702 resultados para desejo


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Análise das formas de apropriação do espaço verde urbano: Avaliar como a construção da cidade engloba a paisagem natural e a transforma em um objeto passível de consumo, e através da especulação imobiliária torna-a objeto de desejo remetendo essa parcela do espaço as disposições globalizantes. Metodologia: Caracterização da área: Citação de aspectos físicos, uso e ocupação do solo e localização da área de estudo. Trabalho de campo: Atividades realizadas na área de estudo para retirada de fotografias, e dialogo com populares. Cartografia: Confecção de mapas e análise de mapas já existentes Levantamento bibliográfico: Busca e leitura de livros reportagens e textos que puderam contribuir para o enriquecimento do estudo. Principais contribuições: Nesse sentido, explorar a cidade como um objeto que marca a ruptura entre um passado natural e o presente urbanizado, moderno. A natureza passa a ser modelada de acordo com a natureza humana moderna e na lógica humana. Espera-se contribuir com a discussão sobre a cidade e o seu molde às lógicas consumistas, partindo de um exemplo local pode-se identificar um contexto global.


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A problemática ambiental na educação básica perpassa várias questões. Neste artigo serão tratadas as pertinentes à qualidade de vida nas áreas urbana e rural em relação ao consumo de alimentos, sendo mais específico em relação à carne animal. Pergunta-se aqui o que se ensina e aprende na escola sobre alimentação? Será a relação de uso e descarte? No qual o que é objeto de desejo vira primeiramente mercadoria para consumo e posteriormente rejeito? Nas ruas as pessoas compram lanches rápidos, comem rapidamente e depois jogam resíduos no chão, sujando suas próprias vias de locação. Quem vai limpar, ou para onde vai esse lixo não são preocupações da maioria. E o que se faz com as sobras de comida? No Brasil, 60% do lixo domiciliar é composto por alimentos, e a cada ano, 26,3 milhões de toneladas são desperdiçados. Mas o que as pessoas estão comendo? Será que sabem de que é feito o hambúrguer? Ou a salsicha, e a margarina? Que bicho é o “Chester”? Essa é uma das tradições de consumo que se perpetua na Escola. Com certeza a Geografia tem muito a contribuir neste debate.


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No ano de 2010, em Uberaba-MG, Brasil, teve início o projeto FORMAÇÃO CONTINUADA DE PROFESSORES DA EDUCAÇÃO BÁSICA: possibilidades inclusivas a partir da Cartografia. A proposta inicial começou com o desejo de um estudante de Geografia da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro – UFTM, em ajudar alunos surdos a entender a Disciplina Geografia. A idéia ampliou-se de tal forma que hoje participam diversas áreas de conhecimento na escola, além de profissionais da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU. Organizado em Módulos de discussão, o projeto prevê oficinas de Alfabetização Cartográfica para os estudantes do Ensino Fundamental (1º a 9º ano) e também para todos os professores que se interessarem, objetivando, também, a aplicação da Inclusão Escolar. Mini-Cursos sobre Global Positioning System (GPS), Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG), Imagens de Satélite, Escalas Gráficas e Numéricas, Localização, Corrida de Orientação, Geopolítica da Cidade, Valorização da Cultura Negra, Organização Política e Direitos do Trabalhador da Educação, e Metodologia do Trabalho Científico para apoiar os professores da Educação Básica que desejem organizar projetos com o objetivo da pesquisa na Pós Graduação: Especialização, Mestrado ou Doutorado.


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This work aims to bring near the contemporary historical novels O feitiço da ilha do Pavão (1997), by João Ubaldo Ribeiro, e O Chalaça (1994), by José Roberto Torero, analyzing the crossing of references where both novels meet. These novels share a zone of mythical-literary appropriation, where they read the Hispanic myths of Don Juan and picaro. Torero’s novel rewrites situations from the Brazilian First Empire and it’s built by changing the perspective to Francisco Gomes da Silva, the “Chalaça”, friend and personal secretary of the emperor D. Peter I. In this way, the novel establishes an intertextual relationship with the traditional picaresque novel, recalling some structural motifs and textual organization that make a parody of the picaro autobiographical account. Ubaldo Ribeiro’s novel retrieves the Brazilian Colonial period, executing a concentration of that society and its time conflicts by parody, following by the tensions between the protagonist group (an its ideal of freedom and equality) and social institutions, such as the Church and Estate, symbols of domination and oppression. Don Juan appears in the novel through the aim of freedom and opposition to the established norms that is observed in the island. From this reading, we’ll try to work on specific dialogue points between both myths that can be noticed in the novels as well relating them to the romantic esthetic: the vengeance and the trip. Our study is based on the notion of the myth as a structuring principle of the narrative, according to Frye (1973, p. 333), and the comprehension of the text as heterogeneous, arranged as a mosaic of citations (KRISTEVA, 1974, p. 64).


