991 resultados para Tuberculosis, Pulmonary -- prevention


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The authors report a case of a 19-year-old woman admitted for the investigation of fever and hemolytic anemia for the previous 2 months. As an inpatient, she had convulsions and sudden loss of consciousness, developing hemoptysis, hypoxia, and respiratory insufficiency. Examination showed pericardial effusions on the echocardiogram and bilateral alveolar condensations on the thoracic radiograph. A hypothetical diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus was made, and measurement of the antinuclear factor was requested along with daily pulse therapy methylprednisolone, in spite of which the outcome was fatal. Afterwards, the result of the antinuclear factor test was positive, with a titer of 1:5120, showing a fine punctiform pattern, fulfilling the criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus according to the American College of Rheumatology. Secondary pulmonary hemorrhage in this connective tissue disease is an uncommon but serious complication that involves a high level of mortality in spite of intensive treatment, as is also reported in the literature.


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A particular event concerning a Swan-Ganz catheter complication is reported. A 41-year-old woman was admitted at the emergency room of our hospital with massive gastrointestinal bleeding. A total gastrectomy was performed. During the postoperative period in the intensive care unit , the patient maintained hemodynamic instability. Invasive hemodynamic monitoring with a pulmonary artery catheter was then indicated. During the maneuvers to insert the catheter, a true knot formation was identified at the level of the superior vena cava. Several maneuvers by radiological endovascular invasive techniques allowed removal of the catheter. The authors describe the details of this procedure and provide comments regarding the various techniques that were employed in overcoming this event. A comprehensive review of evidence regarding the benefits and risks of pulmonary artery catheterization was performed. The consensus statement regarding the indications, utilization, and management of the pulmonary artery catheterization that were issued by a consensus conference held in 1996 are also discussed in detail.


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PURPOSE: Aerobic capacity and respiratory function may be compromised in obesity, but few studies have been done in highly obese bariatric candidates. In a prospective study, these variables were documented in the preoperative period, aiming to define possible physiologic limitations in a apparently healthy and asymptomatic population. METHOD: Forty-six consecutively enrolled adults (age 39.6 ± 8.4 years, 87.0% females, body mass index /BMI 49.6 ± 6.3 kg/m² ) were analyzed. Ventilatory variables were investigated by automated spirometry, aerobic capacity was estimated by a modified Bruce test in an ergometric treadmill, and body composition was determined by bioimpedance analysis. RESULTS: Total fat was greatly increased (46.4 ± 4.6% of body weight) and body water reduced (47.3 ± 4.6 % body weight), as expected for such obese group. Spirometric findings including forced vital capacity of 3.3 ± 0.8 L and forced expiratory volume-1 second of 2.6 ± 0.6 L were usually acceptable for age and gender, but mild restrictive pulmonary insufficiency was diagnosed in 20.9%. Aerobic capacity was more markedly diminished, as reflected by very modest maximal time (4.5 ± 1.1 min) and distance (322 ±142 m) along with proportionally elevated maximal oxygen consumption (23.4 ± 9.5 mL/kg/min) achieved by these subjects during test exercise. CONCLUSIONS: 1) Cardiopulmonary evaluation was feasible and well-tolerated in this severely obese population; 2) Mean spirometric variables were not diminished in this study, but part of the population displayed mild restrictive changes; 3) Exercise tolerance was very negatively influenced by obesity, resulting in reduced endurance and excessive metabolic cost for the treadmill run; 4) More attention to fitness and aerobic capacity is recommended for seriously obese bariatric candidates;


