717 resultados para Young children
Variación en la resistencia al flujo de los tubos endotraqueales pediátricos modificando su longitud
Introducción: Se conocen los beneficios del uso de los tubos endotraqueales con neumotaponador, aunque dicha práctica tiene un impacto sobre el trabajo respiratorio durante el acto anestésico sin embargo se propone estudiar las consecuencias físicas de la variación en la longitud de los tubos para compensar dicha perdida de flujo, con base en la ley de Hagen-Poiseuille. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio experimental in vitro, en el cual se realizaron mediciones repetidas de flujo, variando la longitud y diámetro de diferentes tubos endotraqueales pediátricos (desde calibre 3.5mm hasta 6.5mm), con longitudes de 20cm, 15 cm, 10 cm y manteniendo su longitud original. Se analizaron los datos con el fin de medir el impacto sobre el flujo. Resultados: A pesar que los resultados muestran diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p0,000), la variación en la longitud de los tubos endotraqueales pediátricos tiene mucho menor impacto sobre la variación en el flujo, que la modificación del diámetro. Discusión: Si bien la práctica de acortar la longitud de un tubo endotraqueal pediátrico puede ayudar a reducir el espacio muerto y la retención de CO2, el impacto que tiene sobre el flujo es poco. Cuando se trata de disminuir el trabajo respiratorio de un niño en ventilación espontánea durante el acto anestésico, se debe escoger de forma apropiada el calibre de tubo correspondiente para la edad.
La primera infancia es la etapa comprendida entre los 0 y los 6 años, y es el momento en el cual el cerebro tiene mayor plasticidad, por lo que en la actualidad se cree que la educación debe iniciar en este momento de la vida. La educación inicial ha venido dejando de lado el interés por los procesos cognitivos y ha puesto su foco de atención en el desarrollo social y emocional de los niños. El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir las características de los programas de educación emocional en la primera infancia a través de la lente de la Psicología Positiva utilizando una metodología cualitativa documental y específicamente el estado del arte. Los resultados obtenidos se dividen en corte empírico y corte teórico; para los de corte empírico se encontró que si bien el target que se pretende impactar son los niños en la primera infancia, varios programas le apuntan a trabajar como primera instancia con los cuidadores de los niños. Por otro lado como variables más comunes se manejaban las habilidades interpersonales y la resolución de problemas. Para los de corte teórico se encontró que los programas se orientan bajo una pedagogía dinámica y que muchos se centran en enfoques orientados a la promoción de habilidades sociales.
Examina la relación entre los niveles de actividad física (AF) de forma objetiva, la condición física (CF) y el tiempo de exposición a pantallas en niños y adolescentes de Bogotá, Colombia.
Introducción: La escala LLANTO para dolor es una escala que hasta la fecha ha sido solo validada en población infantil española, actualmente no se conocen datos en población colombiana. Se pretende validar la escala de dolor LLANTO en pacientes neonatos y menores de 5 años, a través de su aplicación en pacientes atendidos en una de tres instituciones, además comparándola con las escalas FLACC y PIPP dependiendo de edad del paciente. Metodología: Se incluyeron niños con cualquier tipo de dolor, clasificándolos en dos grupos por edad: 1) neonatos y 2) niños entre 1 mes y 5 años de edad, que asistieron a la Fundación Cardioinfantil, Clínica Infantil Colsubsidio o al Hospital Universitario Mayor. Las escalas fueron aplicadas por dos residentes de pediatría y una enfermera especializada en el cuidado de población infantil. Para la prueba piloto se diseñó un cuestionario determinar dificultades en la aplicación de la escala LLANTO. Una vez corregidos los problemas identificados se procederá a la validación de la escala. Resultados: Se presentan los datos de la prueba piloto. Se incluyeron 8 neonatos y 8 niños entre 1 mes y 5 años, esta muestra fue obtenida en un periodo de un mes, con la encuesta se evaluó la aceptación y entendimiento de la escala LLANTO por parte de los evaluadores. La prueba piloto mostró resultados favorables en el 100% de los encuestados. Discusión: Se considera que la escala LLANTO no requiere cambios para continuar con su validación.
This paper provides recent evidence about the beneÖts of attending preschool on future performance. A non-parametric matching procedure is used over two outcomes: math and verbal scores at a national mandatory test (Saber11) in Colombia. It is found that students who had the chance of attending preschool obtain higher scores in math (6.7%) and verbal (5.4%) than those who did not. A considerable fraction of these gaps comes from the upper quintiles of studentís performance, suggesting that preschool matters when is done at high quality institutions. When we include the number of years at the preschool, the gap rises up to 12% in verbal and 17% in math.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
This paper investigates the usefulness of the Developmental Sentence Scoring Procedure (DSS) as a clinical tool in rating the syntactic performance of young children.
This paper discusses a project to compile a set of reading materials for parents of young children who are enrolled in speech or language therapy.
