942 resultados para electric power plant
As centrais termoelétricas convencionais convertem apenas parte do combustível consumido na produção de energia elétrica, sendo que outra parte resulta em perdas sob a forma de calor. Neste sentido, surgiram as unidades de cogeração, ou Combined Heat and Power (CHP), que permitem reaproveitar a energia dissipada sob a forma de energia térmica e disponibilizá-la, em conjunto com a energia elétrica gerada, para consumo doméstico ou industrial, tornando-as mais eficientes que as unidades convencionais Os custos de produção de energia elétrica e de calor das unidades CHP são representados por uma função não-linear e apresentam uma região de operação admissível que pode ser convexa ou não-convexa, dependendo das caraterísticas de cada unidade. Por estas razões, a modelação de unidades CHP no âmbito do escalonamento de geradores elétricos (na literatura inglesa Unit Commitment Problem (UCP)) tem especial relevância para as empresas que possuem, também, este tipo de unidades. Estas empresas têm como objetivo definir, entre as unidades CHP e as unidades que apenas geram energia elétrica ou calor, quais devem ser ligadas e os respetivos níveis de produção para satisfazer a procura de energia elétrica e de calor a um custo mínimo. Neste documento são propostos dois modelos de programação inteira mista para o UCP com inclusão de unidades de cogeração: um modelo não-linear que inclui a função real de custo de produção das unidades CHP e um modelo que propõe uma linearização da referida função baseada na combinação convexa de um número pré-definido de pontos extremos. Em ambos os modelos a região de operação admissível não-convexa é modelada através da divisão desta àrea em duas àreas convexas distintas. Testes computacionais efetuados com ambos os modelos para várias instâncias permitiram verificar a eficiência do modelo linear proposto. Este modelo permitiu obter as soluções ótimas do modelo não-linear com tempos computationais significativamente menores. Para além disso, ambos os modelos foram testados com e sem a inclusão de restrições de tomada e deslastre de carga, permitindo concluir que este tipo de restrições aumenta a complexidade do problema sendo que o tempo computacional exigido para a resolução do mesmo cresce significativamente.
Estudo de uma bomba de calor de expansão direta assistida por energia solar para a preparação de AQS
Este estudo consiste na caracterização da eficiência energética de uma bomba de calor de expansão direta que utiliza a energia solar como fonte térmica. De uma forma geral, teve-se a obrigação de procurar cada vez mais recursos renováveis e neste sentido a bomba de calor de expansão direta tem um papel importante no aquecimento de águas quentes sanitárias (AQS). Como ponto de partida, foi realizada uma descrição detalhada sobre todos os equipamentos da bomba de calor e elaborado um desenho técnico que identifica todos os componentes. No laboratório (casa inteligente) realizaram-se vários ensaios a fim de interpretar com rigor os resultados obtidos do desempenho da bomba de calor (COP) e do fator médio de desempenho sazonal (SPF). No início, realizaram-se ensaios para determinar as perdas estáticas do sistema termodinâmico, de seguida foram elaborados ensaios segundo a norma EN 16147 e por fim, ensaios de acordo com o perfil de utilização de AQS definido. No estudo experimental do COP, obteve-se uma elevada eficiência energética com um valor médio de 4,12. O COP aumenta para valores médios de 5 quando a temperatura de água no termoacumulador desce para 35ºC. Verificou-se que durante o período diurno o COP aumenta aproximadamente de 10% relativamente ao período noturno. A potência elétrica é mais elevada (450W) quando a água no termoacumulador está perto da temperatura desejável (55ºC), originando um esforço maior da bomba de calor. No estudo experimental do SPF, verificou-se que nos ensaios segundo a norma EN16147 os valores obtidos variaram entre 1,39 e 1,50 (Classe “B”). No estudo realizado de acordo com o perfil de utilização de AQS definido pelo utilizador, o SPF é superior em 12% relativamente ao obtido segundo os ensaios realizados de acordo a norma EN16147. Verificou-se que o aumento da temperatura do ar exterior implica um aumento do SPF (cerca de 2% a 5%), enquanto a energia solar não influência nos resultados.