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RESUMO: Do suicídio no Afeganistão é uma prioridade de saúde pública. O Afeganistão é um país de baixo rendimento, emergindo de três décadas de conflitos. Há uma alta prevalência de sofrimento psicológico, perturbações mentais e abuso de substâncias. Existem várias questões sociais, tais como, desequilíbrio/violência de género, pobreza, atitudes e costumes obsoletos, rápidas mudanças sócio-culturais, violação dos direitos humanos e especialmente dos direitos das mulheres e das crianças. Estes fatores de risco contribuem para o aumento da vulnerabilidade da população em relação ao suicídio. A relativa alta taxa de suicídio no Afeganistão é especialmente significativa comparada com as taxas baixas em todos os países islâmicos. Os estudos mostraram predominância de suicídio nas mulheres (95%) e em pessoas jovens. Existe, por isso, uma necessidade urgente do país ter uma estratégia de prevenção do suicídio. A estratégia foi desenvolvida pela criação de um grupo técnico/ de assessoria multi-sectorial de diferentes intervenientes tais como governo, ONGs, agências doadoras, as famílias das vítimas e outraas partes interessadas. A estratégia baseia-se os seguintes valores chave:, respeito pelas diversidades; sensibilidade para as questões sócio-cultura-religiosa e de género; promoção da dignidade da sociedade; respeito pelos direitos humanoss.. Os 'seis pontos estratégicos' são: envolvimento das principais partes interessadas e criação de colaboração intersectorial coordenada; fornecimento de cuidados às pessoas que fazem tentativas de suicídio e às suas famílias; melhoria dos serviços para pessoas com doença mental e problemas psicossociais; promover uma comunicação e imagem adequada dos comportamentos suicidas, pelos meios de comunicação; reduzir o acesso aos meios de suicídio e coligir informação sobre as taxas de suicídio, os fatores de risco, os fatores protetores e as intervenções eficazes. A estratégia nacional de prevenção do suicídio será inicialmente implementada por 5 anos, com uma avaliação anual do plano de acção para entender os seus pontos fortes e limitações. Recomendações e sugestões serão incorporadas nos próxima planos anuais para uma intervenção eficaz. Um sistema de monitorização irá medir o progresso na implementação da estratégia.-----------------------------ABSTRACT: Suicide in Afghanistan is a public health priority. Afghanistan is a low-income country, emerging from three decades of conflicts. There is high prevalence of mental distress, mental disorders and substance abuse. There are multiple social issues, such as gender imbalance/violence, poverty, obsolete attitudes and customs, rapid social-cultural changes, human right violations, and especially women and children rights. These risk factors contribute to increase the vulnerability of the population for suicide. The relative high rate of suicide in Afghanistan is especially significant as the rates are low in all Islamic countries. Research studies have shown predominance of suicide in women (95%) and in young age people. There is an urgent need for the country to have a suicide prevention strategy. The strategy has been developed by establishing a multi-sectoral technical/advisory group of different stakeholders from government, NGOs, donor agencies, victimâs families, and interested parties. The strategy is based on the following key values, namely, respect for diversities; sensitiveness to socio-culture-religious and gender issues; promotion of the society dignity and respect for the human rights of people. The six â˜Strategic directionsâ are: involving key stakeholders and creating coordinated inter-sectoral collaboration; providing after care for people making a suicide attempt and their families; improving services for people with mental disorders and psycho-social problems; promoting the safe reporting and image of suicidal behaviour by media; reducing access to the means of suicide and gathering information about suicide rates, risk factor, protective factors and effective interventions. The National Suicide Prevention Strategy will be initially implemented for 5 years, with an annual evaluation of the action plan to understand the strengths and limitations. Recommendations and suggestions will be incorporated into the next annual plans for effective intervention. A monitoring framework will measure progress in implementing the strategy.


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SUMMARYMycobacteria which are most commonly isolated in pulmonary secretions of patients with respiratory symptoms living in the State of Amazonas are given. The high percentage of isolates (25,4) and the species obtained indicate a strong relationship of contamination of man by the environment. Among the species isolated, seven of them are considered potentially pathogenic mycobacteria. Since some of these species may interfere with present and further vaccination programs against Tuberculosis and Leprosy, these investigations indicate a necessity of carrying out studies of population awareness against specific PPD's prepared from the same species.


