766 resultados para Saharan eteläpuolinen Afrikka
Date of Acceptance: 08/05/2014 Acknowledgements The authors are indebted to Julia Römer for assisting with editing several hundred references. Helmut Haberl gratefully acknowledges funding by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Global Change Programme), the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF, proVision programme) as well as by the EU-FP7 project VOLANTE. Carmenza Robledo-Abad received financial support from the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs.
This article explores the previously neglected history of civilian internment in South Africa during World War I. German, Austro-Hungarian and Turkish nationals were classified as ‘enemy aliens’. They included mostly male immigrants, but also several hundred women and children deported from Sub-Saharan colonial contact zones. The main camp was Fort Napier in Pietermaritzburg, holding around 2,500. Based on sources in South African, German and British archives, this multi-perspectival enquiry highlights the salience of the South African case and integrates it into wider theoretical questions and arguments. The policy of civilian internment was rolled out comprehensively throughout the British Empire. Not least lessons learnt from the South African War (1900-1902), when Britain had been widely criticised for harsh conditions in its camps, led to relatively humane prisoner treatment. Another mitigating factor were the pro-German sympathies of the Afrikaner population. Nevertheless, suffering occurred through isolation and deportation. Remembering the First World War mainly as a ‘’soldiers’ war’ on the Western Front generates too narrow a picture. Widening the lens on civilians of both sexes in overseas territories supports notions of war totalisation.
Malaria is still one of the biggest health threats in the developing world, with an estimated 300 million episodes per year and one million deaths, most of which are in sub-Saharan Africa. Although the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of treated bed nets has been widely reported, little is known about the range, strength, or interaction between different factors that influence their demand at the household level. This study modeled the determinants of bed net ownership as well as the factors that influence the number of bed nets purchased. Data was collected from 1,700 randomly selected households in the Farafenni region of The Gambia. Interviews were also held with 129 community spokespersons to explore the extent to which community level factors such as the quality of roads and access to market centers also influence demand for bed nets. The results of each model of demand and their policy implications are discussed.
This paper presents the summary of the key objectives, instrumentation and logistic details, goals, and initial scientific findings of the European Marie Curie Action SAPUSS project carried out in the western Mediterranean Basin (WMB) during September-October in autumn 2010. The key SAPUSS objective is to deduce aerosol source characteristics and to understand the atmospheric processes responsible for their generations and transformations - both horizontally and vertically in the Mediterranean urban environment. In order to achieve so, the unique approach of SAPUSS is the concurrent measurements of aerosols with multiple techniques occurring simultaneously in six monitoring sites around the city of Barcelona (NE Spain): a main road traffic site, two urban background sites, a regional background site and two urban tower sites (150 m and 545 m above sea level, 150 m and 80 m above ground, respectively). SAPUSS allows us to advance our knowledge sensibly of the atmospheric chemistry and physics of the urban Mediterranean environment. This is well achieved only because of both the three dimensional spatial scale and the high sampling time resolution used. During SAPUSS different meteorological regimes were encountered, including warm Saharan, cold Atlantic, wet European and stagnant regional ones. The different meteorology of such regimes is herein described. Additionally, we report the trends of the parameters regulated by air quality purposes (both gaseous and aerosol mass concentrations); and we also compare the six monitoring sites. High levels of traffic-related gaseous pollutants were measured at the urban ground level monitoring sites, whereas layers of tropospheric ozone were recorded at tower levels. Particularly, tower level night-time average ozone concentrations (80 +/- 25 mu g m(-3)) were up to double compared to ground level ones. The examination of the vertical profiles clearly shows the predominant influence of NOx on ozone concentrations, and a source of ozone aloft. Analysis of the particulate matter (PM) mass concentrations shows an enhancement of coarse particles (PM2.5-10) at the urban ground level (+64 %, average 11.7 mu g m(-3)) but of fine ones (PM1) at urban tower level (+28 %, average 14.4 mu g m(-3)). These results show complex dynamics of the size-resolved PM mass at both horizontal and vertical levels of the study area. Preliminary modelling findings reveal an underestimation of the fine accumulation aerosols. In summary, this paper lays the foundation of SAPUSS, an integrated study of relevance to many other similar urban Mediterranean coastal environment sites.
