730 resultados para Technicians
O presente trabalho tem por objectivo descobrir as estratégias utilizadas pelos Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica Coordenadores das áreas das Tecnologias da Saúde, na avaliação da gestão da formação contínua dos colegas que coordenam. O estudo é qualitativo e enquadra-se numa metodologia de estilo etnográfico exploratório, que tem por finalidade, aprofundar e descrever as estratégias utilizadas para a avaliação da gestão da formação contínua dos Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica. Os dados foram obtidos através de entrevistas aos Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica Coordenadores de um hospital de Portugal continental. Os resultados revelaram que os Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica Coordenadores não aplicam estratégias para avaliação da gestão da formação contínua dos colegas que coordenam, e ainda, constatou-se a falta de informação sobre o processo de gestão da formação contínua. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram lacunas relativamente às estratégias de avaliação da gestão da formação contínua dos Técnicos de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica, para as quais sugerirmos um modelo e algumas medidas de intervenção que vão de encontro à problemática aflorada no presente trabalho. ABSTRACT; The purpose of this work is to discover the strategies used by the Technicians of Diagnosis and Therapy, coordinators of the areas of Health Technologies, in the evaluation of management of continuous formation of the colleagues they coordinated. The study is qualitative and fits an ethnographic exploratory stylized methodology, its purpose based on developing and describing the strategies used to evaluate the management of the continuous formation of the Technicians of Diagnosis and Therapy. The data was obtained through several interviews to the Technicians of Diagnosis and Therapy coordinators of and hospital of the Continent of Portugal. The results revealed that the Technicians of Diagnosis and Therapy do not enforce strategies for the evaluation of management of continuous formation of the colleagues they coordinated; furthermore, it was made evident the lack of information about the process of the management of continuous formation. The data obtained revealed gaps concerning the strategies of the management of the continuous formation of the Technicians of Diagnosis and Therapy, to which we suggest a model and some measures of intervention which will meet the problematic explained in this work.
Les ouvrages de transport d’électricité ont d’abord été pensés un par un, reliant un excédent de production à un besoin de consommation. Ils ont ainsi parfois très naturellement et dès l’origine traversé les frontières des États pour répondre à leur raison d’être. Les secteurs électriques se structurant fortement lorsque le virage électrique fut pris, les interconnexions entre pays furent conçues par les techniciens comme une mesure élémentaire de sûreté et d’équilibre de ce produit atypique qu’est l’électricité. En France plus particulièrement, lorsque la production électronucléaire se développa à partir des années 1970, ces interconnexions devinrent petit à petit sources de revenus pour l’entreprise nationale, et d’équilibre pour la balance commerciale nationale. L’intérêt grandissant porté au secteur électrique par les institutions européennes à la fin des années 1990 vient ébranler les acteurs économiques géographiques verticaux, et rebat les cartes des enjeux à adresser à une maille plus large que l’État nation. Dans ces transformations successives, les interconnexions aux frontières, et particulièrement aux frontières françaises, jouent ainsi un rôle tout à fait spécifique et de plus en plus structurant pour les économies ouvertes des pays européens. Les réseaux de transport électriques continuent ainsi une mutation entamée dans les années 1970 qui les a conduits de la condition de mal nécessaire à celle de vecteurs indispensables de transformation des économies européennes. L’objet de ce mémoire est d’illustrer la très grande capacité d’adaptation de ces organes industriels, économiques, sociétaux et politiques, dont on pourrait faussement penser qu’ils sont immobilisés par leur nature capitalistique, à travers les enjeux portés par les interconnexions aux frontières françaises. Les sources sont à la fois issues de données des opérateurs techniques, de la documentation – encore peu fréquente – sur ces sujets, ainsi que des statistiques officielles du ministère français. Cette capacité d’innovation et de développement de « couches de services » permet aujourd’hui aux grands réseaux de transport de traverser les époques et la variabilité des orientations de leurs environnements, durablement.
Aportes para la historia del médico laboratorista y los laboratorios clínicos de la Ciudad de Cuenca
La formación del Patólogo Clínico o Médico Laboratorista se inició en nuestro medio a partir de la primera década del siglo anterior como un aprendizaje práctico junto a un maestro, para luego independizarse, salir al exterior, realizar cursos de actualización y mantenerse al día en sus conocimientos sobre las modernas técnicas y procedimientos. Los primeros patólogos clínicos se iniciaron en el centenario Hospital “San Vicente de Paúl”. Los primeros exámenes de Laboratorio se realizaron a partir de 1912, luego del retorno de Europa de los primeros médicos que salieron al exterior. Fue el Dr. Emiliano J. Crespo A. quien inició estudios de parasitología y bacteriología. El Primer Laboratorio Clínico se fundó en el Hospital “San Vicente de Paúl” confiado al Profesor Dr. Manuel Malo Crespo, luego de su temprana muerte (1933), le sucedió desde 1937 el Dr. Timoleón Carrera Cobos que formó una escuela de Médicos Laboratoristas que ejercieron esta especialidad en la segunda mitad del siglo XX y que a su vez han continuado formando a muchos de los actuales Laboratoristas Clínicos de la ciudad de Cuenca. Termina el artículo destacando la importancia del Médico de Laboratorio en la actualidad, no solo en la medicina general, sino en la mayor parte de las especialidades, en el diagnóstico, evolución, pronóstico y seguimiento de la enfermedad. DeCS: Ciencia del Laboratorio clínico/historia; Médicos/ historia; Médicos Laboratoristas; Hospital “San Vicente de Paúl”; Historia de la Medicina.