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RESUMO: A reabilitação respiratória (RR) é uma intervenção abrangente e interdisciplinar dirigida aos doentes respiratórios crónicos e inclui o treino de exercício, programas de educação e de modificação comportamental, entre outros, desenhados individualmente para melhorar o desempenho físico e psicossocial e promover a adesão a longo prazo a comportamentos promotores de saúde. A doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC) é uma doença comum, afetando cerca de 210 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, com elevada mortalidade e com custos económicos significativos decorrentes do agravamento progressivo da doença, das hospitalizações e de reinternamentos frequentes. Apesar do crescente conhecimento da DPOC e do papel da RR nos benefícios para a saúde, existem aspetos ainda não esclarecidos que têm impacto na prática clínica e de investigação e nas decisões das autoridades de saúde. A primeira parte desta tese focou a DPOC e o seu impacto negativo e incluiu: o estudo da prevalência da DPOC em Portugal; os fatores clínicos e funcionais que se associam à mortalidade em doentes com DPOC avançada; a morbilidade, impacto funcional e risco dos doentes se tornarem dependentes para as atividades diárias e a influência da inflamação sistémica. A prevalência estimada da DPOC de 14,2% indica que esta é uma doença comum em Portugal e alerta para a necessidade de uma maior sensibilização da população, dos profissionais de saúde e autoridades de saúde com vista a um diagnóstico precoce e à alocação dos recursos terapêuticos adequados. A elevada taxa de mortalidade em doentes com DPOC avançada - 36,6% em 3 anos - associou-se a insuficiência respiratória, a elevado número de exacerbações, ao cancro do pulmão e a reduzida capacidade funcional para a marcha, salientando a importância da referenciação precoce para RR, a identificação e o tratamento das comorbilidades e a prevenção das exacerbações. A aplicação de um questionário que avaliou as atividades da vida diária básicas e instrumentais, permitiu identificar um marcador clínico do risco de dependência, complementando as avaliações funcionais e associando-se a outros marcadores de mau prognóstico, como as exacerbações. Em doentes com DPOC, com FEV1 médio de 46,76% (desvio padrão: 20,90%), 67% da categoria D do GOLD, verificou-se uma associação positiva entre a expressão de genes inflamatórios avaliada pela reação em cadeia da polimerase (ARN mensageiro de IFNg, IL1b, IL6, IL8, TNFa, TGFb1, iNOS) e o índice de massa corporal em repouso, acentuando-se após o exercício. Este estudo aponta a inflamação como o potencial elo de ligação entre a obesidade e a inflamação sistémica em doentes com DPOC. A segunda parte da tese focou a RR, nomeadamente os seus efeitos em doentes das categorias GOLD A, B, C e D; o impacto das comorbilidades nos resultados da RR e os resultados de diferentes intensidades de treino aeróbio. Após o programa de RR, verificaram-se melhorias significativas na capacidade de exercício funcional e de endurance e no estado geral de saúde dos doentes de todas as categorias GOLD. Esta classificação não distingue os doentes que melhor poderão beneficiar desta intervenção, indicando que devem ser referenciados para RR, os doentes sintomáticos ou com repercussão na qualidade de vida, independentemente da categoria da DPOC a que pertençam. A prevalência das comorbilidades no grupo de doentes com DPOC que é referenciado para RR, é elevada, sendo as mais frequentes, as cardiovasculares, as respiratórias e as psicológicas. Apesar de poderem diminuir o impacto da RR, os resultados desta foram semelhantes independentemente do número de comorbilidades. A identificação e o tratamento sistemáticos das comorbilidades conferem maior segurança clínica a esta intervenção terapêutica a qual, por apresentar bons resultados, não deve limitar a referenciação dos doentes. Com o programa de RR, verificou-se melhoria significativa em todos os resultados centrados no doente para ambas as intensidades de treino aeróbio, a 60% e a 80% da potência aeróbica máxima (Wmax), com melhoria do estado geral de saúde, nos sintomas e na capacidade para o exercício, o que questiona a indicação sistemática de elevadas intensidades de treino em doentes com DPOC para a obtenção de benefícios a curto prazo. Na terceira e última parte da tese foi estudado o papel da atividade física na DPOC, focando os fatores que influenciam a atividade física diária; a evolução da capacidade funcional e o estado de saúde 2 anos após um programa de RR e o papel da telemonitorização na quantificação e monitorização da atividade física. Confirmámos que os doentes com DPOC são marcadamente sedentários e os fatores que se associaram ao sedentarismo nestes doentes foram a dispneia e a distância percorrida na prova de marcha de seis minutos. Este estudo sublinha a importância do controlo sintomático, nomeadamente da dispneia, bem como, mais uma vez, o potencial papel da reabilitação respiratória no aumento da capacidade funcional para o exercício e na aquisição de hábitos de vida fisicamente ativa. Verificámos que, apesar de os doentes com DPOC apresentarem benefícios clinicamente significativos na capacidade funcional para o exercício e no estado geral de saúde com o programa de RR, apenas os que se mantêm ativos, podem, no final dos dois anos de seguimento, manter os efeitos benéficos desse programa. O sistema de telemonitorização que combina a oximetria e a quantificação da atividade física provou ser clinicamente útil na avaliação da necessidade de oxigenoterapia de longa duração (OLD) e na aferição do débito de oxigénio em repouso, no esforço e no sono, podendo contribuir para uma melhor adequação da prescrição da OLD. A monitorização dos níveis de atividade física regular é um importante instrumento de avaliação dos programas de RR e o seu uso potencial na telereabilitação permitirá prolongar a eficácia dos programas e reduzir os custos associados aos cuidados de saúde.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is a comprehensive interdisciplinary intervention that includes, but is not limited to, exercise training, education, and behavior change, individually designed to improve physical and psychological conditions of people with chronic respiratory disease and to promote long-term adherence to health-enhancing behaviors. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common disease, affecting about 210 million people worldwide, with high mortality and significant health-related costs due to disease progression, hospitalizations and frequent hospital readmissions. Although the increasing knowledge about COPD and benefitial outcomes of PR, some aspects with impact in clinical practice, research and health authoritiesâ decisions, remain to be clarified. The first part of this thesis focused on COPD and its negative impact, including the study of COPD prevalence in Portugal; clinical and functional factors associated with mortality in advanced COPD patients; morbidity, functional impact and risk of othersâ dependance to perform activities of daily living; and the role of systemic inflammation. The evidence of 14.2% estimated COPD prevalence as a common disease in Portugal raises the need of an increasing awareness of population, health care professionals and health authorities towards an earlier diagnosis and apropriate treatment resources allocation. High mortality in patients with advanced COPD â 36.6% in 3 years - was associated with respiratory failure, high frequency of exacerbations, lung cancer and a low functional capacity in walking. This highlightens the importance of an earlier referral to PR, comorbidity identification and treatment, and prevention of exacerbations. A questionnaire evaluated basic and instrumental activities of daily living, and identified a clinical marker of the risk of becoming dependent. This clinical marker complemented other functional evaluations and was associated with prognosis markers such as the number of exacerbations. In COPD patients with a mean FEV1 46.76% (SD 20.90%), 67% belonging to GOLD grade D, we found a positive association between inflammatory gene expression evaluated by polymerase chain reaction (IFNg, IL1b, IL6, IL8, TNFa, TGFb1, iNOS RNA messenger) and body mass index at rest, and a further increase with exercise. This study evidenced obesity as one potential link between COPD and systemic inflammation. The second part of this thesis focused PR, namely its outcomes in patients of GOLD categories A, B, C and D; comorbidities impact in PR outcomes, and the impact of different exercise training intensities in patient related outcomes. xviii With PR intervention, we found significant improvement in functional exercise capacity, endurance exercise capacity and health status in patients of all GOLD categories. This classification did not differentiate which patients would benefit more from PR, hence all symptomatic patients with a negative impact in health status should be referred to PR, regardless of the GOLD category they belong to. There is a high prevalence of comorbidities in COPD patients referred to PR, being cardiovascular, respiratory and psychological, the most prevalent. Although some comorbidities might reduce PR impact, the results were similar regardless of the number of comorbidities. Systematic comorbidities identification and treatment provides safety to PR intervention, and its good results should not preclude patients referral. With PR intervention we found a significant improvement in all patient reported outcomes for exercise training intensities at 60% and 80% maximum work rate (Wmax), namely in health status, symptoms and exercise capacity. These findings challenge the current systematic indication of high exercise training intensities to achieve PR short-term benefits. In the third and last part of the thesis, the role of physical activity in COPD was studied, focusing factors that may influence daily physical activity; the evolution of functional capacity and health status two years after a PR program, and the role of a telemonitoring system in physical activity quantification and monitoring. We confirmed that COPD patients are markedly inactive and factors associated with a sedentary lifestyle are dyspnea and 6 minute walking distance. This study emphasized the importance of symptom control, namely of dyspnea, as well as, once again, the potential role of PR in functional exercise improvement and in integrating physically active habits in daily life. We verified that, although COPD patients improve functional exercise capacity and health status after a PR program, only those who kept physical activity habits were able to maintain those effects after 2 years of follow-up. A telemonitoring system that combines oximetry and physical activity quantification proved to be clinically useful in the evaluation of long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) indication, as well as in the titration of oxygen levels at rest, exertion, and sleeping, which might contribute to a more adequate LTOT prescription. Monitoring of daily physical activity levels is an important PR evaluation instrument and its potential use in telerehabilitation might allow lengthening programs efficacy, while reducing health-care costs.


