979 resultados para Tarrío Varela, Anxo
The daily teaching invokes us to answer questions that surround the educational action, they are ethic and political exercises of us teachers, considering the responsibility that is presented to us in circumstance of perspective that we create as for our students´ formation. Considering the public school Terezinha Paulino as stage of the daily teaching which we invested, and finally, the school gymnastic group (GGTP), as pedagogical practice specifically attended during this study, we launch the following questions: 1. What are the ethic indicators present in the experience lived by GGTP members? 2. What s the meaning of these indicators for the GGTP members? 3. Do these meanings configure a socio-political dimension of the individuals involved formation ? What socio-political dimension is that? And What is its contribution to think of Physical Education in school? From these issues, we highlight our goals in this research: investigate the educational experience lived in GGTP, with a focus on the ethical elements that characterize and reflect the relationship of these elements in the socio-political dimension of Physical Education in school. To answer the initial questions and achieve our goals, we use the Content Analysis (BARDIN, 2004) as a methodological contribution of this research. From this methodological contribution we got two strands of the discussion here related: relational behavior of living and undesirable relational conduct and non-social. typical examples of good living are: union, cooperation, solidarity, fraternity, conversation, dialogue, love, trust, responsibility, commitment, dedication, application, respect, partition, sharing, gratitude, companionship, kindness Correspond to undesirable behaviors conduct: intrigue, strife (dispute), vanity, arrogance, anger, rage, fury, nervousness, anxiety and fear. Permeates the categories discussion, The group of knowledge produced by different authors, Humberto Maturana predominate among them, sometimes related to some of its main partners, , José Varela, Gerda Verden-Zöller and Sima Nisis de Rezepka. Although less frequent, we broach other authors, including Edgar Morin and Paulo Freire, to enlarge, articulate, and thus contribute to support the notes, contents of this study. Besides the introductory chapter, is the content of this dissertation: ethics: textual understanding, the methodological way; relational behaviors of living; undesirable conduct relational and non-social; gymnastics as an ethical and political bet on training human. In ethics: textual understandings, we make a brief introduction to distinguish the ethical field which we are advancing; In the methodology way, we briefly describe the implementation of the analysis content (BARDIN,2007); in relational behaviors of living, as well as, in undesirable relational conduct and non-social, we point out the meanings discussing them supported on theoretical contribution of this research. Finally, in gymnastics as an ethical and political bet on training human, we point out some possibilities for the gymnastic practice and physical education at school, as well as to think about education by training human bias.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
This dissertation focuses on the narratives of children hospitalized with chronic diseases. The overall goal is to deduce, from the look of the child health care, hospital class contributions to the process of school inclusion. The research is part of the qualitative ethnographical approach and is based on the principles and research methods (auto)biographical in education and schooling in hospital. Participated in the investigation 05(five) children, aged between 06 (six) and 12 (twelve) years of age, treated at the Center for Children s Onco-Hematology, Varela Santiago Children s Hospital in Natal-RN. The corpus used for the analysis comprises five (05) narrative interviews, 03 (three) drawings made by children as well as records in the researcher s field diary. The sources were collected during the months of August 2010 to February 2011. The analysis revealed that the inclusion of the hospital class, and ensure the right to education, contributes to the construction of strategies for coping with illness and hospitalization, as it promotes autonomy, comfort, playfulness and self-knowledge, the rand the world, easing the stress of hospitalization. The figure of the teacher took the class hospital in the voices of children, a reliever and minimizing the role of double exclusion that cause illness and hospitalization, showing the contributions to (re) construction of identity and subjectivity constitution strengthened. The children interviewed said that the hospital class leave the hospital more cheerful. The playfulness and learning experiences in the hospital are seen by children as actions that go beyond the physical treatment of the disease, since it provides them with acceptance and understanding of hospitalization and illness, to give them affective security and emotional. In conclusion, the narratives of children confirm that the service class hospital ensures continuity of schooling, but they reveal, namely, that this service provides them socialization among peers and with adults, strengthening the emotional, social and cognitive biopsychosocial perspective of attention
