971 resultados para Symbiotic Dinoflagellates
We analysed the seasonal distribution of the zooplankton community in an anthropogenically impacted area (Paranagua Bay) and a non-impacted area (Laranjeiras Bay) of the Paranagua Bay Estuarine Complex. Large phytoplankton (>50 mu m) and zooplankton were collected every two months, between August 2003 and June 2004. The phytoplankton community was numerically dominated by diatoms (78%) and dinoflagellates (19%). Zooplankton abundance varied between 670 and 100,716 individuals m(-3), with a dominance of copepods, mainly the calanoids Acartia lilljeborgii, Acartia tonsa and Pseudodiaptomus acutus. A clear seasonal pattern was observed: copepods were significantly more abundant during the rainy than in the dry season. Significant differences in abundance between the two bays were detected only for cirripede larvae, which were more abundant in Paranagua Bay. This lack of difference between the two areas was probably a consequence of the water circulation along the estuary, which may have diluted and dispersed the pollutants from Paranagua Bay to other areas of the estuary.
The larval endoparasitoid Toxoneuron nigriceps (Viereck) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) has a toolbox of biological weapons to secure for host colonization and the successful parasitization of its host Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The cDNA of a putative chitinase has been previously isolated and initially characterized from teratocytes of this parasitoid among the plethora of molecules available in the venom and calyx fluids injected by females, oral and/or anal secretions released by the parasitoid larvae and/or produced by the expression of genes of the symbiotic associated polydnavirus. This putative chitinase has been initially associated with the host cuticle digestion to allow for parasitoid egression and with the asepsis of the host environment, acting as an antimicrobial. As chitinases are commonly expressed in plants against plant pathogens, the chitinase derived from the teratocytes of T. nigriceps is a potential tool for the development of insect pest control methods based on the disruption of the perithrophic membrane of herbivores. Therefore, we aimed to characterize the activity of the putative chitinase from teratocytes of T. nigriceps (Tnchi) produced using the Escherichia coli expression system and its potential to control H. virescens larvae when expressed into transgenic tobacco plants. The purified E. coli-produced Tnchi protein showed no chitinolitic activity, but was active in binding with colloidal and crystalline chitins in water and with colloidal chitin in buffered solution (pH = 6.74). Transgenic tobacco plants showed no enhanced chitinolitic activity relative to control plants, but survival of three-day old larvae of H. virescens was severely affected when directly fed on transgenic tobacco leaves expressing the recombinant Tnchi protein. Some properties of the Tnchi protein and the potential use of Tnchi-transgenic plants to control plant pests are discussed. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Dinoflagellates of the genus Ceratium are chiefly marine but there are rare occurrences in freshwater. In this study we analyze the invasion and progressive establishment of Ceratium furcoides, an exotic species, in the Furnas Reservoir. Samples were taken at 36 points in the reservoir, during the months of March, June, September and December, 2007. Measurements of some physical and chemical variables were simultaneously performed at each site. The occurrence of C. furcoides was registered at 20 sites, with densities varying between 0.57 and 28,564,913.0 ind.m(-3). Blooms of this species were recorded in points which were classified as mesotrophic, coinciding with the places receiving high amounts of untreated domestic sewage. C. furcoides density was correlated with temperature, nutrients (nitrate and nitrite) and water electric conductivity. The highest density was recorded in June when temperature was low. The presence of Ceratium furcoides in the reservoir apparently has not yet affected the reservoir water quality or other plankton communities. However, if it becomes fully established it could perhaps become a problem in the reservoir or even to spread out to other reservoirs in Rio Grande basin.
