857 resultados para brand portfolio
To meet electricity demand, electric utilities develop growth strategies for generation, transmission, and distributions systems. For a long time those strategies have been developed by applying least-cost methodology, in which the cheapest stand-alone resources are simply added, instead of analyzing complete portfolios. As a consequence, least-cost methodology is biased in favor of fossil fuel-based technologies, completely ignoring the benefits of adding non-fossil fuel technologies to generation portfolios, especially renewable energies. For this reason, this thesis introduces modern portfolio theory (MPT) to gain a more profound insight into a generation portfolio’s performance using generation cost and risk metrics. We discuss all necessary assumptions and modifications to this finance technique for its application within power systems planning, and we present a real case of analysis. Finally, the results of this thesis are summarized, pointing out the main benefits and the scope of this new tool in the context of electricity generation planning.
Volunteer organizations operate in a challenging environment and their management practices toward volunteers have become increasingly influenced by the private sector. This case study explores the impact of brand heritage on the experience of volunteering in such managed environments. We use data from the U.K. Scouts to show that brand heritage has a positive bearing on the level of engagement volunteers experience and on their reported attitude to the way(s) in which they are managed within the volunteer organization. We then use these findings to establish the salience of brand heritage to both long established and recently formed organizations, extending current volunteer management theory; consequently, we suggest volunteer managers utilize the power of brand heritage through unlocking its ability to retain engaged and satisfied volunteers.
Les stages en milieux hospitaliers offrent une opportunité aux personnes étudiantes dans le domaine de la santé d’exécuter différentes méthodes d’évaluation et des méthodes de soins. Le Programme de soins infirmiers offre plusieurs de ces stages. Pour chaque stage, les personnes étudiantes elles doivent faire une liste des méthodes d’évaluation et des méthodes de soins effectuées dans un cahier. Elles doivent aussi y faire leur autoévaluation sur, par exemples, le déroulement de la méthode de soins, sur la relation avec le patient, ses difficultés... Le Programme de soins infirmiers comprenant 11 différents stages sur les 3 ans, il devient difficile d’avoir un suivi des acquis antérieurs et une bonne évaluation de la compétence. La création d’un portfolio sur les techniques effectuées lors des stages, permettra le suivi et l’évaluation des apprentissages relatifs à la compétence « utiliser des méthodes d’évaluation et des méthodes de soins » (Gouvernement du Québec, 2004) et ce, sur toute la durée du programme, soit trois ans, plutôt que sur la base d’un seul stage. Pour ce faire, un questionnaire en ligne a été complété par 46 personnes étudiantes et enseignantes dans le Programme de soins infirmiers du Cégep de Thetford. Suite à l’analyse, des focus groupes ont eu lieu pour valider ou clarifier certaines informations. L’analyse du questionnaire a permis de voir que la majorité des personnes répondantes est ouverte à essayer un portfolio électronique. De plus, des données pouvant figurer dans le portfolio et une grille des méthodes de soins ont été soulignées pour s’assurer de débuter le développement de ce dernier selon les besoins des personnes participantes. Comme il s’agit d’un nouvel outil pédagogique, leur implication dans le projet dès le début du processus pourrait permettre une meilleure collaboration lors de l’implantation du portfolio. Contrairement à la version papier, le portfolio électronique a l’avantage d’être accessible plus facilement et peut être utilisé en ligne par plus d’une personne à la fois. Il devient plus facile pour les personnes étudiantes et les enseignantes de commenter l’évolution de leurs compétences au fur et à mesure plutôt qu’à la fin du stage seulement. L’objectif étant d’avoir tous les éléments en main avant de commencer à travailler sur le développement du portfolio. En ayant déjà les attentes des personnes potentiellement utilisatrices, nous espérons diminuer le nombre de modifications ou d’ajustements à postériori. Nous espérons aussi que les personnes pouvant utiliser le portfolio y adhérent plus facilement s’il répond à leur besoins dès le départ. L’utilisation d’un portfolio sur la durée du programme pour l’évaluation des compétences longitudinales serait grandement aidant pour la progression et la réussite des personnes étudiantes. Pour le moment, il s’agit de créer le portfolio pour une compétence seulement. Toutefois, toutes les compétences évaluées pourraient éventuellement se retrouver dans cet outil et pourrait permettre aux personnes étudiantes d’avoir, en tout temps, le curriculum de leur formation, facilitant leur réflexion personnel et permettant de développer un jugement critique face à leur propre cheminement.
