925 resultados para evanescent-mode open-ended waveguide


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The mode edges of photonic crystal waveguide with triangular lattice based on a silicon-on-insulator slab are investigated by combination of the effective index method and two-dimensional plane wave expansion method. The variations of waveguide-mode edges with structure parameters of photonic crystal are deduced. When the ratio of the radius of air holes to the lattice constrant, r/Lambda, is fixed and the lattice constant of photonic crystal, Lambda, increases, the waveguide-mode edges shift to longer wavelengths. When Lambda is fixed and r/Lambda increases, the waveguide-mode edges shift to shorter wavelengths. Additionally, when r/Lambda and Lambda are both fixed, the radius of the two-row air holes adjacent to the waveguide increases, the waveguide-mode edges shift to shorter wavelengths.


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Semiconductor microlasers with an equilateral triangle resonator (ETR) and an output waveguide are proposed and analyzed by the finite-difference time-domain technique and the Pade approximation. The numerical results show that microlasers with an output waveguide still have a high-quality factor (Q factor) and are suitable to realize directional emission. For the ETR with a 0.46-mum-width opening in one of the vertices connected to the output waveguide, we have the Q factor of 1.5x10(3) and 2.5x10(2) for the TM fundamental mode at the wavelength of 1.55 mum, as the side length of the ETR is 5 and 3 mum. The simulated intensity distributions are presented for the fundamental mode in the ETR with a side length of 3 mum and an opening of 0.23 mum. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(00)01749-6].


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Single point defect microcavity possesses only the degenerate dipole modes under certain photonic crystal structure parameters. By deforming lattice structure, the degeneracy of the dipole modes has been broken. Theoretical simulation shows the large splitting of 65nm between the splitted x-mode and y-mode, approximate to the luminescent gain spectrum, which benefits for the single mode lasing. Experimentally the single dipole mode lasing, y-mode, is achieved in the deformed microcavity.


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The effective index method (EIM) was adopted to model the channel waveguide patterned by the UV in photosensitive silica film. The effective indexes of the different dimension symmetrical and asymmetrical channel waveguides were calculated, and the resource of the error of the method was pointed out. At last, the dimension rang to propagate single mode was presented.


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Effects of structure parameters on bend loss of rib silicon-on-insulator (Sol) bend waveguides have been analyzed by means of effective index method (EIM) and 2D bend loss formula. The simulation results indicate that the bend loss decreases with the increase of bend radius and waveguide width, as well as with the decrease of the step factor of the rib waveguide. Moreover, the optional structure parameters have been found when bend waveguides are single-mode.


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In this thesis, the evanescent field sensing techniques of tapered optical nanofibres and microspherical resonators are investigated. This includes evanescent field spectroscopy of a silica nanofibre in a rubidium vapour; thermo-optical tuning of Er:Yb co-doped phosphate glass microspheres; optomechanical properties of microspherical pendulums; and the fabrication and characterisation of borosilicate microbubble resonators. Doppler-broadened and sub-Doppler absorption spectroscopic techniques are performed around the D2 transition (780.24 nm) of rubidium using the evanescent field produced at the waist of a tapered nanofibre with input probe powers as low as 55 nW. Doppler-broadened Zeeman shifts and a preliminary dichroic atomic vapour laser lock (DAVLL) line shape are also observed via the nanofibre waist with an applied magnetic field of 60 G. This device has the potential for laser frequency stabilisation while also studying the effects of atom-surface interactions. A non-invasive thermo-optical tuning technique of Er:Yb co-doped microspheres to specific arbitrary wavelengths is demonstrated particularly to 1294 nm and the 5S1/2F=3 to 5P3/2Fʹ=4 laser cooling transition of 85Rb. Reversible tuning ranges of up to 474 GHz and on resonance cavity timescales on the order of 100 s are reported. This procedure has prospective applications for sensing a variety of atomic or molecular species in a cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) experiments. The mechanical characteristics of a silica microsphere pendulum with a relatively low spring constant of 10-4 Nm-1 are explored. A novel method of frequency sweeping the motion of the pendulum to determine its natural resonance frequencies while overriding its sensitivity to environmental noise is proposed. An estimated force of 0.25 N is required to actuate the pendulum by a displacement of (1-2) μm. It is suggested that this is of sufficient magnitude to be experienced between two evanescently coupled microspheres (photonic molecule) and enable spatial trapping of the micropendulum. Finally, single-input borosilicate microbubble resonators with diameters <100 μm are fabricated using a CO2 laser. Optical whispering gallery mode spectra are observed via evanescent coupling with a tapered fibre. A red-shift of (4-22) GHz of the resonance modes is detected when the hollow cavity was filled with nano-filtered water. A polarisation conversion effect, with an efficiency of 10%, is observed when the diameter of the coupling tapered fibre waist is varied. This effect is also achieved by simply varying the polarisation of the input light in the tapered fibre where the efficiency is optimised to 92%. Thus, the microbubble device acts as a reversible band-pass to band-stop optical filter for cavity-QED, integrated solid-state and semiconductor circuit applications.