The widespread independent evolution of analogous bioluminescent systems is one of the most impressive and diverse examples of convergent evolution on earth. There are roughly 30 extant bioluminescent systems that have evolved independently on Earth, with each system likely having unique enzymes responsible for catalysing the bioluminescent reaction. Bioluminescence is a chemical reaction involving a luciferin molecule and a luciferase or photoprotein that results in the emission of light. Some independent systems utilize the same luciferin, such as the use of tetrapyrrolic compounds by krill and dinoflagellates, and the wide use of coelenterazine by marine organisms, while the enzymes involved are unique. One common thread among all the different bioluminescent systems is the requirement of molecular oxygen. Bioluminescence is found in most forms of life, especially marine organisms. Bioluminescence in known to benefit the organism by: attraction, repulsion, communication, camouflage, and illumination. The marine ecosystem is significantly affected by bioluminescence, the only light found in the pelagic zone and below is from bioluminescent organisms. Transgenic bioluminescent organisms have revolutionized molecular research, medicine and the biotechnology industry. The use of bioluminescence in studying molecular pathways and disease allows for non-invasive and real-time analysis. Bioluminescence-based assays have been developed for several analytes by coupling luminescence to many enzyme-catalysed reactions. Received 17 February 2012, accepted 27 March 2012, first published online 2 May 2012
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AMF) and rhizobium on rooting, growth and nutrition of seedlings of angico-red (Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth) Brenan) propagated by minicutting. Six progenies were used, of which were prepared cuttings with a pair of complete leaves. It was used a 55 cm(3)container filled with commercial substrate Bioplant (R). Four treatments were tested: 8 kg m-3 of superphosphate (SS) added to substrate; 4 kg m-3 SS added to substrate; 4 kg m-3 SS added to substrate and adition of a suspension solution containing rhizobium; 4 kg m-3 SS and suspension solution containing rhizobium plus 5 g of soil contaminated by AMF spores. There was no interaction among treatments for survival rate of cuttings and roots observed at bottom of the container, evaluated in the greenhouse exit (30 days) and the shade house exit (40 days), probably because the root system was still in formation. There were differences among the progeny for survival rate of the shoots, the percentage of cuttings with roots observed at bottom of the container, height, stem diameter and shoot dry weight. The evaluations of the growth characteristics of the cuttings in, particularly with respect to survival at full sun (140 days), demonstrate the efficiency of rhizobium and AMF on seedling production of this species. We conclude that the symbiotic association with rhizobium and / or FMA favors the production of seedlings of A. macrocarpa by minicutting.
Calyptraeotheres garthi (Fenucci, 1975) is one of nine species of Pinnotheridae occurring in Argentina and the only species of that genus located in this region. This species can be found from the San Maths Gulf, Argentina to Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil where it lives in symbiotic association with limpets of the family Calyptraeidae. Currently, two species of limpets have been reported as hosts of this species: Crepidula protea (d'Orbigny, 1841) and Crepidula argentina Simone, Pastorino & Penchaszadeh, 2000. We report here four more species of limpets serving as hosts of C. garthi, namely Bostrycapulus odites Collin, 2005, Crepidula cachimilla Cledon, Simone & Penchaszadeh, 2004, Crepidula plana Say, 1822 and Trochita pileus (Lamarck, 1822). Thus, this pinnotherid appears to be, as others members of the family, a generalist symbiotic species since it dwells on almost all the potential limpet species reported for Argentina. However, there are notable differences in prevalence of C. garthi on each host, which suggest that the symbiont might prefer species of Crepidula over the others genera (Trochita and Bostrycapulus). Additionally, there exists an apparent relationship between host size and prevalence (e.g., Crepidula cachimilla, the limpet with the highest prevalence, is clearly larger than the others hosts). Perhaps it is premature to conclude that the size of the host might be of benefit for the symbiont, but it is a hypothesis worthy of being explored.
