 and 0.615, respectively. They are similar to those estimates obtained in the same site by Calabria in autumn 2007 and higher than those of Canals et al. in late autumn 2012.


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Personalized medicine is a challenging research area in paediatric treatments. Elaborating new paediatric formulations when no commercial forms are available is a common practice in pharmacy laboratories; among these, oral liquid formulations are the most common. But due to the lack of specialized equipment, frequently studies to assure the efficiency and safety of the final medicine cannot be carried out. Thus the purpose of this work was the development, characterization and stability evaluation of two oral formulations of sildenafil for the treatment of neonatal persistent pulmonary hypertension. After the establishment of a standard operating procedure (SOP) and elaboration, the physicochemical stability parameters appearance, pH, particle size, rheological behaviour and drug content of formulations were evaluated at three different temperatures for 90 days. Equally, prediction of long term stability, as well as, microbiological stability was performed. Formulations resulted in a suspension and a solution slightly coloured exhibiting fruity odour. Formulation I (suspension) exhibited the best physicochemical properties including Newtonian behaviour and uniformity of API content above 90% to assure an exact dosification process.


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In the literature on housing market areas, different approaches can be found to defining them, for example, using travel-to-work areas and, more recently, making use of migration data. Here we propose a simple exercise to shed light on which approach performs better. Using regional data from Catalonia, Spain, we have computed housing market areas with both commuting data and migration data. In order to decide which procedure shows superior performance, we have looked at uniformity of prices within areas. The main finding is that commuting algorithms present more homogeneous areas in terms of housing prices.


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Memora peregrina (local name: 'ciganinha' - Bignoniaceae) is a weed that often invades pastures in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul. From its leaves and subterranean parts, the following compounds were isolated: allantoin (20.7 w/w in subterranean parts), the iridoid 6beta-hydroxyipolamiide, hyperin, 3'-O-methylhyperin, 4-hydroxy-N-methylproline, beta-sitosterol, alpha-amirin and beta-amirin, and lupeol. Allantoin exhibited an activity of inducing germination in seeds of Lactuca sativa used as a biological model, and the iridoid showed moderate activity in the larval development of Anagasta kuehniella. These results, associated with this plant's behavior, are suggestive of the occurrence of adaptive and competitive strategies in relation to other plant species.