Language is widely recognized as an inescapable mediating tool for professional learning, and with this text we want to contribute to a better understanding of the particular role that guided writing can play in in-service professional reflective learning. We analysed one pre-school teacher’s written portfolio, the construction of which was guided to scaffold deep thinking about (and the transference of theory into) practice during participation in an in-service program about language education. Our case study shows that the writing process sustained robust learning about professional knowing, doing and learning itself: The teacher elaborated an integrative ethical understanding of the discussed theory, fully experienced newly informed practices and assessed her own learning by using theory to confront her previous knowledge and practices. Throughout the portfolio, the learning stance revealed by her voice varied accordingly. The study illustrates the potential of guided writing to scaffold reflective learning in in-service contexts.
Le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie (MERST) du Québec a modifié en 2013 le programme pré universitaire Arts, lettres et communication. Le cégep de La Pocatière a décidé de donner l’option médias. Les compétences du programme sont réparties dans 11 cours. Cette réalité nous a amenée à chercher une solution afin de permettre à l’étudiante ou à l’étudiant de réaliser un bilan de ses compétences et à l’enseignante ou à l’enseignant d’évaluer la compétence d’intégration des acquis du programme dans le cours porteur de l’épreuve synthèse de programme. C’est pour cela que l’objet de cet essai de maîtrise porte sur la conception d’un portfolio d’évaluation électronique pour documenter les compétences des élèves du programme Arts, lettres et communication, option médias. Un nouveau programme appelle de nouvelles pratiques de toutes sortes dont évaluatives. De plus, les étudiantes et les étudiants de la génération C sont très attirés par les technologies. De là, l’idée d’un portfolio d’évaluation électronique. Par ailleurs, les études réalisées jusqu’à présent sur le portfolio peuvent servir de sources d’inspiration. Notamment, celle de France Côté où le portfolio porte sur un cours, celle de Ginette Bousquet qui a pour objet un portfolio d’apprentissage et celle de Nathalie Martin qui présente un portfolio vérifiant l’acquisition de deux compétences (morcelées sur plusieurs sessions) d’un programme technique. Toutefois, elles ne répondent pas au besoin pressenti d’évaluer la compétence d’intégration des acquis qui suggère d’évaluer toutes les compétences du programme pré-universitaire. L’objectif général du présent essai est de concevoir un outil d’évaluation permettant à l’étudiante ou à l’étudiant de recueillir les preuves de ses compétences dans le but d’en faire un bilan au terme du programme Arts, lettres et communication, option médias dans le cadre du cours porteur de l’épreuve synthèse de programme : Projet médiatique II. Pour ce faire, le cadre de référence a été formé. Il porte sur le concept de compétence, l’évaluation des compétences, l’autoévaluation, le portfolio, le portfolio d’évaluation et le portfolio électronique. De plus, il intègre les objectifs spécifiques suivants : 1. Concevoir un portfolio électronique pour évaluer les compétences de l’étudiante ou de l’étudiant dans le cadre du programme Arts, lettres et communication, option médias; 2. Valider le portfolio électronique pour évaluer les compétences de l’étudiante ou de l’étudiant dans le cadre du programme Arts, lettres et communication, option médias. La méthodologie retenue se situe dans le pôle de l’innovation pédagogique. Il s’agit d’une recherche de développement s’appuyant sur les étapes de Van der Maren (2014). La méthodologie est qualitative et le paradigme interprétatif. Nous avons d’abord conçu le prototype en nous appuyant sur le cadre de référence afin d’en retirer les éléments essentiels d’un portfolio et nous avons appliqué les phases de Van der Maren. Puis, nous l’avons soumis aux critiques de quatre juges-experts. Les données recueillies par un questionnaire et une entrevue complémentaire, après analyse, ont amené des modifications du prototype. Tout cela a permis de concevoir le portfolio d’évaluation électronique et le Guide de réalisation qui en est la structure. Les résultats laissent transparaître notamment que pour faire élaborer un portfolio d’évaluation électronique, l’étudiante ou l’étudiant aura avantage à être accompagné par un Guide de réalisation conçu par son enseignante ou son enseignant. Aussi, que le support électronique est une plus-value. De plus, que le portfolio d’évaluation électronique permet un bilan de toutes les compétences, de pratiquer l’autoévaluation et surtout, qu’il s’agit d’un outil pertinent d’évaluation des compétences. Le portfolio d’évaluation électronique sera mis à l’essai à l’hiver 2016 dans le cadre du cours porteur de l’épreuve synthèse de programme (ESP).
