937 resultados para Sewage as fertilizer
O fósforo (P) é um nutriente essencial para o crescimento das plantas. Milhões de toneladas de P são aplicados aos solos anualmente. No entanto, apenas uma pequena fração do P aplicado com fertilizantes é aproveitada nas lavouras no ano de aplicação, bem como a eficácia do fertilizante fosfatado diminui com o tempo. Para melhorar a nossa compreensão dos mecanismos, a esta resposta do P no campo, este trabalho visa estudar a migração desse elemento em solos tropicais brasileiros (Latossolo vermelho e Latossolo amarelo) tratados com três tipos de fertilizantes: fosfato monoamônico (MAP), o polímero revestido de fosfato monoamônio (MAPP) e fosfato organomineral (OMP) em um experimento de placa de Petri. Fluorescência de Raios X por Reflexão Total (TXRF) foi usada para determinar o fluxo difusivo P a distâncias radiais diferentes (entre 0 e 7,5 mm, entre 7,5 e 13,5 mm, 13,5 e 25,5 mm e entre 25,5 e 43 mm) a partir do grânulo de fertilizante. As análises usando TXRF foram realizadas no Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS), em Campinas, São Paulo, na linha de Fluorescência de Raios X (Beamline D09B). Depois de um período de cinco semanas, a concentração total de P, Ca e Al foram obtidas e comparadas analisando o tipo de solo/textura, o pH e o respectivo extrator de P, que nesse estudo foram usados o Mehlich 1 e água régia. De forma geral, concluiu-se que 80,0 % de fósforo proveniente dos fertilizantes usados nessa proposta ficaram concentrados em distâncias menores que 10 mm do ponto de aplicação dos fertilizantes, independentemente do tipo de solo, do pH e da respectiva textura. Em relação à utilização da técnica TXRF, o sistema foi eficiente, dentre outras características, na discriminação dos picos de fósforo dos picos de enxofre, principalmente nas amostras de solo usadas a partir da extração com Mehlich 1. Destaca-se isso, pois os raios X característicos desses elementos são muitos próximos.
A Costa Verde se localiza no estado do Rio Janeiro, onde também está localizada a Ilha Grande, importante polo turístico do estado. É composta pelas baías Sepetiba e Ilha Grande, que podem ser compartimentadas em diversas enseadas. As principais enseadas são Sepetiba, Marambaia, Mangaratiba, Angra dos Reis, Ribeira, Frade e Paraty. O presente estudo foi realizado nas enseadas de Mangaratiba, Angra dos Reis e Ribeira e foram compilados dados de Sepetiba e Marambaia estudado por outros autores. O objetivo do estudo destas enseadas foi identificar os metais e suas fontes e os mecanismos que os controlam, além de propor novos parâmetros de concentração de metais que indiquem processos de contaminação. O método utilizado foi a coleta de sedimento de fundo através da utilização de Van Veen e analisados por digestão total em espectrômetro de massa da qual se obteve a concentração dos elementos Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, K, Pb, Na, Ni, Sr, S, U, V e Zn, além das razões isotópicas de chumbo, com prioridade da razão 206Pb/207Pb. Foram obtidos resultados que indicam que a enseada de Mangaratiba apresenta as maiores concentrações de metais e com predominante contribuição antrópica cujas fontes são, os empreendimentos localizados na costa dessa enseada, incluindo o TEBIG. A enseada de Angra dos Reis também apresenta concentrações elevadas de metais, provenientes de efluentes domésticos, rejeito industrial ao qual se inclui o estaleiro Verolme e com forte controle do embasamento da enseada. A enseada da Ribeira tem seus metais fornecidos pelo porto de Bracuhy e uma fonte desconhecida que são controlados, em parte, pelos efluentes da CNAAA. Em relação a interação entre as cinco enseadas existe mútua troca de metais controlados pela dinâmica da Costa e acentuada pelo Canal de Ilha Grande (que liga as duas baias), onde a dispersão dos metais também é controlada por temperatura, fração sedimentar, profundidade e salinidade. Os principais metais relacionados às fontes antrópicas na Costa Verde são Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn. As concentrações hoje apresentadas na resolução CONAMA não atendem a realidade da Costa Sul brasileira, sendo então propostos novos parâmetros de controle, menos permissivo
Os ambientes costeiros vem sofrendo impactos devido a ocupação humana, um dos principais efeitos está na alteração da ciclagem de matéria orgânica (MO) na zona costeira. Para investigar as principais fontes de MO e avaliar como a atividade humana tem alterado a composição da MO sedimentar na baía da Ilha Grande (BIG), quatro testemunhos sedimentares (Abraão, Saco do Céu, TEBIG e Marina Piratas) foram datados e analisados para carbono orgânico, nitrogênio total, teor de finos, esteróis e n-álcoois. Os resultados indicam maiores contribuições de matéria orgânica alóctone nos testemunhos da enseada de Abraão e principalmente do Saco do Céu, estes testemunhos são enriquecidos em carbono orgânico e sedimentos finos, em comparação com os sedimentos coletados nas proximidades do