Altas produtividades de soja requerem grandes quantidades de nitrogênio, que podem ser obtidas principalmente, a partir da fixação simbiótica. No entanto, há possibilidade da eficiência desse processo biológico ser prejudicada pela deficiência de micronutrientes, especialmente de cobalto e molibdênio. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a eficiência agronômica e a forma de aplicação de adubação mineral com cobalto e molibdênio na cultura da soja. Para tanto, a cultivar CD-206 foi submetida a diferentes tratamentos que consistiram da combinação entre aplicação de Co e Mo via tratamento de sementes e adubação foliar. As características agronômicas avaliadas foram o número de nódulos, massa seca da parte aérea, massa seca de raiz, número de vagens, número de grãos, massa de mil grãos e produção de grãos. A aplicação de molibdênio e cobalto via sementes e/ ou adubação foliar no estádio V4 (terceira folha trifoliolada completamente desenvolvida, quarto nó) promoveram incrementos significativos no rendimento da cultura. Respostas positivas ao cobalto e molibdênio também foram observadas no número de nódulos, vagens e grãos, com aumentos de até 240 kg ha-1 no rendimento da cultura. Os parâmetros agronômicos avaliados foram afetados positivamente pela aplicação de Co e Mo, principalmente quanto aplicado tanto via semente como foliar (TS + V4), inclusive para a produtividade de grãos. A forma de aplicação não foi significativamente distinta, ou seja, tanto a aplicação via semente como via foliar foram eficientes no fornecimento destes nutrientes para a cultura da soja.
BACKGROUND: Leaf-cutting ants collect plant fresh material for the cultivation of their mutualistic fungus. Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) cause great economic losses through their foraging activity, mainly in agriculture. The main control method is the application of granulated toxic baits incorporated with an active ingredient (AI). The present goal is to evaluate the effect of caffeine on in vitro growth of the mutualistic fungus and on the survival of the leaf-cutting ants, aiming to verify the potential toxicity of this secondary metabolite over these organisms. RESULTS: Three distinct patterns of fungal growth correlated with caffeine concentration were observed: (1) no effect (0.01% caffeine); (2) intermediate growth reduction (0.05% caffeine); (3) drastic growth reduction (0.10 and 0.50% caffeine). The highest caffeine concentration causes fungus death in the first week. As for insect survival, caffeine does not seem to exert any effect. The treatments with diet containing caffeine showed similar values of M50, irrespective of caffeine concentration. CONCLUSION: As caffeine was shown to reduce growth of the mutualistic fungus of Atta sexdens rubropilosa, but with no conclusive effect on insect survival, a hypothetical explanation for the selection of different Coffea species by this leaf-cutting ant species might be associated with caffeine toxicity to the fungus. Copyright (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry
1. Sodium is often a limiting nutrient for terrestrial animals, and may be especially sought by herbivores. Leafcutter ants are dominant herbivores in the Neotropics, and leafcutter foraging may be affected by nutritional demands of the colony and/or the demands of their symbiotic fungal mutualists. We hypothesized that leafcutter colonies are sodium limited, and that leafcutter ants will therefore forage specifically for sodium. 2. Previous studies demonstrated that leafcutter Atta cephalotes Linnaeus workers preferentially cut and remove paper baits treated with NaCl relative to water control baits. Atta cephalotes colonies in this study were presented with baits offering NaCl, Na2SO4, and KCl to test whether leafcutters forage specifically for sodium. Sucrose and water were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. 3. Atta foragers removed significantly more of the baits treated with NaCl and Na2SO4 than the KCl treatment, which did not differ from water. The NaCl and Na2SO4 treatments were collected at similar rates. We conclude A. cephalotes forage specifically for sodium rather than for anions (chloride) or solutes in general. This study supports the hypothesis that leafcutter ants are limited by, and preferentially forage for, sodium.