Researchers have suggested that brand equity is vital for professional sport teams by focusing on the examination of sport fans in general. The current study aims to examine the differences in team brand equity perceptions between fan club members and nonmembers, and the predictive role of brand equity dimensions on behavioral intentions. Data were collected from fans of a professional football league (n = 2287) with an adapted version of the spectator-based brand equity scale. The results gathered through a confirmatory factor analysis provide evidence of fair psychometric properties of the measurement scale. A multi-group CFA analysis showed factorial stability of the model in both groups, while the latent mean comparisons revealed significant differences in the dimensions of brand mark, social interaction, commitment, team history, organizational attributes, team success, head coach, management, stadium, and internalization. In addition, a multi-group SEM analysis revealed that the relationships between brand equity dimensions and behavioral intentions are not significantly different among the groups. Social interaction, team success and internalization were the significant positive predictors of behavioral intentions among the overall sample. These findings highlight the importance of studying different types of consumers and suggest managerial implications, such as the need for clubs to establish reciprocal relationships with fans in order to increase their levels of internalization and contribute to increased behavioral intentions.
O presente texto pretende ser um contributo na investigação educacional, em especial ao nível das estratégias de formação de professores, focalizando-se em processos reflexivos que decorrem da utilização de (e)portfolios no contexto da formação de professores. Tendo em conta a experiência de estágio que acontece ao longo de um ano letivo no curso de Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar, a metodologia formativa implementada no âmbito da unidade curricular de Didática da Matemática na Educação Pré-Escolar, durante o 1º semestre do ano letivo de 2012/2013, privilegiou as situações reais do contexto educativo em que cada estudante desenvolveu a sua intervenção pedagógica, que funcionaram como ponto de partida para os processos reflexivos de natureza pessoal, académica e profissional. A análise aos (e)portfolios elaborados permite descrever as vantagens da utilização desta estratégia de formação quer do ponto de vista do docente, quer na perspetiva dos futuros educadores de infância, salientando as inúmeras e diversas possibilidades de desenvolvimento profissional (e pessoal), designadamente no que se refere à construção do conhecimento didático no âmbito da Educação Matemática. A não definição prévia de uma estrutura rígida subjacente ao (e)portfolio, viabilizou, como mostraremos, uma aprendizagem personalizada que está patente não só na variedade das evidências incluídas, de acordo com um exercício reflexivo que as sustenta, como também nos distintos formatos que foram apresentados.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop and test psychometric properties of a Mealtime Interaction Clinical Observation Tool (MICOT) that could be used to facilitate assessment and behavioural intervention in childhood feeding difficulties. Methods: Thematic analysis of four focus groups with feeding and behaviour experts identified the content and structure of the MICOT. Following refinement, inter-rater reliability was tested between three healthcare professionals. Results: Six themes were identified for the MICOT, which utilises a traffic-light system to identify areas of strength and areas for intervention. Despite poor inter-rater reliability, for which a number of reasons are postulated, some correlation between psychologists’ ratings was evident. Healthcare professionals liked the tool and reported that it could have good clinical utility. Conclusion: The study provides a promising first version of a clinical observation tool that facilitates assessment and behavioural intervention in childhood feeding difficulties.
