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Background: Despite improvements in child health, malnutrition still remains one of the main public health challenges in Iran. Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare under nutrition among under-five children with regard to ethnicity in rural area in north Iran. Patients and Methods: In three cross-sectional studies 7575 subjects in three time-periods including 2339 children in 1998, 2749 in 2004, and 2487 in 2013, were evaluated. All under-five-children in 20 out of 118 villages were chosen by random sampling and assessed. Under nutrition was defined as underweight, stunting and wasting lower than -2 SD (Z < -2 SD). Results: Generally, stunting was declined 17.1% and underweight and wasting were increased 0.9% and 1%, respectively during 15 years (1998 - 2013). Underweight increased 0.5% in Fars-natives and 3.2% in Turkmans and it was decreased 0.9% in Sistanis. Statistical difference in Turkman children among the three stages of the study was significant (P = 0.001). Stunting has decreased 28.7% in Fars-natives and 35.1% in Sistanis, it was increased 9.3% in Turkman group. Statistical differences among three stages in inter-ethnic groups were significant (P = 0.001 for all). Compared the group with good economic status, the odds ratio was 1.831 in poor economic group (P = 0.001). The risk of under nutrition in Sistanis was 1.754 times more than in Fars-natives (P = 0.001). Conclusions: Under nutrition remains one of the main health problems in under-five-year children in north Iran being more common in Sistani children. Stunting in Sistani children deeply decreased while in Turkman children slightly increased during the 15-year period study. Poor economic status is a risk factor for under nutrition in this area.
Background: Empyema thoracis in children causes significant morbidity. Standard treatment of Empyema thoracis includes tube drainage and antibiotics. But the tube drainage often fails. Intrapleural Streptokinase has been used in empyema thoracis with good success rate. Objectives: We evaluated the efficacy of intra-pleural Streptokinase in management of empyema thoracis even in advanced stages. Patients and Methods: A total of 28 patients with empyema thoracis requiring intercostal tube drainage aged zero to twelve years were included in the study who were admitted in Pediatric intensive care unit. 15,000 units/kg of Streptokinase was instilled into the pleural cavity. Response was assessed by clinical outcome, after unclamping and subsequent chest radiography and serial chest ultrasounds. Results: Streptokinase enhanced drainage in all patients with complete resolution of empyema thoracis in 26 patients. Two patients were referred for surgery. Only 7.2% required surgery. Streptokinase was equally effective if started before or after seven days. Conclusions: Intrapleural Streptokinase is the preferred treatment for treating pediatric empyema thoracis even in advanced stages and can avoid surgery.
The functional response between ingestion rate and food concentration was determined for each larval stage of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Artemia franciscana nauplii were supplied at 2,4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 per milliliter. The nauplii were counted by sight using a Pasteur pipette and transferred to Petri dishes containing 40 ml of brackish water (12 parts per thousand) lying on the top of black plastic. One larva at each stage was individually placed into each Petri dish containing different food density. After 24 h, each larva was removed from the Petri dish and the leftover nauplii were counted. The amount consumed was determined by the difference between the initial and final number of nauplii. Ingestion rate (I) increased as food density (P) increased and was defined by the model I=I-m(1-e(-kP)). The results suggest four levels of ingestion during larval development. The first level includes stages II, III and IV, with average maximum consumption of about 40 nauplii/day; the second level includes stages V and VI, with consumption of approximately 55 nauplii/day; the third level includes stages VII and VIII, with consumption of 80-100 nauplii/day. The fourth level includes stages IX, X and XI, in which the high values for maximum ingestion (Im) exceed the load capacity of the medium. The low values for constant k (that may correspond to the adaptability of the food to prey characteristics, such as, size, mobility, etc.) obtained for stages IX, X and XI indicated that Artemia is not an adequate prey and there is necessity of a supplementary diet. The best relationship between predator and prey seemed to occur during stage IV Results obtained in the present work may subsidize future researches and serve as a guideline for practical considerations of feeding rates. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, the start-up process is split conceptually into four stages: considering entrepreneurship, intending to start a new business in the next 3 years, nascent entrepreneurship and owning-managing a newly established business. We investigate the determinants of all of these jointly, using a multinomial logit model; it allows for the effects of resources and capabilities to vary across these stages. We employ the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor database for the years 2006–2009, containing 8269 usable observations from respondents drawn from the Lower Layer Super Output Areas in the East Midlands (UK) so that individual observations are linked to space. Our results show that the role of education, experience, and availability of ‘entrepreneurial capital’ in the local neighbourhood varies along the different stages of the entrepreneurial process. In the early stages, the negative (opportunity cost) effect of resources endowment dominates, yet it tends to reverse in the advanced stages, where the positive effect of resources becomes stronger.
