999 resultados para Young-pigs


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality and the production of biogas and biofertilizer obtained from biodigester supplied with pig feces in the initial, growing and finishing stages, fed with diets formulated based on corn or sorghum. Twenty bench biodigesters were used with hydraulic retention time of 30 days and daily loads that contained 4 to 6% of total solids (TS) and 3.6 to 5.2% of volatile solids (VS). In the effluent of the biodigesters, mean levels of TS were observed ranging between 1.6 and 2.0% and of VS between 1.2 and 1.6%. The mean reductions of TS were 57.7 to 64.7% and of VS from 61.7 to 69.0%, and there was only difference in the finishing phase, in which the major averages reductions were produced by the biodigesters supplied with feces from animals fed with diets based on corn. In biodigesters supplied with feces from animals in the initial and growing stages fed with diets based on corn, were observed higher average productions of biogas and the greatest average potentials of biogas production. The average potentials obtained were 0.033; 0.181; 0.685; 0.788 and 1.132 m³ per kg of affluent, manure, TS added, VS added and VS reduced, respectively. No differences were found on the average content of methane in the biogas between diets and stages. The average concentrations of nutrients N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu in the biodigester affluent and effluent, ranged between diets and stages.


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Most studies on measures of transpiration of plants, especially woody fruit, relies on methods of heat supply in the trunk. This study aimed to calibrate the Thermal Dissipation Probe Method (TDP) to estimate the transpiration, study the effects of natural thermal gradients and determine the relation between outside diameter and area of xylem in 'Valencia' orange young plants. TDP were installed in 40 orange plants of 15 months old, planted in boxes of 500 L, in a greenhouse. It was tested the correction of the natural thermal differences (DTN) for the estimation based on two unheated probes. The area of the conductive section was related to the outside diameter of the stem by means of polynomial regression. The equation for estimation of sap flow was calibrated having as standard lysimeter measures of a representative plant. The angular coefficient of the equation for estimating sap flow was adjusted by minimizing the absolute deviation between the sap flow and daily transpiration measured by lysimeter. Based on these results, it was concluded that the method of TDP, adjusting the original calibration and correction of the DTN, was effective in transpiration assessment.


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Modern swine production faces many challenges nowadays, among which are productivity growth, meat quality improvement, decrease of environmental damage and reduction of cost production. Pigs spend energy to vocalizing, especially when they undergo stress. The waste of energy can increase the cost of production and lead to greater environmental damage. The goal of this study was to estimate the energy spent by pigs under the stress of castration and its effect on the animals' weight gain. Two groups of ten animals each were castrated, being one group with local anesthetic and the other without anesthetic. The piglets' vocalizations were recorded during different stages of the neutering process and then estimated of the amount of energy emitted during each vocalization. Afterwards, this energy was associated with the animals' weight gain. There was no difference in the total energy spent in both groups, since the energy used during the application of anesthetic was similar to the energy spent during the castration of the animals without anesthetic. There was also no correlation between energy spent and the animals' weight gain. It was possible to estimate the amount of energy emitted through vocalization. This energy spent by piglets in pain was greater than in other handling situations (contention, weighting and realease).


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Physical and chemical characteristics of manure are modified by different animal production systems. In cattle feeding system for young bulls there is an inversion of the proportion between forage and concentrate. In other words, the animals receive a smaller amount of forage compared to the traditional system. These changes in the manure characteristics involve changes in the treatment systems. The aim of this study was to determine the potential production of biogas of batch digesters fed with manure from young bulls that received two diets containing different proportions between forage and concentrate, with or without inoculums and submitted to three levels of temperature (25, 35 and 40(0)C). The evaluated parameters were total solids (TS) and volatile solids (VS) reduction and biogas potentials production. The digesters fed with manure from animals that received the diet 2 (80%C + 20% R) showed the largest reductions of TS and VS. About the potentials of biogas production there was interaction between the factors diet and inoculums, but no effects of temperatures. The treatment content manure from animals fed with diet 2 without inoculums presented the greatest potential of biogas production per kg of TS added (0.2123 m³).