TEBIG e da Marina Piratas. A partir dos anos de 1950 algumas alterações, como o incremento da contribuição fitoplanctônica,são observadas nos testemunhos foram indicadas pela Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA), destaca-se nesta época a acentuada mudança que ocorreu nas características granulométricas do testemunho da Marina Piratas. Estas alterações são efeitos indiretos da ação do homem que devido ao elevado crescimento populacional vem poluindo corpos dágua da região e destruindo ecossistemas de elevada importância como manguezais. No entanto através da análises dos marcadores de esgoto foi observado que a influência de MO de origem fecal nos sedimentos é muito pequena e cresceu muito pouco nas últimas décadas. Em conjunto com a elevada cobertura vegetal da região, os elevados índices pluviométricos regionais auxiliam a carrear grandes quantidades de material terrígeno para os sedimentos da baía como indicado pela predomínio de n-álcoois de cadeias longas
Baltimore Harbor is polluted by discharge of sewage and industrial wastes into tributary streams and peripheral waters. The Harbor is used extensively for navigation, industrial water supply, and recreation as well as for waste disposal. The degree of pollution varies from negligible in the principal fairway to severe in the innermost sections. Private industry discharges several hundred tons of acid materials daily and is also the principal source of organic pollution.
In western civilization, the knowledge of the elasmobranch or selachian fishes (sharks and rays) begins with Aristotle (384–322 B.C.). Two of his extant works, the “Historia Animalium” and the “Generation of Animals,” both written about 330 B.C., demonstrate knowledge of elasmobranch fishes acquired by observation. Roman writers of works on natural history, such as Aelian and Pliny, who followed Aristotle, were compilers of available information. Their contribution was that they prevented the Greek knowledge from being lost, but they added few original observations. The fall of Rome, around 476 A.D., brought a period of economic regression and political chaos. These in turn brought intellectual thought to a standstill for nearly one thousand years, the period known as the Dark Ages. It would not be until the middle of the sixteenth century, well into the Renaissance, that knowledge of elasmobranchs would advance again. The works of Belon, Salviani, Rondelet, and Steno mark the beginnings of ichthyology, including the study of sharks and rays. The knowledge of sharks and rays increased slowly during and after the Renaissance, and the introduction of the Linnaean System of Nomenclature in 1735 marks the beginning of modern ichthyology. However, the first major work on sharks would not appear until the early nineteenth century. Knowledge acquired about sea animals usually follows their economic importance and exploitation, and this was also true with sharks. The first to learn about sharks in North America were the native fishermen who learned how, when, and where to catch them for food or for their oils. The early naturalists in America studied the land animals and plants; they had little interest in sharks. When faunistic works on fishes started to appear, naturalists just enumerated the species of sharks that they could discern. Throughout the U.S. colonial period, sharks were seldom utilized for food, although their liver oil or skins were often utilized. Throughout the nineteenth century, the Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias, was the only shark species utilized in a large scale on both coasts. It was fished for its liver oil, which was used as a lubricant, and for lighting and tanning, and for its skin which was used as an abrasive. During the early part of the twentieth century, the Ocean Leather Company was started to process sea animals (primarily sharks) into leather, oil, fertilizer, fins, etc. The Ocean Leather Company enjoyed a monopoly on the shark leather industry for several decades. In 1937, the liver of the Soupfin Shark, Galeorhinus galeus, was found to be a rich source of vitamin A, and because the outbreak of World War II in 1938 interrupted the shipping of vitamin A from European sources, an intensive shark fishery soon developed along the U.S. West Coast. By 1939 the American shark leather fishery had transformed into the shark liver oil fishery of the early 1940’s, encompassing both coasts. By the late 1940’s, these fisheries were depleted because of overfishing and fishing in the nursery areas. Synthetic vitamin A appeared on the market in 1950, causing the fishery to be discontinued. During World War II, shark attacks on the survivors of sunken ships and downed aviators engendered the search for a shark repellent. This led to research aimed at understanding shark behavior and the sensory biology of sharks. From the late 1950’s to the 1980’s, funding from the Office of Naval Research was responsible for most of what was learned about the sensory biology of sharks.