Dear Editor, Phytohormones are essential regulators of plant development, but their role in the signaling processes between plants and fungi during arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) establishment is far from being understood (Ludwig-Müller, 2010). AM colonization leads to extensive effects on host metabolism, as revealed by transcriptome studies of AM plants (Hogekamp et al., 2011). Some genes have been specified as an AM core set, since they are mycorrhizal-responsive, irrespective of the identity of the plant, of the fungus, and of the investigated organ. These data support the idea that, on colonization, plants activate a wide reprogramming of their major regulatory networks and argue that mobile factors of fungal or plant origin are involved in such generalized metabolic changes. In this context, hormones may be good candidates (Bonfante and Genre, 2010). However, the emerging picture of the interaction between phytohormones and AMs is very patchy, and information on gibberellin (GA) involvement is still more limited (García-Garrido et al., 2010). The role of GA during nodulation is instead known to control the nodulation signaling pathway (Ferguson et al., 2011).
A navalheira (Necora puber) é uma das espécies mais consumidas em Portugal, sendo que a maioria dos organismos consumidos é atualmente importada de países do Norte da Europa. Para o sucesso da sua produção em aquacultura, é indispensável a administração de presas adequadas à dimensão das fases larvares e que respondam às suas necessidades nutricionais. Os benefícios da administração de copépodes têm vindo a ser reconhecidos, uma vez que os calanóides possuem um largo espectro de tamanhos, movimentos naturais que promovem a sua captura e elevados níveis de ácidos gordos essenciais. Acartia tonsa é uma das espécies de copépodes mais recomendadas para administrar nos primeiros estágios larvares, mas os seus protocolos de cultivo em grande escala ainda requerem otimização. Neste enquadramento, o presente estudo teve como objetivo a seleção da microalga mais adequada para o cultivo de A. tonsa, possibilitando a avaliação do seu efeito no desenvolvimento larval de N. puber, quando comparado com a administração de Artemia franciscana. Inicialmente, os copépodes foram submetidos a duas dietas distintas: Rhodomonas lens e Tetraselmis chuii, a uma densidade de 1x104 cell.mL-1, tendo sido avaliadas as taxas de eclosão, sobrevivência e produção de ovos. A microalga que promoveu uma melhor performance foi administrada nos cultivos contínuos de A. tonsa. Em relação ao desenvolvimento larvar de N. puber, foram avaliadas as taxas de crescimento, percentagem de estágios ao longo do tempo, bem como a correlação entre o peso e o comprimento das larvas, quando alimentadas com A. tonsa e A. franciscana. Adicionalmente, foi avaliado o perfil de ácidos gordos de ambas as espécies de microalgas e de zooplâncton. R. lens permitiu um melhor desempenho enquanto alimento para cultivos de A. tonsa, promovendo uma taxa de eclosão perto de 90%, enquanto que, com T. chuii os copépodes apenas sobreviveram até ao oitavo dia. Tais resultados poderão dever-se à dimensão celular de R. lens, bem ao seu elevado conteúdo de DHA. Em relação ao desenvolvimento larvar de N. puber, Acartia tonsa promoveu uma taxa de sobrevivência de 89 ± 1,63% em zoea V e o encurtamento da fase larvar. Com ambas as dietas foi demonstrada uma forte correlação entre o peso o tamanho. Foi observada uma melhor performance larvar a partir de zoea II, quando as larvas foram alimentadas com A. tonsa, devido à elevada presença de C 20:5 n3 e C 22:6 n3 e movimentos naturais que promovem a sua captura. Assim, foi possível concluir que as A. tonsa é uma presa adequada para larvas de pequenas dimensões, promovendo elevadas sobrevivências e redução da fase larvar.