Este estudo teve como principal objetivo determinar as causas que levam à invisibilidade do Conselho Geral(CG). Este, conjuntamente com o Diretor, o Conselho Pedagógico e o Conselho Administrativo, constituem os órgãos de gestão e administração dos Agrupamentos de Escolas ou escolas não Agrupadas (AE/E). O CG representa o órgão de maior poder na hierarquia formalmente definida para a gestão e administração dos AE/E, pelo que devia ser conhecido por toda a comunidade escolar. Foi desenvolvido em três AE/E do concelho de Matosinhos, tendo sido inquiridos professores, alunos e assistentes operacionais/técnicos na tentativa de averiguar o (re)conhecimento do órgão em estudo e das suas competências. Foram ainda entrevistados os Diretores e os presidentes dos Conselhos Gerais de cada escola de forma aferir o tipo de relação que se estabelece entre eles. Fizeram ainda parte da nossa amostra Conselheiros, grupo privilegiado quer a nível de conhecimento das competências do Conselho Geral quer no reconhecimento do tipo de relação que se estabelece entre Diretor e Conselho Geral. Os resultados por nós obtidos mostram que o Conselho Geral é um órgão pouco conhecido da comunidade escolar. No cômputo geral, a comunidade escolar mais restrita desconhece o seu funcionamento bem como as suas competências. Face aos resultados foi por nós elaborado um Plano de Ação que visa melhorar o conhecimento que a comunidade tem relativamente ao Conselho Geral, e com ele melhorar a gestão estratégica dos AE/E.
This thesis aimed to evaluate the implementation of the Food Acquisition Program(PAA) through CONAB RN in the period of 2003-2010 with the perception of all agents involved in the implementation of the government program.For the methodological trajectory it was adopted a descriptive bibliographical and documentary approach with triangular qualitative and quantitative, also called evaluative research.The theoretical model was supported by the authors Draibe (2001), Aguilar and Ander-Egg (1994) and Silva(2001), among others, that focused on family farming and evaluation of implementation of public policy having as a category of analysis the size implementation of policy and the latter divided into 10 theoretical dimensions.The universe consisted of three groups: the first were the managers and technicians from CONAB(RN and Brasilia), totaling 15 subjects. The second group was of associations/cooperatives that participated in the programin 2010, totaling a sample in each access of 15 representatives. The third group of subjects totaled with 309 representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations that received donations of food for the same period. Semi-structured interviews and forms were adopted as instruments of data collection.The data were processed qualitatively by the analysis of content (interviews and documents) and quantitatively by means of statistical tests that allowed inferences and adoption of frequencies. Among the key find ingests that the program is not standing as a structure supported by planning. The interests of the performers do not necessarily converge with the objectives of the Food Acquisition Program (PAA). A shockof goals was identified (within the same program) when comparingthe financial agent (Ministry of Rural Development and of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger Ministry r) and the executor, CONAB/RN. Within the assessed dimensions, the most fragileis the sub-managerial decision-making and Organizational Environment and internal assessment, still deserves attention the sizeof logistical and operational Subsystem, as this also proved weak.The focusin the quest toexpand thequantificationof the resultsof theFood Acquisition Program (PAA)by CONAB/RN does forget a quality management focused on what really should be:the compliance with the institutional objectives of the government program.Finally, the perspective for the traded implementation should be re-examined because excessive discretion by managers along with technical staff has characterized there al role of the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) as public policy. We conclude that the implementation model, which apparently aggregates values to the benefitted citizens, has weakened the context of work on family farms having the management model of the implementation process be reviewed by the Federal Government and point too ther paths, which have as a guide line the emancipation and developmentof the field or in the field andat the same time enables the reduction of nutritional deficiency of beneficiaries in a balanced and coherent way
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Matemática, Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional, 2015.