Background: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a major global health challenge as the majority of individuals with ASD live in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and receive little to no services or support from health or social care systems. Despite this global crisis, the development and validation of ASD interventions has almost exclusively occurred in high-income countries, leaving many unanswered questions regarding what contextual factors would need to be considered to ensure the effectiveness of interventions in LMICs. This study sought to conduct explorative research on the contextual adaptation of a caregiver-mediated early ASD intervention for use in a low-resource setting in South Africa.
Methods: Participants included 22 caregivers of children with autism, including mothers (n=16), fathers (n=4), and grandmothers (n=2). Four focus groups discussions were conducted in Cape Town, South Africa with caregivers and lasted between 1.5-3.5 hours in length. Data was recorded, translated, and transcribed by research personnel. Data was then coded for emerging themes and analyzed using the NVivo qualitative data analysis software package.
Results: Nine contextual factors were reported to be important for the adaptation process including culture, language, location of treatment, cost of treatment, type of service provider, familial needs, length of treatment, support, and parenting practices. One contextual factor, evidence-based treatment, was reported to be both important and not important for adaptation by caregivers. The contextual factor of stigma was identified as an emerging theme and a specifically relevant challenge when developing an ASD intervention for use in a South African context.
Conclusions: Eleven contextual factors were discussed in detail by caregivers and examples were given regarding the challenges, sources, and preferences related to the contextual adaptation of a parent-mediated early ASD intervention in South Africa. Caregivers reported a preference for an affordable, in-home, individualized early ASD intervention, where they have an active voice in shaping treatment goals. Distrust of community-based nurses and health workers to deliver an early ASD intervention and challenges associated with ASD-based stigma were two unanticipated findings from this data set. Implications for practice and further research are discussed.
Background: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a debilitating genetic blood disorder that seriously impacts the quality of life of affected individuals and their families. With 85% of cases occurring in sub-Saharan Africa, it is essential to identify the barriers and facilitators of optimal outcomes for people with SCD in this setting. This study focuses on understanding the relationship between support systems and disease outcomes for SCD patients and their families in Cameroon and South Africa.
Methods: This mixed-methods study utilizes surveys and semi-structured interviews to assess the experiences of 29 SCD patients and 28 caregivers of people with SCD across three cities in two African countries: Cape Town, South Africa; Yaoundé, Cameroon; and Limbe, Cameroon.
Results: Patients in Cameroon had less treatment options, a higher frequency of pain crises, and a higher incidence of malaria than patients in South Africa. Social support networks in Cameroon consisted of both family and friends and provided emotional, financial, and physical assistance during pain crises and hospital admissions. In South Africa, patients relied on a strong medical support system and social support primarily from close family members; they were also diagnosed later in life than those in Cameroon.
Conclusions: The strength of medical support systems influences the reliance of SCD patients and their caregivers on social support systems. In Cameroon the health care system does not adequately address all factors of SCD treatment and social networks of family and friends are used to complement the care received. In South Africa, strong medical and social support systems positively affect SCD disease burden for patients and their caregivers. SCD awareness campaigns are necessary to reduce the incidence of SCD and create stronger social support networks through increased community understanding and decreased stigma.
Background: Depression-screening tools exist and are widely used in Western settings. There have been few studies done to explore whether or not existing tools are valid and effective to use in sub-Saharan Africa. Our study aimed to develop and validate a perinatal depression-screening tool in rural Kenya.
