989 resultados para credible commitments.


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O presente estudo, feito em 2005, baseia-se em entrevistas com líderes de quarenta e três associações do Nordeste do Estado do Pará. Constatou-se que essa modalidade jurídica de cooperação, oficialmente privilegiada, tem passado ao largo das formas de organização espontâneas consagradas pela tradição camponesa e firmadas em laços de confiança, fidelidade e co-responsabilidade. As associações estudadas, muitas vezes, resumiam-se a meros grupos formais, e a elas cumpria estabelecer ou acompanhar contratos entre instituições financeiras, organizações públicas e privadas e os grupos camponeses. As associações que melhor alcançavam os resultados econômicos, políticos ou culturais almejados eram as que tinham vivenciado, anteriormente a sua constituição, algumas atividades coletivas ou comunitárias, isto é, aquelas que já tinham praticado uma forma de associativismo envolvendo um compromisso efetivo entre os membros. Essas contradições, vividas pelas comunidades tradicionais na ocasião de sua inserção no sistema institucional moderno, merecem atenção.


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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A dissertação aborda o desenvolvimento de práticas de sociabilidade e de uma rede de compromissos entre os atores sociais integrantes do mundo artístico (BECKER, 1982) ensejadas por meio da canção popular, bem como formas de produção e circulação dessa mercadoria cultural na cidade de Belém do Pará, entendendo-a como uma área de fronteira (HANNERZ, 1997) nos anos oitenta. Para isso, recorri à categoria cena musical (STRAW, 1991) como subsídio para análise dessas ocorrências socioculturais. Trata-se de um estudo antropológico com temática histórica (FREHSE, 2005; SAHLINS, 1999) pautado em pesquisas em registros escritos e na oralidade que está dividido em três capítulos. O primeiro, intitulado "Uma cidade em expansão e sua cultura musical em processo" apresenta uma caracterização das transformações no cenário urbano de Belém do Pará no início da década de 1980 e as fundações de uma cena de canção popular. Assim, são estudados dois eventos fundamentais para a conformação desse cenário musical, a Feira Pixinguinha em Belém do Pará e o Projeto Jayme Ovalle. O segundo capítulo é "A produção da canção identitária pelas práticas discursivas de artistas da música popular na Belém dos anos 80". Nele são objetos a relação do lugar com a feitura da canção e seus significados, a ideia de canção como objeto-valor, a formação da associação de músicos CLIMA e o estudo de algumas canções emblemáticas da cena oitentista. O terceiro capítulo, “Práticas de sociabilidade e os 'lugares da canção’ na Belém do Pará oitentista” estuda os espaços sociais da canção popular como os lugares onde se produzia e consumia a essa mercadoria cultural e por onde circulavam artistas e público dessa modalidade musical na cidade - como bares, teatros, casas de show - sob as características do ambiente urbano local. Também, apresenta-se uma visada sobre os festivais da canção e as gravações como mercadoria cultural e lugar de projeto (VELHO, 2008) para a categoria dos artistas do cenário da música abordado.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this paper distinct prior distributions are derived in a Bayesian inference of the two-parameters Gamma distribution. Noniformative priors, such as Jeffreys, reference, MDIP, Tibshirani and an innovative prior based on the copula approach are investigated. We show that the maximal data information prior provides in an improper posterior density and that the different choices of the parameter of interest lead to different reference priors in this case. Based on the simulated data sets, the Bayesian estimates and credible intervals for the unknown parameters are computed and the performance of the prior distributions are evaluated. The Bayesian analysis is conducted using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to generate samples from the posterior distributions under the above priors.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This text presents the first results of including research, in process, that it intends to investigate - in the period from 1950 to 1964 - the picture of the progressive political parties, the unions of the city and of the field, and the social movements marked by the national statement and for the anti-imperialism, especially those linked to the world labor perspective, discussing their proposals, differences, performances and commitments due to the political-cultural effervescence of this historical moment.