In this report we analyze the Topic 5 report’s recommendations for reducing nitrogen losses to the Gulf of Mexico (Mitsch et al. 1999). We indicate the relative costs and cost-effectiveness of different control measures, and potential benefits within the Mississippi River Basin. For major nonpoint sources, such as agriculture, we examine both national and basin costs and benefits. Based on the Topic 2 economic analysis (Diaz and Solow 1999), the direct measurable dollar benefits to Gulf fisheries of reducing nitrogen loads from the Mississippi River Basin are very limited at best. Although restoring the ecological communities in the Gulf may be significant over the long term, we do not currently have information available to estimate the benefits of such measures to restore the Gulf’s long-term health. For these reasons, we assume that measures to reduce nitrogen losses to the Gulf will ultimately prove beneficial, and we concentrate on analyzing the cost-effectiveness of alternative reduction strategies. We recognize that important public decisions are seldom made on the basis of strict benefit–cost analysis, especially when complete benefits cannot be estimated. We look at different approaches and different levels of these approaches to identify those that are cost-effective and those that have limited undesirable secondary effects, such as reduced exports, which may result in lost market share. We concentrate on the measures highlighted in the Topic 5 report, and also are guided by the source identification information in the Topic 3 report (Goolsby et al. 1999). Nonpoint sources that are responsible for the bulk of the nitrogen receive most of our attention. We consider restrictions on nitrogen fertilizer levels, and restoration of wetlands and riparian buffers for denitrification. We also examine giving more emphasis to nitrogen control in regions contributing a greater share of the nitrogen load.
A significant fraction of the total nitrogen entering coastal and estuarine ecosystems along the eastern U.S. coast arises from atmospheric deposition; however, the exact role of atmospherically derived nitrogen in the decline of the health of coastal, estuarine, and inland waters is still uncertain. From the perspective of coastal ecosystem eutrophication, nitrogen compounds from the air, along with nitrogen from sewage, industrial effluent, and fertilizers, become a source of nutrients to the receiving ecosystem. Eutrophication, however, is only one of the detrimental impacts of the emission of nitrogen containing compounds to the atmosphere. Other adverse effects include the production of tropospheric ozone, acid deposition, and decreased visibility (photochemical smog). Assessments of the coastal eutrophication problem indicate that the atmospheric deposition loading is most important in the region extending from Albemarle/Parnlico Sounds to the Gulf of Maine; however, these assessments are based on model outputs supported by a meager amount of actual data. The data shortage is severe. The National Research Council specifically mentions the atmospheric role in its recent publication for the Committee on Environmental and Natural Resources, Priorities for Coastal Ecosystem Science (1994). It states that, "Problems associated with changes in the quantity and quality of inputs to coastal environments from runoff and atmospheric deposition are particularly important [to coastal ecosystem integrity]. These include nutrient loading from agriculture and fossil fuel combustion, habitat losses from eutrophication, widespread contamination by toxic materials, changes in riverborne sediment, and alteration of coastal hydrodynamics. "
