969 resultados para Suites (Pianos (2) with instrumental ensemble)
The synthesis, characterization and the anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) activities of three ruthenium complexes containing the 2-pyridinecarboxylic acid anion (picolinate), with formulae cis-[Ru(pic)(dppm)(2)]PF(6) (1), Cis- [Ru(pic)(dppe)(2)]PF(6) (2) and [Ru(pic)(2)(PPh(3))(2)] (3) [pic = 2-pyridinecarboxylate; dppm = bis(diphenylphosphino)methane: dppe = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane; PPh(3) = triphenylphosphine] are reported in this article. The complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques. Their in vitro anti mycobacterial activity was determinated as the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) for MTB cell growth, measured by the REMA method. The best MICs were found for complexes (1) and (2), with values of 0.78 and 0.26 mu g/mL, respectively. The results are comparable to or better than ""first line"" or ""second line"" drugs commonly used in the treatment of TB. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Demonstration of Solar Heating and Cooling System using Sorption Integrated Solar Thermal Collectors
Producing cost-competitive small and medium-sized solar cooling systems is currently a significant challenge. Due to system complexity, extensive engineering, design and equipment costs; the installation costs of solar thermal cooling systems are prohibitively high. In efforts to overcome these limitations, a novel sorption heat pump module has been developed and directly integrated into a solar thermal collector. The module comprises a fully encapsulated sorption tube containing hygroscopic salt sorbent and water as a refrigerant, sealed under vacuum with no moving parts. A 5.6m2 aperture area outdoor laboratory-scale system of sorption module integrated solar collectors was installed in Stockholm, Sweden and evaluated under constant re-cooling and chilled fluid return temperatures in order to assess collector performance. Measured average solar cooling COP was 0.19 with average cooling powers between 120 and 200 Wm-2 collector aperture area. It was observed that average collector cooling power is constant at daily insolation levels above 3.6 kWhm-2 with the cooling energy produced being proportional to solar insolation. For full evaluation of an integrated sorption collector solar heating and cooling system, under the umbrella of a European Union project for technological innovation, a 180 m2 large-scale demonstration system has been installed in Karlstad, Sweden. Results from the installation commissioned in summer 2014 with non-optimised control strategies showed average electrical COP of 10.6 and average cooling powers between 140 and 250 Wm-2 collector aperture area. Optimisation of control strategies, heat transfer fluid flows through the collectors and electrical COP will be carried out in autumn 2014.
In the last years extreme hydrometeorological phenomena have increased in number and intensity affecting the inhabitants of various regions, an example of these effects are the central basins of the Gulf of Mexico (CBGM) that they have been affected by 55.2% with floods and especially the state of Veracruz (1999-2013), leaving economic, social and environmental losses. Mexico currently lacks sufficient hydrological studies for the measurement of volumes in rivers, since is convenient to create a hydrological model (HM) suited to the quality and quantity of the geographic and climatic information that is reliable and affordable. Therefore this research compares the semi-distributed hydrological model (SHM) and the global hydrological model (GHM), with respect to the volumes of runoff and achieve to predict flood areas, furthermore, were analyzed extreme hydrometeorological phenomena in the CBGM, by modeling the Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) which is a SHM and the Modèle Hydrologique Simplifié à I'Extrême (MOHYSE) which is a GHM, to evaluate the results and compare which model is suitable for tropical conditions to propose public policies for integrated basins management and flood prevention. Thus it was determined the temporal and spatial framework of the analyzed basins according to hurricanes and floods. It were developed the SHM and GHM models, which were calibrated, validated and compared the results to identify the sensitivity to the real model. It was concluded that both models conform to tropical conditions of the CBGM, having MOHYSE further approximation to the real model. Worth mentioning that in Mexico there is not enough information, besides there are no records of MOHYSE use in Mexico, so it can be a useful tool for determining runoff volumes. Finally, with the SHM and the GHM were generated climate change scenarios to develop risk studies creating a risk map for urban planning, agro-hydrological and territorial organization.