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Experimental results are presented to show how a planar circuit, printed on a laterally shielded dielectric waveguide, can induce and control the radiation from a leaky-mode. By studying the leaky-mode complex propagation constant, a desired radiation pattern can be synthesized, controlling the main radiation characteristics (pointing direction, beamwidth, sidelobes level) for a given frequency, This technique leads to very flexible and original leaky-wave antenna designs. The experiments show to be in very good agreement with the leaky-mode theory.


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We present a technique, using the Imaginary Smith Chart, for determining the admittance of obstacles introduced into evanescent waveguide. The admittance of an inductive iris, capacitive iris, capacitive post, variable width strip and length of evanescent waveuide are investigated. © 2012 IEEE.


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A dual/triband evanescent waveguide antenna elementis presented. The antenna operates in the 740–790, 1.9–2.2, and2.5–2.7 GHz frequency bands. It measures 55 3 27.5 3 53 mm3andoccupies a small volume making it attractive for miniaturized applica-tions


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In this paper we derive novel approximations to trapped waves in a two-dimensional acoustic waveguide whose walls vary slowly along the guide, and at which either Dirichlet (sound-soft) or Neumann (sound-hard) conditions are imposed. The guide contains a single smoothly bulging region of arbitrary amplitude, but is otherwise straight, and the modes are trapped within this localised increase in width. Using a similar approach to that in Rienstra (2003), a WKBJ-type expansion yields an approximate expression for the modes which can be present, which display either propagating or evanescent behaviour; matched asymptotic expansions are then used to derive connection formulae which bridge the gap across the cut-off between propagating and evanescent solutions in a tapering waveguide. A uniform expansion is then determined, and it is shown that appropriate zeros of this expansion correspond to trapped mode wavenumbers; the trapped modes themselves are then approximated by the uniform expansion. Numerical results determined via a standard iterative method are then compared to results of the full linear problem calculated using a spectral method, and the two are shown to be in excellent agreement, even when $\epsilon$, the parameter characterising the slow variations of the guide’s walls, is relatively large.


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Cylinder-planar Ge waveguides are being developed as evanescent-wave sensors for chemical microanalysis. The only non-planar surface is a cylinder section having a 300-mm radius of curvature. This confers a symmetric taper, allowing for direct coupling into and out of the waveguide's 1-mm2 end faces while obtaining multiple reflections at the central <30-μm-thick sensing region. Ray-optic calculations indicate that the propagation angle at the central minimum has a strong nonlinear dependence on both angle and vertical position of the input ray. This results in rather inefficient coupling of input light into the off-axis modes that are most useful for evanescent-wave absorption spectroscopy. Mode-specific performance of the cylinder-planar waveguides has also been investigated experimentally. As compared to a blackbody source, the much greater brightness of synchrotron-generated infrared (IR) radiation allows a similar total energy throughput, but restricted to a smaller fraction of the allowed waveguide modes. However, such angle-selective excitation results in a strong oscillatory interference pattern in the transmission spectra. These spectral oscillations are the principal technical limitation on using synchrotron radiation to measure evanescent-wave absorption spectra with the thin waveguides.