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Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of cardiovascular risk factors including central obesity, insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, hypertension and dyslipidemia. The prevalence of MetS is increasing worldwide in all age groups. MetS is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Aims: The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence, secular trends and childhood predictors of MetS in young adults. Furthermore, the relations between MetS and subclinical atherosclerosis were studied and whether apolipoproteins (apo) B and A-I, C-reactive protein (CRP) and type II secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) were associated with MetS, and to what extent the atherogenicity of MetS was explained by these factors. Participants and Methods: The present thesis is part of the large scale population-based, prospective study, the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. The first cross-sectional study was conducted in 1980 and included 3,596 participants aged 3-18 years. Carotid and brachial ultrasound studies were performed for 2,283 of these participants in 2001 and 2,200 of these participants in 2007. Results: The overall prevalence of MetS in young adults aged 24-39 years in 2001 was 10-15 % and 6 years later in 30-45 year-old adults it was 15-23 % depending on the MetS definition used. Between the years 1986 and 2001, MetS prevalence increased from 1.0 % to 7.5 % (p<0.0001) in 24-year-old participants that was mostly driven by the increased central obesity. Participants with MetS had increased carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) and decreased carotid elasticity compared to those without the syndrome. Impaired brachial flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) was not related to MetS but it modified the relationship between MetS and cIMT (P for interaction 0.023). High levels of apoB, CRP, sPLA2 and low levels of apoA-I associated with MetS in young adults. In prospective analysis both MetS and high apoB predicted (P<0.0001) incident high cIMT, defined as cIMT>90th percentile and/or plaque. The association between MetS and incident high cIMT was attenuated by ~40 % after adjustment with apoB. Conclusions: MetS is common in young adults and increases with age. Screening for risk factors, especially obesity, at an early life stage could help identify children and adolescents at increased risk of developing MetS and cardiovascular disease later in life. MetS identifies a population of young adults with evidence of increased subclinical atherosclerosis. Impaired brachial endothelial response is not a hallmark of MetS in young adults, but the status of endothelial function modifies the association between metabolic risk factors and atherosclerosis. In addition, the atherogenicity of MetS in this population assessed by incident high cIMT appears to be substantially mediated by elevated apoB.


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In vitro- and in vivo-assays were conducted, to study the possible role of streptomycin- and actinomycin-producing soil actinomycetes for the pathogenesis of "Cara inchada" in cattle (CI). Adherence of Bacteroides spp. to epithelial cells of the bovine gingiva, known to be associated with the progressive lesions of CI, was significantly increased by the addition of streptomycin, actinomycin or antibiotic culture supernatants of the soil actinomycetes. Applications of these mixtures together with Actinomyces pyogenes to the marginal gingiva of the upper premolar teeth of about 1 month old Holstein Friesian calves did not lead to progressive lesions of CI. Only one calf exhibited a slight diarrhea and a temporary retraction of the gingiva at the site of application.


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To determine the morphological differences in the epithelium of the airways of recovered and susceptible pigs after Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae challenge, twenty-four 4-week-old M. hyopneumoniae-free pigs were intratracheally inoculated with 107ccu/ml of a pure low-passaged culture of the P5722-3 strain of M. hyopneumoniae challenge material. Eight pigs (group I) were challenged at the beginning of the experiment and rechallenged 3 months later. Group II pigs were also challenged at the beginning of the experiment and necropsied 3 months later. Group III pigs were challenged at the same time as the rechallenge of group I pigs. Eight nonchallenged pigs served as controls (group IV). Three days after the second challenge of group I and the first challenge of group III, and every 3 and 4 days thereafter, two pigs from each group were euthanatized by electrocution and necropsied. Samples of bronchi and lung tissue were examined using light and electron microscopy (SEM and TEM). Macroscopic lesions were observed in the lungs of all group III pigs (average = 4.74%) and were characterized by purple-red areas of discoloration and increased firmness affecting the cranioventral aspect of the lungs. Macroscopic lesions of pneumonia in groups I and II were minimal (less than 1%). There were no gross lesions of pneumonia in control (group IV) pigs. Microscopic lesions were characterized by hyperplasia of the peribronchial lymphoid tissue and mild neutrophilic infiltrates in alveoli. Electron microscopy showed patchy areas with loss of cilia and presence of leukocytes and mycoplasmas in bronchi of susceptible pigs (group III). The bronchial epithelium of rechallenged (group I), recovered (group II), and control (group IV) pigs was ultrastructurally similar indicating recovery of the former two groups. Although mycoplasmas were seen among cilia, a second challenge on pigs of group I did not produce another episode of the disease nor did it enhance morphological changes, suggesting that those pigs could become carriers of M. hyopneumoniae.


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Swine eperythrozoonosis is a haemotrophic disease caused by Eperythrozoon suis, actually called Mycoplasma suis, an extracellular bacterial organism that apparently adheres to pig erythrocyte membrane, inducing its deformation and damage. Since little is known about the ultrastructural and morphometrical aspects of this microorganism, the present work aimed to deal with these issues. The ultrastructural study revealed the presence of structures corresponding to tubules disseminated throughout the soma of M. suis. A variable separation between the microorganism membrane and that of the erythrocyte was also observed. The structural and positional attitude of M. suis could allow speculation about its mechanism of action.