Esta dissertação de mestrado em economia foi motivada por uma questão complexa bastante estudada na literatura de economia política nos dias de hoje: as formas como campanhas políticas afetam votação em uma eleição. estudo procura modelar mercado eleitoral brasileiro para deputados federais senadores. Através de um modelo linear, conclui-se que os gastos em campanha eleitoral são fatores decisivos para eleição de um candidato deputado federal. Após reconhecer que variável que mede os gastos em campanha possui erro de medida (devido ao famoso "caixa dois", por exemplo), além de ser endógena uma vez que candidatos com maiores possibilidades de conseguir votos conseguem mais fontes de financiamento -, modelo foi estimado por variáveis instrumentais. Para senadores, utilizando modelos lineares modelos com variável resposta binaria, verifica-se também importância, ainda que em menor escala, da campanha eleitoral, sendo que um fator mais importante para corrida ao senado parece ser uma percepção priori da qualidade do candidato.
Introdução: As infecções virais do trato respiratório (IVTR) têm sido freqüentemente identificadas em associação com asma aguda (AA) em crianças, porém poucos estudos têm mostrado resultados similares em adultos com asma. Objetivos: Avaliar a prevalência de infecção viral na asma aguda em pacientes atendidos no setor de adultos do departamento de emergência (DE), comparando as características entre os grupos com amostras positivas e negativas para os vírus respiratórios. Material e Métodos: Conduzimos um estudo transversal de pacientes que se apresentaram com AA no setor de adultos do DE (idade igual ou maior que 12 anos) do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Um aspirado nasofaríngeo foi obtido para detecção de antígeno com a técnica de coloração de imunofluorescência indireta (vírus sincicial respiratório, adenovírus, influenza e parainfluenza tipo 1, 2, 3 e 4). Foram coletados dados referentes a características demográficas, medicações regulares, história médica pregressa, crise que levou à atual visita ao DE e desfechos da crise. Resultados: No período de março de 2004 a novembro de 2005, 111 pacientes foram examinados para IVTR. Foram identificados vírus respiratórios em 15 pacientes (8 com Adenovírus, 1 com RSV, 2 com Influenza A, e 4 com Parainfluenza tipo 1). Utilizando a análise de regressão logística, as variáveis com (p < 0,10), índice de massa corporal (IMC) e febre no domicilio, foram significativamente associados à identificação de vírus respiratório. Sessenta e seis por cento dos pacientes com IVTR apresentaram febre no domicílio, enquanto que somente 27% dos pacientes sem infecção viral apresentaram febre a domicílio, (p = 0,006). Não houve outra diferença significativa nas características clínicas, tempo de permanência e desfechos. Conclusão: Este estudo mostra uma prevalência de 13,5% de IVTR na AA em pacientes com idade igual ou maior que 12 anos atendidos na sala de emergência, confirmando a infecção viral como importante desencadeante nesta faixa etária. Dentre as características clínicas estudadas, febre no domicílio e IMC elevado, apresentam maior chance de identificação viral positiva.
Os reflexos da tributação sobre o setor elétrico ultrapassam as questões meramente arrecadatórias de estados, municípios e União, envolvem toda a produção do país e o bem-estar de sua população. Neste contexto, e com o intuito de trazer as questões de eficiência e redistributividade ao ambiente de tributação de energia elétrica, o presente trabalho pretende apresentar um panorama da tributação atual do consumo residencial de energia elétrica, principalmente em relação ao ICMS, juntamente com um cálculo simplificado de alíquotas considerando dois modelos de tributação ótima, estabelecidos por F. R. Ramsey e Diamond e Mirrlees, a partir dos quais é possível realizar comparações em relação ao modelo atual e sintetizar uma visão nacional de uma tributação realizada em sua maior parte regionalmente. O primeiro modelo considera apenas eficiência na definição das alíquotas aplicadas aos produtos, partindo da premissa de que todos os consumidores são idênticos e não há preocupações com equidade. As elasticidades necessárias para aplicação do critério de Ramsey são estimadas a partir de dados em painel das 64 distribuidoras de energia elétrica do país, utilizando um modelo em dois estágios com variável instrumental. O segundo modelo, proposto por Diamond e Mirrlees, incorpora a equidade na modelagem, introduzindo a diferenciação entre os indivíduos.
