907 resultados para Throwing Shoulder


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Background: In the Global postural re-education (GPR) evaluation, posture alterations are associated with anterior or posterior muscular chain impairments. Our goal was to assess the reliability of the GPR muscular chain evaluation. Methods: Design: Inter-rater reliability study. Fifty physical therapists (PTs) and two experts trained in GPR assessed the standing posture from photographs of five youths with idiopathic scoliosis using a posture analysis grid with 23 posture indices (PI). The PTs and experts indicated the muscular chain associated with posture alterations. The PTs were also divided into three groups according to their experience in GPR. Experts' results (after consensus) were used to verify agreement between PTs and experts for muscular chain and posture assessments. We used Kappa coefficients (K) and the percentage of agreement (%A) to assess inter-rater reliability and intra-class coefficients (ICC) for determining agreement between PTs and experts. Results: For the muscular chain evaluation, reliability was moderate to substantial for 12 PI for the PTs (% A: 56 to 82; K: 0.42 to 0.76) and perfect for 19 PI for the experts. For posture assessment, reliability was moderate to substantial for 12 PI for the PTs (% A > 60%; K: 0.42 to 0.75) and moderate to perfect for 18 PI for the experts (% A: 80 to 100; K: 0.55 to 1.00). The agreement between PTs and experts was good for most muscular chain evaluations (18 PI; ICC: 0.82 to 0.99) and PI (19 PI; ICC: 0.78 to 1.00). Conclusions: The GPR muscular chain evaluation has good reliability for most posture indices. GPR evaluation should help guide physical therapists in targeting affected muscles for treatment of abnormal posture patterns.


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The study examined how children of different ages integrate fundamental movement skills, such as running and throwing, and whether their developmental status was related to the combination of these skills. Thirty children were divided into three groups (G1 = 6-year-olds, G2 = 9-year-olds, and G3 = 12-year-olds) and filmed performing three tasks: running, overarm throwing, and the combined task. Patterns were identified and described, and the efficiency of integration was calculated (distance differences of the ball thrown in two tasks, overarm throwing and combined task). Differences in integration were related to age: the 6-year-olds were less efficient in combining the two skills than the 9- and 12-year-olds. These differences may be indicative of a phase of integrating fundamental movement skills in the developmental sequence. This developmental status, particularly throwing, seems to be related to the competence to integrate skills, which suggests that fundamental movement skills may be developmental modules.


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The objective of this paper is to show the dependence relationship between the crystallographic orientations upon brittle-to-ductile transition during diamond turning of monocrystalline silicon. Cutting tests were performed using a -5 degrees rake angle round nose diamond tool at different machining scales. At the micrometre level, the feedrate was kept constant at 2.5 micrometres per revolution (mu m/r), and the depth of cut was varied from 1 to 5 mu m. At the submicrometre level, the depth of cut was kept constant at 500 nm and the feedrate varied from 5 to 10 mu m/r. At the micrometre level, the uncut shoulder generated with an interrupted cutting test procedure provided a quantitative measurement of the ductile-to-brittle transition. Results show that the critical chip thickness in silicon for ductile material removal reaches a maximum of 285 nm in the [100] direction and a minimum of 115 nm in the [110] direction, when the depth of cut was 5 mu m. It was found that when a submicrometre depth of cut was applied, microcracks were revealed in the [110] direction, which is the softer direction in silicon. Micro Raman spectroscopy was used to estimate surface residual stress after machining. Compressive residual stress in the range 142 MPa and smooth damage free surface finish was probed in the [100] direction for a depth of cut of 5 mu m, whereas residual stresses in the range 350 MPa and brittle damage was probed in the [110] direction for a depth of cut of 500 nm.


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Objective: This study assessed the muscular activity during root canal preparation through kinematics, kinetics, and electromyography (EMG). Material and Methods: The operators prepared one canal with RaCe rotary instruments and another with Flexofiles. The kinematics of the major joints was reconstructed using an optoelectronic system and electromyographic responses of the flexor carpi radial's, extensor carpi radialis, brachioradialis, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, middle deltoid, and upper trapezius were recorded. The joint torques of the shoulder, elbow and wrist were calculated using inverse dynamics. In the kinematic analysis, angular movements of the wrist and elbow were classified as low risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders. With respect to the shoulder, the classification was medium-risk. Results: There was no significant difference revealed by the kinetic reports. The EMG results showed that for the middle deltoid and upper trapezius the rotary instrumentation elicited higher values. The flexor carpi radialis and extensor carpi radialis, as well as the brachioradialis showed a higher value with the manual method. Conclusion: The muscular recruitment for accomplishment of articular movements for root canal preparation with either the rotary or manual techniques is distinct. Nevertheless, the rotary instrument presented less difficulty in the generation of the joint torque in each articulation, thus, presenting a greater uniformity of joint torques.