Based on the premise of symbiotic control, we genetically modified the citrus endophytic bacterium Methylobacterium extorquens, strain AR1.6/2, and evaluated its capacity to colonize a model plant and its interaction with Xylella fastidiosa, the causative agent of Citrus Variegated Chlorosis (CVC). AR1.6/2 was genetically transformed to express heterologous GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) and an endoglucanase A (EglA), generating the strains ARGFP and AREglA, respectively. By fluorescence microscopy, it was shown that ARGFP was able to colonize xylem vessels of the Catharanthus roseus seedlings. Using scanning electron microscopy, it was observed that AREglA and X. fastidiosa may co-inhabit the C. roseus vessels. M. extorquens was observed in the xylem with the phytopathogen X. fastidiosa, and appeared to cause a decrease in biofilm formation. AREglA stimulated the production of resistance protein, catalase, in the inoculated plants. This paper reports the successful transformation of AR1.6/2 to generate two different strains with a different gene each, and also indicates that AREglA and X. fastidiosa could interact inside the host plant, suggesting a possible strategy for the symbiotic control of CVC disease. Our results provide an enhanced understanding of the M. extorquens-X. fastidiosa interaction, suggesting the application of AR1.6/2 as an agent of symbiotic control.
Recent reports have shown an increase in potentially harmful phytoplankton in Santos bay (Southeastern Brazilian Coast), located in a highly urbanised estuarine complex. Prediction of blooms is, thus, essential but the phytoplankton community structure in very dynamic regions is difficult to determine. In the present work, we discriminate bloom forming microphytoplankton dominance and their relationship to physical and meteorological variables to look for patterns observed in different tides and seasons. Comparing 8 distinct situations, we found five scenarios of dominance that could be related to winds, tides and rainfall: i) Surfers, diatoms occurring during high surf zone energies; ii) Sinkers, represented by larger celled diatoms during spring tide, after periods of high precipitation rates; iii) Opportunistic mixers, composed of chain forming diatoms with small or elongate cells occurring during neap tides; iv) Local mixers, microplanktonic diatoms and dinoflagellates which occurred throughout the 298 sampling stations; and v) Mixotrophic dinoflagellates, after intense estuarine discharges. Results suggest alterations in the temporal patterns for some bloom-forming species, while others appeared in abundances above safe limits for public health. This approach can also illustrate possible impacts of changes in freshwater discharge in highly urbanised estuaries.
Dinoflagellates of the genus Ceratium are chiefly marine but there are rare occurrences in freshwater. In this study we analyze the invasion and progressive establishment of Ceratium furcoides, an exotic species, in the Furnas Reservoir. Samples were taken at 36 points in the reservoir, during the months of March, June, September and December, 2007. Measurements of some physical and chemical variables were simultaneously performed at each site. The occurrence of C. furcoides was registered at 20 sites, with densities varying between 0.57 and 28,564,913.0 ind.m-3. Blooms of this species were recorded in points which were classified as mesotrophic, coinciding with the places receiving high amounts of untreated domestic sewage. C. furcoides density was correlated with temperature, nutrients (nitrate and nitrite) and water electric conductivity. The highest density was recorded in June when temperature was low. The presence of Ceratium furcoides in the reservoir apparently has not yet affected the reservoir water quality or other plankton communities. However, if it becomes fully established it could perhaps become a problem in the reservoir or even to spread out to other reservoirs in Rio Grande basin.
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Facultad de Ciencias del Mar. Programa de doctorado en Oceanografía. Diploma de Estudios Avanzados
Age-related physiological changes in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as modification in lifestyle, nutritional behaviour, and functionality of the host immune system, inevitably affect the gut microbiota. The study presented here is focused on the application and comparison of two different microarray approaches for the characterization of the human gut microbiota, the HITChip and the HTF-Microb.Array, with particular attention to the effects of the aging process on the composition of this ecosystem. By using the Human Intestinal Tract Chip (HITChip), recently developed at the Wageningen University, The Netherland, we explored the age-related changes of gut microbiota during the whole adult lifespan, from young adults, through elderly to centenarians. We observed that the microbial composition and diversity of the gut ecosystem of young adults and seventy-years old people is highly similar but differs significantly from that of the centenarians. After 100 years of symbiotic association with the human host, the microbiota is characterized by a rearrangement in the Firmicutes population and an enrichment of facultative anaerobes. The presence of such a compromised microbiota in the centenarians is associated with an increased inflammation status, also known as inflamm-aging, as determined by a range of peripheral blood inflammatory markers. In parallel, we overtook the development of our own phylogenetic microarray with a lower number of targets, aiming the description of the human gut microbiota structure at high taxonomic level. The resulting chip was called High Taxonomic level Fingerprinting Microbiota Array (HTF-Microb.Array), and was based on the Ligase Detection Reaction (LDR) technology, which allowed us to develop a fast and sensitive tool for the fingerprint of the human gut microbiota in terms of presence/absence of the principal groups. The validation on artificial DNA mixes, as well as the pilot study involving eight healthy young adults, demonstrated that the HTF-Microb.Array can be used to successfully characterize the human gut microbiota, allowing us to obtain results which are in approximate accordance with the most recent characterizations. Conversely, the evaluation of the relative abundance of the target groups on the bases of the relative fluorescence intensity probes response still has some hindrances, as demonstrated by comparing the HTF.Microb.Array and HITChip high taxonomic level fingerprints of the same centenarians.
