704 resultados para UROLOGY


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A randomized trial involving 460 women with stress urinary incontinence compared physiotherapy with midurethral-sling surgery. We question whether the results, showing higher rates of improvement and cure for surgery than for physiotherapy, should change best practice and clinical practice guideline recommendations.


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Objective. To critically evaluate the current literature in an effort to establish the current role of radiologic imaging, advances in computed tomography (CT) and standard film radiography in the diagnosis, and characterization of urinary tract calculi. Conclusion. CT has a valuable role when utilized prudently during surveillance of patients following endourological therapy. In this paper, we outline the basic principles relating to the effects of exposure to ionizing radiation as a result of CT scanning. We discuss the current developments in low-dose CT technology, which have resulted in significant reductions in CT radiation doses (to approximately one-third of what they were a decade ago) while preserving image quality. Finally, we will discuss an important recent development now commercially available on the latest generation of CT scanners, namely, dual energy imaging, which is showing promise in urinary tract imaging as a means of characterizing the composition of urinary tract calculi.


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A randomized trial involving 460 women with stress urinary incontinence compared physiotherapy with midurethral-sling surgery. We question whether the results, showing higher rates of improvement and cure for surgery than for physiotherapy, should change best practice and clinical practice guideline recommendations.


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Background: The phase 3 ALSYMPCA trial enrolled metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients with or without baseline opioid use.<br/><br/>Objective: To assess the efficacy and safety of radium-223 dichloride (radium-223) versus placebo in ALSYMPCA patients by baseline opioid use.<br/><br/>Design, setting, and participants: Nine hundred and twenty one patients enrolled at 136 centers globally.<br/><br/>Intervention: Radium-223 (50 kBq/kg, intravenous injection) every 4 wk for six cycles or matching placebo, each plus best standard of care.<br/><br/>Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: Primary endpoint (overall survival [OS]), main secondary efficacy endpoints, and safety were evaluated by baseline opioid use. Additional analyses included time to first opioid use, time to first external beam radiation therapy for bone pain, and safety of concomitant external beam radiation therapy.<br/><br/>Results and limitations: At baseline, 408 (44%) patients had no pain and no analgesic use or mild pain with nonopioid therapy (World Health Organization ladder pain score 0â1 [nonopioid subgroup]), and 513 (56%) had moderate pain with occasional opioids or severe pain with regular daily opioids (World Health Organization ladder pain score 2â3 [opioid subgroup]). Radium-223 significantly prolonged OS versus placebo in nonopioid (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.70; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.52â0.93; p = 0.013) and opioid (HR = 0.68; 95% CI: 0.54â0.86; p = 0.001) subgroups, and significantly reduced risk of symptomatic skeletal events versus placebo, regardless of baseline opioid use (nonopioid subgroup: HR = 0.56, 95% CI: 0.39â0.82, p = 0.002; opioid subgroup: HR = 0.72, 95% CI: 0.53â0.98, p = 0.038). Time to first opioid use for bone pain was significantly delayed with radium-223 versus placebo (HR = 0.62, 95% CI: 0.46â0.85,p = 0.002). Adverse event incidences were similar between opioid subgroups.<br/><br/>Conclusions: Radium-223 versus placebo significantly prolonged OS and reduced symptomatic skeletal event risk with a favorable safety profile in castration-resistant prostate cancer patients with symptomatic bone metastases, regardless of baseline opioid use.<br/><br/>Patient summary: In this ALSYMPCA opioid subgroup analysis, baseline symptom levels did not appear to impact radium-223 dichloride efficacy or safety.


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Quality of life has become a very important parameter in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and one of the major concepts identified by the patients to be important is related to sexuality after BPH therapy. The impact on sexuality resulting from the various treatment modalities of BPH, either medical, surgical or instrumental has been too often neglected in the past and poorly investigated. The present article reviews the influence on sexual function of current therapies for symptomatic BPH.