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Large fine mode-dominated aerosols (submicron radius) in size distributions retrieved from the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) have been observed after fog or low-altitude cloud dissipation events. These column-integrated size distributions have been obtained at several sites in many regions of the world, typically after evaporation of low-altitude cloud such as stratocumulus or fog. Retrievals with cloud-processed aerosol are sometimes bimodal in the accumulation mode with the larger-size mode often similar to 0.4-0.5 mu m radius (volume distribution); the smaller mode, typically similar to 0.12 to similar to 0.20 mu m, may be interstitial aerosol that were not modified by incorporation in droplets and/or aerosol that are less hygroscopic in nature. Bimodal accumulation mode size distributions have often been observed from in situ measurements of aerosols that have interacted with clouds, and AERONET size distribution retrievals made after dissipation of cloud or fog are in good agreement with particle sizes measured by in situ techniques for cloud-processed aerosols. Aerosols of this type and large size range (in lower concentrations) may also be formed by cloud processing in partly cloudy conditions and may contribute to the "shoulder" of larger-size particles in the accumulation mode retrievals, especially in regions where sulfate and other soluble aerosol are a significant component of the total aerosol composition. Observed trends of increasing aerosol optical depth (AOD) as fine mode radius increased suggests higher AOD in the near-cloud environment and higher overall AOD than typically obtained from remote sensing owing to bias toward sampling at low cloud fraction.


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de Lima-Pardini AC, Papegaaij S, Cohen RG, Teixeira LA, Smith BA, Horak FB. The interaction of postural and voluntary strategies for stability in Parkinson's disease. J Neurophysiol 108: 1244-1252, 2012. First published June 6, 2012; doi:10.1152/jn.00118.2012.-This study assessed the effects of stability constraints of a voluntary task on postural responses to an external perturbation in subjects with Parkinson's disease (PD) and healthy elderly participants. Eleven PD subjects and twelve control subjects were perturbed with backward surface translations while standing and performing two versions of a voluntary task: holding a tray with a cylinder placed with the flat side down [low constraint (LC)] or with the rolling, round side down [high constraint (HC)]. Participants performed alternating blocks of LC and HC trials. PD participants accomplished the voluntary task as well as control subjects, showing slower tray velocity in the HC condition compared with the LC condition. However, the latency of postural responses was longer in the HC condition only for control subjects. Control subjects presented different patterns of hip-shoulder coordination as a function of task constraint, whereas PD subjects had a relatively invariant pattern. Initiating the experiment with the HC task led to 1) decreased postural stability in PD subjects only and 2) reduced peak hip flexion in control subjects only. These results suggest that PD impairs the capacity to adapt postural responses to constraints imposed by a voluntary task.


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The present study investigated whether postural responses are influenced by the stability constraint of a voluntary, manual task. We also examined how task constraint and first experience (the condition with which the participants started the experiment) influence the kinematic strategies used to simultaneously accomplish a postural response and a voluntary task. Twelve healthy, older adults were perturbed during standing, while holding a tray with a cylinder placed with the flat side down (low constraint, LC) or with the rolling, round side down (high constraint, HC). Central set changed according to the task constraint, as shown by a higher magnitude of both the gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscle activation bursts in the HC than in the LC condition. This increase in muscle activation was not reflected, however, in changes in the center of pressure or center of mass displacement. Task constraint influenced the peak shoulder flexion for the voluntary tray task but not the peak hip flexion for the postural task. In contrast, first experience influenced the peak hip flexion but not the peak shoulder flexion. These results suggest an interaction between two separate control mechanisms for automatic postural responses and voluntary stabilization tasks.