Synchronization of data coming from different sources is of high importance in biomechanics to ensure reliable analyses. This synchronization can either be performed through hardware to obtain perfect matching of data, or post-processed digitally. Hardware synchronization can be achieved using trigger cables connecting different devices in many situations; however, this is often impractical, and sometimes impossible in outdoors situations. The aim of this paper is to describe a wireless system for outdoor use, allowing synchronization of different types of - potentially embedded and moving - devices. In this system, each synchronization device is composed of: (i) a GPS receiver (used as time reference), (ii) a radio transmitter, and (iii) a microcontroller. These components are used to provide synchronized trigger signals at the desired frequency to the measurement device connected. The synchronization devices communicate wirelessly, are very lightweight, battery-operated and thus very easy to set up. They are adaptable to every measurement device equipped with either trigger input or recording channel. The accuracy of the system was validated using an oscilloscope. The mean synchronization error was found to be 0.39 μs and pulses are generated with an accuracy of <2 μs. The system provides synchronization accuracy about two orders of magnitude better than commonly used post-processing methods, and does not suffer from any drift in trigger generation.
Biopolttoaineet ovat tärkeä energianlähde suomalaisessa energiantuotannossa. Biopoltto- aineille on kuitenkin ominaista laadun vaihtelevuus. Yksi tärkeimmistä laatutekijöistä on kosteus, joka vaikuttaa myös polttoaineen energiasisältöön. Laatutekijät puolestaan vai- kuttavat polttoainekäsittelyyn, polttoprosessiin ja koko laitoksen hyötysuhteeseen. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia voisiko biopolttoaineiden online-laadunmittaus tuoda lisäarvoa energiantuotantolaitokselle. Esimerkkinä käytettiin yhtä online-laadunmittaus- sovellusta, InrayFuel-röntgenmittausjärjestelmää. Sillä voidaan seurata biopolttoaineiden kosteutta ja polttoaineen sisältämiä vierasaineita. Työssä on laadittu kustannusanalyysi, jolla pyritään selvittämään, onko nykyisen kertaluontoisen mittausmenetelmän korvaami- nen jatkuvatoimisella kannattavaa. Esimerkkilaitoksena on Etelä-Savon Energian Pur- sialan voimalaitos, jossa röntgenmittausjärjestelmään on testattu. Saatujen tulosten mukaan investoiminen esimerkkimittausjärjestelmään maksaisi itsensä takaisin alle vuodessa. Kun laitoksella pystytään seuraamaan polttoaineen laatua jatkuva- toimisesti, laadunhallinta paranee ja sitä kautta voidaan saavuttaa kustannussäästöjä. Polt- toaineesta johtuvat häiriötilanteet vähenevät, polttoaine on mahdollista optimoida edulli- semmaksi polton kannalta ja poltto-olosuhteita voidaan säätää paremmin, jolloin päästöt vähenevät ja hyötysuhde kasvaa. Työssä käytetty laskenta analysoi kuitenkin hyvin ylei- sellä tasolla, sillä käytössä ei ollut laitoksen omaa taselaskentajärjestelmää. Laskenta siis sisältää paljon oletuksia. Tämän ja rohkaisevien tulosten vuoksi tutkimusta jatkuvatoimi- sen laadunmittauksen hyödyistä kannattaa tehdä enemmän.
Remote monitoring of a power boiler allows the supplying company to make sure that equipment is used as supposed to and gives a good chance for process optimization. This improves co-operation between the supplier and the customer and creates an aura of trust that helps securing future contracts. Remote monitoring is already in use with recovery boilers but the goal is to expand especially to biomass-fired BFB-boilers. To make remote monitoring possible, data has to be measured reliably on site and the link between the power plant and supplying company’s server has to work reliably. Data can be gathered either with the supplier’s sensors or with measurements originally installed in the power plant if the plant in question is not originally built by the supplying company. Main goal in remote monitoring is process optimization and avoiding unnecessary accidents. This can be achieved for instance by following the efficiency curves and fouling in different parts of the process and comparing them to past values. The final amount of calculations depends on the amount of data gathered. Sudden changes in efficiency or fouling require further notice and in such a case it’s important that dialogue toward the power plant in question also works.
