975 resultados para Tero, Josep -- Intervius


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The study explores new ideational changes in the information strategy of the Finnish state between 1998 and 2007, after a juncture in Finnish governing in the early 1990s. The study scrutinizes the economic reframing of institutional openness in Finland that comes with significant and often unintended institutional consequences of transparency. Most notably, the constitutional principle of publicity (julkisuusperiaate), a Nordic institutional peculiarity allowing public access to state information, is now becoming an instrument of economic performance and accountability through results. Finland has a long institutional history in the publicity of government information, acknowledged by law since 1951. Nevertheless, access to government information became a policy concern in the mid-1990s, involving a historical narrative of openness as a Nordic tradition of Finnish governing Nordic openness (pohjoismainen avoimuus). International interest in transparency of governance has also marked an opening for institutional re-descriptions in Nordic context. The essential added value, or contradictory term, that transparency has on the Finnish conceptualisation of governing is the innovation that public acts of governing can be economically efficient. This is most apparent in the new attempts at providing standardised information on government and expressing it in numbers. In Finland, the publicity of government information has been a concept of democratic connotations, but new internationally diffusing ideas of performance and national economic competitiveness are discussed under the notion of transparency and its peer concepts openness and public (sector) information, which are also newcomers to Finnish vocabulary of governing. The above concepts often conflict with one another, paving the way to unintended consequences for the reforms conducted in their name. Moreover, the study argues that the policy concerns over openness and public sector information are linked to the new drive for transparency. Drawing on theories of new institutionalism, political economy, and conceptual history, the study argues for a reinvention of Nordic openness in two senses. First, in referring to institutional history, the policy discourse of Nordic openness discovers an administrative tradition in response to new dilemmas of public governance. Moreover, this normatively appealing discourse also legitimizes the new ideational changes. Second, a former mechanism of democratic accountability is being reframed with market and performance ideas, mostly originating from the sphere of transnational governance and governance indices. Mobilizing different research techniques and data (public documents of the Finnish government and international organizations, some 30 interviews of Finnish civil servants, and statistical time series), the study asks how the above ideational changes have been possible, pointing to the importance of nationalistically appealing historical narratives and normative concepts of governing. Concerning institutional developments, the study analyses the ideational changes in central steering mechanisms (political, normative and financial steering) and the introduction of budget transparency and performance management in two cases: census data (Population Register Centre) and foreign political information (Ministry for Foreign Affairs). The new policy domain of governance indices is also explored as a type of transparency. The study further asks what institutional transformations are to be observed in the above cases and in the accountability system. The study concludes that while the information rights of citizens have been reinforced and recalibrated during the period under scrutiny, there has also been a conversion of institutional practices towards economic performance. As the discourse of Nordic openness has been rather unquestioned, the new internationally circulating ideas of transparency and the knowledge economy have entered this discourse without public notice. Since the mid 1990s, state registry data has been perceived as an exploitable economic resource in Finland and in the EU public sector information. This is a parallel development to the new drive for budget transparency in organisations as vital to the state as the Population Register Centre, which has led to marketization of census data in Finland, an international exceptionality. In the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the post-Cold War rhetorical shift from secrecy to performance-driven openness marked a conversion in institutional practices that now see information services with high regards. But this has not necessarily led to the increased publicity of foreign political information. In this context, openness is also defined as sharing information with select actors, as a trust based non-public activity, deemed necessary amid the global economic competition. Regarding accountability system, deliberation and performance now overlap, making it increasingly difficult to identify to whom and for what the public administration is accountable. These evolving institutional practices are characterised by unintended consequences and paradoxes. History is a paradoxical component in the above institutional change, as long-term institutional developments now justify short-term reforms.