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Samples of 40SiO(2)center dot 30Na(2)O center dot 1Al(2)O(3)center dot(29 - x)B2O3 center dot xFe(2)O(3) (mol%), with 0.0 <= x <= 17.5, were prepared by the fusion method and investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), optical absorption (OA) and Mossbauer spectroscopy (MS). The EPR spectra of the as-synthesized samples exhibit two well-defined EPR signals around g = 4.27 and g = 2.01 and a visible EPR shoulder around g = 6.4, assigned to isolated Fe3+ ion complexes (g = 4.27 and g = 6.4) and Fe3+-based clusters (g = 2.01). Analyses of both EPR line intensity and line width support the model picture of Fe3+-based clusters built in from two sources of isolated ions, namely Fe2+ and Fe3+; the ferrous ion being used to build in iron-based clusters at lower x-content (below about x = 2.5%) whereas the ferric ion is used to build in iron-based clusters at higher x-content (above about x = 2.5%). The presence of Fe2+ ions incorporated within the glass template is supported by OA data with a strong band around 1100 nm due to the spin-allowed E-5(g)-T-5(2g) transition in an octahedral coordination with oxygen. Additionally, Mossbauer data (isomer shift and quadrupole splitting) confirm incorporation of both Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions within the template, more likely in tetrahedral-like environments. We hypothesize that ferrous ions are incorporated within the glass template as FeO4 complex resulting from replacing silicon in non-bridging oxygen (SiO3O-) sites whereas ferric ions are incorporated as FeO4 complex resulting from replacing silicon in bridging-like oxygen silicate groups (SiO4). (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Background: Central post-stroke pain (CPSP) is a neuropathic pain syndrome associated with somatosensory abnormalities due to central nervous system lesion following a cerebrovascular insult. Post-stroke pain (PSP) refers to a broader range of clinical conditions leading to pain after stroke, but not restricted to CPSP, including other types of pain such as myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), painful shoulder, lumbar and dorsal pain, complex regional pain syndrome, and spasticity-related pain. Despite its recognition as part of the general PSP diagnostic possibilities, the prevalence of MPS has never been characterized in patients with CPSP patients. We performed a cross-sectional standardized clinical and radiological evaluation of patients with definite CPSP in order to assess the presence of other non-neuropathic pain syndromes, and in particular, the role of myofascial pain syndrome in these patients. Methods: CPSP patients underwent a standardized sensory and motor neurological evaluation, and were classified according to stroke mechanism, neurological deficits, presence and profile of MPS. The Visual Analogic Scale (VAS), McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ), and Beck Depression Scale (BDS) were filled out by all participants. Results: Forty CPSP patients were included. Thirty-six (90.0%) had one single ischemic stroke. Pain presented during the first three months after stroke in 75.0%. Median pain intensity was 10 (5 to 10). There was no difference in pain intensity among the different lesion site groups. Neuropathic pain was continuous-ongoing in 34 (85.0%) patients and intermittent in the remainder. Burning was the most common descriptor (70%). Main aggravating factors were contact to cold (62.5%). Thermo-sensory abnormalities were universal. MPS was diagnosed in 27 (67.5%) patients and was more common in the supratentorial extra-thalamic group (P <0.001). No significant differences were observed among the different stroke location groups and pain questionnaires and scales scores. Importantly, CPSP patients with and without MPS did not differ in pain intensity (VAS), MPQ or BDS scores. Conclusions: The presence of MPS is not an exception after stroke and may present in association with CPSP as a common comorbid condition. Further studies are necessary to clarify the role of MPS in CPSP.


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Lipoma arborescens é uma condição rara de moléstia intra-articular, usualmente monoarticular, caracterizada por extensa proliferação dos vilos sinoviais e hiperplasia da gordura subsinovial. O tecido sinovial é progressivamente substituído por células maduras de gordura na membrana sinovial. O presente trabalho é o relato de caso de uma condição rara de lipoma arborescens tanto intra-articular (glenoumeral) como da bursa subacromial-subdeltoide além de ruptura do tendão do supraespinhoso. As apresentações clínicas, histológicas e radiográficas assim como o tratamento são discutidos no presente estudo. A apresentação do caso contempla também a avaliação radiográfica, ressonância magnética e exame patológico. Apesar do lipoma arborescens ser uma condição rara, tal hipótese deve ser considerada frente a um caso com hiperproliferação sinovial e lipossubstituição da sinovial.