Diplomityössä tutkittiin Fortumin Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksen ulosvirtauskanaviston ja suurnopeuskosteudenerottimen toimintaa, sekä selvitettiin taustalla olevaa teoriaa ja aiemmin tehtyjä tutkimuksia. Tavoitteena oli ymmärtää ja esittää laitteiden toimintaa, sekä tutkia voiko ulosvirtauskanaviston suorituskykyä parantaa geometrian muutoksilla. Työssä luotiin tutkittaville kohteille geometriat ja laskentahilat, joiden avulla simuloitiin niiden toimintaa eri käyttötilanteissa numeerisen virtauslaskennan avulla. Laskennan reunaehdot saatiin olemassa olevasta prosessimallista ja aiemmista turbiiniselvityksistä. Ulosvirtauskanaviston suorituskyky laskettiin kolmella eri lauhdutinpaineella neljällä eri geometrialla. Geometrian muutokset vaikuttivat selkeästi ulosvirtauskanaviston suorituskykyyn ja sitä saatiin parannettua. Kaksi kolmesta muutoksesta, lisäkanavat ja oikaistu vesilippa, pa-ransivat suorituskykyä. Lokinsiipien poistaminen heikensi ulosvirtauskanaviston toi-mintaa. Suurnopeuskosteudenerottimen mallintaminen jäi lähtötietojen ja ajan puutteen takia hieman tavoitteesta. Sekä ulosvirtauskanaviston että suurnopeuskosteudenerotti-men jatkotutkimusta ja mahdollisia toimenpiteitä varten saatiin arvokasta uutta tietoa.
The research towards efficient, reliable and environmental-friendly power supply solutions is producing growing interest to the “Smart Grid” approach for the development of the electricity networks and managing the increasing energy consumption. One of the novel approaches is an LVDC microgrid. The purpose of the research is to analyze the possibilities for the implementation of LVDC microgrids in public distribution networks in Russia. The research contains the analysis of the modern Russian electric power industry, electricity market, electricity distribution business, regulatory framework and standardization, related to the implementation of LVDC microgrid concept. For the purpose of the economic feasibility estimation, a theoretical case study for comparing low voltage AC and medium voltage AC with LVDC microgrid solutions for a small settlement in Russia is presented. The results of the market and regulatory framework analysis along with the economic comparison of AC and DC solutions show that implementation of the LVDC microgrid concept in Russia is possible and can be economically feasible. From the electric power industry and regulatory framework point of view, there are no serious obstacles for the LVDC microgrids in Russian distribution networks. However, the most suitable use cases at the moment are expected to be found in the electrification of remote settlements, which are isolated from the Unified Energy System of Russia.
The site of present-day St. Catharines was settled by 3000 United Empire Loyalists at the end of the 18th century. From 1790, the settlement (then known as "The Twelve") grew as an agricultural community. St. Catharines was once referred to Shipman's Corners after Paul Shipman, owner of a tavern that was an important stagecoach transfer point. In 1815, leading businessman William Hamilton Merritt abandoned his wharf at Queenston and set up another at Shipman's Corners. He became involved in the construction and operation of several lumber and gristmills along Twelve Mile Creek. Shipman's Corners soon became the principal milling site of the eastern Niagara Peninsula. At about the same time, Merritt began to develop the salt springs that were discovered along the river which subsequently gave the village a reputation as a health resort. By this time St. Catharines was the official name of the village; the origin of the name remains obscure, but is thought to be named after Catharine Askin Robertson Hamilton, wife of the Hon. Robert Hamilton, a prominent businessman. Merritt devised a canal scheme from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario that would provide a more reliable water supply for the mills while at the same time function as a canal. He formed the Welland Canal Company, and construction took place from 1824 to 1829. The canal and the mills made St. Catharines the most important industrial centre in Niagara. By 1845, St. Catharines was incorporated as a town, with the town limits extending in 1854. Administrative and political functions were added to St. Catharines in 1862 when it became the county seat of Lincoln. In 1871, construction began on the third Welland Canal, which attracted additional population to the town. As a consequence of continual growth, the town limits were again extended. St. Catharines attained city status in 1876 with its larger population and area. Manufacturing became increasingly important in St. Catharines in the early 1900s with the abundance of hydro-electric power, and its location on important land and water routes. The large increase in population after the 1900s was mainly due to the continued industrialization and urbanization of the northern part of the city and the related expansion of business activity. The fourth Welland Canal was opened in 1932 as the third canal could no longer accommodate the larger ships. The post war years and the automobile brought great change to the urban form of St. Catharines. St. Catharines began to spread its boundaries in all directions with land being added five times during the 1950s. The Town of Merritton, Village of Port Dalhousie and Grantham Township were all incorporated as part of St. Catharines in 1961. In 1970 the Province of Ontario implemented a regional approach to deal with such issues as planning, pollution, transportation and services. As a result, Louth Township on the west side of the city was amalgamated, extending the city's boundary to Fifteen Mile Creek. With its current population of 131,989, St. Catharines has become the dominant centre of the Niagara region. Source: City of St. Catharines website http://www.stcatharines.ca/en/governin/HistoryOfTheCity.asp (January 27, 2011)
A brochure for Ontario Hydro marking the 50 year Jubilee. The brochure also describes the change over from 25 cycle to 60 cycle service. A map details the areas that have made the change to 60 cycle power and those still waiting to transition. There is also a section of eight questions and answers concerning the change to 60 cycle power.
