1000 resultados para blockchain,metaverso,nft,web3.0
Con la llegada de la web 2.0, ha sido posible para todos los usuarios participar y colaborar en la construcción del conocimiento, además de servir al dominio público gracias al intercambio libre y legal de los contenidos y a su reutilización. Además los recursos educativos abiertos, son un concepto reciente en lo que respecta a la organización del mundo de intercambio de variedad de materiales y herramientas educacionales, e instituciones como la UNESCO están interesadas en el desarrollo de estos, para ser utilizados en una escala tan amplia y global como sea posible. Sin embargo los REA están teniendo algunas dificultades para alcanzar su eficacia, ya que hay algunas diferencias cruciales en la organización y en la interacción de estas redes abiertas. Este artículo intenta realizar un análisis del intercambio libre y legal de los contenidos y su reutilización utilizadas como apoyo para el aprendizaje en diferentes espacios en línea, aprovechando las posibilidades tecnológicas que permiten conformar nuevas estructuras de socialización-colaboración en línea.
Aim of the Thesis is to study and understand the theoretical concept of Metanational corporation and understand how the Web 2.0 technologies can be used to support the theory. Empiric part of the study compares the theory to the case company’s current situation Goal of theoretical framework is to show how the Web 2.0 technologies can be used in the three levels of the Metanational corporation. In order to do this, knowledge management and more accurately knowledge transferring is studied to understand what is needed from the Web 2.0 technologies in the different functions and operations of the Metanational corporation. Final synthesis of the theoretical framework is to present a model where the Web 2.0 technologies are placed on the levels of the Metanational corporation. Empirical part of the study is based on interviews made in the case company. Aim of the interviews is to understand the current state of the company related to the theoretical framework. Based on the interviews, the differences between the theoretical concept and the case company are presented and studied. Finally the study presents the found problem areas, and where the adoption of the Web 2.0 tools is seen as beneficiary, based on the interviews and theoretical framework.
The results of an exercise on electrochemistry for General Chemistry students are presented. The difficulty encountered by students in predicting the shift in the potential of the hydrogen electrode under non-standard conditions prompted a search in textbooks on how the subject is developed. Besides several instances of inconsistencies in defining the standard state, such as including the temperature in the definition, a number of incorrect depictions of the hydrogen electrode were discovered. Of the 28 General Chemistry books, 16 Physical Chemistry books and 24 Internet pages, 30, 20 and 46%, respectively, showed devices that would not work in practice.
Neste trabalho são apresentados resultados proveniente da aplicação da Espectroscopia Mössbauer na investigação de compostos carbonilferro contendo o ligante CS2, [Fe(CO)2(h²-CS2 )(PPh3)2] e [Fe(CO)2(h²-CS2) {P(OPh)3}2]. Nas sínteses dessas espécies, a utilização de TMNO (trimetilaminóxido) como agente descarbonilante mostrou-se bastante eficiente, superando aquelas descritas na literatura que requerem inclusive preparação de compostos precursores. Os resultados de espectroscopia Mössbauer, juntamente com dados no IV e de RMN de 31P, foram conclusivos na proposição da geometria octaédrica distorcida ao redor do átomo de ferro para ambos os compostos investigados.
Este trabalho contempla a síntese e caracterização espectroscópica de dois compostos carbonílicos heterometálicos do tipo [Fe(CO)3(m-CS2)(PPh3 )(CuX)], X = Cl, ClO4. Os dados provenientes da espectroscopia no infravermelho e de RMN de 31P{¹H} foram conclusivos quanto à proposição da geometria octaédrica distorcida ao redor do átomo de ferro (0), como também sobre a natureza bimetálica de ambos compostos. Estes dados esclareceram o modo de coordenação dos grupos carbonilos, da trifenilfosfina (PPh3), bem como a disposição do ligante dissulfeto de carbono em ponte entre os átomos de Fe (0) e Cu (I).
Gutenberg-lehti ilmestyi vuosina 1893-1915. Se oli perustettu ammattilehdeksi ja yhdyssiteeksi Suomen kirjanpainajille sekä äänenkannattajaksi Suomen kirjaltajaliitolle.
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Kirjasto 2.0 ja Verkko 2.0 -välineiden hyödyntäminen Hämeenlinnan ja Helsingin kaupunginkirjastoissa
The interception of the rainfall by the forest canopy has great relevance to the nutrient geochemistry cycle in low fertility tropical soils under native or cultivated forests. However, little is known about the modification of the rainfall water quality and hydrological balance after interception by the canopies of eucalyptus under pure and mixed plantations with leguminous species, in Brazil. Samples of rainfall (RF), throughfall (TF) and stemflow (SF) were collected and analyzed in pure plantations of mangium (nitrogen fixing tree -NFT), guachapele (NFT) and eucalyptus (non-nitrogen fixing tree -NNFT) and in a mixed stand of guachapele and eucalyptus in Seropédica, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Nine stemflow collectors (in selected trees) and nine pluviometers were randomly disposed under each stand and three pluviometers were used to measure the incident rainfall during 5.5 months. Mangium conveyed 33.4% of the total rainfall for its stem. An estimative based on corrections for the average annual precipitation (1213 mm) indicated that the rainfall's contribution to the nutrient input (kg ha-1) was about 8.42; 0.95; 19.04; 6.74; 4.72 and 8.71 kg ha-1 of N-NH4+, P, K+, Ca+2, Mg+2 and Na+, respectively. Throughfall provided the largest contributions compared to the stemflow nutrient input. The largest inputs of N-NH4+ (15.03 kg ha-1) and K+ (179.43 kg ha-1) were observed under the guachapele crown. Large amounts of Na+ denote a high influence of the sea. Mangium was the most adapted species to water competitiveness. Comparatively to pure stand of eucalyptus, the mixed plantation intensifies the N, Ca and Mg leaching by the canopy, while the inputs of K and P were lower under these plantations.