952 resultados para brown pulp
This study compares two xylanases produced by filamentous fungi such as A. niger and A. flavus using agroindustrial residues as substract and evaluated the effect of these enzymes on cellulose pulp biobleaching process. Wheat bran was the best carbon source for xylanase production by A. niger and A. flavus. The production of xylanase was 18 and 21% higher on wheat bran when we compare the xylanase production with xylan. At 50°C, the xylanase of A. niger retained over 85% activity with 2 h of incubation, and A. flavus had a half-life of more than 75 minutes. At 55°C, the xylanase produced by A. niger showed more stable than from A. flavus showing a half-life of more than 45 minutes. The xylanase activity of A. niger and A. flavus were somehow protected in the presence of glycerol 5% when compared to the control (without additives). On the biobleaching assay it was observed that the xylanase from A. flavus was more effective in comparison to A. niger. The kappa efficiency corresponded to 36.32 and 25.93, respectively. That is important to emphasize that the cellulase activity was either analyzed and significant levels were not detected, which explain why the viscosity was not significantly modified.
Aim: To compare the clinical, radiographic and histological responses of the pulp to mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), calcium hydroxide (CH) and Portland cement (PC) when used as a pulpotomy agent in human primary teeth. Study design: Forty-five mandibular primary molar teeth were randomly assigned to CH, MTA or PC groups and treated by pulpotomy technique. Methods: The teeth were treated by conventional pulpotomy technique, differing only in the capping material for each group. Clinical and radiographic evaluations were recorded at 6-, 12- and 24-month follow-up. Teeth in the regular exfoliation period were further processed for histologic analysis. Statistics: The teeth were treated by conventional pulpotomy technique, differing only in the capping material for each group. Clinical and radiographic evaluations were recorded at 6-, 12- and 24-month follow-up. Teeth in the regular exfoliation period were further processed for histologic analysis. Statistics: Clinically and radiographically, the MTA and PC groups showed 100 % success rates at 6, 12 and 24 months. In CH group, several teeth presented clinical and radiographic failures detected throughout the follow-up period, and internal resorption was a frequent radiographic finding. Histologic analysis revealed the presence of dentine-like mineralised material deposition obliterating the root canal in the PC and MTA groups. CH group presented, in most of the sections, necrotic areas in the root canals. Conclusions: MTA and PC may serve as effective materials for pulpotomies of primary teeth as compared to CH. Although our results are very encouraging, further studies and longer follow-up assessments are needed in order to determine the safe clinical indication of Portland cement.
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the production of the chemokines CCL3 and CXCL12 by cultured dental pulp fibroblasts from permanent (PDPF) and deciduous (DDPF) teeth under stimulation by Porphyromonas gingivalis LPS (PgLPS). Material and Methods: Primary culture of fibroblasts from permanent (n=3) and deciduous (n=2) teeth were established using an explant technique. After the fourth passage, fibroblasts were stimulated by increasing concentrations of PgLPS (0 – 10 µg/mL) at 1, 6 and 24 h. The cells were tested for viability through MTT assay, and production of the chemokines CCL3 and CXCL12 was determined through ELISA. Comparisons among samples were performed using One-way ANOVA for MTT assay and Two-way ANOVA for ELISA results. Results: Cell viability was not affected by the antigen after 24 h of stimulation. PgLPS induced the production of CCL3 by dental pulp fibroblasts at similar levels for both permanent and deciduous pulp fibroblasts. Production of CXCL12, however, was significantly higher for PDPF than DDPF at 1 and 6 h. PgLPS, in turn, downregulated the production of CXCL12 by PDPF but not by DDPF. Conclusion: These data suggest that dental pulp fibroblasts from permanent and deciduous teeth may present a differential behavior under PgLPS stimulation.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical properties of avocado pulp of four different varieties (Avocado, Guatemala, Dickinson, and Butter pear) and to identify which has the greatest potential for oil extraction. Fresh avocado pulp was characterized by moisture, protein, fat, ash, carbohydrates and energy contents were determined. The carotenoids and chlorophyll contents were determined by the organic solvent extraction method. The results showed significant differences in the composition of the fruit when varieties are compared. However, the striking feature in all varieties is high lipid content; Avocado and Dickinson are the most suitable varieties for oil extraction, taking into account moisture content and the levels of lipids in the pulp. Moreover, it could be said that the variety Dickinson is the most affected by the parameters evaluated in terms of overall quality. Chlorophyll and carotenoids, fat-soluble pigments, showed a negative correlation with respect to lipids since it could be related to its function in the fruit. The varieties Avocado and Dickinson are an alternative to oil extraction having great commercial potential to be exploited thus avoiding waste and increasing farmers income.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the odontogenic potential of undifferentiated pulp cells (OD-21 cell line) through chemical stimuli in vitro. Cells were divided into uninduced cells (OD-21), induced cells (OD-21 cultured in supplemented medium/OD-21+OM) and odontoblast-like cells (MDPC-23 cell line). After 3, 7, 10 and 14 days of culture, it was evaluated: proliferation and cell viability, alkaline phosphatase activity, total protein content, mineralization, immunolocalization of dentin matrix acidic phosphoprotein 1 (DMP1), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and osteopontin (OPN) and quantification of genes ALP, OSTERIX (Osx), DMP1 and runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) through real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests (p<0.05). There was a decrease in cell proliferation in OD-21 + OM, whereas cell viability was similar in all groups, except at 7 days. The amount of total protein was higher in group OD-21 + OM in all periods; the same occurred with ALP activity after 10 days when compared with OD-21, with no significant differences from the MDPC-23 group. Mineralization was higher in OD-21+OM when compared with the negative control. Immunolocalization demonstrated that DMP1 and ALP were highly expressed in MDPC-23 cells and OD-21 + OM cells, whereas OPN was high in all groups. Real-time PCR revealed that DMP1 and ALP expression was higher in MDPC-23 cell cultures, whereas RUNX2 was lower for these cells and higher for OD-21 negative control. Osx expression was lower for OD-21 + OM. These results suggest that OD-21 undifferentiated pulp cells have odontogenic potential and could be used in dental tissue engineering.