Methods: We utilized conducted free listing and card sorting exercises with a purposive sample of 12 women and 38 CHVs living in a rural community to explore the manifestations of perinatal depression in that setting. We used the information obtained to produce a locally relevant depression-screening tool that comprised of existing Western psychiatric concepts and locally derived items. Subsequently, we administered the novel depression-screening tool and two existing screening tools (the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9) to 193 women and compared the results of the screening tool with that of a gold standard structured clinical interview to determine validity.
Results: The free listing and card sorting exercise produced a set of 60 screening items. Of the items in this set, we identified the 10 items that most accurately classified cases and non-cases. This 10-item scale had a sensitivity of 100.0 and specificity of 81.2. This compared to 90.0, 31.5 and 90.0, 49.7 for the EPDS and the PHQ-9, respectively. Overall, we found a prevalence of depression of 5.2 percent.
Conclusions: The new scale does very well in terms of diagnostic validity, having the highest scores in this domain compared to the EPDS, EPDS-R and PHQ-9. The adapted scale does very well with regards to convergent validity-illustrating clear distinction between mean scores across the different categories. It does well with regards to discriminant validity, internal consistency reliability, and test-retest reliability- not securing top scores in those domains but still yielding satisfactory results.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the performance of a continuous quality improvement collaboration at Ridge Regional Hospital, Accra, Ghana, that aimed to halve maternal and neonatal deaths. METHODS: In a quasi-experimental, pre- and post-intervention analysis, system deficiencies were analyzed and 97 improvement activities were implemented from January 2007 to December 2011. Data were collected on outcomes and implementation rates of improvement activities. Severity-adjustment models were used to calculate counterfactual mortality ratios. Regression analysis was used to determine the association between improvement activities, staffing, and maternal mortality. RESULTS: Maternal mortality decreased by 22.4% between 2007 and 2011, from 496 to 385 per 100000 deliveries, despite a 50% increase in deliveries and five- and three-fold increases in the proportion of pregnancies complicated by obstetric hemorrhage and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, respectively. Case fatality rates for obstetric hemorrhage and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy decreased from 14.8% to 1.6% and 3.1% to 1.1%, respectively. The mean implementation score was 68% for the 97 improvement processes. Overall, 43 maternal deaths were prevented by the intervention; however, risk severity-adjustment models indicated that an even greater number of deaths was averted. Mortality reduction was correlated with 26 continuous quality improvement activities, and with the number of anesthesia nurses and labor midwives. CONCLUSION: The implementation of quality improvement activities was closely correlated with improved maternal mortality.
Le genre Angraecum est un groupe d’orchidées tropicales qui compte environ 221 espèces réparties en Afrique subsaharienne, dans l’ouest de l’Océan Indien, et au Sri Lanka. Plus de la moitié des espèces se trouvent à Madagascar, dont au moins 90% sont endémiques à l’île. L’étude systématique et taxonomique du genre Angraecum a toujours été problématique à cause de sa grande diversité morphologique. Pour faciliter la classification, des sections ont été établies dont la plus connue est celle de Garay (1973), qui regroupe les espèces sous 19 sections. Plusieurs analyses phylogénétiques avaient montré que le genre Angraecum et les sections de Garay ne sont pas monophylétiques. Cependant, aucune révision systématique n’a été apportée à cause du faible échantillonnage dans ces analyses. En incorporant un plus grand nombre d'espèces et en ajoutant d’autres caractères morphologiques dans l’analyse, nous avons apporté une plus grande résolution à la reconstruction phylogénétique du groupe. Cette résolution concerne surtout les nœuds plus profonds qui représentent les différents clades à l’intérieur d'Angraecum, qui correspondent à des sections naturelles. A partir de ces clades, nous avons redéfini 14 sections monophylétiques toute en reconnaissant cinq nouvelles. Grâce à cette nouvelle phylogénie d'Angraecum, nous avons pu étudier la diversification du genre et de la sous-tribu Angraecinae