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This article analyzes the discourse on content curation - especially the digital one, and how it came to be treated as a professional and strategic tool in the marketing field. We tried to observe how these senses of curation work related to the consumer-reader, the curator and the discourse, in a constant tension between fragmentation and the desire for completeness of the language and the individual himself. This entire process happens in the archive space, since we can take the internet as a large archive, as well as the curatorial work, which captures fragments from other archives and creates new discurses. This article, therefore, discusses the discourse on content curation from the perspective of the language studies, anchored in the theoretical lines of discourse analysis.


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In the late nineteenth century, the discoveries of the unconscious universe and the fondness for mysterious dimensions of existence have influenced a group of young artists to probe world mysteries through the incantatory power of words. From the opposition to scientific Realism and Naturalism, and also inspired by the revolutionary poetry of Charles Baudelaire, thus arose Decadentism. The novel À Rebours, by the French novelist and art critic Joris-Karl Huysmans (1848-1907), is an important expression of that spirit. In that work, there is a fruitful dialogue between painting and literature, which inaugurates a new style opposing the already exhausted realistic model. Duke Des Esseintes, the eccentric protagonist of the novel, struggles to modernity and emerging bourgeoisie’s unrefined taste of emerging bourgeoisie. In his searching for a new literary model, Huysmans bet on environment descriptions and art transpositions. The painting served as an aesthetic paradigm for the novel construction, not limited only to the frequent descriptions of Moreau or Redon’s paintings, but also encompassing the way Huysmans described the furniture, tapestries, artificial flowers and fishes, book covers etc... Being outstanding was his idea, things beyond the reach for the common man, devoted to trivialities of everyday life. The transposition of art, or the creation of an artistic work by language, acquires immeasurable value to the critical Huysmans engrossing him in À Rebours. There, the critical superimpose the writer. The decadent style of Huysmans opposes the analytical reason. In his work, the art aims to retake the passion, the dream, the mystery, fear, death, totally disengaged of the desire to represent the reality.


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RESUMO: As transformações, que vêm ocorrendo nas narrativas latino-americanas a partir de Cervantes, permitem fazer relações entre a sua obra e a Nova Novela Histórica Latino-Americana (NNHLA) e considerá-lo o antecessor do novo gênero narrativo. Nas narrativas novelística e contista, levam a acreditar que houve um processo de maturidade que afetou os escritores latino-americanos e suas produções literárias. Tal processo se desata na procura por explicar a realidade por meio da invenção deliberada de elementos ficcionais que os sentidos não percebem e representam o esforço individual da genial imaginação de Cervantes, fazendo com que essa narrativa adquirisse características especiais, as quais foram analisadas por Ainsa (1991) neste novo gênero narrativo. O primeiro romance moderno – Dom Quixote de la Mancha, (1605-1615) de Miguel de Cervantes – induziu a uma nova visão do fazer literário, caracterizado pelo desejo imperioso de seu autor de “fazer-de-outro-modo” e guiado por um certo ideal ascético que percorre toda a obra de Cervantes. Esse novo modo de fazer literatura acaba por contagiar os escritores latino-americanos que buscavam ansiosamente romper com a tradição literária. Cabe, aqui, destacar que o termo “fazer-de-outro-modo” está sendo usado, neste estudo, no sentido empregado por Nietzsche (1987), em Genealogia da Moral. O novo fazer narrativo dos escritores latino-americanos revela não apenas uma transformação no fazer literário, mas também uma reação contrária à centralização do foco temático das obras na problemática social, que banalizada as obras, elevando-as, desta forma, ao nível dos mais conceituados romances polifônicos.