Zusammenfassung:In Chlorophyll(Chl) a/c-haltigen Algen leisten Xanthophylle einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Lichtsammlung. Daneben finden sich weitere Xanthophylle, die an einem Schutzmechanismus bei überoptimalem Lichtangebot beteiligt sind, dem sog. Xanthophyllzyklus. Ein Teil der Chl a/c-haltigen Algen besitzt den auch bei Höheren Pflanzen anzutreffenden Violaxanthin/Antheraxanthin/Zeaxanthin-(Vx/Ax/Zx-)Zyklus. In anderen Gruppen wie den Dinophyta, Haptophyta und den Kieselalgen (Bacillariophyceae) ist statt dessen der Diadinoxanthin/Diatoxanthin-(Ddx/Dtx-)Zyklus zu finden. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, daß schwachlichtadaptierte Turbidostatkulturen der Kieselalge Phaeodactylum tricornutum unter mehrstündiger Starklichtinkubation neben den Pigmenten des Ddx/Dtx-Zyklus auch die des Vx/Ax/Zx-Zyklus akkumulieren. Außerdem läßt sich ein dritter Xanthophyllzyklus zwischen beta-Cryptoxanthin (Cx) und beta-Cryptoxanthin-Epoxid (CxE) nachweisen, doch liegen diese beiden Pigmente nur in sehr geringen Konzentrationen vor. Für die Starklichtakkumulation von Zx ist eine hohe Deepoxidase-Aktivität und die de-novo-Synthese von Carotinoiden erforderlich. Aus Zx wird im anschließenden Schwachlicht über die Intermediate Vx und Ddx das Lichtsammelxanthophyll Fucoxanthin (Fx) synthetisiert. Dies bestätigt auch ein Vergleich der Kinetiken der einzelnen Umwandlungsschritte mit den anhand eines Modells der Xanthophyllbiosynthesewege ermittelten theoretischen Ratenkonstanten. Dieser Vergleich legt jedoch nahe, daß bei der Vx-Synthese aus beta-Carotin CxE anstelle von Zx involviert sein könnte. Eine Untersuchung weiterer Chl a/c-haltiger Algen mit Ddx/Dt-Zyklus ergab, daß sie unter Starklicht ebenfalls den Vx/Ax/Zx-Zyklus akkumulieren. Weiterhin sind, mit Einschränkungen bei den Dinophyten und Xanthophyceen, alle untersuchten Algen in der Lage, die unter Starklicht akkumulierten Xanthophyllzykluspigmente im nachfolgenden Schwachlicht zur Synthese des jeweiligen Lichtsammelxanthophylls zu nutzen. Unter energetischen Gesichtspunkten stellt dieses Pigment-Recycling insbesondere für die Fx-haltigen Algen einen Vorteil dar, da ihre Lichtsammelkomplexe im Vergleich zu denen der Höheren Pflanzen etwa die doppelte Anzahl an Xanthophyllen binden.