995 resultados para electronic products
This paper analyses the impact of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) on Middle East and North African Countries (MENA) trade for the period 1994-2010. The analysis distinguishes between industrial and agricultural trade to take into account the different liberalisation schedules. An augmented gravity model is estimated using up-to-date panel data techniques to control for all time-invariant bilateral factors that influence bilateral trade as well as for the so-called multilateral resistance factors. We also control for the endogeneity of the agreements and test for self-selection bias due to the presence of zero trade in our sample. The main findings indicate that North-South-FTAs and South-South- FTAs have a differential impact in terms of increasing trade in MENA countries, with the former being more beneficial in terms of exports for MENA countries, but both showing greater global market integration. We also find that FTAs that include agricultural products, in which MENA countries have a clear comparative advantage, have more favourable effects for these countries than those only including industrial products. JEL code: F10, F15
Comptar amb sistemes sofisticats de gestió o programes ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) no és suficient per a les organitzacions. Per a què aquests recursos donin resultats adequats i actualitzats, la informació d’entrada ha de llegir-se de forma automàtica, per aconseguir estalviar en recursos, eliminació d’errors i assegurar el compliment de la qualitat. Per aquest motiu és important comptar amb eines i serveis d’identificació automàtica i col•lecció de dades. Els principals objectius a assolir (a partir de la introducció al lector de la importància dels sistemes logístics d’identificació en un entorn global d’alta competitivitat), són conèixer i comprendre el funcionament de les tres principals tecnologies existents al mercat (codis de barres lineals, codis de barres bidimensionals i sistemes RFID), veure en quin estat d’implantació es troba cadascuna i les seves principals aplicacions. Un cop realitzat aquest primer estudi es pretén comparar les tres tecnologies per o poder obtenir perspectives de futur en l’àmbit de l’autoidentificació. A partir de la situació actual i de les necessitats de les empreses, juntament amb el meravellós món que sembla obrir la tecnologia RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), la principal conclusió a la que s’arribarà és que malgrat les limitacions tècniques dels codis de barres lineals, aquests es troben completament integrats a tota la cadena logística gràcies a l’estandarització i la utilització d’un llenguatge comú, sota el nom de simbologies GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), durant tota la cadena de subministres que garanteixen total traçabilitat dels productes gràcies en part a la gestió de les bases de dades i del flux d’informació. La tecnologia RFUD amb l’EPC (Electronic Product Code) supera aquestes limitacions, convertint-se en el màxim candidat per a substituir els limitats codis de barres. Tot i això, RFID, amb l’EPC, no serà un adequat identificador logístic fins que es superin importants barreres, com són la falta d’estandarització i l’elevat cost d’implantació.
En la societat en què vivim cada vegada agafen més importància les pàgines web, ja que és una eina d’informació molt útil i ràpida de consultar. Per això, no s’entén que una activitat empresarial sigui del tipus que sigui, no tingui representació a la xarxa. No és necessari que l’activitat en qüestió hagi de vendre productes a través d’Internet, sinó que simplement aquesta representació pot ajudar a donar a conèixer l’empresa i a ampliar la cartera de clients. De la mateixa manera, els dispositius mòbils també s’estan convertint en una eina important en la societat d’avui en dia i una bona aplicació pot aportar-te un avantatge en moltes de les feines diàries de les persones. D’aquestes idees sorgeix el projecte de fer la web i l’aplicació pel centre de fisioteràpia Fisioripoll. La web serviria per tenir un lloc a la xarxa on donar-se a conèixer i poder captar nous clients, i l’aplicació funcionaria com a eina pel propi centre, seria una espècie d’agenda electrònica per saber les hores que tens reservades els pròxims dies. Per aconseguir un bon funcionament de la web, s’ha demanat que la pàgina sigui administrable en els seus continguts. És a dir, que els propis gestors del centre puguin canviar els texts, les imatges dels diferents apartats i gestionar les reserves dels clients. En canvi, l’aplicació serà només una eina de consulta i no s’hauria de gestionar res. Per tal de dur a terme aquesta web s’ha tingut en compte utilitzar eines de programació de distribució lliure com és el llenguatge PHP, la base de dades MySQL, jQuery, el framework Phonegap per tal de poder construir una web i una aplicació amb cost de programari nul.