Background: Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) management often worsens as children become adolescents. This can be a difficult time for parents as they hand over responsibility of diabetes management to their adolescent. Objectives: To look at the experiences of parents with a child with T1D as they move to adolescence and take more responsibility for their diabetes management. To find out about parents’ experience of support during this transition. Subjects: Three parents of adolescents with T1D. Participants were recruited from the NHS Highland Paediatric Diabetes Service. Methods: Participants took part in a one-to-one semi-structured interview with a researcher. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to analyse the interviews and find common themes across the interviews. Results: Participants experienced worry throughout their child’s transition to adolescence. They found it difficult to let their child take responsibility for their diabetes but acknowledged that their involvement caused tensions with their adolescent. Participants’ experience was that there were a number of practical adjustments to be made with a diagnosis of T1D and educating the network around their child was important. The participants reported that the diagnosis of T1D had an impact on the whole family and not just the child with the diagnosis. The parents felt well supported medically but said that the amount of time before their first clinic appointment felt too long. All participants had concerns about their adolescent moving to the adult diabetic service. Conclusions: Participants experienced worry relating to aspects of their adolescents T1D that they could not control, but were aware of the tensions caused by trying to keep elements of control. Areas of future research were identified.
Background: Research suggests that forensic mental health services and staff can play an important role in the recognition and intervention with attachment-related behaviours to promote engagement and recovery. There is a lack of literature exploring whether the attachment needs of forensic service-users are recognised and, associations between attachment style and factors predictive of recovery. Aims: This study aimed to examine the extent to which service-users and keyworkers agree about service-users’ attachment and to identify whether attachment was associated with service attachment, working alliance, ward climate and recovery. Methods: Twenty-two service-users from low and medium secure forensic services, completed questionnaire measures of their attachment style, service attachment, working alliance, ward climate and experiences of recovery. Nineteen keyworkers completed measures of the service-users attachment style and working alliance. Results: There was strong agreement between service-users and staff for attachment anxiety (ICC=0.71) but poor agreement for attachment avoidance (ICC=0.39). Service attachment was associated with more positive perceptions of staff support (r=0.49) and avoidant attachment was associated with lower ratings of recovery (r=-0.51). Correlations between attachment style and service attachment, working alliance and ward climate were small and non-significant. Conclusions: A focus on staff training to support recognition of the nature and impact of avoidant attachment styles is indicated. The findings suggest that interventions to enhance staff - service-user relationships may be important for service attachment and indeed promotion of a recovery focused orientation amongst service-users high in avoidant attachment may improve wellbeing and outcomes.
Objective: To explore the relationship between compulsive exercise and shame in a clinical sample of eating disorder patients. Method: In a cross-sectional study, individuals with an eating disorder (n=21) completed self-report measures of compulsive exercise, internal shame, external shame, bodily shame, anxiety and depression. Results: Internal shame was moderately associated with compulsive exercise (r=.496, p<.05). No further variables were significantly related to compulsive exercise. Individuals with Anorexia-Nervosa and Bulimia-Nervosa did not significantly differ on any of the study variables. Discussion: Hypotheses regarding the possible nature of the relationship between compulsive exercise and shame are suggested. For instance, that compulsive exercise may serve a role in the regulation of internal shame. That compulsive exercise may act as a compensatory behaviour and be a consequence of high levels of shame. Or that internal shame may result as a response to negative perceptions of one’s exercise habits. The results are discussed in line with current literature.
The purpose of this Mater’s Thesis was to examine how sports sponsorship can be used as a channel for brand engagement on social media. All these three concepts have been researched previously, however, up until now they have been studied separately. Therefore, the aim was also to investigate the interrelations between these three concepts, as there is a lack of academic base on the matter. The theory of the research was based on existing academic researches of social media, brand engagement and sports sponsorship. The empirical part of the research was conducted by utilizing quantitative research method. An online questionnaire was published on Facebook pages of two Liiga ice hockey teams. In the end the total sample consisted of 322 viable respondents. The collected data was analyzed by using statistical analysis software, SPSS. The findings of the empirical research reveal that information, enjoyment, personal identity, social interaction and compensation motivate consumers to engage with brands on social media. However, the behavior of consumers is more passive than active brand engagement. Personal identity and compensation serve as motivational reasons for brand engagement on both active and passive level, while the rest are only passive brand engagement. Besides motivation there are other variables that affect consumers. Support for the team reflects to brand engagement, which is passive brand engagement. The visibility of the brand during the event is linked to both active and passive brand engagement. Prior information of sports team and event and frequency of attendance can be linked only to active brand engagement. On the other hand, congruence between the team and brand reflects only to passive brand engagement.