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The Brazilian State of Amazonas has a high incidence of Tuberculosis, 91.4 in 10,000 habitants (SESAU, 1994) and resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are frequently being found in the region (SALEM et.al, 1990). These problems have been associated with side effects caused by the antibiotics used to treat Tuberculosis, which have in rum been associated with treatment non-compliance (PATTISAPU, 1984). To resolve this problem a cost effective alternative treatment for Tuberculosis with few or no side effects, needs to be found. Amazonas has an abundance of plants, many of which are used by the lay population for medicinal purposes. A survey was carried out in five towns of the region, interviewing patients receiving treatment for Tuberculosis, to find out whether and which plants have been used to treat Tuberculosis. Results showed that the majority of patients in the sample had used medicinal plants before or after diagnosis of Tuberculoses. Thirteen different plants were recorded for this purpose. Chenopodium ambrosioides L, popularly known as Mastruz, was the most commonly used, followed by Caesalpinia ferrea Mart. Jucá and Spilanthes acmella DC. Jambu. This study concentrates on Mastruz as it was used more frequently than the other medicinal plants. No significant effects on baciloscopy test results were found when Mastruz was used before diagnosis. ln-vitro laboratory tests have also not shown any tuberculocidal effects for Mastruz. Further tests are being carried out on the other medicinal plants.