A avaliação do desempenho e a sua aplicação são, no actual enquadramento socioeconómico, cada vez mais necessárias, como forma de melhorar a eficácia e a eficiência entre as organizações. Para a prática profissional verifica-se que a implementação da avaliação de desempenho, apresenta lacunas que podem comprometê-la. Sabendo da importância do profissional para o sucesso da implementação da avaliação de desempenho, toma-se fundamental, analisar a sua percepção face ao modelo e sua implementação. O problema da instrução do presente estudo pretende saber quais as percepções dos técnicos de radiologia avaliados sujeitos ao modelo de avaliação de desempenho implantado no Hospital Curry Cabral. Tendo como objectivo ao nível da gestão, minimizar os obstáculos de implementação e maximizar os pontos fortes. Após pesquisa bibliográfica sobre os principais conceitos, foi definido domo objectivo da investigação empírica: - Comparar as percepções dos técnicos de radiologia submetidos ao modelo de avaliação desempenho ”Pró-Activo”. Recorrendo a uma metodologia exploratória e descritiva, estudámos o impacto dessas ferramentas utilizadas dentro da Unidade Hospitalar do estudo. A metodologia de recolha de informação aos profissionais expostos do estudo assentou em questionários de perguntas fechadas e abertas ambas com uma abordagem de carácter quantitativo. Para a análise e tratamento dos dados utilizou-se programas informáticos. As principais conclusões: verifica-se a falta de formação para todos os envolvidos, um processo desprovido de imparcialidade, neutralidade e rigor, bem como uma motivação geral dos profissionais em matéria de avaliação de desempenho. ABSTRACT - The evaluation of performance and its implementation are, in the current socioeconomic framing, each time more necessary as form to improve the effectiveness and the efficiency amidst the organizations. For the practical professional it is verified that the implementation of the performance evaluation, presents gaps that can compromise it. Knowing the importance of the individuals in the success of the implementation of the performance evaluation, it becomes basic to analyze its perceptions face to the model and its implementation. The problem of inquiry of this study pretends to know which the perceptions of the technicians of radiology evaluated and appraisers face to the models of evaluation of performance implanted in the Portuguese Hospitals (Hospital Curry Cabral). The purpose to the level of the management is to minimize the obstacles of implementation and to maximize the strong points. Bibliographical research on the main concepts was effectuated, after what we define the objectives of empirica inquiry: - To compare the perceptions of the radiology technicians subjected to models of performance evaluation “Pro-Activa”. Using an exploratory and descriptive approach, studied the impact of these tools used in the hospitals of the study. The methodology for collecting information to professionals out of the study based on questionnaires of both open and closed questions with a quantitative approach to nature. For analysis and data processing software was used. The main conclusions: there is the lack of training for all involved, a process devoid of impartiality, neutrality and accuracy, as well as a general motivation of the professionals regarding the evaluation of performance.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
In recent decades the public sector comes under pressure in order to improve its performance. The use of Information Technology (IT) has been a tool increasingly used in reaching that goal. Thus, it has become an important issue in public organizations, particularly in institutions of higher education, determine which factors influence the acceptance and use of technology, impacting on the success of its implementation and the desired organizational results. The Technology Acceptance Model - TAM was used as the basis for this study and is based on the constructs perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. However, when it comes to integrated management systems due to the complexity of its implementation,organizational factors were added to thus seek further explanation of the acceptance of such systems. Thus, added to the model five TAM constructs related to critical success factors in implementing ERP systems, they are: support of top management, communication, training, cooperation, and technological complexity (BUENO and SALMERON, 2008). Based on the foregoing, launches the following research problem: What factors influence the acceptance and use of SIE / module academic at the Federal University of Para, from the users' perception of teachers and technicians? The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of organizational factors, and behavioral antecedents of behavioral intention to use the SIE / module academic UFPA in the perspective of teachers and technical users. This is applied research, exploratory and descriptive, quantitative with the implementation of a survey, and data collection occurred through a structured questionnaire applied to a sample of 229 teachers and 30 technical and administrative staff. Data analysis was carried out through descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling with the technique of partial least squares (PLS). Effected primarily to assess the measurement model, which were verified reliability, convergent and discriminant validity for all indicators and constructs. Then the structural model was analyzed using the bootstrap resampling technique like. In assessing statistical significance, all hypotheses were supported. The coefficient of determination (R ²) was high or average in five of the six endogenous variables, so the model explains 47.3% of the variation in behavioral intention. It is noteworthy that among the antecedents of behavioral intention (BI) analyzed in this study, perceived usefulness is the variable that has a greater effect on behavioral intention, followed by ease of use (PEU) and attitude (AT). Among the organizational aspects (critical success factors) studied technological complexity (TC) and training (ERT) were those with greatest effect on behavioral intention to use, although these effects were lower than those produced by behavioral factors (originating from TAM). It is pointed out further that the support of senior management (TMS) showed, among all variables, the least effect on the intention to use (BI) and was followed by communications (COM) and cooperation (CO), which exert a low effect on behavioral intention (BI). Therefore, as other studies on the TAM constructs were adequate for the present research. Thus, the study contributed towards proving evidence that the Technology Acceptance Model can be applied to predict the acceptance of integrated management systems, even in public. Keywords: Technology
A technicians following UCR courses have performed very well, teachers are very satisfied with their work and preparation they have received in the UNA. Lucia Chacon speaks well about the courses: I think when you start a race for it to be good, or more specifically their level of use is optimal, it is necessary that both the faculty and the students show interest. It is also important that students are aware of what the role of the library in the process of communication between the company and its role culturizante in a changing world. Thus the career of librarianship should be a support staff who need the libraries in the country, should contribute to social and cultural development of society and should be upgraded every day the library system, which is achieved mainly through accountability and self-improvement of teachers, so that their knowledge is transmitted to the students.