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The competitiveness among global markets, the constant need for reducing manufacturing costs and also the growing environmental commitments are fueling the development of techniques for recovery residual parts generated by industrial processes. Among the various areas of a company, we highlight those that involve the processing of raw materials derived from oil, such as polymers (resins), which may take centuries to decompose in the environment and also present as a economic and environmentally strategic point. Thus, this study would examine the recovery of waste polypropylene, from the injection process of a major multinational in the field of home appliances through the recycling by a process comprising the milling, extrusion and chipping of waste material. Easy to deploy, this proposal aims to reduce levels negligible disposal (scrap) of these residues as well as the reintegration of the production process into pieces no visual and no structural importance, aimed at cutting costs and reducing environmental impacts caused. After the survey data in kilograms of waste material generated in a given period of time, and the study of changes in material properties, it would enable the reuse steadily in the injection process


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Public organizations today ar constantly developing relationship strategies with audiences in search of acceptance before the public. The objective of this wor is to present strategies of Governmental Public Relations and Political Marketing that can be implemented by communication professionals in government. Therefore, duscysses principles and instruments of the objects mentioned, conducting study on actions taken by the Municipality of Botucatu city during the anniversary year of 2012, with na emphasis on the social event, Food Court Solidarity. The instruments studied contribute to the strengthening of relations between government and citizens, while complying with its commitments under its plan, meeting the demands of the population


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In the last years, environmental issues are being gradually addressed because of awareness regarding the limitation of natural resources for the maintenance of life on Earth, and the role played by the media in reporting on various issues that are related to the theme. In the industrial sector, this topic becomes ever more present in its planning. With the increase of production activities, the generation of waste causes many complications, both in industry and in the environment. For this reason laws and rules were created so that such problems are minimized, thus causing less impact on the environment. In this work was a study of the possible environmental impacts in a soybean crushing industry, situated in the city of Osvaldo Cruz, São Paulo state, detailing the sources and impacts of waste generation, and associate them relevant laws. From this, measures were proposed measures of adequacy involving compliance with commitments to environmental agencies, relevant requests of buyers and / or suppliers and improving environmental performance


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Nuclear medicine is a medical specialty related to imagery that deals with imaging techniques, diagnosis and therapy, allowing observing the physiological state of tissues noninvasively by marking the molecules participating of these physiological processes with radioactive isotopes, thus creating the called radionuclides. The image of a radionuclide is one of the most important applications of radioactivity in nuclear medicine. The equipment’s of nuclear medicine imaging use the principle of radiation detection, turning it into an electrical signal which, through specific algorithms, allows forming tomographic images that provide information about the functional status of organs. New detection systems have been developed for tomographic acquisitions using solid state detectors. These devices use crystals of cadmium zinc telluride (CdZnTe). Some of the advantages of this detector are a significant improvement of signal to noise ratio, the increased spectral and spatial resolution, which in sum, result in greater clarity of the images obtained, opening new perspectives for imaging protocols previously unattainable. In contrast, all other gamma-cameras equipped with vacuum tubes have remained relatively unchanged for nearly fifty years. In these gamma-cameras, the images are obtained using two steps significantly less efficient: the gamma rays are converted to light through a first device, and then the light is converted into an electrical signal through a second device. One of functions the Medical Physicist is related to the quality control of equipment. This control ensures that the information and images provided are true and thus credible to be used in medical reports. To perform this type of analysis the physicist must understand the performance characteristics and operation of all equipment of the department concerned; besides, in the absence of specific legislation, proposing...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The neoliberalism based on the Washington Consensus advised privatization as the most effective alternative for the management of natural resources. The question is what is prioritizing efficiency, market or welfare? The growing concern about the water issue has been highlighted in discussions in international policy debates, and what it turns out is the prominence of corporate and economic interests over social and environmental. The water is in crisis, there are several sources of popular conflicts around the world contrary to how this resource is being offered, as the Water War occurred in 2000 in the city of Cochabamba. It is necessary to respect its limitations to ensure their future availability and choose the best development model that favors the effectiveness of their control. The international proliferation of commercial vision concerning water stipulated privatization of their management as ideal rule, which increased rates, concentrated income, has not improved the quality nor promoted the conquest of equal access to water for most systems that provides these services, this is, privatization has not brought positive results that outweigh the harm of its implementation. Water is an essential commodity for life of living beings, in all its stages, basic reason to develop plans, rules and commitments that ensure its conservation and provide, as soon as possible, a valid alternative for the sustainable management in long term