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This paper aims to describe the Sequential Excavation Method, used for excava-tion in underground works, as well as the related risks and preventive measures. This method has characteristics that differentiate it from other tunnelling techniques: it uses a larger number of workers and equipment; it has a high concurrency of tasks with various workers and equip-ment quite exposed to hazards; and it uses many potentially aggressive chemicals. Firstly, it is given a broad overview of this issue. Afterwards, it will be presented the results of a survey to a sample of experienced technicians, aimed at gauging the relevance of a set of guidelines relat-ing to the design and work phases, applicable to the domestic market and prepared following technical visits to works abroad.


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We elaborated an alternative culture method, which we denominated PKO (initials in tribute of respect to Petroff, Kudoh and Ogawa), for isolating Mycobacterium tuberculosis from sputum for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), and to compare its performance with the Swab and Petroff methods. For the technique validation, sputum samples from patients suspected of pulmonary TB cases were examined by acid-fast microscopy (direct and concentrated smear), PKO, Swab and Petroff methods. We found that Petroff and PKO methods have parity in the effectiveness of M. tuberculosis isolation. However, by the PKO method, 65% of isolated strains were detected in a period of <FONT FACE=Symbol>&pound;</FONT>15 days, while by the Petroff method the best detection was in an interval of 16-29 days (71%). In positive smear samples, the average time of PKO isolation is only superior to the one related for Bactec 460TB. In conclusion, the exclusion of the neutralization stage of pH in the PKO reduces the manipulation of the samples, diminishes the execution time of the culture according to the Petroff method and facilitates the qualification of professionals involved in the laboratorial diagnosis of Tuberculosis.