Kimberly, Clark & Company was founded in Wisconsin in 1872. The founding partners were John A. Kimberly, Havilah Babcock, Charles B. Clark, and Frank C. Stattuck. That same year, the company built the Globe Mill, which made newsprint from linen and cotton rags. The company soon established a reputation for developing new and innovative paper products and processes. In the 1920s, Kimberly-Clark opened a Canadian Pulp Mill and Power plant known as the Spruce Falls Power and Paper Company, in Kapuskasing, Ontario. Other branches of Kimberly-Clark were established in Ontario at Huntsville and Terrace Bay.
In this study, an attempt has been made to find the textural, geochemical, sedimentological characteristics of sediments and water phases of the kayamkulam estuary located in the Southwest coast of Kerala, besides the impact of gas based thermal power plant located at the northern part of the estuary. Estuaries are an important stage in the transport of the solid weathering product of the earth’s crust. These weathered products or sediments are complex mixtures of a number of solid phases that may include clays, silica, organic matter, metal oxides, carbonates, sulfides and a number of minerals. Studies on the aquatic systems revealed the fact that it posses severe ecological impairments due to heavy discharge of sediments from 44 rivers, the continued disposal of pollutants rich materials from industries, sewage channels, agricultural areas and retting yards
This thesis entitled “Development planning at the state level in india a case study with reference to kerala1957-84.Planning in India is a concurrent subject with the Centre and the States having well-defined domains of jurisdiction with regard to planning functions and sources of resource mobilisation.The genesis of the lack of academic interest in state level planning is in the widely held belief that in the extent scheme of Centre-State economic relations, the states have little scope for initiative in planning.Both at the theoretical and empirical levels, Kerala has attached very great importance to planning.It has been the localeof wide and deep discussions on the various dimensions of planning.In Kerala's development process, the leading sector consists of social services such as education and public healthOne point that needs special emphasis in this regard is that the high demand for education in Kerala cannot be attributed to the Keralites' ‘unique urge‘ for education. Rather, it is related to the very high level of unemployment in the state (Kerala has the highest level of unemployment in the country.In resource allocation under the Five Year Plans, Kerala attached the highest weightage to power generation, hydro-electric projects being the major source of power in the state. Nearly one-fourth of the plan resources has been claimed by hydro-electric projects.In the agricultural sector, Kera1a's level of productive use of electric power is one of the lowest.As is evident.from above, planning in Kerala has not enabled us to solve the basic problems of the state. More 'scientific' planning in the sense of applying mre sophisticated planning techniques is obviously not the answer. It, on the contrary, consists of more fundamental changes some of which can be brought about through an effective use of measures well within the power of the State Government.
