789 resultados para fiber and waveguide optics


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Os materiais poliméricos tem sido uma das causas dos problemas ambientais discutidos em todo mundo nos últimos tempos. Como uma das soluções para esse problema, estão os polímeros biodegradáveis que são materiais que se degradam pela ação de microorganismos. Uma Indústria sediada no Brasil lançou recentemente um poliéster biodegradável que surge boa alternativa para o crescimento no mercado dos polímeros biodegradáveis, principalmente por possuir em sua composição matéria prima de fonte renovável. Neste trabalho foram preparados compósitos com matriz de poliéster biodegradável e fibra de coco verde com e sem modificação química por acetilação em misturador interno Haake. Foi estudada a biodegradabilidade em solo simulado do polímero puro e de seus compósitos e foram avaliadas as propriedades térmicas, morfológicas e mecânicas do polímero puro e de alguns de seus compósitos. O teste de biodegradabilidade foi feito pelo enterro das amostras em solo simulado por períodos distintos, variando de duas a dezessete semanas, seguindo a Norma ASTM G 160 03. Após cada período de teste, as amostras foram retiradas do solo e analisadas por microscopia ótica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC), espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR) e análise mecânica de tração. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que tanto o polímero puro quanto os seus compósitos sofreram biodegradação, a presença da fibra apenas atrasa o processo de biodegradação, as fibras de coco tiveram uma boa afinidade com a matriz polimérica, a incorporação de 5% fibra de coco na matriz torna o compósito mais rígido e a incorporação da fibra e o processo de biodegradação alteram as características da fase cristalina no material polimérico.


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We describe the use of a Wigner distribution function approach for exploring the problem of extending the depth of field in a hybrid imaging system. The Wigner distribution function, in connection with the phase-space curve that formulates a joint phase-space description of an optical field, is employed as a tool to display and characterize the evolving behavior of the amplitude point spread function as a wave propagating along the optical axis. It provides a comprehensive exhibition of the characteristics for the hybrid imaging system in extending the depth of field from both wave optics and geometrical optics. We use it to analyze several well-known optical designs in extending the depth of field from a new viewpoint. The relationships between this approach and the earlier ambiguity function approach are also briefly investigated. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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Static optical transmission is restudied by postulation of the optical path as the proper element in a three-dimensional Riemannian manifold (no torsion); this postulation can be applied to describe the light-medium interactive system. On the basis of the postulation, the behaviors of light transmitting through the medium with refractive index n are investigated, the investigation covering the realms of both geometrical optics and wave optics. The wave equation of light in static transmission is studied modally, the postulation being employed to derive the exact form of the optical field equation in a medium (in which the light is viewed as a single-component field). Correspondingly, the relationships concerning the conservation of optical fluid and the dynamic properties are given, and some simple applications of the theories mentioned are presented.


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A theoretical method to analyze four-layer large flattened mode (LFM) fibers is presented. The influence of the second cladding on the properties of four-layer LFM fiber, including the fundamental and higher-order modal fields, effective area, bending loss, and dispersion, are studied by comparison. At the same time, the reasons for the different characteristics are considered. The obtained results indicate that the effective area of the four-layer LFM fiber is about 1.6 times larger than that of the conventional standard step-index fiber and the fibers have better bend-induced filtering ability than three-layer LFM fibers. (C) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Este trabalho se propõe a uma releitura da atual concepção do Direito Processual do Trabalho, seus institutos, princípios e regras. A partir da constatação da autonomia do processo do trabalho e da inaptidão de seus mecanismos para a realização dos direitos materiais subjacentes, passam a ser diagnosticados fatores que o distanciam dos valores constitucionais e das garantias processuais fundamentais reconhecidas nos textos supranacionais, para a construção de principiologia própria e coerente com a Teoria Geral do Processo. Destacadas as seis garantias processuais fundamentais, quais sejam (i) tribunal competente; (ii) acesso à justiça; (iii) órgão julgador imparcial; (iv) ampla possibilidade de participação no processo; (v) prazo razoável e (vi) efetividade da decisão, cada uma passa a ser apresentada inicialmente sob uma ótica abstrata e geral, para, em seguida, serem considerados os pontos em que se chocam com as práticas processuais trabalhistas. Sobre tais premissas são desenvolvidas teses em prol da construção de um justo processo do trabalho.


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A theoretical method to analyze four-layer large flattened mode (LFM) fibers is presented. The influence of the second cladding on the properties of four-layer LFM fiber, including the fundamental and higher-order modal fields, effective area, bending loss, and dispersion, are studied by comparison. At the same time, the reasons for the different characteristics are considered. The obtained results indicate that the effective area of the four-layer LFM fiber is about 1.6 times larger than that of the conventional standard step-index fiber and the fibers have better bend-induced filtering ability than three-layer LFM fibers. (C) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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大模场面积(LMA)多模光纤激光器的输出性能与光纤的弯曲程度有关。为研究两者之间的关系,在光纤不同弯曲直径下,对多模光纤激光器的输出性能进行了实验测量和理论计算。采用刀口法测量了不同弯曲直径下的激光光束质量因子M2,并对每种情况下光纤激光器的斜率效率进行了测量。光纤弯曲直径分别为285 mm,195 mm和130 mm时,多模光纤激光器光束质量因子M2为2.88,1.82和1.67,斜率效率为39%,35%和34%。另外,对于实验所采用的大模场面积多模光纤,理论计算了各模式损耗与光纤弯曲直径的关系。


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大模场面积(LMA)光纤激光器的光束质量通常比单模光纤激光器的光束质量差。采用光纤拉锥的方法进行模式选择,从而提高大模场直径光纤激光器的光束质量。拉锥区距光纤激光器的输出端约5 mm,纤芯最小为9 μm,约为未拉锥部分纤芯直径26 μm的1/3。实验研究表明,在拉锥后,光纤激光器的光束质量因子M2由3.50减小为1.81,相应的斜率效率由63.6%减小为51.1%。虽然拉锥后最大输出功率减少了约19.8%,但其亮度增大为拉锥前的3倍。


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采用国产的大模场面积双包层光纤和(2+1)×1多模泵浦耦合器,研制出近衍射极限输出的MOPA式脉冲光纤放大器。基于该放大器,发现种子光输出平均功率对放大性能有一定的影响。在泵浦功率一定的情况下,为保证脉冲光纤放大器稳定可靠地运行,对种子光功率来讲,存在一个特定的取值范围。种子光输出平均功率70 mW时,对该脉冲光纤放大器的放大性能进行了研究。


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A novel double-slab Nd:YAG laser, which uses face-pumped slab medium cooled by liquid with different temperatures on both sides, is proposed. The thermal distortion of wavefront caused by the non-uniform temperature distribution in the laser gain media can be self-compensated. According to the method of operation, the models of the temperature distribution and stress are presented, and the analytic solutions for the model are derived. Furthermore, the numerical simulations with pulse pumping energy of 10 J and repetition frequencies of 500 and 1000 Hz are calculated respectively for Nd:YAG laser medium. The simulation results show that the temperature gradient remains the approximative linearity, and the heat stress is within the extreme range. Then the absorption coefficient is also discussed. The result indicates that the doping concentration cannot be too large for the high repetition frequency laser. It has been proved that the high repetition frequency, high laser beam quality, and high average output power of the order of kilowatt of Nd: YAG slab laser can be achieved in this structure.