Cette recherche, de type développement, avait pour but de concevoir et valider un outil pour mesurer la mobilisation de la pensée critique en soins infirmiers lors des stages en milieu clinique. Pour ce faire, nous avons mené notre projet en collaboration avec les membres du Département des soins infirmiers au Cégep de Sainte-Foy. La question centrale de la recherche était la suivante : quel outil permettra d'évaluer la pensée critique pendant les stages cliniques en soins infirmiers? À partir d'une recension des écrits portant sur la pensée critique dans trois disciplines, la philosophie, l'éducation et les soins infirmiers, nous avons constaté qu'il n'existait pas de consensus à propos de la définition de la pensée critique et de ses composantes dans le domaine des soins infirmiers. De plus, les définitions proposées qui étaient plus spécifiques aux soins infirmiers étaient difficilement opérationnalisables dans un contexte d'évaluation de la pensée critique en stage. À partir de la recension des écrits et de l'apport des membres du Département des soins infirmiers du Cégep de Sainte-Foy, nous avons proposé une définition opérationnelle sur laquelle nous avons basé la suite de nos travaux. Afin de créer un outil d'évaluation de la pensée critique qui soit adapté à la fois au contexte dans lequel son utilisation était prévue (les stages en milieu clinique) et aux besoins des professeures et professeurs en soins infirmiers qui en seront les futurs utilisateurs, nous avons sollicité leur collaboration tout au long de nos travaux. Nous les avons d'abord sondés à l'aide d'un questionnaire qui portait sur leur conception de la pensée critique en soins infirmiers et son évaluation lors de stages en milieu clinique. Nous avons ensuite analysé les réponses obtenues et tiré des conclusions que nous avons ensuite validées auprès des professeures et professeurs à l'aide d'entrevues semi-dirigées. Les réponses obtenues lors des entrevues semi-dirigées nous ont ensuite permis d'approfondir et clarifier les résultats obtenus dans les questionnaires. Nous avons alors été en mesure de produire une première version de notre outil d'évaluation et un guide d'accompagnement de celui-ci. Nous les avons ensuite présentés aux professeures et professeurs du Département de soins infirmiers dans le but de nous assurer qu'ils correspondaient bien à leurs attentes et à leur conception de la pensée critique par la voie d'entrevues semi-dirigées encore une fois. À la lumière des informations recueillies lors de cette seconde vague d'entrevues, nous avons modifié notre outil et le guide d'accompagnement avant de le mettre à l'essai en milieu clinique. Pour la mise à l'essai, le chercheur a accompagné cinq professeures ou professeurs en stage afin d'observer et d'évaluer le niveau de développement et la mobilisation de la pensée critique des étudiantes et étudiants. Un total de dix étudiantes ou étudiants ont été évalués à l'aide de l'outil. À la fin de la mise à l'essai, des commentaires ont été recueillis auprès des professeures et professeurs participants concernant leur expérience d'utilisation de l'outil et du guide d’accompagnement. Au final, une grille d'évaluation comportant neuf critères d'évaluation de la pensée critique et quatre niveaux de développement a été élaborée. Les résultats obtenus indiquent un taux d'accord inter-juge de 83 % entre le chercheur et les professeures ou professeurs qui ont participé à la mise à l'essai de l'outil d'évaluation de la pensée critique lors des stages en milieu clinique. Les professeures et professeurs participants ont été en mesure de situer les étudiantes et étudiants dans chacun des niveaux de la grille pour chaque critère avec aisance. Elles et ils se sont montrés satisfaits de l'outil qui ne représentait pas un fardeau de travail supplémentaire pour eux. De plus, elles et ils ont apprécié la simplicité de l'outil et le fait qu'il était compatible avec leurs stratégies d'évaluation actuelles. À notre connaissance, il s'agit du premier outil d'évaluation de la pensée critique qui soit spécifique aux soins infirmiers et au contexte des stages en milieu clinique. Notre outil pourra permettre aux professeures et professeurs d'identifier plus efficacement et plus rapidement les forces et faiblesses des étudiantes et étudiants en lien avec la pensée critique en stage. De plus, il vient baliser et objectiver l'évaluation de la pensée critique dans le programme d'études. Les résultats obtenus nous permettent également de croire que notre outil pourrait être réutilisé dans le cadre d'autres recherches afin de mesurer l'impact de différents facteurs contextuels sur le développement et la mobilisation de la pensée critique. Nous pensons, par exemple, à la possibilité de mesurer l'efficacité de certaines stratégies pédagogiques sur la mobilisation de la pensée critique chez les étudiantes et étudiants du programme.