The purpose of this thesis was to define how product carbon footprint analysis and its results can be used in company's internal development as well as in customer and interest group guidance, and how these factors are related to corporate social responsibility. From-cradle-to-gate carbon footprint was calculated for three products; Torino Whole grain barley, Torino Pearl barley, and Elovena Barley grit & oat bran, all of them made of Finnish barley. The carbon footprint of the Elovena product was used to determine carbon footprints for industrial kitchen cooked porridge portions. The basic calculation data was collected from several sources. Most of the data originated from Raisio Group's contractual farmers and Raisio Group's cultivation, processing and packaging specialists. Data from national and European literature and database sources was also used. The electricity consumption for porridge portions' carbon footprint calculations was determined with practical measurements. The carbon footprint calculations were conducted according to the ISO 14044 standard, and the PAS 2050 guide was also applied. A consequential functional unit was applied in porridge portions' carbon footprint calculations. Most of the emissions from barley products' life cycle originate from primary production. The nitrous oxide emissions from cultivated soil and the use and production of nitrogenous fertilisers contribute over 50% of products' carbon footprint. Torino Pearl barley has the highest carbon footprint due to the lowest processing output. The reductions in products' carbon footprint can be achieved with developments in cultivation and grain processing. The carbon footprint of porridge portion can be reduced by using domestically produced plant-based ingredients and by making the best possible use of the kettle. Carbon footprint calculation can be used to determine possible improvement points related to corporate environmental responsibility. Several improvement actions are related to economical and social responsibility through better raw material utilization and expense reductions.
Electrochemical behavior of pesticides is extensively studied, but little attention has been given to the study of their degradation products (by-products) by electrochemical methods. However, the degradation products of pesticides can be even more toxic then the parent products and such studies should be encouraged. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the electroactivity of by-products of imazaquin, methylparathion, bentazon and atrazine, generated by UV irradiation and measured using cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry and UV-visible absorption spectrophotometry. Results have shown that several by-products exhibit electroactivity, allowing, in some cases, the simultaneous determination of both parent and degradation products.
When sat in front of a computer screen and keyboard, we read and write different kinds of texts (chats, blogs, websites,etc.) and do so differently (with links, photographs, icons, etc.). However, we still comment on as many texts as in the pastin both public and private spheres. After setting out some typical features of reading and writing electronic texts, we givesome examples of students' colloquial commentary out of school, list some of the commonest academic tasks and offersome ideas and make some recommendations for making progress in this field
FeBr2 has reacted with an equivalent of mnt2- (mnt = cis-1,2-dicyanoethylene-1,2-dithiolate) and the α-diimine L (L = 1,10'-phenantroline, 2,2'-bipyridine) in THF solution, and followed by adding of t-butyl-isocyanide to give [Fe(mnt)(L)(t-BuNC)2] neutral compound. The products were characterized by infrared, UV-visible and Mössbauer spectroscopy, besides thermogravimetric and conductivity data. The geometry in the equilibrium was calculated by the density functional theory and the electronic spectrum by the time-dependent. The experimental and theoretical results in good agreement have defined an octahedral geometry with two isocyanide neighbours. The π→π* intraligand electronic transition was not observed for cis-isomers in the near-IR spectral region.
The polyphenol contents and antioxidant capacity of Brazilian red grape juices and wine vinegars were analyzed. Additionally, it was analyzed the human polyphenol absorption and acute effect in plasmatic oxidative metabolism biomarkers after juice ingestion. The organic Bordo grape juice (GBO) presented a higher level of trans-resveratrol, quercitin, rutin, gallic acid, caffeic acid and total flavonoids then other juices and vinegars as well as antioxidant capacity. The plasmatic polyphenol increased 27.2% after GBO juice ingestion. The results showed that juices and vinegars from Brazilian crops present similar chemical and functional properties described in studies performed in other countries.