The present paper is a doctorate thesis, in the area of Education, that has as a goal to describe and to reflect on the construction/systematization of a relation between family and institution of Childhood Education, in favor of sharing the care and education actions of children, in the context of creation of a County Center of Childhood Education, located in the city of Natal-RN. Our intension with this paper is to share some of the ideas and actions collectively constructed by this experience, with the intention of bringing a contribution for the thematic debates concerning Childhood Education - as modality of education, in a general way; and the relations between families and Institutions of Childhood Education, in a more specific way. The paper presented here is endorsed by the postulates of the qualitative research with characteristics of a research-action, having as main instruments of the data construction the open or half-structuralized interviews, the personal notebook of registers, the participant s index cards characterizing the children and comments. Authors as Aries (1981); Bassedas, Huguet and Solé (1999); Bhering and Blatchford (1999); Brasil (1998); Bujes (2001); Didonet (2002 - 2003); Formosinho (2007); Gómez (2000); Heywood (2004); Kramer (2005); Marchesi and Martín (2003); Marschal and Zohar (2006); Thiollent (2004); Tiriba (2006), amongst others, had theoretically based this paper. The experience described here points to the possibilities of sharing the care and education actions between family and Institution of Childhood Education, emphasizing the relevance of participative praxis in the interior of the institution, so that its job can propitiate this sharing with the families, throughout activities as meetings, lectures, workshops, participation in didactic projects, open expositions to the community, commemorative parties and valuation of the local culture, amongst other chances of dialogue and interaction between the educative institution and the families
This study aims to contribute with the professional development of the Trainers of childhood education teachers of the City Department of Education of Natal/RN, through a formation in context, trying to understand the teaching knowledge required in the practice of these professionals. The focus of the research is in teaching knowledge understood as the ideas, beliefs, conceptions, reasons, arguments, speeches that the trainers builds during his life (ALTET, 2001; PIMENTA, 2002; TARDIF, 2001; 2002). The study inserts itself in the qualitative approach of the educational research and the chosen methodology has characteristics of an inquiryaction. In the process, the following instruments had been used: questionnaires, press conferences, personal documents. The relevance of the present research is in achieving reflections concerning the role of the trainers of teachers, who needs to be seen as a mediator in the formation of teachers, in view of the fact that he interferes and is determinative in such a way in the formative process as in its results. The findings demonstrate that: a) the identity of the trainer is in a development process, what it is resembled to the effective situation of that, symbolically, the trainer exists, however, his attributions still are not enough clear; b) the teaching knowledge of the formation in the childhood education are related, among others points, primordially, to the function / role of the childhood education, child and teacher s point of view of this stage of the basic education; c) the Trainers teaching knowledge, concerning the teaching performance, ratifies the multiplicity of knowledge that the trainer must has, beyond the necessary complementarities and conciliation between the administrative and pedagogical aspects in the exercise of the function; d) the Trainers have knowledge that are according to the speech, consisting as declarative knowledge; e) there is a conflict between the teaching knowledge of the Trainers and the actions that are part of real life, generating contradictions between the formative saying and making
According to great concern between the developed industrial activities and resultant impacts over the environment, an association of several factors have occurred, procedures to the efficient management of the rotation between economical development and the environment have been improved. A research in field have been realized inside building sites of companies in order to provide knowledge about the implemented and accomplish actions according to the resolution from CONAMA nº307. Trough the interview among the representations of the companies and photographic survey in loco, such as, what makes the companies implement this management, reutilization and recycling, transport and disposition. The present study had as objective: analyze the insertion of the used tools to residuals management, proposing improvements, in a way that it can be easily identified during the procedures execution in the building sites of the building companies of the city of Natal/RN. To reach the goal, in the first place a revision of the pertinent literature was performed; there for, it can be seen the relation between residues management and environment sustainability, once it happens in a continued way it may prevent the waste and reduces the risk that the activities way bring to the employees, community and environment; once found the great difficult faced with regard to labors, material, equipment, project, planning, costumer s interference, furnisher. And still, it could be verified wich materials generate greater indexes of residues in the works and the main occurrences of waste and loss. However a greater transparency is needed coming from the high administration in the commitment with the continued actions, to make it so, there must be a cultural change inside the company. There for there will be a greater productivity and quality of the under taking such as costumer s satisfaction
Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do amido dietético sobre o rendimento produtivo e a atividade microbiana cecal de coelhos em crescimento, quatro dietas experimentais foram elaboradas de forma a conter níveis crescentes de amido (23, 28, 33 e 38% de amido total na base da MS), os quais foram fornecidos a 32 coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia Branco, distribuídos em gaiolas de engorda individuais, seguindo um delineamento em blocos casualizados. Houve efeito linear decrescente para consumo e conversão alimentar, em que valores de 108,67 g/d e 3,216, respectivamente, foram obtidos para os animais alimentados com 38% de amido dietético. No entanto, o ganho de peso e o rendimento de carcaça não foram influenciados pelos tratamentos. Por outro lado, os valores de pH, as concentrações totais e as proporções molares dos ácidos graxos voláteis não foram influenciados pelos tratamentos, porém, para o ácido propiônico, houve efeito linear decrescente, sendo a maior proporção molar (12,06%) verificada no conteúdo cecal de coelhos alimentados com 23% de amido dietético. O milho-grão apresentou maior influência sobre a atividade microbiana cecal que o amido de milho purificado, porém, sem alterar o desempenho e rendimento de carcaça.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do amido dietético sobre a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, para coelhos em fase de crescimento, quatro dietas experimentais foram elaboradas de forma a conter níveis crescentes de amido de milho (23, 28, 33 e 38% de amido total na base da matéria seca (MS), os quais foram fornecidas a 20 coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia Branco, distribuídos em gaiolas de metabolismo individuais, segundo delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram efeito linear crescente para os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da MS, matéria orgânica (MO), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e amido, à medida que aumentou o nível de amido dietético nas dietas experimentais. O nível de 38% de amido dietético proporcionou, portanto, o melhor coeficiente de digestibilidade para o amido (87,26%). Não foram observadas diferenças para os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da proteína bruta (PB), energia bruta (EB) e fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), em relação aos diferentes níveis de amido nas dietas experimentais. No entanto, para o teor de extrato etéreo (EE), foi verificado melhor aproveitamento (89,46%) para os animais alimentados com a dieta contendo 23% de amido. Os coelhos foram eficientes em digerir o amido de milho, quando este apresentou alta participação na porção carboidrato total da dieta.
The red ceramics and structural ceramics, as they are known, include ceramic materials made by blocks of seals and structures, bricks, tiles, smail flagstones manacles, rustic floors and ornamental materials. Their fabrication uses raw material such as clay and clay sites, with some content of impurity. It has good durability and mechanical strength to compression, low cost, making it one of the mainly used materials in civil engineering. The incorporation of many industrial activities residue to ceramic products is a technological alternative for reducing the environmental impact caused by its carefree disposal. This incorporation can promote chemical change and inertness of metals from residue, by fixation in the glassy phase of ceramic during the burning stage. The main aim of this project is to study the technical feasibility of the addition of ceramic oven ash into formulations of mass for structural ceramics. In this project two kinds of clay (plastic and non-plastic) were used, as well as the ash from firewood used in the process of burning of structural ceramics. A group of experiments was outlined, which permitted the evaluation of the influence of the burning cycle in different temperatures of the ash content in formulations for ceramic blocks through technological properties, mechanical behavior and microstructure. Five samples were processed of each one of the masses of plastic and non-plastic clay without addition of ash and with addition of ash on the percentages of 10 % and 20 %, for temperatures of 850 °C, 950 °C, 1050 °C and 1150 °C, obtained through sinterization process. Among the studied compositions, the one which presented best performance was the mass of clay with 10 % of ash, at temperature of 1150 °C, with the smallest absorption of water, the smallest apparent porosity, specific apparent mass a bit over the others and greatest mechanical resistance to flexion. The composition made confirmed the technical feasibility of the use of ash in the mass for structural ceramics with maintenance of its necessary characteristics for its purposes