Mastitis negatively influences the survival and weight gain of ovines for meat production. The purpose of this study was to investigate, in sheep for meat production, the occurrence of subclinical mastitis in ewes at the end of lactation and beginning of the consecutive lactation and to assess the composition and cellular characteristics of milk as a function of different rainfall indices. Mammary halves (821) of Santa Ines (479) and Morada Nova (342) ewes were examined. Milk samples were collected in two different moments of lactation: at weaning and postpartum of the consecutive lactation. Sample collection periods were called ?dry? or ?rainy? according to the rainfall index in the month immediately before the month of collection. The occurrence of subclinical mastitis at weaning in the Santa Ines and Morada Nova ewes were 16.4 and 12.6% in the dry period, and 17.7 and 23.5% in the rainy period, respectively. In the consecutive lactation period, the occurrences were 26.7 and 27.7% in the dry period and 41.8 and 39.1% in the rainy period, for the Santa Ines and Morada Nova ewes, respectively. Postpartum stage was critical for the occurrence of subclinical mastitis, as compared to that at the end of the previous lactation. Occurrence of the disease negatively influenced the SCC in the milk at the beginning of lactation and changed its composition, mainly in the rainiest periods, probably due to a difficulty in maintaining hygiene in the environment where the animals remained.
This article analyzes the historical, social and cognitive dimensions of the sociology of medicine in the construction of its identity, from Wolf Lepenies' perspective. It is understood that the construction of an identity does not end with the first historical manifestations, but is consolidated when it is institutionalized and structured as a field of knowledge by creating its own forms of cognitive expression. The text is divided into three parts: in the first the precursors are presented, highlighting the role played by some travelers, naturalists and folklore scholars, followed by social physicians-scientists and the first social scientists (1940-1969). In the second part, aspects of the consolidation of the social sciences in health are presented at two significant moments, namely the 1970s and 1980s. In the third part, the issues raised by the field are addressed in general terms. It is considered that once the main structural stages are in place there is still a need for the formation of new generations of social scientists in health. It is also essential to disseminate scientific production and to ensure that the relations are studied in depth and institutionalized with the sociological matrices on the one hand and with the field of health on the other.