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The study determined the sensitivity and specificity of the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and modified agglutination test (MAT) for anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibody detection by analyzing sera from 46 experimentally infected pigs. Values for sensitivity were 95.7% (confidence interval 95%: 84.0-99.2%) and for specificity 97.8% (confidence interval 95%: 87.0-99.9%) in both tests. There was an optimum agreement of results between IFAT and MAT evidenced by a Kappa test of 0.86. These results validate these tests for the detection of T. gondii infection in pigs. IFAT and MAT despite methodologies with different characteristics and readings have similar accuracy in pig serum samples.


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Blackleg is caused by Clostridium chauvoei, whereas malignant oedema is caused by C. chauvoei, C. septicum, C. sordellii, C. perfringens type A, and/or C. novyi type A. Anti-C. chauvoei, anti-C. septicum, anti-C. sordellii and anti-C. novyi type A polyclonal antibodies were produced in rabbits and purified in a column of DEAE-cellulose. Aliquots of the antisera were conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate and the remaining was used for the streptavidin biotin peroxidase technique (SBPT). SBPT was standardized to detect C. chauvoei, C. septicum, C. sordellii and C. novyi type A in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues of guinea pigs. SBPT was compared to a fluorescent antibody technique (FAT). Sections and smears of muscle from inoculation area (MIA), heart, liver, spleen and kidney, were obtained for both SBPT and FAT. Cross-reactions between the different Clostridial species were not observed. C. chauvoei and C. septicum were detected in all specimens from the animals inoculated with these microorganisms, while only sections of muscle obtained from all the animals inoculated with C. sordellii and C. novyi type A were positive. The same results observed by the SBPT, were obtained on tissue smears of these microorganisms stained by the FAT. The results indicate that SBPT is suitable for detection of C. chauvoei, C. septicum, C. sordellii and C. novyi type A in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues of guinea pigs.


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Samples of mesenteric lymph nodes and intestines from 79 unthrifty 3- to 5-month-old postweaning pigs, confirmed as naturally affected with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), were studied. Pigs originated from 12 farms in southern Brazil and were selected on the basis of clinical signs and/or gross lesions suggestive of enteric disorder. Lymphohistiocytic infiltrates of varying intensity were associated with anti-porcine circovirus type 2 (anti-PCV2) immunostaining (IS) in samples of intestines and mesenteric lymph nodes from all pigs. Although most findings were similar to those described in PCV2-associated enteritis, anti-PCV2 IS in association with depletion of the goblet cell mucin stores (24 pigs), diffuse ileal villous atrophy and fusion (18 pigs), and dilatation of the lymphatic vessels (11 pigs) combined or not with lymphangitis were also observed. PCV2 antigen was immunohistochemically demonstrated in the cytoplasm and nuclei from intralesional epithelial cells, histiocytes, and endothelial-like cells in intestinal tissues. Together these findings imply an association with PCV2. The presence of co-infections by Lawsonia intracellularis, Brachyspira spp., Mycobacterium spp., Salmonella spp., rotavirus, parvovirus, coronavirus and enteric calicivirus with PCV2 in the intestinal lesions was investigated.


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Samples of gastric lymph nodes and the stomachs from 24 pigs selected from herds affected by postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) and sudden death associated with gastric ulcers were studied. Pigs were selected on the basis of unthriftiness, decreased feed intake, and wasting. The stomachs were opened, inverted, and classified into 0-3 score according the severity of the gross lesions present in pars oesophagica (non-glandulargastric mucosa). Selected samples were processed for paraffin embedding and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Immunohistochemistry using anti-PCV2 (porcine circovírus type 2) antibody, anti-Helicobacter pylori antibody and a wide-spectrum anti-cytokeratin antibody was performed. Gross changes in pars oesophagea were classified according to the severity of lesions as score 3, 2, and 1 in 8, 6, 5 stomachs respectivelly. Microscopically, hyperplastic lymphoid follicles, lymphohistiocytic inflammatory infiltrates and focci of necrosis in the gastric mucosa were common findings. Large amounts of PCV2 antigen were observed in the cytoplasm and nuclei from intralesional cells and debris from the gastric glandular mucosal zone; however, in the fundus, anti-PCV2 immunostaining was restricted to the surface mucosal cells and foveolar compartment. All gastric lymph nodes were positive for PCV2 antigen. Anti-H. pylori immunostaining was seen in eleven cases, mainly in the antrum, on the mucosal surface and foveolar compartment. The association of the anti-PCV2 immunostaining with the glandular mucus-producing cells suggests a role for PCV2 as an additional factor for the swine ulcer development.