This report describes the creation and assessment of benthic habitat maps for shallow-water (<30m) marine environments of the Guánica/Parguera and Finca Belvedere Natural Reserve in southwest Puerto Rico. The objective was to provide spatially-explicit information on the habitat types, biological cover and live coral cover of the region’s coral reef ecosystem. These fine-scale habitat maps, generated by interpretation of 2010 satellite imagery, provide an update to NOAA’s previous digital maps of the U.S. Caribbean (Kendall et al., 2001) for these areas. Updated shallow-water benthic habitat maps for the Guánica/Parguera region are timely in light of ongoing restoration efforts in the Guánica Bay watershed. The bay is served directly by one river, the Rio Loco, which flows intermittently and more frequently during the rainy season. The watershed has gone through a series of manipulations and alterations in past decades, mainly associated with agricultural practices, including irrigation systems, in the upper watershed. The Guánica Lagoon, previously situated to the north of the bay, was historically the largest freshwater lagoon in Puerto Rico and served as a natural filter and sediment sink prior to the discharge of the Rio Loco into the Bay. Following alterations by the Southwest Water Project in the 1950s, the Lagoon’s adjacent wetland system was ditched and drained; no longer filtering and trapping sediment from the Rio Loco. Land use in the Guánica Bay/Rio Loco watershed has also gone through several changes (CWP, 2008). Similar to much of Puerto Rico, the area was largely deforested for sugar cane cultivation in the 1800s, although reforestation of some areas occurred following the cessation of sugar cane production (Warne et al., 2005). The northern area of the watershed is generally mountainous and is characterized by a mix of forested and agricultural lands, particularly coffee plantations. Closer to the coast, the Lajas Valley Agricultural Reserve extends north of Guánica Bay to the southwest corner of the island. The land use practices and watershed changes outlined above have resulted in large amounts of sediment being distributed in the Rio Loco river valley (CWP, 2008). Storm events and seasonal flooding also transport large amounts of sediment to the coastal waters. The threats of upstream watershed practices to coral reefs and the nearshore marine environment have been gaining recognition. Guánica Bay, and the adjacent marine waters, has been identified as a “management priority area” by NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP, 2012). In a recent Guánica Bay watershed management plan, several critical issues were outlined in regards to land-based sources of pollution (LBSP; CWP, 2008). These include: upland erosion from coffee agriculture, filling of reservoirs with sediment, in-stream channel erosion, loss of historical Guánica lagoon, legacy contaminants and sewage treatment (CWP, 2008). The plan recommended several management actions that could be taken to reduce impacts of LBSP, which form the basis of Guánica watershed restoration efforts.
Since the 1940s, portions of the Island of Vieques, Puerto Rico have been used by the United States Navy (USN) as an ammunition support detachment and bombing and maneuver training range. In April 2001, the USN began phasing out military activities on the island and transferring military property to the U.S. Department of the Interior, the Municipality of Vieques, and the Puerto Rico Conservation Trust. A small number of studies have been commissioned by the USN in the past few decades to assess selected components of the coral reef ecosystem surrounding the island; however, these studies were generally of limited geographic scope and short duration. