919 resultados para Speech Motor Control
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fish control the relative flow rates of water and blood over the gills in order to optimise respiratory gas exchange. As both flows are markedly pulsatile, close beat-to-beat relationships can be predicted. Cardiorespiratory interactions in fish are controlled primarily by activity in the parasympathetic nervous system that has its origin in cardiac vagal. preganglionic neurons. Recordings of efferent activity in the cardiac vagus include units firing in respiration-related bursts. Bursts of electrical stimuli delivered peripherally to the cardiac vagus or centrally to respiratory branches of cranial, nerves can recruit the heart over a range of frequencies. So, phasic, efferent activity in cardiac vagi, that in the intact fish are respiration-related, can cause heart rate to be modulated by the respiratory rhythm. In elasmobranch fishes this phasic activity seems to arise primarily from central feed-forward interactions with respiratory motor neurones that have overlapping distributions with cardiac neurons in the brainstem. In teleost fish, they arise from increased levels of efferent vagal activity arising from reflex stimulation of chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors in the orobranchial, cavity. However, these differences are largely a matter of emphasis as both groups show elements of feed-forward and feed-back control of cardiorespiratory interactions. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
In this paper, a mathematical model is derived via Lagrange's Equation for a shear building structure that acts as a foundation of a non-ideal direct current electric motor, controlled by a mass loose inside a circular carving. Non-ideal sources of vibrations of structures are those whose characteristics are coupled to the motion of the structure, not being a function of time only as in the ideal case. Thus, in this case, an additional equation of motion is written, related to the motor rotation, coupled to the equation describing the horizontal motion of the shear building. This kind of problem can lead to the so-called Sommerfeld effect: steady state frequencies of the motor will usually increase as more power (voltage) is given to it in a step-by-step fashion. When a resonance condition with the structure is reached, the better part of this energy is consumed to generate large amplitude vibrations of the foundation without sensible change of the motor frequency as before. If additional increase steps in voltage are made, one may reach a situation where the rotor will jump to higher rotation regimes, no steady states being stable in between. As a device of passive control of both large amplitude vibrations and the Sommerfeld effect, a scheme is proposed using a point mass free to bounce back and forth inside a circular carving in the suspended mass of the structure. Numerical simulations of the model are also presented Copyright © 2007 by ASME.
Patients with motor deficiency have variable difficulties with mechanical plaque control, and as a consequence, the incidence of dental caries and periodontal disease can be higher in these patients. The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical and microbiological efficacy of a toothpaste containing 1% chlorhexidine, which was used by patients with motor deficiency for 14 days. The reduction in plaque and gingival index and the impact on salivary microorganisms was evaluated. We conclude that the motivation of caregivers to carry out oral hygiene for patients with mental and motor deficiency is of great importance and is effective in reducing the formation of plaque as long as it is continuously reinforced. The use of chlorhexidine- containing toothpaste significantly reduced the plaque index and microorganism count between days 0 and 14. A reduction was also observed in the group that used a dentifrice without the chlorhexidine, but this difference was not significant. © 2010 Special Care Dentistry Association and Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
In this paper, a load transport system in platforms is considered. It is a transport device and is modelled as an inverted pendulum built on a car driven by a DC motor. The motion equations were obtained by Lagrange's equations. The mathematical model considers the interaction between the DC motor and the dynamic system. The dynamic system was analysed and a Swarm Control Design was developed to stabilize the model of this load transport system. ©2010 IEEE.
This work proposes a new three-phase multipulse rectifier based on the delta autotransformer connection with DC-DC Boost stages and constant hysteresis control which has the objective of providing a reliable DC bus for on-board applications, electric motor drives and similars, always considering power quality issues. Thus, the proposal presents 0.99 power factor, 6% harmonic distortions in the currents from the mains and enhanced magnetic core utilization, which results in low weight and volume for the overall converter. The proposed control technique uses the simple constant hysteresis concept, thus leading to a low-cost but effective and reliable strategy. © 2011 IEEE.
Single Limb Stance under visual and proprioceptive disturbances is largely used in clinical settings in order to improve balance in a wide range of functional disabilities. However, the proper role of vision and proprioception in SLS is not completely understood. The objectives of this study were to test the hypotheses that when ankle proprioception is perturbed, the role of vision in postural control increases according to the difficulty of the standing task. And to test the effect of vision during postural adaptation after withdrawal of the somesthetic perturbation during double and single limb stance. Eleven males were submitted to double (DLS) and single limb (SLS) stances under conditions of normal or reduced vision, both with normal and perturbed proprioception. Center of pressure parameters were analyzed across conditions. Vision had a main effect in SLS, whereas proprioception perturbation showed effects only during DLS. Baseline stability was promptly achieved independently of visual input after proprioception reintegration. In conclusion, the role of vision increases in SLS. After proprioception reintegration, vision does not affect postural recovery. Balance training programs must take that into account. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
This work presents an alternative approach based on neural network method in order to estimate speed of induction motors, using the measurement of primary variables such as voltage and current. Induction motors are very common in many sectors of the industry and assume an important role in the national energy policy. The nowadays methodologies, which are used in diagnosis, condition monitoring and dimensioning of these motors, are based on measure of the speed variable. However, the direct measure of this variable compromises the system control and starting circuit of an electric machinery, reducing its robustness and increasing the implementation costs. Simulation results and experimental data are presented to validate the proposed approach. © 2003-2012 IEEE.