en utilisant des méthodes macroévolutives, notamment les roles joués par les traits floraux dans la spéciation, tout en l'interprétant grâce aux histoires géologique et paléoclimatique. Le modèle de diversification chez les Angraecinae semble avoir été celui communément rencontré dans les forêts tropicales humides, c’est-à-dire une diversification par accumulation graduelle d’espèces à travers le temps et non pas une radiation adaptative rapide, comme souvent observée chez des lignées animales malgaches. Plusieurs caractères morphologiques jouent un rôle important dans la diversification des espèces d'Angraecum. Le début de la diversification d'Angraecum à Madagascar coïncide avec le mouvement progressif de l’île vers le nord, l’établissement de la mousson dans la partie nord de l’île durant le Miocène, et l’expansion de la forêt tropicale malgache pendant cette période. Notre étude de l’histoire biogéographique des Angraecinae suggère une origine malgache de la sous-tribu et du genre Angraecum. On observe de la dispersion à longue distance à partir de Madagascar vers le reste du monde dans le genre Angraecum. La forêt tropicale humide du Nord Est de Madagascar est le point de départ de la diversification des espèces d'Angraecum. Le premier événement de dispersion a débuté à l’intérieur de l’île vers la fin du Miocène. Cet évènement est marqué par une migration du Nord Est vers le centre de Madagascar. Par ailleurs, la majorité des événements de dispersion à longue distance se sont produits durant le Pliocène-Pléistocène à partir soit du centre, soit du Nord Est de l'île. On assiste à des migrations indépendantes vers l’Afrique de l’est et les Comores d’une part, et vers les Mascareignes d’autre part. Un seul événement fondateur ayant conduit à l’apparition de la section Hadrangis est observé dans les Mascareignes. La saison cyclonique joue un rôle significatif dans la dispersion à longue distance des graines d’orchidées, comparée aux vents dominants qui soufflent dans la région ouest de l’Océan Indien, notamment l’alizé et la mousson. La similarité des niches écologiques a facilité l’expansion des espèces d'Angraecum dans les Comores et les Mascareignes.
The carbon isotopic composition of individual plant leaf waxes (a proxy for C3 vs. C4 vegetation) in a marine sediment core collected from beneath the plume of Sahara-derived dust in northwest Africa reveals three periods during the past 192,000 years when the central Sahara/Sahel contained C3 plants (likely trees), indicating substantially wetter conditions than at present. Our data suggest that variability in the strength of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is a main control on vegetation distribution in central North Africa, and we note expansions of C3 vegetation during the African Humid Period (early Holocene) and within Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 (approx. 50-45 ka) and MIS 5 (approx. 120-110 ka). The wet periods within MIS 3 and 5 coincide with major human migration events out of sub-Saharan Africa. Our results thus suggest that changes in AMOC influenced North African climate and, at times, contributed to amenable conditions in the central Sahara/Sahel, allowing humans to cross this otherwise inhospitable region.
The Canary Islands region occupies a key position with respect to biogeochemical cycles, with the zonal transition from oligotrophic to nutrient-rich waters and the contribution of Saharan dust to the particle flux. We present the distribution of geochemical proxies (TOC, carbonate, d15N, d13Corg, C/N-ratio) and micropaleontological parameters (diatoms, dinoflagellates, foraminifera, pteropods), in 80 surface-sediment samples in order to characterise the influence of coastally upwelled water on the domain of the subtropical gyre. Results of the surface-sediment analyses confirmed the high biomass gradient from the coast to the open ocean inferred from satellite data of surface chlorophyll or SST. The distribution of total dinoflagellate cysts, the planktic foraminifera species Globigerina bulloides, the diatom resting spore Chaetoceros spp., and TOC concentration coincided well with the areas of strong filament production off Cape Ghir and Cape Yubi. The warm-water planktic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (white), the diatom Nitzschia spp., and the d15N-values showed the opposite trend with high values in the open ocean. Factor analyses on the planktic foraminifera species distribution indicated three major assemblages in the Canary Islands region that represent the present surface-water conditions from the upwelling influenced region via a mixing area towards the subtropical gyre.