The production of roof tiles in the state of Rio Grande do Norte accounts for around 60% of the total of ceramic pieces produced. There is a need for investment to improve quality and productivity, thereby promoting technological innovations. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to determine the effect of kaolin, potassium feldspar and quartz in two standard formulations, as well as the effect of sintering temperature on the technological properties of linear firing shrinkage, water absorption and bending rupture stress, by fitting the statistical model and using multiple linear regression to assess the relationship between technological properties and independent variables. The raw materials were characterized using the following techniques: X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRF), rational analysis (RA), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and granulometric analysis (GA). The test specimens were compacted by uniaxial pressure (25 MPa), dried in a stove at 110 ºC for 24 hours and sinterized at 850 ºC, 950 ºC and 1050 ºC and held isothermal for 30 minutes. The results obtained indicate that the addition of kaolin to two standard formulations (M and R) promoted a reduction in water absorption values and an increase in bending rupture stress values. The sintering temperatures for group M that resulted in the lowest linear firing shrinkage and water absorption values were 850 ºC and 950 ºC, respectively, and the highest bending rupture stress values were reached at a temperature of 950 ºC. In the case of group R, the sintering temperature that obtained the lowest water absorption and linear firing shrinkage values was 850 ºC, and the highest bending rupture stress values were attained at a temperature of 1050 ºC. This work explains the statistical approach used to fit the model that describes the relationship between the technological properties and percentage of kaolin, quartz and feldspar, as well as the models that enable predictions, provided that the lower and upper limits of the percentage of clay minerals, flux and quartz used in this study are respected. Statistica 6 software was used and results were obtained by stepwise forward regression
In this work, it is proposed the study of the effect of barium oxide acting as synthetic flow in the behavior of masses for stoneware from the use of raw materials found in the deposits of minerals of the Rio Grande do Norte that it makes use of a great natural potential for the industrialization of the product. The porcelanato is a sophisticated product with excellent final properties being applied as ceramic coating in buildings of high standard of engineering. The raw materials selected for the development of the study had been two types of argilas, two types of feldspatos, dolomita, talco, barium carbonate and silica, being characterized by X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, granulometric analysis, dilatometric analysis and thermal analysis. Thus, it is intended to define four formulations using the cited raw materials that will be processed, conformed and sintered in the temperatures of 1150 °C, 1175 °C, 1200 °C, 1225 °C e 1250 °C. From the physical characterizations, chemical and morphologic of the formed formulations, the effect of barium oxide is determined in the physical and mechanical properties of the studied system carrying water absorption tests, linear retraction, apparent porosity, apparent specific mass, compacting curve, flexural strength and microstructural analysis by XRD and SEM. After analyzing the results, indicated that barium oxide acts as a flux of high temperature and as the ordering of structure, where the embedded glass phase has the nucleating effect phase potassium silico-aluminum reacting with free silica which together with the high content of potassium concentrated form a new crystalline phase called microcline. The masses studied with the addition of barium oxide present physical-mechanical properties highly satisfactory in reduced firing temperatures, which implies a saving in energy given off in the production and increased productivity
The limits to inform is about the character stico of basic, quimica, mineralogical and mechaniques of matlaughed material used in the manufacturing process the product certified in economic region the Cariri, specifically in the city of Crato, Ceará state, motivated the development of this work, since in this region the exist ing economic context that a general appear as important in the production chains. Were made twentyfive soils-test specimen collection and the study was performed to differentiate the mat laugh materials of variaveis processing of mathing raw materials in the factory The product mica monkeys by extrusion and pressing. The results were obtained ap s as analyzes: grain size, index of plasticity, fluoresce incidence X-ray difration the X-ray, and analyzes thermicals and properties technological. through s of curves gresifica returned to was a comparison between the retro the linear, absorb to water, porosity and bulk density. the results show that the excellent distribution and character acceptable available for the processing of the structure color dark red. needing, therefore, of the mixture of a less plastic clay with thick granulation, that works as plasticity reducer. In spite of the different resignation forms for prensagem and extrusion, the characteristics of absorption of water and rupture tension the flexing was shown inside of the patterns of ABNT