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Il tennis è uno sport molto diffuso che negli ultimi trent’anni ha subito molti cambiamenti. Con l’avvento di nuovi materiali più leggeri e maneggevoli la velocità della palla è aumentata notevolmente, rendendo così necessario una modifica a livello tecnico dei colpi fondamentali. Dalla ricerca bibliografica sono emerse interessanti indicazioni su angoli e posizioni corporee ideali da mantenere durante le varie fasi dei colpi, confrontando i giocatori di altissimo livello. Non vi sono invece indicazioni per i maestri di tennis su quali siano i parametri più importanti da allenare a seconda del livello di gioco del proprio atleta. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di individuare quali siano le variabili tecniche che influenzano i colpi del diritto e del servizio confrontando atleti di genere differente, giocatori di livello di gioco diverso (esperti, intermedi, principianti) e dopo un anno di attività programmata. Confrontando giocatori adulti di genere diverso, è emerso che le principali differenze sono legate alle variabili di prestazione (velocità della palla e della racchetta) per entrambi i colpi. Questi dati sono simili a quelli riscontrati nel test del lancio della palla, un gesto non influenzato dalla tecnica del colpo. Le differenze tecniche di genere sono poco rilevanti ed attribuibili alla diversa interpretazione dei soggetti. Nel confronto di atleti di vario livello di gioco le variabili di prestazione presentano evidenti differenze, che possono essere messe in relazione con alcune differenze tecniche rilevate nei gesti specifici. Nel servizio i principianti tendono a direzionare l’arto superiore dominante verso la zona bersaglio, abducendo maggiormente la spalla ed avendo il centro della racchetta più a destra rispetto al polso. Inoltre, effettuano un caricamento minore degli arti inferiori, del tronco e del gomito. Per quanto riguarda il diritto si possono evidenziare queste differenze: l’arto superiore è sempre maggiormente esteso per il gruppo dei principianti; il tronco, nei giocatori più abili viene utilizzato in maniera più marcata, durante la fase di caricamento, in movimenti di torsione e di inclinazione laterale. Gli altri due gruppi hanno maggior difficoltà nell’eseguire queste azioni preparatorie, in particolare gli atleti principianti. Dopo un anno di attività programmata sono stati evidenziati miglioramenti prestativi. Anche dal punto di vista tecnico sono state notate delle differenze che possono spiegare il miglioramento della performance nei colpi. Nel servizio l’arto superiore si estende maggiormente per colpire la palla più in alto possibile. Nel diritto sono da sottolineare soprattutto i miglioramenti dei movimenti del tronco in torsione ed in inclinazione laterale. Quindi l’atleta si avvicina progressivamente ad un’esecuzione tecnica corretta. In conclusione, dal punto di vista tecnico non sono state rilevate grosse differenze tra i due generi che possano spiegare le differenze di performance. Perciò questa è legata più ad un fattore di forza che dovrà essere allenata con un programma specifico. Nel confronto fra i vari livelli di gioco e gli effetti di un anno di pratica si possono individuare variabili tecniche che mostrano differenze significative tra i gruppi sperimentali. Gli evoluti utilizzano tutto il corpo per effettuare dei colpi più potenti, utilizzando in maniera tecnicamente più valida gli arti inferiori, il tronco e l’arto superiore. I principianti utilizzano prevalentemente l’arto superiore con contributi meno evidenti degli altri segmenti. Dopo un anno di attività i soggetti esaminati hanno dimostrato di saper utilizzare meglio il tronco e l’arto superiore e ciò può spiegare il miglioramento della performance. Si può ipotizzare che, per il corretto utilizzo degli arti inferiori, sia necessario un tempo più lungo di apprendimento oppure un allenamento più specifico.