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Background: Hypospadias is one of the most common congenital genital anomalies in males that necessitates to be operated early in infancy (when 6 to 9 months old). On the other hand, hypospadias is a challenging field of pediatric urology with multiple reconstruction techniques. A perfect hypospadias repair is supposed to return urethral continuity with sufficient caliber, eradicate phallus curvature, and supply an acceptable appearance with low complications. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the outcomes of using onlay island flap technique in the repair of hypospadias with shallow urethral plate. Patients and Methods: In this prospective study within June 2012 to December 2013, we performed onlay island flap procedure to repair hypospadias with shallow urethral plate measuring less than 6 millimeter. This technique was selected for all types of hypospadiasis except subcoronal type. Nesbitâs dorsal plication procedure was established for chordee. In cases with very small glans, urethroplasty was performed without glansplasty. Results: Twenty three patients with mean age of 30 (range 10 - 60) months underwent onlay island flap repair; all had a shallow urethral plate &lt; 6 mm, 3 had a very small glans, and 18 had chordee. Meatus was located in distal shaft in 5 cases, mid shaft in 8, proximal in 6 and penoscrotal type in 4 patients. Chordee was corrected with Nesbitâs dorsal plication in 16 cases. Complications were: meatal stenosis in 2 cases and urethrocutaneous fistula in 2 patients, all of which were repaired surgically. Mean follow up time was 13 (3 - 20) months. All cases that had glansplasty have excellent esthetic appearance. Conclusions: This technique offers acceptable results regarding meatal stenosis, urethrocutaneous fistula and esthetic outcome.


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Antecedentes. La incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo (IUE) es el tipo más común en mujeres, no es una enfermedad que ponga en peligro la vida del paciente, pero deteriora significativamente la calidad de vida. Objetivo: Establecer la prevalencia y factores de riesgo de la IUE en mujeres que fueron atendidas en consulta externa de Urología y Ginecología del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Material y métodos. Con un diseño transversal se recopiló información de las historias clínicas de 2418 mujeres atendidas en el período enero 2012 a diciembre 2014. Se describen características demográficas y se analiza: multiparidad, edad mayor a 45 años, obesidad y diabetes, como factores de IUE. Resultados. El 52.4% (n = 1268) de la población de estudio fue mayor a los 45 años, 88% (n = 2128) multíparas, 28.2% (n = 682) obesas y el 11.1% (n = 268) diabéticas. La prevalencia de la IUE fue del 10.3%. Se encontró asociación significativa de la IUE con: multiparidad [OR 2.2 (IC95% 1.3 â 3.8)] P = 0.002, edad mayor a 45 años [OR 1.8 (IC95% 1.4 â 2.4)] P < 0.001 y obesidad [OR 1.5 (IC95% 1.2 â 2.0)] P = 0.001. No se encontró asociación con la diabetes [OR 0.9 (IC95% 0.6 â 1.4)] P = 0.880. Conclusión. Las características de la población de estudio fueron similares a las reportadas por la literatura médica. La no asociación con diabetes se explicaría por la baja prevalencia global de IUE en pacientes diabéticos mayores de 65 años


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Prostate cancer, the leading cause of cancer in men, has positive survival rates and constitutes a challenge to men with its side effects. Studies have addressed the bivaritate relationships between prostate cancer treatment side effects masculinity, partner relationship, and quality of life (QOL). However, few studies have highlighted the relationships among prostate cancer treatment side effects (i.e., sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence), masculinity, and relationship with the partner together on QOL in men. Most studies were conducted with predominately Caucasian sample of men. Miami is a unique multiethnic setting that hosts Cuban, Columbian, Venezuelan, Haitian, other Latin American and Caribbean communities that were not represented in previous literature. The purpose of this study was to examine relative contributions of age, ethnicity, sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, masculinity, and perception of the relationship with the partner on the quality of life in men diagnosed with prostate cancer. Data were collected using self administered questionnaires measuring demographic variables, sexual and urinary functioning (UCLA PCI), masculinity (CMNI), partner relationship (DAS), and QOL (SF-36). A total of 117 partnered heterosexual men diagnosed with prostate cancer were recruited from four urology clinics in Miami, Florida. Men were 67.47 (SD = 8.42) years old and identified themselves to be of Hispanic origin (54.3 %, n = 63). Findings demonstrated that there was a significant moderate negative relationship between urinary and sexual functioning of men. There was a significant strong negative association between menâs perceived relationship with partner and masculinity. There was a weak negative relationship between the partner relationship and QOL. Hierarchal multiple regression showed that the partner relationship (β = -.25, t (91) = -2.28, p = .03) significantly contributed overall to QOL. These findings highlight the importance of the relationship satisfaction in the QOL of men with prostate cancer. Nursing interventions to enhance QOL for these men should consider strengthening the relationship and involving the female partner as an active participant.