This work presents research into the addition of chamotte obtained from the ceramic isolator of unusable spark plugs in formulations of material mixes for standard white ceramic material with aluminum oxide bases. After the physical chemical characterization of the primary materials, standard clay and the chamotte, three mixtures were prepared with concentrations of 10, 20 and 30% chamotte by weight in relation to the standard clay. The test samples underwent heating at a rate of 30 0C/min to levels that included 100o , 200o , 300o, 400o, 500o e 600 0C and also we submitted to three distinct burn temperatures: 1450o, 1500o e 1550 0C, remaining at these temperatures for 2 hour periods. After sintering, the physical and microstructural properties of the different test samples were measured and analyzed. The results show that the materials obtained present good technical properties and that the chamotte can be reutilized as an additive in the production of white ceramic material with an aluminum oxide base
This work proposes the development of an innovative material made from a vegetable polyurethane matrix and load of industrial waste, from retread tires, for thermal insulation and environmental comfort. Experimental procedures are presented, as well as the results of the thermal and acoustic performance of this composite material, made from an expansive foam derived from the castor seed oil and fiber of scrap tires. The residue was treated superficially with sodium hydroxide, to eliminate contaminants, and characterized macroscopically and microscopically. Samples were produced with addition of residues at levels of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight, for determination of thermal properties: conductivity, heat capacity and thermal diffusivity, sound absortion index and density. The results were compared to commercially available thermal insulation and sound absorbing products. According to the analysis of results, it was concluded that the developed composite presents characteristics that qualify it as a thermal insulation with superior performance, compared to commercial available insulation, and sound absorption capacity greater than the castor oil polyurethane s, without addition of the residue
Particularly in Braziland in Rio Grande do Norte, companies manufacturing red ceramic, play an important role as agents of development to study the region Seridó- RN, specific place for carrying out the research. It is observed in this region a concentration of red ceramic industries of small size, which, despite its importance in the ceramic, they are unable to enjoy or use the new forms of administrative management and technological advances designed and offered by universities, centers of research and projects of governments, remained almost entirely outside the progress and modernization, technological and administrative. These companies still have outdated technology, and management processes, providing quality problems and standardization of end products. Upon these conditions are the companies going through crisis and struggling to survive alone and without assistance. The region of Seridó-RN, lets make a detailed case study of red ceramic companies in the region proposed from the existing theoretical and actual lifting of the condition of the product manufacturing red ceramic, allowing through this overview of the implementation of collect samples of raw materials, allowing the study of each ceramic industry that contributed to the participation of the research, which was determined parameters such as: analysis of the physical, chemical and technological properties of raw materials, characterization of the processes used, raising the technological resources considering equipment, machinery, supplies, raw materials and facilities available and its organization by type of products from companies involved in this study. The methodology consists of the following steps: collection of raw material, crushing and screening, characterization of raw materials (liquid limit, chemical analysis, mineralogical analysis, differential thermal analysis, sieve analysis), mixing, forming, cutting, drying and burning of ceramic bodies and bodies of evidence. The results showed that it was clay with distinct characteristics with respect to plasticity. With respect to the different compositions of mixtures of ceramic masses, we conclude that the ceramic properties showed a direct proportionality with increasing fraction of the clay not plastic. However, the compositions of the masses studied proved to be the most appropriate for the types of simulated clay for use in ceramics. Adopted in the ceramic processing made it possible to obtain products the resulted in consistent properties, and in some cases even exceeding the requirements of technical studies and standard-Brazilian clays to obtain ceramic products such as tiles, bricks and tiles to floor. Based on the discussions from the results obtained in the various processing steps of this work, one can draw conclusions according to the physico-chemical and mineralogical properties of raw materials, the properties of ceramic products burned and analysis. This work may be used by other researchers, private companies and governmental organizations, undergraduate students and graduate, can develop studies and future research to: develop projects to modify the furnaces; mapping projects develop and rationalize the exploitation of raw materials ;promoting reforestation and forest management; develop reduction projects and recovery of waste; develop training projects in manpower sector, and develop security projects, improving the conditions of work in the area pottery