Synthetic inorganic pigments are the most widely used in ceramic applications because they have excellent chemical and thermal stability and also, in general, a lower toxicity to man and to the environment. In the present work, the ceramic black pigment CoFe2O4 was synthesized by the polymerization Complex method (MPC) in order to form a material with good chemical homogeneity. Aiming to optimize the process of getting the pigment through the MPC was used a fractional factorial design 2(5-2), with resolution III. The factors studied in mathematical models were: citric acid concentration, the pyrolysis time, temperature, time and rate of calcination. The response surfaces using the software statistica 7.0. The powders were characterized by thermal analysis (TG/DSC), x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and spectroscopy in the UV-visible. Based on the results, there was the formation of phase cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) with spinel structure. The color of the pigments obtained showed dark shades, from black to gray. The model chosen was appropriate since proved to be adjusted and predictive. Planning also showed that all factors were significant, with a confidence level of 95%
In this work we isolated a novel crotamine like protein from the Crotalus durissus cascavella venom by combination of molecular exclusion and analytical reverse phase HPLC. Its primary structure was:YKRCHKKGGHCFPKEKICLPPSSDLGKMDCRWKRK-CCKKGS GK. This protein showed a molecular mass of 4892.89 da that was determined by Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. The approximately pI value of this protein was determined in 9.9 by two-dimensional electrophoresis. This crotamine-like protein isolated here and that named as Cro 2 produced skeletal muscle spasm and spastic paralysis in mice similarly to other crotamines like proteins. Cro 2 did not modify the insulin secretion at low glucose concentration (2.8 and 5.6 mM), but at high glucose concentration (16.7 mM) we observed an insulin secretion increasing of 2.7-3.0-fold than to control. The Na+ channel antagonist tetrodoxin (6 mM) decreased glucose and Cro 2-induced insulin secretion. These results suggested that Na+ channel are involved in the insulin secretion. In this article, we also purified some peptide fragment from the treatment of reduced and carboxymethylated Cro 2 (RC-Cro 2) with cyanogen bromide and protease V8 from Staphylococcus aureus. The isolated pancreatic beta-cells were then treated with peptides only at high glucose concentration (16.7 mM), in this condition only two peptides induced insulin secretion. The amino acid sequence homology analysis of the whole crotamine as well as the biologically-active peptide allowed determining the consensus region of the biologically-active crotamine responsible for insulin secretion was KGGHCFPKE and DCRWKWKCCKKGSG.
Background. Gaucher Disease (GD) is a hereditary lysosomal storage disorder characterized by the accumulation of glucosylceramide, mainly in the cells of the reticuloendothelial system, due to a deficiency of the enzyme acid β-glucosidase (GBA). Diagnosis is usually based on measurement of GBA activity in peripheral leukocytes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of screening for GBA and chitotriosidase activity using Dried Blood Spots on Filter Paper (DBS-FP) to identify individuals at high risk for GD in high-risk populations such as that of Tabuleiro do Norte, a small town in Northeastern Brazil. Methods. Between June 1, 2007 and May 31, 2008, 740 consented residents and descendants of traditional families from Tabuleiro do Norte were submitted to screening with DBS-FP. Subjects with GBA activity <2.19 nmol/h/mL were referred to analysis of GBA and chitotriosidase activity in peripheral leukocytes and in plasma, respectively. Subjects at highest risk for GD (GBA activity in peripheral leukocytes <5.6 nmol/h/mg protein) were submitted to molecular analysis to confirm diagnosis. Results. Screening with DBS-FP identified 135 subjects (18.2%) with GBA activity <2.19 nmol/h/mL, 131 of whom remained in the study. In 10 of these (7.6%), GBA activity in leukocytes was 2.6 5.5 nmol/h/mg protein. Subsequent molecular analysis confirmed 6 cases of heterozygosity and 4 normals for GD. Conclusion. DBS-FP assay was shown to be an effective initial GD screening strategy for high-prevalence populations in developing regions. Diagnosis could not be established from GBA activity in leukocytes alone, but required confirmation with molecular analysis
This study was developed with the aim of analyzing the effectiveness of renal transplantation on quality of life of kidney recipients in the Rio Grande do Norte State. This is a descriptive study with longitudinal design, panel type with quantitative approach to data analysis. The Quality of Life (QoL) of chronic disease kidney patients before and after kidney transplantation was assessed by the WHOQOL-bref, The population consisted of patients in pre and post-renal transplantation, the sample had 63 patients older than 18 years. The study was conducted after approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the Onofre Lopes University Hospital, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, No. CAAE 0008.0.294.000-10. Data collection was performed at a referral center for renal transplantation in Rio Grande do Norte, from May 2010 to May 2013. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in tables and graphs. For statistical analyzes, Microsoft Excel XP and SPSS 15.0 software were used. The tests used were simple variance (ANOVA), t-test, Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon test to compare means, and Spearman correlations. P values <0.05 were considered significant. The demographic data showed a predominance of people between 18 and 45 years (68.2%) with a mean age of 39.9 years (SD 12.2), male (63.5%), married (58.7%), with children (51.0%). Regarding the education level was observed that 49.2% of participants had completed primary school, and most did not engage in any work activity (90.4%) during the study period. Hemodialysis was the predominant renal replacement therapy (96.8%) and the average waiting time for execution of transplantation was 1.9 years (SD 1.9). Comparison of QoL before and after transplantation showed significant differences in all areas analyzed, demonstrating that kidney transplantation had a positive impact on QoL in chronic renal patients undergoing kidney transplantation. Sociodemographic factors did not influence the quality of life in this group of patients, indicating that transplantation was the main factor to explain the improvement in quality of life. Thus, the alternative hypothesis of the study was accept, that there is a significant difference in quality of life before and after kidney transplant. It is expected that the results of this study may contribute to the development of strategies to encourage organ donation and kidney transplantation process
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Post-menarche patients with clinical signs of vulvovaginitis were analyzed in this study, whose aims were the following: identify the frequency of C. albicans and non C. albicans species and negative results, correlate the vaginal culture for yeast with risk factors and symptomatology; compare positive and negative results for yeast in the vaginal and anal cultures; compare the positive results for C. albicans with other results found in the vaginal and anal cultures; and compare concomitant positivity for C. albicans and non C. albicans in the vaginal and anal cultures. Sample selection occurred between May, 2003 and May, 2005, and included 99 patients from Natal, Brazil. The laboratory methods used consisted of CHROMagar Candida culture medium, thermotolerance test at 42-45°C and hypertonic NaCL, in addition to the classic methods of carbohydrate assimilation and fermentation. We used absolute numbers, percentages, means of central tendency, chi-squared test (χ2) with Yates correction, Fisher s exact test and odds ratio for statistical analysis. The most frequent species was C. albicans in 69% of the cases. The positivity for Candida spp showed an association with the use of tight-fitting intimate clothing and/or synthetics, allergic diseases and the occurrence of itching, leukorrhea and erythema. Anal colonization increased the likelihood of vaginal contamination by 2.8 and 4.9 times, respectively, for Candida spp and C. albicans. When compared to the other species, C. albicans-positive anal colonization increased by 3.7 times the likelihood of vaginal positivity. These data suggest likely vaginal contamination originating in the anus
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this work was to analyse some oxidative stress parameters in patients of Systemic Lúpus Erythematosus. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Determinations of reduced glutathione content in whole blood were carried out. The activity of superoxide dismutase, gluthatione peroxidase and catalase in erythrocytes and the concentration of reactive substances of acid thiobarbituric in plasma of patients female (n =19) with SLE no activity of disease (Mex-SLEDAI < 2), with average ages of 32 ± 11 years, through the spectrophotometrical methods and from healthy individuals (n =30). Statistical data were analyzed by student t-test, p<0,05. RESULTS: Our data indicated a significant decrease on the activity of catalase and significant increase on the concentration of reactive substances of acid thiobarbituric in patients with SLE comparing with healthy individuals. There was no significant difference in other parameters. CONCLUSION: The results showed that oxidative stress has a role in the pathogenesis of the disease in SLE, even in patients without active disease.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The consumption of exotic fruits has been showing accentuated increase and the cultivated area is in expansion, generating demand for adequate culturing techniques. The Malay apple (Syzygium malaccense), with probable origin in India, has a fruit widely known and appreciated in the North and Northeasthern Brazilian states. The Malay apple tree is extremely tall and has a long juvenile period when propagated by seed, making its vegetative multiplication is desirable, to anticipate the productive period and decrease its size, and also to obtain uniform orchards. The experiment was conducted at UNESP/FCAV, Jaboticabal Campus, using Malay apple herbaceous cuttings subjected to treatments with indol butyric acid (IBA) (0; 1,000; 3,000 and 5,000 mgL(-1)) and cuttings with and without basal incision. The variables analyzed were percentage of survival and rooting of the cuttings, number and mean length of roots per cutting. The experiment was conducted under CRB on a factorial scheme (4 X 2) with 4 replicates constituted by 10 cuttings each. Data were analyzed by Tukey's mean test at 5% probability. The vegetative propagation by rooting of herbaceous cuttings of the Malay apple is possible, however, both IBA treatments and basal incision have not shown significant effect on the analyzed variables.