This paper examines language reproduction in the family in the context of a highly innovative project in Wales, where the Welsh language has been in decline for over a century. Although Welsh-medium schooling has played a pivotal role in slowing and even reversing language shift in recent decades, there is mounting evidence of the dangers of over-reliance on education. The Twf (Growth) Project was established in 2002 with funding from the National Assembly for Wales with the aim of raising awareness of the benefits of bilingualism among parents and prospective parents. Analysis of interviews with the main stakeholders in the project (managers, the Twf project officers, parents, health workers and a range of other partners), publicity materials and observations of project staff at work suggests that the achievements of the project lie in two main areas: the recognition of the need for building strong alliances with professional groups and organisations that work with families with young children; and the development of a marketing strategy appropriate for the target audience. It is argued that the experience of the project will be of interest to those addressing the issue of intergenerational transmission in a range of other minority language settings.
Typically developing young children and individuals with intellectual disabilities often perform poorly on mental rotation tasks when the stimulus they are rotating lacks a salient component. However. performance can he improved when salience is increased. The present study investigated the effect of salience oil mental rotation performance by individuals with Williams syndrome. Individuals with Williams syndrome and matched controls were presented with two versions of a mental rotation task: a no salient component condition and a salient component condition. The results showed that component salience did not benefit individuals with Williams syndrome in the same manner as it did controls.
The potential of clarification questions (CQs) to act as a form of corrective input for young children's grammatical errors was examined. Corrective responses were operationalized as those occasions when child speech shifted from erroneous to correct (E -> C) contingent on a clarification question. It was predicted that E -> C sequences would prevail over shifts in the opposite direction (C -> E), as can occur in the case of nonerror-contingent CQs. This prediction was tested via a standard intervention paradigm, whereby every 60s a sequence of two clarification requests (either specific or general) was introduced into conversation with a total of 45 2- and 4-year-old children. For 10 categories of grammatical structure, E -> C sequences predominated over their C -> E counterparts, with levels of E -> C shifts increasing after two clarification questions. Children were also more reluctant to repeat erroneous forms than their correct counterparts, following the intervention of CQs. The findings provide support for Saxton's prompt hypothesis, which predicts that error-contingent CQs bear the potential to cue recall of previously acquired grammatical forms.
Background: Depression in fathers in the postnatal period is associated with an increased risk of behavioural problems in their offspring, particularly for boys. The aim of this study was to examine for differential effects of depression in fathers on children's subsequent psychological functioning via a natural experiment comparing prenatal and postnatal exposure. Methods:In a longitudinal population cohort study (the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)) we examined the associations between depression in fathers measured in the prenatal and postnatal period (measured using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale), and later behavioural/emotional and psychiatric problems in their children, assessed at ages 31/2 and 7 years. Results: Children whose fathers were depressed in both the prenatal and postnatal periods had the highest risks of subsequent psychopathology, measured by total problems at age 31/2 years (Odds Ratio 3.55; 95% confidence interval 2.07, 6.08) and psychiatric diagnosis at age 7 years (OR 2.54; 1.19, 5.41). Few differences emerged when prenatal and postnatal depression exposure were directly compared, but when compared to fathers who were not depressed, boys whose fathers had postnatal depression only had higher rates of conduct problems aged 31/2 years (OR 2.14; 1.22, 3.72) whereas sons of the prenatal group did not (OR 1.41; .75, 2.65). These associations changed little when controlling for maternal depression and other potential confounding factors. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the increased risk of later conduct problems, seen particularly in the sons of depressed fathers, maybe partly mediated through environmental means. In addition, children whose fathers are more chronically depressed appear to be at a higher risk of emotional and behavioural problems. Efforts to identify the precise mechanisms by which transmission of risk may occur should be encouraged to enable the development of focused interventions to mitigate risks for young children.
This study explores the effects of exposure to pictures of fruits and vegetables on young children's willingness to taste the foods. The parents of 20 toddlers aged 21-24 months were asked to read a picture book about four foods with their child every day for two weeks. in a subsequent 'taste test' children displayed a neophobic pattern of behaviour towards foods to which they had not been exposed, but not towards exposed foods. Furthermore, while exposure served to decrease children's willingness to taste familiar vegetables, it increased their willingness to taste unfamiliar fruits. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Maternal postnatal depression (PND) has been associated with adverse outcomes in young children, but an association with longer-term psychiatric disorder has not been demonstrated. We present the preliminary findings of a 13-year longitudinal study. Methods: In the course of a prospective longitudinal study, we examined DSM-IV Axis I disorders in 13-year-old adolescents who had (n=53) or had not (n=41) been exposed to maternal PND. We also detailed the occurrence of depression in mothers throughout the 13-year follow-up period. Results: Maternal PND was associated with higher rates of affective disorders in adolescent offspring. However, mothers who developed PND were also substantially more likely than those who did not to experience depression subsequently, a fact that contributed to the development of depressive disorder in offspring. Maternal PND was associated with increased risk for depression in adolescent offspring only if there had also been later episodes of maternal depression. In contrast, anxiety disorders in offspring were elevated in the maternal PND group regardless of the occurrence of subsequent maternal depression. Limitations: Due to the modest sample size and consequently limited power, findings must be regarded as preliminary. Conclusions: The particular association between early maternal depression and anxiety disorders in offspring was consistent with theories that emphasise the primacy of early environmental exposures. This position was not supported with respect to offspring depressive disorder, where overall duration of maternal depression was a significant factor. PND was associated with recurrent episodes of depression in the majority of cases, underlining the need for monitoring of this population beyond the postnatal period. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.