Aiming to compare the effect of different light sources for dental bleaching on vascular permeability of dental pulps, forty-eight incisors were used. The bleaching agent (35 % hydrogen peroxide) was activated by halogen light; LED (Light Emitting Diode) or LED, followed by laser phototherapy (LPT) (λ = 780 nm; 3 J/cm²). After the bleaching procedures, the animals received an intra-arterial dye injection and one hour later were sacrificed. The teeth were diaphanized and photographed. The amount of blue stain content of each dental pulp was quantified using a computer imaging program. The data was statistically compared (p < 0.05). The results showed a significant higher (p < 0.01) dye content in the groups bleached with halogen light, compared with the control, LED and LED plus LPT groups. Thus, tooth bleaching activated by LED or LED plus LPT induces lesser resulted in increased vascular permeability than halogen light.
The composition and seasonal variation of brachyuran and anomuran species associated with mussel farms were evaluated at Praia da Cocanha, São Paulo between May 2007 and February 2008. Nine mussel ropes were sampled at random in each quarter, and 1,208 organisms were identified, comprising five families and 28 species. The most numerous species was the porcellanid Pachycheles laevidactylus (18.5%), followed by the xanthids Acantholobulus schmitti (16.6%), Hexapanopeus paulensis (11.3%), Panopeus americanus (10.2%), and Menippe nodifrons (8.4%). The exotic crab Charybdis hellerii was recorded throughout the study period. The ecological descriptors, except Pielou evenness index, varied significantly over the time. The highest abundance and diversity of the species were recorded during November and February. This pattern was reversed for Berger-Parker dominance, with the lowest values recorded in February. The development of epifauna was correlated with the different stages of the mussel farms, since the mean size of mussels and consequently the abundance of epibiotic organisms and the structural complexity on the mussel ropes increased from May (seeding) until February (harvest). Despite this, the temporal population variations in recruitment patterns of the different epibionts should not be overlooked. The results indicated that the mussel farms provided favorable conditions for the development of these crustacean groups, which could be used in environmental monitoring programs and / or be exploited for the aquarium trade.
Brazil is considered one of the largest producers and consumers of tropical fruits. Green coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) stands out not only for its production and consumption, but also for the high amount of waste produced by coconut water industry and in natura consumption. Therefore, there is a need for utilization of this by-product. This study aims to study the adsorption isotherms of green coconut pulp and determine its isosteric heat of sorption. The adsorption isotherms at temperatures of 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 °C were analyzed, and they exhibit type III behavior, typical of sugar rich foods. The experimental results of equilibrium moisture content were correlated by models present in the literature. The Guggenheim, Anderson and De Boer (GAB) model proved particularly good overall agreement with the experimental data. The heat of sorption determined from the adsorption isotherms increased with the decrease in moisture content. The heat of sorption is considered as indicative of intermolecular attractive forces between the sorption sites and water vapor, which is an important factor to predict the shelf life of dried products.