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The immune system can recognize virtually any antigen, yet T cell responses against several pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, are restricted to a limited number of immunodominant epitopes. The host factors that affect immunodominance are incompletely understood. Whether immunodominant epitopes elicit protective CD8+ T cell responses or instead act as decoys to subvert immunity and allow pathogens to establish chronic infection is unknown. Here we show that anatomically distinct human granulomas contain clonally expanded CD8+ T cells with overlapping T cell receptor (TCR) repertoires. Similarly, the murine CD8+ T cell response against M. tuberculosis is dominated by TB10.44-11-specific T cells with extreme TCRß bias. Using a retro genic model of TB10.44-11-specific CD8+ Tcells, we show that TCR dominance can arise because of competition between clonotypes driven by differences in affinity. Finally, we demonstrate that TB10.4-specific CD8+ T cells mediate protection against tuberculosis, which requires interferon-? production and TAP1-dependent antigen presentation in vivo. Our study of how immunodominance, biased TCR repertoires, and protection are inter-related, provides a new way to measure the quality of T cell immunity, which if applied to vaccine evaluation, could enhance our understanding of how to elicit protective T cell immunity.


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Sirtuins (Sirts) regulate several cellular mechanisms through deacetylation of several transcription factors and enzymes. Recently, Sirt2 was shown to prevent the development of inflammatory processes and its expression favors acute Listeria monocytogenes infection. The impact of this molecule in the context of chronic infections remains unknown. We found that specific Sirt2 deletion in the myeloid lineage transiently increased Mycobacterium tuberculosis load in the lungs and liver of conditional mice. Sirt2 did not affect long-term infection since no significant differences were observed in the bacterial burden at days 60 and 120 post-infection. The initial increase in M. tuberculosis growth was not due to differences in inflammatory cell infiltrates in the lung, myeloid or CD4+ T cells. The transcription levels of IFN-?, IL-17, TNF, IL-6 and NOS2 were also not affected in the lungs by Sirt2-myeloid specific deletion. Overall, our results demonstrate that Sirt2 expression has a transitory effect in M. tuberculosis infection. Thus, modulation of Sirt2 activity in vivo is not expected to affect chronic infection with M. tuberculosis.


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Wild boar (Sus scrofa) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) are the main maintenance hosts for bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in continental Europe. Understanding Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) excretion routes is crucial to define strategies to control bTB in free-ranging populations, nevertheless available information is scarce. Aiming at filling this gap, four different MTC excretion routes (oronasal, bronchial-alveolar, fecal and urinary) were investigated by molecular methods in naturally infected hunter-harvested wild boar and red deer. In addition MTC concentrations were estimated by the Most Probable Number method. MTC DNA was amplified in all types of excretion routes. MTC DNA was amplified in at least one excretion route from 83.0% (CI95 70.8-90.8) of wild ungulates with bTB-like lesions. Oronasal or bronchial-alveolar shedding were detected with higher frequency than fecal shedding (p < 0.001). The majority of shedders yielded MTC concentrations <10(3) CFU/g or mL. However, from those ungulates from which oronasal, bronchial-alveolar and fecal samples were available, 28.2% of wild boar (CI95 16.6-43.8) and 35.7% of red deer (CI95 16.3-61.2) yielded MTC concentrations >10(3) CFU/g or mL (referred here as super-shedders). Red deer have a significantly higher risk of being super-shedders compared to wild boar (OR = 11.8, CI95 2.3-60.2). The existence of super-shedders among the naturally infected population of wild boar and red deer is thus reported here for the first time and MTC DNA concentrations greater than the minimum infective doses were estimated in excretion samples from both species.