In this paper we study the behavior of a structure vulnerable to excessive vibrations caused by an non-ideal power source. To perform this study, the mathematical model is proposed, derive the equations of motion for a simple plane frame excited by an unbalanced rotating machine with limited power (non-ideal motor). The non-linear and non-ideal dynamics in system is demonstrated with a chaotic behavior. We use a State-Dependent Riccati Equation Control technique for regulate the chaotic behavior, in order to obtain a periodic orbit small and to decrease its amplitude. The simulation results show the identification by State-Dependent Riccati Equation Control is very effective. © 2013 Academic Publications, Ltd.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Este trabalho investiga uma estratégia de controle fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno aplicada ao controle de velocidade do motor de indução. A estratégia implementa uma interpolação ponderada entre um conjunto de controladores locais previamente projetados. Ao ocorrer variações nas condições operacionais do motor de indução, os ganhos da lei de controle são ajustados automaticamente, de modo a manter satisfatório o desempenho do sistema de controle. Para o projeto do controlador fuzzy a representação em espaço de estados da planta foi considerada sob a forma de um sistema aumentado, incluindo-se uma nova variável de estado que, nesse caso, foi selecionada como sendo a integral do erro de velocidade. Tal formulação permitiu o projeto de controladores locais com a estrutura PI, através de realimentação completa de estados, com posicionamento de pólos. Como variáveis de operação para o chaveamento fuzzy dos controladores locais, foram selecionados as variáveis velocidade angular do rotor e a componente da corrente de estator responsável pelo torque elétrico do motor. Em seguida, a estabilidade do controlador fuzzy Takagi- Sugeno projetado foi comprovada através do critério de Lyapunov, para isso o problema de estabilidade foi escrito na forma de LMIs. O desempenho do controlador fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno foi avaliado através de estudos de simulação, e seus resultados comparados ao desempenho de um controlador PI convencional, para a regulação da velocidade do rotor. Os resultados obtidos nas simulações mostram que o emprego da estratégia proposta torna o sistema mais robusto a variações paramétricas no sistema de acionamento.
O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) é a terceira maior causa de mortalidade e incapacidade no mundo e a principal causa de mortes no Brasil. Após a lesão isquêmica, pela capacidade limitada do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC) se regenerar, os déficits funcionais geralmente são incapacitantes e permanentes. A incapacidade de regeneração decorre, dentre outros fatores, do acúmulo de proteoglicanos de sulfato de condroitina (PGSC) no local da lesão, inibindo a plasticidade no microambiente extracelular. A enzima condroitinase ABC (ChABC) tem se mostrado eficiente para degradar os PGSC, proporcionando plasticidade. Esta pesquisa se propõe a avaliar o efeito da remoção de PGSC após uma lesão isquêmica no córtex sensório-motor primário de ratos. Para tal, utilizou-se 20 ratos Wistar, em 4 grupos experimentais, controle e tratado, com tempo de sobrevida de 7 e 14 dias. Induziu-se uma lesão isquêmica através de microinjeções do vasoconstritor ET-1 (Endotelina-1) no córtex sensório-motor, implantou-se um polímero de Etileno vinil acetato saturado com ChABC (tratado) ou BSA (controle). Morfologicamente, avaliamos a área de lesão, que se mostrou sem diferença estatística entre grupo controle 7 dias (média de 1653,8 ± 162,57mm²), tratado 7 dias (média de 2067,3 ± 235,42mm²), controle 14 dias (média de 1267,16 ± 280,6mm²), tratado 14 dias (média de 1323,8 ± 297,05mm²) após lesão; a quantidade de astrócitos, que também se mostrou sem diferença estatística entre grupo controle 7 dias (média de 16,6±4,67 células/campo), tratado 7 (média de 21,07±1,87 células/campo) e controle 14 (média de 17,46±0,80 células/campo), tratado 14 (média de 18,51±2,60 células/campo) dias após lesão; e a expressão de controitin degradado, que qualitativamente foi mais expresso nos ratos tratados 7 e 14 dias após lesão. Comportamentalmente, no teste do cilindro, animais tratados tiveram índice de assimetria menor já em 7 dias após lesão, com diferença significativa entre os grupos. No teste da escada horizontal, os animais tratados tiveram menor diferença intragrupo que os controles. Em 7 dias após lesão, já estavam com o mesmo desempenho funcional que seu pré-cirúrgico. Os dados comportamentais demonstram que a ChABC foi eficaz na melhora do desempenho funcional de maneira precoce, o que significa que a degradação das PGSC abre uma janela plástica na lesão isquêmica cortical, sem influenciar no tamanho da lesão e quantidade de astrócitos na cicatriz glial, porém com melhora do desempenho funcional de maneira precoce. Novos estudos devem ser realizados, associando a ChABC a terapêuticas adjuvantes no tratamento de lesões isquêmicas experimentais.