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The present thesis had two main objectives: The first was to assess how child sexual abuse (CSA) interviews in Finland are conducted through analysing the interviewing techniques applied and the language used by the interviewers, as well as to suggest ways to improve interviews if they were found to have deficiencies. The second main aim was to contribute to the growing research corpus concerning CSA interviews, in particular, by addressing how interviewers follow up information provided by the child, by analysing whether child health care professionals would use childadapted language, and by studying the kind of modifications in the verbal behaviour of interviewers and children that were associated with a) repeated interviews, b) a support person’s presence at the interview, and c) the use of anatomically detailed dolls. Two complementary samples of CSA interviews were analysed. The first one was composed of child interviews with 3-12-year-old children (N = 27) that had been considered problematic by lawyers or other involved professionals (Studies I and IV). The second sample consisted of unselected interviews (N = 43) with children aged 3 to 8 years conducted in a number of hospitals in different parts of the country (Studies II and III). Study I: The verbal interaction between interviewer and child was analysed in a sample of interviews that had been considered to be problematic by involved professionals. Results showed that interviewers used inappropriate questioning techniques, relying on option-posing, specific suggestive and unspecific suggestive questions to a significant extent, these comprising around 50% of all interviewer utterances. The proportion of invitations, which the research community recommends interviewers to rely on, was strikingly low. Invitations and directive utterances were associated with an increase in informative responses by the child in terms of response type, number of new details reported, as well as length of response. The opposite was true for option-posing and suggestive utterances. Longer questions by the interviewer (in number of words) often rendered no reply from the child, whereas shorter questions were followed by descriptive answers. Even after the child had provided an informative answer, interviewers failed to follow up the information in an adequate way and instead continued to rely on focused and leading questions. Study II: Due to the possible bias of the sample analysed in Study I, the most important analyses were rerun with the unselected sample and reported separately. Results were quite similar between the two studies, indicating that the problems observed in Study I, with interviewers relying on option-posing and suggestive questions to a significant extent, are likely to be general and not specific for those interviews. Even if suggestive questions were slightly less and invitations slightly more common in this sample than in the previous study, almost half of the interviewer questions were still optionposing or suggestive, and also in this sample, interviewers failed to follow up information by the child in a facilitating manner. Differentiating between judicial and contextual details showed that while facilitators, invitations, and directive utterances elicited more contextual than judicial details, the opposite was true for specific suggestive utterances. These results might be explained by the reluctance of children to describe sexual details related to the abuse events. Alternatively, they may also be due to children describing incorrect sexual details as a result of suggestive interviewing techniques. Study III: This study examined features of the language used by the interviewers. Interviewer utterances included multiple questions, long statements, complicated grammar and concepts, as well as unclear references to persons and situations. More than a fifth of the interviewer utterances were coded as belonging to at least one of these categories. The results suggest that even professionals who are experienced in interacting with children may have difficulties in using a child-sensitive language, adding to the pool of studies showing similar problems to occur in legal hearings with children conducted by lawyers. As children rarely comment on, or even recognise, their lack of comprehension, the use of a language that is too complex can have detrimental consequences for the outcomes of investigative interviews. Interviewers used different approaches to introduce the topic of abuse. While 15% of the children spontaneously addressed the topic of abuse, probably indicating that they felt confident with the interviewer and the situation, in almost 50% of the cases, the interviewer introduced the topic of abuse in a way that can be considered leading. Interviews were characterised by a lack of structure, apparent in frequent rapid switches of topic by the interviewer. This manner was associated with a decrease in the number of new details provided by the children. Study IV: This study analysed possible changes in the interview dynamics associated with repeated interviewing, the presence of a support person (related to the child), and the use of anatomically detailed (AD) dolls. Repeated interviewing, in combination with suggestive questions, has previously been found to seriously contaminate children’s accounts. In the present material, interviewers used significantly more suggestive utterances in the repeated condition, thus endangering the reliability of the children’s reports. Few studies have investigated the effects of a support person’s presence at the interview. The results of the present study showed that interviewers talked more and children provided less information when a support person was present. Supporting some earlier findings regarding the use of AD dolls, the present results showed that using AD dolls was associated with longer interviewer utterances and shorter, less responsive, and less detailed child responses. Interviewers used up to five times more unspecific suggestive utterances when dolls were used, for instance through repeatedly asking the child to show “what really happened” with the dolls. Conclusion: The results indicate that CSA interviews in Finland are not conducted in a manner that follows best practice as defined by the research community and as stated in a number of guidelines. When comparing these questioning strategies with the recommendations, which have been predominant in the field for more than ten years now, it can be concluded that the interviews analysed were conducted in a manner that undermines the possibility to elicit an uncontaminated and accurate narrative from the children. A particularly worrying finding was the fact that interviewers did not follow up relevant information by the children in an adequate way. A number of clinical implications can be drawn from the results, particularly concerning the need for improvement in the quality of CSA interviews. There is convincing research regarding how to improve CSA interviews, notably through training forensic child interviewers to use a structured interviewing protocol, and providing them with continuous supervision and feedback. Allocating appropriate resources to improve the quality of forensic child interviews is a matter of protecting the rights of all persons involved in CSA investigations, in particular those of the children.