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The knowledge about the optimal rearing conditions, such as water temperature and quality, photoperiod and density, with the understanding of animal nutritional requirements forms the basis of economically stable aquaculture for freshwater crayfish. However, the shift from a natural environment to effective culture conditions induces several changes, not only at the population level, but also at the individual level. The social contacts between conspecifics increase with increasing animal density. The competition for limited resources (e.g. food, shelter, mates) is more severe with the presence of agonistic behaviour and may lead to unequal distribution of these. The objectives of this study were to: 1) study the distribution of a common food resource between communally reared signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) and to assign potential feeding hierarchy on the basis of individual food intake measurements, 2) explore the possibilities of size distribution manipulations to affect population dynamics and food intake to improve growth and survival in culture and 3) study the effect of food ration and spatial distribution on food intake and to explore the effect of temperature and food ration on growth and body composition of freshwater crayfish. The feeding ranks between animals were assigned with a new method for individual food intake measurement of communally reared crayfish. This technique has a high feasibility and a great potential to be applied in crayfish aquaculture studies. In this study, signal crayfish showed high size-related variability in food consumption both among individuals within a group (inter-individual) and within individual day-to-day variation (intra-individual). Increased competition for food led to an unequal distribution of this resource and this may be a reason for large growth differences between animals. The consumption was significantly higher when reared individually in comparison with communal housing. These results suggest that communally housed crayfish form a feeding hierarchy and that the animal size is the major factor controlling the position in this hierarchy. The optimisation of the social environment ( social conditions ) was evaluated in this study as a new approach to crayfish aquaculture. The results showed that the absence of conspecifics (individual rearing vs. communal housing) affects growth rate, food intake and the proportion of injured animals, whereas size variation between animals influences the number and duration of agonistic encounters. In addition, animal size had a strong influence on the fighting success of signal crayfish reared in a social milieu with a wide size variation of conspecifics. Larger individuals initiated and won most of the competitions, which suggests size-based social hierarchy of P. leniusculus. This is further supported by the fact that the length and weight gain of smaller animals increased after size grading, maybe because of a better access to the food resource due to diminished social pressure. However, the high dominance index was not based on size under conditions of limited size variation, e.g. those characteristic of restocked natural populations and aquaculture, indicating the important role of behaviour on social hierarchy.


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Within central nervous system, the simple division of chemical synaptic transmission to depolarizing excitation mediated by glutamate and hyperpolarizing inhibition mediated by γ-amino butyric acid (GABA), is evidently an oversimplification. The GABAa receptor (GABAaR) mediated responses can be of opposite sign within a single resting cell, due to the compartmentalized distribution of cation chloride cotransporters (CCCs). The K+/Cl- cotransporter 2 (KCC2), member of the CCC family, promotes K+ fuelled Cl- extrusion and sets the reversal potential of GABA evoked anion currents typically slightly below the resting membrane potential. The interesting ionic plasticity property of GABAergic signalling emerges from the short-term and long-term alterations in the intraneuronal concentrations of GABAaR permeable anions (Cl- and HCO3-). The short-term effects arise rapidly (in the time scale of hundreds of milliseconds) and are due to the GABAaR activation dependent shifts in anion gradients, whereas the changes in expression, distribution and kinetic regulation of CCCs are underlying the long-term effects, which may take minutes or even hours to develop. In this Thesis, the differences in the reversal potential of GABAaR mediated responses between dopaminergic and GABAergic cell types, located in the substantia nigra, were shown to be attributable to the differences in the chloride extrusion mechanisms. The stronger inhibitory effect of GABA on GABAergic neurons was due to the cell type specific expression of KCC2 whereas the KCC2 was absent from dopaminergic neurons, leading to a less prominent inhibition brought by GABAaR activation. The levels of KCC2 protein exhibited activity dependent alterations in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Intense neuronal activity, leading to a massive release of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in vivo, or applications of tyrosine receptor kinase B (TrkB) agonists BDNF or neurotrophin-4 in vitro, were shown to down-regulate KCC2 protein levels which led to a reduction in the efficacy of Cl- extrusion. The GABAergic transmission is interestingly involved in an increase of extracellular K+ concentration. A substantial increase in interstitial K+ tends to depolarize the cell membrane. The effects that varying ion gradients had on the generation of biphasic GABAaR mediated responses were addressed, with particular emphasis on the novel idea that the K+/Cl- extrusion via KCC2 is accelerated in response to a rapid accumulation of intracellular Cl-. The KCC2 inhibitor furosemide produced a large reduction in the GABAaR dependent extracellular K+ transients. Thus, paradoxically, both the inefficient KCC2 activity (via increased intracellular Cl-) and efficient KCC2 activity (via increased extracellular K+) may promote excitation.