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Introduction Premature ejaculation (PE) is one of the most prevalent male sexual problems. The Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool (PEDT) is a suitable patient-reported outcome measure for the assessment of PE. Aim To examine the psychometric proporties of a translated and culturally adapted version of the PEDT in a sample of Iranian men suffering from PE. Methods Two independent samples were compared, one including patients with PE based on the DSM-IV-TR criteria (nâ=â269) and the other including healthy men without PE (nâ=â289). A backwardâforward translation procedure was used to translate the PEDT into Persian. Both samples were asked to fill in the PEDT twiceâat baseline and 4 weeks later. Main Outcome Measures Internal consistency, testâretest reliability, convergent validity, factor structure, measurement invariance across sexual health status (i.e., between men with and without PE). Results Mean ages of men without and with PE were 34.9 and 35.3 years, respectively. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the total PEDT score was 0.89. All items and the total score were remarkably consistent between the two measurement points. All five PEDT items correlated at râ=â0.40 or greater with their own scale, indicating good convergent validity. There was a high and significant correlation (râ=ââˆ0.82, Pâ &lt;â0.001) between the PEDT score and IELT. Healthy men reported lower scores (fewer complaints) on the PEDT compared with the PE group. A single-factor model was found to be best-fitting in the exploratory factor analysis; this was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. The PEDT was invariant across sexual health status and perceived similarly by men with and without PE. Conclusion The results provide evidence for good reliability and validity of the Iranian version of the PEDT. The questionnaire therefore represents a suitable tool for screening PE in Iranian men.


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Los cálculos vesicales son los más frecuentes del tracto urinario bajo (1). El factor predisponente más frecuente para la formación de cálculos vesicales es la obstrucción del tracto de salida. Presentaremos el caso de una paciente con antecedente de trauma uretral por fractura de pelvis; derivada con un Mitrofanoff; con diagnostico de cistolitiasis múltiple con cálculos de hasta 1 cm. El objetivo es mostrar la posibilidad de manejo de la cistolitiasis vía percutánea en una paciente con una derivación urinaria compleja funcionante, procedimiento menos mórbido, con menor tiempo de recuperación y con resultados comparables a otras técnicas. Inicia el procedimiento previa cateterización del Mitrofanoff con sonda Foley 12Fr, realizando punción suprapúbica para mediana izquierda a 2 cm de la rama púbica con aguja Chiba, posteriormente se avanzó guía hidrofílica seguida de varilla y dilatadores secuenciales de Alken 9Fr-27Fr y colocación de camisa Amplatz 28 Fr. Se retiraron dilatadores conservando guía de seguridad, se extrajeron la totalidad de los cálculos. Se ocluyó herida y se dejó sonda Foley conectada a Cystoflo. Egreso al día 1 post operatorio y retiro sonda Foley a los 5 días post operatorio. No se presentaron complicaciones, el tiempo operatorio fue de 1 hora, con 1 día de estancia hospitalaria. Recuperación satisfactoria con un resultado exitoso en cuanto a la extracción completa de los cálculos en 1 sólo tiempo quirúrgico. La cistolitotomía percutánea es una opción de manejo la cual ofrece grandes ventajas. Debe ser considerada no sólo en pacientes con acceso uretral restringido.


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"Con la implementación estandarizada de la ecografía uretral se pretende tener un efecto directo en el diagnóstico oportuno, no invasivo y sin complicaciones inherentes a la instrumentación del tracto urinario bajo en los pacientes que padecen de estenosis uretral; que finalmente redundará en disminución de costos a corto y largo plazo gracias a la eliminación de estudios innecesarios y procedimientos terapéuticos infructuosos, beneficiando al paciente y al sistema de salud vigente en nuestro medio. Los sujetos con estenosis uretrales complejas podrían ser diagnosticados de manera rápida, sencilla y minimamente invasiva sin importar la localización de la anomalía y su complejidad". (Extracto de la introducción)