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Environmental contamination with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) has been considered crucial for bovine tuberculosis persistence in multi-host-pathogen systems. However, MTC contamination has been difficult to detect due to methodological issues. In an attempt to overcome this limitation we developed an improved protocol for the detection of MTC DNA. MTC DNA concentration was estimated by the Most Probable Number (MPN) method. Making use of this protocol we showed that MTC contamination is widespread in different types of environmental samples from the Iberian Peninsula, which supports indirect transmission as a contributing mechanism for the maintenance of bovine tuberculosis in this multi-host-pathogen system. The proportion of MTC DNA positive samples was higher in the bovine tuberculosis-infected than in presumed negative area (0.32 and 0.18, respectively). Detection varied with the type of environmental sample and was more frequent in sediment from dams and less frequent in water also from dams (0.22 and 0.05, respectively). The proportion of MTC-positive samples was significantly higher in spring (p<0.001), but MTC DNA concentration per sample was higher in autumn and lower in summer. The average MTC DNA concentration in positive samples was 0.82 MPN/g (CI95 0.70-0.98 MPN/g). We were further able to amplify a DNA sequence specific of Mycobacterium bovis/caprae in 4 environmental samples from the bTB-infected area.


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Introduction Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is considered the most effective treatment for catatonia regardless its underlying condition. The rigid fixed posture and immobility observed in catatonia may lead to several clinical complications, of which, pulmonary embolism (PE) is one of the most severe. The rapid improvement of the psychiatric condition in catatonia-related PE is essential, since immobility favors the occurrence of new thromboembolic events and further complications. In that scenario, ECT should be considered, based on a risk-benefit analysis, aiming at the faster resolution of the catatonia. Methods Case report and literature review. Results A 66-years-old woman admitted to the psychiatric ward with catatonia due to a depressive episode presented bilateral PE. Clinically stable, but still severely depressed after a trial of antidepressants, she was treated with ECT in the course of full anticoagulation with enoxaparin. After five ECT sessions, her mood was significantly better and she was walking and eating spontaneously. She did not present complications related either to PE or to anticoagulation. After the eighth ECT session, she evolved with hypomania, which was managed with oral medication adjustments. The patient was completely euthymic at discharge. Conclusion The case we presented provides further evidence to the anecdotal case reports on the safety of ECT in the course of concomitant full anticoagulant therapy after PE, and illustrates how, with the proper precautions, the benefits of ECT in such condition might outweigh its risks.


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The aim of this study was to determine if mycobacterial lineages affect infection risk, clustering, and disease progression among Mycobacterium tuberculosis cases in The Netherlands. Multivariate negative binomial regression models adjusted for patient-related factors and stratified by patient ethnicity were used to determine the association between phylogenetic lineages and infectivity (mean number of positive contacts around each patient) and clustering (as defined by number of secondary cases within 2 years after diagnosis of an index case sharing the same fingerprint) indices. An estimate of progression to disease by each risk factor was calculated as a bootstrapped risk ratio of the clustering index by the infectivity index. Compared to the Euro-American reference, Mycobacterium africanum showed significantly lower infectivity and clustering indices in the foreign-born population, while Mycobacterium bovis showed significantly lower infectivity and clustering indices in the native population. Significantly lower infectivity was also observed for the East African Indian lineage in the foreign-born population. Smear positivity was a significant risk factor for increased infectivity and increased clustering. Estimates of progression to disease were significantly associated with age, sputum-smear status, and behavioral risk factors, such as alcohol and intravenous drug abuse, but not with phylogenetic lineages. In conclusion, we found evidence of a bacteriological factor influencing indicators of a strain's transmissibility, namely, a decreased ability to infect and a lower clustering index in ancient phylogenetic lineages compared to their modern counterparts. Confirmation of these findings via follow-up studies using tuberculin skin test conversion data should have important implications on M. tuberculosis control efforts.