755 resultados para Youth with social disabilities
Research into the etiology of social phobia has lagged far behind that of descriptive and maintaining factors. The current paper reviews data from a variety of sources that have some bearing on questions of the origins of social fears. Areas examined include genetic factors, temperament, childrearing, negative life events, and adverse social experiences. Epidemiological data are examined in detail and factors associated with social phobia such as cognitive distortions and social skills are also covered. The paper concludes with an initial model that draws together some of the current findings and aims to provide a platform for future research directions. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article describes a collaborative and cross-curricula initiative undertaken in the School of Education at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. The project involved developing an integrated approach to providing professional year pre-service secondary teacher education students with experiences that would assist them to develop their knowledge and skills to teach students with special needs in their classrooms. These experiences were undertaken in the authentic teaching and learning context of a post-school literacy program for young adults with intellectual disabilities. In preliminary interviews pre-service teachers revealed that they lacked experience, knowledge and understanding related to teaching students with special needs, and felt that their teacher education program lacked focus in this field. This project was developed in response to these expressed needs. Through participating in the project, pre-service teachers' knowledge and understanding about working with students with diverse learning needs were developed as they undertook real and purposeful tasks in an authentic context.
This study examined the sources of stress experienced by occupational therapists and social workers employed in Australian public mental health services and identified the demographic and work-related factors related to stress using a cross-sectional survey design. Participants provided demographic and work-related information and completed the Mental Health Professionals Stress Scale. The overall response rate to the survey was 76.6%, consisting of 196 occupational therapists and 108 social workers. Results indicated that lack of resources, relationships and conflicts with other professionals, workload, and professional self-doubt were correlated with increased stress. Working in case management was associated with stress caused by client-related difficulties, lack of resources, and professional self-doubt. The results of this study suggest that Australian occupational therapists and social workers experience stress, with social workers reporting slightly more overall stress than occupational therapists. Copyright © 2005 Whurr Publishers Ltd.
In Australia and other countries, certain groups of women have traditionally been denied access to assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs). These typically are single heterosexual women, lesbians, poor women, and those whose ability to rear children is questioned, particularly women with certain disabilities or who are older. The arguments used to justify selection of women for ARTs are most often based on issues such as scarcity of resources, and absence of infertility ( in lesbians and single women), or on social concerns: that it goes against nature''; particular women might not make good mothers; unconventional families are not socially acceptable; or that children of older mothers might be orphaned at an early age. The social, medical, legal, and ethical reasoning that has traditionally promoted this lack of equity in access to ARTs, and whether the criteria used for client deselection are ethically appropriate in any particular case, are explored by this review. In addition, the issues of distribution and just gatekeeping'' practices associated with these sensitive medical services are examined.
Many clients in Hong Kong with developmental disabilities stay in mental hospitals because of mental disorders and behavioural problems. There is a need to identify strategies that promote psychological well-being and reduce problem behaviours in this group of clients. This study evaluates the impact of multisensory therapy on participants’ emotional state, level of relaxation, challenging behaviour, stereotypic self-stimulating behaviour (SSB) and adaptive behaviour (AB). Using an experimental design, 89 participants were recruited from a developmental disability unit in a hospital in Hong Kong and randomly assigned to either an experimental (n = 48) or a control group (n = 41). Multisensory therapy sessions (n = 36) were conducted with experimental group and activity sessions (n = 36) were conducted with controls for 12 weeks. Multisensory therapy promoted participants’ positive emotions and relaxation. However, there was no evidence that multisensory therapy was superior to activity therapy in reducing aggressive behaviour and stereotypic self-stimulating behaviour or promoting adaptive behaviour. The key variables that influence clients’ behaviours in the multisensory therapy may be related to the relationship with the carer, constant environment, relaxation and freedom from demands rather than sensory input. Multisensory therapy could be used to provide leisure and promote psychological well-being, rather than for reducing problem behaviour.
Community-based treatment and care of people with psychiatric disabilities has meant that they are now more likely to engage in the parenting role. This has led to the development of programs designed to enhance the parenting skills of people with psychiatric disabilities. Evaluation of these programs has been hampered by a paucity of evaluation tools. This study's aim was to develop and trial a tool that examined the parent-child interaction within a group setting, was functional and easy to use, required minimum training and equipment, and had acceptable levels of reliability and validity. The revised tool yielded a single scale with acceptable reliability. It had discriminative validity and concurrent validity with non-independent global ratings of parenting. Sensitivity to change was not investigated. The findings suggest that this method of evaluating parenting is likely to have both clinical and research utility and further investigation of the psychometric properties of the tool is warranted.