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This essay, starting from the description of the indigenous in the letter of discovery of Brazil of Pero Vaz de Caminha (1500), tries to define the clear tensions in the relationship between the first seafarers went to Brazil and the local population.It will be defined the relationship with the otherness, starting from the bodies, in their double function: they are at the same time filter (the eye of the colonizer) and filtered (the bodies of the colonized). It will be analyzed the way the sensorial perception can contribute to the construction of the representation of the world.  The description of the bodies and the perception of them, that the Portuguese writer will give though his own senses, will be the basis to observe the relation of the power and the tensions between colonizers and colonized, tensions that will persist in the future Brazilian society. Finally starting from the production of desire that this bodies excite and from the relationship between genders, will be speculated the function of sexuality in the society and the way the the power tries control it for its strengthness and establishment. The perception of the body will be also the reason to analyze the representation that the Portuguese writer will give of the otherness as being or as existing being.  


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Based on the fantastic narrative, this paper aims to present an analysis of the short story “Sonata”, from Erico Verissimo, which is part of his work Fantoches e outros contos, originally published in 1932. This is the first book published by this author, the only one of his own composed just by short stories. For the purpose of this paper, first of all, it is clarified the concept of fantastic narrative, according to the understanding of some authors – as Todorov (1979), Rodrigues (1988) and Calvino (2004) –, and, furthermore, it is briefly discussed the concepts of strange and marvelous, which contributes to the definition of fantastic. It is also mentioned aspects related to the emergence of fantastic and the reasons of its existence. To verify this element in the narrative, it is required a strange or supernatural event and, also, the hesitation of the reader and of a character. Besides, this kind of narrative involves a certain way of interpretation – the way that the reader faces the events presented by the story contributes to support the fantastic. After these considerations, it is presented a thorough analysis of the short story “Sonata”, which has music as a guide and presents the point of view of its main character, who is not named. That is the story of a young piano teacher that, in the context of World War II, moved by the desire of escaping from reality, gets immerse in old newspapers. In his reading, he finds out an ad from 1912, the year he was born, which requests the services of a piano teacher. From that moment on, a journey to the past starts, and, then, it is possible to verify the presence of several elements that point to the fantastic and allow the reader to experience the hesitation, such as the theory here in use indicates.


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Este texto procura desenvolver uma reflexão teórica a respeito da responsividade, considerada elemento constitutivo dos processos de trocas verbais efetivados pelos seres humanos em sociedades organizadas. Para tanto, assume-se a perspectiva teórica de linguagem de Bakhtin e seu Círculo, a partir da qual se procura caracterizar a responsividade, conceito que permeia os seus estudos. Como resultado desse processo reflexivo, a partir de exemplos de diálogos, com graduandos, na modalidade escrita, via e-mail, elenca-se uma série de aspectos da responsividade presentes nas proposições bakhtinianas, as quais se organizam em torno de uma premissa maior: a de que o desejo de resposta é o principal elemento motivador da assunção da palavra pelo locutor e propicia, igualmente, o surgimento dos vários elos da cadeia ininterrupta da comunicação verbal, estabelecendo-se a interação.


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This paper aims to show how, contrary to what Hilda Hilst said in many interviews, his writing always had a guaranteed space in the press and has been increasingly studied in academia. Complaints of writer she was unread, proceed only if we consider that, although many critics of repute have written about his work, none of them leaned over time on the work Hilst´s literary work, nor did a more extensive and thorough study about it. Something that happened with the works of Guimarães Rosa and Clarice Lispector, for example. The desire of Hilst  was to be popular, readable, hence its repeated outrage, but ten years after his death, although there is a whole movement around her public figure, what we think is that her texts never popularizing.


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This article has as main objective to reflect on the Dubsmash self-dubbing mobile app, from the centrality of the studies of Dialogic Discourse Analysis, especially with a focus on verbal-visual perspective. The paper features through the virtual sphere notion, the relationship between an mobile app in which the subject can dub scenes, music or viral Internet and the concrete enunciation as concrete possibility of saying, in words and images of the subject and his other. The text is interested specifically for videos compounds based on a textual fragment of a  Babylon scene, a Brazilian soap opera. The results point to a desire to performance art on the Internet, permeated by Bakhtinian notions like finish, completeness, externality and authorship. The work also shows that it is urgent the university look into the virtual sphere and their innovations while discursive projects and language  movements, constitutive of different interaction fields to be analyzed.