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Osteoarthritis (OA) or degenerative joint disease (DJD) is a pathology which affects the synovial joints and characterised by a focal loss of articular cartilage and subsequent bony reaction of the subcondral and marginal bone. Its etiology is best explained by a multifactorial model including: age, sex, genetic and systemic factors, other predisposing diseases and functional stress. In this study the results of the investigation of a modern identified skeletal collection will be presented. In particular, we will focus on the relationship between the presence of OA at various joints. The joint modifications have been analysed using a new methodology that allows the scoring of different degrees of expression of the features considered. Materials and Methods The sample examined comes from the Sassari identified skeletal collection (part of “Frassetto collections”). The individuals were born between 1828 and 1916 and died between 1918 and 1932. Information about sex and age is known for all the individuals. The occupation is known for 173 males and 125 females. Data concerning the occupation of the individuals indicate a preindustrial and rural society. OA has been diagnosed when eburnation (EB) or loss of morphology (LM) were present, or when at least two of the following: marginal lipping (ML), esostosis (EX) or erosion (ER), were present. For each articular surface affected a “mean score” was calculated, reflecting the “severity” of the alterations. A further “score” was calculated for each joint. In the analysis sexes and age classes were always kept separate. For the statistical analyses non parametric test were used. Results The results show there is an increase of OA with age in all the joints analyzed and in particular around 50 years and 60 years. The shoulder, the hip and the knee are the joints mainly affected with ageing while the ankle is the less affected; the correlation values confirm this result. The lesion which show the major correlation with age is the ML. In our sample males are more frequently and more severely affected by OA than females, particularly at the superior limbs, while hip and knee are similarly affected in the two sexes. Lateralization shows some positive results in particular in the right shoulder of males and in various articular surfaces especially of the superior limb of both males and females; articular surfaces and joints are quite always lateralized to the right. Occupational analyses did not show remarkable results probably because of the homogeneity of the sample; males although performing different activities are quite all employed in stressful works. No highest prevalence of knee and hip OA was found in farm-workers respect to the other males. Discussion and Conclusion In this work we propose a methodology to score the different features, necessary to diagnose OA, that allows the investigation of the severity of joint degeneration. This method is easier than the one proposed by Buikstra and Ubelaker (1994), but in the same time allows a quite detailed recording of the features. Epidemiological results can be interpreted quite simply and they are in accordance with other studies; more difficult is the interpretation of the occupational results because many questions concerning the activities performed by the individuals of the collection during their lifespan cannot be solved. Because of this, caution is suggested in the interpretation of bioarcheological specimens. With this work we hope to contribute to the discussion on the puzzling problem of the etiology of OA. The possibility of studying identified skeletons will add important data to the description of osseous features of OA, enriching the medical documentation, based on different criteria. Even if we are aware that the clinical diagnosis is different from the palaeopathological one we think our work will be useful in clarifying some epidemiological as well as pathological aspects of OA.


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Skype is one of the well-known applications that has guided the evolution of real-time video streaming and has become one of the most used software in everyday life. It provides VoIP audio/video calls as well as messaging chat and file transfer. Many versions are available covering all the principal operating systems like Windows, Macintosh and Linux but also mobile systems. Voice quality decreed Skype success since its birth in 2003 and peer-to-peer architecture has allowed worldwide diffusion. After video call introduction in 2006 Skype became a complete solution to communicate between two or more people. As a primarily video conferencing application, Skype assumes certain characteristics of the delivered video to optimize its perceived quality. However in the last years, and with the recent release of SkypeKit1, many new Skype video-enabled devices came out especially in the mobile world. This forced a change to the traditional recording, streaming and receiving settings allowing for a wide range of network and content dynamics. Video calls are not anymore based on static ‘chatting’ but mobile devices have opened new possibilities and can be used in several scenarios. For instance, lecture streaming or one-to-one mobile video conferences exhibit more dynamics as both caller and callee might be on move. Most of these cases are different from “head&shoulder” only content. Therefore, Skype needs to optimize its video streaming engine to cover more video types. Heterogeneous connections require different behaviors and solutions and Skype must face with this variety to maintain a certain quality independently from connection used. Part of the present work will be focused on analyzing Skype behavior depending on video content. Since Skype protocol is proprietary most of the studies so far have tried to characterize its traffic and to reverse engineer its protocol. However, questions related to the behavior of Skype, especially on quality as perceived by users, remain unanswered. We will study Skype video codecs capabilities and video quality assessment. Another motivation of our work is the design of a mechanism that estimates the perceived cost of network conditions on Skype video delivery. To this extent we will try to assess in an objective way the impact of network impairments on the perceived quality of a Skype video call. Traditional video streaming schemes lack the necessary flexibility and adaptivity that Skype tries to achieve at the edge of a network. Our contribution will lye on a testbed and consequent objective video quality analysis that we will carry out on input videos. We will stream raw video files with Skype via an impaired channel and then we will record it at the receiver side to analyze with objective quality of experience metrics.