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Multilevel converters have been under research and development for more than three decades and have found successful industrial application. However, this is still a technology under development, and many new contributions and new commercial topologies have been reported in the last few years. The aim of this paper is to group and review these recent contributions, in order to establish the current state of the art and trends of the technology, to provide readers with a comprehensive and insightful review of where multilevel converter technology stands and is heading. This paper first presents a brief overview of well-established multilevel converters strongly oriented to their current state in industrial applications to then center the discussion on the new converters that have made their way into the industry. In addition, new promising topologies are discussed. Recent advances made in modulation and control of multilevel converters are also addressed. A great part of this paper is devoted to show nontraditional applications powered by multilevel converters and how multilevel converters are becoming an enabling technology in many industrial sectors. Finally, some future trends and challenges in the further development of this technology are discussed to motivate future contributions that address open problems and explore new possibilities.


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The authors report a detailed investigation of the flicker noise (1/f noise) in graphene films obtained from chemical vapour deposition (CVD) and chemical reduction of graphene oxide. The authors find that in the case of polycrystalline graphene films grown by CVD, the grain boundaries and other structural defects are the dominant source of noise by acting as charged trap centres resulting in huge increase in noise as compared with that of exfoliated graphene. A study of the kinetics of defects in hydrazine-reduced graphene oxide (RGO) films as a function of the extent of reduction showed that for longer hydrazine treatment time strong localised crystal defects are introduced in RGO, whereas the RGO with shorter hydrazine treatment showed the presence of large number of mobile defects leading to higher noise amplitude.


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII : Actas de las X Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2011, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario del Cancionero General de Hernando del Castillo.


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El Informe Warnock aborda parte de los problemas que surgen a partir del diagnóstico de esterilidad, tanto para los individuos como para toda la sociedad. Justifica el recurso de técnicas para solucionar la imposibilidad de concebir. Se describen los distintos procedimientos dando las recomendaciones para cada una de las técnicas empleadas hasta el momento: inseminación artificial (homóloga y heteróloga), fecundación in vitro, donación de óvulos y embriones, útero subrogado. Aborda el uso extendido de las técnicas de tratamiento de la esterilidad para otros fines: evitar la transmisión de enfermedades hereditarias y selección de sexo. Asimismo, realiza sugerencias para una práctica correcta en todos los procedimientos y propone seguimientos y revisiones. En paralelo al análisis exhaustivo de la Comisión Warnock, se actualizan los datos procedimentales, evaluando los aspectos éticos y la eficiencia de algunas técnicas.


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Discussão do Projeto nº 1.773-A, de 1956, que fixa a data para a mudança da Capital Federal. Demonstração do apoio do Brasil à mudança da Capital Federal, pelo voto de seus representantes na Câmara dos Deputados, onde 172 deputados, dos 194 votantes, manifestaram-se favoravelmente ao regime de urgência para a apreciação da matéria. Refutação dos argumentos de que a mudança da capital inviabilizará a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, uma vez que apenas 10 mil funcionários serão transferidos para Brasília e os portos da cidade terão sua atividade reforçada com a construção da nova Capital.