Goals of work: The diagnosis and treatment of a brain tumour may result in long-term changes in a patient's functional and social abilities and/or in a greatly reduced life span. A qualitative investigation was conducted to examine the supportive care needs of patients with brain tumour and their carers. Materials and methods: Overall, 18 patients and 18 carers participated in focus groups or telephone interviews, following a structured interview guide to elicit supportive care services of importance to these patients and carers. Main results: Six major themes were identified using the framework analysis method, including needs for information and coping with uncertainty, practical support, support to return to pretreatment responsibilities or prepare for long-term care, support to deal with social isolation and organize respite care, support to overcome stigma/discrimination and support to discuss potentially reduced life expectancy. Conclusions: Five recommendations to improve service delivery include: assignment of a dedicated member of the care team or case manager; proactive dissemination of information, education and psychosocial support; access to objective assessment of neuropsychological functioning; facilitating easier access to welfare payments; and services facilitating communication about difficult illness-related topics. Provision of services along these recommendations could improve supportive care of brain tumour patients and their carers.
Os produtos de luxo são capazes de transmitir significados sociais e individuais, bem como sua carga simbólica e emocional. Por meio desses produtos, é possível conhecer um pouco dos valores, crenças e atitudes das pessoas que os consomem. O número de pessoas com deficiência no Brasil chega a 45 milhões da população brasileira, e o mercado brasileiro voltado para pessoas com deficiência ainda é pouco explorado pelas empresas. Esse trabalho objetiva analisar os efeitos dos fatores antecedentes da atitude face aos bens de luxo entre pessoas portadoras de deficiência física e pessoas sem deficiência. A pesquisa fundamenta-se em uma abordagem de investigação quantitativa, onde os dados foram coletados por meio de um instrumento de pesquisa com a obtenção de 239 questionários respondidos, possibilitando a análise dos relacionamentos entre os construtos Status, Influência Social, Autoestima, Não funcionalidade sobre a Atitude Face aos Bens de Luxo. Para realizar os testes das hipóteses do estudo, foi realizada a análise de equações estruturais, com base no PLS-PM (Partial Least Squares Path Modeling), onde foram apresentadas medidas satisfatórias para os construtos investigados e o modelo proposto, sendo significantes algumas relações entre os construtos. O estudo concluiu que a percepção de status influencia positivamente a Atitude face ao luxo, pois os indivíduos buscam aumentar seu status através do consumo de bens de luxo. Concluiu-se também que a influência social e autoestima impactam positivamente a Atitude face aos bens de luxo. Não foram encontradas influências significantes da não funcionalidade com a atitude face ao luxo e, além disso, não foi confirmado que a autoestima influencia a percepção de status e de influência social. Os resultados evidenciam também que pessoas sem deficiência possuem maior percepção de Status se comparados com as pessoas com deficiência física. O grupo de pessoas com deficiência física tem maior percepção de Funcionalidade atribuída aos produtos e maior Autoestima se comparado com o grupo de pessoas sem deficiência. De acordo com os resultados, o impacto da Autoestima sobre a Atitude Face ao Luxo é moderado pelo porte de deficiência.
A pesquisa tem por finalidade estudar a prática social das Igrejas Batistas de Campo Grande MS, à luz da relação histórica dos batistas com a ação social e a partir dos conceitos da práxis transformadora. Objetiva-se estudar as ações sociais das igrejas batistas na cidade de Campo Grande, em análise e perspectiva da teologia prática, e perceber os critérios e ideologias que estão por trás destas ações. Para este fim, uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a história dos batistas desde sua origem, e a história dos batistas no Mato Grosso do Sul foi realizada, esperando assim ver raízes da prática social batista e suas ideologias teológicas. O início da pesquisa remete-se à origem dos batistas nos primórdios do protestantismo e suas (possíveis) relações com práticas sociais de transformação de realidades, suas ideologias e princípios teológicos. Em um segundo momento, buscou-se a história dos batistas em Mato Grosso do Sul e na cidade de Campo Grande. Por fim, procurou-se teorizar, à luz da teologia prática, uma ação social que fosse transformadora e libertadora mesmo em situações complexas como é a realidade urbana, apontando possíveis caminhos por meio de uma pastoral cidadã. As considerações finais a que chega esta pesquisa é que as igrejas não têm se envolvido com a realidade social das cidades, e quando o faz, realiza de maneira simplista, sem o devido cuidado e preparação, sem um engajamento na transformação de realidades com ações coesas. A partir do instituto conseguiu-se perceber a possibilidade de existência de uma prática social relevante, com apoios governamentais e privados, porém, não se percebe uma interação e um envolvimento por parte da igreja. Espera-se então um despertamento das igrejas com relação a sua missão e possibilidades de realização de ações no campo social.