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), in consultation with NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) and other local and regional experts, conducted a more comprehensive characterization of coral reef ecosystems, contaminants, and nutrient distribution patterns around Vieques. This work was conducted using many of the same protocols as ongoing monitoring work underway elsewhere in the U.S. Caribbean and has enabled comparisons among coral reef ecosystems in Vieques and other locations in the region. This characterization of Vieques’ marine ecosystems consists of a two part series. First, available information on reefs, fish, birds, seagrasses, turtles, mangroves, climate, geology, currents, and human uses from previous studies was gathered and integrated into a single document comprising Part I of this two part series (Bauer et al. 2008). For Part II of the series, presented in this document, new field studies were conducted to fill data gaps identified in previous studies, to provide an island-wide characterization, and to establish baseline values for the distribution of habitats, nutrients, contaminants, fish, and benthic communities. An important objective underlying this suite of studies was to quantify any differences in the marine areas adjacent to the former and current land-use zoning around Vieques. Specifically of interest was the possibility that either Naval (e.g., practice bombing, munitions storage) or civilian activities (e.g., sewage pollutants, overfishing) could have a negative impact on adjacent marine resources. Measuring conditions at this time and so recently after the land transfer was essential because present conditions are likely to be reflective of past land-use practices. In addition, the assessment will establish benchmark conditions that can be influenced by the potentially dramatic future changes in land-use practices as Vieques considers its development. This report is organized into seven chapters that represent a suite of interrelated studies. Chapter 1 provides a short introduction to the island setting, the former and current land-use zoning, and how the land zoning was used to spatially stratify much of the sampling. Chapter 2 is focused on benthic mapping and provides the methods, accuracy assessment, and results of newly created benthic maps for Vieques. Chapter 3 presents the results of new surveys of fish, marine debris, and reef communities on hardbottom habitats around the island. Chapter 4 presents results of flora and fauna surveys in selected bays and lagoons. Chapter 5 examines the distribution of nutrients in lagoons, inshore, and offshore waters around the island. Chapter 6 is focused on the distribution of chemical contaminants in sediments and corals. Chapter 7 is a brief summary discussion that highlights key findings of the entire suite of studies.
生物固氮和植物光合作用作为全球生态系统的两个基本生物学过程, 在碳氮循环、自然生态系统的维持和演替,以及农业生产中起了重要作用。尽管过去关于共生固氮与光合作用的研究取得了巨大成就,但是,很少将两者直接联系起来。本研究通过比较低光效和高光效大豆接种高效固氮根瘤菌后固氮与光合作用的差异,比较接种根瘤菌和施用铵态氮肥对大豆光合生理的影响或光照强度对大豆光合固氮的影响,以及C4基因转化C3 豆科植物—苜蓿的研究,试图将两者偶联起来。研究获得以下结果: 1.用nifA和dct工程根瘤菌接种低光效和高光效大豆后,与出发菌株比,均提高了大豆的固氮和光合作用。两者相比,nifA工程菌对低光效大豆黑农37号发挥了比较好的作用,大豆的光合作用参数,固氮活性和植物株高、株重等产量参数比dct工程菌好;dct工程菌接种高光效大豆黑农40号后,尽管固氮酶活性与nifA工程菌相比没有明显差异,但是大豆光合作用和产量参数有了比较明显的提高。 2.光照培养条件下,对大豆进行了接种根瘤菌(108细菌/ mL)、低氮(5 mmol/L (NH4)2SO4)和高氮(30 mmol/L (NH4)2SO4)处理。测定的大豆生长状况和光合作用系列参数结果表明:低氮处理的最好,接种根瘤菌的次之,高氮处理的最差。由此说明单纯接种根瘤菌满足不了大豆发育过程中的氮营养要求,其光合作用和生长受到不利影响。但是,高氮处理也并没有提高大豆的光合作用,其生长发育甚至受到抑制。该结果为生产实践中合理施肥提供了光合生理方面的参考。 3.接根瘤菌和不接根瘤菌的大豆在正常光强(150μmol photons m-2s-1)下生长三周后进行遮光(15μmol photons m-2s-1,7天)和复光(正常光强,7天)处理,大豆的光合作用有下降和回复。测定的一系列光合参数、叶绿素荧光参数,以及植物的生长生理参数结果表明:接根瘤菌大豆与不接根瘤菌的大豆对遮光的响应有不同。正常光照下,接种根瘤菌能促进大豆生长与光合作用;遮光处理后,根瘤菌对大豆的促进作用不显著。 4.获得了不同苜蓿品种的愈伤组织及其诱导的再生植株。并作了用小米、甘蔗的PEPC基因转化苜蓿的研究。由于在实验过程中,考虑转基因植物的安全性,着重于用甘露糖筛选转化体系的研究工作,忽略了用抗生素筛选转化体。用PCR法从苜蓿中扩增出甘露糖异构酶基因(pmi),表明苜蓿体内含有自己的甘露糖异构酶基因,使得甘露糖筛选没有成功。
The distribution of coliforms and streptococci in Bombay coastal waters was investigated in order to determine the state of pollution in the area. Findings show the incidence of pollution to be of a recurring nature, primarily due to discharge of raw or improperly treated sewage; thus regular monitoring of the incidence of coliforms and streptococci is of importance in determining the public health safety of the beaches and coastal waters.