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Bereits 1971 erkannte Reiswig bei einigen Schwämmen in der Kontraktion des Osculums eine Reaktion auf Licht. Nachfolgend konnte für eine Reihe von Schwämmen die Existenz von Lichtreaktionen beobachtet werden (Wapstra & van Soest, 1987). In dieser Arbeit sollten Gene eines Luziferin/Luziferase Systems im marinen Schwamm Suberites domuncula identifiziert werden, die eine Rolle bei der Bio¬lumineszenz spielen. Mit Hilfe der PCR-Technik konnten die in der cDNA-Bank identifizierten Fragmente einer Luziferase und eines Luziferin regenerierenden Enzyms erfolgreich vervollständigt, kloniert und analysiert werden. Datenbank¬analysen der abgeleiteten Aminosäuresequenzen ergeben sowohl für die Luziferase als auch für das Luziferin regenerierende Enzym Ähnlichkeiten zu den entsprechenden Proteinen aus Leuchtkäfern, wie z. B. Photinus pyralis. Ausgehend von der cDNA wurden zunächst beide Enzyme in E. coli rekombinant exprimiert und affinitätschromatographisch aufgereinigt. Für die Luziferase gelang es, spezifische Antikörper herzustellen, die im Anschluss an den im Western Blot durchgeführten Nachweis eine Identifizierung in histologischen Schwamm¬schnitten ermöglichte. Weitere Analysen konnten für Suberites domuncula sowohl im Schwammgewebe, im Proteinextrakt als auch für das rekombinante Protein die Licht-generierende Fähigkeit nachweisen. Das ermittelte in vitro Biolumineszenz-Emissionsspektrum der rekombinanten Luziferase weist eine Lichtemission im gelb-grünen Bereich des Spektrums mit einem Maximum bei 548 nm und einer Schulter bei 590 nm auf. Ausserdem bestätigte die Funktionanalyse des rekombinanten Enzyms die für Luziferasen bekannte ATP- und Temperatur¬abhängigkeit sowie den stimulierenden Effekt von Coenzym A. Die Existenz einer bioaktiven Luziferase in einem der ältesten, rezent vertretenen Metazoa deutet darauf hin, dass sich die Oxygenasefunktion der Luziferasen bereits früher entwickelte, als bisher von Viviani* vermutet. Die bisherigen Daten über die optischen Eigenschaften der Spiculae liefern gemeinsam mit den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit – einer Licht-emittierenden Luziferase in S. domuncula – die Voraussetzungen für die mögliche Existenz eines Photorezeptionssystems in Schwämmen.


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Recentemente, vari ricercatori si sono concentrati sulle proprietà funzionali dei muscoli, sulla meccanica e sulla cinematica legata al volo, ma senza la possibilità di consultare un’adeguata letteratura poiché assente o incompleta. Si è quindi ritenuto utile studiare la miologia della regione della spalla e del braccio di specie non in precedenza esaminate e che mostrassero differenti stili di volo, al fine di creare una base di informazioni per futuri studi funzionali. Tutte le specie prese in esame sono membri della famiglia degli Accipitridae e nello specifico si sono selezionati: il Falco pecchiaiolo (Pernis apivorus Linnaeus, 1758), l’Astore comune (Accipiter gentilis Linnaeus, 1758) e lo Sparviero eurasiatico (Accipiter nisus Linnaeus, 1758). Questi animali attuano stili di volo differenti e sono stati pertanto scelti per capire se diverse performance di volo potessero indurre una differenziazione dell’apparato muscolare. La comparazione dei dati raccolti durante questo studio con quelli presenti in letteratura in altre specie aviarie ha evidenziato che, mentre alcuni muscoli non sembrano andare incontro a grandi modificazioni nei rapaci, altri invece presentano una grande eterogeneità. In particolare, grazie alle caratteristiche dei diversi muscoli, si è potuto raggruppare questi ultimi in base a possibili funzioni comuni: a) muscoli che concorrono a stabilizzare l’ala rispetto al tronco e che assorbono le forze generate durante il volo; b) muscoli con possibile ruolo nel controllo della rotazione dell’omero; c) muscoli con possibile funzione propriocettiva. Il presente studio ha inoltre evidenziato, nei muscoli esaminati, alcune similitudini e molteplici peculiarità anatomiche non precedentemente segnalate in letteratura. Si ritiene che questo studio macroscopico possa rappresentare un punto di partenza per futuri studi microscopici o elettrofisiologici, a dimostrazione dell’importanza della dissezione quale primo strumento di indagine.