No mundo globalizado vivenciamos o agravamento das questões sociais relacionadas às concepções do mercado neoliberal, do Estado mínimo, da privatização dos serviços públicos e, as organizações não-governamentais e o advento do chamado Terceiro Setor. Esta pesquisa contempla uma análise do fenômeno religioso, referente à inserção pública da Igreja por meio das práticas sociais institucionalizadas vinculadas as suas organizações neste contexto social, na perspectiva de enfrentamento dos problemas sociais. No desenvolvimento da pesquisa utilizamos o método histórico para descrever e analisar a inserção pública da Igreja Batista Independente no contexto brasileiro, a partir do estudo de documentos relacionados às primeiras iniciativas e o desenvolvimento das práticas sociais desta Igreja no contexto brasileiro. Com a descrição analítica deste fenômeno verifica-se a incidência de práticas de transformação social, caracterizando-se como práxis social e, ainda, elementos que contribuem para o exercício da cidadania estão no bojo das práticas sociais da Igreja. A pesquisa apresenta a análise das práticas sociais da Igreja, na perspectiva da interdisciplinaridade, apontando elementos que influenciaram as transformações sociais nos últimos anos e relaciona a contribuição da práxis social para o exercício da fé cidadã.(AU)
Convivemos natural e socialmente com as diferenças, mesmo que de forma não apreendida, não aparente. Nesse contexto surge o estigma do deficiente, parte integrante de um grupo que foge aos padrões normais da sociedade e da natureza. E no convívio escolar essa diferença torna-se mais evidente gerando um desequilíbrio social, que as práticas pedagógicas tentam minimizar com a proposta da inclusão. As pesquisas acerca da educação inclusiva apontam experiências de professores(as) normais com alunos(as) com e sem deficiência que freqüentam o mesmo ambiente escolar. Observando essa realidade de outro ângulo, como se apresentam essas relações quando o(a) professor(a) é deficiente? Existem poucos trabalhos documentando essas experiências. Esta pesquisa pretende preencher essa lacuna, tendo como base a trajetória formativa de um professor com deficiência física, atuando no ensino superior, em conjunto com entrevistas de outros dois professores do ensino superior, também com deficiência física por meio das seguintes categorias: trajetórias no ensino básico, acesso e permanência no ensino superior, acesso ao mercado de trabalho, acesso e atuação como professor de ensino superior e inclusão. Objetivou-se assim, estabelecer uma reflexão sobre a inclusão profissional frente às dificuldades enfrentadas diariamente na escola. Na tentativa de explicitar as características e os atributos dos indivíduos com deficiência, em convívio com pessoas normais, utilizou-se como base teórica o apoio da estatística, especificamente da curva normal, em conjunto com a trajetória histórica e legislativa acerca do tema. Portanto, o estudo visa contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura inclusiva promovendo a normalidade das diferenças.(AU)
Para atingir os objetivos propostos, ou seja, levantar e descrever indicadores socioculturais de uma amostra de adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa, e descrever características psicológicas e de personalidade dos adolescentes infratores, num estudo que pesquisou adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa. O trabalho foi realizado em duas as etapas: na primeira, os 47 adolescentes participaram de uma entrevista semidirigida; na segunda, dez desses adolescentes foram selecionados e submetidos a um instrumento projetivo para investigação de aspectos da personalidade: o “desenho da Figura Humana” de Machower, adaptado por Van Kolck (1956; 1984). A discussão teórica dos resultados baseou-se numa abordagem psicanalítica pós-freudiana para a compreensão da adolescência tanto como fase do desenvolvimento humano como dos comportamentos antissociais. Os resultados do estudo corroboraram a teoria advinda da literatura psicológica que aborda padrões comuns no período da adolescência, fase em que ocorre um complexo de fatores individuais da maturidade biológica associados ao meio social/cultural e que, por sua vez, estabelecem relações com as instâncias psicológicas ou psíquicas do sujeito junto com as características específicas de cada indivíduo. Na busca da compreensão desses padrões comuns da amostra dos adolescentes infratores utilizados no presente estudo, foram levantados dados do perfil psicossocial, cultural e demográfico; dos aspectos psicossociais e aspectos psicodinâmicos e de características de personalidade. A título de conclusão, o estudo destacou a problemática do adolescente em conflito com a lei, associada às questões sociais, de saúde mental, além do desenvolvimento psíquico, sinalizando a necessidade de ações psicoprofiláticas voltadas para população infantil, jovem, agrupamentos familiares e para a comunidade que representa seu entorno.