Revascularization outcome depends on microbial elimination because apical repair will not happen in the presence of infected tissues. This study evaluated the microbial composition of traumatized immature teeth and assessed their reduction during different stages of the revascularization procedures performed with 2 intracanal medicaments. Fifteen patients (7-17 years old) with immature teeth were submitted to the revascularization procedures; they were divided into 2 groups according to the intracanal medicament used: TAP group (n = 7), medicated with a triple antibiotic paste, and CHP group (n = 8), dressed with calcium hydroxide + 2% chlorhexidine gel. Samples were taken before any treatment (S1), after irrigation with 6% NaOCl (S2), after irrigation with 2% chlorhexidine (S3), after intracanal dressing (S4), and after 17% EDTA irrigation (S5). Cultivable bacteria recovered from the 5 stages were counted and identified by means of polymerase chain reaction assay (16S rRNA). Both groups had colony-forming unit counts significantly reduced after S2 (P < .05); however, no significant difference was found between the irrigants (S2 and S3, P = .99). No difference in bacteria counts was found between the intracanal medicaments used (P = .95). The most prevalent bacteria detected were Actinomyces naeslundii (66.67%), followed by Porphyromonas endodontalis, Parvimonas micra, and Fusobacterium nucleatum, which were detected in 33.34% of the root canals. An average of 2.13 species per canal was found, and no statistical correlation was observed between bacterial species and clinical/radiographic features. The microbial profile of infected immature teeth is similar to that of primarily infected permanent teeth. The greatest bacterial reduction was promoted by the irrigation solutions. The revascularization protocols that used the tested intracanal medicaments were efficient in reducing viable bacteria in necrotic immature teeth.
This study aimed to identify novel biomarkers for thyroid carcinoma diagnosis and prognosis. We have constructed a human single-chain variable fragment (scFv) antibody library that was selected against tumour thyroid cells using the BRASIL method (biopanning and rapid analysis of selective interactive ligands) and phage display technology. One highly reactive clone, scFv-C1, with specific binding to papillary thyroid tumour proteins was confirmed by ELISA, which was further tested against a tissue microarray that comprised of 229 thyroid tissues, including: 110 carcinomas (38 papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs), 42 follicular carcinomas, 30 follicular variants of PTC), 18 normal thyroid tissues, 49 nodular goitres (NG) and 52 follicular adenomas. The scFv-C1 was able to distinguish carcinomas from benign lesions (P=0.0001) and reacted preferentially against T1 and T2 tumour stages (P=0.0108). We have further identified an OTU domain-containing protein 1, DUBA-7 deubiquitinating enzyme as the scFv-binding antigen using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. The strategy of screening and identifying a cell-surface-binding antibody against thyroid tissues was highly effective and resulted in a useful biomarker that recognises malignancy among thyroid nodules and may help identify lower-risk cases that can benefit from less-aggressive management.
Nutrient restriction during the early stages of life usually leads to alterations in glucose homeostasis, mainly insulin secretion and sensitivity, increasing the risk of metabolic disorders in adulthood. Despite growing evidence regarding the importance of insulin clearance during glucose homeostasis in health and disease, no information exists about this process in malnourished animals. Thus, in the present study, we aimed to determine the effect of a nutrient-restricted diet on insulin clearance using a model in which 30-d-old C57BL/6 mice were exposed to a protein-restricted diet for 14 weeks. After this period, we evaluated many metabolic variables and extracted pancreatic islet, liver, gastrocnemius muscle (GCK) and white adipose tissue samples from the control (normal-protein diet) and restricted (low-protein diet, LP) mice. Insulin concentrations were determined using RIA and protein expression and phosphorylation by Western blot analysis. The LP mice exhibited lower body weight, glycaemia, and insulinaemia, increased glucose tolerance and altered insulin dynamics after the glucose challenge. The improved glucose tolerance could partially be explained by an increase in insulin sensitivity through the phosphorylation of the insulin receptor/protein kinase B and AMP-activated protein kinase/acetyl-CoA carboxylase in the liver, whereas the changes in insulin dynamics could be attributed to reduced insulin secretion coupled with reduced insulin clearance and lower insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) expression in the liver and GCK. In summary, protein-restricted mice not only produce and secrete less insulin, but also remove and degrade less insulin. This phenomenon has the double benefit of sparing insulin while prolonging and potentiating its effects, probably due to the lower expression of IDE in the liver, possibly with long-term consequences.
The aim of this work is focused on the extraction and characterization of the Brazilian seaweed Sargassum filipendula alginate. Alginates obtained at different seasons were characterized by liquid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The alginate extraction efficiency was about 20%. Different seasons of the year and different stages in the life cycle of Sargassum sp. in southeastern Brazil influenced the M/G and, consequently, the technological properties of extracted alginates.