Centro de Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain
[EN] Since the industrial revolution, anthropogenic CO2 emissions have caused ocean acidification, which particularly affects calcified organisms. Given the fan-like calcified fronds of the brown alga Padina pavonica, we evaluated the acute (shortterm) effects of a sudden pH drop due to a submarine volcanic eruption (October 2011–early March 2012) affecting offshore waters around El Hierro Island (Canary Islands, Spain). We further studied the chronic (long-term) effects of the continuous decrease in pH in the last decades around the Canarian waters. In both the observational and retrospective studies (using herbarium collections of P. pavonica thalli from the overall Canarian Archipelago), the percent of surface calcium carbonate coverage of P. pavonica thalli were contrasted with oceanographic data collected either in situ (volcanic eruption event) or from the ESTOC marine observatory data series (herbarium study). Results showed that this calcified alga is sensitive to acute and chronic environmental pH changes. In both cases, pH changes predicted surface thallus calcification, including a progressive decalcification over the last three decades. This result concurs with previous studies where calcareous organisms decalcify under more acidic conditions. Hence, Padina pavonica can be implemented as a bio-indicator of ocean acidification (at short and long time scales) for monitoring purposes over wide geographic ranges, as this macroalga is affected and thrives (unlike strict calcifiers) under more acidic conditions
Nonostante lo sforzo sempre crescente mirato allo studio delle malattie che colpiscono le sclerattinie, ancora poco si sa circa distribuzione, prevalenza, host range e fattori che concorrono alla comparsa di queste patologie, soprattutto nell’area indopacifica. Questo studio si propone quindi lo scopo di documentare la presenza della Brown Band Disease all’interno delle scogliere madreporiche dell’Arcipelago delle Maldive. Nell’arco di tempo tra Novembre e Dicembre 2013 è stata effettuata una valutazione di tipo quantitativo di tale patologia su tre isole appartenenti l’Atollo di Faafu, rispettivamente Magoodhoo, Filitheyo e Adangau. Queste tre isole sono caratterizzate da un diverso sfruttamento da parte dell’uomo: la prima isola è abitata da locali, la seconda caratterizzata dalla presenza di un resort e l’ultima, un’isola deserta. Al fine di valutare prevalenza, distribuzione e host range della BrBD sono stati effettuati belt transect (25x2 m), point intercept transect e analisi chimico fisiche delle acque. La Brown Band Disease è risultata essere diffusa tra le isole con prevalenze inferiori al 0,50%. Queste non hanno mostrato differenze significative tra le isole, facendo quindi ipotizzare che i diversi valori osservati potrebbero essere imputati a variazioni casuali e naturali. In tutta l’area investigata, le stazioni più profonde hanno mostrato valori di prevalenza maggiori. La patologia è stata registrata infestare soprattutto il genere Acropora (con prevalenza media totale inferiore all’1%) e in un solo caso il genere Isopora. È stato dimostrato come sia presente una correlazione negativa tra densità totale delle sclerattinie e la prevalenza della Brown Band sul genere Acropora. É stato inoltre notato come vi fosse una correlazione positiva tra la prevalenza della BrBD e la presenza del gasteropode Drupella sulle colonie già malate. Poiché il principale ospite della patologia è anche il più abbondante nelle scogliere madreporiche maldiviane, si rendono necessari ulteriori accertamenti e monitoraggi futuri della BrBD.
Questo lavoro è volto a far conoscere l'opera dello scrittore H. Krausser "Einsamkeit und Sex und Mitleid" e il genere Pulp. Ho voluto approfondire alcune caratteristiche di questo genere perché è ancora poco conosciuto, dato che questa corrente letteraria è nata soltanto negli anni Novanta. Nella prima parte dell'elaborato ho inserito una breve presentazione del genere per spiegare l'origine del termine pulp e descrivere le caratteristiche principali che lo definiscono. In modo particolare mi sono concentrato sulla sua diffusione in Italia attraverso la corrente dei cannibali, indicandone i principali esponenti. Successivamente ho presentato l'autore Helmut Krausser che, attraverso un accurato lavoro letterario, è stato in grado di mettere insieme un mosaico di personaggi sparsi per la metropoli di Berlino. Julia König è una donna ambiziosa ed esigente, Vincent è un gigolò rinomato, Ekki un ex professore ridotto alla miseria, Swentja una giovane ragazza contesa tra due giovani e incapace di badare a sua sorella. Questi sono solo alcuni dei personaggi presenti nell'opera. Questo libro risultava interessante sul piano traduttivo poiché gli spunti da analizzare erano molteplici e, a mio avviso, intriganti. Visto l'ampio numero di personaggi, l'opera di H. Krausser è incentrata sul dialogo. Si tratta di una tipologia testuale che all'apparenza potrebbe sembrare semplice e lineare, ma in realtà può rivelarsi insidiosa per la traduzione. Infatti, non è semplice restituire la stessa spontaneità del testo di partenza e trasmettere in maniera fedele il registro tipico dell'oralità. Ho ritenuto opportuno analizzare questo genere letterario per le peculiarità che lo contraddistinguono dagli altri. Con i suoi toni crudi, violenti e talvolta anche cinici il pulp offre immagini di realtà drammatiche che producono un forte impatto emotivo sul lettore grazie a uno stile diretto, privo dei filtri della moralità e del pudore.