Relational demographers and dissimilarity researchers contend that group members who are dissimilar (vs. similar) to their peers in terms of a given diversity attribute (e.g. demographics, attitudes, values or traits) feel less attached to their work group, experience less satisfying and more conflicted relationships with their colleagues, and consequently are less effective. However, qualitative reviews suggest empirical findings tend to be weak and inconsistent (Chattopadhyay, Tluchowska and George, 2004; Riordan, 2000; Tsui and Gutek, 1999), and that it remains unclear when, how and to what extent such differences (i.e. relational diversity) affect group members social integration (i.e. attachment with their work group, satisfaction and conflicted relationships with their peers) and effectiveness (Riordan, 2000). This absence of meta-analytically derived effect size estimates and the lack of an integrative theoretical framework leave practitioners with inconclusive advice regarding whether the effects elicited by relational diversity are practically relevant, and if so how these should be managed. The current research develops an integrative theoretical framework, which it tests by using meta-analysis techniques and adding two further empirical studies to the literature. The first study reports a meta-analytic integration of the results of 129 tests of the relationship between relational diversity with social integration and individual effectiveness. Using meta-analytic and structural equation modelling techniques, it shows different effects of surface- and deep-level relational diversity on social integration Specifically, low levels of interdependence accentuated the negative effects of surface-level relational diversity on social integration, while high levels of interdependence accentuated the negative effects of deep-level relational diversity on social integration. The second study builds on a social self-regulation framework (Abrams, 1994) and suggests that under high levels of interdependence relational diversity is not one but two things: visibility and separation. Using ethnicity as a prominent example it was proposed that separation has a negative effect on group members effectiveness leading for those high in visibility and low in separation to overall positive additive effects, while to overall negative additive effects for those low in visibility and high in separation. These propositions were sustained in a sample of 621 business students working in 135 ethnically diverse work groups in a business simulation course over a period of 24 weeks. The third study suggests visibility has a positive effect on group members self-monitoring, while separation has a negative effect. The study proposed that high levels of visibility and low levels of separation lead to overall positive additive effects on self-monitoring but overall negative additive effects for those low in visibility and high in separation. Results from four waves of data on 261 business students working in 69 ethnically diverse work groups in a business simulation course held over a period of 24 weeks support these propositions.
Purpose: Neo-institutional theory suggests that organisations change occurs when institutional contradictions, caused by exogenous and endogenous dynamics, increase over time to the point where change can no longer be resisted. Human praxis will result, but only when sufficiently powerful interests are motivated to act. This paper aims to examine the role that the accreditation of business schools can play in increasing institutional contradictions and hence fostering organisational change towards stakeholder engagement and engagement with social responsibility and sustainability issues. Numerous accreditations are promulgated within the higher education and business school contexts and a number of these relate to, or have aspects that relate to, ethics, social responsibility and sustainability. Design/methodology/approach: The paper first analyses the take up of accreditations across UK business schools and then uses a case study to illustrate and explore stakeholder engagement and changes related to ethics, social responsibility and sustainability linked to accreditation processes. Findings: Accreditations are found to be an increasingly common interest for UK business schools. Further, a number of these accreditations have evolved to incorporate issues related to ethics, social responsibility and sustainability that may cause institutional contradictions and may, therefore, have the potential to foster organisational change. Accreditation alone, however, is not sufficient and the authors find that sufficiently powerful interests need to be motivated to act and enable human praxis to affect change. Research limitations/implications: This paper draws on previous research that considers the role of accreditation in fostering change that has also been carried out in healthcare organisations, public and professional bodies. Its findings stem from an individual case study and as such further research is required to explore whether these findings can be extended and apply more generally in business schools and universities in different contexts. Practical implications: This paper concludes by recommending that the newly established UK & Ireland Chapter of PRME encourages and supports signatory schools to further embed ethics, social responsibility and sustainability into all aspects of university life in the UK. This also provides an opportunity to engage with the accrediting bodies in order to further support the inclusion of stakeholder engagement and issues related to this agenda in their processes. Originality/value: This paper contributes by introducing accreditation as an institutional pressure that may lead indirectly to organisational change and supports this with new evidence from an illustrative case study. Further, it draws on the role of institutional contradictions and human praxis that engender organisational change. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.