This thesis aims to identify how civil servants perceive changes made inthe carrying out of their work after their taking part in the Course forTechnicians in Public Management of the Government of Rio Grande do NorteState. As for the methodological procedures, an exploratory-descriptivequantitative research has been carried out through structured questionnaires appliedto 118 civil servants from the first groups of the Course for Technicians, thusshowing a margin of error of 4.18% to 95% of confidence, according to theprocedures of finite sampling. The table processing and analysis rested uponthe Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS and was carried outthrough univariate, bivariate and multivariate techniques with emphasis on thetechnique called Factor Analysis. It was possible to identify that the level ofsatisfaction of the students was high and there was a clear perception by themthat the course assisted to changes in their work. Through Factor Analysis itwas verified that the factors that may be related to changes in the work of thecivil servants are "Contribution to Society", "Efficiency andEfficacy in the Work Environment", "Applicability of Contents"and "Capacitating for Leadership". The conclusion of the studyindicates that the factors obtained are directly related to the basis of thenew public management by means of guidance toward efficiency and efficacy in aperspective of leadership, the contents of the course being thus made into newattitudes toward work which end up yielding better results for society
Due to the appreciation of family farming by the Brazilian Federal Government, the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension was induced to restructure and act in a more participative way, culminating in the National Policy of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (PNATER), changing the profile of technology transfer and knowledge (diffusionism) for an action that uses participatory methodologies focused on exchange of knowledge between farmers and technicians. The process of discussion of the trends of ATER brought the New ATER , with the recognition of agroecology as the main guidance. This research aimed to analyze methods of public ATER developed by institutions of Rio Grande do Norte, under the guidance of New ATER. The research is qualitative. Secondary data were collected through documental research and literature. Primary data were collected through a set of interviews applied to representatives of public institutions ATER, namely EMATER-RN, Diaconia and AACC and representatives of organizations that receive public ATER. The research showed the difficulties of EMATER-RN in implementing of New ATER due to lack of infrastructure and low adherence of the new form of technical assistance and rural extension. It was shown also that the AACC and Diaconia act with ATER through projects with implementation deadlines set, often interrupting ATER while communities are still in need of assistance
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
[EN] Parasitic diseases have a great impact in human and animal health. The gold standard for the diagnosis of the majority of parasitic infections is still conventional microscopy, which presents important limitations in terms of sensitivity and specificity and commonly requires highly trained technicians. More accurate molecular-based diagnostic tools are needed for the implementation of early detection, effective treatments and massive screenings with high-throughput capacities. In this respect, sensitive and affordable devices could greatly impact on sustainable control programmes which exist against parasitic diseases, especially in low income settings. Proteomics and nanotechnology approaches are valuable tools for sensing pathogens and host alteration signatures within micro fluidic detection platforms. These new devices might provide novel solutions to fight parasitic diseases. Newly described specific parasite derived products with immune-modulatory properties have been postulated as the best candidates for the early and accurate detection of parasitic infections as well as for the blockage of parasite development. This review provides the most recent methodological and technological advances with great potential for biosensing parasites in their hosts, showing the newest opportunities offered by modern “-omics” and platforms for parasite detection and control.
[ES]En el presente trabajo se realiza un recorrido teórico de la familia, de los deberes y obligaciones que les corresponden a los padres para con sus hijos, además de estudiarse cómo el cese o la mala práctica de esos compromisos pueden incidir negativamente en ellos. Exponiéndose los diferentes tipos de maltrato infantil, se explican las medidas de acogimiento que se adoptan cuando la situación familiar es considerada perjudicial o peligrosa para el menor. Para ello, mediante entrevistas a distintos profesionales y técnicos de la Sección de Protección a la Infancia de la provincia de Bizkaia, se da a conocer la situación actual de los centros y hogares de acogimiento, la visión profesional acerca de la problemática presentada, los planes creados para el acogimiento familiar, y cómo es el proceso de captación de familias de acogida. Así mismo, se recoge el testimonio de una persona acogida en la infancia.