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Prefeitos e governadores reivindicam na nova Constituição uma reforma tributária ampla, que redistribua a renda nacional. Paulo Silas, Presidente da União dos Vereadores do Brasil, explica as propostas dos vereadores. Jorge Khoury, Presidente da Confederação Nacional dos Municípios, defende a garantia de um terço da renda tributária nacional para os municípios e espera que as reivindicações serão aceitas. Raul Belém (PMDB-MG) opina que da forma como está sendo tratado o município, ele não terá autonomia para legislar com a amplitude que precisa para ter os recursos de que necessita. A implantação gradual da reforma tributária em três anos e a extinção do Imposto Sobre Serviços (ISS) desagradam os municipalistas. Gerson Camata (PMDB-ES) explica que o ISS extinto, tomado das prefeituras, será transformado em Imposto Sobre Circulação de Mercadorias (ICM) em benefício da administração estadual, sendo que 25% do total arrecadado será redistribuído entre os municípios. Ele defende 50 % deste tributo para os municípios, de acordo com emenda que apresentou, mas foi vencida. Leur Lomanto (PFL-BA) defende a implantação de uma reforma tributária logo após a promulgação da Constituição. Virgildásio de Senna (PMDB-BA) diz que o projeto da nova Carta atenderá Estados e Municípios, desde que não prejudique a União. Na sessão O Povo Pergunta, cidadão quer saber o que será feito pelo esporte no Brasil . Márcio Braga (PMDB-RJ) responde que é necessário aguardar os resultados do trabalho da Comissão de Sistematização da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), mas que na Subcomissão da Educação, Cultura e Esportes foram aprovadas várias medidas que beneficiam o esporte brasileiro.


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O grupo de constituintes moderados reage às decisões da Comissão de Sistematização da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) e apresentaram uma reclamação a Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM), Relator da Comissão. Líder dos moderados, Roberto Cardoso Alves (PTB-SP) afirmou que a preocupação é que diversas matérias fossem desobedecidas, anulando as decisões das comissões temáticas. Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM) considera que é impossível fazer política sem conversação, sem conciliação, sem propostas de ambos os lados. Um dos pontos importantes do relatório da Comissão de Sistematização que já está definido é o fim do Conselho de Segurança Nacional, que será substituído pelo Conselho da República ao qual caberá as seguintes atribuições : declarar o Estado de Sítio; declarar a guerra e fazer a paz; nomear e exonerar o primeiro-ministro; dissolver o Congresso Nacional. Segundo Mendes Thame (PFL-SP) o Conselho da República é a vontade da Nação. Fica pronto o primeiro esboço da Constituição e será encaminhado a gráfica. O presidente da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), Ulysses Guimarães (PMDB-SP) relata sobre a distribuição do esboço aos membros da Comissão de Sistematização. Na sessão O Povo Pergunta, cidadão quer saber se as universidades públicas terão aumento de verbas. Darcy Pozza (PDS-RS) responde que defenderá no Plenário o aumento para 20% da verba da União destinada à educação no Plenário. Exposição no Congresso Nacional sobre a censura no Governo Médici. Roberto Rollemberg (PMDB-SP) diz que o mínimo que se pode esperar é a eliminação da censura, sendo apenas necessária uma classificação nos processos de exibição e de publicidade. Chico Humberto (PDT-MG) defende que seja criado um conselho em cada comunidade brasileira para decidir o que deve ser feito em matéria de censura.


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Afonso Arinos (PFL-RJ), Presidente da Comissão de Sistematização, avaliou todas as 5. 607 emendas apresentadas, tendo rejeitado 4.200 e aprovado 1407. As aprovadas serão encaminhadas ao Relator Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM). Ulysses Guimarães (PMDB-SP) reúne a Mesa Diretora da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), para discutir as regras de acesso dos populares, das autoridades e da imprensa às votações no Congresso Nacional. Ulysses Guimarães declara estar certo de que aqueles que virão não terão o ânimo de fazer desordens. Dados sobre o mercado de informática no Brasil desde o final da década de 70. Constituintes opinam sobre a reserva de mercado na informática e se a mesma deve estar prevista no texto constitucional ou somente em lei ordinária. Esclarecem suas posições os Deputados Pimenta da Veiga (PMDB-MG), Cristina Tavares (PMDB-PE), Roberto D'Ávila (PDT-RJ) e Maurício Fruet (PMDB-PR).