The objective of the preset work is to develop optical fiber sensors for various physical and chemical parameters. As a part of this we initially investigated trace analysis of silica, ammonia, iron and phosphate in water. For this purpose the author has implemented a dual wavelength probing scheme which has many advantages over conventional evanescent wave sensors. Dual wavelength probing makes the design more reliable and repeatable and this design makes the sensor employable for concentration, chemical content, adulteration level, monitoring and control in industries or any such needy environments. Use of low cost components makes the system cost effective and simple. The Dual wavelength probing scheme is employed for the trace analysis of silica, iron, phosphate, and ammonia in water. Such sensors can be employed for the steam and water quality analysers in power plants. Few samples from a power plant are collected and checked the performance of developed system for practical applications.
Unit commitment is an optimization task in electric power generation control sector. It involves scheduling the ON/OFF status of the generating units to meet the load demand with minimum generation cost satisfying the different constraints existing in the system. Numerical solutions developed are limited for small systems and heuristic methodologies find difficulty in handling stochastic cost functions associated with practical systems. This paper models Unit Commitment as a multi stage decision task and Reinforcement Learning solution is formulated through one efficient exploration strategy: Pursuit method. The correctness and efficiency of the developed solutions are verified for standard test systems
Die Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Windenergie in Deutschland haben wichtige Anstöße zur technologischen Weiterentwicklung geliefert und die Grundlagen für den enormen Anlagenzubau geschaffen. Die installierte Windleistung hat heute eine beachtliche Größenordnung erreicht und ein weiteres Wachstum in ähnlichen Dimensionen ist auch für die nächsten Jahre zu erwarten. Die aus Wind erzeugte elektrische Leistung deckt bereits heute in einigen Netzbereichen die Netzlast zu Schwachlastzeiten. Dies zeigt, dass die Windenergie ein nicht mehr zu vernachlässigender Faktor in der elektrischen Energieversorgung geworden ist. Im Rahmen der Kraftwerkseinsatzplanung sind Betrag und Verlauf der Windleistung des folgenden Tages mittlerweile zu wichtigen und zugleich schwierig zu bestimmenden Variablen geworden. Starke Schwankungen und falsche Prognosen der Windstromeinspeisung verursachen zusätzlichen Bedarf an Regel- und Ausgleichsleistung durch die Systemführung. Das im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Prognosemodell liefert die zu erwartenden Windleistungen an 16 repräsentativen Windparks bzw. Gruppen von Windparks für bis zu 48 Stunden im Voraus. Aufgrund von prognostizierten Wetterdaten des deutschen Wetterdienstes (DWD) werden die Leistungen der einzelnen Windparks mit Hilfe von künstlichen neuronalen Netzen (KNN) berechnet. Diese Methode hat gegenüber physikalischen Verfahren den Vorteil, dass der komplexe Zusammenhang zwischen Wettergeschehen und Windparkleistung nicht aufwendig analysiert und detailliert mathematisch beschrieben werden muss, sondern anhand von Daten aus der Vergangenheit von den KNN gelernt wird. Das Prognosemodell besteht aus zwei Modulen. Mit dem ersten wird, basierend auf den meteorologischen Vorhersagen des DWD, eine Prognose für den Folgetag erstellt. Das zweite Modul bezieht die online gemessenen Leistungsdaten der repräsentativen Windparks mit ein, um die ursprüngliche Folgetagsprognose zu verbessern und eine sehr genaue Kurzzeitprognose für die nächsten drei bis sechs Stunden zu berechnen. Mit den Ergebnissen der Prognosemodule für die repräsentativen Standorte wird dann über ein Transformationsmodell, dem so genannten Online-Modell, die Gesamteinspeisung in einem größeren Gebiet berechnet. Das Prognoseverfahren hat seine besonderen Vorzüge in der Genauigkeit, den geringen Rechenzeiten und den niedrigen Betriebskosten, da durch die Verwendung des bereits implementierten Online-Modells nur eine geringe Anzahl von Vorhersage- und Messstandorten benötigt wird. Das hier vorgestellte Prognosemodell wurde ursprünglich für die E.ON-Netz GmbH entwickelt und optimiert und ist dort seit Juli 2001 im Einsatz. Es lässt sich jedoch auch leicht an andere Gebiete anpassen. Benötigt werden dazu nur die Messdaten der Leistung ausgewählter repräsentativer Windparks sowie die dazu gehörenden Wettervorhersagen, um die KNN entsprechend zu trainieren.