A healthy and balanced diet can reduce health problems, such as overweight and metabolic syndrome. In general, people have a considerably good knowledge of what constitutes a healthy diet and how they could achieve it with their food choices. Besides, people argue that health is among their top five food choice motives. Nevertheless, the prevalence of overweight is increasing and other food choice motives, such as taste, seem to conflict with the health. Liking for food does not necessarily determine acceptance alone, thus several non-sensory factors, such as brand, country of origin and nutrition claim, can also influence. Moreover, consumers are individuals in how they prioritize sensory and nonsensory factors of foods, but e.g. increasing age, female gender and health concern have been connected to a more health-oriented dietary behaviour. To sum up, identifying different factors that can increase the liking and consumption of healthy food is essential in order to develop more attractive healthful food products. Adding vitamins, minerals, fibre or other ingredients to a food product can be used to enrich the nutritional quality of the products. However, this may be difficult in practice as regards the sensory quality and pleasantness of the foods. Generally, consumers are not willing to compromise on taste in food. On the other hand, consumers are very heterogeneous in their likings, and their personal values and attitudes may interact with preferences for specific sensory characteristics. The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of intrinsic product characteristics on sensory properties and hedonic responses; to determine the impact of few non-sensory factors; and to examine the interaction between sensory and non-sensory factors with consumers’ demographics, values and attitudes in liking of healthy model foods. The results showed that product composition influenced sensory quality and had an effect on hedonic responses. Adding flaxseed to bakery products showed a significant improvement in the nutritional quality without negative effects on sensory properties. On the other hand, the fortification of wellness beverages with vitamins and minerals may impart off-flavours. In general, sweetness of yoghurts, freshness of wellness beverages and low intensity of rye bread flavour appealed to consumers. Information about the domestic origin of yoghurts and claiming a specific function for wellness beverages enhanced liking. However, consumers who were more concerned about their health and considered natural content as an important food choice motive, rated sourer and less sweet yoghurts and wellness beverages as more pleasant. In addition, interest in health increased the consumption of rye breads and other whole grain breads among adolescents. The results showed that the optimal product quality in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic factors differs between individual consumers, and personal values and food choice motives can be connected to preferences for specific sensory characteristics of foods. This indicates that each food product needs to be considered in relation to its specific market niche, and to which segment of consumer will respond most positively to its characteristics.
A new simple and sensitive flotation-spectrophotometric method for the determination of cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) is reported. The method is based on the formation of an ion- associate between CPC and Orange II (OR) which is floated in the interface of aqueous phase and n-hexane by vigorous shaking. The aqueous solution was discarded and the adsorbed ion associate on to the wall of a separating funnel was dissolved in a small volume of methanol solvent and its absorbance was measured at 480 nm. The apparent molar absorptivity (Ε) of the ion associate was determined to be 4.12 x 10(5) L mol-1 cm-1. The calibration graph was linear in the concentration range of 15-800 ng mL-1 of CPC with a correlation coefficient of 0.9988. The limit of detection (LOD) was 10.8 ng mL-1. The relative standard deviation (RSD) for determination of 100 and 800 ng mL-1 of CPC was 3.47 and 2.04% (n=7), respectively. The method was successfully applied to the determination of CPC in a commercial mouth washer product.
Prior to obtain a standardized dried extract from V. ferruginea, lupeol was first time isolated from leaves and used as chemical maker. An analytical method using HPLC-PDA for lupeol determination in V. ferruginea intermediate products was developed using a C8 reverse-phase column, acetonitrile-acetic acid (99.99:0.01, v/v) as mobile phase at 0.8 mL min-1, oven temperature at 23-25 ºC, sample injection volume at 30 µL and detection at 210 nm. The method presented linearity from 10 to 160 µg mL-1, accuracy, precision, robustness and suitable sensitivity proving to be a useful tool to the obtainment process of lupeol standardized dried extracts of V. ferruginea.
The excitation energy transfer between chlorophylls in major and minor antenna complexes of photosystem II (PSII) was investigated using quantum Fourier transforms. These transforms have an important role in the efficiency of quantum algorithms of quantum computers. The equation 2n=N was used to make the connection between excitation energy transfers using quantum Fourier transform, where n is the number of qubits required for simulation of transfers and N is the number of chlorophylls in the antenna complexes.