Diatoms are the preferred live food of the protozoea stages of prawns. Due to seasonal variations, it is difficult to obtain continuous supply of diatoms and other algae throughout the year. Therefore mass culture of diatoms is necessary. At attempt was made to culture planktonic diatoms and to study the effect of Allen and Nelson media, Simon media, Vitamin B12 and treated sewage water media on their growth and survival. Navicula sp showed better growth in Allen and Nelson media, Coscinodiscus and Chaetoceros grew better in Simon media while Navicula sp and Coscinodiscus sp showed better growth in the combination of Allen and Nelson + Vitamin B12.
The BOD levels and saprotrophication of 2 stations in an estuarine habitat at Kakinada India, was studied during one full tidal cycle. Both the stations were found to be heavily polluted by sewage with BOD values ranging between 10.8 and 12.8 ppm at the commercial canal (station 1) and between 4.8 and 8.8 ppm at the mangrove creek (station 2). Tides did not seem to have much influence on the dilution of the pollutants. Based on planktonic indicator species observed and saprobity index which worked out to be 2.75, both the sampling areas are considered as heavily polluted alpha-mesosaprobic zones.
在内蒙古典型草原农牧交错区多伦县境内,进行了土地利用历史和管理对群落结构演变影响的研究。探讨了模拟降雨和添加N、P对草地群落结构的单因子效应和互作效应。土地利用历史选择了围封禁牧和弃耕两种。弃耕地的弃耕历史为4年,围封禁牧分别为围封1年和围封4年。研究在2005年进行了一年,主要研究结果如下: 1. 在内蒙古典型草原地区,土地利用历史对物种丰富度、植被盖度的影响不大,但对物种分布均度、植被高度影响显著。弃耕地的物种分布均质性较差,但植被高度高于围封草地。弃耕地的物种多样性指数、枯落物覆盖度低于围封草地,围封草地中围封4年的又低于围封1年。 2. 增雨对内蒙古典型草原群落的物种丰富度无显著影响,但利于植被盖度和植被高度的增加。增雨也使得群落的枯落物覆盖度和空地覆盖比例下降。在获得水分的条件下豆科植物的扩张速度快于禾本科植物,表现出了群落结构分异的趋势。 3. 添加N素和P素没有引起群落物种丰富度的明显变化,但添加N素利于物种数目增加。添加N素还使得草地植被盖度增加、枯落物覆盖度和空地覆盖比例下降,但添加P素没有产生类似的效果。添加5g/m2 以上的N就会引起内蒙古典型草原枯落物覆盖度的显著降低。添加N素后,禾本科植物盖度增加,但豆科植物响应不强烈;添加P素后,豆科植物盖度增势明显。因此,豆科植物对P素反应敏感,而对N素渴求不强烈。 4. 水、N、P交互对物种丰富度和植被高度影响都不大,但都有促使植被盖度增加、枯落物覆盖度和空地覆盖比例下降的趋势。水、N、P交互还使得禾本科盖度增加,但除水、P交互外,各交互组合对豆科植物盖度的影响都不大明显。 综上所述,土地利用方式和管理是内蒙古典型草原群落结构演变的重要驱动力。在当今人类活动日益加剧的形势下,天然植被受人为的干扰越来越大。如何保护内蒙古典型草原的植被,是许多研究者共同肩负的重任。
The present paper reports mass occurrence of two algal species Ulva grandis Saifullah and Nizamuddin and Enteromorpha intestinalis (Linnaeus) Link in a protected coastal area in Jeddah, heavily polluted with domestic sewage. They seem to prefer low salinity eutrophic waters for their maximum growth.